>I am forgotten...
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Shit just isn't ready for prime time. Not unlike then tessellation was released, shit took 6-7 years to actually get good enough hardware and software adoption of it. Will likely be the same for real time raycasting.
Nvidia's fault was trying to make it the selling point of the cards.
>nvidia gpus forgotten
>all intel cpus rekt by vulnerabilities
AMD won.
When your main gimmick is a graphics option that cuts your FPS in half for a minor fidelity increase whilst also being roughly 20% more expensive than the previous generation of cards, whilst also offering not much raw performance increase, it's not surprising.
We all know Nvidia was only comfortable releasing RTX because AMD can't really compete and won't have an answer to Nvidia's midrange until Navi comes out and even then Nvidia will have their new cards coming relatively soon after that.
Ideally there shouldn't be a winner. That's when customer wins.
It could have been something but NVIDIA had to go full jew with prices.
Yeah, but that's what happened.
There's no other relevant company that's making working and good products.
Fucking cryptocucks ruined the GPU market once and for all.
Hard to forget that pricing.
>he doesn't buy products from the underdog company
>he supports jews instead at Intel and Nvidia
>Can just buy a 2080 at some point in the next two years when the price finally drops
>Play on 1440p for like six more years until it's finally time to play games in 4K
Can't wait
My next PC is almost certainly going to be a ryzen2 + Navi build, but that's only really because Zen2 is likely going to be cheaper for the equivalent performance from Intel and RTX prices are a joke
Nvidia > AMD still
>when amd gets btfo they're the underdogs
>when AMD has a slight advantage they're curbstomping the competition incels and nvidiots BTFO laughingsatania.gif
>meanwhile the bigwigs are selling off their stocks in million dollar batches before each major "announcement"
So far I'm not really sure what I should upgrade for since most modern vidya is trash anyway, and the only games with huge ass requirements are AAA titles.
they're releasing an upgraded turing for cheaper later this year. i'm probably going to get that. ray tracing is gonna be big next gen and sony has even said so and nvidia rtx is the industry leading tech right now so it's a no brainer to buy it.
In the future I will move to an RTX. I have a 1070ti and it seems good for everything I use it for.
It will never be time to play games in 4K
Game developers have spent over 2 decades imitating the effects of raytacing. You don't need it for variable shadow penumbrae, or light bleeding, or contact shadows, or most reflections. Nvidia and Digital Foundry's demos turn shaders off entirely on the non-raytraced footage to make it look better than it actually is.
Will new ryzen be on am4 socket? I plan on big upgrade this summer.
Yes, but it might depend on what motherboard you have if it supports Zen2 or not.
no I don't buy amd, I prefer good user experience but I'm happy that you buy amd products and hope that one day the "next time" will be true
The only Intel processor I've bought in decades turned out to have severe security holes in it and the fixes for it reduced performance. I've had no such problems with any AMD product I've owned but yeah do you
Yes, they'll support it till the next year. Some motherboards won't, usually they are on the lower end(A320 seems to be the only ones not supporting ryzen's third gen).
didn't they just reveal motherboards that need active cooling for the new amd chipset?
fans for your mobo are back on the menu niggas
Only for PCI 4.0 and RAID M2.
as soon as software raytracing was done on amd cards, there was no point to rtx
name 1(one) game that uses RTX other than the ones released at the same time (BFV, Tomb Raider)
Fans in mobo are bad though, nobody uses standard ones that are user replaceable and they will be sleeve bearing shit that will die after a year or two.
Its nForce high end all over again.
Yes. Some motherboard manufactures already released the necessary BIOS updates
Metro Exodus
it was shilled by nvidia before RTX release so it falls under the same category as BFV and Tomb Raider
Right, well these are the only 3 games to make use of RTX so far.
yea I know, I was having a laugh
Bloodlines 2 is supposed to have RTX, but that's only coming out next year.
I have a 2060 but haven't played any RTX games. I might have to give Exodus a pirate.
But it and looks great when it's actually implimented properly. The problem is the lack of devs using it.