Worthless whore

Worthless whore.

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Okay, calm down there Kamoshida.

Enough about your mother, OP, it's clear you wanted an Anne thread.

Takemi > Makoto > Futaba > POWER GAP > Ann the cum'n'dump > rest are shit

Poor take. Even if she were a whore, she'd be a very nice one.

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I want to be her personal cuckhold

>Best lovers
ok cuck

good dog

>"Fuck you Kamoshida, I ain't no sex object"
>The other ninety percent of the game happens

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bad game

>calls me the cuck when she gets pounded by Kamoshida every night
Okay retard.

Why is she always peeing herself?

>le kamoshida meem
play the game nigger

actual whore is way better anyway

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Shut up cuck.

Anne is used goods

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based lolichads

Don't talk shit about Ryuji's gf.

cute and funny

ok retard

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>Only character that has Concentrate
>Literally top dps caster

>t. Xenocuck falseflagger

>has Concentrate
>can't concentrate in her studies

>we will never get hair down Anne

Attached: Anne01.jpg (512x512, 39K)

>You can't romance the twins

I bet you're a kawakamicuck


Dumb blonde big tittied bimbo.

Why is the party you get at the start (Ryuji/Ann/Morgana) objectively the best? Maybe you can swap out Morgana for Makoto but Yusuke and Haru suck shit

Because Yusuke's gimmick is literally worthless with boss battles and Haru is kinda redundant to have with Makoto being the only one that adds something with defense buffs and healing.

I wanna see short hair ann

Ann is mostly meh for a good chunk of the game apart from her debuff spell coming in for bosses and the occasional status condition spell for some stronger mobs. She only really shines as a magic nuke machine near the end of the game.

Say what now?

poopy nigger....... poopy nigger!!!!!!

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What do Ann's farts smell like?

>Is a tomboy
>Everyone calls her a bimbo
What did they mean by this?

She's blonde and stupid.

Way I see it is that some P5 characters are just designed for boss fights while others are designed for fights against mobs. Yusuke and Haru really shine in a setting that allows for critical hits and Morgana has the handy high crit physical attack. Makoto, Ann and Ryuji on the other hand are better suited for bosses.

what the fuck is this sudden outbreak of autism in the thread

If you use abilities with high damage but low accuracy, Yusuke's evasion/accuracy buff is amazing. Used him and Ryuji the entire game unless I needed to switch for a type disadvantage.

Best party specifically against the twins is Ryuji, Yusuke and Morgana.
>Buff attack with Ryuji
>Buff evasion/accuracy with Yusuke
>Debuff their evasion/accuracy with Morgana to make everything miss and not let them combo your shit

Morgana can cover that just as well with Masukunda without risking your party getting Dekaja'd

Name one bad thing about being a whore

Anne is my wife and a sweetheart and does not deserve to be talked about like that.

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Maybe, but I will never use that attention whore cat. He is a healslut for out of battles.

>Tripfag cuckold joins the thread
Things were going so well.


I don't know how anyone can have a waifu from this game.

And his persona never evolves until the last fucking day of the game.

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For me, it's Chie

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made for Kamoshida cock

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>Coolest ultimate persona
>Least time to use it

The art is more offensive than the content

Whore implies that she inherently has worth. Slut might be more appropiate.

>Coolest ultimate persona

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Is this the reason she is the most unpopular character?

She's not worthless precisely because she's a whore.

The ultimate personas were a disappointment to me.

>Ryuji has a badass pirate persona
>Evolves into a shitty Journey to the West persona

People deserve to die for the things they say about her.

Isn't she 2nd for the female characters after Makoto?

Makoto is the most unpopular character

Problem with the ultimate persona is that characters now have costumes, their ultimate persona rarely ever matches their costume as well as their default persona.

Why is this visual novel allowed on Yea Forums?

joker, why have you tied me up?

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Anne was with Kamoshida; she knows what comes next.


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Joker really shouldn’t be an option in thee

>Ryuji last

Fucking faggots. Him sacrificing himself should at least put him above Haru and the shitty cat.

>Kamoshida flirts with girls
>Kawakami fucks her students
>she's treated like a hero

THAT really makes me think. Roastie privilege even hits Japan.

A-at least she is more popular than Ryuji. R-right Annbros?

>Morgana and Yusuke that high
>Ryuji that low
thats big YIKES from me

We won again, Makotobros.

>implying punk sun wukong was bad
Ryuji's personas are both cool
>Dude susanoo AGAIN lmao


Makotochads WW@?


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I hope P5R has a lot of extra Makoto scenes if you romance her so I can watch them on Youtube. Fuck paying full price for a game I beat a little over a year ago.

>He is so poor he cant afford a good PC
>He is so dumb he doesnt know how to emulate PS3

I forgive you for being part of the Makotogang

P5R isn't on PS3 you fucking ape

This is actually a pretty hilarious list. Makoto is a fucking robot. There's literally nothing interesting going on for her. She has the worst confidant arc in the game that's not even about her. Ann on the other hand is a bro. You may dislike her as a romantic interest but she is one of the chillest people in the group to hang out with, and the one with the most natural dialogues and interests for the girl of her age.

Makoto is cute, and she has a hot sister.

Literally every single central female character in the game has good design and Makoto is nothing exceptional.

>it's a jap poll where the self insert MC is at number 1

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Getting a little anxious? Makoto won and there is nothing you can do about it.

>Popular means good

>Kamoshida rapes a student
>Kawakami falls for a dude that practically saved her life, and then insists says she won't put out until he's of legal age

Congratulations user, now you can join the elite club of drooling retards.

>Makoto top not including Joker

>Ryuji last

>tfw intentionally left Ryuji's confidant at rank 9 because Captain Kidd is way cooler
>Ryuji also just has way better lines with him

Post makotos

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Best thread of the week tbqfhwyf

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I died a little inside when I learned the "braid" on her hair is actually a headband.

>Not leaving it at 6
It's like you want ryuji to dab on your farming

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I thought that only made it cuter

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I found it weird how that ability isn't optional. Might be one of the changes in P5R

>implying I ever farmed once in the game
Spotted the shitter.


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>Persona 5 Royal on PS3
take a look at this moron

Hope they do the same thing with Ohya's one then. Makes farming treasure demons a little more annoying. Nowhere near as bad as Instakill but it's a similar problem

>bad end for Makoto
>her and her sister become mind-broken, drug-addled happy whores

And that's canon. Makes you rethink who worst girl is. That never happened to Ann.

Elizabeth is by far the best Velvet girl.

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Uh Ohya?

I want her to be with me

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>Getting enough lockpicks, Element and Force sets without grinding
Spotted the retard

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>by far the best
Change that to the only good one.

Makotochad here. Whatever you do dont you ever dare to link me a video of that happening or else you will for sure destroy my friday

Kissable lips

>Bad ends aren't implied to have happened if you did somehow fuck up and are just Joker being drugged out of his mind

I don't want to insult the others.

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I hope we get an update soon.

>Bad end
You do realize this is part of Joker's flashback, right? It just didnt happen or else the flashback didnt make any sense

>love the beep boop meme and this image
>people post this to try and bait me
It's pretty good

>Terrible at putting out
>Doesn't even do it unless she has to

She needed to get on Kamoshida's good side for a friend, and knew a way to do really easy way to do it. She didn't even let him fuck her.

"Ann is a whore"

>No doujin about this
>While worst girl Ann get the most degenerates doujins

It is not fair. I want more kinky doujins with my wife

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That happens in most of Makoto's doujins though

You can in the remake

>Wanting degeneracy with a designated vanilla girl
Go with Haru, Takemi, or better yet a P4 girl if you want weird shit

Attached: getsmoked-haru.png (466x500, 139K)

>She needed to get on Kamoshida's good side for a friend, and knew a way to do really easy way to do it
You're right, she didn't do anything with Kamoshida but you're still a retard who doesn't pay attention. She did not seek out Kamoshida on Shiho's behalf. Shiho was already on the volleyball team and he knew that Shiho was Anne's only friend and he used that as leverage against her to force her into a relationship.

You are shitting me right? The most degenerate doujins i found are about her and her sister getting softly mind break (almost vainilla crap). How can I find those?

>Annefags so buttblasted they now have to call my waifu a robot because everyone likes her more than Anne
At least Makoto isn’t a bimbo slut stay seething

>"Your waifu is a robot"
How are we going to recover, Makotobros?

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>Implying beep boop teasing isn't the best part of makoto

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For me, it's fapping to the Makoto/Sae threesome doujin