Borderlands 3

You're going to buy her game now that it's on sale, right guys?

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Nope, I don't like korean grinding in single player games.

Also, her design is ugly.

Yeah I'm going to buy it when it a few weeks after it comes out just to make sure it's not a train wreck

i'm going to pirate it

Nah I'll wait for the 100% discount when it actually releases.

Maybe after the 600 paid DLC's are released in the third GOTY edition which may actually more than 2/3's of all the DLC's this time.

I see no boobs there and that is a man frame and face

>ellie is back, and took the place of Scooter.
no thanks, if it was janey springs, i would reconsider it.

On steam, depending on the reception in the 6 month exclusivity period, I will consider getting it.

Won't be playing Siren this time around though. Design just flat out doesn't appeal to me. Neither do the abilities. Or the voice actor.

I'll buy with Piratebux, all 0% of it goes to China.

Amara sounds pretty boring ingame, i think most of her comments were basically
>I have big muscles
>I like to first fight
>Look at my pecs

You hang out with some very narrow shouldered men

I'm worried about the word "Oppressors" in this description.

>first fight
fuck i meant to say *fist fight

>smash oppressors


Gearbox and Epic will never see a penny from me


Sounds like another Captain Marvel.

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>took the place of scooter
user, I...


triggered. This does not reflect REAL women.
#boycottborderlands #sexist

No, but I am going to masturbate to porn of her having her arm pits and abs cummed on.

it’s no secret that BL has a pretty negative view over corporate power, when they say ‘oppressors’ they almost certainly mean which over company is currently overstepping their boundaries
First it was Atlas, then Hyperion, not really Dahl in TPS but their fuck up was felt years later, and now Maliwan

I will never download an installer for an exclusive. I did for Origin and have nothing but regret. When you slowly ease into a "live service" be it game or store you're expending mental energy into nothing. I dont even want to think about Epic.

Fuck off Randy.
Borderlands is objectively bad.
>Reddit humor.
>Garbage loot system that belongs in early 2000's Diablo and its shitty clones.
>Cardboard gunplay.
>Ugly visuals consisting of colorful vomit and chicken scratch sketches from deviantart.
Fuck off with your minimum viable trash you fucking nigger. You still owe me (and Sega) a good Aliens FPS you fucking cunt.

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So you never buy games on Unreal Engine?

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Watching Yea Forums get triggered over this game and epic games has seriously been a pleasure.

Thank you, OP.


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Even the cinema needs to leave that property alone. Stop tainting it with retarded video game bullshit. You'll never get another AvP.

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ANOTHER siren?
Wasn't there only a few of them in the entire known universe?

No, I'm buying "their" game instead.

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6 at the same time.

Steele (Dead)
Angel (Dead)

So there can be two more.

why does this character seem like an OC rather than something Id see in a video game? I just cant pinpoint it, its like that bio has nothing to do with the character im looking at, and what im looking at is a bunch of generic nothing robot bum I guess..? Cant wait to play him.

i know, jeez, thats the worse part, she was not as funny as him, and she is fucking ugly.
Janey is funny, and somewhat cute, i dont really give a fuck about being lesbian, because her girlfriend is athena, and both are hot as fuck.

>he doesn't know

>while they feel an connection
>an connection


Most of the shills I see for this game say that BL2 is better than BL1. That tells me what direction they were going with the series, so I'm going to say "Hard. Pass."

Explain m8.

So there's only up to six of them in the whole universe, and somehow most of them end up at the same place together?

steele never used her powers, was she really a Siren and not just some cunt with tattoos?

BL2 is objectively better than BL1.

maybe when it comes to steam 6 months after release

It was probably "understanding" instead of connection, but the word was too long and didn't fit the format right.

>if it was janey springs, i would reconsider it.
what the fuck
ellie isn't a shining example of good characterization but i'd rather have her than janey "dyke" springs

See, this is the awful sort of ((((opinion)))) I was talking about. Completely unredeemable.

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it's on sale?

Angel isn't dead and Tyreen isn't a siren

here's sixth your siren bro

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>ugly brown street shitters are actually attractive and cool guys
how obnoxiously woke and progressive

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They confirmed years ago that she's a siren, yes. She has Siren tattoos as well.

10$ cheaper on EGS right now yes.


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Because you're a dumb zoomer that that has shit taste and want a generic, ex. soldier looking, medium build, buzz cut white male with almond colored hair and brownish hazel eyes.

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do not talk shit about axton

He never said he wanted any of that, retard spic nigger chink whatever-you-are dumb fucker.

Nothing I said indicated that, you're projecting and throwing a fit. Not sure what I expect out a weeb

>This game is white genocide incarnate. Burn it with the rest. Seriously, I'm running out of pure white waifus to breed in my imagination here.
How obnoxiously based and redpilled.

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>using white male as a negative
Days Gone sold well, does that make you angry?

How come "freedom fighters" are always from some brown shithole sporting trendy shit all over them? How come we never see some sort of resistance from an old Russian/German style system, where the resistor is glad in something where when you fight a fucking government?

t. seething brown

Loader Bot is looking good.

t. coping hick.

There is something for you filthy white male degenerates, don't you chimp out.

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>Doesn't know what a weeb is.
Take off you GabeN authorized trilby, brush the dandruff off of your third chin, lift it off your chest so you can see your keyboard and google that shit so you stop looking stupid.

>It's been 10 years since the reelase of the first Borderlands game in the series
>Yea Forumsirgins still seethe hard every time you mention it
Have sex you niggers. Game's alright

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that fucking alliteration

you will always be brown

>Days Gone
Literally who?

Glad to see they don't even know their own lore anymore.

Based Hansposter.

You will always be white and on welfare. Mad at browns.

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i never played the pre sequel, what did dahl do?

>All the characters are the fucking same templates but just different personalities
>We got the Siren, Hunter, Solider, and Melee dude again

>t. temporarily embarrassed millionaire.

Oh, man. It's almost like it's an A-RPG derivative with familiar class systems so that people intuitively have a basic idea of the character before they pick them. Thanks, brainlet.

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This guy looks fun, just gotta hope that Gearbox has learned enough from previous pet AIs to know that quick and aggressive is the only way to go with a summonable ally
Also, Tumblr is in a split between liking Flak because of his non-binary button on his collar and not liking him because it’s yet another robot made to represent their apparent sexuality

You will never leave your trailer park.

>le stoic anime guy im being so ironic response
>y-you dont know what a weeb is!!

>smash oppressors
couldn't the writers contain their autism for once?

Dahl in TPS went to Elpis, Pandora’s moon, to set up some mining colonies for profit when they accidentally unearthed an ancient vault. That unearthing caused massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions all over the moon, so Dahl management abandoned ship and left pretty much their entire workforce and military behind. It’s why the moon is so split wide open, why there are so many bandits around again, and why the Lost Legion is around, and the Lost Legion is trying to suicide bomb Hyperion/Pandora/Elpis to destroy the Vaults and anyone who wants to open them.

Will maybe consider the GOTY version for like €20 just like I did with BL2, it's alright to play through once with mates.
I hope they'll fix the shitty drop rates though.

You really don't but keep trying.
I'll keep snickering.

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Ah, so you need to know what you're doing before you do it. Nice NPC behavior.

Explain how Angel isn't dead. I'm out of the loop.

Oh fuck I think you're onto something

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maybe on steam

How the fuck do they put it on sale before the game hasn't come out AND people have only been able to pre-order it for just under a month. Didn't people already pay full price for this game just a few weeks ago? I don't ever pre-order games but how can anyone defend this?

People already stopped buying the game before it even came out.

borderlands is the most overrated franchise in the past decades.

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Shill thread

t.seething Bethesdacuck.

bethesda is trash as well bro, i dont know why you think i play bethesda games


One is clean game design, the other is (you) and stupid.

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For me, it's Moze.

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Gameplay of her when? Amara looks like shit so she's the only character I want to play now

E3 2019

>hating on based Randy
Seething bigot

La creatura

I'm going to purchase this twice, once from the pirate bay and then from steam. Can't wait to post screenshots of my pirated version on twitter to Randy. He will rage for days.

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>A hero born in the slums or Partali
You can already feel the politics no one asked for

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unpopular opinions time.

I enjoy the borderlands series and cant wait to play 3, I'm going to buy it on the EGL because that's what it's on.

I didn't know the voice actor for Claptrap was different until later on when someone pointed it out online.

I'm probably going to buy the hundred dollar version, not only because I want it but because I also want to support Gearbox and Epic games.

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your not fooling any one Randy

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dude what if we made adam jensen in the borderlands universe


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None of my friends want to play as any character other than Zane, and I can't blame them at all. If I didn't know any better, I'd think the rest were Burch's creations.

>look at my pecs
sure thing lady

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I too, shall pirate

Nah they'll just release a deluxe/goty/badass edition with all the DLC and shit so there's no fucking point in preordering anything.

Sale? Why does that matter? Pirating it is going to cost absolutely nothing regardless of the sale.

Is it a man? Why is it so masculine?

Because we empower women by making them masculine now.

are you hitting on me? The fuck?

their clits slowly pull them to each other

Yeah, after the epic autismos beta test it first. Or not, I dont care desu.

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Isolation was kino.
Covenant was kino.
Unironically the most successful (in term of good titles) franchise of the last decade after Warhammer.

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Won't have to since my brother is getting it. I've been playing UVHM with Gaige for the first time with the BL2 reborn mod and I gotta say, it's definitely something worth the small hassle to set up.

>wanting Janey Springs

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Should I buy the game?

LOL. What the fuck did those pansies do?

I'd buy the game if I could play as Steele, she was hot, don't give a shit she's dead they can just put her back without explaining, it's not like the story matters in this type of games.

Why would I buy it if Epic already paid for my copy?

Yeah but after that it will be dead and the game will have been 100% figured out with multiple wikis of information written and you wont get to experience the launch hype or early community events.

What alliteration.

I'll probably play as him, if he doesn't keep bringing up his boyfriend every five seconds.


Janey is fucking awful

I'd play as this QT if they could go ten minutes without shoving their faggot politics in everything

Anthem failed, Rage 2 failed, Destiny 2 failed, The Division 2 failed. The KING is about to show them how it is done come September 13th.

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Do we have Yea Forums clans yet? I want to be Zane.

Nop , at this point not even when is released on steam .

That's a big no for me. BL3 died for me with the decision of going ebin exclusive.

no thanks i'll just pirate it like i did the other 3 games

Where are her titties? Why does she look like a man? Please tell me (she's) not a tranny. I just want to play a sexy female :(

aw, poor /pol/fag is constantly triggered, how miserable and sad.

I'll let ya'll fuck my gf if ya'll buy BL3 Super Deluxe Edition!

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>where are her tits?
thats what happens when a grill gets fit

>born in slums
>smash oppressors
oh no no no ononnononononno

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sry i dont buy shit games
BL1 is based thouhg

Did you complain about them bringing up Moxxi being a slut every 5 seconds, or Axton bringing up his wife every 5 seconds?

illl consider not ending your life you retarded redditor if u ask nicely

Is that a guy or a girl?

i've seen plenty of skinny and fit girls who still got some big ol adipose-filled titties

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Maliwan is invading the newly rebuilt Atlas, i think they're trying to kill Atlas while they're still weak so they can incorporate all of their assets. Meanwhile, they're giving free guns and support to the local Bandits so those two Siren siblings can run their own agenda in exchange for help with taking Atlas down.
Their army isn't all that impressive though, couple of lanky foot soldiers, big and slow power armored guys who die almost instantly when you shoot their fuel tanks, and Deathtrap rip offs which imply that the girl Gaige accidentally killed got her rip off design sold to Maliwan

So why do you guys hate reddit anyway

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because they are faggots and they think they pwn everybody and they award people for comments...that shit is retarded af.

Yikes dude, super yikes. Incel alert, yikes dude. Let's unpack this...

a little bit because of this , but mostly because they're really not funny when their users think they are. Yea Forums has the same problem of people trying to be witty by cracking a quip over everything, but redditors can't even get a smile out of me

The maliwan troops really disappointed me, I expected futuretech and heavy use of robots/power armor

Yes Moxxi being a slut is terrible. She should have stayed a minor DLC character and never heard from again. Didn't play as Axton, didn't the wife only come up in the first echo?



There's 'it' pronoun for constructs/animals/babies/other shit. WTF are muricans are doing to the language, for the love of god.

I wish I never learned engrish, fuck americans, you dipshits are subhuman degenerates.

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Not that user but nigger just means a dark skinned person, they don't have to be African/African-American.

All of the times I can recall Axton brings his ex up
>His first Echo when you start a new game
>His 4-5 Echos in Lynchwood that tell his backstory
>His necklace is his wedding ring
>Son of Crawmerax DLC where his ex-wife kills his assassin for him
these are pretty spaced out, 2 of which are optional backstory audio logs and 1 is locked to a DLC, so to make it short for you user didn't actually play Axton or probably even the game

Why the fuck would you need a wiki for bonerlands

>Yes Moxxi being a slut is terrible
Well you're in the minority then, almost 100% certain that if Moxxi was some gay dude Yea Forums wouldn't be too happy. Instead all of the complaints go towards Janey being a lesbian which isn't nearly as played up as Moxxi being a town bike.

Destiny 2 is actually in a rather good place right now, although I can't stand it because they added in random armor rolls. That's too much RNG.

>"Amara is most at home on the battlefield or in a brawl"
tumblr writing cliche #9

i mean, still gonna main her tho

The only bio that's concise and to the point.

Yes, she used her powers to open the first vault.

>Janey being a lesbian which isn't nearly as played up as Moxxi being a town bike.
you didn't actually play TPS did you

like Janey in Tales is way more tolerable but good fucking god is she hard to listen to in TPS.

It’s an AI

>indians finally get representation in a game
>character is a stereotype
>ugly as sin
fuck it's like the more progressive they try to be the stupider it gets. Keep making BL1 look like a master piece in comparison.

Fuck no, Epic's not getting a single cent of my money.

haha sure bucko.

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those are implants

No, I'm planning to pirate it back from when it got announced.

I say this and I say it again: The concept of buffed Siren woman, that's also brown and Indian, made by Gearbox after the dumpster fire called Battleborn, is a disaster by default and Amara looks fucking AMAZING considering everything. But still, we haven't seen her opening her mouth yet.

we have though, she comments on the situation like TPS characters do. she's got a bit of a dry wit and likes to brag about her muscles

Sale doesn't affect the Pirate Edition™ so I'm good lad


>There are six galaxies inhabited by humanity
>There can only six Sirens at once
>Six Sirens and six galaxies


Ebin already paid for my copy bro it's cool

I don't read wikis and don't give a single fuck about community events lmao. I have real friends.

trans dude imma calling it, also moxi looks like a dude and Lilith is fat faced, you sjw shill

lol sounds like you do

No. I was meme'd by a friend into playing Borderlands 2 and I hated it. Fuck Boredomlands and fuck Randy.


Bait, maybe reddit is more your pace

>buying a game created by a sperg
>buying a game from a store that can't even keep the publishers it sucks up to happy
nah, its not worth even pirating

>playing this shitfest over Warframe

Warframe isn't in a great spot atm but its infinitely better than shitlands

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oh the sjw explanation of a white guy.

Your brain we never be able to understand the why you use color to pick traits.

In the previous two games I had the problem of being unable to decide which vault hunter to play, so I played all the ones I thought were cool

>Borderlands 1

>Borderlands 2

Zane looks like a Zer0 minus the blade, Amarah looks like a neutered Lilith whose melee powers will get her in to horrible spots late game, Flak does not seem interesting if he’s got to always rely on the pets which are on cool down, and then all I’m left with is Moze. So titanfall without the wallrunning? It’s like the opposite problem I had from the first two. Hopefully a DLC character arrives to save the day

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>playing warframe
oof cringe yikes

probably will just torrent it and play multiplayer
like previous ones


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>saying oof cringe or yikes


hes trying to run out the clock, if you look at time, they are on overtime with 4 minutes left, france (mbappe) leading

I was too dumb not to see it straight away

OOF, thats a yikes from me dawg
lets unpack this...

why is his head so tiny

how many times do i have to tell you dumb niggers that this line is said upon killing any female

I cant wait for all the futa porn of her.

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because he's BEEG

Borderlands 2 still has an active players base after 6? years


>Gaming with Yea Forums.
Fuck that shit.

Because most comment chains start off with a pun, and then the entire subreddit tries to play off it.

>smash oppressors and dismantle her foes

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ye, "buy"

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Still an object regardless of the Turing test faggot


i'll get to play BL3 for free and i don't have to install a disgusting chinese spyware. But ye i'm seething dude

Definitely gonna start with her
Im already in love with her, only thing is wether i want to start with her AOE skill or her Maya-esqe skill

the funny thing is that the 6 sirens thing was a good lore-friendly way to explain why 4 players could play as Maya, because then you have:

and you have your 6 sirens alive all at the same time. how they'll manage it or whether they'll retcon it or not in BL3 I don't know

You mean I get to fuck Dark Willow VA?

that seems too clever for something Burch to write
it was probably just a coincidence

Mech is pretty cool

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Cant wait to decal it, question is if the colors will be tied to her skins or they can be separate things

The pre-sequel was fucking awful but the mech in 3 looks cool so I'll give Gearbox the benefit of the doubt this time. I'm definitely waiting until it releases on anything other than the tencent store though.

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>shit game that didn't flop commercially because memes sell copies to retarded normies
this entire genre is a crapshot

>mech looks cool so I'll give Gearbox the benefit of the doubt this time
never trust Randy user
he is a pathological liar and doesn't care for the quality of his games
wait for gameplay and see how it plays
don't worry about spoilers the story is going to be shit anyway with the villain literally being a thot streamer

You can say I got shit taste but I think she’s hot, compressed face aside
I also predict that she will die horribly from her brother backstabbing her and he’ll become the real final boss now that he’s got even more Siren juice

rage 2 is better

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[X] Doubt

You don't even really encounter Janey that much after the first area.

it runs like shit?

Agreed, thought i think we’re gonna kill the brother and thats gonna send her into calm rage and shits gonna hit the fan

Nooo, i'm buying it for her.

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>A hero born

Literally first line there. It's a man that identifies as a woman.

It's a fucking tranny m8

I enjoyed 1 and 2 so there's at least a small chance that 3 will be good. Probably just going to wait a few years for it go on steamsale or whatever.

Who the fuck writes these, the comma usage is terrible.

>smash opressors
>dismantle her """"foes""""

This is so tumblr bait they might as well have said patriarchy.

>angel isn't dead

god, Moze looks like such shit in most of her art. There's some where she looks fine, and in game she looks fine at first, but the second she emotes she looks terrible. Her face is too fucking scrunched and she frowns and smiles like James Rolfe

of course, I always buy my games at -100% sale

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you don't full on encounter her but that doesn't stop shit like this from happening
>Moxxi talks about how Janey keeps hitting on her
>overhearing a call of Janey wanting to know about Moxxi
>playing Athena on board Helios
>Janey: are you safe up there
>Athena: yeah i'm fine
>Janey: oh okay good just wanted to make sure
>playing TVHM
>Tiny Tina: yo what happened to Janey
>Athena: I don't see her that much
>Tiny Tina: you hit that tho right?
>Tiny Tina: give me a high five if you hit dat
>*high five*
>Tiny Tina: that's my girl
>playing Claptastic
>Lilith: why did you still do work for Jack?
>Athena: I needed to support me and Janey we were living together

keep seething Randy no one cares about Borderflop on the Chink store so you have to put it on sale 4 months before release. sad!

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>there are people who are worried about spoilers
>in a fucking borderlands game

The main story in every game is give or take three hours long and there's no worthwhile world building or lore to speak of, Gearbox has never really gone out of their way to explain how the universe of Borderlands works. So why the fuck does anyone really care about the story and lore if gearbox doesn't? They give you a story and vague tidbits about the world so that people don't complain when they're shooting mindless shit, nothing else.

Remember when nobody remembered Rage 2 was coming out?

If there was some Dmitri-type sissy fag character I'd be jacking off more than playing, unlike Moxxi.

the mech probably lasts like 10sec and its cooldown is going to be 30min+

And RAGE 2 still sells better than Bordershart thanks to not being on the chinky store.
Oh wait even if it was on Steam that wouldn't save you, remember Battleborn, Randy?

Probably the gay one. Unless they're all gay.

I do not play as female characters in games nor do I allow them in my party in games

>unironically doing it for free
holy shit dude

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>shilling for Borderfart 3 on the Chink Store
>anime reaction picture

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This, id rather much jack it to tapping a slutty boi hole

>Valvecucks seething
>Ragecucks analblasted
>Alienfags still butthurt
Based. Can't wait for Memelands 3 to sell millions

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>n-no u

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>Didn't go to the strawman first
Ya fucked up buddeh

Keep seething Randy

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>lots of dlc already
Nah better wait

>communitty events
Probably nothing that interesting unles they do something like gifting a gun that will never be avaiable, but communitty patches will fix that

No I'm going to wait for Steam GOTY. Write that down Randy.

Are you high? Stop being a chink shilling frogposter please. You're ruining the board with your shitposts. Rage 2 is shit and so is memelands so shut up please.

Why? Is he crazy and has multiple personalities or what?


your mom is shit

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So what? "It" is the correct terminology. I never understood refering to a single entity as 'they/them'. Why do trannies do that?

>tfw only happy for the girl midgets and inevitable sfm porn that will come with it
Lm@oing at the seething fags ITT.

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>SJW feminist game


PS was great in terms of gameplay.

I'm not going to preorder until just before it comes out. That way if the epic store goes tits up before then it's no loss.

>the social structures of humans are strange
I just want a fucking space junkyard loot and shoot. Keep your fucking identity politics out of it, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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>now that it's on sale
not anymore, KEK

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>The brother of people who can hardly leave their shithole of a planet, because they were literally abandoned is well traveled across the galaxies.

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>Epic sale


E3 can't come soon enough so I can see my Niggas Fl4k in action!

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I think its the hat

Athena was too pretty to be a dyke. Still sad to this day

>Boringlands 7 but we'll call it 3 because spinoffs lol
>Epic Exclusive on PC
>Randy Bitchford

That's a big no, son.

>Pathfinder in a hoodie

the only choice

who the fuck needs a grenade over a 2nd active skill

especially when you skills fire grenades anyway

>their attempt at an attractive brown girl
blizzard should sue

>Factor outside the game
>Factor outside the game
Wow, so this is the power of shitposters...

They did a better job than Blizzard did.

>relevant point when you're a discerning customer
>relevant point when you're a discerning customer

I'm sorry that you'll apparently eat whatever slop is tossed before you, but I won't.

>I was just pretending to be retarded
Oh, okay then

But why are they all in one and not spread out?

only if shes a lesbian

Already did, I'm waiting for my partial refund.

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forced as hell too
every time she is hit on Athena seems genuinely uncomfortable and humors Janey but then later they fell in love for no reason

>He didn't play Tales from the Borderlands

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i did and it just made me hate her and especially athena even more

God, I want her to fucking crush me.

Why? She has an actual personality in that game.

Are you fucking retarded?
Surely not.

>buying a game is retarded

Where's her Ora'oras at?

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