*makes /vr/ upset*

*makes /vr/ upset*

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Other urls found in this thread:



It does?

yes every hl thread talks how bad it is and how it ruined fps.
they never discuss its mods.

That's because /vr/ is full of doomfags who unironically think Doom is the greatest fps of all time and that no other first person shooter is worth discussing

More like makes everyone upset. We're never getting a fucking finale

Nigga I bet you're the one who made this HL thread on /vr/

sup /vr/

Don't you have any screencaps to spam?


Childhood is loving it.
Adulthood is realizing it's release was the beginning of the end of fps as we knew it. It changed everything and for a while when you're young and impressionable you wouldn't think that anything released after would be so bad and look at us today. Rememeber that 2011 meme hud picture. We just passed that recently.
Look at FPS today. We'll never recover.
Thanks Gabe. Thanks Valve. Thanks for this shitty franchise that ruined FPS for almost 2 decades and you couldn't even bother to finish your shitty little game yourself in the process. Real fucking great job.

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I mean they would be right if they added a 2 at the end

stop parroting this meme zoomer and back to the doom general where you belong.

Doom 2 fan wads are way better though

why would it have ruined first person shooters, I don't understand.

its not like overrated doom

You know why. We're not having the same discussion like in vr again.
And stop using buzzwords like zoomer when you don't even know how to use it, fucking dumbass.

whatever you say. still wrong

it just some autist that pops in doom threads to bitch about half life while everyone else tells him to shut up and not give him attention afterwards
op may be that guy and whoever makes the "doombabby" posts and that "doom modding community" simpsons joke on filename threads


Half life is the origin of FPSes as on rails cinematic experiences over simply being good games.
Others just perfected the formula removing weapons and helath pickups.

kys hl is a classic.
im sorry its not like id games.

Yeah because it's just 1 guy right. You're so delusional. I've been in those threads and multiple people replied to idiots like you but of course that's not brought up. It's all just 1 crazy guy. Go die in a fire. I don't even jerk off to doom as much. My only love is and always will be Quake.

except you /vr/ retards keep parroting memes like this

Doom is such a bland game I don't understand why anyone bothers with it. Maybe they want to re-live their edgy tenaage days when they sat at home in metal band shirts playing it? Both Quake and HL were vastly superior, I'm convinced Doomfags are just a bunch of manchildren who keep playing the same teaspoon shallow shit over and over to feel like they're still teenagers.

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It's not memes. It's the state of the game and the consequences of it on the industry. Are you legit a teenager or something? You seem to lack critical thought of any kind, which wouldn't be surprising since a moviegame is your favorite fps.

Lmao these people are the ones who think smart phones are obesolete but then have to ask how to do literally anything google would solve

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>HL ruined FPS!
Do people just completely forgot CoD?

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ebic more buzzwords

I enjoyed its expansions more than I enjoyed Half-Life. OppFor in particular had a much more satisfying end with a boss that actually felt like a boss. GoldSrc is a God-tier engine, though.

It's literally the first fps moviegame.
Buzzword is a word with no substance, like you saying zoomer a few posts above like a dumbass.

I see more people with thin opinion on Yea Forums than on /vr/.

Anyway, why is this thread on Yea Forums?

you have no idea what are talking about.

Was referring to HL2.

Great argument.
Literally start the game by watching the movie on rails. You seriously don't even see the irony?

Careful there, user. You don't want to get called a faggot and an underage by Puritans and larping zoomers, do you?

literally just one moment

half life, duke 3d, shadow warrior, strife, and dark forces are all better than doom and quake. id cocksuckers have shit taste


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Video games had already achieved all the elements for a game like HL when it came out and ironically is why I wouldn't call it innovative. It was more of a "Consolidated" product, In the same way that the Iphone was just a bunch of things wrapped into one. You're an autist if you think that games wouldn't make the jump to what they did if HL didn't exist, In fact they'd probably be shittier.

It was going to happen anyway. FPS levels were already moving towards reflecting real world locations and other early 3D FPS games were slowing the gunplay down and having more of a focus on story. Half life was just the biggest one.

>hahaha zoomers like moviegames like hl instead of harcore fps with autoaim like doom xd

The entire game is you stopping the gameplay in multiple instances to witness a movie element.
Am I being trolled?

>didnt play the game
ok doombabby


This is the part where you keep pretending to be a retard and continue to bait yous, which is why you even made the thread with a loaded statement in the first place and this is the part where I hide your thread and leave to play cpma instead because it's about the only thing we've got left that's not game that wants to be a movie because of what half life accomplished for this industry.

you never played hl.

FPS boomers are so fucking deluded to believe this lmao.

the doom general is full of zoomers larping as boomers.
half life ironically has less underage people.

But it's such a fun game.
I really can't see where the idea of it being a moviegame comes from. It's got a few moments where you need to sit and wait, but they're few and far between, and it still has minimal plot. The thing is, though, that the plot is perfect in its simplicity.

That's because people that don't like something need only the most flimsy of reason to denounce it

Replaying through the HL2 trilogy.
Still as much fun as it was back when I played it in 2007. Few games give you the satisfaction of flinging a Manhack back at the Combine.

This is worse than EEnEO pretend threads.

it was a stepping stone to fps games focusing on story which ruined the genre so I can see why /vr/ hates it

yeah because its not like their sacred cow doom.


go back

watch the video
stupid animal

linear level design

i already watched it before its garbage. now go back

Don't watch this video.
He shouldn't. It's got an interesting thesis but within five minutes it becomes clear the guy just has a massive hateboner for HL2 to an irrational degree.

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no you didn't
stupid animal

like other fps?

Doomfags would be right, then. Other fps games can be good but doom is the ideal.

Yeah that video is retarded and irrational from beginning to end. I really hate it .

>irrational degree.
like every reply you make in this thread cumming to every half life ?? lol

pretty funny how you people call yourself retro fps gamers.
lol no

Sounds more like you have a massive hateboner for his video to an irrational degree.

He makes good arguments. HL2 is garbo sequel. Sorry m8

HL2 before the rework would have been a proper sequel.

HL2 is still a good game. Just not a great sequel to an even better game.

stop shilling your video

viper you type like you smoke idiot crack

>Can't aim up or down

If memory serves right the 'doombabby' guy was a Doom modder who got buttblasted partway in development with a kart racer map he was working on.

There's been a good deal of Blood discussion on /vr/ for a while now, Quake especially too. A lot of other retro FPS at this point kind of got discussed to death since they don't really have as much to go off. Doom threads in themselves though never really got a ton of HL discussion for whatever reason, probably just a different audience and scene to an extent.

compare level design of games like doom or system shock to half life

doom level design its nowhere as complex as system shock.

>Doom threads in themselves though never really got a ton of HL discussion for whatever reason, probably just a different audience and scene to an extent.

probably because of the memes that say hl ruined fps and zoomers eat up.

>if i say its a meme over and over people will believe me!
just delete your thread already

>if i say hl ruined fps over and over people will believe me!

also system shock sucks

except there's tons of arguments supporting this statement, all you can to is reply back lolmemes

ypu dont give a shit about hl you just wanna shitpost like the attention starved little shit that you are


Call of Duty ruined FPS not Half Life


what kind of animal do you have to be to actually believe this, extremely low effort troll
reported for breaking the rules

Try again. Develop an attention span and check your thread one more time. You're the only moron that's been whining and responding like a crybaby in every reply. Delete your thread immediately or I'm reporting you for shitposting too.

>super shotgun everything
I thought Doom 2 made the gunplay a lot more shallow

lmao doomfags sure are easy to trigger

how sad and pathetic are you
what kind of life do you have that you sit and circlejerk in your own thread for 2+ hours saying the same stupid shit over and over
jesus fucking christ go play your "KINO" games and fuck off

>doombabbies thinking mazes is open level design
play thief or deus ex fags

>making the same posts over and over not replying to anyone pretending to be a new poster
it's been 33 posters for half an hour, can you just kill yourself already OP?

after you doomcuck

>can't discuss HL mods on /vr/
That's really gay

>HL ruined FPS
>not CoD
>not Halo

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hl1 was good, hl2 sucks ass though

vr just hates anything that was good enough to warrant showing a young person today.
It's like they suspect it's not really retro because generations of young people have rediscovered it repeatedly and everyone likes it

by that logic they should hate doom and blood which they do they literally hate the games they play because they can't stand the fact other people are playing them

He makes literally zero good arguments. Please paraphrase even a single one right here so we can have a real discussion about it.

Hl, cod, and halo were all great through 2005. It wasn't until modern warfare that we saw the complete death of the FPS campaign and multi-player.

Awkward dialogues with npcs staring at you and making pauses. If this didn't bother you, I'm sorry you're probably mildly autistic.

I'd say the opposite. If it does bother you you probably have autism. The vast majority of people aren't bothered by it and the vast majority of people don't have autism.

/vr/ is full of faggot gggmanlives shills that worship everything that faggot e-celeb shits out
Just look at the recent build threads and Blood shitstorm this month


>because it's about the only thing we've got left that's not game that wants to be a movie because of what half life accomplished for this industry
hl2 maybe but not half-life. the whole point was to have a story that didn't get in your way ever. hl2 had loads of points where the story stops you and gets in your way.

It is completely autistic and in any normal conversation irl you don't gawk at your conversationalist and make awkward pauses. Nobody behaves like that.

Circular logic is not an argument OP. Neither is argument for popularity, if a lot of people think something that doesn't make it logical. Learn to form an argument and spout less retarded shit for 3 hours continuously.

*has better gameplay than doom*

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they are based and redpilled

fuck half life and fuck half life 2 even more and fuck kikes and fuck jannies

go circlejerk doom wads

>still trying to convince me Halo ruined FPS
But it was a proper arena shooter long after arena shooters were dead. Halo is unironically one of the last faithful "old school" shooters before perks, unlocks, loadouts etc.

go back to you faggot nigger website plebbit

Half life 1 is a lot like Ff7, it set standards for its style of game that while great at the time turned us down the road of total dog shit.

What kind of decent human being would ever want to converse with the likes of you? How dare you tell anyone else where to go or what to do? You're walking feces and you behave like a energy drink loaded 14 year old who had absentee parents.

Why are DOOM fags so retarded?

I never said that the conversations in HL2 were good. I must said that they're not autistic, and to not be bothered by them is not a symptom of autism. Popularity is a logical argument for this. Remember, popularity does not make something good. But it does almost always lend towards neurotypical sensibilities.

should we retroactively hate on RE4 for popularizing thirdperson shooters?
the answer is no you fucking idiot. and just like that Half-life didn't "ruin" the fps genre.
Unreal has a similar level design and progress to half-life, did that game also killed fps games?

its not hl fault that later games took the wrong lessons.

its useless trying to argue with idfags

I agree, I'm just saying hl1 is what lead us to story driven fps games

>cod, and halo were all great through 2005

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or maybe people got tired of old school fps.
i mean i remember an article complaining how doom and quake ruined pc gaming because they overshadowed rpgs, looking glass studios games and point & click and praised games like deus ex , rainbow six and half life for being different.

They were. The early 2000s style of FPS including Halo CE, CoD United Offensive, Half-Life, NOLF, Nightfire, Timesplitters 2, Return to Castle Wolfenstein was great. Well thought out campaign missions, good multiplayer maps and balance. All of that went down the toilet with Cod4 and everything after that fell apart at the seams.

I'd love to read that article.

there was quake 4 and wolfenstein ET

>linking to a cryptominer site


You're literally the saddest piece of garbage I've seen on Yea Forums in years. It's been what? 4 hours now? This is the 2nd time I come back to your shitty thread and it's literally the same shit baiting replies over and over. Please get professional help as soon as possible.

If CoD/Half Life/Halo killed the FPS genre.
What would you say killed (or innovated) the WRPG/JRPG genre?

For fighting games at least, I think SFIV was the big game-changer in that category.

Hl1 is way better then hl2, hl2 beta had better storyline and a dark atmosphere all around it, hl2 on release was a big disappointment on story but the lore was interesting the gunplay is meh but it has it's moment's, also the entire game felt like a tech demo on release like with doom 3

The old WW2 CoD games were pretty good user.
It was modern warfare when things went down

careful you will trigger the /vr/fags

I unironically think that GTA killed the wrpg. Ubisoft merged the idea of sandbox games inspired by GTA (assassin's Creed, the sabateur, prototype) with rpgs. This happened when Far Cry 3 was lauded as "skyrim with guns." The popular interpretation of RPG just came to mean any action sandbox game with stats and looting. This trend was so powerful that even games like The Witcher 3 have more in common with the sandbox/"rpg" hybrid than the "pure" open world RPGs of the previous decade like Gothic, Risen, Oblivion, and even New Vegas. The Witcher 1 and 2 don't show any of this influence and have far more in common with RPGs that have absolutely no sandbox influence whatsoever.

Good shout. I guess the mass of casuals that got into console gaming after Modern Warfare are also to blame. A lot of RPGs became simplified to appeal to them (Mass Effect 2 for example).

>but the lore was interesting
I agree, though I kind of want a game from the combine's perspective.

>no cutscenes
>more than 2 weapons
>fun and unique weapons
>great Deathmatch multiplayer with no matchmaking bullshit
>Probably the greatest mod selection of any game
> no microtransactions
>fuck all story (story is basically you are in a alien invasion, don't die.)

What exactly did Half Life do to ruin fps?

>all these cry baby Doom fags in the thread
Are you guys still butt hurt that Half life 2 completely overshadowed Doom 3 when it came out?
Also Quake is still the best game id ever made, Doom is overrated (still good just overrated).