Who is your favorite video game streamer?

Who is your favorite video game streamer?

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>Asmoncunt reacts to this xDD
>Asmocunt reacts to that xD
How the fuck do I effectively filter my youtube feed and recommended videos

You do it by not using (((youtube))) in the first place, zoomer.

What the fuck is up with his bug eyes?

>he even pays pajeets to shill his shitty channel here

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Only good answer

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This is pink_sparkles.
She is Asmongold's gf.
Say what you want, nothing will change the fact you will never get close to a girl half as hot as she is.
Just keep your dignity and seethe in silence.

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Holy shit she's disgusting.

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Fuck off, I clicked on a link once and now I'm fucking cursed

she is there while the money is coming in and asmon golds e cock is erect. as soon as he becomes irrelevant, shes gone.

>plastic tits
try again

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Forsen is definitely the least shit popular streamer.

video games

No thanks, dude's whipped now. I'll stick with masturbating to anime, but I'll probably get a sex doll if they figure out self-cleaning.

blow up doll

shes using him for his money. The extra subs and viewership helps her too its all purely a career move and shes smart for doing it.

>they always reply, no matter what

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Wow a whore is dating a millionaire color me surprised

if this is yours, go and kill yourself

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Like clockwork my dude. Zoomer NPCs are so predictable.

i can stand no other streamer but Jerma, and even then i only pop in like bi-monthly and just stick to the youtube videos

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> Look Mom I made a loaded post and now everyone that answers is automatically seething
Holy shit people like you exist

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this is the only answer
everyone else is either an insufferable faggot or a ditsy E-thot

What in the fuck are you supposed to use instead of youtube

Why the long face?


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>Not being rich enough to augment your girlfriend
lmao my dad's a divorce attorney who's been through three divorces and all of them have super nice racks after he bought them plastic surgery

go fuck your ugly skinnyfat girlfriend with "realistic, achievable" bodytypes with small boobs while richchads can do whatever they want

Have sex.


omg 10/10 streamer

>blocks your path

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> Look Mom I posted it again
> Epic trolled those virgins aaaayyyyy

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calm down, speshimen

actually fixed

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I've never subscribed, never donated and never watched any streamers with enough viewers to be partnered.

He is 100% getting cucked and probably rarely if ever fucking her though.

Streamers who get these hot girls to pretend to be their girlfriends are literally bottom of the barrel pathetic. They're okay with these leeches just so they look cool to their loser subscribers.

Why would you watch anyone else?

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i'd smash

remember that one time he did a weird voice and we spam REAL VOICE monkeyW LOOL XD XD


>X reacts to Y!
>Someone reading reddit posts
>24-7 Lofi beats
>Game Theory
Please get out of recommend section.

I only watch Winter from time to time.

not a fan of plastic surgery but yeah I know what you mean

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you must be mad because you're not a movie star, unlike him

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shut uuuup and thanks

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My wife looks way better than her.

his voice is annoying

Is this considered attractive?
If you've been with many girls you'd know how powerful makeup can be. Scrape the 5 pounds of makeup off of her face and she'd be ugly. Never trust thot camouflage.

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yea that was based, but you know when he makes a weird face when concentrating and we all spam LOOK AT HIS FACE pepeLaugh
LMAO that's the best


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Post pics faggot.


>asmongold managed to attract a plastic bimbo with his credit card but still acts like he has never seen a vagina or would know what to do with one
sums up their relationship honestly

>all that make up
Yeah fuck off

His voice is a perfect podcast/radio voice.

Any streamers like Sseth?

ofcourse not, that's not allowed on Twitch


What's the point of clout if you can't use it to fuck big titty bitches? Yea Forums so incel

2bh asmon is kind of based

he isn't a blizzard drone and he a cute


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imthem is the only good video game streamer

brainlet cope

>lies about being a vanilla vet
>is just a retail drone mount collector
>cries about solo leveling in vanilla
>complains about getting ganked in vanilla then shuts off stream because of it

lmao but it doesn't matter because he's making a hundred thousand dollars a month!

Literally no personality.

I thought WoW was dead, how does Asmomgold get consistent 20k+ views?


She's only with Asmongold because he has money. She is a thott. I don't even think she's pretty. Her tits are pretty disgusting desu, I wouldn't touch her with a 10 ft pole.

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Look at these seething losers HAHAHAHA
Pink Sparkles is a trust fund baby. She is richer than he is by a tenfold.

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Lost my shit at this


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by not playing wow

PogChamp I just donated my full allowance to my favorite streamer! Kappa just kidding bros TriHard never donated never subbed LUL OMEGALUL

Stop this slander, everyone in forsen's chat respects Gachi as a form of art.

yeah not anywhere close to that amount

probably starting this month because of the subrush 18k a month, he gets 15k from his 3000 subs

Can anyone link that Uganda forsen video? IT IS EPIC!!!! AFRICA LOL. STREAMER FRIENDS WHERE U AT XD

My man

He's playing Wow right now with 22k+ viewers

It's officially not dead anymore now that Classic Beta is up.

>I’m share my wife with dirty degenerates

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What are some good Transparent video games

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Gachi is low IQ, fuck Billy.

>zoomer the thread

the 20k balding virgin Assmongoloid
the 50k+ eternally young druid pvp vet chad Chance Thomas Morris

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You're taking this too far user, I'm contacting the cyber police.

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It's pretty funny desu. If she wanted some rich chad there's plenty on twitch. It's obvious she isn't with him for the money

Anyone watch tyler1's GF? Bitch was whining playing Dark Souls 3 two weeks ago about how she couldn't figure out the gimmicks or couldn't figure out how to cheese fights with a shit built with zero thought put into it and was begging chat to tell her how to do it, and when people said it was bullshit she was getting help without learning she said because she doesn't have time to afford to figure it out. As if her viewers who probably go to a regular job or school have the time.

God Twitch zoomers are destroying this website more than any other group. This thread should be 404'd immediately.

Vinny a cute

>Mods before and since then: Completely ignore them

Good job hotpockets.


this guy shits up my recommended vids
what gives?

I've come to hate streamers as a whole, watching them go from tiny little channel that just plays games and hangs out to giant mega-channel that has nonstop annoying donation and sub sounds and the guy won't even play the game cause he's too busy thanking everyone for giving him money for no reason has completely ruined any kind of positive feeling I ever had for them.

As always, money ruins everything.

Based Pokimane of course!

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Click the three dots. Not interested. Don’t like the video, don’t like the channel, don’t want recommendations based on X. You have to do it consistently otherwise it won’t work but if you do it you won’t get any recommendations of channels you don’t like. It absolutely works

> Arabic tattoo
Also no one cares about fat plastic whores.
We want video games.
You're the reason why Eceleb should be banned on Yea Forums

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>3000 subs
asmon? he said he had 12500 subs yesterday. He makes a fuck ton more money than the surgeon who saved my life.. dunno what to think about that..

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something or someone got you excited son?

he consistently has 5 thousand subs at a minimum, over 10 thousand for months at a time

the minimum partner cut is 2.5 dollars per sub, high value partners can have cuts from 3 to almost 4 dollars per sub or more

this is ignoring all pathetic paypig donations and ad revenue

please don't tell me you keep falling for his lmao just a cringey neckbeard nerd like you scraping gold to keep my sub up just like you character

Damn MovieBob looks like THAT?

If that fatass lost weight he could be a chad.

Any squadW incels in here?

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Life has never been about fairness user.
The doctors know they are paid like shit, but they also know they're needed or people die.

i don't watch streamers, i only watch jerma, vinny and joel's edited youtube videos and even then i can't really call any of them my favorite since they're all just ok

How did he lie? He has said several times he joined during Crusade

this precious canadian autistic boy

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this fucker is a millionaire

Because I'm older than 12 years old.

they get paid plenty, they just have to work for it unlike subhumans like asmongold

totally flat chests are better than plastic bolt-ons. this is just a fact.


me, playing titan quest earlier

I think its called video blocker [a plugin for your browser, lets you block youtube channels. The kikes at youtube don't give you that by default]
other wise if you do searches, you can do something like -asmongold to exclude those results. thats all i got. i can't fucking standing seeing his shit pop up either

just watched Pat Stares At. fucking awful. woolie, God love him, is mentally unfit to run a channel, and I will never touch matt's vids even though youtube offers them all the time.

she lives together with zack and his mom in their rat infested house. If she only cared about money why would she go for such lengths?

>No mention of DSP

What happened?

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so many follically challenged streamers

does obs leak hair destroying radiation from their computers or something

She lives in the shithole with them? Wtf why?

The enablers are worse than the retards making the bucks user.
Internet was a mistake because it enabled all of this.
The viewers and shills are the one making it so he gets a FAT paycheck every month delivering shitty content.
One question: how is he even doing reaction vid when he's a literal zombie with no emotion on every vid he watches ?
Proof that people and fans are the problem, not the creator.
If he's successful, that's because there's a demand.

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I literally watched 10 of this guy's reaction videos yesterday and now for the first time he pops up on Yea Forums
Some sort of fucking coincidence, or evil sanity test by the npc overlords?

DatModz, Quin69

sauce on "girl"?

Wow Doc you sure are triggered.

Myself. Why would I watch some other dicknose faggot who would just take away my viewers?
I network with people around my size who play different games, we help each other grow and that's about it. I never watch their streams though, i'm not autistic and just play games if I want to see them.

nothing, he was always a shitcunt

Who is that girl?

She doesn't live with him though?

>something becomes popular
>it gets discussed
no yeah youre being gang stalked

fuck if I know
maybe skelligold actually has 8" dick

>The thought of asmongold fucking this plastic pile of shit

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This is the only correct answer.


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very based and very redpilled

>Not watching based Tevin instead

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ultraviolet darling or some shit like that

her looks are worth a fap but her personality is pretty dogshit. I guarantee her and asmongold or whatever the fuck don't last.




don't watch his room tour
shit is gross

Phil will always rule supreme

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why are all streamers balding?

this, can't believe people are this stupid, how can anyone given the knowledge of how many subs these streamers have go and think, "i should donate my hard earned money to this lazy fuck that makes millions doing nothing"

videogames are stressful

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If you're older than 20 years old and watch streamers, post in stream chats, spam stream memes or donate any amount to streamers you should off yourself, you're pathetic.

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thank you sir

He streamed World of Warcraft Classic as it JUST came out in closed beta, and he had an insane quantity of viewers. He brought WoW to the top of Twitch by himself. This stream was a few days ago, and he had this massive popularity spike when this beta began.
Youtube took notice and started suggesting him more.

most people do

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So brave user. I applaud you

It says I’m full on M9 ammo but I don’t have an M9 WOW

>if you enjoy x over the age of x you are x


asmon is based


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>3 to almost 4
The only person that was ever at a point above the standard 3.50 per sub point you get at 5,000 sub points was ninja because he was bringing lots of real celebrities to twitch. And even then we don't know if he was for sure, since he never publicized the info.

>this retard op spamming hsi thread again
>150+ posts

I wanted to ask what the fuck mods/jannies are doing for fuck sake, but after seeying so many replies im not sure if i should call you even more dumb fucking nigers

have x

tobias fate

wish he played more fighting games


If Yea Forums is content to leave a fucking loli thread on the front page you sure as shit ain't getting a VIDEO GAME streamer thread deleted


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stick to reddit

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>This is what Cosmo thought transitioning would be like

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This is a girl with clear problems who covers it all up with her body and seeking attention. She has weird reactions to every social interaction almost and is just crazy in general.

What happened to that sticker week ago about big No to eelebs?
just asking for educational purposes

Is there any way to block specific channels from showing on youtube?

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>White """people"""

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Anyone have a pic of Narcissa's apartment? Like what was the state of the apartment she was streaming in for a while? I assume it was a shithole considering the bathroom incident.

funny how you don't post this in giant bomb threads

Making daily threads about one e-cunts is a literal reddit you pleb newcomer

I never watched twitch until I saw that jschlatt started doing minecraft SMPlive streams. Plenty of good moments to be had.

Neocranium. Hes an 3d animator too and will animate scenes for comedyeffect using models of the game hes currently playing. His REmake randomizer/RE2 are fucking great and hes very underrated.

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bathroom incident?

what is the bathroom incident?

>the bathroom incident.


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Should John Numbers be charged for the murder of Cosmo?



It was specifically about e-celeb private drama about cheating on his wife, not video-games.
>zoomer reading comprehension

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Projared is (was?) considered core Yea Forums, the mods are just candy asses scared of GG2

closest thing i know to that is that you can click on "not interested" on videos in your recommendations

Bathroom Incident?


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all you underagefags should end yourselves


>s-save me tranny jannies!
kys redditor

Hover over the suggested video and on the right there'll be some dots you can click to block his shit

Have already dated one hotter than that and it was a shit relationship, it's better to just fuck traditionally hot chicks and go before you have to deal with their bs and thirsty ass jealous guys

Dude, that RE2 video was amazing. I wish I could find a full stream

I haven't watched streams in years, but when I did I really enjoyed Northernlion. I wonder if he's still any good.