Do you prefer games with character creators, or with a fixed main character?

Do you prefer games with character creators, or with a fixed main character?

Attached: sophieturner.jpg (3580x4500, 1.84M)

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character creators because i like to self insert

God I wish that were me

I prefer sex thanks
You should have it too

Fixed but with costume changes (also fixed or otherwise they will look ugly)

A fixed main character, to be honest. Having a custom character is sweet, but nothing is better than having multiple and pretty good fan artworks for a character you like.

why would you want to be a woman?

Depending on the game.

For example, resident evil is supposed to be the story of the survivors, if you had a custom character the story telling would suffer.

Look at fire emblem, you have Male My Unit , Female My Unit, that fucks up the lore, so they have to create default personalities for them, and it makes your play through feel disconnected from the lore/cannon.

But in a game like Skyrim, its supposed to be your story, so it makes sense to have a character creator.

My 2 ยข

Character creation is one of my favorite things about RPGs.
I often despise games that force you to be a premade character.
Some games I refuse to play based on the fact that I don't like the main character.

The absolute worst character I've forced myself to play with is Tidus in FF10.
He's such a faggot the whole game.

I like both if done in a style I like.

If the models look like oatmeal, character creation will not save it.

What would you do if you suddenly became Sophie Turner?

Wake up.

find a boy to do /ss/ with

Both really. There are games that work better with on over the other. Selecting a premade character from a list, like kotor, is also a good option even though it is not as popular.

also forgive me I thought this was Yea Forums

I prefer games that are compelling.

Fucking disgusting! Post a better image next time.

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I like a fixed character if the character is actually unique and has a personality, but otherwise I want to create my own character

I didn't buy Sekiro because I don't want to play as generic boring samurai cunt who barely says anything. If your character is a blank slate then let me put my own in

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Character creators. But ONLY because if I can't create my character theres a 80% chance I'm stuck with either an angsty teenage anime white kid, or a 30-50 year old White McGeneric, for the 1000th time.

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>a single tattoo
i fucking hate this trend,
girls with tattoos only look good if they have a LOT of them, and there was planiffication by choosing a theme and all her tattoos follow said theme like nature or similiar.

>I didn't buy Sekiro because I don't want to play as generic boring samurai cunt who barely says anything. If your character is a blank slate then let me put my own in


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>game with a character creator
>make a generic white guy anyways
fuck being special

Jesus fucking Christ it takes all kinds I guess.

I prefer games where the character is preset because I can't imagine myself fucking a character I had a hand in making.

Fixed character any day of the week.
Charactor creators are soulless

Depends on what is on offer, a character creator means fuck all if the options are SHIT, but some Fixed Design are so overdesigned you will want one just to be able to remove shit some superflous shit.

And like said, it needs to work with what the game is going for, there are also games where the whole premise or a significant portion is based around Character Creation and Alteration, Like Fashion based games, The Sims after 1, and Corruption of Champions, .

>character creator
because i like playing as a female that is actually badass and not some forced sjw bullshit

Character creator for me

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Sophie is beautiful in a traditional sense, and Maisie is the British slag that awakens the deep primal urge within me to breed

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I'm a sucker for character creation, but if the MC is supposed to be a specific person for a story then yeah sure you can have that but I still find myself drawn to otherwise mediocre games because it's time to make another custom character.

have sex

Fixed characters are better 100% of the time. I don't really get the appeal of "created" characters, it can be mildly amusing in the creation process but then it's absolute shit from there out.

The fucking worst is that shit when there is a cutscene and your blank insert character says absolutely nothing as something big is going on. In XCX there is a scene where your characters arm is chopped off and they scream but no sound comes out because there's so many voice options they couldn't be assed to do any for the cutscenes.

Similarly, created characters have zero growth. Other side characters have things going on in their lives, but your character simply can't. And even if you don't give a fuck about story and lore and world building and shit, I still think created characters stick out like a sore thumb most of the time as you're playing the game.

so glad this is the new sex meme

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I like having options but the most I want is some good and varied looking presets and some cosmetic options.

if they can't give your created character a voice then it's on the dev for half assing it, go look at saints row 2, bonkers character customization and three fucking voice options per gender.

multiplayer - limited character creator
singleplayer story based - preset character
singleplayer sandbox - fully functioning character creator

Even just minor customization is good enough for me, as long as it lets me make fap material

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You must feel pretty insecure if you feel the need to come to a VIDEO GAME forum and constantly tell people you prefer sex over VIDEO GAMES.

>multiplayer - limited character creator
you what? if it's gonna be multiplayer it should have as ridiculous character creation as possible, or everyones going to wind up looking roughly the same.

This is why i love Saints Row. Character creation + the main character is voiced for every cut scene.

They actually went that far to add voice acting for the entire game for every single voice option

I feel ashamed that I know what this is from

Best character creator music coming through

I saw enough stuff like this when I walked around BDO for a couple days to say that I don't like it.

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It should depend on the type of multi-player. If it's a game where all the characters are generic, go nuts with customization. If it has specific roles associated with characters, you need to cut back on cosmetic customization a little so characters stay easily identifiable.

Are you 14? Grow up. Guys like the female form who cares if it's from a porn game.

I could be some hot guys bitch and take and suck fat cocks all day while never working at all. All I have to do is stay pretty and fuck my sugar daddy and I would get all I want. Who wouldn't want that?

Ive not played enough story RE to give a good opinion, but I would disagree.
Survival game wher you can see the character to be customized(to fit your own face) would benefit from horror/survival games.

Fixed main character. I also prefer games that have stories and voiced casts.

As I get older, I realize that these were always very important to me and games that lack these seem depressing to play. You can't substitute real social interaction with the virtual kind, anons, but if you want virtual entertainment, it's better to not get too invested in anything that promotes anti-social behavior.

I have female friends who wouldn't wish being a male on their worse enemies,

I give up on character creator after 15 minutes, move on, and play pre built default. So I don't care either way.

you sound very virgin, that shit gets old fast
nice friends


You sound like a NEET virgin, because nothing gets older faster than working rotating 12 hour shifts.

yeah it is nice to have woke female friends who give me their used undies

Character creators but it can actually talk

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Character creator because I like to create my perfect battle waifu.
It's fine if in the fixed game the character is already one.

have sex

White women are overrated

I'd turner 360 degrees and walk away.

whoa she actually did get hot

for games where the story matters absolutely a fixed character. Thats one of the things I really disliked about xenoblade x compared to xenoblade

character creators are fun

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so it is about lazyness uh

Fixed characters with outfit customization

CC only if the creation is actually significant and affects how the game goes.

Only for porn games.

post more

I prefer games with a fixed main as long as they are attractive

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Depends entirely on how good the creator is.

ok never mind never post again

fuck off muh thicc fag

no u

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it depends

games like The Witcher, or God of War, Kingdome Come: deliverance worked very well because usually there's a progression arc, or the game lets you choose various path for character development

but most of the time I like to play games with character creation, but then again in Fallout 4, for example, it doesn't really change shit

for games like Dark Souls and Mass effect, it's basically useless and just add "your own aesthetic" to the game

also hot damn Sophie is a qt, pure english slag

t. virgin

Creator for silent protags or social games. Monster Hunter, Pokemon, MMOs, etc

Fixed main for most everything else. It's jarring to have both customizable characters and fixed dialogue and personality for said characters.

>that nose

>nose of absolute disgust

I hope she gets implants

>finna huwhitoid an shiiieeet

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Could you try that again, in english this time?

Fixed main character, but both can be good.

Why do all you dorks want to be women. It's weird. You're all weird.

women are literately easy mode, and we only live once, why not enjoy the story instead of fucking grinding

either or honestly.
Nothing is worse than a shitty character creator though. If you're going to let me create, don't half ass it.

I'm a tall decent looking guy, I would never trade that to be a woman. I play games on hard, easy mode isn't rewarding.

Also you'd all be ugly women anyway.

>he wants to play on "narrative mode"

Come on, user. You're better than that.

current year western women are the most priviledged class in all of human history

its literally better to be a woman in 2019 than it is to be a king in the 1500's


>want to date normal men, not faggots
>anal sex is risky and awkward in any case

Dude, ugly woman is fine by me.

Unbased and bluepilled

whats the name of this game again?

>fake boobs

natural big > natural small > flat chest > fake tits

>brown and black people cant empathise with whites
Thats pretty racist of them desu, maybe blacks need some diversity training

>I am gifted by my goddesses, they bestow their used undies unto me
How pathetic

Good man.

Normally I like character creators

and before all taht being men were easy mode, now It's our turn
fuck off

Character creator, but I use the default model.

I might change the hair, that's it. I don't give a shit what a character looks like

Yeah having to fight in a pointless war for the glory of your lord/religion/country sure was easy mode.

Good character creation > fixed character > bad character creation

>No AAA porn games with next gen graphics and customizability
>Literally all you can get are cheap jap games designed to run on matsumoto's 2003 thinkpad or decade old software kept barely alive by modders
>It is a market so open and demand for porn is always ao high that it is basically free market

Enjoy it while it lasts
Sharia Law soon

sure thing roast beef

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fuck off ancient mens alone club, now one cares about your have sex party

Plot twist: It starts out looking like conservative Islam is overrunning the west, but then feminism fuses with it - creating a new uniquely western sect of SJW-Islam. All of the doublethink of intersectionality PLUS all of the absolutism of Islam.

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well when you have the jews as a secret third player then yeah I can believe this is possible

wildlife or wild life, one of the two

It's amazing how everything in this photo is sharp except her face

Fixed female character, but with outfit and hairstyle options completely tailored to her, preferably unlocked after a little bit of forced default.


Nigga I work those shifts, what the fuck do you do? It's not laziness it's a question of time value and the influence it has on what you're able to accomplish to your own end instead of some corporations.

>t. doublevirgin redditor that doesn't understand quoting

fixed with the ability to make characters

Depends on if the game features a character or a self insert. In a heavily story driven game where your character's overall arc and personality are predetermined, I prefer a set character. Stuff like Final Fantasy, The Witcher, Red Dead; you're inhabiting an existing character and experiencing the world through their eyes.

If it's a game where either the entirety of their personality is determined by the player or they have no real personality (i.e. Monster Hunter) then I prefer character creators where I can shape a character I think physically reflects the character I want to portray.

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I down for either, but if there's no character creator it better have a good reason, games like the surge are a good example of not doing this.

play video games