Unironically the best JRPG ever made.
Name a game with better exploration and world building - you can't. Now add to that the best video game soundtrack ever composed, god-tier art direction, a compelling story and an exciting battle system that, even if it gets repetitive later on, always makes you feel amazing when you finish all combos.
XC2 is the peak of gaming. Nia is the cutest character ever created too.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Other urls found in this thread:
Digimon World.
>World Building
I don't know, Trails?
Yet you fail to mention the god awful combat system and cringe-tier dialogue. Not to mention that blatant waifu bait and need I remind you of moments like the famous mythra webm
>Name a game with better exploration
>and world building
the kiseki series
>compelling story
phew, almost fell for the bait
You posted this bait already.
Combat is legitimately the best ever in a JRPG.
I agree, that the story can always be better, but comparing it to poorly written drek like Nier, Persona 5, Octopath or FFXV makes it seem like a masterpiece.
Seriously, XC2 excels in everything except handheld graphics.
Name 1 JRPG in the past 5 years with a better storyline.
trails in the sky sc.
t. ironic weeb
Stop baiting
Were you frozen in an iceberg for 8 years user? Game was released in 2006.
>Name a game with better exploration and world building -
Damn that was easy, only took a few seconds, nice try OP.
>Unironically the best JRPG ever made.
It's good but not that good. Too much annoying shit like cores,mercs, affinity chart requirements etc.
I'll never understand why Kiseki has been forced here so often lately. The gameplay is atrocious, it's the JRPG equivalent to shallow cinematic AAA "games" except that it's filled with text instead of cutscenes and walking segments.
>xbc2 combat
You literally just stand there and the character auto attacks while you press a button or two every once and a while to do a combo
based and mirapilled
It has great handheld graphics. Name a better looking handheld jrpg
Yeha but that's the entire XB formula at this point
Games good but you are over-exaggerating it. It definitely has one of the best OSTs of all time
I like it, but it ain't perfect. My biggest gripe is the localisation choices; Welsh Cat/Minge memes aside, the voice acting in the dub was abysmal but when I switched over to the Japanese audio I noticed that most of the cast's names were changed completely (such as Homuru becoming Pyra), which made reading the the cockney accented subtitles a bit disconcerting. I will agree that the soundtrack was pretty good though, and I felt the combat was enticing enough to not get boring
wtf is this?
JRPG combat is light on execution and heavy on planning, customization and preparation.
>wtf is this?
japanese ''''''''''''''humor'''''''''''''''
a spot of the ol' JH eh wot
>art direction
Motherfucker it looks terrible. It's moetrash
Friendly reminder that OP is a falseflagging autist who've been at this for two years, he doesn't even play this game, or any Xeno game.
You don't know what moe means.
I love it, but the gacha shit and filling every affinity chart is not fun at all, its like the grinding you usually get from combat on jrpg was transferred to that so you can extend the hours invested on the game and it feels "bigger".
Otherwise i love the combat it doesnt feel any grindy neither its a chore once you learn how to play properly. Its better than any recent final fantasy.
The superficial story is shit but the actual lore is quite good and i dont mind the animewaifu aspect, unless any girl saw it.
At this point it feels like that's true for all threads. This place is like the internet autism hive.
Yes, yes I do and so should you - because you clearly don't if you can't see XC2 art style is a massive anime-styled step back from both XC1 and X.
I like anime but it's just fucking lazy
More like, WINCELS
I love Takahashi and all, but when will he give his games a hard look and realize that they are literally the textbook definition of artificial difficulty.
>unless any girl saw it.
Why would you make a decent post and then cap it off by being a humongous faggot? Holy Jesus fucking Christ, a womyn!! Hide all my shit!! Help!!
Just bought this and it's DLC a few days because I heard you can get Kos-mos. But I haven't heard been paying attention to the series at all, so I have no idea whats changed.
Tell me, can I expect a similar experience to Xenosaga? Gameplay wise? Story wise? Or will it be completely different?
what the fuck is difficult about XBC2 on default difficulty?
Xenoblade 2 is legitimately tied with Dragon Quest 11 for JRPG of the generation, easily the best Xeno since Xenosaga 3 (not that that's an achievement considering the nosedive Xeno took when it came to Nintendo)
a completely optional scene (tldr both girls got into an argument and made a bet, loser had to do that dance, their argument went on for so long that the everyone else in the party forced BOTH to do the dance) a shitposer has been spamming trying to trick people into thinking the entire game is like that
and I mean SPAMMING:
Expect something mindblowingly better gameplay wise. Story wise it's approximately the same thing.
>Just bought this and it's DLC a few days because I heard you can get Kos-mos.
you've made a horrible mistake
I like the game and all, but buying it for Kos-mos is a very poor decision
>because I heard you can get Kos-mos
Oh no that's so sad. I'm sorry my dude but that's gonna take you hundreds of hours most likely.
The only good looking 3D Xeno characters are Xenoblade 2 and Xenosaga 3.
Xenogears still has the best looking characters but it's 2D.
Xenoblade 1 is hideous (as expected since Monolith admitted to not having a character designer) and although on paper Xenoblade X's designs look great, Tanaka's characters have almost always looked awkward in 3D. Even moreso in Xenoblade X since anime and pseudo-realism doesn't mesh well.
Also moe isn't an artstyle.
Not him but desu I would want a girl to see me playing a game where you collect big breasted waifus who fight for you
What's bad about this?
>gameplay wise
Objective improvement
>story wise
Still complex as an individual game, but no where as dark or as ambitious as Xenosaga on a trilogy level. There's a lot of lore and symbolism that Xenosaga fans can pick up on.
Expect an entirely different game and genre with KOSMOS as an easteregg.
>best video game soundtrack ever composed
you got one thing right, not bad for a shit post
Xenoplebs truly want to become as cancerous as Kisekifags, I guess.
Not shown in the webm is the amout of planning, resource gathering and trial and error that leads to that effect.
it's the most old xeno-y of the xenoblades but it's still an entirely different experience
>People would rather spend 10 minutes doing this just to hide how broken it is.
Jesus and I thought the Ares90/core crusher was bad.
Sorry, I'm a pathetic loser who does who buys games solely for cute characters. Probably why I bought Xenosaga all those years ago, but it all worked out cuz I liked it.
And what do you mean "hundreds of hours?"
Kos-mos is an optional character that's also the rarest character to get in the game.
>People would rather spend 10 minutes doing this just to hide how broken it is.
Good taste.
She has less than a 1% chance of showing up from Cores which is the equivalent of gacha in this game.
I'm not judging your motivation user. I'm just saying that I'm almost 200 hours into the game and it still has yet to give me KOS-MOS since it's all RNG.
>tfw casually got Kos-mos within the first 10 hours of the game
its great but I hate that the game auto saves when you summon blades, meaning you could literally farm for hours and not even get a rare blade and while is it fun to explore thr beautify crafted environments the whole experience gets bogged down by those fucking field skills.
Fantastic, sounds like I'll have a good time then
Shit, I didn't realize she was a easter egg kinda character. Oh well.
It's called speaking colloquially. An art style can be 'moe' in the way generic anime designs can be called moeblobs. It's just a way of saying every fucking character looks like a walking cliche.
> Even moreso in Xenoblade X since anime and pseudo-realism doesn't mesh well
Then how the fuck can you say XC2 looks good? It's the most anime out of them all. It's the definition of SOULLESS
She's the rarest optional weapon character you get from redeeming items dropped by enemies in what's basically gacha system.
And there's no easy way to grind for the items that give you the best rate for her until the postgame. Once you do get to that point, getting her isn't THAT hard, but it still sucks that unless you get really lucky, you're unlikely to be able to use her during the main story stuff.
You can bypass the auto save by using cloud saves now, at least.
Oh Christ, she's locked behind RNG garbage? Thats a bummer. Can I save scum these Cores at least?
This actually looks like a mobile game.
>with better exploration
xeno x
>world building
xeno x
xeno 1
either of the previous two
>art direction
you're baiting
I said anime and pseudo-realism don't mesh well, Xenoblade X tries to look anime and realistic at the same time.
>it's the most anime out of them all
Every Xeno game is equally anime looking, excluding Xenoblade 1 (except for some official art outside the game).
Technically it is since you can play through it on handheld mode on your switch.
it didn't come to the west until 2015.
The soundtrack is hit or miss, and the story is actually really cliché.
Aside from that it was fun though.
>Unironically the best JRPG ever maid
You say this now, but you know damn well Monolith is going to blow you away with the next projects.
too bad the resolution and frame rate are utter garbage. one of the reasons I regret buying a switch
Touché but you know what I mean, user.
nope because XC2 is painstakenly handcrafted to artificially boost Switch sales exclusively on release, by forcing you to not have time to play other games.
The only good point you made was the last one.
Nia is bae.
>Name a game with better exploration
>Game literally gate keeps you constantly for no reason because of shitty field skill locks
Yeah that's a no from me
which f2p korean mmo is this?
Legitimately how can other JRPG developers compete with Monolith?
They seem to put more effort into their games than any other jrpg developer, even Xenoblade 2 which was only made by 40 fucking people in comparison to the previous Xenoblades' 100 staff teams put most JRPGs to shame in terms of scope and ambition.
I honestly don't. I haven't played a mobile game since back when cellphones had snake pre installed and there was no color.
>everybody gushes Xenoblade 1's music
>barely anybody mentions Xenoblade X's or 2's music
This should be a crime
>They seem to put more effort into their games than any other jrpg developer
By making an offline MMO with a literal waifu gatcha?
>put most JRPGs to shame in terms of scope and ambition.
What scope and ambition?
What? Xenoblade 2 music gets worshiped in music threads and there's Xenoblade 2 tracks on youtube with millions of views.
>Legitimately how can other JRPG developers compete with Monolith?
by doing what they're already doing: making actually good games instead of gacha-infused shovelware.
there's fuckall exploration in XB2. The game is linear as hell and the areas are stupidly small.
inb4 people actually respond to this bait
>All that effort is wasted to be shoved inside a console that can't even output 520p
I sold my switch after beating xbc2, couldn't get into BotW and saw no meaningful 3rd party support on the horizon.
Meanwhile I only found the Fief of forgetfulness on my second playthrough.
It ain't bait when it's the truth.
It's good for sexy and young characters and that's it. It would be better if it was hentai game. Gameplay was boring as fuck and slow.
You mean all that effort FUNDED by the glorious company that also funded Bayonetta 2 and 3. None of these games would exist if it wasn't for Nintendo.
Good thing it's obvious hyperbole to incite reaction. Your form is poor grasshopper.
I mean every time you try to venture off the main path to just explore you're fucked over by field skill checks. You're pressured on to the main plot so good exploration my ass. Zelda is leaps and bounds in this department
Speaking of MMOs Mabinogi is getting a server merge next month, don't forget to drop by, it's the best opportunity to start fresh or meet your old friends again.
>What scope and ambition?
I know I'm responding to bait, but what are some other JRPG developers pushing out games with just as large 200+ square KM worlds while still being packed to the brim with multiple hundred hours worth of content?
Xenoblade 1, X and 2 are some of the most technologically impressive JRPGs ever made from an objective standpoint.
Their only real competition in the open world genre comes from the West and both X and 2 are larger and more content-packed than their competition.
Ah yes the glorious company that completely shattered their original goal to develop on PC.
>That was certainly a major moment of divergence for Monolith Soft. Did you have any feelings of uncertainty?
>Sugiura: “It would be a lie to say that I wasn’t feeling any uncertainties. There was the worry about only being able to make games on Nintendo’s platforms after becoming a Nintendo subsidiary. That meant we wouldn’t be able to make PC games. Jumping into an environment with such a restriction was certainly one of the challenges.
why are x2fags trying to shill this game so much with waifu posting and posting nonsense like OP? they are worse than odysseyfags and botwfags.
>Xenoblade 1 is hideous
So this is what moefags believe huh?
You don't know what shilling means
Xenoblade 1 is the worst looking of the bunch.
insecurity that the follow-up to their beloved anime game is going to once again alienate them Thanks to based Takahashi and his fickleness.
It's the same obvious baiting amateur dude. I mean do you see any waifus ITT outside of the KOS-MOS guy who hadn't even played the game yet?
Poor form.
Not pictured is Xenosaga 2, which is the worst.
Xenoblade 1's a close second though.
Moe character designs in the same way as XC2, the only difference is that Xenogears used an older moe art style.
People obsess over XB2's music all the time, what planet have you been living on? X's soundtrack gets a lot of appreciation too, despite the bitching a few of the tracks get.
I like the way XB2's characters look in game for the most part, but you'd have to be delusional to think that they don't look much worse than XB1's cast in that image.
Stop talking about something you clearly know nothing about.
It's not hyperbole at all, the fact that you don't have any real argument against it doesn't exactly make you look good either.
XB2 is just another generic moviegame from Takahashi just like the rest of his portfolio, except that after all this years he still can't come up with a slightly interesting battle system, even Honne at least tried with BK, Takahashi's just another hack like Taro.
>but what are some other JRPG developers pushing out games with just as large 200+ square KM worlds
Big worlds mean nothing when you can't do anything interesting in them, and generic MMO questlines don't amount to much either, in that sense it's taking all the worst stuff from WRPGs and making it worse still.
Might as well play shit like Tera if you like what Xenoblade games do, at least those actually have living worlds and decent gameplay.
>Xenoblade 1, X and 2 are some of the most technologically impressive JRPGs ever made from an objective standpoint.
Yeah, as impressive as Skyrim I guess, but Skyrim with a typical FF party and all encompassing main quest, and less freedom of progression either, very impressive.
But it's not like you can expect much from Yea Forums either way, all you know about JRPGs are Final Fantasy, SMT and maybe a bunch of shovelware curiosities like Legaia or Radiant Historia, and of course, Souls games.
Fuck this, where is the new endless frontier?
>Get the other characters through gacha
They should had since made it into a phone gacha then they could milk the fans through the years with the sexy alts
*blocks your path*
Dragon Quest XI S
>all this text
Subtlety is key grasshopper.
post that webm
one webm, coming up
>Moe character designs
>Moe artstyle
How the fuck can an emotion be either of these things?
> blatant waifu bait
Try not to be such a spineless faggot, just enjoy the tits and ass without worry,
Not clicking that
And that's what's beautiful. I fully expect XC3 or XCX-2 to be better than XC2, and I expect XC4 or XCX-3 to be better than their previous entries, and so on. Monolith is based like that.
Call me grasshopper all you want, it doesn't make you look any less underage than you are, you're only making yourself look more and more like a deranged, clueless fanboy.
And I'm telling you this for your sake, you're only going to attract more and more shitposting to these threads with this behaviour, and eventually you won't be able to have good threads anymore, I don't even give a shit about your franchise, but this behaviour only leads to mass shitposting to the point that nobody will be able to talk about anything.
The old JRPGs threads on /vg/ died also because of that, because of people like you making these kinds of threads, which eventually ended up attracting the wrong kind of people.
At this point it is I who baits you young one. Not even reading this shit but I'm sure you'll reply to this anyway.
Trails has shit combat, mediocre story, and was forever ruined by Cold Steel, but the characters (pre CS) and worldbuilding are amazing, with the latter being unmatched by any other in my eyes.
>and worldbuilding are amazing, with the latter being unmatched by any other in my eyes.
I love Trails, but Trails games' strength in world building comes from the fact that it's multiple games linked together set in the same world and time period and the world building builds off of and interconnects between each game.
If we're talking about games standing individually on their own without needing to rely on prequels or sequels, both Xenogears and Xenoblade 2 individually are probably the most lore-packed and have the best worldbuilding of individual JRPGs.
Yes except basically all those things you just said about it are untrue.
Mythra cant cook!
Yes, you can. You get something like 40 legendary cores plus rares and commons from the DLC. You can easily savescum with cloud saves, and get KOS-MOS at the beginning of the game.
Good. Keep it that way, user. You're doing yourself a massive favor
Does this game get any good? Chapter 4 was Kino tho
Xenoblade Chronicles X already has a richer world than 2. Two is too cramped
Literally babies first waifu game
better exploration, worse worldbuilding
Depends on your definition of 'good' I suppose. I think it does, but I also fucking hated chapter 4, so if that's your idea of quality you might not like it.
chapter 4 is the worst part of the game
Well in all its was bad but the Poppi parts were neat
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST FUCK THIS BOARD. You all LITERALLY shit on XII for playing on the same principles! The double-standards from this place are remarkable.
>and I expect XC4
That reminds me, how do you guys think Takahashi will execute the story in future installments? Some people have theorized that:
>Xenoblade X has 3 games
>Mainline Xenoblade has 3 games
>X timeline converges into the mainline for a complete story of 6 episodes
I'm not so sure I want that though. I'd much rather prefer they continued to be their own separate entries.
What do you mean I've never played Final Fantasy (?) 12. I'm thinking of getting it on the switch though.
I like FFXII and the Xenoblade games. Yea Forums isn't one person.
>You all LITERALLY shit on XII for playing on the same principles!
>Yea Forums is one person
XII is an equally shitty game.
I angryposted that and didn’t double-check, but Final Fantasy XII follows a similar formula minus comboing. You can set the AI to perform a massive list of contextual actions, but many people on Yea Forums will call that “the game playing itself .”
>Legitimately how can other JRPG developers compete with Monolith?
In terms of the overall expansive world and settings used in Xenoblade titles, I'd say they have most JRPG developers beat. Outside of that though, I'd say the plot execution needs more work, and the gameplay could stand to be experimented with even further. A lot of people here praise the combat for XC2, but honestly auto attacking and pressing arts when needed isn't exactly that engaging after awhile.
Well yeah Yea Forums is full of retarded people. After all videogames is the hobby that requires the least to get into nowadays so it's no surprise.
You think ff12 is better on pc or switch by the way?
I wish there were more landmarks or structures you could explore through in these games. Most of the time, the fields feel downright empty outside of the various monsters and items laying around to be collected. Or at the least, there could be more of an attempt to add platforming like segments to the areas so you have more immersion with the environment. There's always the upcoming games though, I suppose.
Haven’t played the Switch version, but the PC is flawless. Much better than the PS4 version.
add grappling hook and double jump (no flying)
Name of mobile games with similar gameplay?
Great gameplay, great soundtrack, trash story, mediocre exploration, so-so lore
nigga, fucking 50 Cent: Blood in the Sand has better exploration, gtfo with that retardation.
I fully expect that it'll eventually be revealed that Xenoblade X was Xenoblade 10 all along.
Its predecessors are better than it in each of the categories you brought up. The first game has completely tops Chronicles 2, and X is much better as for exploration. The games combat is on par with the combat in X, both being inferior to the first game. Chronicles 2 is a great game, but it’s nowhere near best jrpg. The first one would make it in the top 5 though.
>poorly written drek like Nier
Is Taro’s story too complex for you user? Are you too dimwitted to understand it? Or are your tastes so acclimated to shit that you thought Nier could be called “drek”?
>best JRPG ever made
>Name 1 JRPG in the past 5 years with a better storyline
moving the goalposts means you admit you were wrong
Shit taste user. I like anime as much as the next guy but the art style of the first Xenoblade was unique and great. The characters weren’t generic anime characters, X’s artstyle is also better than 2’s.
>The characters weren’t generic anime characters
They're even bigger cardboard cutouts than X's cast were. Monolith even said they wanted to make Xenoblade 1's cast likable (especially Shulk) since previous Xeno casts were unlikable so they based them on popular shonen archetypes
OP here, I'm not the other guy you're quoting and my original point still stands.
Ok, so I’m on NG+ bringer of chaos difficulty doing that one quest where the Garfont Mercenaries want you to prove yourself and beat them.
After some Time fighting him, this guy just stands still, evades everything, drains my whole party gage and oneshots the everyone.
I’m always trying to find out what exactly he’s doing but I can never figure out either what it is or how to avoid it.
Can anyone help me?
>xenogears is great
>xenosaga 3 is the only good game in its series
>xenoblade 2 is the only good game in its series
The pattern states that there will never be another good xenoblade, the next good xeno game will have an entirely different suffix, so let's predict the name of the next xeno series
>>xenoblade 2 is the only good game in its series
Why do people make their bait so obvious
Xenofuck you
Oh yeah that shit is fucked. It's that he topples you whenever you attack him as I recall so your best bet is to play as Morag and hold back from attacking whenever he does that while the idiot AI kills themselves. Resume fighting when he's done.
We’re talking about the characters designs aren’t we? The characters of the first game have more appealing designs than those of 2. The artstyle they were drawn in isn’t something I’ve seen outside of that game, and is better than your typical anime artstyle.
To be fair it's not a farfetched idea since the quality of xeno nosedived ever since monolith was bought by nintendo, it's not hard to surpass the previous two xenoblades.
my god, xb2's characters look like shit in comparison. rex especially, that design is laughably bad
>The quality of Xeno nosedived
What are you on about? Xeno wouldn't even be alive right now if it weren't for them honestly. Xenosaga is downright unplayable outside of the 3rd and final title. In general Takahashi has always been overly ambitious, which resulted in his previous works being downright unfinished or messy.
I get that Rex is a diver and all, but that outfit is seriously retarded looking. Even when he gets his Master Driver outfit, he still looks awkward as all hell.
>Good designs
Gears, Saga
>Boring designs
Blade X
>Silly designs
Blade 2
>Bad designs
Blade 1
Some of Saito's designs are pretty good, but Rex's is just offensive to the eyes.
If they ever end up remaking XC1, I really hope they alter Sharla's skillset so she has useful offensive abilities. On top of that, they need to downright rewrite her character arc. It felt so damn pointless.
Next Xeno should unironically have an all girls cast with K-ON's art style. It would sell billions of copies in Japan and would make me happy. XC2's art was a step in the right direction.
>exploration and world building
>video game soundtrack
Better soundtracks include EVERY FF game (including shitty soundtracks like XIV and XII), every KH game, and even bad soundtracks like D44M.
>art direction
Generic anime art.
>compelling story
Generic anime story.
>exciting battle system
It’s boring as fuck, like playing Bop It or an MMO.
nah fuck that
X's music is an acquired taste. You have to watch enough shonen anime to truly appreciate it. That aside, it has the best overworld themes in the series, with not a single one being worse than a 8/10. Damn shame not a single song made it into Smash.
Yeah, no. The amount of females and overall pandering we have is enough as it is.
>responding to your own falseflag
Her character arc was fine, she just needed to be more important to the story. Adding in a couple of scenes for her between Colony 6 and Agniratha would definitely help, since she's easily the least fleshed out of the main cast. Maybe giving Reyn a couple of scenes with her to help build up their relationship would work too, because he's the 2nd least fleshed out of the main cast.
The way XB music has been chosen for Smash is fucking terrible in general. Not just X being left out, but the selection of songs from 1 and 2 isn't great either, and there are no remixes aside from a few short sections of a medley that's mixed in with stuff that was just ripped straight from the game.
>Name a game with better exploration and world building
Xenoblade Chronicles X.
>Boring designs
Surely you jest
>contrived bullshit to make le epic Japanese Humor big titty dance scene happen
At least when Quiet has to shower in front of everyone we know it's for penis-related reasons.
I'll say it. Xenoblade X unironically has more fanservice and pandering than Xenoblade 2
Is Sharla the most forgettable main character in all of Xenoblade? I feel like she is.
At parts, yes. In other parts (Genbu, Temperantia), there is too much open space with nothing to do and scarce as fuck fast travel points, making it a headache to do ANYTHING there. Only Gormott, and about half of Uraya and Mor Ardain, felt balanced like X's continents.
What the actual fuck was even the point of Temperantia. It didn't even matter in the DLC (which seemed obvious, but I guess they just forgot about that).
Mythra is perfect.
Atelier and Neptunia have shit gameplay and yet the moe factor alone makes it sell enough for both to become self-sustaining franchises. Xenoblade sold like shit before it turned moe, an all girls cast is the logical progression.
Alright, since you asked for it.
While I appreciated the Sci-Fi designs present in the game, there were a lot of designs that I found downright jarring. I'm hoping that XCX2 and beyond have a similar style to Xenosaga 3. It was a great mix between realism and anime in art style.
It's been some time since I've played the game, but I believe it was there to showcase the result of the Aegis War for worldbuilding purposes. Outside of Temperantia though, it's a shame you can't properly explore Indol. Major disappointment there.
Xenosaga's 3 artstyle is perfect. Definitely my favorite of the Xeno franchise.
I know this is bait but it's worse than XC in every way except world design. And that's just within its own series.
xeno's been "moe" (stop misusing this word by the way) for a long time
X had probably the best character designs in the series, in the art book. In execution, they didn't work out so well because of Monolith insisting on using the same character creator used for Cross for every other character (except for L and the other Ayy Lmaos). If they don't do that for XCX2, it'd probably be the best looking Xeno game to date.
I dunno, Those Who Stand Against Our Path is easily one of the best songs in Smash. I pretty much only choose Gaur Plains because of it, and when I'm not on Gaur Plains, I'm on Wily Castle, Windy Hill Zone, or Peach's Castle.
It would be cool to have some remixes of X songs in the game. It's the main reason I'm rooting for Elma to get in, even though I figured that she has no chance now that an X port is deconfirmed.
>Sawano is bad at making musi-
The concept art definitely looked appealing. It's a shame that the designs didn't transfer over to their 3D models properly.
I was just about to use this gif.
EXCUSE ME, everyone. I have an announcement to make.
Fuck Xeno, fuck Takahashi, and FUCK RED DRAGON NIGGERS
I just got to Citrine in Xenosaga 3 and this cunt was piss easy until right on her deathbed she used Red Dragon 666 then boosted into Red Dragon Killer which is an instant KO for the entire party.
What the fuck kind of bullshit is that? Did I get unlucky or do you have to be paying attention at the right moment in this fight and cancel her boost between the two attacks? Its fucking bullshit either way.
My dumbass didn't save before it either so now I have to do the epic residential section again too.
Playing XS3 now and I agree, the game looks great. Shame it took Monolith 3 games to really get a stride going for the series.
The climax of that Old Miltia section was pure kino, but this Durandal sequence is pretty bland. When do things get going again?
That's fucking hilarious. We all knew it was true but seeing a mod come out and confirm it just makes it even funnier.
KOS-MOS was beautiful in 3.
how do you know that dude has anything to do with Xenoblade threads?
I had trouble getting into the world of XC2 for some reason. I found the overall world of both XC1, and XCX more appealing to explore for some reason. I enjoyed quite a few of the environments like Tantal, Uraya, and the Lefttherian Archipelago, but the exploration didn't feel as rich. It must have been the field skills or something.
X's character designs have so much potential if they're not held back by the create-a-character. A sequel could very easily perfect them.
Takahashi wants to revive Xenosaga if he can get the proper funding, but honestly I'm not sure it would even work. They'd have to downright remake the games from the ground up. From story, to the overall world itself since Monolith is pretty much known for having expansive areas to explore in their games now.
Meanwhile here's what she looks like in game.
I felt the same way. I loved the world building in XB2, but the actual exploration always left me wanting more. Gormott, Uraya and Torna in the DLC were the only areas that really felt 'complete' to me, and even then there are parts of the first two that felt like they should've been a lot bigger.
XCX Switch port when
muh philosophers soo deeep
woman very butty but game so bleak and serious-uru
game tells u one thing it turns out another thing
I'm only halfway through 3 right now but from what I can tell yeah the games would need more than just a new coat of paint.
They have good ideas but to make them viable today you'd need to pretty much rework the whole series. At that point I'd rather the time just go towards something new.
I haven't wanted a sequel this badly in quite some time. I think a XCX2 could easily improve on all the areas that left a bad taste in people's mouths after playing the original. I imagine there would be
>Skells being properly balanced, on top of having more design variety to choose from
>Character models and the overall art style being renovated properly
>The world being expanded upon (the concept book showed other sectors outside of NLA, like New Tokyo & New Paris after all)
>More story focus (although the game was stated to have more focus on it's world and exploration elements over it's plot)
Probably depends on Nintendo. Takahashi said they want to port it but it'd cost a lot, so they might not think a port would be worth the investment.
Not moving the goalpost at all.
It has the best combat of all JRPGs
It has a soundtrack that could rival anything
Visuals is peak atmosphere and comfort
Storyline is the best I've seen in a JRPG since Persona 4
XC2 is king, simple as that
Steamworld Quest
I don't understand how people come to this conclusion.
I loved the game more than most, but even then I wouldn't talk it up as being some kind of pinnacle of the genre.
peak shit taste
Same. XC2 could have really used another year in development, but oh well. Judging from the concepts in the artbook, a lot of the later Titans were supposed to have more to them. I think another thing that could have contributed to making the areas bigger is the Cloud Sea Level mechanic. That sadly didn't go anywhere except for like, Gormott and a few other locations before dropping off of the face of the Earth.
That's what they seem to be doing. We still have yet to receive news on the new Fantasy ARPG they're supposedly making. Maybe we'll get something during this E3?
diablo immortal
Though literally every Xeno game has had similar issues, its especially painful with XB2 because we got Torna. Even that's not perfect, but it has so many beneficial changes that show just how much better the base game could have been if it wasn't stuck with the year one deadline.
We'll just have to wait and see if Monolith gives the next game enough time in the oven.
mr. shit taste man
I love games with expansive worlds. I'm about to start playing Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen soon.
I hope X2 is one of the games that Monolith is working on
Name a better game released in the past 5 years.
Persona 5 is a joke compared to 3 and 4.
Nier A is angsty trash for pseudo intellectuals who just got out of high school
Octoshit is terrible in every regard
Haven't played DQ11 yet
So what else is there? Yes, XC2 isn't perfect but it's the best JRPG in a LONG time
I enjoyed Torna as well, but it could have honestly lasted longer in development too to spruce things up. I was hoping to see Mor Ardain's Titan before it became an industrial wasteland. Not to mention the base game states that there's another town or city somewhere on it's shoulder or chest. Plus it could have served to give Hugo some more screentime, and development. Gormott returning was really boring.
Judging from their website, I think they're working on two respective titles at once. One is probably the Fantasy title, and other is likely XCX2. It could easily be XC3 as well, but they just created XC2 rather recently so I doubt it.
>Anoter Xenocringe thread
>Name a better game released in the past 5 years
Xenoblade X
Octopath Travelers
All of which are games I've played and vastly prefer to XC2. While I did get more time in XC2 than any of them (other than X), I still think I prefer all of them because the quality was much higher.
Hell, I preordered XC2 because I loved X so much that I wanted everything to do with the next Xenoblade game. Too bad XC2 didn't end up being as good as XCX.
Right, drek. Thank God we have masterpieces like the xeno series where reality is a giant Mecha robot and you go and fight the living monster bionis
It's so deep and symbolic
Like in xcx when the story ends halfway through it symbolizes how good stories stop halfway through because they had no idea what they were doing
>Another cringe comment
>Storyline is the best I've seen in a JRPG since Persona 4
If this isn't baiting I don't know what it is.
But Xenoplebs are notorious for low standards so it might as well be a serious post.
Gormott felt like the most boring option out of all the titans they could've chosen, anywhere else would be better.
They could've at least added in The White Chair as a new city, instead of just having it be a nearly identical copy with one or two landmarks removed.
>responding to your own falseflag bait
They have one of their teams working for Nintendo on the next Zelda game, iirc. X's team worked on Breath of the Wild, which is why BotW was so good.
Oh I wish I were samefagging.
I thought Torna could have used at least 3 Titans instead of two. Oh well..
>Persona 4
>The boring shenanigans of the Scooby Doo Mystery Gang
>The JoJo Part 4 of vidya
>Probably the worst cast in the new generation of Persona games
No thanks.
Name a better one. Just one single JRPG that you think has a better story released in this decade
Monolith is helping make another Zelda game? I didn't hear about that. Then again, Nintendo pretty much owns Monolith, and they even have multiple studios now since XC2 performed well, so eh.
Persona has always been shit. Too little gameplay for the amount of dialogue, Persona should've been a VN series since day one.
You realize your committing fucking suicide by posting this right. You should know by now that a lot of people on Yea Forums fucking HATE Xenoblade.
Yeah, Monolith put up a hiring page for people to specifically work on Zelda stuff.
You have got to be joking.
>Probably the worst cast in the new generation of Persona games
Is this peak retardation? You do know Hashino was completely out of ideas for 5 so much that he had to copy 4 at every turn even where it did not fit? You do realize Persona 4 is the first Persona game where every gameplay mechanics fits with the storyline perfectly? I can't believe you would out yourself like a retard like that.
And please, as always, name a single game that you think has a better story
>Persona has always been shit.
No, it's only been shit since 5 where the writing is catastrophically poor.
Yeah, it's good for the fans of Zelda, since Monolith is really good at worldbuilding, but even as a fan of both Zelda and Xenoblade, I'm kinda disappointed that they're not going full throttle in their own IPs.
>Yeah, Monolith put up a hiring page for people to specifically work on Zelda stuff.
Imagine joining Monolith to work on Zelda to realize your childhood's dream and ending up working on webm related.
People working at Monolith are probably a lot more likely to end up working on other Nintendo stuff than Xenoblade, honestly. They help out with a LOT of games.
Haven't played DQ11
>bad storyline
>ugly as fuck
>action combat, barely even a JRPG
Xenoblade X
>better world and exploration
>terrible story
>worse combat
>soundtrack not even close
>no words needed really
Falcom has never made a good game, they are all low budget shovelware.
>Name a better one.
As if you've played enough JRPGs to know what I would talk about, not like story is important in videoGAMES either.
Either way, either Scarlet Grace or Alliance Alive have better stories, casts and more interesting worlds, let alone other games like Soul Sacrifice or Bloodborne, and if you really want moviegames there's also Underwater Ray Romano.
Of course, I don't doubt you're going to deny that. so whatever, just pointing out how low your standards are, and this is just talking about the most insignificant part of a game.
>masterpieces like the xeno series where reality is a giant Mecha robot and you go and fight the living monster bionis
>Like in xcx when the story ends halfway through
You just outed yourself as a lying nigger who hasn't even played XC2. And at least Xeno shit doesn't pretend it's something profound and fails miserably like Nier. Go sulk in a corner
The Monolith teams that work on Zelda end up doing world and map design. You can see Monolith's signature flair all over the place in Breath of the Wild
>Alliance Alive
Fuck, I loved that game, too bad it sold like shit and was forgotten. That was the first time I saw someone mentioning the game in a long while.
>Combat is legitimately the best ever in a JRPG
Not even close
I'm actually sad that Breath of the Wild has more platforming segments than XC2. I hope they add more of that in the next Monolith games.
>Terrible story
It's got a mediocre plot, but the overall story is the best in the Xenoblade franchise, especially including the world building, character building, and side quests. Hope's questline alone is better than all of the sidequests in 1 and 2 put together.
>Worse combat
XC2 had the worst combat in the series, and X had the best.
>Soundtrack not even close
Eh, I think 2 had an overall better soundtrack, but I much prefer X's overworld themes. Oblivia Day is better than Mor Ardain Day. Sylvalum Night beats Tantal Night. Noctilum beats Uraya and Leftheria, and only Gormott reigns supreme over an equivalent track in X, that being Primordia.
>Scarlet Grace or Alliance Alive
>Soul Sacrifice or Bloodborne
Not EVEN JRPGS YOU FUCKING MONGREL. You don't even know which genre we're talking about. Jesus fucking christ the nigger just said Bloodborne ROFL
And no, Soul Sacrifice, while I liked the atmosphere and narration, isn't as good as XC2.
>not like story is important in videoGAMES either.
Never reply to me ever again you absolute fucking retard and stay away from JRPG threads. You do not know the definition nor could you ever appreciate the genre. Kill yourself and play your cringe shite
I'm still mad at Square for removing the platforming segments from Kingdom Hearts, they were pretty fun in KH1. More RPGs should have those.
Does anyone know more RPGs with platforming segments? Other than the ones mentioned I only know Threads of Fate/Dewprism.
Nah, it sold well enough and was a success for such a small studio, the fact that it's also getting a HD rerelease for consoles and PC is also great.
Like clockwork.
>Combat is legitimately the best ever in a JRPG.
Is it LITERALLY the only JRPG you've ever played? The combat feels really bad, nothing feels impactful, everything does similar damage, plus like 20% for being in a certain position or order.
Dragons Dogma is not a JRPG nigger tard
To be fair, like 80 people from Monolith (the X team and a good chunk of the rest of the staff) worked on BotW, while only 40-something worked on XC2.
I haven't played KH3, but there wasn't any good platforming in that game? I could have sworn I heard people saying the expansive worlds allowed for more platforming and exploration. Shame.
That's quite a lot of people. I'm surprised that they allowed so much of their team to be outsourced for an entirely different project instead of XC2.
>XC2 had the worst combat in the series, and X had the best.
This is objectively retarded and you know it. XC2 is simply adding layers on XC1 which could be mastered in less than 10 hours
>but the overall story is the best in the Xenoblade franchise
Sure, the sidequests are better, worldbuilding close to it. But overall, counting the music, characters, plot, atmosphere and fiction XC2 is the best
>The combat feels really bad, nothing feels impactful
First of all, with your taste I wager most people would have killed themselves by now.
Secondly, what you described proves that you're a retard who hasn't even played the game for more than 10 hours
What do you expect from a delusional Xenopleb?
dialogue is only cringe if you play it dubbed
>what you described proves that you're a retard who hasn't even played the game for more than 10 hours
Big words coming from someone who talks about games he never played, let alone doesn't even know what's a JRPG.
To give a fair analysis, I'd say the combat between titles ranks
>Torna > XC2 > XCX > XC1
The combat in XC1 was just not fun at all. It actually boiled down to nothing more than Break, Topple, and Chain Attack spam. Even worse is how a lot of late game enemies have Topple Spikes and can royally fuck you over.
I had plenty of fun with XB1's combat at the time it came out, but going back to it now after playing X and 2 is definitely rough.
Nah, I bailed on the whole franchise when they launched and sold a half baked mmo that ends halfway through where it should as a full priced game. Anyone dumb enough to buy more shit from the people who think I need to grind sixty four rare parts from a rare monster for a single damage augment for my skell can suck my dick. They are aggressively wasting your time.
>Unironically the best JRPG ever made
nah literall dragons dogma, any souls game,fft, tactics ogre, paper mario TTYD , kh2fm, odin sphere and many other shit on the boring XC2 combat
Ogre 64>tactics ogre imo
No, you're objectively retarded. 2 had the most dumbed down combat system of the 3, and it was extremely boring and linear. Combat revolved around stacking orbs and popping them in chain attacks, that was it, and it was too goddamned effective. Meanwhile your base arts and auto attacks were only effective at killing smaller enemies and did pitiful damage to bosses, and yet, you can still easily hit 1 million damage in a single chain attack, utterly obliterating any boss. The seals are fucking useless outside of maybe 5 fights in the game, including the challenge fights in the Nopon Realm.
Meanwhile X's combat was extremely multi-faceted. There were tons of viable options of doing damage, instead of just spamming arts until a gauge fills. The arts, for one, had actual variety in their function and form, instead of just form. Well over 70% of arts in 2 are a variation of the same art (hit enemy to deal X amount of damage and one of the following effects: deal damage in a line behind the target, deal damage in a circle around you, deal more damage to fish, deal more damage to bugs, deal more damage to machines). Outside of that, you had a handful of samey healing arts, ranged variations of the same arts, and Tora, the only interesting character to play in the entire game thanks to Poppi.
X had:
>Secondary cooldowns
>Moving and attacking at the same time
>Battle elevation
>Appendage damage
And that's not even getting into things like skell combat, overdrives, and so on. X also had far better RPG mechanics, with an actual passive skill list that drastically changed how your character played instead of a shitty affinity chart/skill tree hybrid.
Fail? How did Nier fail, it’s the best game on ps4?
Exactly. It had so many damn mechanics that it made the combat a chore to go through. Most people didn't give a single fuck about any of the things you just mentioned, and simply find the combat "fun" because you can pilot giant mechs and do big damage. Get your head out of your ass Xfag. Nobody is reading your giant essay.
That's exactly why 2 sucked. It was dumbed down because of a "we want the Call of Duty audience" mentality.
XCX = Bio Shock
XC2 = Bioshock Infinite
Bringer of Chaos is too fucking hard. Like, I get the game needed a hard mode but I'm stuck in chapter 3 fighting Vandham because everything in the area is 19+ but gives little XP while my party is stuck at 18. So I'm getting very bored because it's an automatic loss because I'm 2 levels below the boss
So good combat is stand there and mash attack like it's final fantasy 5?
>XCX = Bio Shock
>XC2 = Bioshock Infinite
Then both games suck?
>Battle System
Many JRPGs learnt, after the 2000s, that you can't just expect the bread-and-butter formula pioneered by FFVI and Chrono Trigger during the 90s and expect success. You need a central gimmick.
For instance, FFVIII is an card game disguised as a JRPG. FFXII is a programming game disguised as a JRPG. Kingdom Hearts and Star Ocean secretly really want to be action games. Ni no Kuni wished so hard at becoming a Studio Ghibli film that its wish finally came true and they're ripping the anime bits and releasing it theatrically.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 on the other hand wishes nothing more than to become a Gacha game in disguise, with way too many point systems and a combat system you could fit easily onto a mobile phone format.
Do quests and sleep at an inn to get the bonus xp, user.
I disagree, Chronicles’ combat is still fun. I think the best approach to combat in later games would be to combine elements and of both X’s and 2’s.
I guess if that's how you feel. I kinda liked Bioshock. Then again, I also liked the new Prey game Bethesda released.
Don’t use crappy games for your comparisons.
I'm ashamed that I didn't think of that. I'll try doing that. At least I'll get decent items and stuff too
I was gifted XB2 by my big brother who's fond of JRPGs but hadn't tried this one yet, telling me to give him my impressions once i'm done
Didn't make it very far, it was just too slow for me. I don't expect JRPGs to be the pinnacle of gameplay or speed but jesus this game moves as slow as molasses. It was unbearable.
Yeah this game, like FFXII, really benefits from a Speed Up button.
I want X2 to follow the Paris ark just to hear Sawano try his hand at French rap.
Monolith has been helping with every mainline Zelda game (even ALBW) since Squidward Sword.
IIRC they also help on Splatoon and Smash.
3/5 you couldn’t become edgelord and defect to Ganglion’s side.
How did you guys feel about 2's villains?
Jin was pretty good and Torna DLC helped expand his backstory.
Malos did nothing wrong. In fact He should had been players main character insted of beta Rex. Pyra/Mythra is true villain.
can this game be easily emulated on the PC? Also anyone know of any games like FF12 or this game... ?
>god awful combat system
it really wasn't worth writing home about up until near end-game, then it practically turns into rhythmic fun time. Having a maxed-affinity Mythra and giving a near-maxed out Shulk to another driver can give you literal god-like evasion. I had way too much of a good time stomping shit out while not having the team's health take a dent. Really felt like I was a driver of the Aegis and Monado boi.
Kind of bland, to be honest. Especially in the main game. They feel like watered down versions of older Xeno villains.
>I haven't played KH3, but there wasn't any good platforming in that game?
the only platforming I can recall was in Frozen
I haven't even tapped into the Torna DLC and I already felt the villains mostly redeemed themselves at the end.
I already have a feeling that if I play Torna DLC, Miks and Jins deaths will probably fuck me up more.
Malos was hammy and badass all at once. Amalthus was a tragic man who’s suffering lead to him becoming the cliched evil priest.
Honestly, outside of the sidequests baddies the villains are pretty good.
Octopath Traveler
Dragon Quest XI
Persona 5 (ugh, barely)
Nier Automata
Xenoblade 2 is fun and I like it, but the story is dogshit.
well yeah, Malos and Torna gang are pretty much the shulk squad of the XC2 dimension and the main party is like lady meyneth-equivalent.
Didn't much care for them until NG+ with the rest of Torna on my side and Torna proper. Doesn't help that ALL of their backstories, character development and arcs are crammed in the last three chapters of the game. Can't blame anyone who just played the base game once and nothing else for disliking them. Patroka in particular was fucking unbearable in NG but as a Blade she's great, don't know what happened between game launch and NG+ launch but her VA improved tenfold. Jin going literal lightspeed + particle manipulation + Absolute Zero was dumb as fuck and really unneeded, they should have kept his powers either more vague ("He can move faster than I can react to Mythra's Foresights!" "With my power, I can freeze you where you stand, never to move again!", etc) or just less ridiculous if you really want to spell them out (which, really, why would you? We can see Jin moves very fast and freezes things just fine without going into shonen powerlevel narration).
Hows the actual gameplay tho? I dont give a fuck about nothin else if the gameplay is garbage
Do you like playing wow with 45 UI mods?
Literally one of those games where combat doesn't get good till 20 hours in. Until you get to Chapter 4 where you can finally have 3 blades and start cancelling, the combat is rather boring.
I personally don't like having to stand still to autoattack either, I liked being about to move in 1 and X more.
Probably the worst in the Xenoblade series, but still alright. Combat is dumbed down so anyone can pick it up, but it still plays perfectly fine.
The series follows the same quality trajectory as Smash Bros, with XB1 being Smash 64, XBX being Melee, and XB2 being Brawl.
For combat, it starts off limited and quite slow-paced, but the combat has enough depth if you utilize it right, especially towards the end of the game. I could easily see someone who didn't put in enough time to understand the combat call it boring. The game doesn't give 100% clear directions that your average consumer would grasp initially.
I didn't expect to like any of them AT ALL, but by the end I liked them a ton, especially Malos. If the villains hadn't been so good I don't think I would've liked the story nearly as much as I did.
Nia should've been the MC and had a yuri relationship with Pyro/Mythra. The game would've been so much better.
ITT: shitposting.
It's slow to develop as the game dripfeeds you tutorials and keeps core mechanics locked until it tutorializes them, but once everything is unlocked at the start of Chapter 4 it's a blast.
The game focuses on building combos over layers of other combos to multiply damage outputs, all done by properly timing when you execute which type of attack. You've got three tiers of attacks: Auto-attacks, Arts, Specials. Auto-attacks charge up your Arts, Arts charge up your Specials (and charges them faster if you cancel an auto-attack's recovery animation), Specials initiate Blade Combos, finishing a Blade Combo seals an enemy attack with an Elemental Orb (which also improves the enemy's elemental resistance) and you use Chain Attacks (which require a full Party Gauge built by successfully executing Arts and Specials) to burst Elemental Orbs for massive damage.
Your Arts also allow you to execute Blade Combos, a series of enemy-destabilizing moves that goes from Stagger (no special effect) to Topple (enemy can't move, defend or attack) to Launch (same as Topple + enemy's resistances and defences are lowered) and finally Smash (deals massive damage, triggers the enemy to drop items, ends the Driver Combo). Initiating a Driver Combo in the middle of a Blade Combo triggers a damage-multiplying Fusion Combo that also extends the time alloted to perform and finish the Blade Combo.
He definitely did something wrong.
Still wish he hadn't died, though.