Has any game ever done speechcraft right?

Has any game ever done speechcraft right?

Persuasion, negociation, anything social

Attached: picunrelated.jpg (1440x900, 1.26M)

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>make immersive RPG
>fill it with minigames
why did Todd do this?

vampire masquerade, fallout 1
not perfect by any means, but working well with their respective scenarios. usually games have broken system like Bethesda games or not having a speech system at all like baldurs gate

Yakuza ;)

was gonna say this

what if a typing of the dead style mini game popped up whenever you were trying to persuade or negotiate with someone and having a higher charisma skill would make it easier to complete.

so if your a 1 charisma peasant trying to convince the king to start a war the words would fly at you and be practically impossible to complete, you'd fumble your words and he would tell you to fuck off. but a 10 charisma guy getting the town bike into bed would be slow and steady, easy to finish, and you'd charm her with your smooth words in an instant. what do you think? is this a retarded idea?


Just go outside or something

kingdom come deliverance did a good job on that

Because simple difficulty checks where you put points in the talking skill and the value passes or fails are boring, like it would be boring if the game just checked your combat skill for every fight and said you win or lose.
>inb4 that wouldve been better than oblivion combat :^)
>inb4 thats the upcoming elder scrolls 6 skill system :^)
Ok but I don't think minigames are a bad idea, the oblivion minigame just sucked bad

Good idea but that depends too much on player skill for most RPG systems


I just bribed everyone

Nobody mentioned Thea The Awakening which uses its combat system for everything from stealth to talking challenges. Mixed feelings about it.

Attached: thea_stealth.jpg (1280x800, 211K)

This is pretty much the closest. I remember going up to every single npc and figuring out their pattern. I was level 20 before I left Imperial City, god I wish I could play this for the first time again.

Fallout 1's is just a hidden dice roll though

>a hidden dice roll
that's how most of my social interactions go irl

Alpha Protocol I guess?

And then you must have loved fighting super bandit damage sponges thanks to content leveling

name 1 good minigame in an FPS game

I love VtM's dialogue but it's just a skill check system that enables certain options if your number is high enough. It's effective but it's hardly a "system".

came here to post this. probably the most fluid conversation system in a game and thats saying a lot for a game that has voiced protagonist.

Lockpicking minigames in elder scrolls are fine

>elder scrolls

Hacking in Bioshock 2

also the little gameboy thing in System Shock 2

wrong, they're boring and artificial
Morrowind did it better, since it didn't pause the game so guards could catch you lockpicking, making it more tense

there's mods for real time lockpicking in oblivion and skyrim. really makes sneaking a lot more fun

it is pretty good, being threatening depended on your equipment and its status
i liked it, sequel came out a few days ago and its even better

New vegas had a good idea with Legate Lanius. Dialogue successes should be determined by a combination of different types of skills.
Like for certain people you need a base charisma score, as well as skill in blacksmithing or whatever thing youre asking about.
But for most people you just need knowledge in that skill. You dont have to be silver-tongued to tell some guy not to press the red button if you have a degree in thermonuclear physics

>program an ai
>have to actually talk and reason with it
>your persuasion/charisma/diplomacy skill helps you by giving you clues
this is what you meant, right?

I enjoyed the dialogue battles in Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
Having to match the personality of the character you’re talking to and all that.

>speachcraft gives you a [win everything and resolve the conflict] button

I fucking hate this shit

the augmentations for conversation are really cool too

Isn't Alpha Protocol the same game where you can decide to be a complete dick to the characters too

Is it? I sawsome serious reviews on steam that pointed out some shitty sounding issues like islands...

Dude the lock picking mini game in Oblivion is so good it taught me how to pick locks in real life. It’s fun shit.

the witcher

I never understood it. This guy talks about it at 23 minutes gdcvault.com/play/1015845/Reimagining-a-Classic-The-Design