Capcom currently working on numerous titles using the RE Engine

>Q: Tell me what titles currently in your pipeline are being developed with the RE ENGINE.
>A: While we are unable to comment on the specific number of titles or release windows, there are numerous titles currently being developed internally with the RE ENGINE.

What games are they lads?

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Other urls found in this thread:

RE3 Remake for sure

Dino Crisis Remake



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Megaman legends remake

Vergil DLC

Just happy to know that they've found their new MT Framework.

It won’t be any of the following and it hurts:

>Viewtiful Joe 2
>God Hand 2
>Dino Crisis
>Okami 2
>Onimusha 5
>Playable Vergil DLC

Good, RE engine is really fucking nice
They should start selling it like Unreal


this is probably whats in development

this I want more

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I've yet to play any RE Engine games, would it work well with DD?

More shitty games that will be shilled on this board. Fantastic. I can't wait.

Isn't Itsuno working on DD2 since he's done with DMC5?

please capcom
godhand 2

This many fucking replies in and no one says Dragon's Dogma 2? Get these fucking normie ass remake begging shitters out

>What games are they lads?
no switch games

don't hit the door on your way out

Dragon's Dogma 2
Remake 3
RE 8

Possibly some sort of new fighting game, but doubtful.

Do we even have any idea how well the engine would handle an open world game like DD?

port those mods

It's been mentioned 3 times before your post, you fucking mongoloid

I guess this means no switch releases..
This very much.

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Street Fighter 6 on the RE engine. Because they think graphics will bring in the casuals.

Wow so capcom a video game company are currently working on a few games in the only engine they use now

Fucking amazing

You people are fucking brain dead maggots

It's a very well-optimized engine and DMC5 has been the most well-optimized game made on the engine. So those are good signs.

Stfu you fucking nigger sister fucker


>Capcom's back, makes worthy sequels and remakes to belove classics

>Jumps on the hyper realistic wagon which completely slaughters the sexy factor of their past games.So their amazingly talented artists might has well be drawing porn now

Monkey paw right there. Capcom games looking like something out of a Ubisoft game or a fucking Wolfenstein is fucking weird.

That said, they better remake Dino fucking Crisis.

Imagine Street Fighter VI with RE Engine bodies


Attached: RE-Engine.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

The possibility of RE Engine not having the technical requirements to do something like open world is almost null

Frankly, the concept of open world games isn't something new and is not that much different from linear map design (at least in a technological way) since you're always just streaming and showing certain parts of the map
It'd be a different story if they were to calculate everything at the same time, for example what MH:W does in its maps or games like ArmA do.
However, it'd be really stupid if the RE Engine can't handle basic open world maps (e.g. with streaming) even though all modern and even last-gen engines could, except for maybe vanilla Unreal 3.


i wanna see how the re engine works with a cartoony cell shaded style with a new MvC game

How easy/hard would it be to transfer assets like skeletons from MT Frameworks to RE Engine?

Given how much MHW sold, they're certainly on the Monster Hunter train (Iceborne aside). MT Frameworks runs like shit while RE Engine is fucking voodoo magic, so it would be a nice way to future-proof the series.

>MT Frameworks runs like shit

Literally the only time anyone ever said that. There's no Capcom engine that runs badly, chump.

>MT Frameworks runs like shit
What the fuck are you talking about?
I remember when games like RE5 were new and everyone talked about how extremely well optimized they were

It will most likely only be games that can be made with a photorealistic artstyle. A big selling point of the RE engine is photogrammetry. Which allows for faster asset creation and a streamlined pipeline.

Man I wonder what Dragon's Dogma would be like in the RE engine.

Well, that means no Darkstalkers, then.

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How does MT Frameworks run like shit? DMC4 came out in 2008 and was one of the best looking games at the time and still ran at a consistent 60 fps on consoles on that engine

Deep Down


When is this retarded face scanning technology meme going to end? I really really want it to be a thing of the past, on which we look back shaking our heads in disbelief that at one point in time developers honestly thought it was a good idea.

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>“Here we are – we’re now finishing up DMC5. But I had ideas for Dragon’s Dogma 2 at the time as well. So here we are, it’s the end of this project.” Itsuno grins.

>“I’ve always got maybe around four different titles in mind, maybe about four different ideas that I’d love to make. But there’s a difference between the titles that I’d love to make and the titles that I think I should make next. But here we are, we’re here, and… I’m already gearing up for my next project. We can’t say what it is, but we’re looking forward to getting to work on it.”

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Not before RE8

The characters in SF are pretty much set in stone as unga bunga these days so I don't see Capcom adopting a realistic style though I wish they would


DMC remake headed by Kamiya coming the franchise's 20th anniversary. Based baldy is going to wipe the canon clean of past mistakes (ie Nero) and finally drop Reuben as Dante, something that should've been done after 3.

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When you stop buying the games.

They were always comic/anime style, ever since SF1.

Hopefully no more dmc put that shit to rest and make something new again.

the whole reason Street Fighter characters are appealing is because of how unrealistic they are, Chun-Li's magnum thighs would have to be shrunken down a bit in order to work and a character like Zangief just could not exist

I really doubt they would use the RE Engine for an open world game. The engine seems to be designed for corridor gameplay, it would likely shit the bed with anything bigger than a corridor.

>When is this retarded face scanning technology meme going to end? I really really want it to be a thing of the past, on which we look back shaking our heads in disbelief that at one point in time developers honestly thought it was a good idea.

For AAA games? Most likely never.

Making highly detailed 3D models by hand is one of the most expensive and time-consuming parts of game development, and the people with that level of talent is shrinking. There's also the problem of detailed face mo-cap, which lends itself really badly to handmade character models, creating a distorted uncanny valley effect. Photoscanning is saving game developers a lot of money and time by letting them scan in a large chunk of the 3D objects in games.

Your only hope is AI 3D modelling, and that's gonna be another can of worms people will hate.

implying I bought any of them

It'd just be the same thing they did with the original Dragon's Dogma. Taking a corridor engine and using it for open world.

>The characters in SF are pretty much set in stone as unga bunga these days so I don't see Capcom adopting a realistic style though I wish they would

They actually tried a semi-realistic style for SFV at first, but it lacked the visual clarity needed for a Fighting Game.

Attached: sfv-early-concepts-march2016-2.jpg (600x406, 65K)

It's fucking great seeing as technology improves, the consumer is rewarded by sharp decrease in quality.

yes but IV and V definitely pushed things towards fully grotesque instead of merely cartoony

Anyone else really impressed with the RE engine? I think it's the best one on the market right now (IMO). I feel like this is what the Fox Engine would of been, if Konami didn't squander it.

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>>Viewtiful Joe 2

Sort of agree, but Fox Engine didn't have a 50/50 chance to goblinafy a woman

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>I really doubt they would use the RE Engine for an open world game. The engine seems to be designed for corridor gameplay, it would likely shit the bed with anything bigger than a corridor.

MT Framework is even worse in that regard. Games like DMC4 ran amazingly well because it was just static corridors which the engine could handle really well, Dragon's Dogma ran like absolute dogshit and even had to be letterboxed on last gen systems.

>Viewtiful Joe 2
Yeah it's a shame we'll never get that

Imagine okami 2 in RE engine
Maybe they could scan water color paintings for the textures

>I really doubt they would use MT Framework for an open world game. The engine seems to be designed for corridor gameplay, it would likely shit the bed with anything bigger than a corridor.

Darkstalkers, Lets Go

Definitely not Breath of Fire.

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that seems to be the one clover studios game capcom seems to acknowledge nowadays so its more likely then you'd think. Depends on whether or not the remaster sold

for direct reasoning, they said character actions were too hard animation wise to read and it also didn't work in terms of visual clarity(realistic body proportions make reading each character difficult)

My dream would be a Chun-Li action brawler with Third-Person Shooting elements about her young Interpol days trying to get Bison/Shadaloo and fighting the Dolls.

>Dino Crisis
Why not? The first one is as a mild "remake" is the easiest cashgrab ever after RE3make.

You don't. Unless you are ready to leave buttslapping behind. That is stuff that will totally not fly today.

They could have unrealistic proportions / faces but still use the hi-tech realistic skin textures, sweat etc, and have more detailed versions of the normal animations now showing things like the muscles flexing and bones moving under the joints. Kinda like DOA6 but more detailed and without reducing any of the girls titty sizes

Attached: run animation.webm (1020x1080, 2.98M)

>They could have unrealistic proportions / faces but still use the hi-tech realistic skin textures, sweat etc, and have more detailed versions of the normal animations now showing things like the muscles flexing and bones moving under the joints.
That would be very uncanny valley.

Did you already forget Quiet?

Dragons Dogma 2
Resident Evil 8

Dead Rising 5
New Onimusha
REmake 3
New IP

Lost Planet 4
New Dino Crisis
Licensing their Engine to other studios

New Megaman spin-off
Bionic Commando 2

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they'd probably go for somethin like this

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Pretty much how I feel about this.
RE Engine is cool but the next Capcom engine needs to be good for both photogrammetry AND more stylized visuals.

Resident 3 through 6.

man... realistic Street Fighter would be the easiest way for Capcom to lose their entire fanbase.

>Dead Rising
>Lost Planet
>Dino Crisis

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>DD2 is going to use the RE Engine again
god dammit there goes any hopes for modding

"The sexy factor"
Imagine THIS being the one thing you really care about from those games. Sounds like jacking off to fanart is more your game incel

Depends on how they do the faces. Even the most realistic 3D bodies are never uncanny valley; only faces trigger it. I've not seen a stylized face attempted in RE Engine yet, but I don't doubt that it could be done and look fine if they do the design right

Yeah, I'm gonna call BS on that.
Not on your post being not the case, I know that the Art Director actually stated that, I'm gonna call BS on photorealism making stuff harder to read. I think SFV's Realtime Lighting system is much more fucked up and anti-readability, if he puts it that way, by making everything so fucking bloomy.

I don't think you understand what realism is if you think they can just make unrealistic proportions with realistic textures.... honestly I don't think they should touch realism, instead they should just adapt the Tatsunoko style into 3D. It's peak Street Fighter art.

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DMC5 has a bunch of mods. Unless you mean like incredibly complex mods.

Framework only ran like shit in mhw because the mh team doesnt know what its doing when it comes to optimization because they've been on handhelds and consoles for over a decade

Is this why the Ace Attorney 7 announcement is taking so long to happen?

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its because you can't have the more exaggerated poses in a realistic style, you can't have animations be more obvious in a realistic style, when you go realistic, everything ends up being more subtle, so visual cues end up falling apart.

what does engine have to do with character models

It actually sounds like you're borderline illiterate and/or underage. Please seek to improve your station

the RE engine is built with realism in mind, it doesn't work for other art styles, that's the reason why Megaman 11 wasn't made in the RE engine.

There are Rumors stating that capcom will go back to the CvS SF2 artstyle from the original concepts and the Animated Movie for SF6, since the character proportions are more "anatomically correct" and less cartoony.

Also it seems that they tested those during RE Engine tests and they loved it.
If they go for a RE Engine SF6, expect to see the bodies closer to this
Fact, Walter White is voicing Fei Long

I see that kinda thing in SFM porn all the time, it looks fine

what if they scanned the characters statues into the game?

that would probably take a shit ton of time to make

>Capcom continues to slowly un-JUST itself
>meanwhile this

When the everloving fuck will it be SEGA's turn already. Or even Konami's.

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no it doesn't, SFM porn of less realistic characters almost never looks good

>Dragons Dogma 2

user pls

>Im ready for La goblina Cammy and no cartoonish facial expressions
>le based RE engine!

I swear you all fucks will start apreciating based SFV when SFVI drops and its a realistic piece of boring looking shit like MK11 or Tekken 7.

Sengoku Basara 5's going to look weird, it's anime as fuck

They've been cheap as fuck for the past decade or so

Actually had good devs, not even specifically talking about Kojima either, but they've all since left the company

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Konami is doing well not making video games.

Animated movie chunners is sex, The SF4 movies and cutscenes are bad as fuck.

itsuno threatened to leave capcom if he didnt get to make dmc5 and dd2, dont worry user its comin

the second people see that Chun-Li's thighs aren't smooth thick, slightly muscly pieces of perfection, everyone is going to make petitions to change the game back to a cartoony style.

there is a thread for this, fuck off

Dragon's Dogma 2, DMC5:SE and ONE(1) good fighter is all that they need to churn out in order to save video games and complete their redemption arc.

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Realistic,gritty ace attourney game

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said faggots forgets that capcom may enter in contact with that Spanish fitness model to serve as her body model for photoscanning
google natasha encinosa

i just want an MvC dream team of Jedah, Nero and Gene, is that so much to ask for?

I'd rather he make Capcom Vs SNK 3

SNK isnt cooperative of late

Itsuno's fighter is Rival Schools

RE8 is probably like 80% finished
REmake3 is probably already in production
Devil May Cry 6 is probably in the planning stages
Dragon's Dogma 2 is probably also in the planning stages.

Capcom said a couple of years ago that they invested heavily in R&D to make game development faster and more efficient, wanting game development time reduced to 2.5 years. The RE Engine is a result of that investment. By using a unified photo-realistic artstyle for all their RE engine games they can speed up game development since there's more overlap between their games.

Also, Itsuno said in an interview that they have now modified the RE Engine to be able to handle 60 FPS Action games like DMC. Itsuno will go on to make Dragon's Dogma 2 while a new director takes over for DMC6. DMC5 can now be used as the framework so that 6's development is faster and cheaper. Same with REmake3.

Capcom is essentially trying to do what Disney is the the fucking master of doing: Selling "brands". They want tech that makes it easier to crank out sequels to their popular franchises. The popularity of those franchises is then used to sell other stuff like figures and t-shirts etc etc, which makes a shit-ton of money.

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SNK doesn't want to partner with Capcom again

Resident Evil 8
REmake 3
Dragon's Dogma 2
Monster Hunter something
Dead Rising 5
Onimusha 5

Only series that leaned more on realistic anatomy will benefit from using the RE Engine; I don't think they would throw in series known for more animated looks such as Street Fighter or Mega Man into the RE Engine.

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they'd never put that much effort in, they're only going to pick popular american instagram models from the same agency like every fucking company does.

Here is a billion dolar idea that is never going to happen.

A marvel vs capcom game where they scan the movie actors into the actual game.

SNK wants nothing with Capcom ever again, they felt underappreciated with the previous deal, as in financially underappreciated.

whatever happened to this game?

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twas a tech demo from the beginning

This three for sure, plus whatever the DMC team is doing, whether it's DLC or DMC6
Dreams that i don't want to wake up
Fuck no, they tried to make SFV more realistic in earlier development stages and realised it was bad
Honestly, i wouldn't be surprised if Capcom reveals that the mystery project the fighting game division is currently working on is the revival of an old fighting game

You mean the SF movie actors? That'd be cool

so obviously bullshot

Possibly getting reskinned into Dragon's Dogma 2 since it uses elements from the DD cut content like the Everfall

that is cowardice user

capcom EU spoke with her during the boom about her being chunners

SNK is too incompetent and egocentric to Blame themselves for it

At least capcom makes actual fucking games still
Which is morr than i can say for most companies
And most of them dont get ruined by updates

Tech demo for the early version of the RE Engine(Panta Rhei)

>>Capcom continues to slowly un-JUST itself
Don't jinx it

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SF movie actors were a bunch of nobodies save Jean Claude and Raul Julia though, pretty sure getting the MCU actors would cost almost a billion, RDJ alone became the best paid actor in Hollywood for a while.

lmao fuck the Switch

>In early 2015, Kazunori Sugiura stated in an interview with 4gamer that the vision for the game had expanded since its initial 2013 reveal, to better appeal in the long term to players, and so the development timescale had been extended.
>In June 2018, Capcom extended the trademark for the game.

still being worked on

lmao nobody gives a fuck about the switch except retards


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>natasha encinosa
looked her up, she has nice thighs, but they're too flabby and have a lot of imperfections. Chun Li is great because they're thick, but they also got a bit of muscle and are perfect. Though I guess that's the issue with face scanning/body scanning in the first place, you still have to kind of work around the same imperfections that the model had to begin with.

>In June 2018, Capcom extended the trademark for the game.

Literally means fucking nothing. They just don't want anyone else selling a game with the name Deep Down.

>console war retards
It'll seep into other consoles if they get away with it dumb fucks

we haven't seen it run anything else. And considering they didn't use it for Megaman 11 because of it's cartoony style, it's pretty clear that it doesn't really work.

fuck off switchlet kek

>In June 2018, Capcom extended the trademark for the game.
Extending trademarks is just playing safe, just like registering a trademark for some idea, it might or might not ever get used.

let the shitposters shitpost. People completely forgot RE Engine games had more than realism

god you one dumb nigger

If Capcom moves forward without making DD2 and giving it a good long term content plan I can never really forgive them.

What's your proof of otherwise? The Engine is literally about scanning real people and objects with only some original 3D rendering on the side.

the RE Engine has only been used for realistic games, heck it's only been used for like... 3 games in it's entire existence

>Will eat up a 30 dollar DMC1 port
hello Capcom shill

No one is console warring here but you, the switch is just extremely meh. Nintddy does its own shit anyway like usual

They could've used it for an entirely 2D mega man game if they wanted. Game engines are not limited like that

explain why MM11 didn't use it then? explain why there hasn't been a cartoony game on it at all, not even a tech demo or anything.


I need this

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Well yeah, switch niggers will do that out of desperation.
Listen cuck NOBODY gives a shit about the Switch. Not just Capcom. Fucking nobody. 3rd party support for Nintendo has been shit for years. Just look at the Wii U. It's a joke. And you're a joke too if you think anybody cares. Every single game sucks on the switch. Just compare MK11 for a recent example.

Fuck off fat fuck.

dragons dogma 2 uses updated version of monster hunter world engine

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the switch is a tablet, not a console

user that's MT Framework. OP states it's RE Engine.

They modified the RE engine to be able to handle third person action games with DMC5.

DD2 will absolutely use RE Engine.

Power Stone 3

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I'm guessing they want to put all of the previous games of current gen first

>Power Stone
>Without Itsuno
Cloning cannot come soon enough

Nero I can see being possible in a crossover but Gene I'm not sure.

Mega Man X the third person shooter.

>Devil May Cry sucks
Capcom shill how could you turn on your own corporation

>nincel literally going insane

Ghost n Goblins reboot

Just make a Capcom exclusive VS Fighter already. There's clearly enough Capcom IPs to make a whole roster by itself and I really doubt many people would be bothered by the idea at this point.

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>Capcom shill deflecting

>Capcom exclusive VS Fighter already
God I hope. Fuck the MCU. Fuck them in their AIDS ridden ass. Give me Capcom All Stars with Gene, Asura and Nero. Plus guess characters like Bayonetta or Raiden.

>Project X Zone fighting game

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New Maximo game.

breath of fart iv remake

Calm down, eric


Dmc5 runs like shit

Its really only mhw that runs shitty.

sorry but it's 2019.
there is no way in hell that GOD HAND would fly today.
And believe me, I hate using "it's current year" but it is what it is.

>Yeah, I'm gonna call BS on that.
Why? It's pretty well documented for SFV, as well as SFIV (I remember multiple interviews with Seth Killian about it with SFIV). SFIV had issues with things not standing out, as well as originally having moves being detected with limbs hitting the other player, instead of hitboxes. Literally do some quick google searches before stomping your feet that the other person is wrong .

I disagree but w/e

haha, everyone but you and a few straggler hipsters would drop Street Fighter like hot shit. Maybe even faster than MVCI

>t. never played DMC4 on PC

that's just plain wrong

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I hope DMC is done with for another 10 years. Maybe most of the DMCfags will off themselves by then while Itsuno works on DD2

>What games are they lads?
>DD2 on RE engine

Anyone else hoping Capcom makes a COLORFUL game? Tired of the drab realism they've been on. Give me another Ghost and Goblins (to compete with Medievil) or hell something entirely new that's colorful.

They made a deal to use each other's IPs to make their own games. It's not Capcom's fault SNK squandered the opportunity on card battle shit and SNK knows this

My guess are
>New RE, maybe REmake 3 or RE8
>Dragon Dogma 2
>That one Sony game they were supposed to make years ago
>DR5 or Dino Crisis for MS

Fuck you. I hate people who think all games need "content plans" and roadmaps now.

Final Fight Streetwise 2

Colorful games are fun and game developers never make their games with the idea of being fun.

This guy has nailed it

RE2 was boring as fuck and runs like shit.

Step it up, user, they are working on Vergil's own game.

>runs like shit.
objectively false dude. Try turning off DX12

Okay I will but the framerate is awful in my 970. Literally runs worse than any other game.

turn off DX12 and you will get constant 60fps

Breath of Fire plz kthx

>awful in my 970
>he fell for the 3.5GB meme



>Megaman Legends
Wouldn't that look absolutely disgusting? The engine is all about realism and something as super anime as Megaman Legends would look really jarring as fuck.

Eric why haven’t you killed yourself already
Nobody likes you you mentally ill Neet

>runs at 60 fps on base xbone
>can't on a 970
>such a great engine wow :)

Like what?
Nintendo vs Capcom?

No idea who this bogeyman is you mentally ill schizos.

W-what does it mean?!

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>Caught red hand
Again fuck off.
Drink bleach by the gallon

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user is saying just Capcom characters and no crossover

Again, you have namefags living in your head rent free. You're demented.

whos Eric

He is one of the only people who should ever do a Capcom All-Stars game. He’s had a hand in so many series, especially obscure ones, that he would be the only one to give those dead games respect.

it was already on DX11 :(

Apparently if you shit on underpowered shitboxes that happen to also have "Nintendo" written on them you're an Eric.

Early DMC6
Maybe MonHun World 2 for next gen where we get 20 monsters again cause building from scratch.

One of them has got to be demons crest.

>Capcom All Stars Figher

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I think it's pretty safe to assume that DMC5 is getting some kind of Next Gen Special Edition.

Both Itsuno and Okabe made it sound like there's going to be DLC, but Matt Walker's statement about there not being anything "currently" planned makes me think they're planning something bigger for the launch of PS5 and Nextbox. Probably an Iceborne sized expansion

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Well something is wrong on your end then. I have a 1050ti and it runs amazingly well for how good it looks

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I want the boys to be back in town again

>Not a true Dino Crisis 3

>console owner calling anything "underpowered"

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I wish. It's just gonna be SE with a new character and turbo. And maaaybe LDK if we're lucky.

>I wish. It's just gonna be SE with a new character and turbo

DMC5 having two post-credits endings with Trish/Lady and Dante/Vergil respectively makes me think both are getting their own mini-campaigns.

I miss them everyday.

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Don't get me wrong, I hate my Dust Collector 4.

that's nintendo's fault for making bing bing toys instead of gaming platforms.

Demon Souls still sucks Matosis

What does that have to do with Capcom cutting out a game from a collection in the slightest?

Capcom makes toys too

video games are toys user.

if the switch was a gaming platform instead of a bing bing toy, it would have gotten dmc5 instead of another old port.

>make one of the most beautiful games ever
>completely ignore the series then release a mobile shit game you know will fail and thus use it as an excuse for the series to not be properly revived
I don't give a shit if its not BoF related

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>Capcom cuts out a game from a collection and gives it to Switch owners
>Expecting them to put in effort for DMCV
Something is at fault but it aint the toy

Fuck off Eric

the switch is simply too weak to run the re engine. that's nintendo's fault, not capcom's.

i wonder how versatile RE Engine is. MT Framework was insane for how many different (mechanically) games it was used. Only UE3 found more uses.

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Capcom asked Nintendo to make the Switch stronger so it could run the RE Engine. Nintendo did, and Capcom did nothing

Of capcom is scared enough to remove a buttslap from street fighter 5, then just imagine what they’d do to god hand 2.
But I’d love it if they did make one, but it’s just not going to happen.

>Nintendo did
...and it still didn't turn out to be strong enough because they're cheap.

Ghost Trick 2

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RE engine's greatest strength is using photoscanned actors for human models.

SFVI needs to peer back into the 90s, not make their icons limited by human actors.
If judging Ken's look would be a standard, either SFA or SFIII would be great. Considering we might go past SFIII chronologically, I wouldn't mind the latter.

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If it wasn't enough, why did Capcom not say anything to improve it more? They had a goal in mind, and said nothing to achieve it.

Who the fuck cares what the fuck they scan, it ends looking like greasy faced goblin shit. See Resident Evil 7 and 2 actresses, they are beautiful and look like shit ingame. Same with DMCV

Dino Crisis got leaked today, user

All but confirming it. The only downside is that it won't be out for a couple years still.

why are asians so cute bros?


why should capcom have to tell nintendo how to make a console that can run modern games? sony and microsoft know how to do that.

I must be strange for liking this. Tho personally, I think they should go back to something like the 2D cartoony sprites that they had at the beginning of the series. Not sprites but streetfighter with 2D animations with today's technology would be amazing. So few games do this nowadays but the ones that do usually look incredible.

Capcom literally asked them to make it to where it could run modern games. Nintendo did what they asked, but it somehow was not enough

If you think about it, its kinda Capcom's fault Switch is underpowered when they had the power to change that

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>DD2 is going to use the RE Engine again
>god dammit there goes any hopes for modding
You're a fucking retard. REmake2 and DMCV already have lots of mods.

you mean like DB FighterZ?

Dogma worked fine in MT Framework but I have no idea how it'd do with RE Engine

RE2 has a shit ton of complex mods.

Also, not the same engine but you people said the same shit with SFV, and it became the most modded FG ever with some of the better done mods also ever.

why doesnt capcom just out source their fighting games to arcsys. They outsourced with sf5 and the only in house fighting game theyve made recently was mvci

Yeah pretty much.

No, Switch owners will though, because how else will they show everyone how starved for games they are?
Anyone who wants dmc1 will just buy the HD collection on a better platform for the exact same price switchlets will pay for just the first game, because switchlets are just THAT cucked.

I hope they fix the audio/video desync that happens during cutscenes if the game freezes, literally the only issue i have with the engine.

DBZF style would look like shit. SF doesnt look like tv anime but like illustration artbook anime.

SFV was made by a Guilty Gear dude
also ArcSys fighters and Street Fighter are fundamentally different in gameplay anyway

>Implying you didn't buy a Switch to eat up Capcom's ports

Who fucking cares about Capcom, they'll eventually just piss all over their fans again like they always do.

Attached: simoncomeon.png (203x187, 72K)

CyberConnect2 seems to be the only ones who can do that sort of style without sacrificing the level of animation involved

Konami's even worse.

Sounds so unnecessary.
Why not just use Unreal4 like everyone else?
It would save time and money to use Unreal.
Its the best engine for a reason.

>SF doesnt look like tv anime but like illustration artbook anime.
I don't follow you.

DBFZ looks more like an anime movie than a TV anime because it has so many more frames to the animations

We're not talking about Konami right now though are we user? One smelly piece of shit doesn't make another piece of shit smell any less.

I've seen this bullshit cycle from Capcom too many times I refuse to give them anymore money or respect. Right now we're in another period where they stop acting like dicks until they decide to do stupid shit again. It's the calm before another shitstorm caused by their own shady practices and greed.

Choke on your fucking wine, Tsujimoto.

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If we see a DD2 teaser at E3 or similar I might cream my pants

I don't own a Switch. Why would I pay for a system that doesn't even have the only Nintendo franchise I like on it and never will? If they make an F-Zero game again, as in a new one and not some remaster, I'd consider buying it, but only if it actually looked and played like F-Zero.

how do I get the nude claire mod if I don't have the elza walker costume

I'f like to think new properties, but it's most likely more remakes.

>RE Engine actually stands for REach for the Moon

Attached: Nigga on the moon.jpg (877x473, 109K)

Street Fighter VI: This time it's not shitty Edition

Jesus, is it summer already? Started out as a good thread before all the little faggot "trolls" came in here.

>there are numerous titles currently being developed internally with the RE ENGINE.
So it's official? Capcom literally gives no fucks about the Swicth aside from quick one-off ports?

Just believe user, things will be different this time

>st-stop being so mean to Capcom guys otherwise they won't peg me anymore ;__;

Isn't 1 just a test-run anyways? They always say this shit as a cushion in case it bombs.

Fuck you nigger, capcom is about the only based AAA dev left. You're goddamn right I'm going to shill for them.

Dude. Stop being autistic and taking what I said 1000% literally. It would not have to be exactly the same art style as DBZF. My point is that it is 2D animations akin to the way Streetfighter looked at the beginning of the series. But instead of sprites it could be hand-drawn animations or something.

Also, I disagree: I think DBZF looks great.

Can they make non-realistic looking games in that engine? From what I heard textures HAVE to be scanned in.

Sf should not have solid flat colors as shading. It never had that tv/film cell style with 2 or 3 tones of shading.

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It's far too late for that to happen, they pissed me off enough to the point I haven't purchased a game by them in almost a decade.

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Of course DBZFstyle looks great on a DBZ game! you stupid fuck. The game apes the animation cell style of the show perfectly.

But its not the SF style.

Well I hope things work out for you user because history has taught me enough about a company like them.

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Rerererem4ke: no way fag Edition

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Why dont you just play the games they make when theyre not acting like dicks and not play the ones they make when they are? If you admit they can cycle between good and bad it doesnt mean you should throw out the baby with the bathwater just because they are sometimes bad.

Dino crisis REmake
Dragons dogma 2
Vergil DLC
God hand 2
Lost planet 3
Onimusha 5

Let a man dream

>viewtiful joe 2
uhh, someone wanna tell him?

You heard wrong. It's a game engine, they could use it to make a 2D megaman game if they wanted

Because it's my money and I choose what to do with it.

Forgot the image

See the image has gradients. Its not 3 flat solid colors as anime film. Its more closer to illustration rather than imitating anime cells.

Attached: SSF2T_Cammy.gif (288x372, 8K)

Right. Thats what I want. Did you read my post?

please capcom just make an all around good fighting games, arcsys fighters just dont do it for me

its even funnier when you realize mhw was being developed during that entire process


user if you keep calling everyone goblins, those little green, jews will rip you apart and sell your body to the highest bidder.

if not sacrifice you to Gork and Mork

If you a game to play 1 frame per hour then yes.

>What i expect
RE3 Remake

>What i want
God Hand
A proper Dead Rising
The true sequel to Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3

Attached: ultimate-marvel-vs-capcom-3-pc-digital-en-espanol-D_NQ_NP_625527-MLA27965967774_082018-F.jpg (1000x1000, 283K)

>If you a game to play 1 frame per hour then yes.
Learn english, esl retard.



prove it

what about your settings? I have a lot of shit on medium, it really drops framerate when I go through a door or shit like that, I just formatted my PC so I don't know what is the cause, I have an i5 4690k.

>people want a God Hand without any original devs

Update your drivers

who says mikami wouldnt come back for a sequel

RE3 Remake
Dragon's Dogma
(Maybe) DMC1 Remake
New IP

>they've found their new MT Framework.
And yet they keep using that fucking engine.
It's surprising how much you can customize that shit considering the switch version of mh xx and mh world use the exact same version

Yes before RE8.
RE3 remake was 20% finished before they probably even considered it.
You already have the RPD, a chunk of Raccoon City streets, the skyline for it, plenty of reusable zombie models, and Mr. X's AI is already a good base to expand upon for Nemesis.

I have the latest ones. DMC5 runs fine with drops to 40 but almost everything maxed out.

Post your specs

I was thinking about upgrading the GPU but I don't know if its worth it.

Attached: specs.png (684x552, 38K)

I swear to fucking christ if they aren't working on Dragons Dogma 2

I'm guessing it either has to do with whatever is making your cpu so hot or win10 cause it runs great for me and I have lower specs.

>Mega Man in RE Engine

Attached: Mm10trypthic.jpg (1500x668, 456K)

Onimusha 2 remake pls

Please make a Vs game in this engine.

I'm sick of clayfighters Street Fighter.

I want Sprite verses series fighters back.

DMC5 alone made me see all the possibilities of this engine. The special effects, lighting, field of view, all made me think of fighting games like Rival Schools, Alpha series SF, cross over VS games like Marvel vs Capcom. Fuck man. Even if they wanted to stay with the realistic fighters, do another 3D SF like EX series.

How would face scanned characters worth with a game like that with a created character?
Assuming they still use that like fucking every company is doing now.

oh is my CPU too hot? I might have to check on that

playable vergil pls

Do Parasite Eve you salty fucks!

All these guesses but nobody is gonna expect the true outcome.

Attached: darkv.jpg (842x1200, 144K)

Oh boy, more 3DPD face scanned models. Sorry if I don't sound excited.

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Shut up weeb

I only really want DD2.

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Oh boy, more 3DPD face scanned models. Sorry if I don't sound excited.

Attached: 1533622318973.jpg (311x339, 17K)

stop, i can only get so erect

companies use more than one engine, look at SEGA for example:
>Hedgehog Engine
>Persona Engine
>Virtua Engine
>Puyo Engine
>Dragon Engine
in capcom's case, RE engine is one of their major engines, but pretending that they ONLY use that one is absurd. That'd be like saying every single Konami game runs on the Fox Engine.

I would rather not have the game at all than have it neutered beyond recognition


Attached: 1549402473879.gif (347x267, 1.54M)

Capcom nailed face-scanning with DMC5 though. Dante and Nero have never looked better and the whole thing looks incredible in motion. It looks even better than RE2 which still had some RE7-tier faces in some areas.
The next game with the RE-engine will be even better.

Attached: 1544831834958.png (1280x1210, 911K)

Can it be used to make fighters?

Boco it's time to let go. Darkstalkers isn't coming back

If it can make DMC then I don't see why it couldn't be able to make fighters.
I don't think Capcom will make any fighters with it though, too realistic, even if they want a more "realistic" Street Fighter they will never use the RE engine to do it since the characters looks are pretty much set in stone and real people will look too different and there would be way too many people to all scan in.

really depends on the direction, certain games like DMC and Resident Evil work with this technology, but games like Street Fighter and Megaman really wouldn't.


What others having said, if DD2 used the RE engine, there’d be at least a good sum of fun mods.

Which ironic you bring this up, as for how solid of a PC port Dragons Dogma got, mods for the game were beyond fucking awful.
Same goes to the poor souls who waited out on the pc release of Monster Hunter World just for the potential modding (the main benefit they got was much better loadtimes)
Could mods be implemented? Yes, but they were awful, especially in comparison to the recent shit people have been doing to REmake2 and DMC5.

Unless you think the hyper realistic faces just looks stupid in general, which it does.
Cant wait till we can see the blackheads on their noses and their blood shot eyes

>games like Street Fighter and Megaman really wouldn't.
Why even bring those games up? Obviously they are never going to be made with RE engine. Capcom has more than one engine.

Lost Planet 4

There are tons of mods for RE2 and DMC5 already you fucking idiot.

it's because a common fear people have about the RE engine is that capcom will start making EVERYTHING with it.


Attached: Railway_Gun_versus_Red_Eye.jpg (790x445, 126K)

Isn't Shinkiro's art pretty realistic? I think it looks fine.

They definitely need to go very far away from SFV's art style after its poor reception.

Attached: Capcom vs SNK 2.png (1920x768, 2.9M)

Make Japan great again

I know...

Well, aside from Dino Crisis any Capcom IP that needs revival is more cartoony. SO oh well.

a lot of these kind of look meh to terrible if I'm being honest here. The only pseudo realistic style that looks good with these characters is modern Shinkiro. He hits a perfect blend there where it's still pretty detailed, but it doesn't look like it's at all trying to mirror reality, which is the biggest issue with his old capcom art.

Attached: SF_30th_Anniversary_Collection_cover.jpg (963x1080, 246K)

>RE Engine

Attached: 1527752384206.jpg (293x257, 19K)

>not interested in the most optimized engine currently employed by a AAA developer

Capcom is AAA?

I doubt MM would want to see a DMC1 remake, even by Kamiya.


Both Kamiya and Mikami have autism levels of not wating to do sequels, at most they would be producers

Gonna be a “yikes” from me, Jim.
I’m content with Bayonetta being Kamiya’s thing.
Though an official crossover would be cool.

that's the Capcum in his brain.
the Stockholmed dick sucker

>not wanting MML to literally look like anime

Attached: 1543267781341.webm (1666x738, 1.14M)

>wanting Legends at all
You faggots will kill the possibility of a good 3D Mega Man

Sure, like it wasn't already killed by X7.

>MonHun building from scratch again
>More and more years of people bitching about lack of content due to them being unable to port over the psp models again for the Nth time
It’s so stupid, yet feels very real.
Unless some engine guru magically shows up at Capcom and somehow seemingly coverts all of Worlds assets onto the new engine while still maintaining whatever process they currently use to delvelop the content they’ve been putting out along with the upcoming Icebourne.

there are retards in this thread that want photo realistic SF, it is also a common misconception that realistic games sell better or are more visually impressive.

the fact that it took this long for someone to reply with this makes me extremely fucking sad.

The real answer is they likely didn't wanna get called out for bootlegging Tekken's aesthetic.

No they're indie, dummy. Of course they're AAA


Nice thread, fag