Are you just gonna scroll by without saying howdy?

Are you just gonna scroll by without saying howdy?

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Ilias has the best route in Paradox, and is easily a more entertaining character than Designated Wife.

Howdy Ilias-sama


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I don't say howdy to ang*ls (formerly monsters).

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>no alma anal scene
what a ruined

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So how good is Paradox?

Are you?

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Apparently it's good since it expands on the rpg aspect of mgq instead of it being mostly visual novel


breddy gud if not better than the original trilogy

>NG+ Part 3 still not done
Libera me from this hell

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I want to try it but I also want to wait for part 2 to be fully translated because I know I'll binge the whole game if I start it.

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howdy !

Yes, fuck you. Leave my snake wife, alone!

Your snek is dumb and fat

What are you talking about bro? The mod from Ecstasy has been out for awhile!


several millions of years old btw

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Well, yore ugleh! Yeeeeeeeeeeeehaw

Here's your reminder that she did nothing wrong

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Howdy Ilias, can I get your blessing so I can wack m*nsters?

Promestein and her cavalcade of goons were kino and underutilized

That's what you get for allowing humans to eat lighting struck cattle

What was he plan again?

She's putting together a team
You in?

Can I touch the fluffy tail?

only if you want a wife

Executing Order 66 on Ilias and Black Alice and establishing the Imperial Truth but with a lot more rape

Who makes the best monstergirls?

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me but I can't draw for shit so they're stuck in my head forever

Howdy pardner.

Xelvy if he doesnt go overboard on disgust
Setouchi if you can get past his sameface

her loli form killed billions

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I want her to KILL me

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Damn thats some SMT type shit

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if being eaten is what you want
this one's got you covered senpai

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>Instead of cool ass shit like this, part 3 was full of gay robots, sameface human angels, and big dumb pussy blobs

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Part 2 was where it started with Plansect village and the fucking flies. Fuck whoever came up with that shit.

I was a bit disappointing that the spider queen was the only enemy in the game that visibly enjoyed the sex

and she fucking goes full vag vore on you, I had those scenes disabled but its still a boner killer

I can't fap to this game. The monsters are disgusting.

I hate vore but I didn't disable the scenes for fear on missing out on dialog.

Right? They're all disgusting abominations. You should take every opportunity you can to kill them all.

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>It's a Delphinus monster

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tfw best monster wasn't in the game

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Fuck that guy's monsters. Not even the least bit arousing.

Apart from the chimera monsters made to fight the heavenly knights this was the only part 3 monster I liked

You have to put up with random encounters are recruiting, but aside from that it's better usually.

>he didnt fap to Beelzebub
Pretty fucking gay senpai

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That dark angel one in pt 3 was at least okay
But shit like the worms

loli ilias is better

there's also going to be a part 3
it's a trilogy just like the original mgq (although different timeline)
just go ahead and play part 1 already
the part 2 translation is coming along nicely and from what I last heard the main story translation is almost done


>There will never be a MG game where most of the art is good
>There will never be a MG game where half of the scenes aren't wasted on retarded shit like vore/snuff/torture

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Howdy, I'm taking care of my little sister for the day, what are some games?

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Make it


Shirohebi seems to enjoy it, and Tamamo flat out loves it.
Usually the only indication that the monster like sex is their facial expression, you definitely can't tell from their dialogue, which is all samey.

Also Crab Girl cradles Luka's face and I find that cute. Crab girl in general is way more appealing than she should be.

Is there a lot of memorable moments like touch fluffy tail etc.? They're recycling most of the characters so I wanna know if there are a lot of new interesting situations in the game?

Same. The wait is excruciating though.


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Paradox has an adsurd amount of text for story events and character dialogue.
It seems every monster and some humans in the game can be recruited, so there's lines for all of theme. It's pretty amazing.

Aight, I might check it out once I've gone through MGQ part 3

>recruiting humans
Can they be raped too or is Luka too irresistible?

>tfw ywn marry the lizard

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Why are you trying to hurt me like this?

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The whole main story is translated for part 2, some of the side convos aren't though

This is exactly why I haven't played it yet. Why play an rpg if you can't read the flavor text?

>Usually the only indication that the monster like sex is their facial expression, you definitely can't tell from their dialogue, which is all samey.
Didn't Luka make the loli vampire cum from licking her cunny?


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Luka is so irresistible even Heinrich can't be hit by a pleasure attack unless it's because the attack in question is a party wide attack
Females are fair game however

Yeehaw, lil' missy.

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70% or more of the flavor text is translated tho it seems, i tend to talk to everyone

Damn. I was hoping there would be a human shield mechanic where you can have random human party member tank the pleasure attacks.

Howdy, monster girl version of Flowey.

>grinding for skill points, exp, items and monsters recruits instead of a cleverly puzzle game that plays like a visual novel



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Howdy, pardner!

>implying Salamander didn't just break most of the game once she levels up
Daystar into Salamander into Daystar again was a feeling I hadn't felt since Persona 3 with Armageddon.

You really don't have to grind that much if you get the exp boosting accessories. And monster recruiting is easy as fuck with an informant or hunter.

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UN DO by far.

in terms of exp sure
but class exp is a different story, it takes for fucking ever to level up your classes
I spent a few hours grinding those magic pots or mimics or whatever they are at the end of MGQP1 and it took me ages to get some decent skill sets going

and even after a few hours of grinding I STILL wasn't ready for the post-game labyrinth

What is whit Yea Forums and monster fucking today? i don't need you guys reminding me that reality sucksthats what the general on /d/ is for

Love between man and monster is pure

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The Administrator's Tower (end of Part 1) is widely regarded as one of the highlights of the entire series. Also, Part 1 is a bit weak on good moments, but Part 2 ups the ante by a lot.

LoC is MADE for postgame autist-tier grinding. It's MGQ's version of Item World, and Honeypot farming is the equivalent of that one specific grind map in Disgaea.

I just want a monster gf, is that so much to ask?

>for monster porn
Vorefags are a plague

You were right all along. Don't @ me Alicefags.


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The translation has stopped.

>tfw lost her associated greentext story

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Stay mad lawfag.

You're shit and an attention whore, Illias

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Im more annoyed that more than half the threads are futa but there is so good stuff there sometimes

Say that to my face and not online ya filthy buzzard.

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