We can all agree that this is the best Mario game, right?
We can all agree that this is the best Mario game, right?
3 exists so no
Mario on the gameboy is the most pure
Best 2D Mario
Galaxy is best Mario and best Nintendo game overall
3 is only remembered because it came first. Virtually every 2D Mario that followed is objectively better
3D Mario BTFOs all of 2D due to its movement. 2D literally just cannot compete.
Not with Galaxy 1, Yoshi' s Island and Bros. 3 around.
This. Best controls and level design.
>Muh movement
Literal cancer. Mario is about fun power ups and good level design. Odyssey had neither which is why it sucks no matter how many "epic" webms you try to post
Nah. 64, Sunshine, and Odyssey are all better.
>short as fak level
>unreplayable stage
>no secret
Except Odyssey also had the most fun and interesting power-ups in the series due to being able to take control of any enemy? Like I said, 2D litearlly just cannot compete.
There's not a single one of them that's any fun to play as
I can't argue with autism.
>Wow, Mario can be a frog
>Wow, Mario can be a hammer bro
SMB3 already did both
3 sucks, it's not even better than SMB1
SMW has the best mechanics and looks, that's why it's the most popular theme for Mario Maker stages while SMB3 was the least popular.
You realize there are like 50 transformations in Odyssey right?
>best Mario game
This and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 are the top 2 best games ever made, point blank.
>Wow, Mario can take control of a bunch of letters to spell MARIO
Odyssey is the textbook definition of quantity over quality
>Sonic the Hedgehog 2
>Wow, Mario can take control of a bunch of letters to spell MARIO
You never even played Odyssey, have you? Embarrassing post either way.
shut the fuck up. you're wrong.
I haven't played it in over a year. Got too reptitive groundpounding for pointless moons
Nice argument
No, 3 is better