Dude is that a drug!!!!
Aww you gonna smonk the weedshrum!!!
>taking shitty pills filled to brim with speed instead of just snorting pure mdma like a civilized person.
>snorting it instead of eating it in capsule or wrapped in smoking paper
Pretty plebeian.
>unironically consuming drugs
You're all subhuman.
why are drugs considered cool when it's a clear indication that you're unhappy with your life?
to the gulag with you
>any drug other than weed shrooms or acid
Cause drugs are awesome, try some
this one is not ok
Have sex.
What was he smelling in that flick? Ether? The fuck is that, anyway.
They obviously can't tell them to try drugs next time nerd.
>weed is bad
At one point
>"wtf man those are drugs, they are bad you can't eat those or you will blahblahpeepeepoopoo"
If I could I wouldn't be here.
Hows that computer science degree doing for you, incel?
It's as bad for you as any other intoxicant. Have fun when it's legalized and becomes as big as tobacco and all the cancer lawsuits start popping up.
Sure it is, sure it is.
all the druggies I know look like the onions guy
What are good vidya to play while on ecstasy?
Katamari? Having the attention span to seriously play a vidya on E will be difficult
kill everyone in that room and nothing of value will be lost
We all die eventually, might as well enjoy the ride.
basically any game where you don't need to focus too much?
>lumping all intoxicants together
Come on man, too obvious. I like where your head's at though, you can be a good shitposter someday, just take it easy
It's such a waste. Listen music and hang out with your friends if you have any instead.
That'll help. Anything fast paced. F-zero would probably be cool too
The game of dry humping and attempting to have sex. Games are absolute garbage while rolling.
All things in moderation, hedonist. Even vice.
True, but no sense fighting and dying for a moral and intellectual high ground that doesn't exist.
unrelated to weed lmao etc but last year I had a mental health eval and at the end the interviewer said I was more of "observer" even of myself making it sound like a less than optimal classification. I then got diagnosed with depression.
this image seems like a good manifestation of that.
only NPCs do drugs
ecstasy isn't for playing games. snort speed instead. it makes you stay super focused for 30-40 minutes. so if you having online session in CS or something it'll do wonders.
What candy is this?
Did engineering but not in computer science and I got a job straight after finishing university thanks for asking.
Shoot up, pussy.
>Everything in moderation, including moderation.
Real mans choice is Kratom. Gives you enough concentration and energy in small doses, gives enough laid back when take in larger doses.
>mfw better at video games, sex, and motivation
>mfw worker harder, faster, and better then anyone else
>mfw non addictive, doesnt show up on drug panels, and can buy it at Circle K, Headshops, or internet
>mfw its cleaner and better then anything you can buy, espcially over the counter
When I run out of drugs I don't just become Unhappy. The experience that it leads to is something you keep. Just because you like icecream you gotta be a complete pleb to focus your happiness around
SPORTS FRIENDS, Don't forget the cheat codes
>risking permanent brain damage with E/lsd/psy
>not just rising becoming gay with weed
Whenever I do speed playing vidya while coming up is great, but once it kicks in I get distracted by literally anything else. Vidya while stimmed is impossible for me. Yet I hear some people really thrive on it.
I haven’t done that in quite some time. Just been using kratom
>falling for placebo this hard
>Tfw coming down off a week long adderall binge
I love that shit but it's mentally addicting like weed, it's just so good. It's the only drug i care about nowadays and it makes games and sex (if you can get it up) so much fun.
joe rogan said you can get high as fuck on kratom.
Joe Rogan is a fucking retard
Are you sure about that?
Joe rogan is just a real boomer but people refuse to see that, he's not retarded it's just his age.
i think i have the same
if i had an image that truly described me it would just be the guy in the head looking at the screen but the image is all hazy and shit
out of touch and too internalized
NPC meme is still shit, i've met people with not very great mental capabilities and selfawareness that still managed to be wonderfully nice and considerate people. You can not be an 'NPC' but still a worthless cunt overall dudes.
pls rate cumment and subscribe to my blog, be excellent to eachother and read a book from time to time
>brain damage with mushrooms
Yeah no sweety, nice try
MDMA just isn't a "with the boys" drug.
lol enjoy your vomit and hating the smell of grass forever
Where my fellow Floridian bros with that flakka?
but i fuck alot of boys on molly?
>t. Straight edge faggot not old enough to buy it or even find it
Nigga, the fuck you talking about?
I honestly hated those things as a kid, it would take forever to get the foil off and the chocolate tasted cheap as fuck.
just smoke weed and chill
Because taking them makes everything looks like cool
Have less sex
okay but where are videogames
and where are psychedelic bros at
haven't had shroooms in a while but last time i played monster hunter all night and kirin fights and elders recess was beautiful while peaking.
>mfw non addictive,
Its a opioid, it’s just as addictive as any other opioid. I’ve been on it for 5 years and when I’m out I feel like death and am unable to enjoy anything.
The only time I ever seen anyone vomit on kratom is when they take fucking 15gs their first time or they drink to much, Which is exactly what you're mom does when she chokes on my 5 inch dick faggot.
Perhaps the same could be said of ALL religions
anyone at edc vegas or going to movement?
It has opioid like behavior but it isn't a fucking opiod in chemical structure. I took it everyday for 3 years and said fuck it and just stopped. Yeah I had some withdrawls, just like caffeine, sugar, nicotine. And the reason you feel like shit is because you take way to much and fucks with your serotonin levels. But since you can't control yourself, you call it addictive.
>Tfw coming down off a week long adderall binge
For me it's ritalin. Jesus fuck it's addictive, but once you're coming down there's nothing in this world that will save you. It's hell.
But then I heard addy comedowns aren't as bad.
It literally has opioid withdrawal symptoms. You are an addict in denial making excuses
Haven't had a house or solo trip in a while, especially not on shrooms. I've only tripped at festivals on lsd recently. Vidya on L is definitely a lot of fun though. Played some UMvC3 and smash last time I did.
Ether is a chemical that was sometimes used as an anesthetic way back when. Apparently it makes people trip balls too.
Reminder that doing ecstasy can awaken a previously unknown disorder in your brain that you will never come back from. If that doesn't worry you (it should), then also be aware of how Ecstasy works. It dumps all the serotonin out of your brain, releasing it all in a flood. The most common form of anti-depressant are know as SSRI's, which are "Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors". What you need to know is that in a clinically depressed individual, a serotonin imbalance is thought to be the culprit. So by doing this one particular recreational drug, you are gambling with the possibility of rewiring your brain chemistry in a way that you could literally never come back from. The person you think you are, the person you feel yourself to be, could all be changed with use of Ecstasy. This ain't a game to play with.
idk man, i did extacy in ibiza and it was amazing
>pure MDMA
And just where are you gonna get that lad? There's no such thing as pure MDMA anymore. Any molly you get from the streets is going to be tainted.
Lets say you had an extra life, Yea Forums. You can die and come back to life right after, but only once, What would you do?
Hey I heard Avicii did that too. But he's dead now.
When I come back to life would I come back just as I was when I died, as a baby or how?
Have you even tried MDMA? Candy flipping is amazing.
I want to say I would do something really dangerous like sky diving without a parachute. But the practical side of me would ultimately win over and I'd probably just save it in case of an emergency.
At most, I'd probably use it at the age of 60 or something, and do some real fun shit. Because I wouldn't want to come back to life after sitting in my own urine and feces as an old man. That shit would just suck.
Not him but I really fucking wish I could. I am physically unable to get anything out of it because I take an SSRI, and it blocks the re-uptake of serotonin. Shit sucks. I'll never get to know the bliss of having my brain flooded with serotonin. It sounds orgasmic.
>party drugs
>Tried LSD
>Ate 3 boxes of Dots
>Worried for a couple hours that my friends don't like me
I'm not cut out for psychadelics
You should take a stroll through the onion patch.
And you should take a stroll straight to hell. Kill yourself
>not wanting to party
What are you, some sort of party pooper?
Nibble a bit of ecstasy or sniff a bump of mdma, guarantees a nice trip
the schadenfreude is fucking real. Also just try mushies, they're way better for beginners
i had a depression after using Weed + LSD, as a rather gloomy person after young childhood i guess using E once (and two or three times after that) made me way way more empathetic than i ever was before. I genuinely became a better person. I gambled and sort of won i guess.
Woah dude you totally wreckt that n00b. I bet he didn't know who he was foolin' with. If only he could've known how leet you were, he probably would've held his tongue.
Your dad takes 15gs (Good Shots from my dick) every night and I can assure you a lot more than your 5 inch dick is needed for that. Also it happened to me and now I hate grass so fuck you, people can be vunerable in here.
The dude literally said he's on SSRIs. You don't know what you're talking about and your terrible empty head advice could get a dude killed.
You mean (you), you candy ass fairy.
I missed that part
Sorry user. He's right.
>From Wikipedia: In part due to the global supply shortage of sassafras oil, substances that are sold as molly frequently contain no MDMA and instead contain methylone, ethylone, MDPV, mephedrone, or any other of the group of compounds commonly known as bath salts.[9][46][47][48] Powdered MDMA ranges from pure MDMA to crushed tablets with 30–40% purity
After reading your post 5 times, trying to decipher it, I finally realized you are saying that you think it was me you were replying to in your original comment. But it wasn't. I'm not him, just a dude passing by that recognizes a totally s1ck burn when he sees one, my bro-ham. Wicked cool burn.
Let's not forget that sometimes assholes will just give you a very concentrated form of DXM, which can dehydrate you even worse than MDMA and kill you.
I did shrooms once but the people I was with ruined it for me. Friends got super active and hyper, I just loved staring at the ceiling. Weird clash, not a good time.
Maybe I should do it on my own the next time. But I don't think I'd be able to play vidya at the same time.
The guy he's replying to doesn't mention that at all, you must have them confused with the user talking about his SSRIs
Don't do drugs young anons. You might be ok and just try it a few times or you might end up like me and lose 15 years of your life then spend the next 5 digging yourself out while never feeling like yourself again because you ruined your brain.
I played Tribes: Ascend during my last trip and ended up standing still and watching the trees sway in the breeze.
Curious, what did you get into? I've only done weed, alcohol and shrooms, the works.
If you smoke cigarettes, stop smoking for two weeks then try ritalin it will save your life.
MDMA is a great drug. Not sure I'd do it again though, probably too old for that shit now.
Confirmed for never having had friends or lives.
I've never had a pill but you can get some that are very pure and very strong. I read this story on the BBC recently about drug testing in Switzerland (i.e. you can go and get your street drugs tested, completely legally), and this guy had a pill that was very strong and very pure.
Yeah, bombing is the only way I've properly done it. I say "properly" because I have also snorted things that I was told were MDMA, but I don't think they were, because I never got very high at all. One time I snorted something that was apparently MDMA, but I never got high, and over the next few days my lymph nodes in my neck swelled up and I felt pretty shit.
Someone who smokes cigarettes probably DOES do drugs. I am pretty sure that the vast majority of people I have ever met who smoked have also done drugs. People who don't do drugs almost always don't smoke as well.
the absolute fucking state of druggies in one post
The only one of those things I consume is chocolate.
I despise tobacco way more than drugs fuck that garbage and anyone who smokes.
You deserve to get shot. I hope you do.
How do you mean? Does the ritalin get better after 2 weeks not smoking, or do the cigs taste better on ritalin after 2 weeks of stopping?
It started like that in highschool with friends but I eventually tried everything and stuck with some of the harder stuff like meth for some time. Eventually I settled on alcohol for that last 7 years though.
Whatever man, enjoy the chemical imbalance in your brain you fucking loser
i hate smoking but understand and occassionally do drugs
like people meme dont drink for the effect, but i like the taste and effect of some
smoking for me feels like 'what's the point' and smells like fucking shit
>Confirmed for never having had friends or lives.
>One time I snorted something that was apparently MDMA, but I never got high, and over the next few days my lymph nodes in my neck swelled up and I felt pretty shit.
makes you think
>this whole thread
drugs are cool as long as you take them around retards like in this thread
I've been taking DMCA straight to the head while you're fucking around with that kiddie shit.
is there anything stronger than the youtube pill?
What kind of nigger tries to equate chocolate with dudeweed? Do you do it just to try to convince yourself you aren't a substance dependent degenerate?
Why do drugs when I can just masturbate and play video games
>why not just do all three
How much fucking pleasure do you need?
Thinking about it, it might be a great time. What ruined the first time for me was the people around me pulling me back to earth. If I'm on my own I'd probably get lost in the vidya I play. If I can enjoy myself staring at the ceiling for hours imagine how much fun I'd have with vidya worlds.
I played neotokyo on psychs, peak felt like I was completely immersed in the game, I was completely inside it.