Any games where i can play as a perpetual virgin?

Any games where i can play as a perpetual virgin?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>doomguy being a coward
shiity art
also, source of tweet or it's fake

real life

Your life.

My life

Too angry to care

>also, source of tweet or it's fake
It takes you a fucking second to look it up you absolute retard

no fap, wizards, and virgins secrets confirmed! that's how doomguy can run at 80mph

have sex

no u

but i just ate

>One of these weren't the first post
You guys are too damn slow. Also second, third, and fourth post best post(s).


Devil May Cry.
World of Warcraft.

>Devil May Cry
>Anything BUT a virgin

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is he incel or volcel?

historians will look back at us and ponder what the fuck an incel actually meant


you mad bro?

He deserves legions of pussy user. But he chooses celibacy because he is autism and has a dangerous lifestyle. Dude is a paragon of virtue in some ways and frankly could probably pull Excalibur from the stone if he existed in that time.


They will deduce they must be eunuchs, men forcibly castrated against their will as no other possibilities make any sense.

That explains why doomguy is so strong. He's reached elder grand mage tier

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Doomguy is Jesus if Jesus went berserk mode.

>He doesn't remember Jesus going berserk


>Carmack having anything to do with the story or lore


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nu-doom lore means he once had a child, so he's "have sex"'d once

im trying

Thug Hero Party

stop projecting

Don't fall for the tranny meme, sex isn't that great. Go for wizard powers unless you can find an actual good woman.

He sort of did.

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>Doomguy being fucking angry all time and murdering demons
>Never ever have sex
Checks out

Fuck them yourself, coward.

Soul Reaver

Raziel used to be a warrior-monk in the ancient history of Nosgoth.
Then he was raised as a vampire.
Then he was raised as a soul reaver.
And then he became the sword he was all along.

I dunno, maybe he raped some girl in his human days. Other than that ominous possibility he is a perpetual virgin and no amount of time travelling, reincarnations and time paradoxes can't change that.

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righteouscel, a man so pious he's practically a holy virgin

Doesn't new doom lore make all the .wads canon?
That would mean hdoom is canon too, so he canonically is not a virgin

>kirby not caring

Now that's beyond the line, even for Yea Forums

Isn't the hdoom artist working on the Ion Maiden game?

Only non virgins can reply to this post

Reply with the best sex you had

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>This girl canonically is someone’s grandmother

Attached: F7FF7EE3-FE6E-44A4-9256-FC7BC3CB728C.jpg (699x463, 70K)

>hdoom hdoom hdoom
newfags don't know about impse

With your mom

Virgin rage is canonically one of the most powerful forms of anger, so it makes sense.

It's a fun little budget title if you're into Dredd. The Lawgiver was neat. I liked being able to give loitering fat people a "parking citation" among making other arrests for silly things like "no goldfish loicense." Not much more to offer than your standard FPS stuff though. Just an okay-ish game with some nice fanservice.

>tfw no Dredd game that lets you fully explore Mega City-1 while enforcing THE LAW
feels bad

Attached: judge-dredd-dredd-vs-death.jpg (500x690, 93K)


you don't know her she goes to another school

>DoomGuy is just super dense
>Giant Baron comes up and starts flirting telling him she wants DoomGuys massive load inside her
>DoomGuy blows a hole in her with a load of buckshot