Do you like when your country is portrayed in videogames?

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Probably some dumb article but Guacamelee has a really fun setting. I'm glad it was able to come out without people whining and screeching about it, but I'm sure that still exists somewhere.

>Explosions, rock music, and guns
Hell yeah

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I've yet to see Ecuador be portrayed in a video game, but cultural representation is always good in my book.
Also the game in OP's image is free on Humble, it's bretty gud for a short Metroid style game.

>my country
>getting portrayed in video games

It's better when the games good.


Yeah, even caricatures. Stereotypes in media are fun and funny most of the time.

I'm Irish and I fuckin love the drunken ginger brawler meme

Can't say since the only eastern europe country portrayed in games is russia.


Is there any game that takes place in Ireland?

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As a mexican i really dont give a fuck.

I would unironically play an american spurdo game where you just roll around on your rascal scooter and shoot rockets from your EZ-chair

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>SEA shithole that's only notable for how many people were killed by communists
I'm fine with it not being represented

As far as I know Ireland has been in Folklore on the PS3 and I believe some flashbacks in Nioh and that's it.

We've got some characters from here in GTA, AssCreed, and The Saboteur too though I guess.

it's alright

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Here's one half...

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... and here's the other.

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Cambodia? The Khmer are in Civ 6

Has Lithuania been portrayed in a game before?

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Absolute kino

brings a tear to the eye

More like gun firing cowboys with redneck accents riding on top of nukes and trying to make a show out of everything while saying "God bless America" at every turn. That and hamburgers, pizza and the kind of patriotism you would only see in either a communist dictatorship or a fascist country from the 40s.

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A stereotype is a stereotype, saying one is good and the other bad is hypocritical.

so are you chinese or japanese

Wasn't My Summer Car set in Lithuania?

t. seething eurobarge from a country that never actually mattered.

Fuck my country, the end can't come soon enough.

>English language option has a British flag

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In so sick of these fags who think they have right to talk for us. We lost Speedy Gonzales thanks to them

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I don't know if Sweden has ever been ortrayed in a videogame. Marie from DoA and Lars from Tekken don't count, they could be from any other country, and it wouldn't make a difference in the slightest.

Europa Universalis IV, terrifying if you play as Russia.

I don't think people care as long as they can make the distinction no matter how irrelevant that distinction may be. Ignorance is bliss, as they say.

I'm spanish, if we hadn't conquered america you fuckers would be talking dutch right now.


Well I live in Rockmurica so generally the country is portrayed as the badass land of freedom it certainly isn't or it's a complete parody of itself. So I would have to say no. I generally expect games to portray my country as a disproportanite number of them are set here.

Damn fucking straight you absolute turkey
Reminder that patriotism is a choice and that we also have the choice to say bad things, but you wouldn't know about free speech would you.

FUCK burgerstan, its mutts have ruined this planet, it is time for angloCHADS to reinstate the empire

IRA game when

Pizza is as American as Tacos or Chinese food user...

You sound a bit jealous

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Or french

>Spanish conquered America
I'm all for twisting history to sell a message but goddamn this is a stretch and a half

I don't like the fact that all mexican culture is seen as "dia de los muertos" shit. Only because the representation you usually see about that is specific to a particular region of mexico and is not really "mexican" culture as in the whole nation.
It would be like saying a game has a nice portrayal of "american" culture when it's all mardi gras stuff and new orleans-style brass bands marching through the streets when you know that kind of shit isn't happening in the midwest yet they pass it off as "american" representation.
It's just the inaccuracy of calling it "mexican" that bothers me, I don't care if white people wanna larp dia de los muertos crap

In most of the world "america" refers to the continent, not the country and yes Spain conquered most of America

yes especially when japan does it

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i really couldn't give less of a fuck, and israel doesn't get portrayed in any game that i know of anyway
i pick the british one because it looks better

Frankly, I can't think of a single video game set at any point in Germany AT ALL.
If you want, you could count Kingdom Come, but the czechs will probably protest that...

then you proceded to become even more third world than half of america (the continent) LOL

Yeah, seems okay, Jane Kelly in Xcom2 was Irish which I liked

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I'm pretty much convinced that Spike shitpost was a fake.


Yeah, i like when Japan represents Mexico

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>what if wolfenstein

>Canadian flag
Fucking Bioware.

Shadowrun Dragonfall
There's a lot of Israelis in world of tanks crying out for Israeli tanks to be added

I liked Sam from MGR, but since he does not act like a BR, no one gives a shit.

they are great at it my dude

You'd never ever be able to get away with that unless it's some "deep" walking simulator about the horrors a woman had to endure during all that violence.

american chinese food is nothing like tradtional chinese food.
and i'm not sure how to explain this to you but mexicans were living in america since long before any EU settlers.

>English is English
The struggle is real

World War Z has a level in Jerusalem and I'm pretty sure one of the characters is Israeli.

Beyond the obvious WW2 games I think Modern Warfare 3 had a mission in Berlin.

Why the fuck there were jungles in sibiria?

But then during the 80s we got out of the shit and we are better than France and Italy right now (which isn't saying much).

>When you're such a disgusting, cosmopolitan piece of shit that despises any and all happiness and culture in the world that you call a game that celebrates Mexican history and culture "stereotyping"
When are we going to kill the urbanite scum?

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Well duh like every ww2 game ever.
Yfw we're always portrayed as the bad guys.

Max Payne 3 was alright, although I liked the New Jersey levels over the uma delicia levels for the most part.

Tell me.
Were the devs of Guacamelee a bunch of Mexicans or a group of white people?

what game?

Are there any games set in the Philippines? I can't think of anything representing it besides that one girl in Tekken who cries a lot.

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Gobless :DDD

this is the only Irish game I know. at least its good

wasn't there a thing where the blue checkmarks got enraged because they thought Coco was offensive, and then the movie immediately became the best selling animated movie ever in Mexico?

>frankly I can't think of any games that are set in Germany

How about every goddamn world war 2 game in existence and also wolfenstien? It's literally always nazis but the representation is technically there.

The funniest thing is Mexicans fuckign love that shit. It's only poser chicanos who get angry. As always Americans find ways to ruin everything

A bunch of white people from canada

Only a bitch complains about "stereotypes". When I see a cowboy character or a girl in an american flag bikini I get hype


War Thunder has a few Jew tanks as premiums
Oy vey
There's also a couple of Israelis in the Rainbow Six games

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*this is the only irish game I know. at least it's good

attempt no.2

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>There's a lot of Israelis in world of tanks crying out for Israeli tanks to be added
why? it's just tanks, they all look the same

what about blanka

WELL FUCK ME I totally repressed all those memories. But yeah, I wasn't exactly thinking shooting galleries and such.

In the alternate timeline where GTA is still good and San Andreas was followed by an Irish game set during The Troubles.


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>that time some dumb bitch from america was trying to tell everyone how racist the mexican mario from Odyssey was
>literally every comment was actual mexicans telling her to fuck off cause they thought it was awesome
Can we throw the dumb cunts over the wall instead?

Wasn’t Trump supposed to stop this??

MGS3 didn't take place in Siberia it took place in a made up region of central asia. Like a fake version of kyrgyzstan or tajikistan.


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It comes with a rascal controller for immersion

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>My country has been on a downward spiral for forever now
>No one seems to care, not even the people who live in said country
Fuck Nigeria so fucking much, man

There was a guy on /vg/ who made a bunch of Xcom2 soldiers with names like Carbombs O'Malley etc. and had a whole RP set up where you're basically the IRA and all the aliens are just Unionists in disguise.

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Same thing happened with Coco
Same thing happened with Speedy Gonzales

Only game i can think of is Far Cry 2 and we're depicted as mercs for hire, its accurate and based in truth but my vok man.

Is every game set in America? Goddamn I haven't even thought about this until now. I'm gonna make a bacon cheeseburger and eat it right now while playing GTA and watching fox news.

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I dunno, what are some games where my country is represented?

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war thunder is such a shit game, controls are ok but with all the premiums they have it's pretty much p2w

Kings are literally coolest ever

Fighting games are always in the forefront of representation for peoples all over the world. God bless them and a curse on the triggered twitter heroes who have nothing but contempt for fighting games

I wish I were american

Assassin's Creed 1.


>some blankets
It wasn't the blankets that killed them. Also biological warfare is so OP it's banned in the current meta.

>it's just tanks, they all look the same
delet this

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>it's pretty much p2w
It mostly depends what battle rating you play at but shockingly enough it's not that bad for a F2P game.

It's the other shit they pull that gets you

There are barely any games involving Persians in vidya aside from Prince of Persia and Assassin's Creed.

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Israel wasn't a country in 1000 AD or whenever asscreed 1 takes place.

does skyrim count as icelandic

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>There is some major piracy in Nigeria, with attacks directed at all types of vessels. Consistent with the rise of Nigeria as an increasingly dangerous hot spot, 28 of the 30 seafarers kidnapped globally between January–June 2013 were in Nigeria.

Crusader Kings II

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I'm just tired of green and yellow and brown flip flops.

>tfw no cutie anime jew gf that drains your wallet and calls you a goy

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>living in a country

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There's Israeli gun girls in a chink gacha called "girls frontline"

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you know i'm right
how do i get into this game, i tried multiple times and i have no idea what to do
tutorial didn't help that much eithet

>trashy urban setting
not really, no

well, it's our culture, after all, we can't change it, just run away from it

Wait, wasnt it a picture of spike smoking a cigarette?

if only girls here looked even remotely like this

Youtube Tutorials work better then the ingame tutorials for me regarding for paradox games.
Also: start off in an easy area like ireland.

galil is also in the game but no one gives a fuck about poor little galil so are tar, uzi and jericho but whatever they all suck

I wish you were too

Antonio salazar is probably the best character there desu

I can't remember the last game I've played where it wasn't represented as nazi germany

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I don't live in Rio, is not part of my culture.

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one day for sure dude, with the revision to greencard bullshit that's happening now surely they'll want me once I get my mechanical physics degree, r-right?

was this supposed to sound bad?

when you live in Brasil, you cant run away from it

alright, i'll try watching a few then

tar and jericho are both cuter than negev

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I've seen a few South African characters, but has a game ever been set in South Africa?

undoubtedly so
so is galil but since she's a low rarity and kind of uninspired in design everyone overlooks her as foddershe is

i know far cry 2 is in africa but i don't know where exactly


Is that a yes or a no?

>Sands of Time
>Warrior Within
>The Two Thrones
Next PoP when? AC should be dead soon.
Still mad there's no workshop for XCOM 1.

Oh yes, because gringos want to fuck the cute brown girls in the beach, and see happy brown people dancing to samba in botecos.
Brazilians are nothing, we don't have a culture, we have no identity, multiculturalism was a mistake.

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HURR DURR ITS MExican soo we used the world guacamole in it

Scotland and the Scottish are always portrayed 100% accurately.

Je suis monté.

Cálmate wey

As a Mexican I can only say...
Puto el que lo lea

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>No Pepe from Rage of the Dragons
Literally, the coolest character design with the coolest power of them all.

Mexicans should release more games, they are more interesting than the average American game

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Why would it be? It's not that hard to believe, people do crap like that all the time.

the northeast has a culture


All the games that take place in Michigan are shit
I want a survival FPS set in Detroit

Rage of the Dragons was made by a Mexican dev (although I think the designs might have been Japanese) also no one remembers that game unfortunately

Michigan Report From Hell was pretty interesting

Ya es hora?
Ya es hora

>De donde son
>Que juegan
>Alineación política
>Por quien van a votar en las próximas elecciones

Indian here, aside from a small bit here and there, can't think of much. Far Cry 4 was pretty close I guess.

Who here live in one of the Chosen Twelve?

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Here's a key for Guacamelee. Asterisk is fill in the blank of this game title: Killer_

Which version?

Right USA > Left USA >>>>>>>> Shit > Middle USA
Prove me wrong

My favorite army in Total War Medieval 2 Stainless Steel

Guacamelee is free on Humble right now

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My country was portrayed in GTA4 and no one understood what he was saying.


Fighting games always give the coolest representation.

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Already had it on steam so just giving away the key so it doesn't go to waste.

Why is a white boi writing this

Emergency. I guess most simulator games too

Everytime I play a game set in Russia it's always about being snowed in or radioactive

I went to my grandma's farm today and spent it picking blue berry's under a hot sun than I drank milk in the shade

I'm sick of westerners trying to portray my country
At least japs do Russia a service in Anime

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white people are the foremost experts on representation and cultural diversity.
They are literally the only people in the world who care about that shit

Because us third world people can't care for ourselves!
We need white bois to protect our poor machetes and guns with religious images!

>asscreed odyssey takes place in Ancient Greece
>actually get excited to explore the a replica of the old country at its peak
>all the characters’ Greek accents sound like shit
>they edit all the historical artifacts in the name of safe spaces or some shit
>new leveling up system eliminates the prospects of exploring wherever I want from the start of the game
Didn’t even buy it. What a fucking waste of potential.

I swear to God, you and all your family will be avenged some day ;_;7

>I went to my grandma's farm today and spent it picking blue berry's under a hot sun than I drank milk in the shade

the radiation is giving you hallucinations Sergey

why are united statians so obnoxious

Be glad that you're still only represented in a grimdark but still pretty manly way.

Diversity, black Wheelchair Soldiers and tranny generals incoming!

Ironically the number of hate crimes has started to increase in my city whilst regular crimes have decreased

farming simulator?

What's a hate crime in mother russia?

Not accepting a vodka shot from your friend
Wrestling with one bear instead of two
Not owning HoMM 3

Beating up muzzies and blacks

We actually get Africans here
Not American blacks but actual people from Africa

It's weird too
I was in a store and saw a black person and didn't find anything wrong with it, than I remembered I wasn't in America and had to take a double take

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Poland-Lithuania under the Jagiellon kings and grand dukes are in TONS of strategy games.

I rather have the world remember us for wrestlers, tacos, donkeys, big sombreros and cactus than fucking narcos and corrupt politicians.

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I guess it's mostly in the bigger cities?
Haven't been to Russia yet but I've seen a few blacks in Kiev. Sad to see that even eastern europe is goning to the dogs..

I don't think anyone here gives a shit about blacks, they might as well be any other foreigner visiting the country. Now uzbeks, tajiks and other muslim immigrants...

From what I've seen they're mostly exchange students

ive never seen a game prorating the arab culture and it wasnt cringe

What is it with """"mexicans"""" in America complaining about representation? Nearly all these fucking are whiny assholes while people actually from Mexico seem to be chill and hard working?

What about literally the best new street fighter character?

We dont know.
Its a second generation immigrant thing I guess.

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Makes sense, hope your next elections go better.

the way he wears the head-wear is cringe tbqdesu

So you're telling me russia is not as comfy as the zone from stalker?

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Last years elections were great.
We got a "leftist" party that is anti-corruption, anti-monopoly and for smaller government.

but honestly shaheen from tekken looks cool

How else is he supposed to wear it and his scouter?

fake n gay

I'm Portuguese. It's never happened and never will. It will always either be Spain or Portugal over Brazil. Portugal is completely and utterly irrelevant.

Oh shit lemme rephrase, I hope your next elections keep going better.

Portugal is really fun to play in Age of Empires 2.

It was a Carl's Jr. commercial.

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Well the one time when you were represented has quickly become a meme.

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Bitch please, everywhere america is synonymous with the United States.

that what we call chicanos, they are the faggiest kind of mexican, they think they are the shit for living in the US while forcing the US to adapt to their "traditions" and language saying they are proud of their heritage but refuse to step in mexico or even move here

Portuguese people are mutts. They have spread like the plague through Europe and it has become clear that the native Portos are just as retarded and aggressive as their Brazilian offspring. Every fucking city in the UK aside from London is becoming little fucking Brazil

the black "thing" should just sit on top of his head
not wrap around his head

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Pretty accurate.

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Ponchos too. While not originally a Mexican thing, they might as well be at this point. Such a wonderful garment.

>game being set in my country was the exact same moment the series gone to trash
Thanks for killing Pokemon France

What's the deal with Brazil?

There are parts of right that look just like the middle. The important cities are better right, but left is overall more consistent. All left Coast is basically the same sprawl, and the space between left and middle is just empty.

Japanese Mexico is awesome.

Meanwhile according to Capcom all my shithole's got are chicks in catsuits, gigantic retards or psychopathic murderers.
Actually better than reality now that i think about it.

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>not wrap around his head
You sure? It looks like that headband's purpose is to keep the head cloth affixed on his head, for which having it wrap around would do the job the best.

HUE here, it's a shithole everyone who lives here wants to get out. All my friends are constantly trying to leave the country all the time.
The problem is that the people who leave take the shit with them, making every place they live a new kind of shithole.

I only just now realized there is a hotdog on that hamburger.

yea but it looks silly when you wrap it around your head
thats why no one does that

Gothic 2?

>tfw Ecuador
literally nothing ever happens here

Why do americans always portray blondes when all of them are amerimutts with black hair

The Spanish Conquests happened due to a series of cascading events that enabled each other, much of them being flukes: Cortes happening to find shipwrecked spaniards who could act as translators, the Republic of Tlaxcala sparing him and his men after BTFO-ing them out to use against the Aztec, one of the men in a force that arrived to arrest Cortes for treason happening to be carrying smallpox; Cortes's eventually success in toppling the Aztec netting Spain a huge monetary influx and logistical foothold to where Spain, which previously didn't even care about pursuing widespread colonization of the Mainland, to go ahead and do so, and provide them the logistical foothold to be able to, also thereby having a constant spanish occupation to further spread pathogens; and then having Conquistadors move further south into Central and South America; with Spain's successes only then getting other european powers jelly and making them bother pursuing colonization themselves

Also the spanish themselves were arguably the least critical and impactful factors to it's success beyond just showing up, as they were immensely dependent on the actual armies, troops of existing city-states or empires in mexico (who were only participating to further their own geopolitical interests) who even decades into the conquests, even as 2/3s of the population was dead, were still doing most of the work; with the intial smallpox infection and then further outbreaks also causing political chaos and increasingly decimating the native population, with that and how Mesoamerican politics worked just allowing Spain to be the ones benefiting in the end even though they themselves were far outnumbered by and could have easily been deposed by native armies otherwise

Had shit gone even a bit differently Spain would have never been able to directly conquer Mexico, and the entire colonization of the Americas would have been thrown off. I can clarify if needed

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I actually ate that burger. It was a pretty kino burger to be quite honest.

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I really appreciate it.
Mercenaries 2 is one of the funniest games for me for its portrayal of Venezuela


Dude are you retarded? Will you ask why the don't display urban homelessness in the NYC backdrop?

Reminder that Guacamelee is currently free on Humble Bundle, go grab it, it's great.

Attached: Guacamelee.png (503x252, 50K)

Dominicans have never, ever been portrayed by videogames in the history of the industry, and I couldn't give less of a shit.


This thread is gotten pretty big.

Also Canada is about as notable as a single American state. We got some cool shit and have done some cool stuff in ww2 but nobody cares. Like Vimy ridge and Dieppe.
And in WW1 we had Ypres, also another battle in Vimy ridge that we won.

Shilling Aztez, which is a legitmately fantastic CURAYZEE action game set in the heart of the Aztec Empire. It's 2d rather then 3d but it's explictly inspired by DMC and Bayonetta in terms of it's combat systems, the devs have a blog where they breakdown the combat systems of other action games.

There's also light strategy elements in the overworld, with battles being specifc "turns"/objectives on it, the goal being to unite enough cities/manage your empire enough in the valley where the core Aztec cities were to fight off Conquistadors when they show up.

It's also unique in that it's the only game I know of I know of that actually makes an attempt to do the setting and aesthetic right: It's not super realistic, 100% on point Aztec art motifs, but it's clearly inspired by actual aztec art, history, and cuilture rather then just DUDE PYRAMIDS HUMAN SACRIFICE LMAO and mixing every mesoamerican culture's art into a blender. You have outfits based on specific attire from codices, the priest enemy classes, each battle location is based on an actual city in the valley of mexico and contains any notable landmarks they had historically IRL, etc.

Attached: Aztez combo Blood Rush 2 4ch.webm (800x450, 2.91M)

I was tempted for shits and giggles a few times, but the thought of a undercooked fastfood hotdog is too much.

Is this that stickfigure combo game?

Attached: Aztez combo Blood Rush 1 4ch.webm (700x394, 2.98M)

I'm not sure what you are talking about, maybe?

Attached: Aztez combo Blood Rush 3 4ch.webm (750x422, 2.96M)

I think nuHitman 2 has a map in Austria in that weird sniping game mode and BlazBlue has two Austrians that are crazy doll fuckers. That's about it.
Japan tends to just show Austria as big forests and castles which is fine I guess.

I was making a joke, user.

Attached: Stick Combo.png (704x405, 66K)

as a sucker for hack n slash, this game caught my attention

worth noting those 3 webms were done with a really difficult to consistently execute cancel that allows you to switch weapons way faster, pic related is an example of something without using that tech

Attached: Aztez combo blood drinker 1 4ch.webm (750x422, 2.97M)

I got this game off the Humble store, how is it?

and one last one, again without the weapon switch animation cancel

Attached: Aztez combo 1.webm (700x394, 2.97M)

You really dont it fucking sucks


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I liked how the fightans represented Korea so far.
>Hwoarong (old Bob) and Baek Doo San in Tekken
>Juri in Street Fighter
>Kim Haphwan and the other Koreans in King of Fighters
>Kum Haehyun in Guilty Gear (though she is mostly shoved into a Gouken looking robot)
Can't really complain too much about the representation.

It's not just the HUE's though, the trash drunk Portuguese are also leaving Portugal because better gibs in the UK and other, better countries. I don't think there are any Portuguese speakers left that have any value. We unironically need eugenics

I remember one of the old Medal of Honor games having a level set in the Philippines. But it was just centered on the Japanese and Americans during ww2 or something

Literally the only Belgian I know of in vidya

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>article about Mexican representation
>William Harris
Why do whites do this?

he imagined the whole thing, just like the greed ending in stalker

The only games that really portray America honestly that I've played are Red Dead Redemption 1 and Farcry 5.
Fuck Hope County is such a good setting it's just so fucking AMERICAN.

Attached: SHALL NOT.gif (701x418, 782K)

fuck off were full

Only redditors who think Tarantino makes kino would say GTA is an accurate portrayal of the US.

>average IQ: 84
it's literally niggerland, dude
if you're white then fucking get off the awful continent, not even the Boers are safe there

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>this is somehow supposed to be a bad depiction
Keep crying irrelevants

I wish we got more than "lol food"

As much as it's fun to shit on Assassin's Creed, Assassin's creed II and Brotherhood really made me feel warm and fuzzy when I was hopping around Florence, Rome, Venice and such, maybe it's because I've actually been there and I love those places but I don't know.

I think we pastas are kind of underepresented (if you don't count Mario), I wish we showed up more.

Also, how the fuck did you anglos managed to bear the script in ACII? Going from heavily accented english to heavily accented Italian made me so annoyed I had to change the voice acting to full italian.

>and the kind of patriotism you would only see in either a communist dictatorship or a fascist country from the 40s.
I've always been bothered by this

I've been to New York and can safely say that GTA is an eerily accurate portrayal of life for city sodomites.

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If you are a mechanical engineer and you develop modern catapults that will throw Mexicans and blacks out if this country over the great wall, you're more than welcome to come.

>I-ive always been bothered by this
Then you're retarded and helplessly ignorant for thinking US patriotism is anything like communism or fascism. Feel free to leave.

>be me
>be mexican
>play guacamelee
>”mira que chido un luchador”
>”no thats racist”

Mexicans don’t care about your racism.

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>remembering the mario odyssey mexican costume "controversy"
chicanos are worst than chilangos

There's literally no argentinian character

When is attempt #3?

where's your net neutrality bitch

Too bad he's boring everywhere else

Tfw East vs. West was canceled
>Can't meme on the Arabs 5 times over
>Can't battle Soviet influence on Palestinian insurgents
>Can't complete crater Egypt's airforce in under 48 hours to force a peace

I fucking hate Paradox. Operation Thunderbolt would make a great scenario in a shooting game though.

I fucking hate Paradox.

>giving the government the power to regulate internet access and content
Let me tell you how I know you're European

No because Britain is never portrayed accurately and it's always some fantasy London derived mess. The closest we ever got was Vampyr since that was about a bunch of diseased monsters running around ruining a country and the only guy with a logical plan was going to wall the areas in and let them starve.

/gsg/ refers to Lithuania as Poland's purple rape gorilla.

>he fell for the government regulation meme
Eurofags are so predicable. You're used to having rulers who are duty bound via their religious beliefs to rule rightly and are of your won people. You're so completely unprepared for being ruled by Jews and their goyish pets.

Outside of occasionally being a playable faction in a total war or RTS, i dont remember ever seeing my country depicted.

That's kind of a hard thing to say. If a man immigrated from China in 1890 to the USA and opened a restaurant making food as close to home as he possibly could, is it not Chinese food?

As for your Mexican comment, it's dumb because central Mexican tribes didn't live in the area of the Mexican cessation, "Mexican" generally refers to Mestizos which didn't exist before European settlement, and finally there was a total of like 80,000 people living on the land the USA took from Mexico. Polk wanted to annex all the land where whites had a majority in Mexico or would be loyal due to protection from natives ie the north and the Yucatan but congress shut him down because they were concerned about the difficulty of assimilation efforts. Mexico had tried to sell all of that land to Prussia not long before, too.

This not that I care

>That's kind of a hard thing to say. If a man immigrated from China in 1890 to the USA and opened a restaurant making food as close to home as he possibly could, is it not Chinese food?
that really makes the argument of "needing immigrants so we can have diverse food" becomes moot

>portray race as somewhat bad
>"wow cultular appropiation/racist game"
>portray race as somewhat good
>"this game is cool on our eyes!"

Nice try corporate cock suckers, I'm canadian. Euros don't have internet freedom either. You're literally eurocuck levels of being controlled, how does that feel?

even worse

Attached: canadian genocide.gif (636x288, 2.57M)

What the fuck is this .gif

Any games with my country?

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fuckin right stay mad europoor

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French here, I don't complain. The Spy in TF2 is based.

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someone put a punch of gasoline on a line of leaves and then added more leaves and set them ablaze for shits and/or giggles

Dying Light takes place in a Turkish city

>no that's bad too but I won't say why
Is this the "I have a girlfriend but you don't know her" of arguments?

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literally only London is repped and that's practically it's own country

did bust a little nut when my town Maidstone got a shoutout in Princess Principal tho

Have a portuguese character from a game with a fantasy setting with fake countries that for some non-explained reason also includes Portugal
You can't actually visit it but pic related is one of the better girls so it's something at least

Attached: portugal.png (1271x1018, 2.56M)

>he says that like it's a bad thing

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Post the other one.

>Game has 2 English options: one American flag and one British flag
Throughout all the games I’ve seen this in, I’ve never actually seen what the differences are. Do they change all mentions of “flashlight” to “torch” or something?

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It also has JAPAN.

I know, but it's a japanese game so it isn't that strange
On the other hand of all the other countries to pick to be real going with Portugal is a really strange choice

Color vs colour

It pretty never much happens, but when it does I think it's funny, especially how people interpret our language

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I'm not sure what you mean, the palette swap?

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No, mostly because im ashamed of it. Though when they go 100% positive im fine with it.

No, the other other one.

fuck yeah I do, Raquna is cute as fuck
otherwise I don't really care, this is the only one in a game I played

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I can't complain I suppose.

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Everyone be quiet, there is an alien in the thread.

We wuz humans and shit

The Saboteur exists

I don't know what you mean user

Yes, when it's not set in New York or Los Angeles.


so who keeps making these same threads?

If you're not relevant enough it doesn't matter if we portray you "right" oh no we go the name of the snake and roaches you eat wrong lmao who cares

I dunno, were South Africans actually portrayed in anything other than the original Metal Gear games?

I do. But I never look down on games for not doing it. It's more like "Hey look, that's neat!" when I see it, but otherwise I never think about it.

No. Every fucking time with the fucking flamenco, paella y toros, me cago en dios.

Attached: matador_f.gif (150x205, 144K)

No, they always call it "North Osea". cucks

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ultra woke. What's another word for "urban"? blacks and mexicans (and now mudslimes)


Mostly Paris, few games got it right. Remember Be had interestingly captured Paris' visual identity, but somehow fucked up the use of many architectural elements and decorations which made it look kinda retarded. Hitman was rather bland, but not too bad. AC Unity was alright.

Everything else, from Deus Ex to Battlefield, was fucking atrocious.

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Outer Heaven was 200km north of a fictional South African city, which means it might not have even been in South Africa

Either way, I don't recall any characters of explicit South African nationality

>the mutts have actually taken the most obvious of baits

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You're right, user. I just want you to know that.

It's barely represented except in war games and people usually aren't sure if she's from there.

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It also has TEXAS

Fighting games are usually biased towards Asia and the Americas for obvious reasons. Not that I'm complaining, I'd just love more variety, like a Danish fighter. Or a Ukrainian one. Something less represented overall, I can't think of a single Finnish fighter besides that one blue-haired chick from DoA6.

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Did your country get a cool Gundam?

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name me one game set in moldova and i'll play it

Ooh, a specific England flag. Haven't seen many of those in foreign media.

Isn't their entire narrative is that stereotype=bad?

I want to fuck nobel gundam!!!!

Which gundam will Nobel share a bunker with?

These kind of threads where a bunch of folk from around the world discuss vidya rep always make me happy.
I hope you smaller countries that don't get much rep someday get your own over the top stereotype representation character in a cool game

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>german food
>swedish model
>french statue
>chinese firework



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callese alv norteñito.
tan grandotes y tan putos

Finland is only featured in meme games

Zebra Gundam.

Finnish bros, I want you to know that I think your country is fascinating and I'd love to visit it.
There's so much cool stuff about your small cold country, I love you.

america is a melting pot, always has been, always will be
that's our pride

U pičku materinu!

It's a shame that our current media outlets kind of go against the melting pot message.
One of my favorite things living here is being able to go to a 7/11 and see a bunch of different people with different backgrounds and heritage all getting along. Fucking media then trys and ruins this

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Hamburgers aren't American. They were invented in New Haven, Connecticut by a family with Danish roots.

I couldn't care less.

You make it seem like it's only one side being cunts like that.
There's as many "cultural appropriation, shitlord!" people as there are "Stop speaking your language, speak english in the land of the free dirty [insert nationality]"

rent free, muhammad

>New Haven, Connecticut
Care to point to me where Connecticut's geographical location is?

I disagree.

Infact, it's a load of pish how we're portrayed usually.

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Depends on the game but usually it's okay.

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