Was it THAT bad?

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it's was an alright game just not the sequel I was hoping for

they took too long to release it. also
>square enix

When you realize the game was designed for a 10-year-old audience you stop caring about how bad it was. But yeah, it was bad.

if the last hour of the game wasn't so unbelievably shitty, nobody would be even a fraction as angry

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I was really good, I'm sad for those fans that had their expectations too high

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>Shipping trash
The game isn't bad because Riku wants to fuck Namine

Ya it was pretty bad.

Couple of cool moments but otherwise its a solid 4/10

I never mentioned shipping you tard, that's fanart drawn over a photograph.

i'm talking about killing kairi, not explaining the 'time travel' at all, copping out after 30 hours as to what the power of waking is (you had it in you all along!!), and not even being able to strike Xehanort with the final blow (he just goes whaaaa and floats away dramatically, not even a fraction as satisfying as directly striking Xemnas with your key beam in the same manner in KH2 and then regaining control to strike the final blow in the way you want to)

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>it's was an alright game just not the sequel I was hoping for


>Einhander devs worked on KH3 gummy ship
>Einhander ship in KH3
>Einhander boss in KH3
>Einhander remake of song for said boss AND original PS1 soundtrack plays if you use the Einhander ship

>I was really good
Oh no, you weren't. Osaka team showed once again they can't make fun gameplay if their lives depended on it.

the einhander stuff was just because the devs carried over from einhander worked on BBS and then got brought over to KH3.

it was good.

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There was an interview about the gummyship being an "alpha" for einhander. Basically were using KH3 to gauge interest from japanese to see if they wanted an Einhander game. Apparently they did and still do so it won't surprise me if its announced. Id like to point out that when it comes out Ill screenshot this post showing I was right. See you at E3.

Man was the Gummi Ship section bad.
>hey, cool. You get these free roam space sections to act as hubs between routes, that's really neat
>hey, there's a mission, let's see how the real meat is
>destroy these enemies
>Well, I'm sure it's just one type of mission, let's do another
>it's the only type of mission
Way to set your expectations up only to crash them.

Exactly this, it was okay but in no way did it stand up to 1 or 2 in the slightest.

Why do you think Osaka is so incapable of this? Lack of good leadership? Expertise? KH3 felt more like a BBS/DDD successor than a KH1/KH2 one to me, which I think upset a lot of fans. Even minor shit like the menus seemed to have less polish than in previous titles.

Terra being the Guardian raises a dozen questions desu.

>has Terra been the Guardian every time we've seen it including in KH1?
>does this mean the World of Darkness airship from KH1 was also Terra?
>did Terra's heartless die in the finale of KH1?
>was Terra being traded back and forth between Terranort and Ansem SOD while time travel shenanigans occurred?
>why do they need to share the Guardian in KH3 between each other, wouldn't time travel create two Guardians and thus two Terras?
etc etc etc


Attached: Kingdom Hearts 3 do nothing to win.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

>Was it THAT bad?
>Was it THAT good?

In crit that attack 1 shots you. That vid is obviously from standard mode.

>blaming the fans for being disappointed in your mediocrity
I'd tell you to eat dick, Nomura, but you'd probably enjoy it.

There are so many things to complain about in regards to this fight and yet this one fucktard uses it to convey the brain dead observation that the game is easy, despite this particular fight being easy on purpose, because it's more about Axel and Roxas than Sora. May as well show the second half where Roxas on all difficulties just vaporizes health bars effortlessly as if that's not the intention of the fight all along

The real complaint should be that Kairi gets to be in your party exclusively in this one fight and only until Axel has his tantrum and she is kidnapped/replaced by Xion. You don't even get a fucking reaction command with her.

>the menus
I want to fucking kill whatever retard invented this "light gradient with a thin border" aesthetic. Because it's fucking everywhere and it does nothing but piss me off. The fact that the journal was replaced by a fucking smartphone menu made it even worse.

Smells like falseflag.

Even ignoring 1, 2, and BBS it was immensiley disappointing
keep in mind I played all the side shit and handheld sequels and had fairly low hopes and I was still extremely unsatisfied on pretty much every level
Maybe Critical Mode helps the piss easy gameplay I haven't checked it out yet

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>and BBS
If anything taking into account BbS would make KH3 look all that much better.

>First three fourths of the game are spent doing things entirely irrelevant to the plot
How was this greenlit?

>The fact that the journal was replaced by a fucking smartphone menu made it even worse.
Yeah, I'm not a fan of that stuff at all. Sora is a full on teenager so it makes sense to add all that business with the social networks in the loading screens and the smartphone, but eh, I really wasn't big on it.

It wasn't bad, it was just mostly completely unnecessary.

You don't get a reaction command with any of them, also Sora should never have been a player in every fight. The war should have made use of the multiple playable characters Nomura made a big deal of. Play as Axel against Saix until Roxas bails him out then switch, play as Aqua against Terra and Vanitas, play as Riku against Xigbar and Darku, play as Sora against the Org leftovers and the final battle.


You can make something relatable without hamfisting modern technology into it. There was no need for this crap when the entirety of the series already got by without catering to the zoomer generation.

Evil Repliku.

No I actually do think the Osaka team is worse at making KH than the others. Just look at that “secret boss” lol.
KH3 seems to have been on the back burner while Square made FFXV, only to be rushed once they finally got around to it, so they could work on FFVII. KH3 got stuck with the b-team.

what a qt

I think-- and this is just a theory-- this game, may not have been finished.

Keyblade Graveyard as a whole feels like it was made in great haste. Bosses and puzzles weren't designed for you to have Glide which they give you for no reason just before that. Nobody has Reaction Commands. The time travel and Lich are complete nonsense that Nomura pulled fresh from his ass and slapped onto the script without even figuring out how it could make any sense whatsoever.

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>I think-- and this is just a theory-- this game, may not have been finished.
Very astute, user. But I'm sure pretty much suspected that when they said that the game would be getting considerable content drops down the line, some of them being free.

Still the best in the series imho, my biggest gripe with it is how the prefabs are just so much better than anything you're gonna build. Especially the last two or three you get

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>death scenes are the only point the villains can be given motives in this lopsided plot
>Larxene just flat out refuses the notion she had any motive at all
>just more affirmation that her sole character depth is "marluxia's fuck buddy" and she has zilch going on beyond that unless you play the fucking shitty mobile game

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>KH3's combat is ba-

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I think the point it's making is that standard mode is a joke

For my dick.

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I'm not sure squeenix understands how time sensitive their faggy DeviantArt series is. People who started playing at a young age are in their thirties now

Yes. Horrible story. Less content than fucking ps2 games. Rushed out.

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Not really. Just doesn’t hit the high notes 2 did. I enjoyed a lot of the game though. The Caribbean is my favorite world in the series after 1 Hollow Bastion.

Yeah that final boss rush is the highlight of the game yet feels less satisfying than KH2's end or Org fights

Standard mode is always a joke.

that entire webm is just the pirates keyblade doing work by mashing X and occasionally pressing triangle

pirates keyblade is already well known to be the coolest sword aside from Ultima, literally why would you use anything else besides maybe tangled key

The Disney worlds were shit compared to the first two games. Most of the Pirates of the Carribean world was collecting crabs on a tiny island. You don't even visit them a second time.

post aquas

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>you don't get to bring the guardians as party members to post completion Disney worlds
Waste potential: the game.

>triangle triangle triangle triangle triangle

We got the triple Nort fight out of it which was the highlight for me. Especially on critical mode.

post aquas >:(

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DLC will fix it

I doubt it, but I'll hold on to that final sliver of hope before I write off the rest of the series completely.


Whatever they pushed out, no matter the quality, was always going to be disappointing. It was simply impossible to actually deliver on 10+ years of hyping up.

Bad character :y

Isn't the DLC just the Critical mode?

Fix the whole maingame? Probably not.
The episodes could be fun though. I hope the optional bosses they add are decent. Especially the obligatory sequel bait boss.

No post larxenes

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Kingdom Hearts 2 still remains my favorite. One aspect of Kingdom Hearts that really attached me to the series was it having a cool/comfy area that was almost kind of a hub area. In KH1 it was Traverse Town, and maybe a little bit of the island. Then you go to the strange and cool Hollow Bastion. For KH2 you had Twilight Town, with the new strange and cool place being The World That Never Was. I remember these places, I can still hear the music in my head. Then we get to KH3. There really isn't anything that gives you that comfy/cool vibe all throughout the game. You've seen the boring old keyblade graveyard, and it doesn't get more exciting. Then at the last second of the game, they show you something that really does stand out, but to me it still felt like it fell short. Also, I can't recall any of KH3's music. No amount of loose ends tying, and sequel baiting can save KH3 from being the weakest mainline entry. Also attractions got old FAST. It got to the point that I wished I could disable them just so I wouldn't have to cycle through them to get to abilities I actually wanted to use.

This, the gameplay (minus the attractions) was fine but the story could have been better

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Runs like pure ass on ps4 i'll wait for a steam release/pirate or never play it.

Not THAT bad, just bad, a 4/10
The game was set for doom the moment they changed it from the definitive end of the series, into another pointless sequel in a endless saga because that's what every single popular IP must be now, or investors will be slightly less rich, and we can't have that, of course.


Imagine getting bullied by Larxene.

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a final mix-esque DLC is coming out later this year
give me more action abilities, bosses mid-game and other minigame type enimes, and i'll have my GOTY Kh3

It was never meant to end the series as a whole. But you're right that it didn't even manage to to end the first saga in a satisfying manner.

Come on. Idort master race here, and even though I built my rig to run absolutely everything at max, it still doesn't bother me that much when the console exclusives have frame rate dips. Like holy shit, get over yourself.

I enjoyed it, now give me a sidegame with the Days crew on the switch

Sure, that's why there wasn't one single reference to THE BOX and master of masters before the mobile game, the entire story was build ioly around Xenahort before 2016, and why every single thread/ fan was hyped for 3 because it was going to be the epic conclusion before too.

*Built only*

Yes, the epic conclusion to the Nort saga. The box and UX were always meant to set up what came after. 3's problem was that it focused more on this bullshit instead of saving it for the next game.

The heavy leaning on that shitty mobile game definitely hindered it further

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Meanwhile in reality

Attached: KH3 do nothing to die.webm (1920x1080, 2.8M)

Kh3 was doomed to fail as soon as the started maked spinoff sequels after kh2.

When you look at the entire picture after KH3 you can pretty much tell that BBS, DDD, & KH3 were supposed to be the same game.

>Play as aqua, ven, terra for a little. >Then lose etc
>Play as sora
>take the keyblade master test
>Fail as sora, riku passes
>Sora still determined to save the masters
>Rescue aqua, ven, terra.
>Go and fight xehanort
>ending happens, sora dies

Not even getting into the gameplay, which imo was its own set of problems.The problem with KH3 was that it didnt have its own storyline to go off of. Everyone knew what was going to happen.

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critical mode and the removal of attractions made the game 2x better. i even got to see some new animations from bosses since they did not die in a few seconds.

its fucking amazing and currently the second best game with fm version it can even become the best one.

Someone tell me Sora on 3 doesn't control as Aqua on 0.2. She takes too fucking long to start running, every small steep makes her "drop" and stops momentum on its track and she cant circle or move fast enough because of how her running and movement are more realistic.
Ive been playing all games back to back and 0.2 has the worst movement by far, bbs being very close.

Yep, this. It was good, but it should've been much better.

One of the worst AAA games released to date. To think it would take around 10 years of development and would end up like this. Square really dropped the ball.

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It's the worst game ever. For startes, X is attack, and not jump. Everyone knows that X is jump on the Playstation (not on PC, lol). Secondly, it has mickey mouse in it (I wrote his name in smaller case on purpose), and you can't take a video game seriously, if it has childish Disney characters in it. Jack Sparrow was cool, though. Third, it was way too confusing, like you can't tell what is happening and why is happening. It should have used a straightforward quest tracking system, so I know what to do. Fourthly, it was way too easy on standard (why does easy exist, btw? thats for little girls, lol). And when they released critical mode, it is waaaay too hard. I can't finish the tutorial level, and thats bad game design. All in all, I never played a worse game in my life.

The best keyblades are Ever After, Hero's Origin, Shooting Star and Ultima. Ultima has the best passive abilities, stats, a top 2 Shotlock, the best overall transformation Finisher, and Ultimate Form is the best overall physical transformation.

Ever After offers Aeroza, its Shotlock is as strong as Ultima's while trading AoE for lock on distance, and holds the enemy in hitstun for a short period after Sora finishes the Shotlock. Mirage Staff attacks scale off magic, the combo string is very strong with the potential to outdamage Ultimate Form on very large enemies, hitboxes cover Sora well and is highly mobile, but has some trouble keeping humanoids in hitstun. Afterimage shots are a high hitstun high hitcount ranged attack that can deal great damage depending on the enemy and your stats compared to its (most notable against Lump of Horror, where it'll outdamage most non Situation Command/D Link attacks). Mirage Staff grants Element Form, which allows for Firaga spam in combination with Mickey Clasp and Flanniversary Badge in Lv 1, and grants another Magic Galvanizer.

Arrowguns are a high hitcount, spammable ranged attack with a good cumulative modifier for the finisher. Very high hitcount attacks are notable since no attack can deal less than 1 damage per hit, which makes them stronger at Lv 1 where your stats are shit. Arrowguns also use double magic which is quite strong and ranged, and Shooting Star grants Element Form, which is useful as noted above.

Hero's Origin's Finisher gives you tons of invincibility, deals solid damage to groups and is the highest potential damage Finisher against very large enemies. Most of Counter Shield's attacks are Thunder elemental, which lets you boost them with Thunder Boost. Shield strings have great range ending with an easy to use AoE. Shield's counter attack is one of the strongest attacks when fully powered up and boosted via Crit's perfect guard/Thunder Boosts.

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Sums it up pretty well. It's an ok game on it's own, but was not worth the wait.

whatever dunce colored this image (poorly) also removed the title of her book. it's supposed to say Marquis de Sade on the cover.

hey gaylord just use magic

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The story was somehow worse than I was expecting and I already had low expectations.

that third panel is basically that screenshot everyone posts of terra talking about the darkness in front of queen minnie lmao

It was explained in the Ultimania. Terra was in Ansem, he just hijacked the Guardian.

5 years*. Still inexcusable but everytime someone makes this mistake shitposters seep out of the woodwork.

>it’s an alright game
>but it’s bad
Why are KH3fags so insecure? Is it really that hard to admit the game you’ve waited over a decade for is hot garbage?

that doesn't really mean much when the entire fandom pretty much all think that scene was proving the fan theory that he has in fact been the guardian the entire series, every time we've seen it

a footnote in ultimania probably isn't going to change fanon at this point

>keyblade choice has no effect on magic
>when base magic is weaker than all of the transformation variants
>and you require specific abilities from element form to get the best magic setup

Also, Links shit on magic, especially due to their increased cost effectiveness with Critical's nerfed MP bar.

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Needs Ven seething in the car behind them

nobody wants to admit that the payoff they waited over a decade and a half for, was unsatisfying.

look at GOT s8, the idea of admitting that their 8 years of investment is so abhorrent to GOT fans that they are now petitioning the showrunners to fire all the writers and just start S8 over again entirely.

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years of investment *was wasted

goddamn it why cant every site have a fuckin edit button

Jesus, why did they put so many veins in his head?

>people still implying that base kh3 has less content than base 1 or 2
People really out here posting despite never playing pre-final mix games.

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everything about old xehanort in KH3 raises "why" questions, like why did they hire rutger hauer, and why does he not even attempt to sound anything like leonard nimoy?

Dude don't even, base 2 had a fuck ton of shit to do.

Yes. Also the endgame is a fucking joke. Who had the idea that Battlegates with literally who enemies would be a good endgame?

KH1FM released on December of 2002
KH2FM released on March of 2007
KH3 has less content than two PS2 games from the early 2000s.

3's content feels mostly like filler. 1 had a more concise arc than the rest of the games and 2 at least spiced it up with Org fights whereas in 3 all the disney worlds just have nothing to do with the plot even when there are massive missed oppurtunities to do so
I'm still made about Marluxia putting Sora to sleep (IE a huge fucking thing in DDD) and literally LITERALLY nothing came of it. He just gets up, no dive to heart, no nothing
Iroincally I heard the jap version died too and thats why he doesn't have as many lines as expected. Though at least Ansem and Xenmas brought their A game

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Someone is going to point out the "base" versions of Kh1 and 2 that America got which had more and you'll just backpedal to say you were referring to the JPN Kh1 and 2 right?

>13 years to release
>Still rushed

>people play KH2 to this day
>one of the most fun speedrun games in existence because the combat and bosses are so good

vanilla kh2 combat and bosses were already better than anything in KH3 by default, the game was already fun and enjoyable and FM only made it moreso. all FM added was COR shit and a couple new abilities it didn't revamp the entire game. KH2 was already a great game. Who gives a shit which has statistically greater quantities of bosses, every boss in KH3 is braindead and the sluggish combat and lack of interesting reaction commands or gimmicks makes them all feel the same.

Just the world quality in 3 is a massive step down from 2 and 1
No fucking original worlds until the last one is a mystifying decision

It does, and so does base KH3. But KH2FM was so drastically rebalanced and upgraded in FM, that comparing a totally complete version of KH2 to an obviously incomplete version of KH3 is not an honest comparison. People should be waiting until KH3 content is absolutely done before placing it next to the other FMs.

ansem and xemnas' death scenes after nort court fight are some of the best dialogue in the game

didn't play KH3 but base KH2 was so easy it hurt

I'm a 2FMchad, but I give credit where it's due. For all its flaws KH3 does have a fair number of good offensive options, advanced tech (magic spam setups with Mickey Clasp, Ariel's multi hits, Mirage Staff string multi hits, optimizing Ralph, afterimage/arrowgun damage scaling, extending combos with airstep, juggling and storing transformations) and some good fights (mostly the chaos of the Org battles).

Although this isn't saying much, it's the best action game of 2019 so far since DMC5 is trash and Sekiro dropped the ball compared to BB.

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Their voices alone are GOAT, they could be reading a grocery list and they'd give me a chubby
Except people played base 1 and 2 for years and plenty only played them and still share the same sentiments you assclown

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How does this even happen? Let’s also not forget how they also cut content from this already contentless game

The game was in dev hell and they were forced to transition to a brand new engine they knew nothing about, on top of Disney being far more meddlesome and demanding than they had been in the old days. Nomura and Yasue both confirmed that Pixar and Disney were a huge pain and needed constant step-by-step approval on every little thing they added or changed. As much as I love to slag on the game for being mediocre, it is a fucking miracle the game is even as good as it is, when you hear about shit like how they had to technically go behind Pixar's back to remake Elsa's hair because they were contractually obligated to use the movie assets Disney sent them

Yeah bud I'm totally sure you didn't die to Xaldin or Cerberus or Saix on your first try

how's its bad if I still had fun with it?

most people that mindlessly shit on kh3 are casuals that have no clue about the gameplay.
How many people do you think know that incomplete shotlocks heal you with certain keyblades, or that clones stay with ever after if you dont use the finisher, or that you shoot two spells with the guns, or even how to use the guard keyblade?

Almost no one most idiots complaining complain because they have no clue.

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The fuck is up with the "You waited 12 years for KH3" nonsense? The KH games come out like every 3 years


>The fuck is up with the "You waited 12 years for KH3" nonsense?
After KH2 came out people wanted KH3, not KH 358/2 Days of Sleep Re:Coded 2.8 Prologue
Those other titles felt like something to pass the time with until the real deal arrived.

Yes it's largely the same physics, 0.2 is KH3's prologue that was cut to sell separately. But you have some better movement options in KH3 like airstep.

>want to start critical no attractions playthrough
>got to the last world and dropped it because combat was so boring and mindless
>don't have the motivation to restart again
Wish I could have experienced it like that from the start

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This is the cost of ultra-high-spec graphics. People don't seem to understand that our obsession in modern years of squeezing every last drop of performance and graphical polish out of our tech, costs exponential amounts of money for every additional layer of effort.

Kingdom hearts 3 has achieved the dream of in-game looking as good as KH1 and 2 FMVs did, but at the expense of EVERY OTHER PART OF THE GAME. Spectacle and visuals were the forefront concern with gameplay and story and everything else being tailored to accommodate the assets they could finish polishing to that standard in time for release.

For example, Yasue said that the flying sequence in Pirate's World was already basically done and coded in 2013. This leads me to believe that most of this game was finished years ago and the last 5 years, aside from moving engines, was primarily about getting a relatively smooth framerate while tons of extremely beautiful polished graphics were onscreen. The gameplay and tone of the game, is all centered around accommodating the recreation of Pixar-quality aesthetic.

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It's just a fucking name. BBS is essentially KH3. DDD was KH4, KH3 is actually the fifth mainline game.

It is equivalent to this last season of Game of Thrones. They forgot how to write and the whole game is just recaps of the old games with the story going nowhere. It's alright if you ignore the plot but the whole thing feels like a waste of time with nothing happening.

It was decent (Toy Story was one of the best worlds in the series), until the finale that completely ruins the series beyond repair.

At least they tried.

Play with your brain turned on. Some people had fun playing BBS, but it’s an objectively bad game.

Remember when the series was a fish-out-of-water Disney-ish tale about a boy looking for his friends and fighting the forces of darkness while meeting various beloved childhood characters (And the first Pirates of The Caribbean) and not convoluted shouent shit mixed with shilling to whatever Disney IPs are relevant at the moment with obnoxious one-note characters being constantly shoved into your face?

Indeed, but you know full well how something as simple as the name you give something can alter people's perception of it.

>but it’s an objectively bad game.
Do you have a single fact to back that up, speedrunner?

People waited for a true sequel to KH2 ever since its release, not these shitty spinoffs that range from garbage to bad. Nomura brought up KH3 in multiple interviews telling people his plans for the next games, people have been waiting +13 years for KH3, not BBS.

Because after KH2 we got BBS and everything based itself off that instead of KH2, which had the best gameplay in the series, and people were hoping once we were back to mainline, that it would push aside the decade of spinoff garbage and make something of KH2's caliber again, unfortunately KH3 only exceeds KH2 in visual spectacle and the amount of braindead easy-to-activate non-contextual flashy moves you can activate at the touch of button.

Like no you don't get to ride a sparkly invincible disneyland train to kill Rock Titan in KH2, but in KH2 you didn't need that to beat him anyway. It's just fluff.

they made her book the same color as the couch and the didn't even color inside the lines

i don't think they tried at all

>MFW the main trio will never be allowed to be together again because that wouldn't be fair to those throwaway chucklefucks who as of 3 are never going away.

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>BBS is essentially KH3.
Nah dude
BBS is 0.5
Then you have 1
Days is 1.5
Coded is 2.5
3D is 3

This was the last game in the series and nothing you can say will change my mind.

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>true sequel to KH2
Coded. Picks up right where KH2 finishes. Though it's just a bridging side game between KH2, and the chronologically next mainline game, DDD, just like COM was a bridge between 1 and 2.
If you mean a game with combat similiar to KH2, it was because Nomura wanted the KH2 team to make it, but Square forced them to do other shit, and fans demanded a title with the name '3' slapped on it, so Nomura had to use the B team.

And Chain of Memories is 3.58/2?

No content
Needs DLC to patch in things that should’ve been released
Charging you for shitty recolors
Story is a complete mess filled to the brim with halfassed fan service with terrible pacing, plot holes, and missing story elements
Gameplay is brainless, random, and can just be summed up as spam AoE attacks to win, no skill is involved, and post-game there’s multiple things as broken as BBS Thundersurge and DDD Balloon that break the game even more
Worlds are all terrible and drag on for hours of just running around and killing the packs of mobs that you all fight the same exact way
Bosses are easily the most poorly designed in the series with some of the final bosses having less than 5 attacks and HP bloat, not to mention how you can one-shot kill a number of them

KH3 is objectively terrible and inferior in every way to KH2

Thank you, but I meant BBS.

why is it only extremes with you? like a game can only be good or bad there's no in between with you

Just picked up Kingdom Hearts 1 what am I in for? I've been told this game is the shit.

I'm eating right now but I'm gonna swap the 360 out for the PS2.

Games can be mediocre, of course, but BBS is hot garbage through and through.

Not bad but really disapointing

It's a game with disney characters. As a kid playing the original, it was cool jumping around those worlds because I saw the movies.

Now, I haven't seen any of those movies, an don't intend to. I can't even go back and play the remastered versions because those worlds don't interest me at all

You replay the same game 3 times all following the same group of 3 retards that have no connection whatsoever
The story constantly jumps from one plot point to the next with no cohesion leaving you feeling what the fuck just happened
Some of the worst dialogue and voice acting in the series right behind Days and KH3
Gameplay is tedious with basic enemies having the ability to just randomly completely gnome your attacks
Command Style allows for you to win every fight with ease since all you have to do is spam triangle and fill your deck with Thunder Surge
The worst post-game bosses to date that are so cheap it really encapsulates BBS as a whole
Dodge roll, thunder surge, dodge roll, thunder surge, heal, repeat

Oh yeah that existed that's 1.5 and days is 1.8.

>Good Worlds
Pirates, BH6
Monster's Inc
>Not fun
Hercules, Toy Story, Tangled, Frozen

Some won't agree about the lower half but It takes so long to get going and then shits itself at the end.

Attached: fa2a21a75eee9c630e5a611de0f9b551.png (2500x1768, 3.71M)

While Staff is the best choice, I'd recommend picking Sword on your first playthrough to get the fun combat skills early. Abilities in this game really affect a lot how Sora fights.

Play 1, Chain of Memories, and 2 then for the love of god stop. Read the manga adaptations if you want more KH material if you have to just please don't play the games after 2.

No, just dissapointing.

I was honestly impressed by how much I enjoyed it considering every game after 2 ranged from a three to a five point five out of ten.

Level design was good for the first time since 1, the Org didn't ruin the disneyworlds like 2, and while it was very shallow mechanically it at least didn't fall up its own ass with stupid progression systems or redundant moves like BBS/DDD/Days did. My only real story complaints are the lack of FF characters and that it actually went and made Roxas/Namine/Xion come back despite it ruining the entire fucking point of their storylines in prior games.

I'm glad the Org and Xehanort shit is finally over with and I just hope we get another game that focuses on Disney villains with maybe one well done OC antagonist like KH1 after this instead of diving right into more retarded nonsense like the last two thirds of the Dark Seeker Saga.

Not even Days?

If a game is in the middle or “average” it leans towards bad. There’s no “average” game that’s objectively good. People can have fun with bad games, but that doesn’t make them good in any way. KH3 is especially bad since it not only is worse than all the FM expansions that came out before it in the early 2000s, but it also lacks content that the base games had.
>No critical mode
>No post-game
>No replay value
>Least worlds
>Least keyblades
>Least bosses
KH3 really wasn’t the game fans have been waiting for.

>I'm glad the Org and Xehanort shit is finally over with and I just hope we get another game that focuses on Disney villains with maybe one well done OC antagonist like KH1 after this instead of diving right into more retarded nonsense like the last two thirds of the Dark Seeker Saga.
Fool, now we have the whole Master of Master and black box crap to deal with.

>Not fun
>Toy Story
Excuse me, what?

>Boast that KH3's main storyline is going to be better than most of the movies based on recent films being covered.
>Play KH3
Fucking nostalgia goggles.

Movie-wise, Tangled was great (Pretty much Little Mermaid-tier.), Frozen was flawed, but not bad, and Big Hero 6 was decent, just not as good as Incredibles and needed more focus on the other four members.

Attached: giphy.gif (500x500, 3.59M)

Days was fucking trash so yes.
This man speaks the truth, though I'd emphasise only playing GBA CoM as well.

>Fool, now we have the whole Master of Master and black box crap to deal with.
I'm aware but I'm hoping the next title will deal with other shit first since Nomura said it won't be KH4

It beat 1 in my eyes but was clearly under two. It beats is visually, but that's expected.

Please don't. It focuses on pointless throwaway characters shoved into your face.
One of the main things that fucked up the series was focusing on other characters besides Sora and his actual friends.

It's interesting that if you compare KH3's cover to other games, you can tell where the series started to go wrong.

Attached: DnVF3pZXsAEsTAF.jpg (869x1200, 305K)

>focuses on Disney villains
Sadly we won't be getting anything similiar to the Council of Disney villains in 1. Disney got stricter, they only allowed summons if they are transparent elementals. They really want to enforce that their properties shouldn't cross over. The new Princesses probably won't even meet and just remain in their own world.

>It's interesting that if you compare KH3's cover to other games, you can tell where the series started to go wrong.
I maintain that BBS was fine narratively and the real mistake was bringing back org members and the mobile/browser games.

If KH3 had trimmed things down to just dealing with a singular Xehanort, having no MoM shenanigans present and saving the BBS Trio it would be far better off.

Eh, 3d was okay.

Convince me that this wasn't better than 3.

Attached: 81htwyA8uYL._SX522_.jpg (522x470, 59K)

Also the factor that most of the actually great Disney villains (from the films the company cares about and that Nomura would use. Sorry Ratigan and Judge Doom.) have actually appeared and been dealt with.

Both are at the bottom of the barrel for most people anyway, who cares if it’s slightly better because it has more content

Too bad it's set directly after BBS and then goes straight to the game that fucked the series permanently.

100% truth

The paneling system.

>Too bad it's set directly after BBS
You what?

>then goes straight to the game that fucked the series permanently.
What's that? I haven't bothered with DDD after the shitshow that was BBS.

And don't forget that Disney has a strict "No TV shows" rule regarding KH since the worlds in it are based on their films.

I do somehow see shows eventually being used, but it's going to be only the really profilic ones like Darkwing Duck, Gargoyles, Kim Possible, and Phineas and Ferb (No Gravity Falls due to the creator hating KH.)

Maybe even Simpsons seeing that's the biggest cashcow Disney bought from Fox.

It's mediocre

>YFW Barry was right

Attached: Kingdom Hearts 3 vs FFXV Combat.webm (640x720, 2.97M)

It's the game released after BBS where the series introduces Xehanort running amuck and it starts going to fuck.

Fucking this, why do Sora gets to be shoehorned into everything jebus fuck

Is the collection of the 9 games before it worth $28 for someone who's never played em?

Attached: soraposting.png (518x546, 146K)


Perfect if you only play KH1, COM, and KH2 which are the only games that matter.

Legitimately the worst game I have ever played.

Attached: 1558065445376.jpg (620x437, 23K)

Of course, is that even a question?

It’s got good parts and bad parts in it same as every other KH game. Critical mode made it almost as fun as 2 at least but fuck do I wish they expanded the non-Disney world parts. Hopefully the final mix content does something about that.

What’s the best way to emulate 1 and 2 on PC

If KH3 is legitimately the worst game you’ve ever played, you must have been pretty fucking lucky.

Name your favorite game

BBS deserves a Re:Birth release. The story and themes in it deserve it. The fall of Terra and Aqua's sacrifice deserve a better game and gameplay

It was fucking shit.


Remember, it's a-okay to rely on others to solve your problems for you while you do absolutely nothing at all.

Also you can get away with murder and countless genocide as long as you say you had good intentions and surrender.

What was Nomura thinking?

Attached: masterx.jpg (1280x720, 137K)

Well, there aren't many games worse than KH3.

>The fall of Terra and Aqua's sacrifice deserve a better game and gameplay
And better writing.


What was the excuse that the Final Fantasy character were left out, that their story was concluded or some shit. But forget Selphie, Wakka and Tidus, even if they forgot Sora.

Attached: Selphie_KHII.png (219x899, 216K)

>I do somehow see shows eventually being used, but it's going to be only the really prolific ones like Darkwing Duck, Gargoyles, Kim Possible, and Phineas and Ferb (No Gravity Falls due to the creator hating KH.)
If that were the case then we would've gotten them by now, Scrooge is present in the series and Greg Weisman said in an interview that Gargoyles was considered in the early planning stages of KH1's development.
>Maybe even Simpsons seeing that's the biggest cashcow Disney bought from Fox.
Those are definitely out of the picture for the same reason Marvel (no, BH6 doesn't count) and Star Wars are: licensing issues.

>KH is a series revolving around Disney, which is known for giving designated demises for their villains (There is the exception of Pinocchio, but it's a long story.).
>In the series the Disney villains recive their designated comeuppances for even small-time atrocities (Fucking Lady Tremaine was blown to bits in BBS.).
>The main villain in the series, who has possibly one of the highest killcounts of any villain from the company, happily goes to the underworld with his BBF as teenagers and we're supposed to find it emotional.

Attached: mr-rage-quit-me-irl-35816835.png (500x816, 64K)

It needs an FM revamp to be able to stand beside the peak games.
Form Changes are a fine idea overall and I like their implementation too since it rewards keeping on the offensive, but I don't feel like the Magic system got all the polish it could get, Shotlocks are still braindead, Sora's Aerial Finisher is awful and needs to be redone, Summons are stupid good but they completely change your moveset instead of adding to your arsenal like they did in KH2 and in my personal opinion I don't find this nearly as engaging but to each their own, among a few other problems that don't com to mind right now.
The base has a solid foundation for a game that can be on par with 2FM and 3 is undoubtedly the best game that Osaka team has put out, but it still needs more work.

I'm just glad it's over

Attached: 1555776564527.webm (400x490, 1.75M)

Nomura said that he doesnt feel like KH needs them anymore as it can stand its own ground as its own non crossover franchise. No more Disney now that Xehanort saga is over.

>no more Disney now
Bullshit. They may drop the FF stuff but the Disney stuff is integral to the franchise. The keychain on Sora’s main weapon is a Mickey head FFS.

I can think of quite a few.

Attached: DB0FDA3D-241A-447B-A5F1-CC478F40341C.jpg (1024x768, 223K)

the last time they actually acknowledged the fish out of water thing was Pirates world in KH2 I think.

Sora is like "We're always just passing through, wonder if we'll ever see home again"

He has this actual introspective moment about how the three of them are passing through all these places despite his goal just being to go home or find that feeling of being safe at home again. Jack even leans in during this scene in a rare moment of a disney character relating to something sora is saying in a non-verbal way.

KH3 doesn't have anything like that

>1 (one) FF character in KH3


>Really wanted Oswald to appear in the series, with Nomura even saying he had an interest in him.
>Realize that even if he got in, Nomura would force him into the main narrative as yet another obnoxious throwaway character shoved into your face who won't go away.

Attached: Oswalddlrp75.jpg (472x479, 26K)

confirmed, every faggot that tries to say KH3 is good is just some disgruntled npc who is sick of hearing kh2 speedrunners tell it like it is.

Hey, the goat armor looks cool, don't diss on it.
But the whole I WAS ACTUALLY A MISGUIDED GOOD GUY shit was bullshit.
On that note, I can't believe JaP actually predicted the finale of 3 with a joke video

I mean it’s not like Sora actually forgave him or anything and he’s still dead. There’s nowhere else they could put him and have him stay gone.

KH3 did have some of the best interactions between the Disney characters and the main plot though.
Much more amazing than anything in the final act.

He is Mickey's Vanitas

Sora, Riku, and Kairi, never have a three-way conversation in KH3. They are never given a scene just to go over what a crazy journey they have had together. In fact Kairi and Riku, throughout the entirety of KH3, never say a single word to each other. I don't think they even MAKE EYE CONTACT. It's basically just Sora and Riku and then occasionally Kairi is somewhere nearby in the scene.

Him fucking going to prison would've been at least be some type of comeuppance.

What is the incentive to use those tools when I can magic spam from a safe distance? The risk/reward is a downgrade compared to 2. The developers literally made you safe no matter what you do.
Let's take at the difference in just default attacks and defensive options being in the air and being on the ground in 2:
>being in the air offers faster attacks leading to more dps, but your only defensive option in the air is to cast the reflect spell ONCE as a combo "finisher" so don't miss the timing!
>being grounded lets you guard, quick run away, reflect, or maybe even parry (plus dodge roll if Final Mix). You know you are somewhat safe with all your defensive options, but your attacks are a bit slower. You can launch the enemy into the air and get more damage in, with the risk of losing defensive options and the enemy retaliating.
>Doing air combos close to the ground lets you land as soon as the "damaging" part of the animation ends, meaning you can jump and start another combo in a heartbeat or make a quick getaway. You are always on a downward descent while in your animations but you wont touch the floor until your last hit if you mash quick enough.

In kh3 you move horizontally with attacks, no gravity at all. Attack and air dodge gives you a functional glide at level 1. Air attacks have the same pace as ground attacks with the same defense options. So what's the difference between being airborne and grounded? Not much. And We're just talking about the FUNDAMENTALS of combat that has been in both kh 1 and 2, but becomes worthless in 3.

Nah, Disney would probably only allow Ozzie to be portrayed in a positive light.
At least you could have a "possibly" cute moment of he and Mickey accepting each other.

It's like saying Prime 3 is the last Metroid game, or Episode VI is the last SW film. It's something that I think, is unspokenly understood among people who actually care about these IPs. We know that Spongebob hasn't been any good since Season 3 in like 2001. We know the Simpsons hasn't been good since 1998 despite never going off the air since then. Fans understand that if a series presents a really good jumping off point, and losing everything after that only makes the good stuff even better, why even acknowledge it?

He is fucking dead

Now compare vanilla KH2. Or come back to this after KH3 got its DLCs.

The more I play it, the more I realize it is WORSE than I previously thought.

Gameplay: objectively worse than 2FM.
Content: Objectively worse than 2FM. 12 years for ONE (1) postgame boss that is easier and less mechnically complex than the final boss.
Music: Mostly consists of arranges from previous games; very disappointing overall but the music itself is not bad.
Story: Unironically worse than DDD. Imagine building up characters with their own unique plotlines only to have a chucklefuck steal the camera in each and every one of those plotlines. Like holy fuck.

The game was clearly rushed, and the director Nomura had no idea what "KH3" meant. The game was supposed to be EPIC and BOMBASTIC, and the way the story was going the game was clearly supposed to be a Next Generations game with playable SRK, but of course they copped out and made it a Sora centric game.


>dealing in absolutes

Attached: rj.jpg (780x520, 36K)

It's amazing that even the secret ending is awful and sets up the next game also being a piece of shit.

Attached: KH3TWEWY.jpg (3840x2160, 553K)

>Sora is a full on teenager so it makes sense to add all that business with the social networks in the loading screens and the smartphone
No, it fucking doesn't. Sora and Riku are islanders who have zero experience with technology. They're not suddenly going to start being selfie whores the moment you give them a phone.

More than that, they and everyone else are too busy trying to save the universe to be posting on a social network that consists of like 20 people. Absolutely none of those tweets were in character. It's fucking idiotic.

>Toy Story and Monsters Inc have great character interactions and have really original ways of weaving their world into KH.
>Donald and Goofy are the most relevant they have ever been and for once feels like Sora’s comarades and not just following him around.
Gotta give 3 credit where it’s due, especially with Donald and Goofy. Having them be with Sora for the final battle was really satisfying. They deserved it more than anyone else.

>defending autists

Attached: (You).png (640x360, 272K)

Gameplay: Objectively worse than vanilla 2.

It had moments but it completely flubbed building up to them at all.

>That filename
Nomura already blew that theory out of the water, hoss.

You can lose to the FF characters that challenge you, and the story will continue, but if you beat them then they give you things.

Aero is actually broken against bosses and the game doesn't do a good job of emphasizing this.

Pick staff, ditch shield. Staff gives +1 MP peg you cannot get anywhere else in the game, and str/def can be buffed with synth items.

Tarzan world is the hardest world in the game. If you beat that then you will be fine for the rest of the game even on Expert/Proud.

Exp Zero scales your damage against bosses to prevent you from doing chip damage.

Attached: 1444277160160.jpg (600x354, 28K)

Barry, shut the fuck up. They're not saying it's bad. Just not what it should've been


Still really wish it was Riku and Kairi as party members seeing they're Sora's closest friends, but too bad they're not allowed to be together anymore.

someone sounds bitter than they didn't get invited to meet the devs and play the game before everyone else but the speedrunners did lmao

Even just 1, CoM and 2 are worth $28. The rest are shit. Don't bother with them. Seriously. Now that KH3 is out and is massively disappointing, there's no point in suffering through the other spin-offs.

This is the most honest, non-shitpost post i've ever seen in Yea Forums

Whatever it still looks like shit.
>"Hurr, our world is actually part of the KH multiverse LMAO"

i honestly would have gladly pushed donald and goofy aside to have riku and kairi kill xehanort with sora, story wise D&G have lost all their character motivation beyond supporting Sora, which is kind of one-dimensional, and Kairi/Riku have both saved Sora's life in other games.

Gonna be pretty hard to drop disney when they own the entire franchise dumbass.

Riku and Kairi are his childhood friends but honestly I would argue that Donald and Goofy are closer friends at this point.

>What is the incentive to use those tools
More damage, more efficiency, more safety, etc. Same reason you'd use various tools in any action game game.

The fastest known Lv. 1 strat for Skoll involves Counter Shield. youtube.com/watch?v=OGHo0cp7460

Fastest strats for most endgame bosses use Links, not magic. youtube.com/watch?v=VJNekt3494w

It's not day 1 anymore, you should really update your understanding of this game if you're going to spend so much time shittalking it.

It must be the only game you've ever played

Really, the only way the series can be saved is if Nomura takes advantage of the Disney/Fox deal and puts in stuff like Alien/Predator, Die Hard, Kingsmen, Freddy Got Fingered, Kung-Pow, and Borat.

To bad it's likely to just be Anastasia, Titan AE, and Blue Sky Studios shitty movies.

[citation needed]

Riku and Sora got plenty of shit in 3 and especially DDD. The only one getting super cucked is Kairi and she may or may not finally get a bigger role in the remind shit. Kairi game fucking when?

Well KH3 did give her a temporary fight moveset as a party member, so maybe she at least has a playstyle now?

whatever you say, Barry.

You are comparing a Day 1 feature (KH3 Ultima Weapon) vs a $15 DLC "upgrade" (FFXV's button mashing Argimer Unleashed)

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1030, 182K)

How do we stop Barry?

no idea

Nuke Australia?

You can't. There's no cure for autism other than a bullet to the head.

Stop feeding him (you)s

is that a man?

At this point, Kingdom Hearts needs to be saved from both Nomura and Disney. Disney's going to keep forcing stupid shit like Frozen in, and Nomura's going to be eternally buttblased about Versus and his writing gets more and more retarded the longer he works on one story.

I miss having a hub world too. It grounds you the in-game universe better.

I wasn't talking speedrunning terms, buddy. I'm talking about average people playing the game. You didn't wanna compare final mix with vanilla 3 so why are you telling me to update anyway when im comparing vanilla 2 and 3?
If 3 can't get FUNDAMENTALS that has been in both 1 and 2 right, then why would anybody be interested in anything more advanced? The core basics of combat flow got a downgrade, sure there's more "things" you can do but fighting a an enemy at the start of kh1 at level 1 with no abilities is a lot more satisfying than than doing the same thing in kh3.

I'm not a speedrunner so maybe i dont care about the same things you do, so i guess my opinions is not as valid, sorry. I just don't find the combat as enjoyable as it was in kh 1 and 2

does anyone have the full source of that image? i always see it posted cropped but ive never been able to find the source

Why does Nomura hate Kairi so fucking much? At this rate she'll probably get somehow raped in KH4.

Because the next saga is her time to shine. KH4 will be Kairi + Goofy + Donald searching for Sora and Riku through different Disney worlds.

Xion's a horrible character.

But the next game seems to be DDD2 with some faggot new character.

That's Kingdom Hearts Ends With You, a side game between 3 and 4.

But we're apparently just getting one sidegame before 4.

It's an addicting game and I've been playing it on level 1 Critical for a while now. It's so hard but you can overcome anything with enough speed and skill. At launch, I didn't think it was better than 2. Now I think it is.

If we don’t get Neku for a party member, I’m gonna be pissed.

Attached: 6DF11A11-47DF-4D3B-AEE3-3CC88FFD8F58.jpg (506x600, 129K)

I'm currently burned out playing the pirates world

Stop exploring until your return trip. Having Jack in the party is great and you don't get that until you finish the story and come back.

Don't worry, I spoke with Nomura. BH6 world was just an experiment. Next game is a side game that's like 2 big BH6-like worlds, one is Shibuya, the othe Shinjuku. It's like DDD, with a Sora part and a Riku part. Sora teams up with Neku in Shibuya, and this will be a continuation of TWEWY, setting up TWEWY 2. Riku will team up with Yozora.
KH4 comes after that, which is a much bigger project, with Kairi as the lead. (She starts from level 1 since she died).

Didn't Nomura say it's a different Shibuya?

>DMC5 is trash
KHfags have a mental illness I swear to god.

Attached: Laughing Dante.png (274x385, 130K)

The same way the FF characters are all clone OCs from Radiant Garden/Twilight Town/Destiny Islands, yes.

user, that's clearly a troll. It's blatantly obvious it's Barry or someone pretending to be.

Nah you see the 2FMfags have delusions of grandeur about their game all the time.

There are 2 Shibuyas just in TWEWY. You can't trust Nomura blindly.

You can't handle the sauce

it was a 6/7 out of 10 game that people waited 13 years for

Except he's praising 3, he used the term 2FM Chad, and posted that dumb champagne pepe edit of Sora. It's obviously just a falseflagger.

Really mediocre and they phoned it in super hard
>no final fantasy characters at all
>disney words were literally just playing through the movie shot for shot with no twists or innovation relating to KH
>combat was boring af (not that this is exclusive to 3)
>won't even spawn good kairi/aqua doujins because the only artists the draw KH are yaoishitters

He's not wrong.

Git gud

No, it was a good game.

The problem was it was never going to live up to the hype that nostalgic manchildren built up over the years.

Sauce giver, listen to me. I want only your strongest sauces.

You mean the hype that Nomura built up? Half the games released after II were there to build up for this grand finale.

10 years for a game that at best is ok.
10 fucking years.
Also easy as fuck and only concept of difficulty is making everything deal 400000x damage on some dlc that should have been there on launch.

get off Yea Forums, BGE.

Sekiro has substantially better combat than any Souls game.

Most people never played those games

They built up the game as the end of a saga with a couple dozen characters and a handful of unresolved plot lines.
This is not tackled at all until the last 20% of the game, and then rushes to resolve plot lines and character arcs in unfulfilling ways.

They were mostly fulfilling, just badly paced. Aqua should have been rescued way earlier, and maybe accompany Sora to some worlds (maybe Monster inc, to see Vanitas), Roxas should have come back sooner, and maybe Terra too. Putting everything at the very end was a stupid move.

It's dogshit. No amount of shitposting will change that.

Attached: DMC5 'combat'.webm (900x506, 2.89M)

Attached: 48D2BF27-2841-4173-AB3E-3C82E6BBE0F1.png (1200x1600, 176K)

Have you done the Toybox battlegate? I'm attempting it right now on Lv. 1 Crit and getting my ass handed to me.

Attached: 1542236727332.png (327x364, 134K)


Guys, what’s the best counter? I feel like I can get the block timing down but my counter never seems to hit. I’ve been using the one where he does a circle AoE attack but it doesn’t seem to land reliably. Should i switch for the one where he follows the enemy?

It wasn't terrible but it's definitely the worst in the trilogy. Solid 6/10.

>that webm
Hello Barry :)

Ignore DMCucks, they're shitposting because they're mad about the state of their game.

Counter Kick has the most iframes and seems to have the most reliable tracking. Slash is the fastest. Impact (the one you're using) has the most AoE.

>KHUX has many great enemy designs
>none of them makes it into 3 and we get generic enemies instead

>Solid 6/10.
Way too generous with that score, lad. It's a 4/10.

I liked the enemies in pirates. Especially that fishing lure miniboss.

Honestly this. Been waiting for long for KH3 that I think I don't care anymore about this franchise. Anyone else?

On a separate note, anyone else think that the only reason Kingdom Hearts 3 sold at all was because of RETURNING fans wanting KH3? Think about it, most fans didn't play BBS or Days or DDD. They mostly followed the main numbered console games. So basically they returned because KH3 was the much fabled KH3 itself.

I get the feeling that KH as a series is going to start diminishing in overall sales. Fans got their KH3 and they got no more reason to stick around and not only that but Kingdom Hearts is not accessible to newbie gamers. So I do believe sincerely that this series' novelty is over and gamers in general aren't going to buy into it very much.

Kingdom Heart's days as a property are numbered.

Attached: Disney Takes Over.jpg (800x550, 101K)

What does my identity have to do with the webm proving that DMC5 is trash? I don't get it. Even if I was this Barry person how would that make DMC5 a better game?

Attached: D0v8zhgWkAYRCrr.jpg (596x502, 41K)

>cutscenes every two steps
>mash X to win
>only decent worlds were Toy Story & The Caribbean
>PS3-tier graphics

As someone that fucking hated 0.2 i can tell you it is improved a lot Sora feels responsive and his base combo is good not as good as 2's but not a piece of shit as aqua's shitty combo for me 3 is the second best only beaten by 2fm

Personally I’ll give it one more game at least just cause I find the story set up in UX interesting though hindered from being stuck in a phone game. Also I’ll take any excuse to see Xigbar fuck around some more.

I really enjoyed it.
Especially since it finally confirmed that my boy xigbar was the mastermind all along.

Based and KH2pilled.

Like what ? Sephiroth and paradox? Wow

literally who didn't know that KH3 wouldn't be the last game? it was said over and over again

Bitch are you for real? 3's worlds are the best in the series i think the only thing people can say is not a step backwards

Moogles. Or rather holographic moogles.

Casual baby played on easy mode. Go back to DMCshit.

Attached: KH3 mash X to die.webm (1280x720, 1.98M)

Why don't you post more webms of DMC5 being trash Barry?
Ran out of them after only 1.

I feel like this is a FFXV approach to combat. You can win by suing the crutches the game gives you and it becomes too easy. Or you can play like an actual competent player.

>implying anyone cares about a game mode where you die in 1 hit.

>DMC is shi-

Attached: Devil May Cry 4 - Vergil combo.webm (800x450, 2.88M)

His reveal was pretty satisfying. Obviously the Luxu thing is new but I’ve been expecting him to pull a Revolver Ocelot since bbs.

Casuals don't, i.e you and the rest of the DMCuck shiteaters.

Attached: DMC4 'combat'.webm (1920x1080, 2.94M)

Didn't KH3 sell kinda poorly? They said they shipped a lot but refuse to say how much was actually sold.

>Good Tier
>Mediocre tier
GBA CoM>358/2>0.2
>Garbage tier

Move KH2 to god tier and KH3 to garbage tier.

Sandbag juggling vids like the one you posted are never optimal whether for killing enemies or building style gauge. Look at that's what the functional depth of DMC amounts to. DMC has neither hitstun decay like actual fighting games nor Revenge like KH.

I used to be a DMCuck but after playing KH2/NG/God Hand I grew out of obsessing over retarded sandbags and learned about the actual depth that action games can provide.

Attached: 1535805892954.png (2742x2298, 1.08M)

I played those games back to back for the first and about to start 3. There is no sense of hype other than a fight between the darknesses and the lights and it starts with ReCoded ending and DDD.
It wasnt Nomura, it was the fans

Based KHcad.

This but unironically.

Don't get me wrong DMC is great fun but it's always been a sandbag simulator. If you wanted to get top scoring you wouldn't do flashy shit, but rather cheesy shit.


>Didn't KH3 sell kinda poorly? They said they shipped a lot but refuse to say how much was actually sold.

The only statistic I heard was that Kingdom Hearts 3 sold in Japan like 800,000. This was during the first week. But after that? Complete silence. Square Enix refuses to say how many official sold units there are.

Switch 3 and GBA CoM, then Days and DDD.

No one actually knows, but as you pointed out we haven't (and most likely will never) get actual sales data either.

It's suspiciously like the FFXV situation

Has Square done this for any other releases? DQ? Octopath?



oh so it ruined your OTP that's why your upset, shippers need to fuck off this board entirely

Seething fujoshi

why are people so triggered by the fanart jesus i didnt draw it, i wouldn't even put roxas and anime together they are like siblings. christ i don't give a shit who fucks who in kingdom hearts it's just fanart

they're like 16 wtf

Attached: van.png (570x510, 267K)

Shippers and waifu fags are the worst parts of any fanbase.

i played 1 and it was a fun unique game with a lot of heart and soul put into it from a collaboration with multiple companies. i tried to play 2, and i guess i was too old or something but the story was some seriously cringey shit and i quit. That being said, people loved that one so much that i couldn't help but learn about everything that game had to offer because people would not stop talking about it after it came out no matter where i was.

No one talks about 3, no one seems to give a shit about 3, and i haven't heard or learned a single thing about 3 since it's come out, other than the ending which was disappointing by a lot of fans standards.

Attached: 1555759955532.png (1576x194, 64K)


5 million SHIPPED, as in shipped to stores. Actual sales are how much people actually bought it. And it's under 800,000. My friend works for a video game store and he sees untouched boxes of KH3 towering over in the back store gaining more dust every day.

Any tips for monsters inc boss on critical?

>And it's under 800,000.
[citation needed]

Is there even a game that took 10 years to make and turns out good?

Yeah it was awful and all the things fans really wanted to see are crammed into the last 5 hours.


>when you see his face in the neck

i've only seen this thing in motion and i assumed he transformed into this.

it was not in development for 13 years

It was pretty good but very disappointing


TF2 took 9 years to come out and it was worth the weight

DMC5 which released less than 2 months later

But that only took two years to make.

>turns out good

>tfw when didn't wait for critical mode
even proud was a joke

Attached: 1405527127056.gif (500x246, 509K)

Yeah it's universally acknowledged that DMC5 turned out good

Well, yeah, it did.

>DMC5 is rancid dosghi-

Attached: Devil May Cry 5 - Cerberus.webm (1024x688, 2.84M)

Currently playing through the entire series. How would you guys describe it compared to the previous games?

>ad populum
Oh no, it's retarded.

>i-it's good because I say so

Post Cerberus outperforming webm and you might have some ground to stand on, most of the weapons are worthless trash.

Attached: DMC5 'combat'.webm (900x506, 2.63M)

>Currently playing through the entire series
I hope you do it chronological order.

best gameplay of the series but i still think 3 beats it when it comes to boss fight and story. one beats it with its environment

The only good entry is dmc1, mostly because it pioneered the genre, dmcucks are worshipping the other games that turned into a sandbag simulator because they look flashy. DMC 3&4&5 have flashy combo systems but that doesn't make for engaging combat because. Every enemy in every dmc game(except shadows and scythes in dmc1) is a brain dead punching bag that literally zombie walks towards you with super telegraphed attacks. Whats even more sad is that dmc3&4s combat system doesn't work against anything but punching bags because most of the moveset is combo filler. more ways to do your basic attack against basic enemies isn't amazing combat especially when their are ways of dealing with enemies much more efficiently

Peak gameplay but it's level design, bosses and story aren't as good as 3

3 > 5 > 1 > 4 > DmC > 2

Do you unironically only have this webm where you're playing on easy, wasting 1 million orbs and getting a B rank only?

Attached: SSSS.webm (711x400, 2.88M)

3 bosses sucks, the only good ones are Vergil and Agni & Rudra
5 has the best lineup of enemies and bosses

Did it release date wise. 2 was a mistake and I’m so glad 3 improved on it.
Ah, I got ya. I’ll probably save up some more money for the deluxe edition.
The World Ends With (You)

>a mechanic in the game doesn't count because I say so
>posts sandbag webm

Fuck off to your containment thread you damage controlling sperg.


Attached: 1556825283347.png (281x285, 82K)

It's a complete 4 with better gameplay. 3 and V are the best in the series
Capcom killed it this year with dmcv and re2, I'd put both in top 5 aaa games this gen.

>No intertia
>FFXIII tier level design
>V levels
>Best gameplay
It's easy to spot people who started the franchise with 5.

the seething is real, damn
in KH3 and FF15 is even worse, you can literally hold one button to win in FF15 and on KH3 you don't even have to move

Attached: 1553727692210.jpg (272x384, 16K)

Wasn’t that webm already disproven?

Attached: A94D3F21-3457-406B-8D8C-8AC19A9E8333.jpg (624x659, 286K)


See and This is your mind on DMCuck chimps after they've been confronted with the reality of their dogshit series having no depth, 100% sperg outs and 0% arguments.

Why did you post some random coping DMCuck claiming ownership of my webm? There are dozens of those worthless posts in all of their contaminant threads.

Attached: dmcuck brainlet.jpg (1023x507, 78K)

Been looking try out RE2 as my first Resident Evil game. How is it?

no one cares about this autism nigger, i do agree V levels are boring but 5 has the best Dante and Nero gameplay

>shittalks someone saying they played KH3 on easy
>posts a webm of DMC on easy

Attached: 1554859591979.jpg (249x249, 7K)

>All this forced fake "fan base fighting" ITT
Is it just Barry fighting with himself or are people really just that stupid

Attached: 1552763179270.jpg (348x494, 34K)

So, unfufilling. Aqua gets to be norted for one whole fucking fight, and then keeps jobbing.
Roxas has a handful of lines of dialogue. One interaction with sora and 0 (zero) with Ven.
No explanation of how the fuck xion appeared.
Terra threw the whole lingering will thing away in favour of a twist that creates plotholes. He then proceeds to do nothing besides taking Eraqus to Xehanort.
They all deserved more and better.

False, it's DMD. Cope more you braindead sack of shit.

Attached: 1469947557559.png (520x600, 290K)

>False, it's DMD

Attached: 152468721575.jpg (207x253, 17K)

>n-no one cares

Not an argument.
See >Nero
Was nerfed to make room for new Itsuno OC, he's trash.

No? Only shitposters say it's bad. It was amazing.

Inertia is the sole reason that DMC4 had the lifespan it did.

get good tranny
and it ruined the combos on that game, all combo videos were the same inertia fuckery

Attached: dante combo.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

Not him but that's how Faust works regardless of difficulty
Cheesed Ur REAZON 2-3 with in BP

>it ruined the combos on that game
Tranny spotted.

Attached: Crazy DMC4 Combos.webm (854x480, 2.86M)

>using SMT to shitpost
Man, fuck you.

>get good
>posts a webm taking 33 entire seconds to deal pitiful damage to ONE (1) sandbag

Meanwhile is killing a boss in a few seconds.

DMCshit brainlets are absolute gold, keep the cope coming.

Attached: 1454639834448.jpg (258x245, 12K)

that shit is horrible you nigger
i fucking hate inertiafags and 4babs

Attached: nero combo.webm (640x360, 2.2M)

How was Nero nerfed you fucking retard

KH2FM's secret ending is still one of the best pieces of CGI in the history of mankind.

I think we all need to be honest.

KH1 and KH2 were special because most of us were because 10-15 when we played them.

Now that we’re adults KH3 can’t impress us as much.

If you played KH1 and KH2 in 2013 KH3 probably would still impress you.

forgot link

you must really be motivated to shitpost this hard, i'm just gonna post some webms and go eat some pizza with my gf

Attached: real impact.webm (1280x720, 2.58M)

>look at me juggling this one enemy that doesn't even fight back!!!
>OMG so hardcore and good!!!!1

Attached: Luffy_laugh.jpg (350x263, 17K)

>Thread about KH
>Last 30 posts have predominantly been about DMC
What the FUCK went wrong?

I just played the series for the first time. 1 is complete fucking dogshit, 2 is amazing, 3 isn't as good as 2

Attached: nero combo 2.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Barry does it again

DMCucks have been on ultra damage control since was posted outing their trash game

We mindbroke this faggot and now he's spamming his entire sandbag folder

Attached: 1518535851753.jpg (1024x576, 25K)


Attached: 1557510775199.jpg (1024x1000, 190K)

Based and KHchadpilled.

>That ending


Attached: 660E9F42-EF49-48DD-8E24-236AA6DDA82F.gif (200x148, 165K)

how was nero nerfed? he got buffed to hell. almost as strong as dante even

>TWEWY phoneposter
Literally Barry tier.

>He already made another thread

>this thread

What the fuck happened.

Attached: hyde shock.gif (202x360, 1.84M)

>implying posting TWEWY even comes anywhere close to Barry’s autism

Based, epic webm DMCbro.

>Finish playing DMC5
>Decide to breeze through kingdom hearts

What the fuck is this trash??? Why wont he stand in place so I can cuhrayzee wahoo combo him???

Attached: Unfair bullshit.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

No, user, this person posts TWEWY in every fucking thread and it's even worse because he's a phoneposter. Barry, at least, has the decency to post from a computer.

i genuinely don't understand what kind of subhuman you have to be, to care this much about fucking Yea Forums.

like it may very well be, way beyond my human comprehension to imagine what circumstances would lead a person to care this much about Yea Forums posting-- not even in general but on a specific already-long-ruined board no less

Attached: 1446735061105.png (771x238, 131K)

Next time, be less obvious.

LA Noire took 7 years of mocap work to make.

I’d rather someone post an actual good game like TWEWY instead of XV. Plus, that’s just a reaction gif.

>not even playing on critical
>trying to guard an unblockable attack
>not using dodge roll or quick run to get distance

jesus christ dmcfag you're a casual faggot

My favorite part is where Nomura said in inteviews that he agonized over the ending and rewrote it a bunch of times, and concluded by saying he thought what he went with was "keeping it simple".

Attached: 21895231.png (407x579, 84K)

He literally doxxed and tried to rape a girl because she said FF15 sucked

>the amount of samefag ITT

Attached: 4D11459524324F79927901C3C6E71A74.jpg (269x372, 24K)

Kill yourself, Barry. Let your suffering end.

i want to FUCK sora

Is this the same person who was posting those cherrypicked Witcher 3 and Bloodborne webms in every single thread for weeks and weeks? Is this just how things are here now that phoneposting has ruined banning?

Attached: Stage 4, Acceptance.png (887x508, 358K)

Probably it was, did he sperged out when someone mentioned FF15?

It’s both. We really are all a bunch of retards huh


It was a good game, not great or excellent, but good

it had the same faults as literally every KH ever

>bad pacing
>majority of Disney worlds are shit
>like it or hate it combat system
>cringeworthy writing
>nonsensical story

I hated how the fandom overrates 2FM comparing it to 3 when the two have those same faults

Lads, how do we kill Barry?

>bad pacing
2 has GOAT pacing.

just need to know his face, already know he lives in Melbourne, Australia


Meanwhile literal shovelware has better disney interactions.

Attached: asstolfhole.jpg (107x163, 6K)

yes because it was so fun that part where you had to revisit previous Disney worlds

and Roxas prologue was too slowly paced

>barry still posts the same webm

I thought we already sent police over there to arrest him for literal possession of CP, and you're telling me they didn't do shit?

Attached: 1548803590717.png (500x500, 272K)

Wait, what.

Barry is a fat australian pedo that threaten raping people that says FF15 is a bad game

Holy shit, really?

>highest potential damage Finisher against very large enemies.
That's not ralph

Ralph is indeed one of the strongest boss killers, but I'm comparing the keyblade finishers.

Weird how they did nothing with that Vanitas redemption arc tease

>KH3 is so bad the thread would rather talk about DMC and get baited than about the game

What happened to critical mode anyways? I remember people telling me it would save KH3, but I havent heard anything since.

More like KH3 is better than DMC5 so insecure DMCucks come in here trying to shill their abomination.
It added a few good abilities , most notably a buff to reprisals if you time you guard more tightly, which also works with Counter Shield. So you can pull off shit like this: youtube.com/watch?v=YtbWgFXNEGc

They are too busy playing it to shitpost.

Toybox battlegate? Oh no man I haven't beaten the game yet on level 1. Frozen is taking me for fucking ever, but that's mostly because from the point where you put that piece of shit snowman together, you have a long ass trail to the next save point. I kept getting my ass handed to me at the final part right before the 3 Large Bodies spawn, with the fucking 2 dragons and ice deer. Fighting one dragon in the air and then one in the ground is fine. It's when BOTH get on the ground that makes shit way more tough. Then I beat Marshmallow which was a really fun fight on level 1. I tried my best to keep counters on my pan shield at all times, so when he goes ballscrazy I can put all that power in to get him down. But sometimes he goes back in quick, so it was fun to see how I can manage.


That’s the worst fucking pacing in the series though

>enter world
>load time
>30 second fight
>load time
>walk 10 steps
>short fight
Rinse and repeat

It’s just fucking tiring and I don’t know why it’s never brought up. At least the transition from cutscene to gameplay is smooth as hell.

>Pause buffering
Really nigga?

No it was great, only downside was frozen and tangled worlds.
Though they should've released critical on release date.

that shits funny. he literally did not need to do that. that was fucking dumb. and that shit just won't work for me cause i went full strength.

Counter Guard scales off Strength.

Does the Frying Pan Counter Guard scale of strength too?

Yeah, they're identical other than element (Thunder/Fire respectively) and different finishers.

>Vanitas redemption arc tease
The what now? I think you're reading into something that wasn't there.

Gameplay being mob focused and not very good for 1on1 human battles is my biggest problem.

The story could have been way better, too. It was okay.

Oh okay. I actually thought that the FP scaled off magic when doing the counter, but obviously I'm retarded. I actually took a liking to the Herc Shield's chariot finisher. It is such a godsend on level 1, because during it it restores MP (during recharge) and it's great for the especially big mobs. I like both though.

I am an old fuck blasting through them for the first time, only 3 left and I can say 2 FM is the best so far

>Except people played base 1 and 2 for years
Just like they would 3. It just hasn't been out for years. Base 2 literally has less content than base 3.

May as well bitch about how laughably broken Magnet and Reflect are in 2.

Nostalgia is one hell of a drug.


Except it doesn't.

That's what you are doing every time you damage control for DMC5

Except it does.


Except it doesn't.

Honestly my main gripe with this game is how little we delve into the KH original worlds.
(aside from minor gripes like why everything happens at the end and how little screen time the other OC trios get including Kairi, would have liked it to happen sooner. That and I actually miss Nobodies having unique reaction commands, granted Sora's controls are more varied than ever but I think it could have been implemented.)

I think this caused some stir.

All they needed was to set reaction commands as the default situation command, then you can press the scroll button to choose one you've earned. It would also help all the retards that don't know the situation scroll is a thing they can do since it would be necessary.

Level 1 - Arendelle


I'm pretty sure that's just meant to be because he's an offshoot of both Sora and Ven, not that he was some sort of anti-hero. It was always just fanboys reaching.

What the fuck are you doing, xv-kun?

Reminder that you got BTFO by everyone in these threads.

And that your spam is repeatedly deleted.

Personally I would have found it more interesting than "Darkness Darkness Venty Wenty"



Attached: 1cecd1e084cd143ce74137e13c6c19ec.png (364x520, 204K)

Oh absolutely, but look what Nomura did with the plot threads he actually did set up. An eleventh hour face turn would not have got the reveal it deserved. Better to save that for the next game now that he's in the middle ground of "I love you guys because I am you, but I'm just edgy because I'm pure darkness."

I'm not saying "instant good guy make him part of the gang" like Isa just start him on the path and have him rebel against Xehanort

>like Isa
Isa had the reveal in Days and BBS that he and Axel were friends before the Organization. It was always going to be either a face turn or anti hero rival status for him.

Yeah but he treated the sea salt trio like shit and now he's bffs with them

Only because he was a pretty jealous bitchy woman. It's so fujos can relate to him while they pretend Axel fucks Roxas.

Any proof of this at all??? What in the flying fuck??????

Attached: 1533066498665.gif (250x250, 222K)

Attached: xv-kun insanity.png (1052x560, 140K)


Holy fucking shit. This guy is literally one of the biggest examples as to why Reagan fucked up in tearing down the mental health hospitals.


Complete utter shite.

Attached: shite, all of it.jpg (920x704, 146K)

He's from convict island, not clapistan.

I'm currently at the end of Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Final Mix and I have to ask just why the fuck is the Organization becoming whole and gaining their hearts back was such a vile and evil thing that they had to be stopped? What negative consequence of them using Kingdom Hearts is there exactly?

Attached: OrganizationXIII.png (416x239, 114K)

They fucked up numerous worlds in the process and never settled on diplomacy with Sora or Roxas to do all the work for them.

They were using other people's hearts to do it. It can safely be assumed that using the power of their fake KH would consume all those hearts they were taking from the Heartless Sora defeated.

Xemnas was bullshiting