Granblue Fantasy Versus
>Motions mean cooldowns are almost instant
>Every move has an ex, maybe multiple strengths
>Just Defend, rewards extra meter and less chip
>Two types of throw tech, late throw techs mean you take some damage still
>Block button, but you can't just defend with it and throw techs will always be a late tech
>Chip kills
>Buffed super at low life
>Dodge mechanic
>Air block

Lot of mechanics for a seemingly simple and casual fighter. Pretty excited but also really curious about the button layout.

Attached: 1558096244411.png (1920x1080, 3.08M)

Other urls found in this thread:


This one gets me

its not simple or casual at all, it just allows noobs to play at a basic level like dbfz does. this is a good thing.

i want this game on pc.

Attached: 1545697410980.jpg (673x949, 476K)

wait this is not coming to pc?

Ferry mains are bitches, just letting everyone know early on.

That's nice but if the meter's only there for supers, I think it's quite a waste. I like a bit of meter management.

CyGames has put all their games on PC, I think they're just focusing on making the games first then porting them later.
They said they want to bring both to PC, but are making the games the best they can be on PS4 at the moment

>not enjoying the freedom of buffed moves

There's always meter managing your opponent's health to 0

Attached: HEVEN Prison ver.Dizzy.webm (320x240, 2.46M)

dont forget to sign up for the beta

>running foward to your opponent fills the meter

This is an interesting way to reward players for being active but, won't specials get too spamable with this? I bet you can charge the meter to 100% twice in the same round

I want to play this potato

Attached: 1535972618815.webm (1266x690, 1.98M)

A lot of Japanese games are starting to include push and pull mechanics with bar. I wouldn't be shocked if an update to the systems started taking bar away for always running away or fast recovering.

same fellow potato masher

>taking bar away for always running away or fast recovering.

I doubt, not punishing who does this but rewarding who goes offensive seems a more pleasure way to treat newplayers

Yeah and in games with this mechanic there's a lot of meter dumps but this game seemingly only has the supers that spend meter. I believe you use ougi(supers) often in the mobile game so they likely just want to replicate that feeling.

Only reason I'm getting this

>muh "offensive play is inherently better then defensive play because it's "exiciting" for spectators" meme

The damage seems pretty low so I'm not too bothered. What I dislike is that a lot of stuff seems to encourage aggressive play

Are we looking at a 5 button fighter or a 4 button one? Jiyuna says something about medium so maybe it'll be LMH and S for quick specials and D for defensive moves (block/roll/dodge/maybe air move?)

The meter management is gonna be based around cooldowns now.

Any game that rewards aggression is much more fun to play and watch.

Are beta signups still closed?

I'm curious if any normals in this game are plus on block considering how little pushback there seems to be.

Attached: 1531512056165.webm (640x360, 2.85M)

arc loves this shit ever since the first GG

You have literal single button DPs, just defend, anti crossup block button, and certain characters have dodging, rolling, or outright parry/counter mechanics. There's plenty of defensive options here.

Overheads are at least.

they closed signups?

Attached: 1552477400773.gif (240x192, 57K)

er, meant to ask if its still open or its closed

This is the only interesting character in the roster.

wasnt this an rpg

they should be open for like another week

are there lolis


it's a card game


fuck esports

Some characters in the mobile game have skills that use meter to buff themselves or debuff enemies. It might be interesting if they bring in a character like that.

Attached: 1537189042630.png (640x688, 439K)

>he doesn't understand the difference between defensive play and bitch play
Games with instant/just frame blocks also give you meter for doing it successfully.

They're making a fighting game and an ARPG

>everytime you do a motion it show up a "good"
>cooldown recharge after contact with something, may it be hit or block
>if you whiff it somehow, it extends the cooldown for the opponent

really interesting

Attached: cooldown kat.webm (1920x1080, 2.22M)

There's no way it doesn't come to PC. There's a chance it will be delayed

>I believe you use ougi(supers) often in the mobile game

Metera when

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Mostly potatoes and and an oppai loli. As far as I recall, Aster is the only actual loli.

Attached: Npc_zoom_3030044000_01.png (960x800, 103K)

They've got another event coming up in July so probably a character announced then with another closed beta. Then at EVO we'll get another character announced with an open beta announcement.

Rising Thunder did the same and that didn't stop scrubs from crying about spammers.

She is so fucking cute.

I hope so, this game looks fun but I really want to play that relink link or whatever is called, looked neat

you're not going to be good at this game either

If you can't deal with "spamming" then you need to practice more

why can't water charlotta be good bros

Whiff being a factor isn't something agreed on yet.

From what we have seen, Katalina's fireball might have extra cooldown if it whiffs. But we also saw it have extra cooldown on block. We aren't sure which strength or type of fireball that was. No other move including projectiles were shown to have extra cooldown on whiff

>everytime you do a motion it show up a "good"
Not confirmed either

As long as they go more down the "P4A" route than the "DBFZ" route.

I thought this game was coming out in 2019, if they're announcing characters with that big of caps the roster must be small

I noticed Charlotta jumps and falls pretty quickly, so unique fall speeds might be in.


Attached: spamming kat.webm (1920x1080, 1.8M)
People still gonna bitch about "spammers."

Isn't that her Akuma flip you're talking about?

When is Summer Granfest?
I heard we were going to see more on Relink there


It's probably coming out in the September-November stretch and then they'll have the first tournament be at Gran Fest in December with the first dlc character announcement there.
I imagine that we'll get more characters more frequently the closer we get to launch.


Drusilla, Goblin Mage, Andira kinda, Loenora maybe, Sara in her younger form, Reinie, and Io.
Ardora (Attached to Agielba) and Nene's daughter exist too, but they're not playable.
I'm not sure how you qualify, but this list is several of the younger cast.


Oh shit, please tell me she has her own greed sever

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Zeta and Metera announcement when

Attached: Zeta_Anti-Primal_Beast_Battlesuit.png (960x800, 234K)

I want a Makoto function.

Attached: 1548534895039.png (2894x4093, 925K)

fuck zeta man, bea is much more cool to watch fighting

Attached: Npc_zoom_3030261000_02.png (960x800, 200K)

After I get my Jam function

Did we ever figure out what the little mark on Kat's skill is about?

I wouldn't really count Renie, Ardora and Nene's kid since they're not playable, and Andira doesn't really look like a loli to me, but it was kinda silly of me to forget about the others. Can't blame me for forgetting about Drusilla and Leonora though, since Cygames forgot about them too

Any news on a PC version?

renie is playable and arguably one of the better parts to the character, moveset-wise

>Bea is the default tutorial mode training dummy
I can dig this bullying.

Start of the video shows it happening. Seems to be another strength of the move

My wife is so cute

Attached: ring.png (160x340, 144K)

They better add Karin to this shit

was going to post this exact video. nice

Shit I'll get one day to play on Friday and maybe a couple hours on Saturday if im not dead tired, but this is fine

Wonder why it has the mark then

>Renie is playable
Nah, she just takes some of the credit while Wulf does all the heavy lifting. She's basically Wulf's cape during gameplay

I was referring to their 2

Cause the shortcuts only allow 1 strength. So say you could only do 1 type of fireball cause you only had 1 shortcut, while motions you have 2 or 3 + EX. If you had 2 shortcuts that would be access to more

won't it work like this?
>normal move is just 1 button
>EX move is press and hold

Have they said whether or not Djeeta will be in as an alt skin for Gran yet?

Anything is possible, we just haven't seen that yet. Hold would be a weird way though as it'd delay the move. More likely special button + something if they even allow shortcuts to ex.

not happening, since on the story mode gran will be a character itself and will talk a lot

With how much work Arcsys has to do to make a single character model it's highly unlikely. 'Skins' don't really exist in their modern games, it'd take the same amount of work as adding an entirely new character.

It would be a shame if it got delayed. I don't want a repeat of GG Sign situation.

>Gran will get a Djeeta color pallete

I don't want it

Attached: 1554266843077.jpg (800x800, 72K)

Videl in DBFZ.

Changing her hair wasn't much

There's zero chance she'll be a skin, but it's still possible (if unlikely) that she gets in as one of the classes.

No Faultless Defense? That's weird.

>Djeeta gets in
>she's the staff wielder

Attached: nekomancer.png (200x250, 12K)

>Lowain and Ladiva get in but not Djeeta
fucked up desu

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Even that must have been a lot of work. They edit the lighting by hand in every single frame of animation including camera changes in order to retain that 2D look.
The GDC talk on the technique was really interesting. When they disable the lighting or have the engine generate the 'correct' lighting based on the environment the models look like shit, the before/after transitions were amazing.

I'm late to the party. Since it's aiming for the casual crowd. Do we know if this game has auto combos? And if so, are there some combos that can only be done by utilizing it like in fighterz?

not canon

Daigo couldn't do a single combo so probably not

So this new fightan actually got me interested in the mobile game, and I'm thinking of picking it up.

FGO is better with a better fighting game.

GBF sucks just wait for Relink

they are in but they are pretty short
at some point lancelot does his auto but then it just ends and he stays there akward for 2 seconds

What fighting game?

I don't like the idea of an EX locking you out of the normal move. They have such a long cooldown

If you are to get into the mobile game, it's the one to get into because there is never a reason to spend money since they give out so much shit for free
And it's a browser game, just look up a playing Granblue in english guide

>better than anything

Attached: 1516786762471.png (356x456, 172K)

Unlimited Codes.

from time to time the game gives you free rolls for SSR characters, like, 100 free rolls and more
and we are not on this time yet, try again on summer

Can’t wait for the weeb characters to get added who can have 200% meter

>Better sales
>Better doujins
>Better spin-off games
>Better anime
>Better story
>Better characters
>Better animation
>Varied arts.

I hope he's in.

Attached: mr2mlZq.png (473x679, 713K)

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That is not fgo. FGO’s fighting game is arcade, an arena fighter

do you like grinding? If you don't then don't bother unless you just want to be a lign chad that collects pngs whenever free rolls are up

That's pretty promising. I was afraid it was gonna turn out like fighterz. Thanks, Anons

>varied arts

how long it took to they put Jiren on DBFZ?
a year?
If so, we may get new characters more than we expect

I know it's a game based on gacha and they are going for the gacha "never touched a fighting game before" crowd but the mechanics seems way too dumbed down IMO.
Looks like one step above meme games like rising thunder and fantasy strike.

I thought you would cheat and say melty blood and turns out you weren’t even that smart

>varied arts

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I hope she's in.

Attached: D6w1yVSUIAAZ-4l.jpg (1448x2048, 331K)

Fgo players only know of melty’s exsistance because fgo turned Sion into a saberface.

You're forgetting quite a few big ones. Lily is 12 for example.
If we're going by body type (which you really should) the list is fucking massive and includes girls like Vampy and Cog.

Attached: lily.jpg (2279x1500, 2.55M)

He is talking up FGO.

what were they thinking

Absolute sex bomb

Attached: DuIFASQXgAILTGL.jpg (900x1200, 135K)

Jiren came out like 4 months after 18 and Cooler

Get that hag out of my face gobu

She wishes

>ignore all other 3 skills
>use 1st skill
>punch himself
>repeat until his hp is down to 5%
>proceed to win the round with a single combo

yeah, I think Ayer is in

Attached: 1554260415653.jpg (852x1200, 268K)

>Motions mean cooldowns are almost instant
How is this a good thing? What's the point in making the two different? That's literally creating a mechanic for casuals and then telling them it's useless on its own and they have to learn the hard stuff after all.

If you want to make it simple, make it simple. Don't create weird rules and exceptions to half-ass your direction.

I just hope it doesn't turn out to be another unga bunga fighter with retardedly long blockstrings.
But thank god they seem to have learned, especially with defense

I'm talking about his first appearance on the anime/manga

Lily is 12. Not only that but elves live longer than humans.
She still wants to fug danchou

Attached: is that an offer.png (634x748, 633K)

That's a different case then

>Don't create weird rules and exceptions to half-ass your direction.
But that's what they do with the RPG as well

What do you mean? Now casuals can do a DP every 5 seconds instead of none at all. It also gives them an incentive to get better at the game.

>make a basic ass fighting game that no one's going to play in the long run
>create casual options to rope casuals in while giving real players reasons to stick around
This is what they're been doing with every fighting game since Technical and Stylish/Auto-Combo modes have been a thing.

Attached: 1549995232469.jpg (800x686, 377K)

honestly this kills it for me. Even if they can be shortened, being locked out of a move for a certain move for any amount of time sounds flatly unfun. Especially with the way they're handling EX moves, it should just be meter instead.

>What's the point in making the two different?
To constantly Good DP in their face while they have to wait 10 seconds every time because they used the button.

I think he means that it's a bad idea to mix both options rather than separate them

Learn to adapt. Stop trying to play every fighting game like it's capcom shit. There are already moves in other fighting games with tons of limiting factors such as requiring meter or ammo.

only some skills ever drain the ougi/charge attack bar in the browser game, so I guess they wanted the fighting game to work somewhat similar to that

If the two inputs did the same thing, then it'd be okay, if not redundant. A player can do whichever they're more comfortable with. With them being different, casuals will still be in disadvantage, but not before being deceived into thinking they had a chance.

Just imagine being a casual, throwing those simple fireballs and then playing against someone using motions. Why can they throw more than you? You can't beat them because all you know isn't good enough. It's potentially confusing.

If you put it in a separate mode then people feel bad about picking baby mode. Even if they need it. Make it part of the proper system and then even if they don't want to they can fall back on it.

It is also quite nice as a panic button. I know sometimes my execution goes to shit so a make sure I actually DP button would probably help.

So far it only seems like some projectiles are effected seriously. Most moves are back before they are even over. EX moves take a while, but that isn't any different than normal really.

Attached: 1555339247537.webm (1920x1080, 854K)

why aren't you guys worried over the single player mode/ story mode?

Attached: 1344652391374.jpg (700x667, 83K)

I'd prefer this to situations in other fighters where you brainlessly spam the same safe option. No one wants to watch Guile throw 50 sonic boobs and hold down back the whole match.

Has there ever been a fighting game with a decent one?

who cares
just give me good online and i'm good

>but not before being deceived into thinking they had a chance.
lmao, don't be so dramatic. They weren't deceived cause without this they wouldn't have a DP at all. They wouldn't be able to take part in the fireball game at all either, so instead of going hey why can he do more than me they'd say hey how come he can do stuff while I can't do anything?

Plus you say that like they have no idea of the system in place, it isn't confusing when you know what has more cooldown

They already tried separate easy modes multiple times and no one ever used them. Even beginners feel shame for using Fisher Price mode. Putting them together is 100% the best way.

Story is the only thing NRS does well, but really only Injustice 2 does it well (and only if you like capeshit).
Guilty Gear and Blazblue have great stories if you can wrap your head around them.

Why would I give a shit about singleplayer in a fighting game? It's a genre that revolves around playing against others. Only garbage game journos and scrubs care about singleplayer.

You can still use the easy inputs if you're sure you'll finish the match with them and you don't want to fuck up

I see what you mean, but I see them as training wheels for when you want to do better. It's good for if you just want to play your favorite character and do special moves, but if you want to win then you have to improve. I think most casuals can do a fireball motion, but DPs are what most of them have trouble with. So if you still need to use the shortcut for the DPs, you can at least pull one off with longer cooldown and keep doing fireballs with shorter cooldown.

why can't 3d anime look like this

Oh, I'm not talking about story. I mean the single player experience, even though that's a completely unintuitive way to be playing a fighting game.

The UI fucking sucks. I wasted time rolling during the anniversary but the UI makes understanding an entire wiki of game mechanics not worth the effort.

So if special moves done with a motion say GOOD, does defending with/without the block button have a notification?

Presumably there would be one for crossups as well. But I have a feeling block button will lock you in place so you don't auto block them. If not twitter warriors will rage till that gets changed desu.

Having single button moves is inherently stronger than motion input moves. If your dp is direction + special getting crossed up doesn't spoil the input, for example, you can do forward moving charge moves or 360/720s without having to buffer etc.
As long as they designed it well it could easily fit into the same idea as what they're clearly going for with the block button. You can depend on it if you want, but the better you get the more you'll be able to take advantage of the more complicated version, while still using the simple version for edge cases where it is useful.
>Just imagine being a casual, throwing those simple fireballs and then playing against someone using motions. Why can they throw more than you? You can't beat them because all you know isn't good enough. It's potentially confusing.
That's the casual experience anyway. At least they have something they can do starting at 0 and have motivation to improve in parts. If you're losing fireball wars because you're spamming the special button and they're actually doing qcfs there's motivation to learn that. It takes like 2 minutes of practise to be able to throw fireballs in neutral, they can even still use the button in combos if they need to. And if they don't do the tutorial to learn why their cooldowns are longer and the game isn't telling then "Good!" when they try, that's on them.

Instant/just frame blocks are directional only.
I'm guessing all instant/just frame moves are going to be locked to traditional inputs.

I don't think you understand. Imagine this scenario: there are no traditional command specials at all. All options, regular or EX are done with simple directional commands. Why wouldn't that be better, if their goal is to get players that would be scared of those inputs?

Because this kind of 3D animation takes the same amount or even more time to make than traditional 2D animation

Isn't the "defend button" the same as dash button and slide button?
>Netural = defend
>Directions = dash
>Down = slide

did I got this wrong?

Watch BBK/BRNK or any studio Orange anime

>All options, regular or EX are done with simple directional commands. Why wouldn't that be better
Because there are inherent advantages to designing a game with motions such as amount of moves possible. This way gives new players training wheels without fucking up the game for good players. Both can be happy, both can do stuff, worse players can do more than before but the better player can use their skills to do more. Rewarding skill, that's a neat concept.

>I don't think you understand
You just went down a completely different road than you were going down before

No, that wouldn't be better. That would just make command normals go away.

Also you're forced to late tech throws, which deals some damage even if you tech successfully. Holding block seems to be a pretty committal option, fairly low risk but low reward, since you'll be more susceptible to chip, can't punish as much stuff, and open to guaranteed damage throws. Probably better than getting hit into a full combo, but worse than flocking instant something minus and getting the momentum

>Isn't the "defend button" the same as dash button and slide button
Dash and slide buttons are a thing?

Also there is a dodge button in there somewhere, which is more likely to be linked to the block button

see and theres ground dash somewhere on the videos too

I assume that is just one of his crouching normals, or a command normal. Not everyone seems to have a slide. Dash is probably 66 seeing as you have a back dash as well

i don't get how the block button works

you can block normally by holding back but you can also press a button and it also defends from throws?

Because the only way you'd get a decent one for a fighting game would just be to have a beat-em-up taped onto it so why bother thinking about it? CPU fights are not any fun because they're either laughably easy, or input reading to be "hard" but still have some dumbass way to cheese it.

>Normal block
Hold back/downback
Can tech throws and late tech (takes some damage)
Can Just Defend

>Block button
Hold button/ hold and down
Can only late tech
Can't just defend
Maybe block crossups without need to adjust??????

he's right, it's in the fucking video
block button and evade button are the same shit

Attached: evd button.jpg (917x510, 89K)

>Both can be happy, both can do stuff
No, I don't think that's true at all. This is a cursed design problem, something that can't be solved without a big compromise. You can't have a game that has no execution barriers and at the same time reward players for their execution. Training wheels, sure, but it's not the game for people who just want to ride a tricycle. People come in, expect easy execution and learn they have to learn difficult motions anyway. Again, if there were no motions, or if motions were the same as the directionals, then it'd be more consistent, simpler and less confusing.

>Because there are inherent advantages to designing a game with motions such as amount of moves possible
Not applicable in this case because those restrictions happen anyway if you're doing what GBFV is doing. Directional inputs are the "reducing" element, and putting motion alternatives doesn't fix it.

Doesn't GBFV use a separate button for specials anyway? Moot point.

That doesn't say that at all.

I main Lancelot!

Attached: Lancelot_The_Dragon_Knights.png (960x800, 85K)

You're missing the point. Once you start removing motions then all directions become a special input. You end up cannibalizing command normals or relegating them to 1379 inputs. You're gutting the game of where the actual technical aspect comes in.
You might as well just play MK at that point.

>we'll get capeless Lecia for the Amalthea stage

Attached: 1552250102612.png (1920x800, 499K)

it's ok as long as she keeps the hat

bros... will sony kill the fem draphs?

>You can't have a game that has no execution barriers and at the same time reward players for their execution.
That isn't what they are trying to do at all though, stop being such a dramatic faggot. They are lowering the barrier to entry without reducing the ceiling as well.

>Training wheels, sure, but it's not the game for people who just want to ride a tricycle.
But it is

>People come in, expect easy execution
They find that and then go oh there is more above that to learn as well. That is exactly how smash has done well, very hard tech that would seem to put anyone off for high level play but the barrier to entry is low. You've straight up got mental blocks.

>Not applicable in this case because those restrictions happen anyway if you're doing what GBFV is doing
You have strengths and ex versions of moves.

>Doesn't GBFV use a separate button for specials anyway
For the shortcuts, it wouldn't make much sense to lock all the motions to that as well when you have multiple strengths for moves.

>then telling them it's useless
You got the move out, it hit or whiffed, created pressure or gave up your turn, but you still have the potential setup for a play. It's not useless

Yuisis when?

imagine thinking a fireball or DP motion counts as "Execution" any brain dead idiot could do it in 5 minutes of practice

Your scenario removes the possibility of depth in terms of what moves are possible in a string. The way it seems in versus has the possibility of depth while also keeping the single button presses

>fireball or DP
why do anglo fighting game fags refer to those like that?

How come Yea Forums bitches about fighting games motions all the time, then?

put Heles in

Attached: DzUFgAQU8AANXX5.png (640x688, 192K)

Imagine the outrage when yuisis is the confirmed stance character rather than naru

because Yea Forums is nothing but smash players
look at how they melted down about Ryu and Ken having special inputs for EX attacks in smash

When is Vane

Because Yea Forums is absolutely fucking terrible at fighting games.

Harvin masterrace

Attached: 5c92d36c9a6ad2e36e1c947f10b1dce7.jpg (551x1000, 86K)

my favourite thing about this video is the fact that he keeps saying that he only uses fireball when in reality he plays really normally and doesn't spam at all.
in the first round he shoots like 5 fireballs and most of the damage comes from normals.

>You can't have a game that has no execution barriers and at the same time reward players for their execution.
This is not the end goal you small brained fuck, stop trying to be so philosophical in your approach. The goal is to let people play the game at level 1 with the visible and quantiable reward of improving if they like the game enough.

Its like being able to play guile or vatista before getting into charge functions so I can see how the play style is first before wrapping my head around how to do charge moves effectively to be good. Or deciding the only way I can enjoy playing guile or vatista is to not do charge motions

inb4 a charge character shows up and traditional partitioning is faster than one button charging

Needs more potato

Attached: 67785813_p4.jpg (618x867, 135K)

two dragon homos in the roster is already too many

>built in K groove from cvs2
>mobile boxing type
I’m in give me

Looking forward to the August announcements.

Attached: 60405188_p0.jpg (778x1100, 958K)

I suggest you play Guilty Gear and find out.


Cyan tenga

It's not because of the whiff but because of the projectile still existing, that's why there's no cooldown slowly being drained like other moves but she gets the special back immediately when the projectile disappears.

fuck fighting games, need more news on relink. also my ban in granblue expires in 7 days, back to the grind.

It'll probably happen

>oracles won't be in

Attached: D6NfY3lU8AAwuXD.jpg (2048x1409, 559K)

I guess the only incentive not to use them is that they take longer to recharge than regular moves?

The same guy does the case files manga and he draw luvia fine it's just one time fuck up i guess

Announcements will probably start at Extra Fes in Sendai since GBFV is one of the main attractions there. That's July 27th/28th. Then we'll get something at EVO since that's pretty much the following week.
There could also be a character reveal during E3 week as well.

And they lock you out of those moves. If you're locked out of using fireballs and your opponent knows, they could zone you out since you don't have a counter play.

Probably hired some Chinaman to handle the coloring.

Yeah I'm expecting something from Sendai too, but Osaka should be the big one with the livestream and all.

Osaka Extra takes place at the same time as Evo. So they may do the announcement at both but I'm fairly certain Sendai will have the character announcements, then Osaka/EVO will have the open beta and launch date.

Soul Calibur 2

>one button specials
>but motion specials are better because they cooldown faster
Pretty cool. This seems to be trying to teach noobs how to play fighting games by rewarding them if they use advanced mechanics. Kind of like how DBFZ let anyone play with autocombo mashing but rewards people who make their own combos with better damage. These guys are doing a lot to bring new people into fighting games.

Soul Calibur 3 still stands tall on that front, but the actual game if you took it the least bit serious would be in for a world filled with bugs and glitches

>locked out of earth GW
Probably for the best.

I want Mimlemel playable but I doubt it'll happen.

What's the actual point of the block button if it sucks so much? Just hold back.

What are the buttons for this game? Is it a 4 button or 6 button game

Attached: 63989444_p0.jpg (1457x2064, 2.4M)

The kind of people that use the one button specials aren't people that would stick around for long in a fighting game.

I don't think that works to attract new players.
Just like the autocombo mashers didn't stick with dbfz mostly, these people do not want to learn deeper mechanics, and once they notice they cannot beat better players by mashing they just leave.

You literally cannot attract a demographic like that to fighting games, no matter how many crutches you built into the game.
At some point fighting game devs will actually learn this.

4 i think

For casuals. That's what all the one button specials and block button shit is for which is why everyone was freaked out.
Then they started showing shit like instant blocks and just frame links, then it got out that those are only possible with traditional inputs.
Easy mode gets less rewards, and normal gets to play the game like a normal fighting game. What'll be really interesting though is when those one button specials and blocks start getting factored into high end OSes.

if you do it right, you can bring them - I know this because it happened to me with rising thunder
but this crutches are just that - crutches. If you dont make a truly acessible game, it will not work. That is why rising thunder was genius: acessible, yet deep just like any other fighter

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they really have some balls not trying rushing the game to come out before evo, how dare they

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We do not have any numbers for rising thunder and how well that would have worked out.

The game never saw the light of the day after the beta.

Personally i dont think it works unless you make a hyper accessible game.

Nah a lot of people who started with the crutch mechanics have moved onto the more advanced ones. I'm one of them and so are my friends. DBFZ is our first fighting game we're actually learning and all we used to do is mash lights to go for the autocombo at first, but now we're doing medium+lights to make our own combos and slowly moving up the complexity tree.

Thing is in the past these crutches were locked behind "stylish" or "casual" modes which did the work for you but you never learned anything. The way they're doing it here is more organic, since you can transition to the more complex ways at any time during the fight. If i'm nervous and getting destroyed I can fall back on the crutch of mashing autocombo, if I feel more confident I can make my own combos, just like how really serious players can chose between risky and safe options.

All these options are doing is lowering the skill floor so people can get in easier and grow. Sure, some people will get in because it's easy, get destroyed, and quit. But that's true for any game. At least with the crutches they're getting in.

well, im telling it worked for me. I was getting super good at the game, I learned neutral and even some heavy execution combos, and I had no experience in fg beforehand. And it felt pretty good, too. BBTAG also did this kind of well.

Rising Thunder was glorious for one reason alone. It blew up the myth that special input commands were the separation between good players and bad ones. If anything special commands are the great equalizer.

Easy for casuals, autoblocks crossup maybe. Possibly also something like FD run cancelling with it because arcsys likes that kind of shit.

When is ArcRevo? They will rush it for that since Japan is the main audience for this game

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I figured it was for casuals but to me a button block seems more complex than just holding back.

they don't need evo when they're one of the biggest game devs

To make it harder for the other player to jut instantly recognize what you're doing and mix you up. Like a player who isnt very good will hold back preemptively which will put your character in walk animation and the other player will just throw you or mix you up some other way because they know you want to block. So the ability to walk forward and quickly block something without giving it away is given without you learning that skill over a long period of time

It's far more likely that they'll release the game in October and have GranBlue Fest 2019 in December be the first major tournament for GBFV.

Block button will probably help casuals with cross ups and shit like that. Wouldn't be surprised if it blocked low and high too. All the stuff that's been mentioned on the JP side though makes it sound like blocking with the guard button is the weak option that is safe, but you can't do much out of.

>it's a Yea Forums talks about shit they know nothing about yet pretend they are experts in episode

>so esports they can afford to skip evo while everyone rushes their shit out
I really don't give a shit though I just want to play it

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Isn't this every episode?

I appreciate it's not a marvel comboing air dash fighter

>Just imagine being a casual, throwing those simple fireballs and then playing against someone using motions. Why can they throw more than you? You can't beat them because all you know isn't good enough. It's potentially confusing.

If you play against someone good, he'll literally just walk up to you and throw you and then that's game.

Just try any fighting game. People with even passing competence becomes gods compared to noobs

Difference between cygames and SNK is that SNK needs their game at EVO for the clout chasing. Cygames has the revenue to promote their game themselves which bodes better for the game on the long term. If enough people are interested and it's popularity grows, there's a whole year of playtime for GBFV players to come out and compete. Then EVO 2020 could be a possibility for a second wave of pushing the game

I'm just glad it isn't a tag fighter where you can't play a certain character without specific assist

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This isn't bashing on SNK or Sam Sho btw, since that franchise can and probably will do well on name alone but I'm just talking that financial state of SNK

You're fucking crazy if you think that casuals are the only ones that are going to be using the cooldown specials.

I'm not 100% sure

The 1st projectile here is back in less than 1 second
The 2nd has 1 second of travel time, then 1 second to recharge. This is in the corner so when it is off screen it has stopped existing.

So it does seem a tint bit slower, but not a significant amount. This may also have been a HP projectile vs a LP projectile. What needs to be cleared up though is that moves have a delay and a cooldown period. The delay is what takes a while with normal specials. EX moves are what have a long cooldown. These are different stages of the process, if that ends up mattering is to be seen but there is a distinction in what we see.

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Fireball traps leading into a well read DP puts a goofy grin on my face.

Yeah, better at anything that doesn't involve actually playing the game.

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idk shit about fighting games but the cooldowns to me look like they're just the recovery frames for the skills before you could do it again, am I wrong?

She got a worse deal than Nightingale. Fucking disgrace.

Recovery frames means you can't do anything, not just that move.

If they went that route with GBFV they could've made the babby mode the default one, but I guess don't mind mixing the two. Although I can't judge without trying it myself.

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No, the cooldowns can last much longer.

>catering to casuals with a genre that casuals don't understand when even when catered to
>a good thing
I don't know how many games have to be ruined by auto combo trash and now cooldowns for my favorite genre to fuck off this shit

You guys aren't seriously excited for this, are you?

Can I progress in GBF if I just want to have a party of all Draphs of all elements? Or do I have to tryhard and make an actual team?
Uh Ilsabros

just be yourself

you are going to have to make single element teams

Lots of them, and you have actual lolis, eternal lolis and lolibabas

>This is in the corner so when it is off screen it has stopped existing.
Pretty sure it keeps existing for a set distance no matter if it's still inside the ring/screen or not.

Dirt is probably the best element for an all-draph team since both of its Eternals are draphs. One is a male though.

block button? that’s means you can’t hold back to block?

Do we have a clip where it travels the full distance and then pops before hitting anything?

Why did they do this? Why can't I just play my favorites?

>only one super at any given time

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There's so many characters that you can have favorites within an element.

because they also force you to develop a usable team for every element, the so called rainbow meta

good pick actually, guns, big tits, 13 year old, can throw dynamite

you have to make teams for every element anyways, so you do get to use your favorites

b-bros, i was told by Yea Forums that this was a casual mobileshit game that should be dropped on arrival
what the fuck happened, bros...

wrong one

read the thread dum dum

don't worry, they'll add okto to the game and you'll be able to double OMOSHIROI there too

i can see Silva getting in with Cuc and Cummies being assist characters

You'll have to go full Earth with Halle, Razia and grind for Sarasa, you have team thats all damage but no utility so probably would have to make MC a superstar with Xeno Vohu Harp

You want to build a weapon grid for every element (literally no reason to specialize), so you can have seven favorite teams.

Maybe the block button is like a meterless FD?

Free increased pushback+probable cross up protection vs less movement, damage from grab techs and no IB. This sounds OP on paper but we all thought that Reflect was gonna be super busted in DBFZ.

Did they release null element today or what

Oh also there's Fire with Anila, Sturm and Aliza, but the first two are limited characters that show up in two separate fests so GOOD FUCKING LUCK

Also pray that Halle's rebalance makes her great and that Razia gets a 5* at some point because Razia is fucking shit, you're unironically better off running Yaia

Looks straight out of deviantArt. Just needs the watermark.

*one shots you*

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In some parts of the video it looked like for Katalina it was a system of the cooldown only being there because the projectile was still in the air, like a prevention of the old street fighter fireball shenanigans where you could throw 5 different slow moving hadokens in the air. Other times the fireball move was on cooldown after being gone. But without knowing exactly what the inputs are its hard to be accurate and can only say the cooldowns are contextual

>you're unironically better off running Yaia
To be honest user if your team is strong enough to survive and not swap out with sub members, you SHOULD be running Yaia since iirc at 5* she has the partywide sub buff? No joke Yaia is one of the best SRs

Sadly I think we don't, but we have two instances of that projectile whiffing out of the screen at different distances (the very start of the first match) and taking pretty much the same time to come back. Lancelot's fireball has the same thing, the cooldown only starts when the projectile disappears (you can see it at the start of that fight too) so I guess Kat's the exact same except that her cooldown is pretty much instant.

She's in!

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Yes, she's unironically one of dirt's best buffers. Her 1 is on a decent cd and it dabs all over pretty much every relevant water boss. Her ougi buff is also insane at 5*.

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do we know who's the gorilla yet

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she has her own version of raging demon

Lancelot is basically Leo. Charlotta seems pretty unga as well with her demon flip and blanka ball


I'm going to unga the shit out of this potato

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Its not
He combo looks like leo but he is the mixup char

Lancelot is CHIPP.

It would make more sense for it to be the other way around, Cuc as the main character with Silva coming for long range support and Cum for explosives.

What fighter would you compare it to the most right now?

Rising Thunder is the obvious one but outside cooldowns they don't seem very similar. GBV has a lot of mechanics going on really.

I'm not super well versed on the game, but it might actually be slightly similar to Garou. Run, just defend and dodge are all in. Apart from that I do get a Alpha vibe from it. Never played Battle Fantasia but it is ArcSys other attempt at a traditional fighter, so there might be something there.

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Koihime Enbu.


>no sarasa

cmon bro

I heard she was a pixie type character, was that wrong? because im garbage with pixies but i wanna play her

>no pig
One fucking job and you screwed it up

Her crown counts as a hitbox so she probably isn't actually any smaller than normal

To me it looks like Guilty Gear with cooldowns and without airdashes or Roman cancels but perhaps I'm biased since I'm mainly a GG player.

So dumbed down GG. I'll pass.

>To me it looks like Guilty Gear with cooldowns and without airdashes or Roman cancels
It really doesn't resemble GG outside of being a fighter. The pressure characters had seem pretty limited.

No way, Koihime Enbu has short 2-hit combos (outside of fatal counters), while this one has much longer combos based on chains. Because of that, it'll also not be as poke heavy, since the main goal will be getting to point blank range for optimal combos. They're both simple, but fundamentally different.

>Guilty Gear without airdashes

Why are these animes so sexual

I don't like mixing crutch mechanics with the traditional ones because for anyone that doesn't use the crutch mechanics that's just a wasted button.

I'm never gonna touch the block button unless they give me some SERIOUS reason to use it. would've gone to better use being for something else.

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That's gay. I'm going to stick with my current gacha. I can shove all my favorite girls in one team and beat almost any map.


>Because of that, it'll also not be as poke heavy, since the main goal will be getting to point blank range for optimal combos.
That isn't quite right. Just because you (presumably) get your best combos off a close button doesn't mean that is where a character excels. What if you only got 3% more for doing that? Combo damage in general seems pretty mediocre, so it may ultimately prove a slower safe game is more rewarding that risking a lot of an insignificant amount more damage. It also seems like the characters revealed so far have limited pressure, and they were punishing most of it pretty easily. Which could get opened up even more with just defend. So getting in to start your pressure game could end up a uneven risk.

Basically, longer combos doesn't mean a game is more about getting in.

I'm sure it can have meta uses somehow.
I've already been think the DP button without the motion will be a nice way to guarantee it comes out as soon as possible to fuck over frametraps.

So Battle Fantasia then

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>it's actually a game instead of just a braindead tapping simulator? meh
Ruined already!

Stay mad that FGO will always beat GBF.

every time

to get that sweet incel money

You're under the impression there's no possibility of there being a meta of both button blocks and directional blocks being used at the same time, or even button press skills and supers along with directional inputs.
Hell professionally I could even see the option of faking people out with a mixture of button blocks and directional inputs if you really want to theory craft on limited info

Got to wait for the beta and full release to see how the button setup and ability setup for characters are

Are we even getting female Draphs?


Narmaya is likely to get in
She's the most pushed draph by cygames, is popular and has a unique playstyle mechanic via stances/katana quick draw

We will not get any attractive females because it's a PS4 game.

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not wrong

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Melty Blood.

SR Dante onegai

Needs cows or no buy

>or even button press skills and supers along with directional inputs.
At the very least button press skills is gonna broaden the combo possibilities of charge characters since you'll be able to chain things that usually require a charged 4 right after something like a 6P even if you'll pay the price with a longer cooldown.

Lancelot seems unga as fuck

OHNONONO Cycucks bros wtf
>"We published a video that teaches pro gamers that you have to block overheads while standing" -FKHR

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Auto combos dont ruin games, UNIST has both simplified inputs for specials and auto combos, what ruins games is when you simplify it on a mechanical level like DBFZ and SFV. GBVS looks similarly mechanically simplified.

I wanted to see my nigga Gran.

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Is she really likely to get in? Vaseraga's weapon is in the main logo and I'm not sure if they'd put three Draphs in the game.

Why wouldn't they? There's also four humans according to the logo + Gran.

hold up son, that's not quite right. please try not to pigeonhole all of Yea Forums like that. the correct phrase is
>Because Yea Forums is absolutely fucking terrible at all video games

She's not really a quick draw character at least not on the scale of a Johnny or Yuzu especially since her nagamaki can be morphed into other weapons.

Give me bampy already

That's to be expected of humans.

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characters with a fat ass when

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Medusa might make it in, she’s the tsundere ass queen

post more charlotta

> dual blade
> Fast boi
Of course he will be unga

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Don't trust Ferry players

All signs pointed to it being exactly that on reveal. Turns out ArcSys didn't want to shit out a turd just for gacha money. It's all very well thought out.

Ferry players are always good trustworthy people. when have you ever had reason to doubt the good nature of anyone who plays a whip using character in a fighting game?

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Sigh. Why even bother putting males in this game? Nobody fucking likes men. They're boring.

If it does all that people are saying it might do then it needs more drawbacks other than "throw techs are all late techs" and "can't just defend" with it. Put a 4 frame recovery on it so people can jab you out if you try to abuse it or something.

Human females should not be in the game either

Fuck off, yuritard.

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Closet tranny detected

Command jump with altered trajectory might add to that too, but we didn't see much unga play from her other than the overhead/throw mixup that probably anybody can do.

Fuck off sperm dispenser

get rekt yurishitter
Siegfried when?

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t. closet homo that hates seeing attractive men

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Is that suppose to be an insult?

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I wish the closed beta allowed you to connect your granblue account so KMR would understand that I am the utmost loyal of grubblers. As it stands, I'm willing to bet only one or two people here get in period and the rest will be filled with e-celebs

All these seething, buttmad men

I couldn't figure out what was her jumping light and medium

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>that range
what the fuck man

Huh what's wrong with my human female comment

When you're not even human, yes.

Yeah? Why wouldn't I be? I'll be circling between UNICL-R, SamSho, and this likely.

This, I'll be happy with him or Apollonia in the base game

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I swear officer, I play Charlotta because of her playstyle and not for her tiny, sexy body

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Based galaxy brain footsie

Apollo would be cool.

yeah it's kind of disappointing how short it is, but the slower walkspeeds should make up for that.

She looks like a literal toddler in the game instead of a curvy midget like Midna, I don't see how people can be attracted to her.

If you wanted attention, just say so.

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where the primals at

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I think he just wanted people to post sexy men for him

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Teaching players to neutral jump fireballs = Kat can't spam

God, I wish I were either of them.

she is cute and funny

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She has curves though, they just aren’t exaggerated. She’s halfway between ridiculous shortstacks/midgets and babyfat toddlers like Lalafell

Cute tree

>She looks like a literal toddler
I don't see the problem

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Street Fighter Alpha x Rising Thunder by Arcsys

You missed her overhead. And the s.LMH moves stand alone or were they part of a combo string?

>deconfirming my wife so niggercats can be in
angry bell noises

lowainbros will make Yugu top tier. Top Tier!

>And the s.LMH moves stand alone or were they part of a combo string?
The moves were all taken from first hits, so not part of a combo

Didn't see her overhead, if you give me the time she uses it I can add it

but she's playable user, I assume she's their 30% ougi

Why should we be worried when they already said that the game will have plenty of solo content and even a story mode. Read the first interviews on Siliconera my dude.

>Gran, Katalina
Main characters, appears a lot obviously
>Ferry, Lancelot and Charlotta
Poster boys/girls for GBF, some of them appeared in events, some of them recently got new versions.
Arguably #1 gag character in the game, has events that focuses on him and his pals.

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>its not simple or casual at all, it just allows noobs to play at a basic level like dbfz does
DBFZ died because it was too simple. It felt like refining bottle flipping which gets really repetitive even if you're doing 100 flips before a land. There just isn't enough variety in the DBFZ meta to be fun.

She flashes a bit and does a small hop backwards and hits. It's probably universal but still worth capping

Your okama wrestler

New version this year!

poster tranny rep for all the trannies that flood ArcSys playerbases

Ladiva is based and L O V E pilled

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Ladiva is the Zangief/Alex function

fighting games need wrestlers, it's mandatory

ladiva's whole gimmick is being a show fighter so it makes complete sense to include

He's basically another attack on masculinity to make sure Japanese men stay soft and consume anime products instead of being men and raising sons.

>DBFZ died
But it didn't?



now that's what I call cringe

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Also, care to explain SOIYA then?

E-Elsam put your arm down!

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Here we go again, fuck off with this dumb argument you dumb niggers no one cares. Talk about the game or fuck off.


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I get why they added him/her in terms of gameplay purposes, but it's just weird that they never give Ladiva much attention in the game. I think last time he/she appeared in an event was a year ago?
Ladiva as a character is pretty good though, he/she was great in the martial arts tournament event.

Hard Yikes

She user. Ladiva is a girl. She/her.

eh to be completely fair she's gotten about as much attention event wise as DLF and therese, the other two main casino related characters
she mostly showed up for the xmas GW stuff but they've stopped doing seasonal GWs with scenes tied to them

No, it's a man.

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Ladiva is also in every Christmas event, and in other people's fate episodes. Christmas Mary's especially is heartwarming. Ladiva is my favorite SR by far(get fucked Mirin) and I hope for an SSR soon.

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>but it's just weird that they never give Ladiva much attention in the game
They did say that they dont care about popularity for Versus, first they'll add character best fitting the typical FG playstyles
ergo soon we'll see Sara or Orchis announcement

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Please do not eat your potato.

>Carl function
please no, I don't want to relive BB nightmares

That's disgusting. She looks like a 3 year old. Kys.

So in fighting games, do pro players really memorize the frame data for every character's move set, or do they just generally learn what moves are good to start combos with shorter frame data?
Seems like it would be hard to know when a character you're up against is using a move with shorter frames than any of your moves are with their frame bonuses included as well and if you can block or counter

This potato is older than you

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Orchid is the puppet character
Orchis is the princess
They’re genuinely different people even though the former inhabited the latter’s body for a while, play the story

>DBFZ died because it was too simple
Fuck no. DBFz is actually fucking hard at high level, it's even impossible to compete against the best unlike other fighting games.
>There just isn't enough variety in the DBFZ meta to be fun.
Fun is not really a part of the success in Esport otherwise nobody would play Street Fighter.
But yeah, variety is the real problem of DBFz because since it's fucking hard to compete, you have to pick the best characters/teams to win and since the most original and interesting characters are shut tier, we see the same fucking matchs without any surprise. We simply don't have that not god tier player with Krilin/Tenshinhan/Ginyu who will switch his character with GO1 and win, this kind of shit will never happen.


Who could be closest to Sol Badguy? I'm talking someone that let's me rocket kick someone across the screen into a giant fire punch type stuff.

I know, but I can't be bothered, you know we mean Loyd

she's 24, if you want the ones older than 100 here's marq

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depends on the player and game
If I'm playing an Asuka as Gigas and I block her d1+2 I know that I can punish with a WS 3. If you asked me in the moment what the frame data was for either of those moves I wouldn't be able to tell you, but I can recognize the situation that comes as a result of the data.

I just get the names confused, doesnt help they are pronounced the same way, Lucifer/Lucifaa is the same shit but the names are different enough to remember who's who

Nice, thanks. Got one for her specials?

>DBFz is actually fucking hard at high level, it's even impossible to compete against the best unlike other fighting games.
Simplicity and difficulty aren't mutually exclusive. Also there was a domination because no one good really gave a damn about the game besides the gay furry, Chris G, and a few Japs. Of course they would utterly body the anime community free.

But he probably won't be in, so have Percival instead

Attached: percival.jpg (848x1024, 684K)

I dunno what this is but I want it

>Ears also blushing
Too much for me

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I was holding off on doing anything more for specials until they've been cleared up a bit.

charlotta is the most rushdown we have seen for now.

zeta is probably going to be another rushdown like that

Old guy potatoes are based, Yoda is my nigga too

I'm still trying to wrap my head around how moves are labeled these days

Understandable. Then do you have normal lineups for the others?

>Fun is not really a part of the success in Esport otherwise nobody would play Street Fighter.
I get more enjoyment out of SFV than DBFZ because at least in SFV post S3 has allowed for different archetypes and fighting styles to flourish. With DBFZ I have to unga rushdown with IADs and very similar bnbs.

the closest you're getting is Percival who's fire sword guy that's closer in personality to Ky
and the character that all the otomejoshi's masturbate to

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Ears turning red is actually apart OF blushing in the first place
Why do so many artists neglect this?

Can't wait for the model viewer cuz that 2H looks really nice

Whipsbros rise up

I might try later, but the other characters don't seem as clear. They were a lot more heavy on using special moves

Aliza if you want fire kicks, but she will probably be more like Jam than Sol if she is in the game.

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It's different for every game. I was using Tekken notation as that is the game I was referencing.
Granblue will most likely use western anime notation which is numpad numbers for directions and ABCD for buttons.

I like her atr outfit much better

But who will have the HURRICANE POLIMAR function?

>literal meme
she doesn't deserve this tbqhwyf

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said anyone with taste and will to fuck her brains out

People are forgetting the most important part of the Sol function- the install. Who in Versus is gonna have an install?

So who are all the people confirmed via the logo?
I don't know anything about granblue but I want to go look at their wiki pages

when are we getting the zato function?

Attached: GGXRD-R_Zato-1_Portrait.png (682x873, 425K)

Stop lewding my daughter, she's the captain of the Order of Holy Knights you know

Attached: charlotta9.jpg (500x500, 36K)

Uggu is an install super
Percival could also well have an install where he sets his sword on fire.

Attached: Percival_A.png (960x800, 143K)

Well Ferry shows that we're at least getting the full LMH range of normals which I was a bit worried about.

post the rest

Considering what that retard things constitutes left and right I wouldn't post him like he's an authority on anything

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>PC version nowhere to be seen after Arcsys seemed to start getting them out more regularly

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never ever

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Especially the lewd ones

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What are the chances that if they decide to use a gun char, it ends up being Jess?

The ones left that might be in because of the logo are Vaseraga, Zeta, Lancelot and Metera.

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It’s not truly an install if there’s no special music.
I wanna hear RADIO or BANG BANG BANG or some shit. That’s why Golden Frieza was so underwhelming

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>ends up being Jess
close to none
Silva and Ilsa are way more popular and have more gimmicks

>autocombo ruining anything
lol hello low rank scrub. stop trying so hard.
variety has nothing to do with simplicity. there isnt much variety because they made it that way on purpose, and mostly because the top tier characters havent changed much and they all play similarly.

Any chance for her?

Attached: dela.png (960x800, 217K)

This is the lewdest one I have

Attached: charlotta13.jpg (599x902, 395K)

Should've been Percival, Lance is already in.

I can't wait for the stance function

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Is he going to make the cut?

Attached: char_5.png (1280x1280, 318K)

Europa is not gonna be in bro

thanks user
this thread still has 10 posts left if you have any more that you would be willing to share

Naru is literally Baiken, everyone bitches for her to be in then no one plays her because she’s too complicated.

Here's your Draph

Attached: Cowg.jpg (900x1200, 783K)

>never spent much time on learning stance characters
I’ll do it for my sister-wife

Attached: 59311258-F36F-4EE4-8FBE-25BC07B44BC9.jpg (3850x5950, 2.11M)

Hope she's fun

>block buttons

RIP crossups

>Who in Versus is gonna have an install?
A LOT of characters can have Install:
Vira could turn into Chevira.
Zooey into Grand Order.
Vaseraga can do something similar with his weapon.
Jeanne could turn into Dark Jeanne.
Olivia into her giant form.
Amira into succubus.
Shiro has a gold mode.


Attached: 1553116629185.jpg (1072x1500, 1.18M)

Very small
She could be a fun character though

I want a better draph

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