This is gaming in 2019 on "Nightmare" difficulty

This is gaming in 2019 on "Nightmare" difficulty.

Attached: nightmare.webm (720x405, 2.97M)

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that game looks like a nightmare alrighty.

Just play Sekiro

It literally looks like the first game with neon lights slapped on.

The health doesn't seem to be regenerating, I guess it can be kinda challenging if the level is long? Still not too threatening though
>"hard" is a genre
>there can only be one hard game at a time

Enemies drop health. Far far far too much health. One kill drops about 20+ health.

I don't like difficult games.

just don't pick it up lmao!

What game, looks kino

holy shit was just playing H2 on legendary, now that was fucking hard

I like all the female enemies in this game and exploding their heads lol

I haven't seen lighting this horrible in a long time.

What's with the buckethead girl on the left?

that's probably the main thing that annoyed me about the game.
I started out on hard, and it's literally one of the easiest games I've played in a long time. I think I never actually died in an actual "fight" except for getting one shot by an enemy once, and accidentally killing myself with a rocket.
I mean, most of the "bosses" of the game, you can literally just kill with a single magazine of your rifle, which takes roughly 4 seconds.

I honestly wonder if they just fucked something up with the settings, and the game just stays in easy mode the whole time.


It'll go on sale for $20 soon enough, it's definitely worth fucking around in

>put game on highest difficulty
>enemies are still a cakewalk
>healing and items are numerous
>some on-rails turret section 2/3rds in is fucking impossible

Here at Bethesda like to laugh at ourselves so you can stop being angry at us :)

I thought this game was co-op for some reason, I guess because of the first one. But it's not. It really seems like it was made for co-op but no.

nightmare is bugged to drop to easy.

>Nightmare more like wait did my difficulty bug out I checked the settings it's on the highest why the fuck is everything so easy

When you start the game feels hard as fuck, enemies takes entire mags to kill
2 hours in it's a fucking joke, you can kill some bosses quicker than shrouded mobs, the autority turrets things are embarrassing
The only time I felt genuinely challenged was against hordes of shrouded mobs, not being able to land headshots sucks

Attached: tk7NfYk.jpg (1080x719, 83K)

I want to play something good.

>enemies takes entire mags to kill
no they don't, aim for the head like any sane person would

Replay the intro fuckface

It got a day 1 crack, why wait?

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this was true.

It was built for faggy anarchists, What did you expect?

Attached: 1546903325753.jpg (960x639, 93K)

I'm dying more than once in normal, though. The amount of enemies is insane and a lot of time I don't have enough ammo.

don't get the damage reduction upgrades.

Why is Rage 2 such a jew move by the devs? The first game bombed and was forgotten almost immediately, so they went "let's just go with the reddit meme A S T H E T I C with purple, colors, and C R A Z Y A C T I O N" and now we've got something that plays nothing like the og game, looks nothing like the og game, and is already forgotten again?

go get arks first, play the rest of the game later
don't buy upgraded damage/health

If you set the game to Nightmare, it'll default to Easy when you quit the game. It'll still say Nightmare in the settings but it will actually be on Easy.

braindead decision to not ever do Multiplayer on this game.

Reminds me of destiny 2

Attached: D2 snipers.webm (800x450, 2.91M)

>there can only be one hard game at a time
Yes, it´s like highlanders

It'd die in less than a month

Fucking Black Ops 2

You blockhead the difficulty name was describing their sales figures for it. It has no impact on in game difficulty. Why do you think Beth called their last one 76?

this one is disingenuous, destiny is an mmo lite so enemies become weaker based on your level and armour, and the hardest difficulties are actually hard

but it's easier than this..

Those kinds of snipers are alright when used properly with other enemy types and/or in games that are all about dancing around projectiles. No idea what the fuck happened with that first enemy though.

My settings.ini has the difficulty set to 3.

I love that /pol/ is losing to those chuds.


Looks like they wanted the Blood Dragon feel.
Which is cool, I liked Blood Dragon. But that also before everyone and their mother hopped on that faux-80s shit.

Attached: 2037982-710755_20130430_001.jpg (1280x720, 502K)

How big is the game?

It's console trash that's designed for lobotomised mongoloids, what did you expect?

play blood on extra crispy or even well done


Jewish games are made for zombies. They don't have much thinking power.

>burn israel

our guy?

Is chuds a meme now? I loved that movie.

>incoming damage
>3 damage per shot
I doubt thats nightmare even with full damage reduction upgrades which I highly doubt you have because the only skill you have is shatter

>play Easy Mode
>say it's Nightmare Mode
You fucking cucks are so gullible.

It's a big game.

Attached: 1557799736720.jpg (780x768, 279K)

so how is this game doing so far?

OP here. It's nightmare. Why comment when you clearly haven't played the game?

what happen in easy mode? They use medkits against you? they just bend over and wait?

Champagne socialists can't call people things like "faggot" or "retard" because that would hurt the feelings of actual faggots and retards, so instead their go-to insult is comparing their opponent to a creature from a slightly obscure horror movie. Most of them have probably never watched it, but it is kind of a meme in certain circles now.

Garbage game. Everyone involved with it should drop dead.

I think it's probably enemy spawn numbers and lowered bullet damage

Yeah can confirm nightmare's bugged
In order to make it work, change to another random difficulty, exit the pause menu, then put it back on nightmare
It's a night and day difference, fucking Bethesda cucked my gaming experience y'all

Yes and no. They integrated diminishing returns so you only get a very small (if any) benefit. It's only when you're playing content above your level that it effects you. It is never actually hard though.

Great. So I've wasted half the game on the wrong difficulty. desu, because the game is so repetitive, I don't think I've actually missed anything.

Hey at least it was free.

What's with so many recent games going OTT with pink, are they trying to attract women?

So why in the fuck are you playing Rage 2?

I was so disappointed by Rage 2 that I reinstalled Far Cry 5

Attached: file.png (503x385, 25K)

I was so dissapointed by Far Cry 5 that I restarted Far Cry 2

Attached: tom-clancy-640x360.jpg (640x360, 68K)

>Far Cry 2
yeah man I love tech demos, those are the best kind of video games

>nobody notice that enemies don't attack you if not in your FOV
Modern videogames are gross

Funny meme.

So fucking disappointing, they glued together the great ID gunplay with a sub-far cry level of lazy-repetitive-boring tasks spread across a gigantic generic map

And tried to appeal to doom fans like me with BFG, Shotgun and "nightmare" named difficulty bs (which is really hard in doom, game journalist level in this game) thanks god for steam return policy...

Far Cry 2 has far better Physics than far Cry 5 and almost as good graphics. Makes you think about how the videogames industry "progressed"