Incredible work of art with amazing characters, music, immersion, and atmosphere

>incredible work of art with amazing characters, music, immersion, and atmosphere
>absolute dogshit as a video game
I'm so conflicted, bros.

Attached: red_dead_redemption_2_cover_art_1.jpg (640x790, 365K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nope. It doesn't hold a candle to RDR1's music.

I wish it didn't feel like shit

>incredible work of art with amazing characters, music, immersion, and atmosphere
Imagine being this easily impressed. Kinda jealous 2bh.

Name a game with better characters, music, immersion, and atmosphere. Wait, let me guess: it's going to be some fucking weebshit because you're a retarded manchild with shit taste. The absolute state of you, kid.

How a AAAA Developer still has clunky PS2-era controls in their games is beyond me.

the map feels way too small after 100 something hours

Witcher 3, for example.

how? It's one of the biggest Open Worlds ever

I agree, OP. I posted this in an earlier thread but I just wish AAA devs would put as much care into the actual gameplay as they do into the story and graphics, then we would be in a golden era of vidya

Attached: 1528589623345.jpg (625x505, 173K)

everything is very familiar and the fascination by exploration from the first play through is gone

Planescape: Torment.

God of War 2018
Last of us
Red Dead Redemption 1

Silent Hills 1 to 3.

To me all a game needs to do is be interactive and entertaining, this is why I can play F-Zero GX just fine and appreciate the gameplay and play Anachronox/RDR1/Yakuza 2 for it's characters, world, atmosphere, etc. i never played RDR2 but I experienced something similar with Anachronox, it's not that I NEED gameplay or some sort of action but what's there gets in the way of enjoying everything else about it.

>absolute dogshit as a video game
Imagine having sush a shitty opinion.

why is ''ps2 era'' supposed to be a bad thing when it's arguably one of the best eras in gaming?
nah, that game is complete shit, only has a few cool characters

Which mission was the most "fun" for you?


Attached: 1550836954693.jpg (1920x640, 331K)

Because the actual content of those generations is irrelevant, they just want to say they're antiquated while at the same time looking like they know what they're talking about.

RDR2 is fine, it's just triggered witcher fags than spam it with hate

The open world "mission".

well it makes people seem like idiots, if anything, rockstar's games back then felt much more responsive controls wise, especially bully and midnight club 3

>open world game
>god tier exploration
It's not all bad.

Fuck you
Same Composer for both games, and the OSTs are solid
Rdr1 has the stronger standout tracks (riding into Mexico for the first time is ultrakino), but the ambient tracks in rdr2 are better overall.

But thats too hard trying to come up with great gameplay even if you're backed by essentially unlimited resources. Its easier to just make "realistic graphics" and call it a day.

>God of War 2018
>Last of us
Peasant trash in comparison to RDR2

>it's just triggered witcher fags than spam it with hate
Which is retarded because CDPR jack's off to Rockstar and thinks they're the best in the industry.

I'd say it's the complete opposite, RDR2 has better setpiece/action/mission music while RDR1 has better ambient music.

Attached: RDR2_fishing army men.webm (960x540, 2.48M)

>Posting a video by a white nationalist

Attached: 1534129183988.png (1024x886, 669K)

Yes. I said it.
RDR2 is a fun camping sim, though.

You what?

Attached: roof leap.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

The one where shooting a gun in public can get you a bounty, even if you're hunting?
The one where running in a crowded area can cause people to attack you, and defending yourself will result in a bounty?
The one where picking up 2 items takes 30 seconds, because your character has use an animation to square up with every item he picks up?
The one where looting a corpse that was killed by an enemy gets you evil points?
That open world mission?
The game is comfy, but they wheedled in a lot of bullshit that kills the fun.

Why is Arthur such a tank

Attached: the terminator.webm (800x450, 2.97M)

Rockstar is isn't soi blizzard, sorry. They're still the studio your favorite devs wanna be

Attached: 20180705_101325.jpg (1075x1124, 155K)

It seems to me that you need more bing bing wahoo in your life.

>that vest
>with those chaps
I like chaps, but that doesn't look right.

You seem angry. Angry over valid criticism. Wanna talk about it?

>The one where shooting a gun in public can get you a bounty, even if you're hunting?
Nonsense, since when are you able to shoot deer in a crowded area?

>The one where running in a crowded area can cause people to attack you, and defending yourself will result in a bounty?
Use your fists.

>The one where picking up 2 items takes 30 seconds
>because your character has use an animation to square up with every item he picks up?
Part of the immersively designed gameplay. You could argue that it isn't necessary and that's fine but that's just your opinion, not an objective game flaw.

>The one where looting a corpse that was killed by an enemy gets you evil points?
Well, you ARE still stealing.

every webm or pic of other peoples arthurs are horribly dressed

Me? Angry? You're the one desperately nitpicking things from this game.

Attached: a_rdr2_smoking kills you.webm (1000x562, 2.91M)

Be quiet. RDR2 has better music than 1. RDR2 is definitely the best narratively-driven game ever made. When you find out Micah Bell is a rat for sure, the game starts to feel like you're being taken over by subversive Communists or something. It's one motherfucker of a game. The voiced music tracks are gold and really set the mood whenever they appear. The killcams with high heroism are addictive too. The game may not be a good pure video game, but to be honest, pure video games are boring. There needs to be a plot, or it will become repetitive and stale.I've played a shitload of games and this is at the top of the list of favorites. Dark Souls, MGS3, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Resident Evil 7 are the best games ever made.

How badly did I do?

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2_20190420001802.png (2151x1210, 2.93M)

>played RDR2 for escapism during a really rough patch
>now i've got all these weird emotions associated with it and i don't want to play it again

its alright i like the facial hair
idk about the chaps

he's a cowboy not the count of Monte Crisco

It's understandable, the chaps are there because I couldn't find any boots that really fit with the vest and they had a similar color.
This was very early into Chapter 2 so I didn't have that many options to pick from.

>when are you able to shoot deer in a crowded area?
I've gotten a bounty from shooting a deer from the road when a wagon was passing by.
>use your fists
Fists still kill. You can use a lasso, but then you might get a bounty for kidnapping, depending on how much the game wants you to suffer in that moment
>part of the immersive gameplay
it ruins immersion. Nobody squares up on a can to pick it up. You only square up on things that you lift with your legs.
>you ARE still stealing
that's a stretch.
All of those things still rob the game of fun. There's a lot of things that make this game feel more like a slog than a good time.

black riding boots are low key and look good with everything

and you're the one that chose to deflect and attempt a personal attack rather than address that criticism. Lashing out is a sign of anger.

This is my issue with all rockstar games, the gameplay is fucking horrible.

>incredible work of art with amazing characters, music, immersion, and atmosphere
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH, its even more soulless than GTA 5

I would agree with you on the old Rockstar games. They're too much, "go here and do this next," but RDR2 and GTA5 are something special. They seemed to iron out the shitty movement and shooting controls from the GTA4 era that makes them a slog to replay. I tried replaying GTA4 after a few years hiatus and I couldn't play more than three hours. It doesn't hold up. Red Dead 1 is also pretty lackluster today as well.

If you haven't played RDR2 yet, I recommend you do.



Animal crossing GC

You are braindead if you think Rage-based games from R* have 6. gen. era controls.

lol witcher fans are the last people who would shit on RDR2. They can rightfully criticise it since it's not as good as W3, but only dudebros actually dislike RDR2

Go back to fortnite nigger child

Wtf does this even mean

>The last of us

Oh fuck that's some spicy b8

>rockstar keeps adding outfits, horses, and weapons to the online mode that nobody fucking plays
>refuses to add them to the single player
Goddamn I'm so fucking sick of using the same two guns the whole fucking game, it's a fucking wild west simulator and there are only three types of revolvers in it how fucking hard is it to just patch them into the main game you cunts

idk i worded it weird but everything feels the same now theres no sense of exploration

What about this one, then?

Plus, if Dutch can be all sharply dressed no reason I can't look good as well.
You know, a Count of Monte Cristo game could be pretty legit, really bring poetic justice to a whole new level.

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2_20190421194856.png (1613x908, 2.39M)

Have you faggots who praise the story and atmosphere never seen a western before? Go watch Once Upon a Time in the West you dungass it offers everything Red Dead did well without having to slog through 30 hours of boring gameplay to get it.

I hope you're not implying TLoU is actually worth a damn.

but I can't control the main character in Once Upon a Time in the West

>tried to play it is a game
>hunting, exploring, and meeting characters
>got punished everytime, resulting in bounties or death
>played the game like a movie where I would just ferry characters to the next scene
>Did barely any side content
>had a blast
Trust me OP, I feel the same as you towards this game

God of War is literal bro-trash. The Last of Us is good, but you're high if you think it's a better narrative than RDR2. RDR1 is a fucking great game, but it is a fucking meme game. As much as I love it, replaying it was cringey. The dialogue has severe GTAIV syndrome and it's hard to take it seriously as a whole. There are huge stand out moments in it, but it is not a cohesive story like the sequel is. Arthur is a better character with a better arc as a standalone. Taking John just as he's presented in the first game versus Arthur is a pure pleb filter. It's only through the context of Arthur's sacrifice for him that John becomes a true, well defined man and that characterization is fucked when you look at some of the goofy shit that happens in the first game.

This is contrarian bait and the reason why Yea Forums is a joke of a board on par with Yea Forums.

>got punished everytime, resulting in bounties or death
just learn the law system. You can always defend yourself legally and beat them into a vegetable if they started the fight and you just use your fists. You can goad people into attacking you just by getting in their face and staring. Also learn how to stop witnesses.

I beat up and rob pretty much every lone traveler / townsperson I see

Attached: no bounty.webm (800x450, 3M)

Why not both?

You need to know right now, for your sake, that your opinions are shit and that you are a brainlet. Please take this information and try and curb any and all shit thoughts and words that come our of your half formed mind.

Another guy with some sense

>RDR2 is definitely the best narratively-driven game ever made.
That would require it to have good narrative and be a good game.

>my story about getting attached to a girl and picking her over mankind is so deep and thought provoking, how could you not like this
Please, get a grip.

t. brainlet zoomer playing visual novels all day long

Not him, but I gave up on TLoU part way through. I seriously can not understand why people treat it like the Rick and Morty of video games, like it's something far greater than it really is. I'll give it this though. The prologue, which was an entirely on rails section, that let's you watch as everything goes to shit was better than anything else in the rest of the game

The winter section where you play as ellie was pretty good

RDR2 has a pretty good narrative for a video game. Let's not act like it's some masterpiece in storytelling.

RDR2's plot felt super hamfisted after Arthur gets TB. That's typical Rockstar pseudo-deep "serious" writing style though; MP3 and RDR1 were the same way

>your story about love and loss and self sacrifice doesn't compute in my autistic self interested pathology
>i wanna be a bad boi robber cowboy man with a daddy who need muney

Rockstar games aren't about narrative. All that you need to know about red dead happens in the last few hours of the game. Go shovel some shit John Marston it will be a hoot I guarantee it.

The story in RDR2 is just rockstar/gta style, I was expecting more spaghetti western, the fight in Rhodes between the two families is good, but everything smell of gta, I didn't get this feeling with la noire

>I didn't get this feeling with la noire
Could be because LA Noire was developed by other people.

>a game has a solid story
>makes it a visual novel
How can you be this retarded

Rockstar didn't even make L.A Noire. They only published it. Team Bondi did the development and I think they closed down years ago.

It's a great video game. Tons of content and the best FPS since halo 5

It's sad to hear that you gave up on it. It's really a good game that I had an immense amount of fun with and I can't wait for the sequel. As far as a single player, story driven experience goes it's one of my favorite games of all time.

The best part of this game is mixing and matching legendary animal clothes and looking fly as fuck. Dat bear jacket


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People liked it because it had good gameplay, atmosphere, sound design, and lifelike characters that developed naturally through combat and exploration rather than cutscenes.

Attached: annoyed Ellie.webm (1070x1080, 1.42M)

I would.

>through combat and exploration
Ah, yes. The deep gameplay of walking sections.

Whoever was in charge of designing the camps deserves an award.

Attached: video games are art.jpg (3840x2160, 1007K)

agreed. this game is a chore to play. I want to like it so bad.

Typical Yea Forums NPC response.

Attached: 1545883197148.webm (1024x576, 2.69M)

This was the only truly memorable part from RDR1. Rockstar really nailed their voiced music timing in the second one. I love epic music moments like these. They send chills down the back of my neck. When I make my own game I'm going to use music moments like these. I can use Ableton and can write my own music. I'm so excited. I have a good game concept too.

You look at clips like these and they make you think "Hey, the game looks fun, maybe I should go for a replay" but then I'm reminded of how the game is such a chore overall.

This game lacks cute girls. There is something about all of their faces, like they seem old and grimy. Maybe they just intentionally only face-scanned average-looking women. Even Horizon Zero Dawn has cuter faces

Attached: HZD NPC.png (1025x577, 744K)

Mary-Beth is extra cute, you faglord.

This. The environmental music in 1 is so much better. In 2 it sounds like elevator music.

Controlling the horse is unacceptably tedious and boring for a game where it’s the main form of transport.

open world is the good part but autists can't enjoy that

music can add a special layer to a scene. I think rdr2 really nailed the music in alot of spots.

Attached: yes.png (499x164, 15K)

How is it a chore?The 10 minutes of forced walking spread out over a 15-hour game? There's combat every ten minutes to appease low-attention span zoomers like you. Grow up.

The game plays so much better if you remap your controller in Accessibility settings so that X is swapped for R1. Then you can swing the camera around while you are sprinting / galloping full-speed without having to do the claw-grip

But I can't ever make a good looking female in RDR2 because sjws

There are women with cuter faces than the protag in that game

I'll never forgive them

especially after I saw the concept art

Fucking slack jawed ginger cavegirl with a hairy bush growing up to her bellybutton

>Tfw only in it for the cowboi porn
I'm gonna beat my meat and no one is gonna stop me

I just wish I could get a game that isn't a fucking sequel from one of these companies. Rockstar gave me LA Noire and I didn't even ask for it. It was fantastic. Rockstar should never make a sequel again. Now that I think about it, this is the problem with every industry. NO SEQUELS, REMAKES, OR REBOOTS. FUCK OFF REEEEEEEEE.

In online, if I wanna do all the story missions, do I just go from max honor to max dishonor for the evil missions?

Some of them look good I think. It appears to be very difficult to get it to look right though

Attached: awkh81m2pz021.jpg (1827x1237, 219K)

On Call will access all missions regardless of honor. Also if say a honor or dishonor person joins, the posse can access those missions they usually can't.

I used to join dishonor posses so they could do the honor missions because I carry max honor

The voiced music alone almost sells the game. I'm gonna make a Commandos 2 style game but with MGS3 non-Subsistence top-down camera and MGS5 controls. I'm going to give it a good narrative with a plot twist, epic music moments and RE7-style camp humor. And Hitler will appear in the game most likely, with his first appearance in the same mood as video-related. I want to make the most Yea Forums-approved game ever made and I can do it. I just need to afford and build a new computer.


RDR2 is the litmus test of someone's taste for me. If you legitimately think this game is bad, you are either an NPC or have some weak trolling game.

can you imagine a song like this playing as Hitler is screaming at you from a podium as he's directing his bodyguards to kill you wile you're running around frantically trying to get out of a tight spot in an MGS3 style stealth game?

You barely have control in RD2 because Rockstar is too busy sucking themselves off over their animations.

Anyone who claims to love video games and enjoyed RDR2 is a lying piece of shit.

All i wanted was a cowboy game, i got a retarded movie worse then the shittes disney movies

Then Miyazaki from Fromsoft is a piece of shit and so is Sakurai from Smash.

Enjoyed RDR1 and 2's on sale
Should I get 2?

Wrong. There are things it did well. Games are all about the gameplay and the music and RDR2 nailed the music. The biggest and desu the only issue I have with RDR2 is the map size and therefore the distance you have to travel to start a new mission. The rest is pure kino goodness. It's one of the best games ever made.

2 is vastly superior to 1. Fugg RDR2 got nearly solid 10/10 perfect scores. It really is the game of the generation.