Hey, Gaybe, are you alright?

Hey, Gaybe, are you alright?

Attached: Screenshot_20190517-184655_Chrome.jpg (1080x784, 238K)

Other urls found in this thread:


what, what fucking gamers rejoice.
citation needed.
also have fun getting legally fucked whenever another company whines about them because china is straight up "chinese party wins" in any legal dispuite.

Hope they keep their shit region locked. Nobody wants to play with scummy chink cheaters.

Can't wait for them to regret that decision

Why did the number of aimbotters and cheaters suddenly triple?!

The chinese ruin multiplayer
At least some of the russians know a lick of english


Attached: pic.jpg (441x544, 29K)

>Epic Store

Attached: 1548595186272.jpg (380x400, 42K)

Attached: RespectfulBestGordonsetter-size_restricted.gif (500x282, 1.76M)

>Insectoid defending Epic
>Steam overlords

Attached: 1532889993424.jpg (1085x1217, 209K)

>watching steam's monopoly crashing down

Attached: 1556739200217s.jpg (250x140, 4K)

someone post the fetus stand webm

>bug defending bug software

Attached: 1554993293615.jpg (800x804, 56K)

everything this store does is hilarious

i thought China literally banned steam

Chinks are not civilized on the internet let them flock to Epic anyone with a brain won't use an even worse version of Steam.

Winnie the Pooh will reward you greatly if you keep shilling, my fellow statesman.

lol why the fuck would I wanna share a platform with chinks?
Just another positive for steam desu.

I'm sure he's fine, what are you talking about?

I don't get why open a store in china when their master tenchinks already dominate there.

people having brand loyalty to stores like steam and EGS are fucking pathetic

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Bugs get the gas too

Attached: dodgeseason7.jpg (636x480, 72K)

If the store is shit chink will still pirate it anyway
Chink and hacking are always together how can piracy law bullshit stop them?

Death to Valve for their heinous acts against PC gaming. I hope every single Valve employee suffers a painful and agonizing end.

just play a chin game, it's kinda weird though

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>gamers rejoice to biggest population of cheaters/hackers joining their games

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>the entire world is Yea Forums
lmao youre just a bunch of crying manbabies screaming about more than 1 launcher and no way to maintain the monopoly for your fatass, washed up deity.

Attached: 68057.jpg (1920x1080, 327K)

like that totally spies episode where they kidnap all the famous people? Sure

dat bulge

Why not just eat the yummy bugs?

Attached: 1549091523030.webm (270x360, 2.46M)

Attached: jimwoodring.jpg (523x505, 57K)

They are so getting sued

obligatory you are what you eat comment


I prefer my gagh served live.

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At the recent G20 summit, President of the United States Barack Obama said that U.S has the largest and the best cyber arsenal in the world. This might be actually true given the sophistication of cyber attacks allegedly carried out by U.S. Remember Stuxnet? Yeah, the same Trojan which was planted into Iranian Nuclear Power Plant to disrupt the centrifuges. As per various estimated, U.S accounts for nearly 10% of the world’s attack traffic. It is home to many famous and infamous hackers

56ers have far higher per capita hacker scum rates.

Winnie the Pooh

Attached: Untitled.png (1072x728, 378K)

They're not even being subtle anymore.

What is this world we're living in?

No, they’re working with some company over there to make a version for the Chinese market, Steam as it is now for us is banned but if they make it up to chink law then it’s allowed in

Attached: IMG_20190225_144313.jpg (1018x430, 150K)

We're talking about faggots using aimbots and wallhacks, not actual hackers.

>law promotes not helping people for fear of legal issues
>circus ensues
Nuke the whole fucking country and get it over with.

>chinks allowed to buy games now

This is written by a shill.

>thinking either china or the usa will win this

Attached: gla.png (439x319, 250K)

This is what clown world looks like.

My sides

Ye Ye

imma go fuck a gorilla

>still using the steam is a monopoly argument.

I haven't heard anyone anywhere actually praising Epic for anything more than "Valve needed competition"


Was whatever garbage article this is actually written by Tencent or were they paid by the Chinese government directly?


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I see the chink shills are still out in full force after the Epic sales trainwreck.

>dead bugs
Yeah no chinks like their meat fresh

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weird setup having your monitor on the ceiling...

Why would i care if insect chinks can buy video games.

They will be working 12 hour days 6 days a week soon anyways it's not like they will have anytime for sleep let alone video games

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bugs, tienanmen square copypasta if you think it works on Yea Forums you're a retard, escalators, get some new material Yea Forums

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Chink propaganda was never subtle, I don't think they even know what that means.
It was always the most brick over the head obvious bullshit imaginable.

fuck valve

Chinese store opens to chinese

t.seething bug

cope bugcel

haha he called me the thing i didn't think was funny, now i am epicly seething

Epic Games belong to Tencent China, so what's your point OP?



have sex

done, what now

go away chink

you lie, all the girls in china got aborted

your hand does not count

>there are people on Yea Forums that think this thread is filled with clever bantz

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>playing with chinks

10 point added

>literally every game with Chinease players playing on US and EU servers has a thousand bad reviews because the Chinese actively make everything worse

>blood and killing banned in China
For fuck sake why do china's laws effect me?

>Chink containment service

I'm absolutely rejoicing.

Is (((Ye))) the new (((Goldberg)))?

>a nation filled with soulless individuals who were literally trained to never be creative for generations
>a nation that still employs death camps, sweat shops, and is known for brutality against "unwanted minorities"
>a nation that is known to abuse the environment and greatly contributes to the destruction of the planet
>meanwhile instead of getting sanctioned into oblivion like North Korea, they're allowed to thrive because Westerners love cheap plastic products
What the fuck is going on here?

china isn't "clownish" like north korea and corporations are unwilling to accept the increased costs of production in their home-country

>was just about to bail
>people help out
>suddenly he jumps in
>keks ensue

>gamers rejoice to be queued with chinese players
So Epic is paying those gamers too, huh?

>gamers rejoice

Attached: fuckin bug.jpg (241x360, 20K)

>everyone doubling down on "bug" in response

Attached: 1547226936046.jpg (456x810, 27K)

The beginning of the end.

I'm sure Yea Forums is just outright blocked in China, and you get disappeared if you get caught on it.


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Cute. Bless her.

wtf how can she eat chink fetuses

what the fuck, who wrote this articl-
ahhhhhhh now it makes sense

This is the most anti Trump thing I've ever seen.

If you support Epic store, you support turncoats and hate White America.

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Bruh, imagine if there were a species of animals 1/5th our size that was capable of cutting us up alive in sections.

Attached: 1459131041619.webm (480x480, 203K)

USA is not better.

Actually the existence of USA and China is a threat for world peace.

I loathe White America and the Epic Store, go fuck yourself

This. I love Israel

When I was a kid I read sweat shops as sweet shops and I didn't understand why a kid wouldn't want to be working in such a place. My best guess at the time was maybe the parents didn't want the kids to get cavities or fat or something.

Attached: anigif_sub-buzz-23796-1496937919-1.gif (616x310, 2.3M)

imagine my shock

Attached: 1557775037564.webm (404x720, 1013K)

Epic is 40% owned by the chinese company tencen now.

When I was a little kid the McDonald's near my house had a sign like pic related. I misread it as "balloons and balloons served" and begged my mom to take me. I cried when I didn't get a balloon.

Attached: mcdonalds sign.jpg (213x237, 9K)

actually, there was a quote from a former CEO of one of the state run media that he believed that major news publications that isnt propaganda do not do their jobs right

or something like that

What fucking liquid magic makes centipede delicious enough to eat?

The alcohol is probably just to kill it, not to change the taste. You don't want a centipede biting you all the way down or trying to crawl back up your throat.

What are we having here, a mukbang thread?

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holy fucking shit i actually audibly chuckled
the chinese shilling meme is real

Its not a meme dude dont be a brainlet

>there are people on Yea Forums
>there are also Yea Forumsermints on Yea Forums

Attached: at last i truly see.png (227x191, 7K)

>"developers" and "gamers" rejoice
sure bud

>make the same shill threads for Epic
>get the same responses
Damn, how could this happen?

>eat fresh

I want to see this little bitch get eaten alive by a goddamn anaconda and see if she thinks it's funny.

>all the chinks leave steam for epic
I think this might actually be a net benefit for gaming for all the cheating chinks to fuck off. The news piece just fails to explain why it's good all the cheating, hacking chinks will get rounded up into Sweeney's antfarm.

Gaben, are you alright?
are you alright, Gaben?