The eternal debate.
The eternal debate
Doom 2 is so obviously the best Doom game. It delivered such a perfect monster roster and weapon selection that it spawned a billion fucking fanmade maps.
What "debate"? Nobody in their brightest mind would ever choose the disposable trash of 2016 over THE greatest FPS game ever made.
eternal reminder that you can't aim upwards, downwards or diagonally in the original Doom without modding it
best FPS evar you guize
Hourly reminder that you cannot mod D44M, and its gameplay is pure shit.
Cheeky cunt
>THE greatest FPS game ever made.
Right is the better box art
>THE greatest FPS game ever made
UMM i think you mean halo sweaty
Please go back to kindergarten and end your existence.
nothing can ever top OG Doom of course
I'm replaying through D2TWID and having a pretty good time with it.
nothing will ever top the original to be 2bh with you
2016 is still quite a decent game
Why should I choose?
What debate? The old dooms are legendary classics. New doom is... ok, but nowhere near as important or impactful as old doom.
I hate the armor design in the new one
You are too old to be playing video games grandpa
You're too young to be here, zoomer.
>the eternal debate
Hmm yes i see what you did there
Why don't people like nu-Doom?
Only original DOOM lets me circle strafe at 70 MPH while firing a constant stream of rockets. It is clearly the better game.
Eat shit kid.
My late grandpa played his Nintendo literally to his death bed.
Why should people like that shit?
I think objectively speaking DOOM uses so many modern things like pacing of the players experience, advanced AI, mind blowing graphics, smooth animations, impessive sound design, that simply werent available as tools at the time for Doom. So if you personally value any of that then it would be the better game, but there's an overlap between old and autistic people who think this way
Have sex
Yeah, It's PURE SHIT. Fuck off, you hyperbolic cunt
>uses the word zoomer
>the newest buzzword of the hour
>wants to call anyone young
Boom > Zoom
>DOOM uses so many modern things like pacing of the players experience
Which ruins it completely.
>Advanced AI
fucking LOL.
>mind blowing graphics
the game is ugly as fuck. Seriously.
>smooth animations
in 2016? Big achievement.
>impressive sound design
Same as with the graphics, the audio design is pure trash.
>b-but muh old & autistic morons!!
Have sex, kid.
>enter room
>fight in a small arena for 3-5 minutes fighting "waves" of 5ish enemies at a time
>door opens and walk into next room
People born in 98 are 21. The future is now old man.
You're wasting your life.
What is it always either shit or GOAT with you people?
why? it loads faster, 0 cutscenes, 0 fucking around in menus upgrading shit
>playing nintendo until death
A true soiboi. Was he the real father of one of your parents?
>ywn run after Doomguy
Dude, its not even a contest in the first place, the fuck is your problem? Maybe if Doom fans werent abhorrent there wouldnt be so many pesky normies and casuals ruining the franchise. Its on you to explain in an inviting matter why the old gameplay is superior lest you just drive more and more people away, killing the franchise and any hope for it returning former glory.
>no exposed abs
doom2 would be hands down the best if it's level design wasnt ass.
If you honestly prefer Doom 2016 over Doom 1993 your taste is fucking garbage and nobody on planet earth should listen to your awful fucking thoughts on anything.
You can like it, sure, there's certainly some good parts about the game, but you have to be either lying or completely fucking retarded to think that the former is superior.
Nintendo is söy repellent.
What the fuck is his problem?
Lmao imagine bragging about this
Autism is the inability to understand why someone would have a different thought process than you, then resorting to denial or pouting when faced with this.
The only objective factor that Doom 2016 has over Doom 1 & 2 is graphical fidelity. That is it, literally, not figuratively, literally everything else is better in the first two.
you know how level design in DMC just sticks you in an arena as enemies spawn around you because the enemies are dangerous enough on their own that the designer doesn't need to place each individual enemy in a place where they can pose an actual threat to you (e.g. Doom level design)?
that's why nuDoom has arenas
He's a racist in an sjw world
Anything but Doom 3.
No. That's your zoom zoom's trend.
You just praise literal shit, and get distracted by a new package.
Doom 3 is a good game.
Doom 3 is the best though. Admit it, BOOMER
>Maybe if Doom fans werent abhorrent there wouldnt be so many pesky normies and casuals ruining the franchise.
So now it's the fault of the original fans and supporters of the IP that the series has been thrown to dogs by nu-devs, aiming their trash to gen-Z console peasants? Wew fucking wow, lad!
> Its on you to explain in an inviting matter why the old gameplay is superior
No. All you need to do is play the fucking game.
D4 was an all around downgrade from the original Doom games of 1990s, suffered of almost all the modern console-shooter cancer designs, and was afraid to go all out with its themes and overall legacy. It's practically the same as playing a 3D Binding Of Isaac; without the Doom-name on the cover, it would be just another one of these nu-retro shooters like Hard Reset, that'd get ignored and forgotten by masses in weeks. The name alone kept it up for few months, but now it's rightfully so dead.
The final nail in this shit pile's coffin however was Bethesda's utter idiotic decision to suddenly NOT provide real modding tools for it, so the fanbase could polish and fix it up, potentially keeping it relevant for years to come.
doom is better
F.E.A.R was pretty awesome
D3 is unironically a more enjoyable experience than nu-d44m.
fuck off nigger doom is obviously better than doom
There is literally nothing wrong with the arenas in nuDoom. DMC and God Hand did the same thing and it worked there. Why wouldn't it work in nuDoom?
duke is better in every way, from enemy variety, sound quality level design and gunfeel excluding super shotgun and design overall
Shadow Warrior is a strict upgrade to Duke in every way, as well as bringing new features.
you're both retarded and need to pay respects to Blood for having the depth of Douk but not the bullshit of Shadow Warrior
also no Randy Pitchford involved
why people circlejerk this series so much?
I already did: . I'm just pointing out that Shadow Warrior is better than Duke.
Blood > Shadow Warrior > Duke Nukem 3D (all are good).
why do people circlejerk smash and dmc so much
You need to be at least 18 or over to post here.
FEAR is easily one of the best shooters ever created, but I fail to understand what that has to do with the topic.
doomfags should be banned
it not even the best retro fps. Go back to /vr/.
Read the post I am replying to
Even if it wasn't (it is) that wouldn't matter. Go back to plebbit.
Yes. My post.
Still not following your string of thought.
duke, quake, blood, half life, unreal are better
both are good.
Fuck everyone in this thread. I enjoy both equally, for different reasons.
>lest you just drive more and more people away, killing the franchise and any hope for it returning former glory.
I wish that would happen, I fucking hate everything Bethesda did with the series, I would do anything for the franchise to die and return to being a niche community of modders.
It's crazy how this "just-about-a-horror" game was on the n64
he's implying that FEAR is the best fps game ever made you brainlet
Bethesda didn't develop Doom.
Quality b8 retard
There is no redeeming feature of classic doom games if you're not old as fuck and didn't grow up with them. Doom 3 and 2016 are both better than classic doom
Doom 2016 benefited from low expectations. Every 7th gen FPS was expected to copy either Modern Warfare or Halo, lots of retro games were getting shitty FPS remakes, and indeed Doom 4 was originally going in that direction too. It stood out less for what it had and more for what it didn't have: regenerating health, a 2 weapon limit, level designs that were just a linear string of setpieces or a squad of NPCs barking orders at you.
>General Gameplay - Doom 2
>Map Quality - Doom 1
Cant we just like both?? Why does it have to be a competition?
This is also why DE:HR got a bit overrated. Everyone was expecting it to either be Call of Deus Ex or the game Thief 4 ended up being. There was a fake quote from one of the developers passed around on Yea Forums that said it was gonna be 4-6 hours long, and people believed it.
You literally do the exact same thing and Doom 1 and 2 just with no security lockdown nobody a room of enemies in Doom and says "i want to leave"
You can like both, just admit the older is better
icycalm was right doomfags are autistic
>duke 3d last
eat shit and die
It's just FPS boomers in general.
Zoomers get the rope
If they were going to pay homage to the original art they should have done it properly. The doomguy's pose in the original is fucking iconic. Look at that fucker, one imp has already got his arm, he's firing wildly into the crowd but they're already on him, even coming from behind, I mean that one imp is aboutto close his hand on doomguy's leg. This guy is properly DOOMed.
New doomguy has a less desperate stance, he's easily hoisting an enemy into the air with one hand, noone's managed to lay a hand on him yet. There's no other marine in the background coming to help him because he doesn't need any fucking help. This doomguy has been in control from Day 1. He's not DOOMed at all.
I know I'm nitpicking but the two pics convery two very different feelings. The original is "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" and the new one is the same except it's the demon's who are saying it.
It's good, but definitely the weakest of the Buid trinity.
Music is fuckin trash in doom 2 so i like it less. A lot of the levels arent fun too
Gameplay wise sure. But I prefer the setting and feel of D3D.
>Being proud of having shit taste
fuckin lol
it has best level and enemy design
so the demons become the doomed? Fits the tone perfectly for me
Except you couldn't be more wrong. Original Dooms were key/switch hunts. Say it's bad if you want but that's not the point, the point is they play very differently. For the overwhelming majority of original doom levels you don't technically need to kill anything.
Also not having rooms seal behind you changes the flow of gameplay. In new Doom if you get caught in a bad position you die. In old Doom if you get caught in a bad position you can run blindly further into a level, maybe you just run into more monsters, or maybe you stumble across a treasure trove of health and ammo, letting you go back and win the fight, and it was created this way on purpose, original doom takes a surprising amount of inspiration from dungeon crawlers and DnD. It's a different flow of gameplay.
Oldoom lets you run away like a coward from every encounter and scrounge around with impunity for free heals. DOOM makes you clench your buttocks and deal with the situation with only the health you carried out of the last encounter.
DOOM has the superior game design.
Blood is actually souless compared to duke nukem
yeah doomfags have shit taste
Chex Quest master race.
>Scrounge around with impunity
Except that's wrong. Health in original Doom is limited. If you're using health packs from the next room then you're basically borrowing from future you with no intention to pay back. In new Doom there's essentially unlimited health in the form of glory kills so it becomes 100% about action with out any consideration for making strategic decisions. I mean you've never got an excuse NOT to use a glory kill, it's not like you can save that Glory Kill for the next room. You use it immediately or you lose it.
>title the game DOOM
>can run away from enemies and avoid fighting
still play more quality mods than most fags on this board
>using a voodoo doll as an enemy
Pick one.
Doom had the best maps
Doom 2 had the best gameplay. Although similar what it did introduce makes it feel great.
Where my super shotgun niggas at
God I wish I didnt suck at Blood.
I like both. Music-wise 2016 is definetely better, no argue over that.
Why has there got to be some edgy fucking debate?
My favorite old game is the original Doom
My favorite modern game is Doom 2016
>gay african witchdoctor shit
>he doesn't like shitty midi straight rip-offs of 90s rock and metal tunes
nigga u homo
the super shotgun in doom 2 is one of the most satisfying weapons of all time, I love the sound it makes so much. such a heavy thud
Fuck off Beth marketer, your shitty new dooms are nothing more than a mediocre shooter that doesn't even try to capture any of the magic that Doom had other than some models resembling old enemies.
Some Beth suit learned about the comic and brutal doom and this is the shit the corporate studios spewed out.
crappy zoomer game
nuDoom is as much Doom as Doom 3
>game is called Doom
>it's actually Doom 4
Fuck this misleading advertisement, I aint gonna play this shit. Marketing pencil pushing managers who contribute nothing to society and only exist to butcher simple and intuitive naming schemes are the worst cancer of the entire entertainment industry and all the adjacent ones.
You're a prick, you meme loving fuck
half of those are shadow warrior enemies retard
I mean Technically Thy Flesh Consumed Was Doom 4, since each episode was basically it's own game. But if you don't want to accept that, then either Plutionia or TNT would be Doom 4, depending on how you look at it I guess. Unless you count both of them as one game, in which case Doom 64 would be Doom 4.
So depending on how you look at it, New Doom is actually Doom 6, Doom 7 or Doom 9 or 10.
Something doesn't need to be as impactful to be better. I've played neither Doom but I would much rather play the 2016 version.
Just replayed both recently and they both have their strong and weak points.
The gunplay of 1993 still holds up well, but the episodes get progressively more shit in terms of level design. 2016 is more consistent, albeit some levels are more linear than I'd like. And even if it's because of engine limitations, I actually like monster closets more after playing the original. OG Doom is a lot more about methodically clearing out entire levels which is fine too, but I like how shit in D44M quickly gets a lot more frantic as you have to dash around and be more aggressive to survive.
>Doom 3
Elaborate tech demos with gameplay entirely designed around showcasing engine's possibilities.
>Doom 2
>Quake 3
Focus on refining previously discovered gameplay formula.
>Quake 2
>Quake 4
>Quake Champions
Lazy cash grabs to keep franchises relevant.
the only debate to ever exist was "DOOD Vs. MOOM"
Doom (2016) got good reviews. I haven't played it but it looks great and apparently it plays very well too. The multiplayer was criticised but the campaign was very well-received.
>span dynamite around each corner to avoid getting niggered by hordes of hitscanners
Fuck Blood.
And fuck buildshit in general.
Why? Just play both you dummy.
With all the teasing they've done on their twitter, I really hope they either directly or indirectly reference Daisy in Eternal.
Like you guys actually like that old msdos games xD like for real niggas Game is shit, graphics are terrible, no story,. Generic sounds and music lul like only retards like shit games lmao kill ur self's xD
both are trash but for different reasons
also only boomers like original doom and there are dozens of fps way better nowadays
Doom has quite a lot of shit, actually. Mostly just bossfights, though.
NuDoom has some good shit like how imps behave.
Those are quite different games but old one has a much better level design and that's what matters the most.
Based and Peterson pilled.
Imagine being a young virgin retard and being proud of it
gzdoom is for zoomers the sourceport anyone should use is boom
>Blood is soulles-
[Roller Mobster intensifies]
*screaming Civvie 11*
>Doom 2016
>shit sound design
Based autism going over hard on this simp
>a pathetic webm of someone playing some literally who garbage sprite based dos fps that was already outdated on its release in the 90s, as if its some shitty esport
Git gud.
How is it a debate?
Fucking Doom 3 BFG is better because it at least has mods
It is such a shame really, D44M would be wonderful if it wasn't for the dogshit stiff as fuck movement and annoying AI with predictive aiming
holy buzzword batman
I actually really enjoyed doom 2016
generally I think its unfair to compare the two games. Made entirely in different ages of the FPS genera but when it comes to a single player FPS experience doom 2016 captures a lot of the original thesis of the fps gameplay.
If you stand still you are punished.
Its gameplay is solid and readily punished me for my mistakes while keeping to original doom feel of arenas of violence.
The fact that the 3d space is used well too makes each arena fun to play in.
Both games a quality examples of the genera in their time periods but not truly better than eachother. Original Doom has the benefit of having a bigger impact on the revolution of the genera and its effect on the FPS as a whole while its likely that Doom 2016 wont have as much of an affect since it does not necessarily impact the fps genera.
as a bonus have polygon laff material
>Doom 3 BFG is better
Doom 3 is the worst Doom game.
What are the best """doomlike""" games? This includes classic and 2016
>I've played neither Doom but I would much rather play the 2016 version.
And you think your ""opinion"" is worth jack shit now?
fuck doomfags they hate other retro fps.
But I love other FPS.
Doom 3 was a product of its time and the industry id found themselves having to catch up with however I still kind of like it aside from those imps behind doors
Doom 2016 was what it needed to be however, id Software slamming a 9 inch cock onto the table of the games industry showing everyone how an FPS is really done
I pity the timeline that got Homefront: The Evilution
And they went on to make this disaster.
they only worked on the shooting part which is the only good thing about the game
Woah dude running around blastin dudes with the double barrel just like we used ro do in doom2. So much soul and originality
You'd be hard pressed to name another FPS with as much soul as Blood.
It could have been but the animations were worse and the level design was kind of a mess.
i don't dislike it but i hate that kids now associate it with DOOM over the originals. i also hate that they added a bunch of lore and story shit which those same kids now retroactively apply to the originals. it's an ok game but they should have let DOOM stay dead and made an original game.
>Doom 3 is the worst Doom game.
Not any more, by a long shot.
>Doom 2016 was what it needed to be however, id Software slamming a 9 inch cock onto the table of the games industry showing everyone how an FPS is really done
Imagine believing this nonsense, holy fuck!
D2016 is yet another butchered modern reboot, just like dozens of others. Generic as fuck, but praised solely because of the classic IP's name and synthetized hype.
Honestly the only problem with that game is the writing and tone, much like the first but in the exact opposite way
The first has this fascinating setting filled with interesting character designs however every single one was just set dressing or a merchant.
Kenneth Scott's work in that game is beautiful but the game didn't do anything with it other than make some mutants stumble around when shot effectively.
The gunplay was fine (for a game in the COD fever) but there was no character to motivation to get you interested. Fuck it, I stopped playing when a guy I had just done a job for got arrested by 'the authority' and I felt that was totally justified. I realized then that I wasn't on the same wavelength with the game and just threw it away.
However now it wants to be all wacky like borderlands, dumping the interwining industrial look and level design of the first and filling it with Watch Dogs 2 open world bullshit, but the gameplay is pretty fun when it is not being interrupted by zany characters having 'banter', trying ot get you invested in completely unrelatable characters
In shorty, Kenneth Scott is a true talent of the games industry (when he's not given control of an existing IP) and he doesn't get the respect he deserves
>plane eats helicopter
Amazing soundtrack, bad everything else.
It had some room-over-room levels.
Both are great for their own reasons.
This game is quickly becoming overrated around here.
>Final Doom PSX>Doom PSX>Doom 64=Quake 64
Stephan Weyte is pretty good, but Lo Wang is the best. Dick Kickem is the weakest: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WANTA SUM WANG > Bruce Campbell meets Vincent Price > dook flickem
i am pointing out that theres a second doom guy on the original cover
>tfw Shadow Warrior was your favorite
The remakes suck balls, but there wasn't as much backlash. Probably because jew-toobers won't touch Lo Wang because Lo Wang is untouchable.
It's underrated.
this 32 year old boomer says that halo:ce is the best fps of all time. getting 16 bros on 4 xboxs in the same house then ordering pizza and wings was the best.
Never played it but looks good.
Why do people hate it, is it another port?
it's a different game than doom or doom 2, but it's not as fun. it's also too dark, like doom 3 but with no flashlight.
I doubt that average Yea Forumsirgins are able to past the first level on lightly broiled
There is no debate, both are amazing
have sex
>FPS Open world SMT
Physically impossible. We won't have that sort of technology for another thirty or forty years at a minimum.
Unreal Tournament 1999 > Quake > Doom.
There is no debate. nuDoom is trash and anyone that likes it is a mouth breathing moron.
No one thinks you're right, old man
at that difficulty the game forces you to play it like a cover shooter.
epic 90s design.
Not if you git gud.
I love when retarded faggots say this. You're outing yourself as an idiot who knows nothing about the game. You're not supposed to stand perfectly still in one shoot non stop. The game is all about moving non stop.