Make a great game

>make a great game
>make an amazing game
>sit on the IP for 20 years and do nothing with it

why does this keep happening

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because SEGA is run by retards

Graffiti is illegal in a lot of countries and is not as cool-rad with the kids as it was before.

It's probably really expensive to license all the music they need for a niche IP

And both games had a warning screen show up pointing out that graffiti as vandalism is a crime and sega does not endorse it

Murder is illegal in a lot of countries

didn't stop any games from being released

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They’ve done nothing really with panzer dragoon either

>IP gets picked up
>"OMG why couldn't they let it stay on the grave and we could cherish its good memories"

Both games sold like shit. The only reason why the second one was made was because Microsoft threw money at Sega for XBox exclusives.


Would rather a good IP die young than have it turn into Silent Hill.

>Like this, like that
>Like this-this, like that
>Like this, like that
>Like this-this, like that

Because some people don't understand the concept of love

>everyone who likes the game is actually 1 person


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Who's the best girl?

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It sold like ass. I like it too OP but it would have to be someone's passion project to get another made.

man, you never miss a thread do you

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man i really dont get the praise these games get. i just hate the controls and how it feels, i had some fun times with jsr tho



I am 100% sure microsoft wants it on their current platform but the music licensing side must be hell.

Muh Nigga

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Next time you have some baseless retarded shit to add to a conversation, consider just not posting.

What would help make a new JSR into a 10/10?
>upgradeable, customizable skates
>legit tricks with button combos


Mew. All JSR girls are good, though.

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play splatoon


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Jet Set Radio was a great game
Future was mediocre and soulless


2 mello keeping the flame alight

I’ve played both and both are great in their own ways. Don’t be a fag.

Interesting. Anons? What to you have to say about this?


Because marketing is designing the games now.

Keeping the JSRF controls, but improving the camera so it's always on your back when you're on the move. A more engaging storyline would also be great, that was one of the things I felt JGR did better.
As long as the characters and graffiti are still as cool as always, the maps are bigger but just as intrincate, and the OST still has Hideki Naganuma bangers alongside other cool tunes, I'm game.

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when you think about it, minecraft is graffiti for autistic kids.

thinking of coin. what a legend. RIP.

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This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read



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Why are the JSR girls so great?

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Nice song but doesn't really sound like JSR

Jurassic 5 - Improvise

Yea good call, story writing needs some work.
I was thinking multiplayer too but I can't think of a fun game mode except racing.

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gum (more like cum)

JSRF's multiplayer mode already has good modes to pull from, you just gotta make it online compatible. Maybe add some new stuff like horde mode, CTF or freeroam.

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this desu

outrun 2 kind of sold well and it got a rerelease in 2006 in all consoles

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It's basically dead forever, Hideki Naganuma left Sega.

>Keeping the JSRF controls
Fuck no.
Bring back the JSR physics except improve them.

No scripted rails bullshit like in Future either.

Would you cum in Gum? I know I would.

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too floaty and i dont like how the characters automatically snap onto the railings

>actually hating the JSRF controls
But why?

Gum is pure

I don't get this meme.
JSR Beat >>>>>>>>>> Soiboy JSRF Beat

They're simplified/casualized.
They don't have the weight JSR's controls do.

JSR's controls take some getting used to.
They're far from perfect but when they click, they fucking click.

For some reason didn't like the game too much. Have it on dreamcast. I mean cool game and all but I don't really feel like i need a new one

just bought an original xbox to play this shit.
Sega will either announce the HD version at this E3 or fucking never

>Graffiti is illegal in a lot of countries and is not as cool-rad with the kids as it was before.
OH, so this is the reason.

You're an idiot.

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Gum is not for cum. Gum is for stable relationship and meeting parents with.


nigger did you not read the opening screen?

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Which has nothing to do with anything.
It's not like he couldn't work as freelancer on a new JSR game and it's not like they couldn't do a JSR game without him(as long as they have guys like Tomonori Sawada, Richard Jacques and license tracks from obscure Japanese Bands)

I feel like JSR was a product of its time though.
Even JSRF felt played out when it came out.
JSR was like a celebration of that period from the late 90s and it coming out in 2000 is what makes it such a special game.

>replying to bait

What the fuck is wrong with Sega?
Almost every fucking IP they have is a gold mine and they fucking never try to do anything with them except letting Sonic enter into a shitty game crisis every three minutes.

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> Murder is illegal
> Rape is illegal
> Theft is illegal
Your point ?

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>gold mine
no they're not

name me a game where you can murder people you fucking cant


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I know ya'll did the right thing and ingnored this ingrate, but id just like to say that Hover was a wonderful experience especially if you avoided the furries and found all the other JSR fans

now name one thats good XD

Why was the year 2000 so soulful?

>implying JSR is hard
I just prefer how smooth Future is in comparison. Simplified does not automatically mean bad. That said, both games are great.


Most of the AAA release ??????????

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I didn't say it was hard(though it is harder than JSRF due to the way both games are made)

JSRF doesn't control more smoothly. JSRF plays itself more for you with the automatic grind rails.

Anyone who goes calling JRS the better of the two was an absolute loser and had no friends. I get calling future souless for the most part refining everything and adding knew character instead of a complete reintroduction, but the multiplayer and graffiti sharing was just killer in future, and its just blatantly the better game

> simplified
Remember that level in the sewers with Poison Jam ?
There's a section where you have to literally walk and jump all the way. Even as Combo, one of the slowest, that's too fast.

Jet Grind is the only reason I have a dreamcast and the only game I have for the dreamcast. I'll post a pic when I come home if the threads still up.


the one where i skullfuck your nan

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JSRF didn't refine anything. Certainly not the art-style and the character designs which were a huge downgrade.

Blatantly the better game my ass. It went from being a unique arcade style game to Banjo-Kazooie Rollerskating Edition.

Pretty sure you could share graffiti on the Dreamcast. You could even upload your own images to use as well as share them online directly from the Dreamcast.
The HD port doesn't have this feature for some retarded reason though.

Way to prove his point.

>JSRF didn't refine anything.

Hey that's not true.
It refined the chase gameplay into one of the worst combat systems implemented in a platformer.

Whats that?

Was that a response?

What was i talking about again?

Oh ya Fucking Multiplayer, and JSR's timer barely adds anything to the gameplay, the tricks are generally the same and JSRF's graffiti mechanic DEEPLY improves on JSR's QTEs, since it was designed with multiplayer in mind.

Oh and the graphics are blatantly better nobody goes around posting old JSR art, your really going to tell me the environments look worse?

How long until the IP is in public domain?

they can sue you anytime

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reminder that they also threw away bayonetta 2 to the highest bider for no reason and every 3d sonic has been proven to be rushed

the first jet set radio fucking sucks
you guys can praise jsrf all you want, but holy shit there is nothing the first game but the OST

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>JSR's timer barely adds anything to the gameplay
The game was literally built around it.
You had to complete the objectives before the time ran out.
It's an arcade-style game which means that you get graded for your performance(the higher the timer is when you're done the higher the bonus points you get from the Time Bonus)

Depending on which character you're using you could get a different score like for example if you use Gum who has tougher graffiti tag motions you get more points for each tag you spray which makes her useful for getting certain Jet Ranks.

As a trade-off for her graffiti tag motions being harder Gum handles better for example.
Same with Mew who handles very well but she can't carry that many spray cans and she has the easier tags.
If you want more spray cans then guys like Garam and Tab are useful.
The character roster is actually well balanced and thought-out

But of course you don't know anything about any of this because if you're gonna complain about the timer than means you suck at the game.

Oh please bitch. JSR is far more iconic than JSRF.
The graphics in Future might have more polygonal horsepower but the visual style blows. The colors are washed out and dull compared to the OG game.

You Futurefags are the Adventure 2 fags of JSR.


>the first jet set radio fucking sucks
Casualbabby detected.

I like the game and hate the music tho

future sucks ass. open world for the sake of being open world, one of the biggest pet peeves i have when it comes to vidya.

there's thousands; don't be a dumbass

>you have to constantly bunny hop for any speed
>floaty jumps and bad camera
>shit map layout makes sections of levels harder to find
>beat the game anyway
it sucks

>all these idiots responding seriously

begone hipster

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even though the first one is way more popular than future? lol

>all of this OG vs Future shitflinging
They’re both great games, you morons. They just have different styles of gameplay. I would kill for an HD port of JSRF, though. Literally the only reason I still have an Xbox 360.

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Dude I've played through JSR with a dreamcast and its one of the only mobile games I own. The fact that you dont comprehend that JSRF had timers, Ranks, a larger collection of skaters with different stats and tricks is just making it blatantly obvious you couldnt appreciate all of one games features so you've focused on another.

JSR' graphics took a lot of fucking work, it was really magic they where doing. But once more if you tell me that those environment designes where better in JSR, im going to have to point out how alone you are going to be with that opinion.

I really hate when people call it just a banjo style game, finding all the content takes a real creative amount of exploration i was only able to accomplish by meeting with friends and talking it over versus play.

To the guy who called it the worst platformjng combat ever made, i bet you just circled the cops instead of using the characters custom combat tricks.

Reminder that Bubsy got a new game before this series

How does that make you feel?

just as bad as Monster Hunter fans

> license the music they need
Hideki Naganuma plus like two guest bands, tops?

I didnt want to fling shit until people started talking like the developers of the game wherent a collection of the same people putting real effort into expanding on the ideas they already had and improving

>no Love Shockers

The problem is that you suck at the game.
Just beating JSR is not a difficult task because anyone can do it if they try enough.

The floaty jumps have their advantages. JSR's controls take time to get used to because they're from 2000 and feel archaic but if you know what you're doing you can utilize them to great effect. That and the jumping is not fixed, it depends on how much you press/hold the button you can do short jumps which can carry a bit more momentum and stuff like that.

The map layouts are definitely not shitty and memorizing them is key to performing well.
In JSR you need to figure out which tags you wanna do first and which ones you wanna save for last, depending on your playstyle.

Usually it's wise to spray paint the big tags first so you can do the small ones later when the cops are after you but it depends on the stage and it depends on the territory.
For example if you in Benten Boogie you want to do the bottom tags first and leave the tags in higher levels for last because the cops can't reach you there.

JSR was designed to be replayed several times so the players can figure better ways to completing the stages.
It's not a brainless spray tag collectathon like Future.

But you're the hipster.
Because we OG's all prefer JSR because we actually had the Dreamcast back then and weren't Xbox Kiddies like you.

>tfw you wanted a Dreamcast but your parents were still pissed over how quickly the Saturn was dropped by Sega so you got a ps2 instead
>also muh DVD’s

Because there's no real upgrade to make to it. Kibogaoka Hill, Sky Dinosaurian Square, and Skyscraper District pushed large level design about as far as it could go, while Terror Drone, AKUMU, and Tagger's Tag are about all you can do for boss battles in that kind of gameplay. A new game that's just JSRF but with more levels and gangs would still be fun, but not innovating would fly in the face of what the game is all about.

Better graphics =/= Better art-style
You can't tell me Grampa Professor K is better than the OG design
You can't tell me that Mew's design in Future is better than the her original one
Same with Piranha's, Tab's, Beat's, Gum's, Cube's etc. the list goes on

The colors are just duller and darker in Future. I don't quite understand what style they were going for but it didn't work for me.
It's obsessed with that disgusting shade of puke green in particular and I just don't get it.

So does Banjo. That is a creative game too.

Stop that right now.
Even the biggest JSRF diehards I've seen never defend that cop shit.

if they make another game i hope it's more like the one on dreamcast desu

I actually like Beat’s JSRF design compared to the original. Same with Yoyo’s and Tab’s/Corn’s.

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I really liked the level design of JSR (barring Benten-cho) for both the actual areas and where enemies and objectives were laid out, but it does cut down on the replayability and the way you can just pick up and skate around like in JSRF. As good as JSR was, missions mixed with free skate was definitely the way to go.

reminder that you can play JSRF right now on CXBX

Is there any way to play Outrun 2?

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you can play 2, 2006, and the xbla/psn rerelease desu
don't understand what you mean


So which one of the GGs was your main, Yea Forums?
Stop fighting over which one of the two was the better game. They're both great in their own way.

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My boy Yoyo.

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Fuck Onishima
Fuck Sega

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Can you blame them? If I had an audience that consistently supported fucking Sonic Team over actually good developers like AM2/Amusement Vision/Smilebit then I'd stop giving a shit about quality too.


As a big fan of JSR since I bought it on DC in 2000 I'm playing JSRF for the first time now and I find it incredibly disappointing. I can't find a single thing the sequel improved over the original, fucking everything is worse
Since a 3rd game is likely coming, I really hope they ignore this casualized abomination of a game

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You might just have shit taste, user.



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Or I might not and Future removing everything that made the 1st game so good is an objective fact.

>QTE graffiti

based, he's the coolest guy in every game he's in no doubt

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Aaaah a fellow Combo Chad.
I liked him the moment he got introduced.
17 years later I still play exclusively as him. I'm glad my XBOX still lives.

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You also have to clear Naganuma's heavy use of samples, I'm pretty sure there's no way he's using the same ol sample CDs from the early 2000s.


he's been a part of my squad ever since I unlocked him, man
i also like to play as corn, garam and cube as well, their designs are sick

In JSR it was Tab or Garam if I was just mucking about, piranha if I was going for jet.

For JSRF, Jazz was my choice.

My nigga

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>automatic graffiti

Better compared to QTEs, yes.

>wahh why it's asking me to push button!!
I bet you hated when the cops attacked you while painting you utter casual.

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Never said it was hard. It’s just utterly cumbersome.

niggers can't read

and seconding

I played through JSR hd a long time ago and wasn't too big of it but loved the artstyle. Then some said i played it wrong so i Jetted the whole thing. I did gain appreciation for it more but still not entiterly my thing.
Played JSRF way way after that and didn't really like the arstyle as much. But i enjoyed the gameplay immensily. The only real gripe i had was that the Graffiti soul descriptions could be super vague, like i'm legit not sure if they were supposed to be 'secrets', puzzles or just poor jap translations. Anywho, i 100%ed that too and eventually the slightly more futuristic alternate vibe grew on me too. It was the game i genuinely enjoyed the most after many years of 'eehh' vidya experiences and i still have fond memories of it.

I'm most definatelly NOT trying to stir political shit, but whenever the whole representation thing is brought up and i try my best to ignore everybody in my vicinity this series pops up in my brain and i'm glad people can just design characters that are just nice and interesting allround.

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The entire fun part of the gameplay was to lure the cops so you could paint in peace, or choose the first places to paint strategically to avoid combat.
Removing the painting, the dynamic combat against the cops and the time limit just make JSRF soulless and uninteresting, the game just turn into a bad platformer collectathon with fucking lame """fights""" in between, instead of being the wierd mix of action and cops trolling that made the original so good.
You don't even paint stuff in cool places in Future, because the only way they could make the game even slightly more challenging without those key mechanics was to place the graffiti spots in hard to reach places. Fucking ridiculous
And don't get me started on the horrible boss battles or flag races

Was listening to the soundtrack when I opened this thread. JSR is my all time favorite, was disappointed with JSRF, bought a xbox only for it, played it only once then sold the xbox. Gameplay might be smoother but design is nowhere near as tight and iconic as with the first. JSR is peak vidya soul.

>soulless and uninteresting
Ah, this meme again. JSR was designed around arcade challenges and rewarding technical play. JSRF was built around looking cool and having fun while doing it. Neither one is better than the other because they aim for different goals and succeed at doing so.

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It's not the 90s or early 2000s anymore.
A new JSR would flop.

>no love for best girl itt
vanilla mew and gum fags have no taste

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that's odd, usually cube gets a lot of appreciation in jsr threads (with good reason)

He's right you know. You cannot name a video game in which you can murder a currently living person.

Cube? More like ____

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My nigga.

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Yoyo, I always loved how his design was as loud as his personality. He's more of the main character to me than Beat is. I wish hoody up was the default though, but I guess that would kill that entire subplot.

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Washimi pls

Because it had shit sales

Great taste. Yoyo a best.

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Sega has a deep self-loathing that me and it prefers publishing other people's IPs to its own.


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Man, fuck this guy in particular.

motherfucker look like ronald mc donald got freaky with a sea mine and shit

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Wrong & nostalgiapilled

I agree completely. The combat in jsrf was absolutley terrible

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First off, Sega is the down syndrome retard of the games industry. It's way stronger than every other company but its brains are so abnormally weak that it has no idea what to do with it and it winds up seeing how hard it can smash things into the toilet.

Secondly, JSR games are actually not good. If you take away all the music, you're left with a very boring anf repetitive game. It's just another one of those franchises that prooves just how important the soundtrack is to making a game.

I would kill for an HD port at this point. What’s preventing them from doing so?

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I agree. JSR knows how to main tension in a level because the police and rokkaku are always more powerful than you. JSRF police are so easy to deal with they detract from the gameplay and don't compliment it at all. they need to give police rollerblades in the next game



probably the soundtrack at a guess... i'd pay full price for a port tho absolutely.

that, or maybe sega just dont like money. or us

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Fuck pigs

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Sell it to Nintendo

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>ywn browse jet set radio communities on mid to late 2000s deviantart again...
god. deviantart was always a shithole, but there was some really great art now and then.

>JSRF doesn't control more smoothly. JSRF plays itself more for you with the automatic grind rails.
Wrong. All JSRF changed about grinding is letting you do tricks to keep the speed (which is something the original really lacks) and making jumps work properly. In the original game, jumping from rail to rail was hell because it was sensitive as fuck - you twitch the stick just slightly to the left and the character flies off to the side at full speed, say goodbye to your combo. That's poor design. JSRF fixed that and grinding suddenly became much more fun.

That would make sense. A JSRF HD port with online multiplayer would absolutely make me nut.

I still own my day 1 jsrf but i think people here really overestimate how much of a success the franchise is. I'm sure they'd be doing something with it it if the ps3, pc, and 360 jsr ports were big successes.

Also, you can change the direction during grinding which helps a lot.


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You can emulate it. The graffiti textures are fucked, but everything else works like a charm.

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not denying that it wasn't the most popular franchise in the world, but that doesn't mean people don't want it.

omfg i never even considered the thought of online HOLY shit

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I don't believe you desu. That sounds like a made up story by someone who never played jsrf lmaooo

trust me yeah i debated trying out cxbx just to try and do it, but i can't be bothered to sort out all the BIOS and try and get my shit PC to run it.

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Shout out to you niggers that suggested Hover for jsrf fans. I bought it and its pure fucking aids.

>not denying that it wasn't the most popular franchise in the world, but that doesn't mean people don't want it.
People want JSR because there's literally nothing else like JSR. There are other extreme sports games, but they're all Western dudebro sim garbage that doesn't come close to what Jet Set Radio is. Of all the games that I played, the only series that gave me the same vibe is Splatoon.
Shit fucking sucks.
It's very easy to do. Go to their github, download the latest dev build, get the JSRF iso, convert it to .xbe (CXBX doesn't work with iso files), and play. You don't need BIOS or anything like that, and it supports Xinput gamepads. Just use dgVoodoo if you want 1080p, you can find the guide on their github as well.
>try and get my shit PC to run it.
It runs perfectly fine on my extremely shitty PC, so I suggest you try it.

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How bad is it?

I feel like TWEWY comes close when it comes to incredibly stylized aesthetics and OST’s. Even Naganuma’s a fan of from what I’ve heard.

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Boosting causes slowdown and significant graphics errors

It was fixed two weeks ago. The game runs with no errors whatsoever, I 100%ed it just to make sure.

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Where did you get your ISO from? Asking for a friend.

I got it from a certain Russian torrent tracker, but I'm sure you can find it on TPB or whatever.

Visuals make it completely unplayable for me

Many thanks user.

>Even Naganuma’s a fan of from what I’ve heard.

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They did the same with Panzer Dragoon series.

I have a suspicion the oblivious rulers of Zoah in Azel Saga are a metaphor for Sega execs and the empire is Sony.

It's got one on Xbox live Arcade.


better for a IP to die peacefully than it to be defiled and raped.

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Naganuma can makes some amazing songs. The JSRF soundtrack is one of the best! Every song blends together so nicely and just fits. He also did the soundtrack for Air gear which is also amazing.

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Faggots like you are literally the most obnoxious shitters on Yea Forums, and that's saying a lot

Air Gear’s soundtrack was top tier.

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forgot overkooled

Shit, you’re right.

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Overkooled is the best

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JSR with JSRF controls/camera would be the perfect game.

I prefer both games the way they are. JSR is perfectly fine with its arcade style and JSRF with its freedom and open world style.

All they really had to do was just keep making new games by adding new factions, new cities, new characters, new mechanics, and new mission types. It's not like like this is a big budget series either so I don't know what the issue is the work is pretty much laid out for them.

Post your favorite JSR/JSRF tracks.

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>tfw you had this but it was stolen 10 years ago
>haven't played jsrf since
>still listen to the soundtrack sometimes

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9/11 hadn't happened yet.

Because the xtreme sports died around 2004 or 2005.
Many of Sega's IPs are niche games, JSR is one of them. I would love a JSR 3 but it wont happen, unfortunately, Sega wont waste money making a 3d game like that

What the fuck are you talking about? Some of those developers were killed during the Dreamcast because Sega killed themselves way before with shitty decisions. Sega lost a lot when Sammy deal happened.
The AMs were always big and the most renowned along with Yu Suzuki because of the arcade games.

Yeah I hear Guitar Vader charge a lot. Lmao
those two are iconic for me
maybe not the hypest but they bring the most nostalgia and I remember them the best so they're iconic to me

>he didnt preorder the jsrf retail version
There are so many underage or poorfags here

>he wasn't surprised with an xbox with 2 free games + others like Halo on Christmas morning
is my age considered underage at this point?
damn nigga my hair's thinning and I take a lot of vitamins for general health

That was bundled with some Xboxs user

Underage if santa brought you one

shit fucking slaps uggghh

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can confirm i too got the jsrf/sega gt bundle and also now have thinning hair

I know but it came out earlier by itself not bundled with sega gt

Bis is fucking great. Blew my mind that they sang for one of my favorite cartoons as a kid.

I was 19 and bald already when jsrf came out. A bunch of bald faggots like this game

Any non zoomers here remember the hella good video by no doubt?

is the pound cable even worth it

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They are why we have the CoD/pokemon audience that just reskins the same shit.

By a couple of months I guess. I remember having a lot of trouble findind a copy of JSRF and later a friend having that double disc.


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How you can not find the speed boost an improvement is beyond me. Agree with you though that JSR's tag system was better.

About 8 months. It came out late Feb 02 the bundle out October that year. I remember because it was the third or fourth game i bought for xbox after halo, amped and i think bloodwake. It's release pulled me back off my Dreamcast.

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I bought a Xbox for Sega stuff, especially JSRF which drove me insane to find a fucking copy back then. Then I got way too hype for Splinter Cell, which was way too good.

So the klonoa effect.

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Lucky Mew

why you gotta call us out like this

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Do I play JSR or just skip to JSRF bros?

I remember playing the splinter cell demo over and over then buying it and enjoying but so old i can't remember a lot.

Play both because they are different types of games but both are quite good. You could potentially hate jsr but enjoy the other. Less likely the other way around.

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Will do.

i don't like it, turn it off

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