No one really respects waiters or cashiers, not saying they're disrespected but no one looks up to them...

No one really respects waiters or cashiers, not saying they're disrespected but no one looks up to them. So why do they have outdated marketing strategies?

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Working retail was the worst time of my life. Now that I have a real job I call out shitty customers and stick up for my retailcuck brethren.

how do you disrespect retail staff

By being a huge asshole for no reason
When I was a teen working as a cashier I had some dude in a business suit start to insult me and told me to get a real job

Worst retail jobs I had was at O'Reilly Auto Parts. Most guys are in a bad mood and just want to be a dick. Women come in and expect me to fix their broken car. One guy wanted me to change his battery as it was storming outside... "I'll hold the umbrella for you!"

Based, I do the same thing. These assholes should work retail for a year just so they can be on the receiving end

The worst part is that they probably have worked a customer service job of some kind and they still act that way. Zero empathy.

Buying stuff new, opening it, then getting pissy with the retailcuck when you can't return it just because you don't like it.

did it make you wanna get a real job

A job's a job, they're all real

i think i was like 2 months in to my first retail job when a customer whistled at me to get my attention like i was a dog, after that i started noticing more and more the condescending attitude customers have in general and even the nicest people have flipped on a switch when they dont get their way

people will try to manipulate you, bother you or do anything in their fool head they think can get them attention or a lawsuit, up to and including willingly endangering their own life around heavy machinery

people are scum, it's not new, give them an outlet that has no recourse and of course they will abuse the shit out of it

Been working in retail/foodservice for 5 years. Temp agency cant even find me a job, seems like it anyway. How the fuck do I get out? I even have a shitty baby retard associates.

Question lads: how bad is Gamestop in America/the UK? Because in my country they're pretty fucking based, or is that just a stroke of luck?

Gamestop is well known to be an incredibly shitty retail chain up here in California and they get robbed a lot

To work in? Pretty shitty, any only have gotten worse over the years. It isnt retail its sales. Sell this, push this product you know they dont need, oh and you make minimum wage, dont let those 8 bucks trip you on the way out. I dont speak from experience, I just know people that have worked there.
It's pretty terrible, I would discourage anyone from working there. Because of how corporate runs the business, as soon as you walk in you're getting harassed by floor associates wanting your email and trying to recommend you games because if they don't keep their numbers up they get fired.

Yeah, but how shitty are we talking?

like only crackheads looking to sell stolen shit go there

The crazy thing is that it is illegal to fire people for this in some states, but it doesnt fucking matter because they can just say
>well, you didnt clean up little timmy's piss puddle near the 20 and under rack 5 months ago while you were on vacation, so we're gonna have to let you go.


I hate these places because it feels like I'm literal prey and the worker is just some deceptive predator trying to trick me with his bullshit, that's why I hate GNC, every time I go in there it's a new clerk (due to high turnover) trying to troll me with broscience into buying fermented llama hair tonics because it'll make your cock grow thrice as long. I'm just trying to buy video games/protein powder, leave me alone FUCK, this is why I mostly shop online now except for groceries.

What it's like to work at a gym? Will be applying there soon for my first job

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If it's "at will" employment, they can fire you for literally any fucking reason that isn't explicitly protected by law (sexual orientation, race, gender identity, religious affiliation, etc.)
They could fire you because they didn't particularly like the look of your gait that particular morning.

Where at bruh ? I'm in San Diego and none of the gamestops are that bad. The inland empire seems to have all the shitty gamestops tho

gyms are literally based on the business model that 90% of people who sign up won't go, in fact it is in their interest to have you sign up and not come. they are greasy as fuck salesmen, basically enjoy being a scam artist. I assume you mean gold's tier commercial gym because if it was a serious powerlifting gym you wouldn't be asking this question

by thinking they are more important and can break the rules, even going as far as asking you to break the law for their benefit

get a real job you faggots

Exactly like boy all I want is a 3 year old game out of the bargain bin get out of my face. I hear a lot about how Gamestop is losing money and at risk of going bankrupt so that's why they're pushing shit like this

I could if you would just fucking retire already boomer

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I could understand if you were an adult working retail but if you are visibly a teenager what would be the point of this? It's not like a kid can say "i'm gonna hit up my financial manager job after school today."
Seems more like a dude being dissatisfied with his own life and taking it out on the lowliest person they could find.

They are going out of business everywhere around where I am because everyone just buys from Amazon. No one wants to deal with the cashier trying to sell you shit you don't actually want.

There's three valid paths getting a real job. 1) going to college which lol I'm not going to throw away $10,000+ just to listen to some useless drivel because "that's the way it has to be." fuck that I'm not letting those academic kikes take any more of my money 2) getting vocational training and getting a blue collar job. Yeah I haven't truly explored this route so I may consider it and 3) starting your own business but lol I don't have any money or any ideas

learn a trade

option 4: join the military, start making decent money this very instant (i.e. as a private you will live in the barracks and thus have almost no expenses besides your phone, so you make shit wages on paper, but you actually have more expendable income than most people because you are not paying any rent/bills/etc. and it only goes up) so that when you get out in a few years, you already have years of experience as an army mechanic or whatever, AND your tuition is paid for if you decide to go to university or just learn another trade

it's a pretty good deal unless you're one of those faggots who took the bait too hard about le jews/military industrial complex/whatever, you are only cucking yourself if you don't take the advantages life gives you and this shit is a gravy train for many people. just sayin.

I try to respect everyone until they give me cause not to. Worked a waiter job for a few summers, learned that treating someone as lesser by default actually makes you the shittier person.

but what if i'm 30 years old and obese?

Because those in power believe their power will be taken away if they allow full automation.

The bulk of retail jobs are just filler

spend a year getting in shape faggot, you should do that anyway but you know this. you've still got 5 years before you're not allowed in. maybe your chances are lower than average (I have been out of the loop for a while) but it never hurts to talk to a recruiter

> going to college which lol I'm not going to throw away $10,000+ just to listen to some useless drivel because "that's the way it has to be." fuck that I'm not letting those academic kikes take any more of my money
You have a very, very very confused idea of what university is. Probably were told what it is by /pol/tards who also did not go to university.

work for an insurance company. seriously. they pay pretty well, typically have great benefits, will train you for months and pay for you to become licensed/trained, job security is great because insurance is not going anywhere, and often you can work from home.

fuck off government leach.

i knew an ex cop that joined in his 30s
just do this


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Yeah it is really retarded. I got it all the time working a beer kiosk. Funny thing was I kept doing it at night, even after I graduated uni and got a really good job, because it just paid so damn much with tips, and I wanted to save up as much as I could for a downpayment. Always blew me away, and nobody saying it seemed overly afluent.

I went to university and I was about to graduate by literally doing nothing. I wouldn't study, do any of the required reading, and I would constantly miss class and I was still ~3 semesters away from graduating. At that point I just said fuck it and started working full time instead because I realized it was all bullshit and nothing mattered. Of course I was getting a degree education so I assume the experience would be different for STEM people

Unless you are American, cease talking. Nobody cares about your meaningless experiences in some dipshit yuro universities.

I'd rather not be a prick to the staff, but unfortunately losing your temper is usually the method that works best in your favor since the staff and/or manager will do whatever you want just to make you go away. Be too lenient and you'll end up like that guy who couldn't get his console repaired because it meant telling the service place they fucked it up.

*teleports behind you in a Boeing teleportation machine, sold to the government at 3,000% price increase*

nothin personnel, civilian

Bro I worked there for a year. I changed batteries and wipers in the rain, dealt with angry customers who thought I should have as much knowledge as a mechanic, had a customer insult me to my face, wew lad I'm glad that's over.

I'm a leaf. Which is according to you /pol/tards is supposed to be the worst offence in useless evil commie propaganda. Studied Econ and had literally none of that. Actually learned interesting, vetted models and actually had to apply myself. My econometrics skills especially came in handy for getting a good job, nothing I learned was useless"drivel" or anything to do with "that's the way it has to be." I also have friends who went to American schools. Same experience.
You are a moron, and you should have continued, you literally just pissed away thousands of dollars cause of your existantial crisis.

A lot of my professors reinforced the idea that you decide how much you get out of going to college. Relying on the system, which is admittedly flawed, to make you learn something only really hurts you. The main thing I learned in college is how to do my own research and go look for the information I need to do the things I want to do. The piece of paper they gave me got me the job, but the attitude is what made me good at it, and also I now know how to build a self sustaining homestead even though all they taught me in college is the basics of doing normie architecture.

You're absolutely right, which is why you get this spoiled brat mentality from customers. If throwing a tantrum didn't get you shit from management then people wouldn't do it.

You have to look for the jobs you don't want to do. I worked retail for 5 years, wanted to fucking shoot myself. Finally stopped with the nonsense standards and now I'm working at UPS making more part time than I was full time retail, plus benefits. Don't look for the perfect comfy job, just look for a job that isn't retail. Shit like what I do is physically demanding and people are fucking lazy so nobody wants to do it. Which means it pays fucking well. Also requires zero higher education or experience

As this user
I agree with this. Even for shit like electives. I remember when I took my first science credit I just took like contemporary health issues for the easy A. But it was a waste of my fucking time, I learned nothing and just jerked off all day. So for my second one I took Physics 100. It wasn't super hard or anyting, kinda just repeating the grade 12 course, but it was still interesting and I had to apply myself a moderate amount. If you take a retard degree with the "cs will get you degrees" mindset you probably wont get much out of uni, it will just be like grade 12 all over again, but a decent amount harder.

Good for you, pal. I went to university and had my classes literally hijacked by black student "protestors" and had professors debating "marxist criminal theory" in classes focused on a business law degree. Your university is nothing like the ones down here, and your experience sure as shit isn't the same as mine. Wasted years in that shithole and glad I left. They couldn't offer me a damn thing.

Dilate tranny

>Worked in Dave and Buster's
>All these shitty children with even shittier parents

Far too many people that came there should not be parents at all.

I really wish this wasn't true. Had customers get pissed off because they wanted something for free and the managers just gave it to them so they don't have to put up with it. I just stopped putting in any effort after that since it's clear that if nobody gives a shit, then why should I?

I get treated like a dog every day.
I hate life.

I went into nursing because years of abuse playing as a support main. You can't be a nurse without a degree. Literally impossible without one.

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>Born with garbage knees and feet so flat the doctor describes them as measurably convex
Yeah sure great plan.

Good on ya. Nurses are the ones who actually take care of motherfuckers. Very literal filename, btw

Being a retail pharmacist is the worst. You have your doctorate, well usually, you're extremely educated, you make a good salary. You're also treated like absolute garbage and know nothing mouth breathers think they know more than you.

Is that a real person or the Tiger Woods model from the PS2 games?

>used to work at a Meijer, being the guy who brings in the shopping carts
>at first, treat it as a way to get /fit/ while getting paid

>start noticing more and more people just leaving carts everywhere except where they're supposed to go
>increasingly horrible garbage is left in them, including, on two separate occasions, water bottles full of piss
>one morning, some asshat left a fucking mattress laying out in the lot
>a different night, a garbage bag full of bagels
>can't forget the night with a cart loaded with bags of garbage and some porn dvds

I hate humanity sometimes.

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I once was at a Meijer and there was one of those industrial sized toilet paper that go on the plastic spinner thing shoved into the toilet.

I work overnight at a gas station.
People are fucking awful they have zero respect for anything. I hate life. Ha ha.

I'll never get why retail is a huge magnet for subhumans and cancerous people

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It's made me see the worst of people. I don't trust anyone anymore.

roadtrip gas station stops in the middle of nowhere are so nice. Maybe work at a gasstation in the middle of nowhere

You know how you can gauge how much of an asshole someone is by how they treat service staff?
Well when you're the service staff you can see just how many assholes there are

Nobody respects ad retards either, it's no wonder they don't know how to appeal to anyone who isn't morbidly retarded.

Retail workers are less than human apparently.

That's because you are

Is it worth becoming bar tender for extra cash? How do you learn?

>even being able to get a retail job in the first place
Consider yourself lucky to even have something. On that level I'm getting passed over for minorities and women every time.

>join the military
>when the world is falling apart
hope you like getting your neck slit by mudslimes in the middle of some desert wasteland and being forgotten instantly because you are a statistic

Planet Fitness has the best model.

>Advertise as casual gym
>Offer no place for bench or freeweights beyond dumbbells
>Lunk alarm if someone is too loud
>Feed customers free pizza every Tuesday so they lose all their gains

Genius really.

what happened to this guy?

I would kill to work at ups, all I want is to get out of retail, while making an actually livable wage. My problem is that in this area, all people want is open availability if part time, and full time requires some significant amount of experience that I dont have. I'm here now because I'll take literally anything that isnt retail.

this is definitely someone who has never dealt with the military before

And the women suck at working too. I fucking wish we had more men, at least we tend to not complain over petty shit.

>dude being dissatisfied with his own life and taking it out on the lowliest person they could find
Bingo. Everyone knows retail employees can't do or say anything or they will get fired so they can take out their frustrations on them without repercussions. While I had a few rich assholes essentially thumb their noses at me the worst were the dirt poor welfare leeches. Loud, fat, dumb, rude, obnoxious and perpetually pissed off. They have no control over any aspect of their lives so they take their anger and pent up rage out on convenient targets such as waiters and retail staff. Corporate environments make it so that if an employee does anything to offend a customer they will most likely get canned instantly. They even reward bad behavior by offering coupons and discounts to those who complain the loudest who are usually, but not always, niggers

that is how POG life in garrison works, which is how 90% of people who join will spend their time, you want my DD214 faggot? it's a cakewalk and if you're an americlap you are retarded for not doing this, it's free money and there's zero personal risk to your safety. only a tiny percentage of soldiers ever see combat in any military these days

Go to bars and apply as a barback. If you can't get in any of them get a job in a restaurant and work your way into barbacking then bartending. Work hard and master whatever position you are in, make your desire to eventually bartend be known and earn it. Do not go to bartender school, it is an absolute scam.
Barbacking is shitty grunt work but it will teach you the inner workings of bars and give you fundamental knowledge of how to deal with problems as they arise. You can always tell the bartenders who have barbacked before and the ones who haven't. Learn about the different types of booze, wine, beer. Read a few books on the subject so you know what you are talking about. Learn the most common cocktails then learn as many more as you can. again books will help you on the way. The following is a great introductory book for beginners. It is not perfect but it is an excellent primer.
The money is great if you are good. It depends on the type of bar, the area you are in, your ability to work and be social, etc. Sometimes there are other perks - once I was given 4 Xbox games on top of the tip (way back in the early 2ks). It is a good way to meet people, unfortunately most of them are drunks. Lots of networking opportunities, lots of chances to talk to girls, lots of people to interact with, both good and bad. If you like people watching or psychology it is absolutely intriguing. Be prepared to eat lots of shit as well as have nights where you walk out grinning from ear to ear.
A final warning - drink and be merry but don't let it become a habit. Alcoholism is no fun.

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What kind of job is good for a agoraphobic introvert?