Post those literal 1/10 games

Post those literal 1/10 games

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when i was a dumb child i liked this game


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i'm honestly surprised the contrarian patrol hasnt come out and said they liked this yet

I donno if it was because I was a kid and didn't understand it but I had legit zero fun playing this shit. I had play tons of Tycoon games up to that point.

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I wouldn’t be shocked if someone tried to claim it was a flawed misunderstood gem

It's shit but not the worst game ever

anything to do with mario

I have a soft spot for it because it was the first game I got with my N64 (my first console) and yeah it was bad but I didn't want to tell my parents so I put up with it.

I will be called a shit poster for this but botw

There's really nothing to defend as far as I remember.

1 out of 10s should be reserved for games that are literally broken or virtually unplayable. Even if you thought that BOTW was the most boring game ever conceived, it still doesn't apply.

>[Insert popular game that I don't like]

It's bad but not in an amusing way Like Bubsy 3D, Big Rigs, Ride to Hell or Cdi Games

I could totally see somebody calling that ring flying mission a pleb filter.

>running drains your health

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This shit. Part 2 is a bit better

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My favorite 1/10 game. I love seeing all the old marketing hype for it before we realized it was shit, like the cosplayer handing out nailclippers and calling them deadly weapons, the giant display in germany, American McGee talking about making a comic book/show out of it, a sequel, etc

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not so fast

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>HP 1 and 2 are great puzzle games
>unique setting
>huge variety of spells perfect for the genre
>make a shooter

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El Shaddai

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State of Emergency

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i remember being a kid and owning this and was never able to get past the rings. i remember i spent hours and for life of me could not get past the fucking rings. still never have

Fuck this game

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FO76. I own it and its still fucking buggy to this day, including disconnections and falling below the floor

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>all those trees are the same copypasta'd art

It was good, you couldn't get past the rings.


worst crash clone that i've played

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(Insert picture of what is considered a 10/10 game by many just to be hip and contrarian for Yea Forums here)

A lot of the ones mentioned so far are genuinely awful

>Big Rigs
Kind of amazing that a video game can be so bad, it becomes a commercial success, with a legacy people still remember to this day.

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you're a lose

Surprised it took 7 posts for console war babies to start shit posting this time. Must've been nap time

Do you remember HP3-5 on the PS2 and Gamecube? They were these weird puzzle games that took place almost entirely in the Hogwarts' dungeons from what I recall, and I hated them because not only were they all in the same dark and dull rooms, but they were emblematic of all the worst platformer-era puzzle designs like long segments with blocks you have to push and lots of tedium rather than getting to use your mind all the time. It was confusingly bad.

everyone has legit complaints to all games,you just cant stand them over your precious games,bitch,this is why people defend garbage most time,although, superman64 is irredeemable

>the contrarian patrol
That's because that's not real, you're just mad you like shitty games and people are calling you out

The budgets for the games tanked because the market audience went from 10-12 year olds that could beg their parents for the game to 13-15 year olds.

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It inspired the yellow-blooded goons in Madness Combat, that's more positive impact than can be said for most titles here

You could definitely sense the worse budget. HP1 on the PC meanwhile had some of the greatest platformer level design of that generation.

>The Moon sector in Killer Marathon

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>two Dragonmasters

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At least they starting puting effort in again with Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince

Really? I got stuck on Brainiacs ship (last level) but played it enough to breeze past everything else.

originally an edutainment game from PC

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This, if a game is just boring to you and that’s a 1/10 then what the fuck is a 4/10 for you? People don’t understand how number systems work at all, it’s why they suck

I came for the shit posting, and you didn't disapoint

Oh wait, you did. Try harder faggot.


>It is a Crash Bandicoot, Super Magnetic Neo & Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers style game, and also is optionally a game which teaches math.
Apparently you can optionally learn math.

I vaguely remember chunks of it left in untranslated Japanese and having no idea how to unlock most of the stuff in the game.

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(insert post taking the obvious bait)

The funny thing about Haze is that a couple of hours in you switch to the rebels side and the gameplay goes from boring and bland to surprisingly fun. It's still not a good game, but it’s a lot better than the first few levels would lead you to believe.

Oh boy, this one. I remember this had tons of hype, but then was shit on when released and forgotten. And then Spec Ops the Line was released and did everything Haze tried to do but far better


I never played it because I never had a PS3, but I remembered everyone hailing it as the Halo killer and the fact that Free Radical made it. Can someone tell me how bad it was? What made it so bad?

No he's mad because faggots like you keep calling good games shit because muh Yea Forums culture.

I fucking love that game

ok fuck it. i'll download it, find some batteries for wiimote and all that hassle. better be best game ever.

Bad gameplay, rushed, complex features that were overhyped but had to be cut for the final game and hilarious writing and plot that tried to be too deep for it's own good (it was a deconstruction of military fps, kind of like Spec Ops, except without any subtlety)

Say no more fampai

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Being a contrarian means you can still find points that are somewhat defendable. A rushed garbage product with awful controls and empty environments doesn't have any such points.

Actual trash

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It was 5/10 at the time, fuck you

I played this game far too much on the school computer in elementary school

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A 1/10 must be a literal trainwreck on all fronts. Even a shitshow like Mass Effect Andromeda is, at worst, a 5/10 due to his superb controls and high production values. Even fucking Ride to Hell is still a 3/10. A 1/10 game that actually got published in a big way is very rare, Superman 64 and Big Rigs are the most popular ones and the only games that come into my mind that can be considered a 1/10. Maybe that The Crow game on the PS1.

But that's basically the whole game.

When my parents first found me playing this game, the dumb immigrants finally realized the kind of media I had access too and told me they where getting rid of all my non E rated games.

Out of like 20 original Xbox games I only had like 2 that where E rated, I tried my hardest to explain to them the situation I was in but they straight up didn't care for a word i was saying. at that point I sperged out and explained that I would get revenge for this moment, and I would never forgive them for this. They took it seriously and let me keep it all but this.

Only the real bottom of the barrel shovelware are 1/10

And those are all that should qualify.

1/10s are just as rare as 10/10s. 1/10s tend to be so bad that they’re good though.

Flopped so hard it killed Battlefront 3

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True. The so called real 1/10s are just boring shit. Nothing interesting. Don't even qualify for that so bad it's good category.

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>post game
really makes you think

I agree with you - it's everything I hate in a game. It just feels like a forced collectathon grind made especially to take adventure of people who like to collect absolutely everything (autists).

god 7th gen sucked


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Unironically GOTY

I had this on the gameboy and don't remember if it was bad. If so why?

Was waiting for this

That's a pointless way of classifying value. a "superb control system" in the service of nothing is no grounds for merit, anymore than a good steering wheel is enough to give salvage to a disfunctional, piss-smelling motor.

If an entire game is being given one overall score, then all that matters is overall value, how much you engaged with teh game and valued your time playing it. If anyone valued spending time playing ME:A, then maybe it deserves a 3/5 (X/10 is a needless and obfuscating metric), but I don't think ANYONE found it good. Ergo it's a 1/5. Same with SM64.


0/5 - Not a game, dysfunctional shitheap or false adversitising (eg movie-games)
1/5 - No value
2/5 - Low value
3/5 - Average, nothing to scream or shout home about
4/5 - Good
5/5 - Amazing, you will talk eagerly about this game in its own threads and others

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Did anyone else see the picture of Mike Matei’s dong?

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Was slow, had like 2 tracks, and constantly played 1 guitar riff over and over

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I'm sure you'll have time to post this considering barely anybody cares about HZD

>when you have the potential to be a 10/10 but end up becoming a 1/10

I'll give it a 3-4/10 just because of the spritework but god damn what could've been.

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What's the deal with this game?