Well Yea Forums, Time Travel or Teleportation?

Well Yea Forums, Time Travel or Teleportation?

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I know that teleportation can solve my problems now, but I don't know if I can prevent my problem using time travel.

I hate time. It never feels like I have enough. With time travel I'll have all the time in the world.

Time travel, but what I really want is Time Stop. It could double as teleportation and I would have all the time in the world forever.

I think time travel would drive me insane. I'd constantly be going back trying to fix every little thing to make my life "perfect"

Maybe if it had limited uses, then at least I'd know I have to use it sparingly

But then you could go back in time to before you went back in time to prevent yourself from going back in time the first time, thus preserving your other limited uses.

I guess you'd still have to count ones that were later made not to happen. I don't know man I'm not a time scientist

Time-traveling has more potential than teleport but also way more risky if we don't know the parameters of it. I'll pick space since I like the current timeline.

I'm joking. Obviously the use of time travel transcends time. You can't just "go back to before you used it" because time travel happens on a dimension beyond time anyway.

Time Travel can make for very neat adventures, but for cohesiveness of a setting it's a terrible mechanic.
In a jrpg I'd say Time Travel since the telling of the setting is abstracted enough that it already doesn't make sense when you look into it, so adding time travel doesn't really ruin it anymore than anything else.
In other vidya I'd say teleportation.

Time travel is more complicated and if I'm still aging then I feel there's no point other than to observe different outcomes on a long term scale. I'd rather do teleportation since I'd be getting much quicker feedback for my actions.

Teleportation. Convenient way to save travel times and costs I guess. Save yourself if something happens that you can react quick enough.
Time travel. Bend the course of humanity to your every whim. Also dodge danger by moving through time instead.

One of these seems obviously better to me.

I really liked this official art from splatoon, makes me wish there was a splatoon anime

Just travel to a point in the future where teleportation is invented

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Time travel back to the past and nab yourself teleportation as well. It’s foolproof

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Time travel with a mix of timestop. I'd do my absolute best to make sure blossoming United States of America never gets infiltrated by Ashkenazi demons and becomes the paypig whore of Israel.

>it's never invented because we all died

The only thing that can kill us off permenantly is disease. We can survive nuclear war and asteroid strike.

time travel so you can travel back to the past and play the shitty games that sucked ass

>unga bunga me big strong
>unga bunga me change entire course of history
You are a normal human bean still you fucking mongs. Being able to time travel doesn't make you god. You're still the same powerless you. Your influence is minuscule. The most you could do is cheat your way to success maybe. You could have everything you want with teleportation in like a fucking day.

>The only thing that can kill us off permenantly is disease

>so we died of a disease. nobody invented teleportation.

>knowledge of future forseeable events and inventions
Lmao what a fag.

>Stuck in an infinite loop where it's invented but it was the destruction of humanity so someone went back in time to stop it from being invented, and we're none the wiser.

What about climate change?

If I could stop time I would effectively have the power to assassinate any influential member of any government while they were making a speech. You call that powerless?

>hurr durr telebortation can be inbented XD

Time Travel. Just travel to the future for the next big lotto drawing. Find out the numbers and then go back and win big. I can also travel to the future and find out about any upcoming events and big controversy or whatever.

Coastal shitholes being flooded is a good thing.

>what is radiation poisoning and cancer for 500 alex?

Mathematics say otherwise. The laws of reality determine it's possible but the means to us is not grasped yet.

Time Travel. I feel I never have enough time.

>what are miles underground facilities with food, hydroponics, advanced filter mechanisms and entertainment to last for 10 lifetimes.
You're retarded. That claim would have been valid if it was the 60's and 70's where oiece of shit concrete shelters with a blowout fan were considered safe bomb shelters.

Teleportation, I'd be hanging around in fancy beach hotels all around the world 24/7 my whole fucking life. I'd just teleport to any empty hotel room available and teleport to any buffette to eat, ahh, the perfect fucking life lads.

>time travel
>invent things early and get rich off patents
>your influence is now based on having essentially infinite money
>also the credibility of seeming to be a super genius

So the problem with just choosing between time travel and teleportation is you have to specify the rules for time travel first.

If we're working under Bill and Ted rules time travel without a doubt, if we've got Stein's Gate, Terminator, 11/22/63, where the past is difficult or impossible to change teleportation would be way more useful.


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Time Travel. Only use it in short burst, like redoing a day at a time, the very most. Going back any further is just begging for bad things to happen.

Also you can influence events in history to make the future a better place. Like making sure John Adams and his Rothschild overlords are publicly executed for treason from the creaton of the Federal Reserve.

What if you can't time travel to a specific location and just go back to the date? What if you time travel to 40 years ago where the place you are currently was a big hole in the ground and you fall down and die?
Checkmate atheists >:)

going underground cannot make you survive a nuclear bomb because of the high pressure and intense heat reaches the degrees to almost the same as the SUN. All the air would be sucked up and you wouldn't be able to breathe in the oven. Even if they did made a shelter capable of withstanding a nuclear bomb they wouldn't be able to come out and live very long because of radiation poisoning will give them cancer. Also 99% of people wouldn't have access to this invincible shelter even if it was real. Nice bait.

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can I teleport other people?

>Not training your skills for years, traveling back in time a year at a time for decades upon decades as you hone your skills and learning all you can and becoming this sort of polymath, survivalist, engineer, combat expert, ubermensch and then teleporting back to the dawn of man and reshaping the world in your image.
Fucking casual.

Time Travel is also teleportation, Earth spins and travels trough space, so if yo7 go travel in time you also have to account for where in space was the planet

Why should the overpopulous masses get access to those underground utopias? And you'd have to be clueless as fuck to not think world government and multibillionares don't have their own miles deep complexes full of reasourcea for them, their lapdogs and peivate army. And it'd obviously be hermetically sealed with sophisticated refiltering and tree farm gardens you fucking idiot the facility wouldn't be taking oxygen from the burnt surface.

Time Travel

You need to establish the rules of time travel or it's impossible to say. Teleportation otherwise.

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Time travel, if it's the kind where you can only travel to points when you were alive, and you're basically overwriting your memories with those from the future/past.

Time travel niggas be like

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>Get time travel
>go back and also get teleportation
easy stupid roleplay thread


i could solve a lot of problems with that.

time travel seems far too risky and the rules for such are not defined.

Time Travel and Teleportation are two parts of a whole, you just choose whether you travel relative to time or space. Teleportation picks a different point in space using the time as a reference, while Time Travel picks a different point in time using the space as a reference.

How do you control where your teleport destination is and what happens if that location is already occupied? Does it swap our matter leaving a stone statue of myself and a hollow in the stone wall shaped like me or do I interleave all my atoms into solid stone wall? Do I have to think really hard about the exact location I'm gong to teleport to or else risk falling 1000 feet or embedding myself in the earth's core. Will the air around where I was place violently collapse upon itself after I teleport?

If I time travel back in time and kill my great grandfather do i disappear as a result? How does the universe handle causality problems?

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They're the same power. Timespace is one and the same. If you can traverse one, you can traverse the other.

time travel doubles as teleportation when used to the fullest potential

Depends on the rules of time travel.


>Earth floods
>Coastal shitholes annihilated
>user laughs at suffering
>New coastal shitholes pop up by the new shore
> Earth floods more
>New coastal shitholes annihilated
>user laughs at suffering
>The ocean is now at user's doorstep and coastal shithole pops up around him
>user is no longer laughing

>If I time travel back in time and kill my great grandfather do i disappear as a result?

Why would that ever happen? Either any kind of change to the past, causing something to happen that for sure didn't happen, would be simply impossible or it would mean that you would have arrived at a different timeline. You disappearing after killing your great grandfather would not solve the paradox - how did you get to kill him if you weren't even born? If we assume one timeline, your trip to the past was already a part of history and from your existence we can surmise that you didn't kill your great grandfather before he impregnated your great grandmother.

They wouldn't last very long unless they manage to cultivate plants underground.

Teleportation, time travel scares me and it should scare you.

With Teleportation I just might teleport inside a concrete wall and instantly die or something.

If I travel back to 1987 will I be a 4 year old boy with the mind of a 36 year old man from 2019 or a 36 year old man living concurrent with a 4 year old version of himself somwhere else in the world. If so what would happen to the 36 year old man if he strangles hat 4 year old boy to death? Does he blink out of existence? If he does does the boy suddenly not get strangled?

Time Travel just doesn't make any sense.

Time travel so I can convince my dad to wear a condom the time he would have had me

He resurrects as soon as I blink out of existence and forgets he died because time is self correcting.

They obviously would have two football field lengths of greenhouse dedicated for food/oxygen recycling. Current year tech allows this which means humanity will never go extinct from nuclear war or meteor strike.

Time travel can work as teleportation, just move and roll back the time.

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Time Travel

Really, there's limited use for both of them in the modern world, but time travel it can depend, but in any scenario, time travel would be useful if it's like Back To The Future, Avengers, or it sending you back to your mind and body as a child and you have to wait it out.

Having the last one could be very good if you keep your memories, you can just keep reliving life, as long as you don't get murdered

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Assuming there's no multiple timelines (an easy solution that solves all time paradoxes, but it's kind of cheating because you're more like traveling to an alternate universe that resembles your past than actually traveling to your past), that's like asking what if somebody tried to kill themselves and simultaneously failed and succeeded. That is obviously an impossible scenario. From the fact that he is alive as a 36 year old we know that he won't kill his 4 year old self in the past. You might ask, what law of physics would prevent him from killing his 4 year old self. But that would be like asking about a man that we know to be dead for sure but whose precise cause of death is unknown: what law of physics forces the fact that he did indeed die in the past? You don't need a law of nature to prevent contradictions.

The game has been filled with teleportation niggers since day one so this doesn't feel all that special

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Time travel

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Use time travel to get with my childhood crush

Didn't even know that there was a splatfest today

>go back in time
>win big money sport bets
>get fucking rich

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Are Ink/Octolings technically furries?

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If I still age during Time Travel then Teleportation seems more fun.

Though the risk of being discovered and not being able to have a simple, normal life seems terrible.
With time travel you can just revert you being discovered. With teleportation you can only flee and leave your family behind

Why the fuck would I completely lose my mind going from one time period to the next and lose my humanity?
I want a simple life. Not mold a beautifully natural thing to my liking.
Some of these posts disgust me.

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Time Travel. I will ensure that the germanic menace die forever.

Revenge-Getters: Finish Activity told me that if I have teleportation I can also have time travel so I'll take teleportation

It's the obvious choice. You should know this by seeing how hard team time travel has to work to justify their decision while teleportation is just straightforward.

u could do that with teleportation with the leaders we have now

Wouldn't your body age though?

>literally teleporting behind ZOGnald Drumpf and instantly killing him

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>all these people thinking they can change the present by going back
fuck off
teleportation ftw, I'm not gonna pretend I'm any smarter than I am, I'm a retard but at least with teleportation I can do whatever I want without consequences
time travel can backfire on you so hard, especially if you're stupid.

Time travel. But only if the time travel mechanics work the way I want them to work:

1. If I go back in time to age 5, I'll be inhabiting my 5 year old body, not physically sending my adult self back to the past.
2. If I go back in time, I'm essentially creating a new branch off of my original timeline. I want to be able to return to my original timeline, to the exact place where I was before I began fucking with time. I want to be able to fuck around as many times as I want, but don't want to lose access to my original timeline in the process.

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>Without consequences
What if you accidentally teleport yourself inside a solid object, like a wall? What if you teleport yourself to the wrong place at the wrong time and get shot or ran over?

STEINER and Okabepilled

What if you accidentally time travel yourself inside a solid object, like a wall? What if you time travel yourself to the wrong place at the wrong time and get shot or ran over?

>its never invented because everyone keeps picking time travel and trying to wait for someone else to pick teleportation

From my experience with fictionIts a lot easier to screw up A LOT of stuff with time travel

The power of save scumming

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Out of all the randoms that added me not a single one picked time travel.

>pick time travel
>travel back in time
>inhabit my younger self with my memories and powers
>live life up until the choice again
>pick teleportation

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This is how I'd want it to work too. Every time I change shit I want it to be it's own branch. Just one of an infinite number of branches I can make, starting from any given moment. I want my original timeline to remain unaltered and serve as the central pillar of all my time-lord shenanigans.

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Yeah user, it sure will be great when Japan ceases to exist.

>You're a fucking idiot for not believing this hypothetical solution I can't prove exists. We have TECHNOLOGY.
Not that user, but you sound like a fucking retard right now.

You're confusing time travel with timeline manipulation. Going back to the yabba dabba age is time travel. Reliving when you were a kid is timeline manipulation.

>no more anime
thank god

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Assuming isolated from outside problems (teleporting/TT off the earth, into something, etc) time travel.

Problems tele solves can be cured with TT + winning lotto ticket.

Even something as simple as buying a shit ton of bitcoins would allow you to make a difference.

How 1D thinking are you to not see the potential TT allows?

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>not making anons kill themselves by manipulating cryptocurrencies

Biff and tanenpilled

Based scaredycat poster.

>travel in time
>don't know the exact location of earth at that time
>end up dying in space

I'm assuming you have complete control over your ability and you can process where you're going to teleport

It was a joke about Nintendo's shitty online bro


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