6 years

>6 years
>target sales reduction
>several price cuts
>literally in the bargain bin at one point
>sole purpose for existing was to bring in more western fans to the series
>couldn't outsell the previous game
What went wrong?

Attached: Dante_dmc_2010.jpg (850x1197, 305K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It literally didn't need to exist and nobody wanted it.

Retarded fanbase. Game was objectively the best in series.

DmC = Soul
DMC5 = Soulless

Ninja Theory's passive-agressiveness
Game Journos' damage control
The newfags to the series (whose first game was DmC) that didn't have any single idea on what actually happened
and of course
Capcom's retarded higher-ups

Attached: 1549918921461.png (1030x2432, 374K)

here we see le epic contrarians in their natural form

I didn't think it was as awful as everyone says but I don't think it was that great either. I had fun playing it nonetheless

and saved

Mocking fans of the original series and basically shoving Donte down everyone's throat.


>Itsuno says DmC is his absolute favorite Devil May Cry game
>DmC's visual influence can be clearly seen in DMC5
>DMC5 has more tasteless cursing in it than 1/3/4 combined
>Itsuno wanted to do a DmC2 before DMC5

Attached: 744984572581.png (1080x1920, 3.16M)

In the end it sold 2.4 milli. DMC 4 had a five year head start and only outsold it by 600.000 copies. Not bad at all.


And the game itself is pretty damn good, too.

Literally nobody asked for a reboot, it could be seen from a mile away that would be a failure. Even more with Ninja Theory shit talking older fans

>itsuno would leave Capcom if they didn't get him DMC5
Cope Tameme

Attached: 1554997835621.png (1920x1080, 2.5M)

As always, it was a good game forcibly buried by gamer entitlement. DmC would have been the correct course for a laughably juvenile series like this

how is Yea Forums now defending DmC?
christ I still remember 2013. we had like 5 threads laughing at this mess of a game per day.

abortador de bebe...

Attached: 98106C8E-858F-4225-9615-8B030D848660.png (671x473, 335K)

/v’s contrarian nature knows no bounds.

This has always been a dumb reasoning, because of course you'd want to get rid of the old fanbase, that's the whole point of a reboot. NT did the only correct decision in this case.

le contrarian ebin meme

Attached: 1554859591979.jpg (249x249, 7K)

>shit game
>changed too much
>cringelord donte
>trash boss fights
>the shifting structures were actually quite based, but other than that general shitty aesthetics
>shitty dialogue
>shitty voice acting
>90% of the game was grappling to shit
>main character was named Dante but he really was just budget wannabe Nero, but a much shittier weaker version
>faggot version of mundus
>donte is a weak little bitch compared to the main series spardas
>weakness highlighted further when he needed his hacker bro to save his pussy ass from mundus
>main characters might as well be stock characters from a tween drama on CW channel

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.u3.jpg (999x1000, 263K)

>2 mil after a year
>500k sold on the original price
>the rest were discounted
meanwhile 5 sold 2 mil in less than a month
not in a million sales amirite my fellow Dontefags?

Attached: fw1wy18uuf321.jpg (775x771, 549K)

>because of course you'd want to get rid of the old fanbase
>of course you'd want to get rid of money

Attached: 1554833871368.jpg (641x546, 64K)


1 > 5 > 3 > DmC > 4 > 2

this counts discounted sales and free downloads from PSN

Attached: dmc.jpg (938x504, 202K)

People want to be epic by claiming it's a "diamond in the rough" now

People who played DmC when they were 12 years old can legally post here now. That's why.

Did... Did they want us to feel bad for literal demon...? Or feel bad that we were forced to shoot her? Did they want us to hate Vergil?What were they going for?

It's a legitimately good game.

t. someone that's actually played it

That literally does not change anything I said about DMC5 you idiot.

Attached: 78E71EE7-4399-4422-B684-516B3629A025.png (602x1080, 350K)

>6 years
>several price cuts
>failed to achieve what it initially was created to achieve and was a failure compared to previous game
>not a flop

>DmC > 4
come on now

Lilith was the only devil that cried in that game.

how come DmCfags produce the most hilarious responses?

It was fun

Attached: 5B246CD0-2045-484A-83EE-08AEA8E4C420.jpg (733x923, 87K)

If Capcom counts them as full sales then it's good enough for me. I guess DmC's London scene aesthetic was off-putting to some people. Eh, whatever. Ninja Theory themselves are way past it and doing other stuff for Microsoft now (good on Microsoft for funding them btw), and by this point everybody has come to terms with the idea that """dunking""" on DmC is childish and only autists do it anymore. I mean the game as a package is certainly better than Devil May Cry 4 so there's that.

Besides, shit like FIFA and Madden outsell the whole series on an annual basis. You really don't want to base your argument with regards to the quality of a game on sales.

I'd invite Rodrigo to a pizza party

If you ask me, people who don't like DmC are worth less than dirt itself. They're no different from goblins.

Literally something of around 80% of DmCfags are just tumblrina faggots. Gurantee the same people who love DmC think DC legends, Flash and the new Batwoman trailer is awesome.

I know that my take may be kind of weird for many, but I think NT should've sticked with the weird Emo Dante that smokes cigarettes and has youth trauma and all those cool environmental destructables and the shape-shifting Rebellion rather than the dumbed down DMC4 with Not-Nero that says naughty word we got in the final build.

If you want to make something completely different from the original take, no matter how controversial it could be seen from the original fanbase, just deliver on that uniqueness rather than trying to fix things up and deliver a mediocre dumbed down Devil May Cry game.


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I wonder what Limbo City was supposed to be.

>under microsoft

It only had one game so it might be the best in the series but it's technically the worst.


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user you're going to upset the Itsuno cultists with your differing opinions.

I just hate the fact that this game has divided the fan base.
before DmC it was always DMC (1/3/4) fans vs Bayo/NG/any other action game fanbase that would always have arguments.

You should see the concept art.

Attached: 0B864363-39E7-40F8-BBB6-B98FFFBD9B10.jpg (960x720, 119K)

But user, if they just went with the original my chemical romance Donte, we wouldn't have all the triggered DmCfags on Nero's nuts we have today, and that's just no fun.

>rent free

>Itsuno was going to leave

How does that change he said DmC was his favorite and DMC5 has a lot of cursing in it?

Meant Bottom left.....is that....is that.....Infamous 3? LOL

But the game is actually based and redpilled as fuck. All women are useless or sex objects, demons are pretty much a jewish conspiracy, Vergil is le epic anonymous hacker (even has the fedora) and there's even forced abortions.

>DMC release date
>DmC fags come out of their wormholes to remind us donte exists

Attached: 1553035291537.jpg (333x349, 34K)

I'm not speaking about the concept art, I'm talking about Reveal Trailer DmC.

Hypothetically top left could work with a low class brittish accent.

he liked the game
it was never his favorite
>inb4 THAT article

To be fair, DMC 5 also has Dante’s EX costume to remind everyone that Donte exists too.

He said that only for PR reasons, he can't shit on the game publicly. He told Reuben that he fuckin hated DmC

>DmC characters

Attached: F857448A-8EEB-49E0-A012-74F887D7926F.gif (200x148, 165K)

but that wasn't NTs idea. it was Capcom's. they forced NT to change it to a more western.

I bet you believe Matt when he said they wanted to make another failure lel

>He said that only for PR reasons
Nah, he was pretty involved with DmC. He was even credited as the director from Capcom Japan's side.

>h-he only said it for PR reasons!

Every time.

Someone post the dentist webm

Ah, that makes sense.

you mean the DE yeah. but the OG DmC? no

I bought this game on a whim because it was like $10. I liked going into practice mode to try and figure out how the hell to play and the graphics were good. Everything else was shit. The MC I couldn't take seriously, the weird girl who didn't do anything and the brother who seemed way better.
It was a joke that didn't know it was a joke.

Also everything taking place in an alternate dimension didn't feel right.

That's just Itsuno sucking up to NT and coming from 4se but these journos do it because they can't let go of their shitty taste.

>h-h-he didn't said for PR reasons
>h-he actually liked the game t-trust me

Attached: 1554822661932.png (271x501, 141K)

Matt Walker, the guy that worked within Inafune's Globalization Department that pretty much greenlit the reboot outsourced to a western studio? One wouldn't be in the wrong for taking his comments as genuine.

Of course! Remember when Donte threatened to blow squirrel girl’s brains out? Or when Vorgin sniped that baby for no reason? Or when Donte called him wet chunks?


>dmc5 has a lot of cursing in
uh....so did DMC4? Nigga did you forget who Donte was trying to evoke? the middle fingers, the fuck yous, the telling people to go blow and fuck themselves.

Yes, he literally said it for PR reasons. Japanese companies don't shit on others publically.

Meanwhile Reuben told us that behind the scenes, Itsuno hated it and threatened to quit.

Same guy who dissed the reboot fanbase at E3 and got IGN to seethe? Yeah ok.

Attached: nero.jpg (485x560, 17K)

>fun, lighthearted delights

Attached: 1529438356973.jpg (1024x576, 122K)

>DMC 3: successful game
>import Vergil and Dante to UMvC 3: gained lots of fans, another successful game
>DmC: goes down in history as the most hated and probably one of the more controversial game reboots
>add Donte to Playstation All Stars Battle Royale: Game flopped

It's the animation that gets me.

It was so poor they had to get it fixed 3/4 into production

>because he said Devil May Cry and Hideaki Itsuno are back
Yeah, ok.

This is true, every time the characters especially Donte and Vorgil grinned or smiled it looked like they were trying to take a shit..

I guess I need to remind you fags that the main guy at ninja theory only made this game to inflate his ego he used dante for his sick and disgusting motives and you are defending this he basically abused our Dante and you guys stand for this?

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>reboot fags ignore this


I still can't believe Sony was stupid enough to do that. I mean atleast they could've been smart and just added Donte as a costume, but just a character from a malligned reboot? they were just asking to flop.

>fans have awaited for a TRUE sequel
liked how he emphasized the word "true"

you know what's the most pathetic thing about Dontefags? bringing up an article that's almost a year old just to make DmC relevant again

I mean, that's what DMC5 is. That's not dissing.

Don't bother man, Itsunofags literally cannot see what's in front of them. Too busy getting spit roasted by Itsuno and Reuben.

need to remind you all of this scene as well, they did this scene to clown on DmC because ninja theory said "Dante is not a gay cowboy" and dmc5 did this


>t.someone who hasn't watched the E3 reveal
you're either deaf or probably one of the guys who turned off his computer after the reveal trailer

This game and MGS5 have completely opened my eyes to the mind of this place - and yes, a bulk of you follow the same scripted mindset, don't kid yourselves.

It is a "true" sequel. It is a continuation of the original franchise, it is by definition a "true" sequel.

You're reading way too much into that shit.


cope more faggot DmC was shit and you know it

How am I coping? I don't even like DmC, don't you realize how big of a fool you're making out of yourself?

Matt got backlash from that so it got some fags butthurt.

lmao look at dis nig

Attached: F243B7C5-4EB5-4A0C-82DF-125C1EE9A040.jpg (1024x413, 61K)

kinda miss reboot after playing dmc5

Virgil never turned into a T-rex. Shit deserved to bomb

Better than sucking tameme's dick

>japanese man is polite

yeah dude you're so woke for liking DmC wow

I swear bunch of retards if they hadnt shit on the og games they wouldnt have gotten the backlash

>NT says Dante isn't a gay cowboy
>DMC 5 has a cutscene where Dante wears a cowboy hat
haha goddamn

>I don't even like DmC
Sure, retarded monkey that can't read between lines.



They wanted you to say

The Brokeback Backbreaker.

Donte forgives Vorgin, so it’s okay.

Abortion so progressive

DmC Vergil > DMC5 Vergil
DmC Dante > DMC5 Nero


bottom right could be legitmately cool


Attached: 5FECA322-30DF-42FE-8ABF-8A419FE60158.jpg (1600x900, 125K)

your mom should have used the riffle to abort you fag

Donte is just ok, i'm not that bothered by him. Sure he isn't ANYWHERE near any of the core main series characters, but he's ok. My main issue with DmC Dante and Vergil for the matter is how much of weak little bitches they are. Imagine DmC Dante stepping to Nero.

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Fuck off Tameem


>Sparda was somehow defeated by literally who's and forced into BDSM roleplay for the rest of time
>That added cutscene in the fixed version has Donte mad at Vorgin for getting Mudumb to nearly destroy the entire city, not the rifle abortion that caused it
>Kat hides behind a bin
>That comic that implys that Vorgin knocked up Kat with Nero, got her to get a abortion then wiped her memory

trying to hard

The game actually is better with the mexican mod, should have been canon

>visual influence
waaaaay more then just visuals

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"They called Dante a gay cowboy? Fine, we'll put a scene where Dante wears a cowboy hat and does a known dance move originally performed by a serial pedophile and sexual harasser! That'll show them!"

>Vergil uses Vorgins doppleganger, solid nod to DmC
>Think you can beat me? Not in a million years

just a shame they never made the fansubs to go with it that made the plot about Donte just trying to find the big soccer game playing tonight

Imagine being so universally despised that you make Sony's answer to fucking Smash Bros flop simply by existing.

do you really believe this? oh my god how sad your life must be

So how did Tumblr let Ninja Theory get away with such blatant homophobia?

It's so fucking lame, why would this "epic cool underground hackerman Vorgin" have a family van looking car?

Attached: D52CE1B3-01E1-4A6A-BD1F-0245FDE740EB.jpg (360x353, 15K)

wow you really are trying to grasp straws here, even going so low to calling mj a pedo (when nothing has been even prooved just a bunch of money hungry shit bags) lol go commit die faggot

>listen and believe
any proof micheal was a pedo, or just accusations?

user #462500342 is a pedophile
There I made an accusation guess it means you're a pedo now

>serial pedophile and sexual harasser

Attached: 1557510775199.jpg (1024x1000, 190K)

Based capcom

>What went wrong?

Keiji "Creator of Mega Man" Inafune wanted to westernize the series to increase costs, and because he thought Japanese gaming was dead, so he hired some Western studio.

His entire calculus was wrong though. Japanese gaming was in a slump, not dead. Western studios aren't magically better than Japanese ones. The series didn't need to westernize.

Attached: keiji_inafune[1].jpg (350x231, 17K)

It’s okay when we do it.

Donte's entire fanbase is fags who want to fuck him, duh. Haven't met a single DmC Donte fan who wasn't either a faggot or a gay sfm maker

Actually sounds really cool


Is a pedo confirmed

Not saying I'm woke, just that I don't conform to the current predetermined script.

>family van looking car
Vorgil wanted to start a family

>Imagine liking something.
You mean like the original games? What kind of fucking response is this?

Adding to this, fags have selective hearing when it comes to things they like, see all the fags who instantly forgave Cardi B for admitting to drugging men and taking their shit.

im still so amazed that there are people who defend this garbage wow hahah shit 2019 is fucking wild

>just that I don't conform to the current predetermined script.

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Trying to make a "serious" Devil May Cry was always the fucking stupidest idea ever.

Removing the cheese in DMC is like trying to removing guns in Call of Duty. The worst part of DmC isn't even the whole FUCK YOU shit, at least that's entertaining; the worst part is how they legitimately try to make DmC's story profound, like trying to tackle subjects like child abuse completely unironically. Who thought having shit like Kat being molested as a kid was a good fit for a fucking DMC game? It's so jarring to have a very goofy franchise like DMC trying to inject these very serious social topics.

Attached: 1254432423.jpg (814x500, 50K)

Yeah, hey, it's what you look like!

"Guys, can't you see? Despite the clear change in art direction, despite the inspiration for Red Grave City being based on London, despite Nero's new design slightly resembling Donte, despite one of the main producers being part of the same Globalization Department that greenlit DmC, despite all the few QoL improvements, despite the Fuck You moment, the game is CLEARLY mocking DmC up! See there? Dante is wearing a cowboy hat, as a joke!"

Attached: 4943.jpg (1024x768, 137K)

based Capcom
not only they've btfo'd Dontefags but also made lefties who actually think MJ was a pedo seethe hard
based Capcom

>run popularopinion.exe
>run contrarian.exe

just as much of an npc buddy

Thats literally Jason Stathom traced over

go home tameem

Capcom needs to make a Mexican El Donte game. The DMC threads have been fantastic with ideas. Copy pasting it

>Literally Mexican Donte. Have it be about fighting demons in classic Mexico or a Spanish place. Complete with Spanish demon folklore, cartels, and all
>every time you dodge/royal guard, the crowd chants Ole!!
>Spanish guitar gives us a Thicc Spanish Nevan
>places to fight like bar fights, old west, Spanish architecture,etc
>Mariachi music gets progressively louder the more your style goes up, to the point when it gets to S, the crowd really cheers you on
>Vergil is a Japanese weeb who only speaks Japanese and nobody’s can understand him

I'd kill for a character action game based on stereotypical Mexican folklore. Spanish guitars, lucha moves, sick neon skeletons, thick accents, sombreros, everything.

>instead of generic beer and cigarettes, El Donte drinks tequila and smokes cigars
>and has a classical guitar as a weapon

Nigga you had me at the Ole bit! That’s fucking perfect. The music would be Spanish guitar and mariachi and other shit too.

>Can you imagine the guns for this game and weapons?
>luchador mask fists weapon
>incorporates taunts into attacks by automatically playing a taunt after landing an attack
>as your style gauge increases, the taunts become longer but cause your next attack to deal more proportionately more damage for letting the taunts play out uninterrupted

>Luchador style moves
>Can fucking Chokeslam/Elbow Slam demons

Nono, you wear three masks and switch between them for human/demon/angel style. Your taunts and moves change as well, so you act more like a heel in demon style and a face in angel.

>every time you switch to the demon luchador mask, you hear a whip crack along with a spanish voice saying El Diablo

Attached: 569CA42B-CD21-45E6-B9EF-37E2B3AC2F8F.jpg (640x987, 466K)

>Yamato can now split Vergil's soul in two for some reason
>Vergil also knows some weird magic incantation for that to happen out of nowhere
>Vergil's demon half is somehow more powerful than Mundus out of the gate
>Nero grows a complete human arm out of literally nowhere for no reason
>Nero is also allowed to break series tradition by being able to access Devil Trigger without a Devil Arm

DMC writing has always been shit

Attached: B330A1E4-8FDD-427F-A387-C1FE296F93D6.jpg (640x356, 258K)

how about the gameplay?
which one does dmc5 play like?
oh yeah it has dmc4's gameplay strange huh

>Itsuno wanted to do a DmC2 before DMC5
>do you really believe this?
just google it retard

Attached: 4353453453.jpg (463x80, 14K)

Trust me: Capcom knows. They know better than you guys. They're not going to publically shit talk another developer, but they know DmC is a bad game, and Ninja Theory are retarded.

If they actually had faith in NT they would have given them DMC5, or we'd have DmC 2 by now.

Behind the scenes, you just know Itsuno and the other Japanese devs were shaking their heads at the technical lack of sophistication of NT. There's the story of how NT didn't know how to animate punches (they thought they went the same speed from beginning to end, rather than being more like a buildup and explosion of force, Mass Effect Andromeda did punches in that style), and how the art guy drew a bunch of enemies with blade arms, and then when asked how this would be used in gameplay couldn't answer. That's just the stories we know about. Capcom would be working with them day by day and would know more.

Capcom is a bigger studio, with way more experiened talented devs than NT by a wide margin. I think DMC5 is a bit ugly, and the whole face-scanning tech is misguided, but there's no doubt that DMC5 would be way more advanced than anything NT would shit out. Capcom has their own engines, work with 60fps, and can do technical feats NT can only dream of.


alright faggots lets solve this once and for all

Why? so DmC fags can use vpns? lol


The Order was his family.
At least until a SWAT team shot them up.

cope tameme, your game sucks

wow you really are retarded, ever heard of japanese being fake nice, all of them are and he cant say shit because of pr reasons lol you are a moron

that reach

>it's another 5Nero is Donte episode

Attached: Dante hitting Donte.gif (500x281, 929K)

>They think developers aren't contractually obligated to say the thing they manage/work on is good
Yeah an employee is going to shit on his company's product publicly you children


I want this shit! If they ever do a DmC2, just go with this

Being an asshole to your customers and making a game that's servicable at best isn't a good idea for making your series more popular.

>Itsuno wanted to do a DmC2 before DMC5

Making your MC an ugly and unlikeable, if not flat-out disgusting at times like threatening to kill a pregnant woman and making fun of it in front of the main villain.

Easiest (You)s of my life

Attached: moustacha.jpg (460x273, 18K)

New-Donte actually does look better with a moustache. He's one of thsoe guys it works for. Makes him look more mature and less of a punk.

That crowd idea and the Vergil being a Japanese neet is fucking awesome! Man someone needs to capitalize on this. Guacamelee was a close idea of it, but if it had DMC tier combat instead of DmC combat, it would be a solid 10/10 game. I remember when people flipped when MGR Raiden had the sombrero outfit

Because Kat is a strong independent woman, and not a prostitute with a big gun.

Itsuno taking tameme's shit and actually integrating it better

El Diablo Puede llorar
El llanto del diablo

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Faust fucking faust

Attached: 1551858461084.webm (638x360, 2.9M)

why be stingy? have another (You)
strawpoll or not DmC is universally hated and that will remain as a fact

The mariachi music and flamenco score would be outstanding. Just imagine remixes of classical DMC music in that style
>The Time Has Come played by a demonic mariachi band

>short hair, not even the same emo ass sjw haircut fohawk whatever you call that shit Donte has, omg the same.
It's also impossible because Nero doesn't look like a fucking walled eyed rat.

>Red Grave based on London
Brainlet, Red Grave is based on a lot of different places lmao. They literally have a piece of Milan, Italy in it as well. It is not solo London but a combination of European architectures.

Attached: 9e5mm5dkncm21.jpg (587x417, 119K)

>el donte became el dentista
donte got another gig now

That’s amazing!! Who drew this? He really does look so much better as a Mexican

kek, so true

>it's okay for Itsuno's games to have shit writing, but everyone else is bad

How is the protagonist in DmC called Dante when he clearly looks like Nero?

I know your baiting but DmC really was soulful. Tameme had a vision and as edgy & cringey as it was, he still went through with it.

>I get my dopamine fix from (You)'s on a chinese shoemaking imageboard
How pathetic

I want this game to become a reality.

>Tameme had a vision and as edgy & cringey as it was, he still went through with it.

He changed the entire game when he got that backlash though

>BuT ThE rEd TeLePhoNe bOOtHs

Dragon's Dogma was a better game than DMC4 or 5. I'm glad Itsuno is finally done with this trash franchise so he can actually work on something of his own.

A drawfag from here. Someone also said the red eyes looked like glasses, so he made a second drawing with them.

Attached: 96AE9CC3-F0EF-467B-ADF8-A81FAE85809A.png (735x897, 291K)

Yo for the longest time I’ve been wanting a game like this. The setting and enemy designs for Spanish folklore would be incredible. Itsuno could make make it a Dragons Dogma like game, but fucking hell these ideas are way too good to not get used. I’d put my fucking money yo for this and invest in any studio to make this shit happen properly.

They actually got confused on who Dante was. Donte even has Nero moves like Roulette.

Holy shit that design is really good. I love the kung Lao like sombrero too! Shaolin Monks is a game many people want a sequel to as well, so if Capcom can make this Mexican game happen, they’d roll in bank

Wasn't Capcom in the middle of their delusional "we want the western Call of Duty audience and expect our games to sell CoD numbers if we outsource our crap to western studios because ?????? who the fuck knows lol" phase back then? That is what went wrong.

That honestly sounds like a more entertaining game than Jump Cancel Juggle 5.

Then why does everyone call him Dante when he looks nothing like him.

>shit writing

that's just jason statham with hair

Because NT is retarded. They even have Donte holding a revolver in some of the concept art, and have Red Head Eva holding a Blue Rose in the final game.

Attached: 86F5ACD2-6A82-4249-8E63-A2DFD883E9A8.jpg (1920x1200, 129K)

>the amount of bait ITT

Not him but dude, come on. The DMC games have laughable storylines and scripts.

>not shit writing

How absolutely blinded by fanboyism do you need to be, holy fuck.

Attached: 11681384.jpg (800x450, 61K)

It honestly does since you can work with a lot of the ideas into the story as well as gameplay. Spanish folklore is fucked up. Just imagine fighting the cartels along with demons at the same time while it all feeling like one crazy novella? Imagine the fucking women in that game. A woman would be as insane as this or Catalina from GTA


Should I give my best friend DmC Definitive Edition for his birthday, I know we love to lambast on it, but he is completely ignorant to all the shit that happened at the time and during its release, and didnt care that much after I explained it to him, he is no elitist, probably didnt finish either DMC 3 or 5 on Hard nor get all the upgrades, nor likes to delve deep into the intricancies of combat and all the cool shit you can do, he is a simple guy and its the only game in the series he doesnt have, and while I do believe its shitty, I also think that the Definitive Edition fixxes enough of its mistakes so that it can be "good enough" for most people.
That or someone please tell me where to find DMC 4 Special Edition in physical, ive been looking everywhere for it and cant find it in my country(Argentina), he does have DMC 4, but its not the Special Edition.

Capcom needs to add more wrestling moves in their games so I’m all up for this. Seriously, this sounds like GOTY

To be fair, Play Station Few Stars had a lot of other problems too, but yeah, the shitty roster combined with DmC shilling didn't help.

Attached: Play Station All Stars.jpg (1344x756, 186K)

Fuck she was so hot.
Now THAT I’m all up for

I was referring to the guys greentext only, he was reaching in that post.

Your list was reaching man

it's well known that DMCfags are most deluded and disingenuous cancer of this board

>You sure know how to throw a party! No food, no drinks, and the only babe just left.
>My sincerest apology brother. I was so eager to see you, I couldn't concentrate on preparations for the bash.

>Fuck she was so hot.
why the fuck crazy woman mess with the male brain so much bros? I used to fucking hate Dany on GOT and after she gone mad and genocidal i suddenly love her. It's fucking weird.

Honorable mention to Azula

Attached: NUCLEAR.webm (1920x1080, 2.57M)

If Donte was inspired by Nero, how come instead of a Chad McThunderSparda, we got a fucking my chemical romance reject?

Attached: Chad Nero.png (388x771, 592K)

He bailed on the Order harder than Vergil bailed on Nero

Who could be behind this post

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Thanks, Daniel Way

>that spoiler
Myyyyyyyyy nigga!!! They are just so crazy and feisty so you know they are into some freaky shit in bed. They want to break you so you do your best to fuck the shit out of them. God crazy women are so deliciously hot. They say never stick your dick in crazy, but it feels too good though

If it’s cheap, then sure. DE fixed a lot of shit and added a lot of new things as well.

>why the fuck crazy woman mess with the male brain so much bros?
Because you know that they are going to be entertaining as fuck no matter what you do. At the cost of your sanity, you get a chick that can fuck like no other, and make people scared as shit too.


>DmC El Donte Lady becomes this with Kalina Ann
>the name of her fun is from her mother in this version
Shut up and take my pesos!!!

>Implying that anything went wrong
It's the new coke of gaming

Because Tameem has a hard time understanding what cool is. They literally had to research what western audiences think is cool.

Seethe more tameme

It had a rough reveal and got memed into oblivion. Devs tried to damage control poorly. In their defense they were dealing with some of the biggest autists in gaming; near smashfags level who keep a shrine to dmc3.

In the end it turned out to be pretty good, with the remaster fixing tons of complaints. The soundtrack was great, only 1 or 2 wub tracks out of the entire OST despite the memes. Combo videos are as alive as ever:



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Because crazy bitches are usually outstanding in bed.

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5=3 > DmC = 3 > 1 > gap > 2

>nero's sword fighting style looks like he's drunk or something because the red queen is too much to handle
>el donte barely keeps his footing when swinging a twig version of rebellion

Attached: 1558027206440.png (792x817, 1.34M)

You mean Rebelión

5Yamato mod for Washing Pole when?

Makes more sense with context

>DmC or all the originals

At least try to make it unbiased

its what you dmc faggots deserve you dont get nice things

Nero literally has a fauxhawk hairstyle in 5. DmC dante had an undercut type thing

Crazy chicks are amazing fucks but they're also incredibly loyal if they come to love you.
The crazy pretty much becomes directed at everyone else and you're left with the good shit.

He is so handsome Yea Forums, what should I do ?

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psh Daddy Dante is more handsome then book freak Vergil

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Because when you base something on a failure chance are you won't succeed

Dante is hot too. I just find Vergil the most handsome. Also
>implying being a book freak is a bad thing.

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Dante is chad and Vergil is a virlgin (even tho he had a son but that proves that he is a virgin that doesnt know how to use condom) I bet Dante sleeps around with a lot women but is smarter about not spreading his demon seed unlike inexperienced Vergil

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He looks like chad warden

His hair is literally the same length on all sides.

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lel what do you want me to say about this, user ? I prefer Vergil, and I am not going to try to headcanon my reasons. I do like Dante though. Just not as much as Vergil.

>DMC4 - 3 mil
>DmC 6 years later, pricecuts, - 2 mil

No one likes western shit.

>Vergil also knows some weird magic incantation for that to happen out of nowhere
You mean the "heavy chain" line? It was just another poem.

who ?

you are suposed to argue with me user!! help me destroy this dmc thread I cant do this without your help

get new eyes

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I don't think that Nero as a character had anything to do with DMC4 sales, I'm not saying that DMC4 is a failure (even if it kind of is.). I'm saying Nero is a failure

Oh come on ! We can be nice to one another and you know that. I will not take part in the destruction ! I will share the love ! Take this !

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A man of knowledge right here. You know what’s up

>5=3 > DmC = 3

so 5 is equal in quality to 3, but superior in quality to DmC which is equal in quality to 3?

How does it feel to be cucked again DMC3 BROS? First was that shit called DMC4, then DmC and now after 10 years we got what? 7 missions and an explicit literal actual slap in the face from dante himself. Cant wait nuDmC tbqh

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The top is obviously longer in your gif. And all of it coming together in the middle and pointing forward like that is literally what a fauxhawk is

Attached: traditional-male-faux-hawk-hair-look.jpg (500x676, 33K)

foolishness user foolishness, your are doing a dishonor to Vergil by taking their side

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>a failure
>stars in two of the most successful games
>reboot flopped in his first appearance

>Does spring hide its joy
>When buds and blossoms grow?
>Does the sower?
>Sow by night?
>Or the plowman in darkness plow?

>Break this heavy chain,
>That does freeze my bones around
>Selfish! vain!
>Eternal bane!
>That free Love with bondage bound.

>Alex Jones and company begin marketing DmC nonstop

This made me stop and Google wtf you were on about. Who knew there was another goofball named Alex Jones out there

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Second 3 was supposed to be 4, typo

I want that haircut, how should I describe that to my barber? Undercut but short on top?

I will never dishonor my husbando user ! but I will never disrespect yours as well ! Just this once, I want us to be nice !

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I see and sjw haired twink faggot, and a chad? Reminder only faggots rock Dino's hair.

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Literally no one gives a fuck about Nero. If DMC6 was just back to Dante again no one would care that he's not playable.

Tell them you want a fauxhawk with short sides. Also Donte has a short version of the hitler youth

Attached: hitleryouth3.jpg (300x402, 61K)

Literally blind.
>combed forward top is a fauxhawk even when there are no shaved sides

Attached: D3oxMQ-XkAAOczB.jpg (1920x1957, 198K)

You google fauxhawk and his hair comes up multiple times. The crest in the middle is what makes it a fauxhawk. You can call it "fauxhawk but long sides" if you want to be a faggot.

And yet the two games where he is playable are the most successful in the franchise. There's no need to be upset because your shit clone flopped.

Can someone edit this pic with something like "disgusting" written on it ?

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Literally none of them, are we done being brainlets?

Attached: kek.png (1865x617, 1.53M)

>It shows up in google, so I am right

Nero's hairstyle is nowhere close to a "fauxhawk" it's closer to a military cut, and I wouldn't even call it that. It's just a generic run-of-the-mill dudes short hair.

like this?

Attached: epic meme.jpg (570x426, 87K)

Exactly, thanks senpai ! When I found this pic, it's the first thing I thought about.

Nero hairstyle is literally called Crewcut
Donte hairstyle is a shitty undercut

The absolute state of DmCfags they're not even chad enough to come for Dante himself. Gotta mess with his poor nephew.

Untrue, plenty would miss his gameplay and buster mechanic, as a DmCfag you should know, your boy Donte stole it from him.

Could it poosibly be because 4 and 5 are multiplatform games while the others were exclusive to one console?

You fucking moron.

They're upset because the clone was ridiculed, while everyone wants the OG's cock now.

People only started liking Nero when Donte was the alternative

>press x to awesome

Sure thing retardo.

They had rereleases, and multiplatform hd collections retard. And those games were on the PS2, whose install base was one of the greatest of any generation, retard.

Cope, he was well recieved by the majority of publications as was his gameplay, seething dantefags =/= everyone

More than combo autism on sandbags 100% awesome Ninja Gaiden finishers > unecessary combo autism.

You seriously think Capcom counts the HD Collection to the individual sales of the games? Fucking wow.

>whose install base was one of the greatest

Irrelevant as there are literally and factually more people playing video games now than there were back then. More people playing in addition to being available on 3x the platforms will generate larger sales. Go be a fucking idiot somewhere else.

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Make a DMC game without Nero and make one without Dante and see which one people like more. Nero's toddler tier gameplay cannot carry a game by itself.

>capcom counts hd collections
Yes they do
>more people playing video games now
And yet DMC's installbase is still overall the same size as it was back then. Over 80% of DMC5's sales came from PS4, retard.

And Dante can't either seeing how a reboot BTFO'd all his solo shit lol. I don't see how you think a Dante game without multiple characters would NOT be as niche as the series already is, he is not Kratos, stop the cope.

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>reboot BTFO'd all his solo shit lol.

>DMC's install-base is still overall the same size as it was back then
>80% of DMC5's sales are from the PS4

Yet it sold nearly 3 million on Steam opening weekend? Literally how the fuck are you going to argue the install base is even remotely close when there are people buying the games on 3 different platforms at a time.

>oh no insecure fantard dante dickwaving time again.
Hey buddy regardless of the what ifs, this is your new reality. You're just gonna have to accept it. Sorry my dude. If you can't, there's the door to the reboot.

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I am looking for a certain image of text explaining how DMC is a Christian game.
Does anyone know what I am talking about?

LMAO the 3 million on steam meme is still going? Nigga have you been under a rock? That number is fake.

>carried the series for 7 series by himself
>dante can't carry a game lol

Being in Devil May Cry threads is like assisting in the suicide of your brain cells.

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>tfw a clone of a new character btfo's the OG character's games
DmC is only second to DMC4 (perhaps 3rd to DMC5 we'll know when Cap releases a new statistic)

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Itsuno logged out and wanted another one.

>make a game with both reboot dante and nero
Cursing level 1000, profit. Could probably be the top selling DMC of all time.

Only if OG Dante gets to smack Donte in the face.

I like Nero and wouldn't mind if DMC6 had only one character on the campaign and is him. That being said DMC without Dante isn't DMC, he has to appear in atleast the cutscenes and be a unlockable character for BP in the game

>combed forward top is a fauxhawk
Wrong. What you're describing is a quiff, not a fauxhawk. Fauxhawks are combed inwards from the sides to form a spike in the middle to resemble, you guessed it, a fucking mohawk.

Attached: fauxhawk2-57c4a1ec3df78cc16ec9c464.jpg (500x500, 30K)

continue to cry everyday that he's not playable.

I agree, but if DMC6 magically got rid of the Ninja Gaiden mechanic of Nero. Nigga i'd jump on reboots balls so fast. His powerset just too cool.

Rebellion looks like a dilldo

It sucked. Luckily DMC5 came out and surpassed my expectations

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I am not going to. But I will continue to worship the god that he is though.

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Vergil, fuck off and go take care of your child.

Started playing Enslaved recently. Tameem's comments about Trish and Lady seem weird considering the body they gave Trip with the camera constantly showing off her ass.

No. I don't have time for such foolishness.

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You’re a deadbeat of a deadweight.

That’s because it’s okay when he does it.

He has better things to do than be a dad to Nero.

I have been wanting for a Devil arm axe since 2 and the only game where Dante gets one is this piece of crap! talk about monkey paw

He literally saved your life TWICE you deadbeat shit.

Of course Nero is deadweight. He took too much from my brother Dante.

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Dante’s not the one screaming about needing more power.

The thing about companies is that they can't make sudden changes.
By the time NT was being publicly lynched and everyone realised what an awful idea it was they already sank enough money in that they had to release it anyway.

nothing wrong with that

Transforming Rebellion could’ve been cool.

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Nice to see dad is still seething. I'll be waiting for my lunch money when you return from hell, punk bitch.

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Only one that looks kinda good is the far right one

Vorgin’s Devil Trigger.

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Fighting Furies with Nero is one of the worst things I've ever experienced in video games

Now that you mention visual influence, mission 4 in DMC5 had a building layout that reminded me of limbo.

>nobody cares about literally the third most popular character in the whole franchise
Bitch pls go

Get Good. You have DTE, shuffle, hardline, and a bunch of other shit that BTFOs furies as Nero. You just can't spam ez modo moves like Ice Age and win, you actually need a remote semblance of timing

>What went wrong?
Marketing and the fact that the developers decided to call it a Devil May Cry game. If it was released as a new standalone IP and marketed like any ordinary game it wouldn't have received even 1% of the hate that it got in this timeline.

I'm in fucking awe, lads
If I could make a game all by myself, I'd make this

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I don't like Nero at all. But you must be fucking retarded if you think he isn't a popular character to the point where people wouldn't care if he wasn't playable. Dante is the most popular then it's Vergil, then it's Nero.

Even casuals from the outside will give a shit about Nero since he's the son of Vergil and the nephew of Dante.

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>Donte's real name isn't even Dante
>he was just some small brown kid Dante saved during a mission and the only thing the kid understood was that his name was Dante
>Took up his moniker to exterminate demons in his home town


Alright, who do I pay to make this game a reality? I’m serious

No but he should be, he is a fool. At least I have hope for my son, who is trying to be a decent being, by reading some interesting litterature. That I gave him, of course.

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>Not hating Judeccas no matter what character you're playing
Uncontested the worst fucking enemy in the game

If you want lunch, you'll have to take it. But you already knew that.

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Same. All I got is money though. I want this shit to happen. Who do I hire?

>>every time you dodge/royal guard, the crowd chants Ole!!

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Even the fags would care since he's their sfm god

>Even the fags would care since he's their sfm god

God the Oles would never get old! It’s like having your own hype crew behind you the entire game

Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix and Kingdom Hearts 3 are not only better games than any DMC, they're also harder, deeper, more involving, and have more than one good boss fight across the entire series. Not to mention the characters and music is actually good.

>355 posts
>84 IPs
This is pathetic

The fact that Royal Guard isn’t in DmC at all is a crime. The other styles technically made it in, but for some reason they just left out Royal Guard.

>KH characters
Nice bait

Just use Rawhide nigga

It’s like the style rank announcer, but better.


Every fag wants to fucc nero

Parry with Overture.

A lot of it was the director. If he had acknowledged why some people were upset at the change instead of making fun of them then it might have gone better.


>when your balding so you go for the mohawk

It's a legitimately bad game
t. Someone that's actually played it.

Was anyone else a little surprised they had Dante confirm outright that Nero was Virgil's kid? It was pretty obvious at the end of 4, but it felt like one of those lore bits that was always just gonna stay an allusion and not a major plot point.

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Dante had to say it to Nero to get him to fuck off.

If Nero didn't know we wouldn't get retard dad and son interactions.

Does anyone know?



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with dante wait until it summons enemies (this animation takes ages), switch to gunslinger and double katalina ann and use the big fuck you lazer

>Everything clicks with Dante, SSS for the majority of every fight's duration, S'ing his missions is effortless
>Still can't get that same grasp on Nero

This needs to be a thing immediately.

charge shot


Means your brain is better at utilizing a wide range of options and being a jack of all trades instead of being all focused timing all the time

It's cuz you suck, Dante is the noob friendly class this time around.

>just realized journalists let the sniper rifle abortion scene slide under the radar


It's been like this before 5 though. I never came as close to Dante with Nero in 4 either. 3 is practically a dream for me

That’s why they never talk about it. They can’t defend it.

>DmC: Total Overdose Edition

Would fucking play. youtube.com/watch?v=jaNt113qS5w

Did DmC even have styles

If Yakuza and DMC taught me anything it's that Westerners love cheesy Japanese shit

Nope. Not even a taunt button

>How does [Itsuno hated DmC so much he literally wanted to leave the company and used himself as leverage to make DMC 5] change [He said DmC is his favourite in some random article because he's not allowed to publicly trash the game] and DMC5 has a lot of cursing in it?

I don't know


>tfw you liked playing as Donte in DmC, liked DMC5, but don't like playing as Dante in it beyond sin DT.
I'm just so conflicted between franchises and it's tearing me apart. I like Donte's playing style, hated the story of DmC though. I liked Nero's playstyle, hated the Dante/V sections though.

>make a gamble
>cry when it doesn't work out
What's the problem here?

How can you hate playing 5 Dante, it's pure power fantasy

there's a good bunch of other references
>You won't beat me, Vergil. Not in a million years.
and of course

Based mommy Nevan poster

>Featuring Gene from God Hand, the other Capcom game that takes place in fictional mexico / wild west
Just make a canon united CAPCOM-verse

Attached: image.png (423x616, 189K)

gay opinions

>I guess DmC's London scene aesthetic was off-putting to some people.
actually the game sold few copies because it was cringeworthy garbage

Other than Cavalliere and sin DT mode, his moves lack real UMPH, they feel like love taps, they lack weight. I can feel everytime Donte/Nero swing their weapons. I can feel everytime Nero slams something DEEP IN MY BALLS.

I can't wait until we get one of these summaries for DOA6.

>redditards and resetards are asking for DmC 2
Capcom doesn't want to lose money again lol Imagine thinking they'd actually go back to that worthless reboot

>oh they can just do both
So the mainline can get even less of a budget and we have to wait longer for 6?

It's a great Ninja Theory game if you dissociate it from the DMC franchise. Currently playing ENSLAVED: Odyssey. Makes me nostalgic for pre-Social Justice Western vidya.

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>shoots unborn baby with sniper rifle
>fuck you

>London scene aesthetic
Funny how despite DmC trying to have "uk punk feel", its the main series that is actually set in fictional-UK

Ahhh good times........

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Literally one of the most baffling creative decisions in the entire medium of video games.

>lets reboot this highly successful and well-respected action game franchise by giving it to a shitty developer everyone agrees can't make a good game after the highest selling game in the franchise

The absolutely dumbest fucking thing they could've possibly done.

Because you killed my mother.



no you don't understand the sales weren't good enough

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>listen to Yea Forums thinking its gana be terrible
>get definitive edition
>only competently told story besides 3
>absolutely gorgeous level aesthetics
>have some genuinely funny moments in the writing
>Kat is best girl
>DE re balanced the combat so its much more difficult to get higher style ranks
Holy shit how was this board so fucking wrong

Attached: 1347983371859.jpg (1200x763, 243K)

>>DmC's visual influence can be clearly seen in DMC5
Every single time I see this I think you people are fucking nuts. They literally look nothing alike. DmC's color palette was all over the place FYI.

Why the fuck would Itsuno have any affection for the game that stole his time away from his dream project? He was polite about it and hell, he even scavenged some ideas out of the turd but his favorite? Probably from the perspective that he had the least amount of work on it so he could view it as a game on its own standing rather than one of his. He's a humble guy through and through.

If DMC5 had DmC's visual style there'd be saturated colors and floating debris everywhere. Not to mention the majority of the game would be spent yanking fucking debris to you to platform to. INCLUDING AN ENTIRE FUCKING LEVEL DEDICATED TO MOVING SHIT OUT OF THE WAY WITH THE GRAPPLE SO VORGIL CAN GET THROUGH.

Is this a copypaste?

>samefagging itt
lol DmC isn't coming back no matter how much you cry about it

Same reason why Call of Duty 4, Modern Warfare 2, Gears of War or Halo 3 are now considered gems on Yea Forums. The userbase is getting younger and kids always love the contemporary games they grew up with.

Here's your Mexican Dante bro

Attached: giphy.gif (500x266, 1.43M)

This can actually work.

kill yourself Tameem

>>only competently told story besides 3
>>absolutely gorgeous level aesthetics
>>have some genuinely funny moments in the writing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kat is best girl
>>DE re balanced the combat so its much more difficult to get higher style ranks

Attached: 1554855087129.jpg (5120x2160, 1.16M)

what do i have to cry about you fucking cuck lol
I paid for something expecting it to suck and it was great lmao

>expecting a fucking Japanese man to talk shit publicly
>Reuben even went on record to say Itsuno fucking hated it and wanted to quit
>not knowing itsuno's track record of taking shit concepts and making them good

50yo Donte?

>I greentexted what he said
>I made an arguement
kek, get that fuck ugly lady out of here

Reminder that Itsuno and Capcom said they'd love to see Ninja Theory make a sequel.

1 > 3 > 5 > DmC > 4 > 2

>fuck ugly lady
>likes kat


>>Spanish guitar gives us a Thicc Spanish Nevan
as a studying classical guitarist this throws my dick into the fucking stratosphere.


This is objective truth

It's better than the fujo threads that frankly need to be banned

yes samefag we get it
you don't have to shill your failed reboot so hard

5 > 3 > 4 > DMC1 > DmC > DMC2

This is objective truth, anyone who says otherwise is contrarian.

kat looks like a fucking crack head and has tattoos all over it and she has that dumb ass sjw hair cut he looks like some crack head rapper

>Itsuno wanted to do a DmC2 before DMC5
Based on the development timeline, his plans to work on a DMC game was literally within the same year as DmC's release, so of course the first subject would be DmC2, and he still ended up changing to DMC5 quite quickly.

so far theres 20 posts voting for the og devil may cry games and only 2 miserables votes for DmC haha this tells you so much, go cry moar DmC fags


Go suck herpes dick fag

1 is, and always will be, the best.

Looks nothing alike.


Stop projecting

You're delusional if you think 5 is better than 3. Everything 3 does, 5 does worse

are you on crack?

Why not just make a new thread about guessing the lengths of Dante, Nero and Vergil's cocks for the millionth time?

I love me DMC1....but underwater fps sections. Get yourself a nice, long walking stick, throw on your favorite pocketed t, and take a hike, bruh.

Come back when you don't dump the poll on an anti-DmC thread.

are there really people who like DmC wow shit 2019 is really that type of year huh, the state of Yea Forums is worse than I thought

? Maybe the ears and hair but other than that, no.

>thinking fetch item and back track the game, with some of the shittiest bosses in the series besides vergil is best at anything

>Limbo City
I'm pretty sure Nero lives in Fortuna.


>thinking DMC should just be limited to bland hallways instead of staying true to it's roots

I can't believe you're so retardes

>thinking simplistic additions just for the sake of having them makes something better even when they have no real depth
>walk in this room, kill the fucking enemies, grab conveniently placed item, open door
>rinse repeat for the rest of the game
>so complex