The definition of a one-trick pony

The definition of a one-trick pony

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ye, they have been doing the same game since kingsfield.

more like 6-trick golden egg goose

bad bait

>It's an I've never played or heard of Kings field before episode

Stupid fucking normie, this has been known. They made the same fucking game like 14 times.

They also made Armored Core and Tenchu. I'm not saying they're full of ideas but their three most popular series' are pretty vastly different from each other.

sekiro is better than anything theyve done before

>3D Dot game heroes
>Armored Core Master of Arena
>Armored Core Another Age
>Armored Core 3: Silent Line
>Demon's Souls
>Dark Souls 1
Come on man

Yeah they've really just been in the shitter since Armored Core went on hiatus

That implies the one trick they've got is good though.

And? Man who practiced 1 kick 1000 times yadda yadda yadda.

They have made the only games that will talked about a decade from now as masterpieces


Wouldn't that be Gamefreak?

wait, that's not CDPR

>I only know the popular main stream titles
how to spot a r*****or

>mfw i made it all the way to the palace without ever finding the flame vent or mist feathers
>mfw i went the wrong way and made it all the way to the locked gun fort before i fought genichiro the first time

i get lost in every fucking from game, i swear. i end up super strong from fighting a bunch of enemies way above my level, then coast through the rest of the game. sekiro is not half as hard as people made it sound

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its not a fundamental part of the kick to be enjoyed by the kicked, retard

The same trick is improved in each iteration.

OP is the definition of underage.

For the past 10 years they have only been producing shit. Their games have only gotten worse, with the exception of sekiro. Even then Sekiro is a bad game. In a decade people will look back and wonder why the fuck everyone thought they were good, just like people do with cawadooty today.


I still need to finish sekiro. The bosses are just not as fun as DS it takes patience or just just technique I haven't figured out yet. Like you'd think the boss fights would be about stacking your poise damage in one big streak but the bar doesn't even start going up until they're low health. I took a break at the fight where you make a choice and I haven't gone back sense. The rest of the game is flawless though.

>people say they like fromsoft games
>never played a non souls game from them
How do I kill someone over the internet

Yup, their last good game was Dark Souls 1. Everything after has been a major dissapointment.

The only non Souls or AC game I've played is Otogi.
How bad do you want to murder me?

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Deracine was good but none of you played it

why do you think they're bad?

>Sekiro is a Souls game
How do I kill someone over the internet

The only non-Souls game I played by From was a walking sim on a space station or something that was really fucking boring. You know that part in Alien:Isolation where you do the flashback to the alien ship on the planet and it involves walking very slowly through boring scenery and nothing happening? That was more fun than this From game.

>no metal wolf chaos the most american game known to man

Sorry, that title goes to...

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Yeah, not sure they'll ever recover from all these recent flops.

>the most american game known to man

The game is 100% dumb Jap anime bullshit. There's nothing American about it. Why the fuck do you think the game never came out in America?

For non-human bosses you do need to chip their health till you can reliably build up that posture bar, but for human bosses you need to be aggressive and constantly be at their face while also parrying at the same time and that bar will fill up in no time. Also, use Ichimonji.

explain why is that a bad thing? they improve the formula by making those masterpieces. Everybody wins

>I agree with you
>This makes you stupid

Because Americans wouldn't be able to take how American it is.

I'm getting so sick of saying that to people who don't care because hurr durr third person action game with a camera you control = soulsborne, that I stopped mentioning it and started saying that they'd just start calling Armored Core a souks game if they'd ever play it

>10 years go by
>wtf i hate this game now

>t. started with * Souls
Just play even Armored Core 4/FA, games that came out right before DeS, both by Miyazaki and they couldn't be more different from the Souls games.

I agree but they do it well so whatever


Even after making a huge deal about how "we're done with Souls" and going to absurd lengths about how "Sekiro isn't Souls" they make a sword game where the bosses are the most memorable part

If they really want to make a different game how about giving us a village with people in it? This game takes place in Japan where people supposedly live and yet every single area is filled with monsters and there's no real civilization. They just couldn't get Souls out of their head

fuck off

What does this even mean?

they did make a non-Souls game but it was VR and console exclusive so nobody bought it

XD is part of the title


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Yeah but it's one trick that's really good and nobody else knows how to do.