Choose wisely.
Choose wisely
Splatoon 1
Skyrim with mods
Thief 2 with all the fan missions
inb4 the Terraria guy
Vanilla or are mods an option?
between jolly cooperation , invasions and the arena Dark souls 3 is the choice for me
No man's sky
>also the game
what is this, 2009?
RPG maker
Super Mario All-Stars + World
you're just mad because you lost
If I choose a fighting game can I upgrade to the newest version to keep up with others playing it as well?
Magical Realm
trolled hard
Fallout New Vegas if I get mods. If not then Mario maker 2 will definitely be infinite content.
>rpg/strategy/building in one game
>infinite content in simulated worlds instead of trash random generation
God Hand
Or Gran Turismo 2
Spend all life making full scale to life castles and monuments.
>fan missions
can you recommend some to me? I'm too lazy to dive through all the shits on Google
haven't finished the main game Thief 2 either
Dwarf Fortress
rust no question
My nigga
Whichever Disgaea has the most post-game
Maybe D2
Maybe after few hundred hours I will finally get gud
Path of Exile
Looking through some that I recently played:
Unholy Vivid Innocence series
The Black Frog
Last Lighthouse Keeper
The Perfect Job
Reunion With Basso
Rocksbourg series
Castlevania SotN
It's the game I feel most comfy in
There's no single player video game that cannot be boring after 100 hours, even a sandbox one. You can't deny this.
I played Terraria for over 1000 hours by myself.
dorf fort
Kerbal Space Program, especially if I'm allowed mods.
Shadow of the Colossus HD for ps3
Playstation Home
a game with infinite replayability
dwarf fortress
Streets of Rage 2
Tetris so i can finally rid myself of this waste of time
Maplestory XD
same so we can play together
best multiplayer experience of my life with my brothers
Paper Mario. I wouldn't mind if that was the only game I played every few years.
Guys I think this thread made me realize I don't like video games. I can't think of a single existing game I'd want to play for a single second, much less forever. What the hell am I doing?
Wisely, I guess. Never heard of it but if those are the rules.
Dorf Fort
Fuck you
Honey Select
Well that's what you or other anons have to decide on. Take a JRPG for example that lasts 60 hours. Play it once, wait a few years, then play it again. There you go, over 100 hours that weren't boring.
If you want to get over 100 hours in a single playthrough, you could reach for Skyrim, Witcher 3, maybe Fallout NV (I think this was 75-90 hours for me), etc.
A Maker game seems like a great choice. I'm even considering games from my childhood/teenaged years with map makers that I really enjoyed. Age of Empires 2, Warcraft 2, Halo 3, hell, even Smash had a fun stage builder. I think that was in Brawl. But I'd probably pick Minecraft if I wanted unlimited building/creativity.
Wasting time browsing a social forum. It was never about vidya for you, user.
Tetris vs puyo puyo
Hard to pick anything today, but this thread has good suggestions. If you asked me this over a decade ago then I would've picked Pokemon Emerald. That's when I really got into breeding for egg moves and good natures.
Viewtiful Joe
That's what I'm talking about. If you're into building, you can even reconstruct maps from other games. I had a major autism binge where I did the full RBY map and a few select maps from other gens.
Doom 2
Stellaris with mods, especially if I am allowed to make my own mods.
Journey. Art never gets old.
2nd autism binge was so many years later when I returned to Minecraft and I built these miniatures of Greek landscapes that I found in my house. The Greek island aesthetic works great in Minecraft if you transform the terrain a bit.
B-But moot said it wasn't social media.
Anarcht Online.
Terraria w/ apache mod
Civ 3
Wow, first Civ pick of the thread. Now I'm a bit surprised that no one has said XCOM.
well it depends
i'd choose tf2 if i was the only person who had to choose a game
but if this is a choice everyone needs to make tf2 wouldn't work since most people would choose some other game and tf2 would be abandoned
in that case i'd go for a game with procedurally generated levels, stuff like isaac or caveblazers
civ would probably be a good pick too
MtG, ez
For me? It's SanAndreas/SAMP.
Breath of the Wild 2
Pretty good.
I've never played it before but Dwarf Fortress seems like a good bet. All the time in the world to learn the ins and outs, become the master of my own world
And then you realise that it's absolutely not the game for you so you abandon your last video game forever.
Time skip... You become a multi-millionaire in 15 years.
Super Bomberman 2
Warcraft 3 if I can use maps. Between DotA and a fuckton of tower defense maps, I'll be covered for thousands of hours.
Medieval II: Total War close second for me.
Dwarf Fortress
SS13. Since i'm in it for life, might as well learn the programming languages and create my own server, maybe create a 40k Station.
Minecraft because I can just keep modding it. Hopefully hytale will be better then I would choose that.
Fuck you, but TF2
Space Invaders HD
TF2 if the modding is included.
If not then Dreams.
dota 2
I’ve played it for 10 years now. This
No, don't do that to yourself user!
Fire Emblem: Awakening or Risk of Rain 2, not sure
but why emblem fire awakening
Never played Final Fantasy XIV and don't really care to play an MMO but if I can only play one game then might as well make it an MMO.