You're not one of those weird boys that gender swap when given the choice are you?
You're not one of those weird boys that gender swap when given the choice are you?
he doesn't look like one
why does he look like a serial killer
I play a draenei female because I like to self insert as someone with a big pp
no, I hate games where you have to play as a female.
i don't do that but i can't say if i'm a "weird boy" or not
describing yourself as weird just makes it seem like you're trying to stand out more, when in reality you aren't actually special in any way
i don't like people that do that kind of shit
>I play a man so I can self-insert
>Yes, my character is tall, physically fit, and charismatic even though I'm short, have never been in shape, and can barely talk to people
>implying genderswapping isnt fun
>implying im not wasting hours in snapchat for the genderswap filter
>asmongold reacts to
Fucking why do I keep getting this shit. and why is this fucker so popular. there is nothing appealing about his personality.
the fuck do I care if some gum toothed balding 78 pound man thinks its weird if someone plays a female character. dude has put a developmental tourniquet on his brain refusing to move past being a teenager and still unironically plays retail WoW for 16 hours a day.
That's like saying you shouldn't watch porn with women in it because that means you're a closet tranny
Who is this faggot? Never heard of him until last week or so, now suddenly he's being shilled both on and off youtube. Did they get involved in some high-profile controversy lately?
I want to be cute girl manhandled by big dicked black men!!
i've never seen his videos in my recommended section, i think everyone here who keeps complaining about it probably just watches shit videos
Futafags deserve to be put in a gulag in Antarctica.
So people can feel better about themselves.
If some true smart giga chad was streaming games people would just feel bad about themselves.
What a reddit image.
I play as a cute boy surrounded by amazons.
If you're watching porn to fantasize about being the woman then, well...
>playing as an e*f
eugh no
why does the comic continue after the 2nd panel?
Dipshits love watching a video while some unwashed cringelord sits there and occasionally says "Hmm," "Wow," and "Oh, shit!" between periods of gormlessly staring at the screen, apparently.
imagine being a self inserting faggot
I'll play literally whatever character i want to.
Okay, so then I just shouldn't fantasize about *being* the female vidya character while I'm playing and staring at her ass and tits. Gotcha.
I hate seeing this fuckers weird pedo face in my recommendations
More likely that you lucked out with YouTube's shitty algorithms.
I play whatever i feel like. if pretending is enough to make you feel uncomfortable about your sexuality or gender or whatever you should probably seek help
He's argument for why it was wrong was really retarded.
He brought up a story about his one friend asked another player with a female character for her number, and then that player was female, and then they got married.
Then he raised his hands like, "there you go", that's why you shouldn't make a character that isn't you, that's retarded, like really low iq levels of reasoning.
Watching lesbian porn can cause autogynephillia
You're not a fag if you create a female Persona and pretend to be a high schooler to out pedophiles.
sick of seeing this glycine maxboy in my recommendations
I play as a Draenei Female because everytime I look at her ass I get an erection, and I play 30% better while maintaining an erection.
I have enough saying this fucking dude's face in youtube everyday, stop spamming it here.
Only if you do it primarely for your own sexual pleasure.
Asmongold always looking like this in the reccomended tab
this is true but sissies here will deny it anyway like always.
>trying to psychologically evaluate and ridicule guys who like looking at hot girls, calling them "weird boys"
Sounds like faggot talk from a guy who's deeply insecure about his sexuality to me.
This one is also acceptable btw.
Why did the guy turn intil a girl in real life?
So this faggots whole job is to watch vidoes for zoomers to watch him watching?
life is great isn't it?
top right panel
i don't follow everything that WoW puts out but lets say the devs do an AMA about classic, his reaction to it will appear on my feed and i'll just watch it. Plus I enjoy twitch chat being racist and laughing at the devs
>he doesnt jerks off with his friend between games
Cheeky git
>only browse in incognito
>check out a cooking video
>this fucker's videos pop up in the sidebar
>tfw have a couple of friends like this even though I play barabait characters 90% of the time
Damn I love being bisexual.
He's a normie boomer except for the fact he plays WoW. I don't think he's ever played any other video game.
That makes him kind of funny.
I just play female characters because staring at a dudes ass all day is kind of gay. In 3rd person games at least. In first person I dgaf i pick the character with the best stats.
This is what i imagine his content is like but i refuse to click on any and give him views
I do it constantly because I'm lonely and I like looking at girls.
>implying I have a gender
Nah, you pick female because your character is an extension of yourself. You probably watch anime, masturbate to shemale porn, and want to be a girl irl.
god I wish that were me
>Bother to search this up
>expect legion of dickriding parrots "haha yeah bro that's gay only gays play as girls!!!"
>Find based comment section
>Calling out his brainlet logic
Calling him an insecure retard
Is this faggot one of those DSP like guys who's fanbse is secretly just laughing at him?
>get a tit job
>body still looks like shit
She was probably hideous flat.
You're not one of those weird boys that shill their favourite e-celeb on Yea Forums, are you?
Both of them have penises.
>not normalfag
That red head girl is cute
god i wish that were me
Only autists self insert. Its ROLEplaying. You're supposed to take up a role that isn't you. How hard is that to get?? Holy shit
>>Is this faggot one of those DSP like guys who's fanbse is secretly just laughing at him?
>28yo without a school living with his mother
yes, even his fellow streamers do this
This, for example I like to roleplay as a female cumslut haha, but just for roleplay of course
>it's another assmongoloid react video
Based retard
How did this unlikeable, ugly 80iq asshole become an e-celeb?
So in live action role play you aren't inserting yourself in another persons shoes? When you role play in bed with someone and fuck them you aren't actually fucking them?
Why would you do that? haha
>comparing a video game with LARPing or sexual roleplaying
because people like you can relate
>click on the latest wow trailer. Looks good, shit story as usual
>Suddenly my youtube feed is flooded with this faggots face.
>watching sone cooking shit unrelated to vidya.
>this faggots face shows up on those feeds too
Who the fuck is this faggot?
Well I only watch porn with men in it, and I'm not a closet tranny
This dude honestly seems really retarded, he had a gaping onions mouth throughout his entire reaction to the Dark Souls speedrun
>futa on futa
Yeah I'm thinking he's based
I report the recommended video for spam every time I see him.
It doesn’t work.
Holy shit, ugly people should be forbidden on twitch. He's so fucking disgusting to look at.
why did they make this such a nightmare to read. I bet theres always at least one pedestrian standing out front on the street trying to decipher this shit.
I cant stand how his face seems smashed from the sides and how much meat his mouth has.
Guy got cooked wrong.
if you play female characters in video games then you should be sent to a death camp.
A healthy guy will never choose to play a female character over a male one if there is such option in the game. Only a mentally ill freak would do that, like a tranny or gay. Or a person who doesn't care about the game's setting and immersion, a retarded tryhard wannabe pro streamer who is interested only in mechanics and numbers.
If you play female characters in games then do everyone a favour and cut your balls off with a rusty knife and die from gangrene, tetanus or some shit.
>but i dont wanna stare at males ass whole day thats gay lol!!!
The ultimate tranny faggot excuse used by retards in WoW. You are playing a game about a war in a medieval high fantasy world, if it even crosses your mind to look at ass then you should be euthanized. What does your father think of his son who plays some sissy shit online instead of some troll berserker, dwarf mountain king, orc warlord, etc? Jk, freaks like you grow up without fathers.
>So people can feel better about themselves.
This is literally the only reason people watch him. He's so pathetic, unappealing and lacks any charisma that even the biggest NEET incel looser looks good in comparison.