Don't mind me, just being the best console FPS of the generation

Don't mind me, just being the best console FPS of the generation.

>inb4 PCfags who don't play games

Attached: image.png (1440x2160, 2.97M)

Other urls found in this thread: fact sheet&oq=halo fact sh&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.33i299j33i160.216112.219685..220780...1.0..0.171.1333.7j6......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..35i39j0i67j0i131j0j0i20i263j0i22i30j0i22i10i30j0i13j0i13i30j0i13i5i30.cPW6gWdYLnM,

Ah, the only halo campaign I couldn't bring myself to bother with on legendary.

Worst campaign in the series.

I liked it better than ODST and Reach when campaign is concerned but that's not saying much.

controlling camera with analog stick the anus condom of vidya

the campaign and multiplayer are the best of the entire series

it's a fucking shame that so many babies cried about it and now 343 is reverting back everything for the new Halo. can't have any evolution now, can we?


>inb4 PCfags who don't play games
i bet you feel stupid now

Isn’t every Halo 5 thread inherently bait?

No, it's mainly when they try to call it the best in the series, I only accept better than Halo ODST and Reach.

literally the worst halo game ever made. killed all hype for the sequel.

sorry bud but it is

H5 still has the best MP tho. Is infinity confirmed coming to PC? I hope they don't fuck it up...

the multiplayer is terrible, the sprint, ADS, Abilities and map design is the worst in the franchise. And lets not bring up the pay-to-win in WarZone.

Attached: 1557206861103.png (1920x1080, 2.02M)

It's better than Halo CE, Reach, and 4.

>Don't mind me, just being the best console FPS of the generation.
Oh god you are right and halo 5 was shit the future isn’t looking good.

and 2 and 3

No, it's not, Halo CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo 4 all have a better campaign than it.


It also had a better spin on BR before that was even a thing

The halo campaign died after CE bruh

>Console FPS
Was there even a console exclusive FPS this gen that wasnt Gaylo?

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Not every mutation is advantageous, evolution would mean the games were selling better and better.

Why do people complain about H2 being half finished when CE was half finished too?

halo fell fast and low


>le halo 5 multiplayer is good though argument

no, the entire game is trash and nothing makes up for it not even the god awful mp. Stop it.

Attached: 1539812750987.png (1200x1000, 389K)

Based "You know need an IQ of 95 to be aware of this basic fact" user.

WarZone was the only good thing about the game.

Killzone at the ps4 launch I think.

Halo 2's campaign was a disappointment but still enjoyable, Halo 3 had the best campaign in the series to date.

gets stopped by a single shot and makes you show up on map
it makes movement require some thought and brings another layer to map control
scoping has always been a thing in halo, a visual change literally means shit
useless and disabled on the modes that matter
>map design
even the shittiest comp maps in h5 are leagues beyond 90% of the maps in h3 onwards
plaza and the rig are objective kino
also the oddball/slayer/domination/ctf playlist is the best competitive matchmaking format the series has ever seen

lmao enjoy overwatch

scoping has always been a thing in halo, a visual change literally means shit

Why are you purposefully misinterpreting my argument?

H2 was shit

there's no mechanical difference between scoping in h3 and scoping in h5, just that autos can do it too now
are you retarded or what

Doom 2016 is a better console shooter


It's a different type of game and the MP arguably isn't as good.

uh yeah gonna be a yikes from me, niggerfam

The campaign is better, but DOOM MP is fucking ass.

its the fact that ADS is now on every single weapon and is no longer restricted to scoping you absolute faggot.

>there's no mechanical difference between scoping in h3 and scoping in h5
except you know, in H5 it's on every single fucking weapon making it a necessity just like sprinting

Titanfall 2
Halo TMCC even broken
And probably some I'm forgetting. Halo 5 was so forgettable I had to check my GT to see if I'd actaully played it.

i like the online but i hate shitty bait threads.

it's as much of a necessity as it was in h2
don't be an absolute retard, it has all the downsides in the world and is a situational tool
this is how I can tell you never got out of gold

>Titanfall 2
as much as I love that game it's an unbalanced piece of shit with too low of a ttk
mp is trash
it's okay i guess halo 3 netcode is fucking terrible though and grenade indicators and all new hud bullshit alongside map pool in 2a kind of ruin it
literally more power creep and shittier shooting than overwatch just go play csgo lmao

Yeah but it's not like CoD ADS that everybody hates

>Console FPS
Winning the special Olympics are we

Tf2 has no playerbase, DOOM has no MP, Halo 5 is the best of the series, and RS6 is ubishit. oof.

REMINDER: Halo was the original CoD

lmao enjoy overwatch

>dont like console FPS
>lol you like consolized FPS

Attached: 1395093168358.png (495x470, 305K)

Overwatch on keyboard is unironically better that Halo 5 on a gamepad.
They're both dumpster fires, but if you're gonna make me choose I choose to not have my bullets curve towards my opponents with stand powers

Attached: wew.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

>Overwatch on keyboard is unironically better that Halo 5 on a gamepad.
lol no

user, I...

Attached: tfwsociety.png (147x147, 25K)

>Titanfall 2
Hey did they ever buff Scorch?

What is Overwatch really guilty of besides copying a bunch of dumb shit from Mobas and being a low-iq Tf2 clone

>They're both dumpster fires, but if you're gonna make me choose I choose to not have my bullets curve towards my opponents with stand powers
magnetism has been a thing in halo since h2
in h5 it's also more prevalent in autos with diminishing returns and precision weapons, the ones the game actually revolves around, only have magnetism values within certain ranges and require your crosshair to actually be on target

>Le Halo 5 is CoD meme
Honestly the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard.
>CoD hasn't had Vehicles since WaW
>CoD has a MUCH quicker ttk
>CoD has perks
>CoD has classes
>CoD don't have weapon pick ups
>CoD maps and Halo Maps are completely different
That would be like saying OW and BO4 are just like TF2 because they're hero shooters

They're both shitty dudebro console fps garbage and you're a brainlet for enjoying them.

H3 ODST>Reach>3>2>5>4>1


Attached: 1555569597143.gif (150x107, 261K)

They both have the exact same gameplay cycle
>Run around
>Find a guy
>Left Trigger to snap to him
>Right Trigger to kill him
>If you get bored or frustrated throw a grenade or something, but ultimately every weapon in the game bows to an assault rifle with ironsights
COD4 managed to hide auto-aim from normies and now Halo is aping it. Deal with it

Isnt 2A just 2 but with a bunch of new shitty maps to dilute the game?

The designers of Halo 5 literally said CoD was their inspiration for designing Halo 5's gameplay and following the current FPS trends was their top priority.

Attached: 1555697129462.png (546x565, 42K)


I guess I will take your word for it then anonymous poster

Not him but they actually said modern shooters and old Halo games.

It was the easiest of all, even solo. Squad AI was Dead Rising 1 tier.

or you could play it

good thing there's more to gameplay than that :)

you're unironically even more of a brainlet than the usual dudebro if you don't get the strategy behind each match of gaylo
holy shit how can people be this bad at shooters
i sort of get why linear bullshit like OW and absolute braindead modes like battle royale are more popular now
>run around
>not predicting spawns, controlling power positions or chasing power weapons
>not having engagements only when you're at a direct advantage and building win conditions with your team
>not playing objective matches
>not bouncing nades around odd geometry or doing cross map prediction stickies
jesus imagine being this much of a braindead retard holy shit

I dont play FPS games on a console because I dont like the taste of cock. Untill MCC comes out on PC I will stick to the original

The caampaign is so awful nobody I know bothered to finish and the multiplayer was full of piss poor hit detection, shit maps, and even worse spawns. That and the armor designs managed to get even worse. It is almost impressive at just how fucking inept 343 is.

Halo 4 is infinitely more CoD than Halo 5.

>I won't play console shooters on the platform they were designed for
>I will instead play these games with huge character models, hitboxes, forgiving aiming and slow base speeds on my platform they were NOT designed for because I am too bad at videogames to play shooters designed exclusively for PC
worst thing is you'll still be trash at it lmao

Yes it is you mongoloid, there's a reason why specific weapons had zoom mechanic and others did not, now every weapon including the SMG has a damn ads.


1v1 me project cartographer faggot

It was just such a shitty game that I never wanted to play it again.

>"In 2015, sprint is a staple for the modern FPS gamer. Leaving it out Halo 5 would be ignoring a huge portion of the gaming demographic's expectations."

"Stay on top of trends. Make sure you got your finger on the pulse of your audience and pay attention to what's trending in your genre to make informed decisions about where to conform or stray from those trends. For example, increased mobility in first-person shooters."

- Ryan Darcey, former Senior System Designer of 343 Industries

Yeah, I remember when the designers at Bungie really focused on making Halo a amalgamation of a bunch of retarded gameplay trends instead of just making a fun game.

Attached: warframe.png (726x1290, 1015K)

guardian no power weapons

yeah and it's still entirely fucking useless on anything except the weapons that originally had it
so what's the issue?

no it isn't. It's a tool you can use occasionally in H5 for some zoom whereas it's practically necessary in CoD. Also the UI is generally more creative than just taking over the bottom quarter of the screen

>I remember when the designers at Bungie really focused on making Halo a amalgamation of a bunch of retarded gameplay trends
I try to forget

Attached: th.jpg (474x664, 52K)

that was microsofts doing.

Campaign was bland. Multiplayer was best this gen on consoles but it barely had any competition because CoD went for overshit style for base game and BR crap and battlefield shit itself

yeah and destiny was activision's fault too right

we were talking about Halo 2 though

halo 3 is OBJECTIVELY the best competitive multiplayer wise (not up for debate)

Alright bro you go chase your power positions all day lmao
Halo, like all console shooters, you die immediately if someone comes from the side.
Skill-based play just doesn't gel with such a ridiculous restriction. 99% of people playing online engage in the kind of play I described.
Even these pros seem like they're floating around doing whatever. Listening to the announcer trying to analyze this mashed-potato gameplay is just strange

Reach is what happens when Microsoft give Bungie freedom to do their own thing

>Halo, like all console shooters, you die immediately if someone comes from the side.
sure, if you're shit.

>you die immediately if someone comes from the side.
uh huh because that totally doesn't happen in csgo right
or tf2
or cancerwatch
i'd name other shooters but there's literally none on pc

If its so great then why do all the compfags play with H2 style rulesets?

Ironically enough, yes.

I mean the heads of Bungie are to blame for the entirety Reach too, they were too busy fixating on Destiny at the time then to actually oversee and develop their game.

Attached: 1490111545754.png (650x650, 8K)

>you die immediately if someone comes from the side.
This is the most wrong with Halo 5, because its the game with the most options for reversals

user are you serious? Halo 4 and 5 say otherwise.

Turning your guy 90 degrees in Halo is like pushing a boulder, you are absolutely dead from the side. You can flick all you want in every pc game
>i'd name other shooters but there's literally none on pc
Even if that was true you're comparing them to one (1) Xbox game

I mean what other FPS games are there that are console only? Killzone shadow fall? congrats on your participation trophy

>Yeah, I remember when the designers at Bungie really focused on making Halo a amalgamation of a bunch of retarded gameplay trends instead of just making a fun game
Yeah, me too.

Attached: 3max.jpg (587x830, 148K)

>imagine thinking you're good at videogames despite being useless with an entire input method


>the campaign and multiplayer are the best of the entire series
I could almost see the multiplayer but the campaign being anything but meh is hilarious.

Keep telling yourself that, Firefight was also Bungie's response to Horde mode in Gears of War and Nazi Zombie in COD when they made ODST. Bungie was dead after Halo 3.

Halo 5 isnt in the collection though


I hate Bungie shills like you.

And Halo 1-3 says otherwise.
>Halo 1-3 were MS keeping Bungie in line
>Reach was MS giving Bungie room to do their own thing, just look at Destiny
>Halo 4 was MS making 343 make a better Reach because for some reason, people thought it was good
>Halo 5 was 343 doing their own thing, but being forced to rush it out.
There's a reason why Infinite is taking a long time to come out. MS is finally giving 343 the chance to do their own thing WHILE giving them the time and resources to work on it.

>Turning your guy 90 degrees in Halo is like pushing a boulder
Stop playing on one sensitive then.

The absolute fucking state of 343fags

Attached: BUNGIED.png (845x818, 908K)

Halo has a super slow TTK unlike CSGO and TF2 where the average person dies in the time span it takes for a single BR burst in Halo.

I agree that analog sticks are terrible for FPS, but you're exaggerating.

This, Infinite looks like it's being made by Halo fans while ODST and Reach felt like they were made by people who didn't like Halo or want to make a Halo game and it showed.

fucking vape yourself a can of zyklon B and jump down the incinerator shaft

Are we talking Titanfall or Team Fortress?

Attached: 1556491650434.jpg (611x601, 44K)


>Infinite looks like it's being made by Halo fans
the hell are you talking about? isnt the initial reveal still the only thing we know about it?

But no one is mad about this, just a very small amount and also Spartan Abilities are pretty much staying. I can also see some of what they did to Chief's character in Halo 4 staying in this game.

What are you gaining from being this pessimistic? Halo Reach being a direct MW2 copy is no coincidence.

Halo 4 comes out 2 years later and its the same shit but this time its developed by microsoft so come on user stop playing dumb.

Attached: 1540094545828.gif (190x190, 1.98M)

>Infinite looks like it's being made by Halo fans
We have literally seen nothing of it.

The head of Halo Infinite's development is a Halo CE/3 fanboy.

>Just make a compromise between your ability to turn rapidly and your ability to aim precisely bro
>Ignore the fact a platform exists where you can do both
It's like paying $60 a year for someone to break your leg and keep it broken

>Halo 1-3 were MS keeping Bungie in line

is that why they're crawling back begging us to buy their new game?

Attached: Hmmmm.png (600x366, 21K)

>and also Spartan Abilities are pretty much staying
with who's at the helm of Infinite development? i hiighly doubt it

Microsoft had nothing to really do with Reach, Bungie weren't even in the same office when they made it and it was the Halo game they always wanted to make and they consider it their best game.

We've seen enough of it along with got the making of the trailer interview.

But that's not Titanfall 2 or Doom 2016

>Microsoft had nothing to really do with Reach

Attached: 1553765652730.png (976x1053, 1.06M)

>I can't git gud
Not the devs fault that your retarded ass can't play on a sensitivity higher than 1

holy shit is real?

Attached: 1543795087923.jpg (191x264, 8K)

>VGChartz again
Halo: Combat Evolved-over 6 million
Halo 2-over 8 million
Halo 3-over 14.5 million
Halo Wars-over 2 million
Halo 3: ODST-5 million
Halo: Reach-7 million
Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary-3 million
Halo 4-14 million
Halo: The Master Chief Collection-5 million
Halo 5: Guardians-12 million

Putting the series at a total of 77 million copies sold. You really have to stop doing this, user.

its doomed

>console FPS
>shit cake
>onions milk
>romantic comedy

Wow, Bungiefags know Reach was shit but they don't want to blame their lord and savior Bungie for it. I bet when their next game is shit you'll blame the Chinese too, huh?

>my ass

Those were the series best games.

Yes, they literally reskinned the rocket launcher to look ugly as hell and then sold the original design to you in limited capacity.

Attached: 1383000416467.jpg (287x277, 19K)

>Just learn to walk on one leg retard
I choose not to use an input method designed for platformers, which also lets me avoid buying $400 + ($60 * years you own the console) worth of hardware for one game and the Rare Replay

>The head of Halo Infinite's development is a Halo CE/3 fanboy.
Don't do this to me. Don't make me optimistic, because if true then Infinite might actually redeem the series.

343 just can't fuck up for the third time in a row.

Attached: 31273367-Lonely-young-man-outside-at-house-balcony-looking-depressed-destroyed-sad-and-suffering-emo (1300x884, 135K)

It was boring.

I couldn't even get more then two hours into Halo 4 before dropping its campaign.

>I'm too retarded to improve and and only play on default controls
>I'm also too retarded to know how to get free online
Lol kill yourself, retard.

Source is from multiple information Microsoft, Bungie, and 343 have released for years.
>Halo fact sheet it's a word doc so I can't post the link but I will post the Google address fact sheet&oq=halo fact sh&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.33i299j33i160.216112.219685..220780...1.0..0.171.1333.7j6......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..35i39j0i67j0i131j0j0i20i263j0i22i30j0i22i10i30j0i13j0i13i30j0i13i5i30.cPW6gWdYLnM

>Halo: Reach's US sales

>Halo 4 best selling Halo game in the US

>Halo game sales reach over 40 million by June of 2012

Attached: EZHalo3.jpg (799x601, 465K)

Halo 2, ODST, Reach baby detected.


>baby first fps
You faggots need some speed

Attached: ada61c32ccb425971c8b8e651f1675103c00dbb2.png (480x360, 147K)

>not Goldeneye

Attached: This-is-bullshit.gif (480x270, 2.9M)

>Halo 5 sold on par with Halo CE-4 in 2017 and is the best selling Xbox One first party game in the US as of 2018

>not Duke Nukem 3D

Same shit, you faggots were slow in the 90s and you are slow now


Attached: All You Need To Know About Halo 5 Guardians.jpg (478x1024, 49K)

this came out the same year


Attached: Blood_1.webm (960x540, 2.81M)

>He had all this shit prepared
Why are Xbots schizos

Bottom isn't actually the spanker.

If you want to make fun of 343's shitty art design, then do it right. Here's the shotgun.

Attached: shotgun-comparison.jpg (1920x2160, 364K)

Except it plays exactly like a fucking COD game you absolutely double nigger. H5 is garbage for niggers and dudebros

One word... DOOM

Maybe should do some research on your favorite games sales history instead of using VGChartz as a cop out, Sony faggot.

>i have nothing to say so i'll just call him names
I guess he really got you good.

Like PCfags care about speed. Titan Fall 2 is one of the fastest FPS this gen and it's dead on PC.


Halo 5's generation includes just limited to 2015:

>Battlefield Hardline
>Star Wars Battlefront EA 1
>Call of Duty: Black Ops III
>Fallout 4
>Rainbow Six Siege
It wasn't even the best FPS game of 2015.


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

They replaced the SPNKr with a literally who weapon, you may as well replace the energy sword with a fucking lightsabre.

>Inb4 "but they brought it back."

Attached: One Of The Best FPS Levels Ever, And The Highpoint Of The Halo Series.jpg (1920x1080, 246K)


Attached: battle-rifle-comparison.jpg (1920x2160, 587K)

Imagine being so paranoid your PC knockoff disaster consoles are gonna stop coming out you spend 40 minutes collecting sales data from obscure places so you can prove something is slightly more popular than another website claims

Casuals are always slow and casuals are the majority of the gaming community, I don't need big numbers to have fun, just enough to fill a server

imagine being this buttblasted

I've already BTFO this moron, Halo 5 sold less than battlefront which sold far less than 10 million on xboxone, he keeps posting it though hoping no one else will do their research. Halo 5 is the second least selling mainline halo game aside from the first, and it barely sold more than that despite the XBone having double the sales of the OG XB

Attached: e02e5ffb5f980cd8262cf7f0ae00a4a9_press-x-to-doubt-memes-memesuper-la-noire-doubt-meme_419-238[2].png (419x238, 84K)

Should have known, maybe next time you'll actually do research on the subject at hand instead of shitpost in a Halo thread, you can get rid of those VGChartz numbers now. You're like one of those Metroid shitposters in Metroid threads that use VGChartz as a source and then some of us have to post the real sales numbers to shut those faggots up.

If you go by generation including 2013, as in when the current console generation came out then it's even worse cause you've got Battlefield 4, Crysis 3, Shadow Warrior, etc...

>2-3k on PC
>4-5k on Consoles

>Inb4 "but they brought it back.
Well if you're aware of this then why are you complaining? They confirmed the SPNKr would be in the game as a "Legendary Weapon" many months before the game was actually released.


Attached: BenShapiroUSC1.jpg (1862x1048, 166K)

Even with his dumb fake numbers Gran Turismo 3 outsold the most popular Halo game, but why should anyone care about that?
You're acting ridiculous
Imagine doing lots of "research" to prove your 4 inch penis is really 4.5 inches. You're like a parody of a thinking human

You never BTFO shit, Microsoft and 343 says otherwise and those numbers line up with what I posted. Unless you have a source that isn't VGChartz or your ass that argues against it, those are the sales numbers, cope.

He has sources, wheres yours?

this is Yea Forums, anything less than 10k concurrent players is literally dead since Yea Forums only plays the most normalfag of garbage

>Imagine doing lots of "research" to prove your 4 inch penis is really 4.5 inches. You're like a parody of a thinking human

>You're acting ridiculous
lol irony

They need to hurry the fuck up and release MCC

But on the bright side lads, SPV3 gets an update next month!

Attached: 1523916549856.jpg (1920x1080, 162K)

Into the trash it goes.
I would rather play vanilla for the 200th time

Show me one instance of another fanbase being so insecure about the IQ of their average player they book a flight to Seattle to find the best sales numbers they possibly can from various investor PDFs in the company's dumpster
I've never seen anything like this before from anyone else on Yea Forums ever

ok faggot, I'll post it again. FUN FACT: this same guy was the one who posted this source, he doesn't post it anymore because he got BTFO before so he stopped (
lets take a close look here. Star wars battlefront sold more than halo 5 ON XBOX ALONE, and that sold 14 million overall (, a multiplatform game that has most of its sales on PS4 and some on PC as well. There's no way Halo 5 got even close to 12 million sales using logic. So, good job in proving yourself wrong. Shill more, 343tard

>b-but it's US only
yeah because Halo is relevant outside America right? Add 1 million more max, it doesn't change anything

the only concrete data you have is halo 5 sold 5 million in 3 months, which isn't impressive in the slightest

Attached: goose.png (950x878, 1.47M)

>Legendary Weapon
>"you can get it in a REQ pack so its ok."

Attached: ANGER.jpg (400x465, 29K)

Eh, I would agree, but I got bored after doing that for 4 years straight

>5 million games in three months is no longer impressive.

this industry needs to fucking die.

for the literal icon of microsoft and the amount of advertising it got, no it isn't. Compare it to mario odyssey or god of war

show me an instance of that happening with this fanbase lol

You can literally find every single weapon on REQ packs so this is hardly valid argument. Also, you can literally find it on normal arena maps and other modes outside Warzone, plus Forge and customs of course. Did you even play the game? I'm guessing not.

Who cares about sales when the game is fun lol

unfortunately neither battlefront nor Halo 5 offer that

Halo 5 is the best MP FPS of the gen bro :)

titanfall 2 is better, among other games like CS GO. It's better than overshit, so I'll give you that


lol get out of here boomer

lol halo cope

I really fucking doubt it. Halo 5 is dead as fuck and MCC is alive and kicking. I can't even find games on Halo 5 outside of like 2 playlists unless its peak hours.

The advanced mobility stuff just fucking ruins the map design and slows the game down. Clamber and Sprint are the two biggest problems, classic Halo movement is fine. It allows you to move and make jumps while actually still playing the game.

Here I used to think when tendies would post Nintendo's stock price was bad, but I've never seen anything like this. Nobody marched around with 30 links and a word document proving the WiiU sold however million more than anyone says. That's downright obsession with a random company's success, the kind of obsession usually reserved for election years.

Come up with a source and stop pulling numbers out of your asses.

Halo 5 sold 5 millions in 3 months was great for MS seeing that the Xbone was at like 20million. The month Halo 5 released. the Xbone was the best selling console for the month.
Even modern games rarely sell that well. Last week we learn that Anthem sold about 4 million in 2 months and that games is on PC/Xbone/PS4.

>The advanced mobility stuff just fucking ruins the map design and slows the game down.
No it doesn't, the game is faster than any halo before it

Because posting a few links off the internet is just like booking a flight to search through dumpsters, right ;)

Lol this after a year of Halofags trying to ride the boomer meme to acceptance

not an argument

More people are playing Halo 5 than MCC though.

and TF2 and CS GO are not better games :)

You might have actual brain damage if you think Halo 5 plays faster than Halo 2.

Put back in after a tsunami of hate comments.
It wasn't there at launch, like so many other things.

It's the only way to prove a point, VGChartz numbers never matched with Microsoft's so I had to figure out what the hell was going on. I found out that VGChartz was inaccurate so I wanted to find out the real sales numbers.

>Halo 5
>faster than Halo 2
someone post THAT webm

I have 2 sources posted

It does though

He's right though, Halo 5 has the fastest base movement in the series.

Oh nice, so they listen to feedback, kudos to 343.

Uncharted 4 has sold over 9 million despite coming out around the same time when the gap wasn't as big between the Xbox and Ps4, still not impressive for their top IP (excluding minecraft)

>Even modern games rarely sell that well
a fuck ton of games with similar budgets to Halo 5 (see battlefront) sell just as much, usually more

No, you don't you just came up with numbers out of your ass, also those were US numbers for Halo, chances are Star Wars sold far more due to it being multiplat so what I have still adds up when the US and UK exist.

I'd like it if they didn't fuck up from the beginning.

Attached: NuHalo343.png (1434x1000, 2.32M)

If it were Bungie, they wouldn't have listened.

>Uncharted 4
Nigga, the PS4 was more than double the Xbone sales at that point.
Hardly a fair comparison.

>Uncharted 4 has sold over 9 million despite coming out around the same time when the gap wasn't as big between the Xbox and Ps4, still not impressive for their top IP (excluding minecraft)
I'm pretty damn sure the PS4 has at least doubled the Xbone in sales since very early on in this console gen.

I literally brought that up in my post

>no, you just came up with numbers out of your ass
I did nothing you didn't in your original post. You have no concrete numbers. I merely extrapolated (and did a better job than you) given available concrete data.

I don't think that was the case, PS4 didn't double until 2017 IIRC

Those are pretty much concrete, Halo: Reach, stopped selling at the end of 2011 leaving Microsoft disappointed in both ODST and Reach. Halo 4 was released at the end of 2012, was the best selling Xbox 360 game of all time in the US and in 2014 somehow the series went from 46 million copies sold to 60 million copies sold and I know for a fact that Spartan Assault sold like shit. When Halo 5 released the sales for Halo jumped to 70 million in 2016 which matches Halo selling over 5 million in its first three months, now those numbers are at 77 million, Spartan Strike and Halo Wars 2 sold like shit, MCC stopped at 5 million due to bad word of mouth, Halo 5 was stated to be selling on par with Halo CE-4 in 2017 so Halo 5 has to be the one that got the Halo sales numbers up to 77 million. This is how I ranged all of this, don't get mad because ODST and Reach didn't sell that well in comparison with the rest of the series.

Attached: nuhalo.jpg (2678x1498, 1.07M)

Managing to find slightly higher sales numbers for later titles doesn't defeat the fact that Halo's popularity peaked 12 years ago, which is what actually upsets you about the VGCharts numbers.
Ignoring the fact your Halo 5 number seems completely made up or at least well fucking hidden in all that shit from 2012
Or maybe it's an absurd series of assumptions based on total sales numbers a journo got from some suit at GDC. Great calculus but here on earth Halo 5 has a 6 on Metacritic and nobody remembers it coming out

I don't like VGChartz because it's never right, I will believe a site that puts Metroid Other M sales numbers at over a million copies sold.
>Or maybe it's an absurd series of assumptions based on total sales numbers a journo got from some suit at GDC. Great calculus but here on earth Halo 5 has a 6 on Metacritic and nobody remembers it coming out
You are just seething right now.

>Spartan Strike and Halo Wars 2 sold like shit, MCC stopped at 5 million due to bad word of mouth
all these together are over 9 million

>Halo 5 was stated to be selling on par with Halo CE-4 in 2017
the range from CE-4 is 5-12 million, that statement means nothing

I'm seething because I trust the sights and sounds from my eyes and ears instead of the bizzare ramblings of a lunatic who's made some incredible logical leaps to prove a game nobody owns on a console nobody owns outsold COD4.
You're bonkers dude and MCC for PC will probably be the most popular Halo game since 3. I guess this is what it's like talking to retailfags if I played WoW. lol

>all these together are over 9 million
That's not how sales work
>the range from CE-4 is 5-12 million, that statement means nothing
It does when it was estimated to have sold 10 million copies by that point.

Yeah, you trust VGChartz, that site really needs to be banned from this site.

estimated by who? you?

the halo series was at 65 million before Halo 5, not 60
this only supports halo 5 not even being close to 10 million

It doesn't need to be.

Attached: file.png (1083x377, 134K)

No one fucking plays it anyway. 2 active lobbies any given time. More people play ElDewrito, for good reason.

>More people play ElDewrito
That's not saying much at all. Nobody plays that garbage either.

I already know that, it was at 60 in 2014 before the release of MCC, it jumped to 65 million in 2015 after MCC released. So in other words, it supports Halo 5 reaching 10 million by 2017 since Halo put the series at 70 million by 2016. I know what I'm doing, maybe you should reread that post.

>estimated by who? you?
No, I know you're not going to like this since his predictions are always wrong, Michael Patcher, his predictions are shit but he's good at industry estimations because he's in the industry.

It says a lot.
If out of 10 people, 9 are playing a broken, unofficial release, it speaks a lot about the quality of your game.

Consider the fact that 12 million copies of Halo 5 for 44 million Xbone owners suggests an attach rate of 27%, which is batshit insane for any game besides a pack-in
GTAV has sold 90 million copies, and that's for 80 million ps3s, 80 million 360s, 90 million ps4s, 45 million Bones, and untold PC's. Even without PCs that's a 30% attach rate for a game that humorously just sits on the charts for the better part of a decade. Furthermore that's a game that doesn't have a 6 from its fans on Metacritic.
>that site really needs to be banned from this site
Yeah, we should ban a site that provides sales data because it hurts your feelings. Better use your retarded reverse trigonometric inversion to work out game sales from now on until your whole world is exactly how you want it

One is also locked to Windows 10.

watch out, he's going to liken halo 5's success to that of the mario series

>Consider the fact that 12 million copies of Halo 5 for 44 million Xbone owners suggests an attach rate of 27%, which is batshit insane for any game besides a pack-in
It's a Halo game where you play Master Chief (barely) that had a lot a hype surrounding it, it was also the first Halo game built from the ground up for Xbox One, I don't see how it's insane when Halo CE, 2, 3, and 4 pulled the same thing.
>Yeah, we should ban a site that provides sales data because it hurts your feelings. Better use your retarded reverse trigonometric inversion to work out game sales from now on until your whole world is exactly how you want it
It provides fake numbers to fit their agendas, the site always gets BTFO by Nintendo sales data, every forum site is now seeing just how shit VGChartz is, it's time to stop using it. It's sad when people don't believe the industry and instead believe a bunch of randoms who don't know shit.

Don't be mad because I BTFO you.

>Halo CE, 2, 3, and 4 pulled the same thing.

the height of halo, halo 3, sold around 13.6 million units. The 360 has 85 million sales. that's 16%

> 360 has 85 million sales
Most people bought 2 or 3 because early models kept dying.

Halo 3 sold 14.5 million units. That was the last reported Xbox 360 sales numbers, it's probably higher than that. Also, at the height of Halo, ODST and Reach sold like shit, why is that?

not really, RRoD's were replaced for free. That said outside of that Halo 2 had the biggest attach rate due to the xbox having nothing else once the sega ports stopped

the level where you fight three? wardens at the same time was the most bullshit fight in the whole series

>RRoD's were replaced for free
Not always, not everywhere and not forever. I had a replacement console, it RRoD'd again less than a year later.

that doesn't go against anything I said

>ODST and reach
don't know, don't care

Anything past Halo: Reach (aka nonBungie) is shit. Sorry bout it zoomers.

Anything Bungie related past Halo 3, the original game released in 2007, is shit. Newfags need to leave.

No, fuck off, and drawing some vague arbitrary line doesn’t make you cooler.

ODST had amazing atmosphere and story and music, Reach was similar but also with the best mix of all other halo games. I don’t want to hear about how you think you’re an oldfag because you act like a shit. I’m probably more of an oldfag than you, and frankly it doesn’t matter who was here longer. It’s an objective truth that once Bungie (the OG creators) was no longer at the helm, Halo went to shit.

>If you're one of the older players you MUST dislike ODST and Reach
Whatever, homo. They were good enough games and I played Combat Evolved on release.

Attached: 1552688829118.jpg (1536x1152, 269K)

>ODST had amazing atmosphere and music
These are the only two things it did right, ODST was crap everywhere else, Reach was terrible on all counts from campaign, to story, to gameplay, to multiplayer. Also, Halo didn't really go to shit, that's something 3 and Reach babies came up with out of their ass. Halo 4 got backlash for it's multiplayer while Halo 5 got backlash for its campaign, both pale in comparison to ODST and Reach which got hate for everything and also ended up selling worse than any FPS game in the series.

Not good enough, both sucked ass and showed that Bungie really didn't care anymore.

A game does not sell 12 million copies and nobody knows anybody who's played it.
"Hurr durr VGChartz is anti-Nintendo" does not mean you get to make even more retarded conclusions off of even less information than they had and it certainly does not mean we have to believe it
Ever considered MS keeps H5 sales close to their chest and only speaks in terms of "franchise copies sold" or some other dodge is because H5's sales have been somewhat embarrassing? They could shut me up right now by bragging about Halo 5 surpassing everything but 3, but they wont. Why is that? Maybe you're the only one in the universe who knows Halo 5 sold that much. You should write them immediately, because it half looks like they're pulling out of hardware and need to know about this windfall they've earned

Halo Reach was better than Halo 3
Our lord and savior says it himself.

Moving goal posts, huh. Multiple sites confirmed VGChartz is unreliable when it comes to sales, just stop.

I'm sure Marty was forced to say this going by what he said on Waypoint Vice.

In your dreams, maybe.