Today I will remind them

Today I will remind them

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Other urls found in this thread:

I see no error with this reasoning.

user did nothing wrong

Unfortunately, we have entered an era in which video games are so fucking garbage that this image now makes sense to me.

Fun just means that you were entertained. Don't see what's wrong with that.

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Fun things are fun

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The error is that you're trying to apply "reasoning" to fun. Just because you can't explain why something is fun, doesn't mean it isn't. You know when something is fun because you have fun while playing it.

He's right though. If you thought the game was good in some substantial way, you would at least describe what makes the gameplay interesting or satisfying, instead of falling back on "b-b-but it's fun and it makes me feel happy!"
Masturbation is fun, but is it a good game?

We hated him because we didn't want him to be right


He's absolutely right. The fact this image reached the meme status it did just goes to show how retarded the average poster here is, myself included.

Nah its just a word to use to describe the actual feeling of enjoyment you had while playing which is all that matters.

It really doesn't matter if you can't articulate and explain to someone why a game is good to make them want to play it when you had fun playing it. Everyone is fucking obsessed with trying to get people to play their "good" games when they shouldn't care

Want to do some fun things together?

Tomboys are patrician


This depends on wether the game was meant to be immersive or fun

with other forms of entertainment everyone grasped this ages ago. Talk to anyone who watches a gew TV shows and they'll mention "trash", fun shit that they like to watch that doesn't have any actually good qualities and is overall terrible.

Except it is a buzzword when you're trying to describe a game as immersive.
It's fun because it's immersive is a valid argument.
It's immersive because it's fun is silly and hollow.

They hated him because they were afraid of the truth.

>when Yea Forums has gone full retard to the point when they think fun is an actual buzzword
This is like the future that the protagonist has to travel back in time and undo, where’s my fucking time machine so I can fix this shit?

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like what?

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Here's your reminder that trapXfuta is 100% straight, because its a guy and a girl having sex

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I've had fun with games that are broken, terribly balanced, and full of poorly thought out or implimented systems and mechanics. They can be enjoyed, but I wouldn't call them good if I acknowledge so many short comings. You really shouldn't use fun to answer why a game is good. A good game should have other things that you can easily point to back up your claim that it's good. I don't struggle to find things to praise about good games so I don't have to fall back on something as generic as fun. Especially because good and fun aren't always one and the same.

We could play some fun co-op games together!

So is there anything you actually disagree with or do you just wanna call me Reddit because of the phone?

Not like you can change this reality, at least be happy you made a "better" world somewhere else and leave this place to rot.

games are immersive because they are fun though. "time flies when you're having fun", thats being immersed in what you're doing

It was funny as fuck to see "fun is just a buzzword" like that, but he's not wrong. "It's fun" is hilariously subjective and you should have plenty of better reasons to explain why a game is objectively good, IF it's objectively good before you even think about whipping out "it's fun."

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It's just like that out of context quote of a Naughty Dog developer saying that their games are made to be engaging, because "fun" is a poor choice of words for the serious subject matter ND games have been known to cover.

But what did Yea Forums take away from this?

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exactly, its like when people say "the pacing is bad", like what do you mean is it too fast or too slow, you cant just say its "bad"

>it's already been almost 8 years since this post
holy fuck, how?

Its only really problem when people are trying have an actual discussion about a game and someone lists some flaws which triggers retards. They'll claim the critcal user is trying to tell people they arent having fun when he isnt. Some people have childish mindsets that cant grasp having a "guilty pleasure" and believe everything that makes them happy is "good" in any context.

They don't tho.

This is the most retarded thing I've ever seen.
This also came from the whole naughty dogs saying "fun is le bad" and Nintendo saying "fun good"
This is just corporate cock suckers sucking corporate cock.
Fuck jannies for not deleting this board

That’s the gayest quitter talk I’ve ever heard, you can’t give up. Not now, not ever. Yea Forums is still home, godforsaken as it is and all the shit it’s been through, it’s still home.

>all weeb boards below average

Makes sense.

>thinking this is accurate in any way

The post in its entirety is fine, he just worded that bit like an autist and a lot of people unironically stopped reading at "fun is just a buzzword."
If you're having discussions about objective quality, things like fun should be left at the door. You should also remember we're not fucking robots and can have fun with genuinely bad things and you shouldn't feel the need to rush to defend bad games you had fun with.

It reached meme status because it fit the "Yea Forums hates fun" joke of the time perfectly. Any more serious posts on the matter had always agreed with his reasoning.


I post sneed to derail threads for the fun of it, not because i'm low IQ.

I'd like to see that tomboy image pls

Derailing threads is inherently low IQ

Not if it's an already shitty thread. Just like this one.

looks like this one

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>when the side character saves the protagonist from his heroic BSOD

>muscular women

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like cockwork

Sounds like he went to college for this.


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More of this author please?

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Of course I was right you retards

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Who the fuck tries to "justify the immersiveness" of a video game?


Also immersive DOES NOT equal fun. Don't know where the fuck you're getting that faggy reasoning from.
Oh, I see, you're being stupid on purpose

As of now, I would put most of the boards in the double digit club, with the exception of maybe /sci/ and /g/.

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Literal autists.

Fun isn't even real it's a brain disorder like autism

based reposter

When he's right, he's right.

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>tfw you'll barely find a good TrapxFuta doujin

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>mobile view
>including (you)s
cancer. wont even read whats in it

semantics: the thread

semantics: the board

This gets one thing wrong. All gays are basically women, some even worse than women.

>All gays are basically women
sounds like something a closeted coping fag would say

>/biz/ that high up
Yeah, this is some absolute pull-ass bullshit.

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sounds like something a fag would do

Words of wisdom.

You know what

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There's merit in both. I can't call survival horror conventionally fun but it sure as shit is immersive. Meanwhile, pretty much anything I play that isn't mechanically jank is often fun, immersion levels be damned.

He's actually right.

Is this how you justify getting fucked in the ass by men not being gay?


The most bullshit buzzword is still "visceral".

>when the gay affects your ability to form coherent sentences

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>gallery is not available

Women were a mistake

what a fucking faggot

>/pol/ that low
I'm sure that's a completely unbiased graph. Yep.

I agree, it should be even lower.