>about to play some vidya
>grab the games disk
>finger accidentally touches back of disk
About to play some vidya
Only real 90s kids will understand
>about to play with my willy
>grab willy
>finger accidentally goes up my bumhole
oh I never seen this one before
look at the last 4 numbers of your post
now look at the resolution of that image
I guess magic really dose exist, eh dolan?
fist get
>game disc is dusty as fuck
>use paper towel to rub it away
>suddenly milions of scratches
The pits on the disc aren't in the bottom face of the disc.
If it's a CD ROM then the pits are stamped into the top of the disc, that's covered with a metal film and label. If it's a DVD it's in the middle. It shouldn't affect the disc if you touch it.
Well it could be worse
Rolly polly
>grab game manual
>it's made out of some material that shows your fingerprints
>fucking fingerprints everywhere
c'mon 80
>hobo is 09 and 46
>the coming generations will never know the power of blowing into a cartridge
Why is hobo on there twice?
checkum wizard
The meme was made in san francisco
So 2 hobos for every (100 - 9 dubs) people
please give me pinball
eh close enough and pizza is fine too
Fuck it why not
Time to cut fingers, I guess
What WILL I git
happens to the best of us, user
Gib wiz