Why aren't you playing the best RPG of 2019 right now? The Legend of Grimrock devs BTFO the competition once again

Why aren't you playing the best RPG of 2019 right now? The Legend of Grimrock devs BTFO the competition once again

Attached: druidstone game.jpg (1200x756, 239K)

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no lewd, no play

Attached: 1525812287974.png (648x1080, 615K)

>premade characters
Hard pass on this one

grimrock 1 & 2 were pretty kino so i'll pick it up a bit down the line. need to play pathfinder first

Does it still do the realtime with grid movement shit?

>lewd dva who calls me puppy
I got hard every time she did that

>Premade characters
>Maps are more like a scenario based puzzle
>Srpg with limited actions.

it's not a dungeon crawler, it's a tactical RPG like Final Fantasy Tactics or something of that nature

Because you haven't posted a torrent yet.

The aesthetic of these games is so cool but the gameplay design is archaic as fuck.

t. Someone who plays Doom and Gothic regularly

i guess it's 'archaic' in the sense that its like an arcade game

Oh, then I might have to check it out.

I heard that is more like a puzzle but steam users seem to like it. I’ll check out.

The negative reviews comparing it to a tower defense with respawning enemies really put me off.




Thank you very much for the dolphin porn.

I wish I could actually find some dolphin porn in one of these.

Me too.

I heard it's a tactical game with barely any roleplaying

>no character creation
fuck off retards make a real rpg next time

>image looks promising
>look up druidstone
>tactical rpg

Attached: 1541593827786.jpg (700x624, 75K)

>turn based

Attached: 1337678590955.jpg (500x333, 133K)

Dude, don't pierce your dog's balls. That's just wrong.

visit eight chan

Birkenstock: The Daylight Savings of Eternity

see, i can make up shitty names for copy/pasted game formats too

Man i'm legit sad seeing this piece of trash. Grimrock was so good.

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I thought Pathfinder Kingmaker was the best RPG of 2019 ?

Attached: Linzi_cropped1.jpg (2878x1755, 481K)

Looks cool

Grimrock 2 fucking bombed

So what? It was a great game. Better than the 1st one in all regards.

the outdoor sections were ehhh
I get what the went for but ehhhh

That what it is, it's still a good game though.
There's occasion puzzle stages, but other than that it's your typical SRPG like disgaea, into the breach and FFT.

Are there waifus? Will play if there are qt elf girls.

This, but only if I get to kill this guy's qt elf waifus.