There's a sale on today, Yea Forums. Should I get it?
Warhammer: Vermintide 2
The basic gameplay is L4D. You run from point A to Point B, killing swarms of enemies and bosses with 3 other people.
However, I think it's a lot better in some ways. First off, there's leveling and loot. There are also classes that allow for different playstyles. The combat goes quite a bit deeper than L4D ever did. And I think the map design is significantly more interesting. Maybe I just prefer the setting but I also feel like these locations feel real, where as L4D felt like Gmod maps half the time. I have to say, I haven't played enough to know if the game goes to shit over time. I don't see why it would but I've had a lot of fun so far regardless.
Sure user. You do have friends to play with right?
Kinda related to your thread (and also because I can't create my own threads due to IP range bans): how to get into Warhammer stuff if you don't want to play with tin soldiers? Books, films, videogames?
It's shit, so no.
Looked fun on videos and stuff, it actually gets really really fucking boring fast.
it feels much better than L4d, but i honestly cant recommend it because the devs are incompetent fucks that ruined what could have been a massive hit by being lazy, terrible coders and with a touch of jews behind them.
If you don't care about giving money to people who don't deserve it then the game is fine, but after you reach the max difficulty when the game starts getting fun you will realize the whole game is just a massive waste of potential
Yes but don’t get the DLCs. Maybe Back to Ubersreik but not Bogenhafen. You can play the maps if someone else has them. Consider B2U only if you want the new weapons. There’s also a new expansion coming in the “summer” which in Swede time is Christmas
40k or fantasy?
The current base price is like 28 bucks. That would make it 4 bucks per hour. Seems like a recommendation for 7 hours of fun.
No. Don't give these filthy swedes any money.
vidya: play DoW 1
books: read Horus Heresy
dawn of war and dow2 are good starter vidya that will give you the basics without much detail, then just readabout terms you don't know that are used in the games in either the lexicanum (oficial wiki) or the 1d4chan wiki (for a more short answer mixed with memes and metashit)
that should give you enough knowledge without much effort, if you want more you can go for the novels, there are plenty good ones that will give you a lot of information and lore, but well you are going to have to read, and probably have a wiki at hand to learn some terms specific to the universe (most of them are fairly obvious but some are pretty specific to shit that happened)
Depends. Are the Swedes competent enough to release versatile modding tools that will allow map and game-mode making like L4D? And if they are will the Fuhrer at GW even allow them or are they too autistic to not want any non canon shit in their dead setting?
or if you just want to dive deep into the shitmire and try to make out things for yourself just go to
read that and just go to any link that you find interesting and start learning there, the catch is that you are going to have to learn to differentiate actual information between shitty memes, bad formatting and the sea of shit that is contradicting opinions and peoples bias, in other words just like being on Yea Forums but with more w40k related content and less marketers
>638 hours of entertainment for a cheap price and still complaining
how do we fix the gamer problem?
He’s obviously joking, but that doesn’t mean FatShark is exempt from criticism. They’ve pulled a lot of shit with this game. They’re also just generally incompetent, with most of the bugs from V1 reappearing in V2 at launch plus a plethora of new ones. It’s disappointing because the core gameplay is solid and if they were better with updates and features and feedback this could have been a much more popular game
I don't know. I got bored pretty quick at launch and never went back. Probably had about 30-something hours played but have hundreds on both the Left 4 Dead games. It's just a cheap ripoff of those. Better than Vermintide 1, but that isn't saying much. If the playerbase is still large, maybe.
one of the biggest flaws of the game is that it only really gets fun after you reach legend and start dong deeds/twich mode there or some added difficulty mod, the other difficulties are a snooze fest and having to grind to be able to get to legend feels like shit
I have more than 100 hours, but that's because i played with friends. If you like L4D, and swords/shields combat, it's fun.
This. It could have been so good. They had everything, but pissed it away with lies, content drought, bad DLC and retarded patches.
I found that heroic was harder than legend, since It was stuffed full of fucking idiots.
They should have gone with the VT1 difficulty tiers. Hard was the retard filter, Nightmare was a comfy balance for when you wanted a meme build and Cata was a nice challenge.
Is the game any good with bots? I wouldn't want to play multiplayer.
he don't feel so good
The bots are better than human players in most cases
Cata is coming in WoM, at least. I didn't play 1 enough to know what it was like.
after the shitfest that was the beta and how they didn't fix shit for release even though everybody told them what was wrong and all the unfixed bugs and the wasted potential, i didn't buy any of the dlc's and i probably won't be buying the expansion
and considering the already low number of players on legend, having people divided between the base game and the expansion is most likely going to finally kill the game
Wait, they're making it a flat out expansion?
My God they're retarded. The only reason people ever played those shitty DLC maps was because they knew only one paypig had to have it.
the last DLC already forbid you to play it on quickplay, and its very likely the expansion will be full you cant play if you dont pay
No DLC since all of VT1 and VT2 have required anyone but the host to have it. Now they just gate the items, rewards and achievements for those who haven't bought it. It's unknown if they will split the community but history says no.
I'm waiting for the GOTY version
You know what's scarry? There is 2 AOS games on steam atm.
It's kind of a bad time to buy the game unless you have friends. Most of the community knows the maps like the back of their hands so you wont get the experience of taking your time and exploring the maps. Also Fat Shark are retarded programs and jews when it comes to their DLC release. 20 dollars for 2 maps? Fuck off. That said the community is miles better than L4D, it's has the best first person melee in any game, and the aesthetics of the Warhammer work are fucking kino
VT1 had a bug up until Karak Azgharaz which let people without the DLC play it without even being in a party beforehand.
The fact those two DLCs were amazing actually boosted sales when people realised.
Memories of Doube Axe and pick or Quad Axe slayer almost makes me want to pick it up again.
No doubt they've managed to fuck up both by now.
Dual axe got its push-attack nerfed. Lights were buffed. That's it. Still top tier choice for damage and mobility.
Its a fun game
For one day
>all of these webms
>not a single one makes the game seem appealing
You shills need to step up your game
>still no dedis
those jews named games workshop can fuck right off
>buying anything from Fatshark
I've never even considered recording just normal stuff. It's a little like golf, it's not that interesting to watch from 1 player's perspective but playing yourself is pretty fun.
>buying games on steam
look at this zoomer faggot
>er the shitfest that was the beta and how they didn't fix shit for release even though everybody told them what was wrong and all the unfixed bugs and the wasted potential
The reason why you shouldnt buy VT2, not because its bad, but because Fatshark is incompetent as a developer.
Holy fuck, their community management is pants on head retarded, they released patch infos on reddit and didnt give a shit to announce the stuff on THEIR OFFICIAL FORUM.
THE OFFICIAL FORUM to their own game, thats how incompetent they are.
Not to mention all the bugs that are still ingame since beta people have reported numerous times, which, again, they just dont acknowledge.
It's fun with friends
>Should I get it?
Depends, do you like speed running?
It's okay if you have friends
don't expect to get more from it than L4D though.
the thing is that the first DLC they gated the items and achievements, but you could still quickplay into it, the second dlc they gated the maps and you couldn't quickplay into them, and considering how much of a fuckup the devs are it wouldn't surprise me if the next one is entirely locked
Anyone know how much did it cost to make?
You say that like it's even an issue. Quickplay is atrocious and the chance for extra loot is NEVER worth it.
>QP puts you in whatever server and loves to EXTEND SEARCH DISTANCE so you get non-optimal ping
>Randomizes the map so you can end up on the same one 3+ times in a row
>Reduces the amount of servers you are actually able to connect to despite there being more with slots open
Getting a 1/1X chance to play a DLC map is so atrocious you're better off just asking to play them from a random host.
t. 9 hours
The problem is that you can't join a dlc map directly, you need to join an already existing map, finish it, hope it doesn't disband and that not everybody is a retard and then beg the host to start a dlc map
its a retarded system, i rather have quickplay than it or even better it would be great if you could just choose them like any other map, i don't care about the new weapons even though some of them are stupidly OP, the game is easy enough anyway, and i give even less of a shit about the achievements/skins, but having to go through that all that shit just to play the maps or otherwise just play with the same 10 people always because half the players are on dlc maps is total garbage
lol yeah just put vermintide on the epic store that's the new hotness xD
This is why I want L4D3 so that we can get characters with different talents, skills, to level and get loot. Too bad it will never happen.
You can also join in the keep, or host yourself and tell those that join to start the DLC if they have it.
What are we even comparing to here? I can't think of any pay-to-play game that is this generous with map DLC right now. Even if there are exceptions the rule of thumb is gating all of it from those who haven't paid.
I had my fun with Shade and BH saltz, shame they nerfed Zealot at release.
I dont know why but so many design choices where so questionable, starting from the broken AI director EVERY second patch to DC bugs ruining every third run ... I dont even know how the game is going nowadays.
And oh my god, what a shit community, they seriously complained about Drakefire pistols and flamethrower, they complained about Shade being shit because they couldnt use daggers / glaive and tried to be Bardin 2.0 with her to complaining that Shade is OP after using daggers / glaives, they complained about Kruger and Waystalker ult - in a PVE game holy fuck.
>bug on release prevents the bomb miss banter, which is easily the best in the game
>it takes months and multiple patches before they fix it
>then they break it again the very next patch
how the fuck do they even tie their shoelaces?
the problem is that for a game with an already dying playerbase because of all the retarded shit they already did, dividing the playerbase more is idiotic, you are just asking for the game to die
Nah, the more I play it the more I dislike it. It's funa t first and then you notice all the flaws and it becomes boring.
>make fun gameplay loop
>make satisfying first person melee combat with some depth
>incredible voice acting
>great atmosphere
>shitty loot system
>Fatshark are some of the most incompetent devs in the industry
It's just so sad. Vermintide will absolutely never reach its potential as a game under Fatshark. They cannot even patch the game without reintroducing old bugs that then again have to be patched out. They're fucking insane.
>I can't think of any pay-to-play game that is this generous with map DLC right now
Payday 2, which lets you directly jump into any lobby hosting a dlc map you don't own.
That's what you get for having several dev builds that don't integrate the same bug fixes into each one. Thus end up with a later build going live with the old bugs coming back again.
yes, and revive our /vg/ threads while we're at it, the only one (almost) devoid of waifufaggotry and namefags
>potentially useful QoL mods crippled by the mod sanction system, where the devs take forever to whitelist new mods
It's been 5 months since the last "wave", and it'll probably take at least another 1-2+ months before they decide to start whitelisting mods
>(almost) devoid of waifufaggotry
I hardly believe, considering all the r34 for elf - and we all know WHO commits those.
What if...
What if we're the bad guys?
Payday 2 does a lot of things better than Fatshark. Regardless Fatshark does operate on a relatively high level of generosity when compared to the majority. It sucks they dial it back a bit but still.
What do you mean? He was coming right for me.
They desperately needed to do a rework patch
>start of VT2
>drastically reduce ammo counts from VT1, but with the bonus of having extra penetration and enhanced scavenger methods
>this gets ruthlessly exploited by Ranged builds, to the point of making the game trivial if even one person had it and wasn't a complete retard, and an absolute faceroll with multiple
>after months of fostering a community used to having it as a crutch, nerf it while buffing melee massively
>now you have a group of absolute shitters who refuse to move to heroic, and the people who preferred melee now facerolling the game even harder than before
Would it really have been so hard to just reinstate the VT1 ranged system? It worked just fine
Considering the game sold very very well, the game has below-average amounts of smut
And 80% of the acceptable lewds are drawn by that one guy with white characters and black backgrounds + the based russkie who draws 40k and whf porn
Having friends
>Lmao fuck off normalfag
I will never be able to cope with the decision of Saltz dual pistols having shitall for ammo, and at the same time, crossbow is extremely overpowered on him. As BH. As if anyone plays anything else.
I prefer Witchhunter more because of the attire, but come on, even with the buffs I would rather have a ranged madman onehitting elites.
>essentially perfect your loot and crafting system in the first game after years of work
>carry absolutely none of it over to the sequel
Bardin's throwing axes look cool at least
I never see anything but BoP nowadays. The old spam fire was fun but ultimately a horde clear meme unless you sat on an ammobox. Current bop oneshots all the trash in the body, oneshots storms in the head and does massive monster damage if unloading on weakpoint. It's better balanced if not perhaps a little too good since it has it all. Lots of dodge, high rate of fire, high damage, decent ammo and benefits a lot from crit chance boosts.
What stats and talents do you use with BoP?
Get it cheaper at HumbleBundle user
Whatever breakpoints I need at the time. When I had to carry about a 100 different crappy Legend randoms to win Fortunes of War I had 20% Skaven and 20% Monster to one-shot packmasters in the body because 9/10 games ended with everyone getting hooked.
Depends on your class entirely. But they are just good on a base line. Every Saltz class can do very well with BoP.
no fuck fatshart
I still can't figure out what triggers this. I mostly get it in areas with a bit of water you run around in.
No, get Deep Rock Galactic instead. Vermintide likes to waste your time and it has an unironic loot treadmill in it, fucking ridiculous. I'd tell you more about Deep Rock Galactic but honestly if you're looking for more L4D-style games then it's pretty much the only one on the market worth a shit that isn't L4D1/2.
Game's full of bugs and was kinda dead atm, but its the only game I've put over 1000 hours into in 5-10 years. The game play loop is really good when you get used to dodge combat.
It's one of the best coop games out there right now. If you got friends, bring them along for hours of memeworthy fun.
The game is also addictive too. Leveling to max and getting 300 power level items never felt grindy to me because the melee combat is so meaty and once you find your character it gets even better.
I think if I had objective issues with it is that there is less map content then LFD2. Still way more than Vermintide 1 and with the coming expansion you're going to get another enemy faction, which I have high hopes for since Skaven and Chaos are differentiated very well and in a lot of maps appear together to keep things lively.
No, it has a fraction of the content of the original game. It's basically in eternal early release.
>forgot the grim brb
Explain please
What the fuck, nigger.
Quality swedish work
>when 500 slaves occupy one square meter of space and hit you all at once
Man, even Payday 2 is smaller, even after all the dlc
2H or flail on Zealot?
Axe & falchion.
...Thought if you don't use that then probably the 2h sword.
Axe and Falchion. 2H has a really low cleave limit and sucks against anything remotely armored. And Flail has been a joke ever since they "Fixed" the game's damage values.
I miss when you could be an absolute madman with the flail’s push attack and standard combo
>2h sword
>low cleave limit
Push is still pretty good. I don't usually play Saltz but I recently did 13/13 legend on Zealot, I dont own the dlc so I went for flail. With your stacks up and 5% AS you can constantly CC what's in front of you including maulers/SV with heavy strikes
>unironically recommending 1d4chan
for fucking shame
if you seriously want to get into the lore, check out lexicanum, and/or download a couple pdfs of the codices off of the drive on /tg/'s /40kg/, then get to reading.
and by push I meant flail
I 100% completed the achievements for this game, decent fun if you have friends to play with, but gets boring after 20 hours. The gameplay is like L4D, but with a lot of grinding for leveling each character and class and getting gear.
i know you have autism, but that does not mean everybody else does, if you ignore the memes and the shitposting 1d4chan does an ok job of introducing you to all the shit you need to start reading, asking somebody to go read the fucking lexicanum wall of text where half of it is irrelevant shit and it takes ages to get to the fucking point is retarded, and whats worse you are as much of an autist to recomend people to read the fucking codex
1d4chan might be a shitshow but at least diving into that pile of shit is less retarded than what you suggested
>Push ONCE
>500 slaves are rendered useless
People need to realize the power of pushes against trash.
holy shit thats my fucking webm
I've played so long I get mad if people DONT trigger patrols anymore.
I like the game but the updates are barebones, the optimization is garbage and needs more content
Is there any real reason it wasn't DLC/an expansion to the first?
I love the game, been doing challenges on legendary and having a blast. I honestly didn't know so many people hated it here. Aside from the wonky state that was launch it seems stable now. I haven't run into falling through the map or invisible bosses at all. Having the cosmetics be tied to achievements is nice too.
>not being able to deal with patrols in a matter of seconds
yeah you guys suck.
Autism is a prerequisite to properly enjoying 40k
But in all seriousness, as just a basic intro 1d4chan works, but I've met too many memey fucks who spout retarded, out of date shit because they started from there.
The very basic intro on 1d4chan is fine as a hook, but you really ought to read from a more dense source, such as a codex or lexicanum for a more detailed and refined understanding of the lore after getting that basic feeling for the setting.
Yeah I know, its fucking dumb as hell. You stop doing damage after like 2 enemies hit and can only push.
I miss when I could use use the flail and feel awesome. Nothing is as fun as SWINGING THE CHAIN.
and thats why you recommend either starting with 1d4chan or the dow series, starting with anything else will most likely lead to getting too much shit at once and just abandoning it, memey fucks are always going to exist and it doesn't matter where they start they will eventually become that no matter the source, 1d4chan has little to do with their existence, its just a place they congregate, once you get the initial feeling retards are going to hang around 1d4chan or w40k threads spreading bullshit and non retards will flock to books and the lexicanum, where you start doesn't make much difference
>2H Sword
>Low cleave limit, sucked against anything armored
Push attack deals with armor well with headshots and 2H Sword is one of the best weapons in the game for mixed hordes
1h axe o dual axe fachion
>hammer and shield IB
:( that's exactly what i don't want - i like that all the survivors are the same with no perks or unlocks or anything. sounds like a balance nightmare and getting shafted with a character that has worse perks wouldn't go over well. it's like CS, just the player, the weapons and learning to play is the grind
>Trying out Zealot online now that I have temp heal for champion/legend
>Everyone dies while I was at 1 hp refusing to die with temp heal
>save the run
I was expecting Zealot to be fun but not this much.
By the way is worth doing legend without all grimories and shit for reds? also is the only way to get the cosmectic stuff from the first dlc through weekly objectives? because that will take quiet the fucking time.