why was the ps360 era so fucking good lads?
Why was the ps360 era so fucking good lads?
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It wasn't
t. Zoomer
jesus, shut the fuck up child
I only ever alternated between TES 4 and 5 and Fallout 3 and new Vegas the entire generation with the occasional Assassin's Creed every year or so for all of a week each time before i went back to those four games.
It wasn't at the time but we didn't know how bad it was going to get.
too much brown and bloom
>no ape escape
I've been getting into 7th gen stuff recently, looking for all the niche games I missed out on.
looking back the 7th gen wasn't bad, but it was pretty weird.
At the start of the generation microsoft was looking to get more support from japanese devs because Final Fantasy and other jrpgs were still pushing millions of copies back then.
So we got stuff like Last Odyssey and Blue Dragon for the 360 at launch.
The 360's library was honestly pretty interesting and varied until about 2010-2012, from then on it was mostly just AAA titles from the west.
But I think the Xbox marketplace had a lot of cool stuff back then that I didn't give a chance because I too was also just playing the bigger titles.
I remember Binary Domain catching my eye though
>screen tearing
>constant sub 20fps frame drops
>more screen tearing
>frame stuttering
>object and texture pop in on things 25 feet in front of you
>still has PS2 textures
>color pallet of woodland camouflage in almost every game
>ugly lighting color in almost every game
gen 7 sucked.
you got btfo on the ps3 thread, do you wanna get btfo again?
>object and texture pop in on things 25 feet in front of you
>still has PS2 textures
It's the peak PS3 aesthetic
In 10 years we're gonna see indie games copying this
It was fucking shit, especially it came right after the PS2/Gamcube era which was the pinnacle of gaming
LMFAOO. your out of your mind if you think the shitcube was better than any of the 7th gen systems
>screen tearing
>constant sub 20fps frame drops
>more screen tearing
>frame stuttering
This is what always stops me from going back to PS3/Xbox360
Because Microsoft felt they had something to prove after getting decimated by the PS2. Released a lot of good, diverse titles. Then they started dominating, got complacent during the Halo Reach-Gears of War 3 period, stopped making games (haven't recovered to this very day), and that's when Sony decided to get their shit together which kept the remainder of the gen filled with fresh titles.
but it was okay when the ps2 did it?
During the early 360 days, Microsoft was actually trying, at least they're back to trying again.
what games do that
I've played torchlight on the 360 last night and it is flawless
That era was fucking trash, are you kidding? Western development was nothing but call of duty clones, failures, and DLC up the ass. Japanese department was all but dead. Worst fucking generation ever.
Armored Core V
I am Alive
Honestly the most guilty games are a lot of the forgettable 3rd person shooters and survival horror games that were trying to copy Dead Space and Gears of War
It was awful. Games you liked on older systems had either garbage ports or weird spin-offs and everything else was a fucking shooting game.
Ps3 era was easily the most boring era.
It wasn't. It was the beginning of the end that still benefited from the last gasps of halfway decent ideas the industry had left in it. Gen 7 killed the industry and it's now just a shambling corpse.
Gears 5 literally play as a woman with bug genes poor xbox has fallen so far
No, they aren't.
Why is Sora under PS3? All the KH games from that era came out on the DS and PSP.
This, almost no worthwhile new IPs. Anything that showed promise is already dead, and the same damn shit is happening with the current gen.
>retarded summerfag is actually nostalgic for the worst generation in gaming history
I thought I'd never see these levels of retardation
>all these SEETHING boomers
stay salty, best gen ever!
Saints Row 1, 2 and 3
Gear of War
Bully Scolarship Edition is also terrible on 360
Almost all multi-platforms on PS3 have these issues.
These are just from the top of my head. You could play most of these games on PC and Xbox One Backwards Compatibility without issues though. So if i go back it's mostly on PC and Xbox One
>shit games perform terribly
Wow, you don't say
>building and buying studios
>making one big game every year starting this year from their major studios
>has smaller AA studios to make multiple games
>getting Halo back on track
>will be getting Japanese exclusives
>will have BC to the Xbox, Xbox 360, and Xbox One
>will have both the lowest costing and the strongest console
>have multiple old and new ip in development
Yeah, they're back.
Oh, so you’re just a fucking retard.
the uncanny valley of video games
graphics not low enough to be endearing, graphics not high enough to be good
obviously there are some great ones though
>the piece of shit that is Halo: Reach, not Halo 3
You're just proving the boomers point, faggot.
Pre-SJW age. Kinda like how art was at it's best right before modernism.
>heavy rain
>modnation racers
>alpha protocl
>castlevania LoS
>Kane and Lynch 2
>99 nights
>DR 2
>supreme commander 2
>Halo: Reach
I know you're trying to fill the games list up as much as you can but give me a break
it wasn't, it was fucking shit
not my fault you have shit taste
last gen is zoomer era, retard
Shut the hell up, Reach was the worst Halo game in the series and one of the worst selling Halo games in the series, you gonna put a good example of a Halo game up there for the 360 days, don't put that one on there.
lol this retard cant even read
Because it was the last good era. Only downhill after that, so you'll look to the last thing that was better.
All I'm reading is that you're a Reach baby, I think those fags are Europoors for the most part.
You and I both know those games are either ass or not up to the standards the previous game had set, faggot.
>reach baby
gotta love this logic, even though your praising halo 3 which was only 4 years old when reach came out
>Kane and Lynch 2
This game did some cool stuff visually and almost feels intentionally disgusting to play.
Glad it was short though, because I wouldn't want it to be longer.
you seriously need to stop playing games if you think rdr is bad
Halo 3 was the best in the series deserving of high praise, even Halo 4 was better than Reach. Get the fuck out of here, you're making last gen look like complete shit, zoomer.
MAG, ModNation, and Alpha Protocol were varying levels of great. Not perfect, but I'll take an interesting and flawed game over a boring and perfect one.
I don't get the retroactive hate for RDR either.
Pretty much all rockstar games are mediocre af, yes.
>I don't live up to normie faggot standards
Oh no what am I going to do
zoom zoom
>using terms that underaged retards made
>Reach baby calling anyone a zoomer
At least I started Halo on the original Xbox with Halo CE, bitch boy. Next to 3 babies you faggots are the worst fans to enter the Halo fanbase, it would be like if Other M fans existed within the Metroid fanbase.
zoom zoom
Bought a PS3, recommend some games.
I know all the boomers are hating.
Post your personal favorites from GEN 7 my fellow zoomers
Saints Row 2
The Last of Us
Uncharted 2
Mario Kart Wii
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Black Ops
Left 4 Dead 2
Team Fortress 2
Rayman Origins
Rayman Legends
>z-zoom zoom
>he increasingly says as he gets more nervous
says the guy who gets madder and madder every time i reply lol
pure ludo
>he gets increasingly more nervous as time goes on
lol seething
None? Cmon guys, only metal gear 4? Just tell me anything, even jap shit
magna carta 2
>he says as he grows increasingly more nervous
did you just assume my gender?
Go back to trannyera, tranny, only a mentally ill freak would like Halo: Reach.
im a girl dumbass my preferred pronouns are her/she
just exchange emails and meet up, you're obviously into each other
You probably had fond memories of either playing shootans/wrpg's with your high school friends or wanking it to vidya-weebshit for the first time (assuming you aren't a wizard).
The only generation in which I had no interest in buying a console whatsoever. The birth of "AAA" and generic western bullshit. And what do we have now? More of the fucking same but with better specs and more moneygrabbing. Amazing. Bring on another crash to wipe this bullshit off the face of the earth.
Generic brown grey 3rd/1st person shooters wow so fucking good. Toward the end this gen shit itself releasing broken games.
Lol no
Xbox 360 on the long run was pure trash
>no new ip
>getting behind the technical achievements on ps3
>jew like nobody else on the internet service
>all the console models have some kind of retarded hhd "anticonsumer" gimmick
On the long run PS3 was superior on any way possible
>top kek blu-ray are now actually a thing
>internet free OR paid service
>getting new games till his end cycle
>you can play ps1 games on that shit
This current generation is the best we've had in a LONG time. Gen 7 was pure shit bar a few highlights like popularizing online console gaming with no moderation, Halo 3 multiplayer and Super Mario Galaxy.
If you can't see how good we have it this generation you were definitely not over 10 years old during 360/PS3/Wii era.
>The birth of "AAA"
so what was shenmue then? dumb zoomer
you were 10
>no new ip
Not him but this is the worst gen we've ever had and don't try to use the Switch to make this gen look better, it was pure garbage. This is the only gen I skipped every console, Wii U, Xbox One, and PS4.
They lied about the cost of that game thinking that some big budget figure would make it sound epic, and it wasn't what I would call "AAA".
You're retarded then, a bunch of great games have come out, way more than the 7th gen ever had.
>don't use this example of good games to prove me wrong
Lmao get out kid
PS3 murdered the 360 so bad holy shit
>era dominated by brown first person shooters
remember when microsoft had temporary exclusivity in every new COD dlc
Yeah, I said "on the long run".
360 was just Halo, GoW and Forza (in some degree since the franchise really skyrocketted thanks to Horizon).
Tell me 20 games that are worth having across One and Ps4, only exclusives at least to 1 console and non indie shit.
sure they did
Like what, this gen was shit, every gen before it was better in every way. I'm only interested in next gen at this point, Switch and Xbox Anaconda.
Because you were a small child back than and are now a virgin teenage boy.
>majority of image consists of atrociosu console shooters with braindead gameplay and regenerating health and slow movement speed and all around boring design
Was this supposed to be a defense of the PS3/360 era generation? Because you only accomplished the opposite,
>list out 20 games so I can reply with their all shit
Regardless I thought you were speaking from a generation standpoint, and not an exclusives stand point. If we're talking console exclusives then yes this is a pretty weak gen, but that's not a bad thing. My point is the games themselves have been fucking excellent aside from the occasional triple A western release
Like I said if you think 7th gen was better you're a fucking summerfag retard. This gen revived so many Japanese devs and they've put out some stellar releases.
Literally the worst gen until that point.
your retarded. last gen had way better japanese games
>Normies contained on PS4
>Xbox is dead
>Every single game coming to PC including every worthwhile Halo
>FromSoft shitting out gold like DaS3, Bloodborne and Sekiro
>Best 3D Zelda game of all-time released
>An actually good DOOM reboot released and the sequel looks even better
>Switch is selling like hotcakes and the library is only getting better with not only great first party games, but also countless classics and remasters on the go. All accomplished without wagglan gimmick bullshit.
Please tell me how gen 7 (which lasted 13 years by the way) was any better with it's decade+ of brown shooter clones, Nintendo casual pandering, 360's SPORTS, FORZA and Halo, literal ads on the 360 dashboard even if you had LIVE gold, Games for Window's LIVE shitting up PC gaming, PS3 having no games up until 6 years after launch.
The Switch is already a more worthwhile investment than the Wii was for its whole lifespan and the suffering of the Xbone coupled with the PS4 being a normiebox has only made the PC market healthier. It's why Epic now wants a piece of the pie. We have it much better these days, but you're probably too young to understand that.
I can think of maybe 3 vs the 30 in this gen.
They didn't start putting out anything interesting until like 2017, this gen was shit and by the time all the good shit started to come the gen was already over, it's been mostly remakes, remasters, and bug-ridden garbage this gen, along with pay-to-win, forced diversity and feminism, and other trash. Last gen was better and next gen will be a return to roots.
>Condom Farts
>Scratchit and Yank
How is this good at all
name all 30 lmao
How could I forget DMCV and the Resi 2 remake coming out just this year and both being stellar.
>He bought an 8th gen console before 2018
LMAAOO you should have just waited with your PC like everybody else.
>Tales of Xillia, let alone even a tales game
oh nononononono
>Condom Farts
>scratchit and Yank
Reddit tier
>Condom Farts
Redeemed. Top kek. Fuck kingdom hearts and FUCK disney
How about you go first lmao
7th gen emulation still a meme besides cemu
It will be years until rps3 becomes good and fucking decades until Xenia does.
Because Xbox 360 2005-2008 was one of the greatest consoles ever released with the games to match, Nintendo was actually trying 2006-2009, while Sony couldn't get their shit together until 2010 but even then all three consoles had better games than this gen. Oh and please stop shoving the Switch in with this shit gen with no games, the Wii U was Nintendo's 8th gen console and it was shit just like your precious Xbone and PS4, can't believe we actually have faggots trying to defend this worthless gen, at least we got new games last gen instead of remakes, remasters, and unifinished pay-to-win shit.
Probably because you were 12 at the time.
what the hell are you talking about lol
How the fuck is this the best gen when the best console from this gen is fucking dead, do you enjoy paying for p2p matchmaking, last-gen rereleases and sony's cinematic tps garbage or do you enjoy paying for no exclusives machines like the Xbone? Nintendo's treehouse turned their shit dial up to 11 and it even affected european launches, sony started rapeing Japanese games to appeal to the """Progressives""", Loot boxes bacame a thing in full price games, Epic made it big with Fortnite and launched their shit store, and the chink appeal is only going to increase and EA/Acti/T2/Ubi all still exist. Where is the good shit?
Outside of handhelds, gen 7 sucked and set the stage for the ruination of the industry as we know it. All 3 big players are guilty of ruining everything. DS or PSP was the best way to go at this time.
>the Wii was the most prominent platform responsible for kicking off the fad of developers selling out in order to prioritize casual audiences
>making bullshit gimmick controls a successful concept to tap into
>this was about the time Nintendo started killing, wounding, pausing, or half-assing a bunch of franchises (F-Zero died with the GBA and GCN, Metroid got into a 7 year rut thanks to Other M, 3D Zelda reached its peak of awful railroaded design with TP and SS, Mario began its descent into lazy retrofaggery after SMG1 that it's only now recovering from, etc)
>the turning point where Nintendo decided to deliberately pursue laughably weak console hardware each generation from here on
>debatably the biggest platform proponent that popularized MUH BROWN AND Gray graphics memery and the cover shooter saturation of the generation
>Kinect, self explanatory
>the 360 was home to the straws that broke the camel's back for Rareware and made all their real talent fuck off
>cheapass hardware manufacturing
>the PS3 was the beginning of Sony's heel turn into a bunch of greedy dumb shitbags
>popularized the Sony craze of cinematic, low involvement gameplay
Mother fucker, I'm not wasting $1000 on a PC when I can get the best looking and playing games on a $500 console and just put the disc in it and play it, with Xbox Anaconda I have no reason to ever build a PC, fuck off.
We can't even emulate 7th gen and your faggot ass is already talking bout damn 8th gen fucking retard
>$1000 on a PC
you can build a capable rig for $450
>when I can get the best looking and playing games on a $500 console and just put the disc in it and play it
except you can't just do that, can you?
I never mentioned emulation you stupid nigger lmao
>xbot poster is a retard
Every time
>Just put the disc and play
That's a lie
So are you gonna wait for exclusives that are never gonna come to pc? Be my guest
>all that weebshit on PS3
thank christ I got a 360
No, my point was that being an early adopter was stupid when most games were coming to PC anyway and you could just pick up a console later when it actually has games.
Sorry for my stupidity then
it's aight f am
Because you were 12 years old at the time
dead rising
demons souls
valkyira chronicles
naruto ultimate ninja storm
no more heroes
lost odyssey
tales of vesperia
binary domain
virtua tennis 4
ace combat 6
jeanne d arc
elite beat agents
ghost trick phantom detective
sonic rush
the last story
little kings story
akai katana
castlevania hod
megaman 9
there, i named 30. your move kid
i gotta love how the ONLY time you will see people praise 8th gen is when we are talking about last gen
>uses N64 Banjo render for 360 era.
Sorry Banjoid, you can't just rewrite history like that. Nuts and Bolts defined the 360 era. N64 Banjo defined the N64 era, imagine that.
Only zoomers like OP would think that it was good. 7th gen was the beginning of the end.
>you can build a capable rig for $450
No, you can't and you won't be able to build an Xbox Anaconda with the same power and price with a PC.
>except you can't just do that, can you?
Yeah, I get to wait 12 years for a Halo game to release instead of just getting it on the year it's released, let's not forget Halo's mouse acceleration problem that's never been fixed.
>says the PCfag
It's not
Ace Combat 7
Soul Calibur 6
Dragon Ball Fighter Z
Dark Souls 3
Bayonetta 2
Breath of the Wild (Best 3D Zelda of all time)
Octopath Traveler
Monster Hunter 4
Monster Hunter: World
Sonic Mania (Best Sonic of all time)
Yakuza 6
Earth Defense Force 5.
Splatoon 1 + 2
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Dragon Quest XI
MegaMan 11
Puyo/Puyo Tetris
Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies
Devil May Cry V
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil: Revelations 1 + 2
Pikmin 3
Persona 5
NieR: Automata
Gravity Rush 1/2.
Metal Gear Solid V (best gameplay in the series)
Everybody's Golf
Yomawari: Night Alone
Disgaea 5
Jikkyou Pawafuru Puroyakyu
Fire Emblem Awakening
Shin Megami Tensei 4
Bravely Default
Rune Factory 4
Fire Emblem Fates
hehe whoops! I accidentally named 40+ and I wasn't even done, what an oopsie.
But you're right, Vanquish was pretty good!
It wasn't. PS3 had so little that was worth full price that it wasn't a worthwhile buy until PS4 was basically out the door when you could get the console and its entire library for what it all was really worth, while 360 was an all or nothing prospect that was a nonstarter if you weren't an online MP dicksucker. Handhelds were pretty solid though.
I honestly can't think of 30 japanese games from this gen we'll remember in 10 years.
>Nier automata
>Labyrinth of refrain
>Splatoon 2 (and its DLC)
Odyssey was okay lackluster, KH3 wasn't that great, FF15 was a real letdown, Octopath was good at first and then becomes repetitive.
Honestly, the last great JRPGs were on DS and PSP. The 3DS had some but it was the gen 7.
>Resident Evil: Revelations 1
>Persona 5
came out on last gen systems, doesnt count.
i win.
>Ask for 30
>Get more than 40
>these two don't count
>"I win"
i didnt ask for 30, you claimed you can name 30
I'm actually a different person but I still got your ass. Seventh gen was shit pal, deal with it.
so mind your damn business then
you got owned dude lmao
t. rekt
>Kingdom Hearts
>Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts
The gimmick era?
Control individual body parts to solve puzzles.
I feel like the 360/PS3 was the last era of b games.
There is nothing between indie shit and blockbusters now.
360 was the best console for action games.
Played bayo on ps3 the other days, didn't expect the performance to be that bad.
lol don't forget the horrible input lag
that being said resistance 1 is pretty good
It was an alright gen. This generation is better despite all the counter opinions on Yea Forums that it's shit. This generation is basically just a continuation of last gen in terms of the games playing pretty much the same with no giant advances but at a higher resolution with better animation and bigger worlds. Devs just improved upon what they were trying to do last gen.
Nintendo still makes mid tier stuff at least. Blockbusters are all dog shit now since they're built around micro transactions.
This gen is a joke as it's just more of last gen but with dev times doubled and a bigger focus on monotization.
>This generation is basically just a continuation of last gen in terms of the games playing pretty much the same with no giant advances but at a higher resolution with better animation and bigger worlds
Compare Andromeda to any last gen Mass Effect. What a leap in quality. A lot of publishers seem to have tried to spend less money on development, and a lot of games went to shit this gen.
because you were born just before it, little baby
>A lot of publishers seem to have tried to spend less money on development, and a lot of games went to shit this gen.
Publishers are trying to convince us that single player is dead again so they can go full monotization in multiplayer. Catch is lots of live service crap is failing since they're running into the same issue MMO's ran into. People only have time for one.
The HD Collections were shit on PS3.
Quality over quantity. Remember the absolute terrible output last gen when it came to the likes of Capcom or Square Enix? Capcom publishing absolute shit like Dark Void, letting a dev make one of the worst RE games with Operation Raccoon City, terrible reboot of Bionic Commando. And yea Square Enix might have put out more Final Fantasy games but they were 3 games based on the 13 line no one gave a fuck about and they each were progressively worse. I'm not saying all games this gen are hits but despite dev times being shorter and more output from some devs last gen, a lot of them were shit.
And monetization was really bad last gen too. Devs were really big on fragmenting online play with constant paid map packs and releasing games that forced ending story content as later paid DLC. Lootboxes this gen have been bad but they experimented with some scummy monotization shit last gen too. Remember online multiplayer vouchers you had to buy if you didn't get the game new? So on that front this gen and last gen are the same to me.
EA seems to be the only publisher who somehow became worse. What Andromeda was this gen was pretty much every Japanese devs struggle in trying to move on to the HD era.
Activision is just as scummy with CoD, nobody pays attention though since nerds don't care about CoD.
I guess what I'm trying to say is when a absolute dogshit game is put out by a big dev like Left Alive or The Quiet Man, everyone piles on how terrible the game is and it becomes almost an event. Those were both Square Enix published games. Here's a last gen Square Enix game that was even worse than those ones but no one even batted an eye to it because shit games like this were so plentiful last gen.
gen 7 is kino