oh dear
I thought disabled people were Nintendo's main audience though
Mentally, yes.
Physically, no.
fuck the disabled
Oh I think they do OP...
For what purpose
Disabled people need to git gud, not Nintendo's problem.
How disabled do you have to be to not be able to use the single joycon control scheme?
>letting blind people play vidya
lmao their enjoyment will never compare to someone who can see
What game would a blind person play?
>Disability activists make it illegal for a console to be sold without remappable buttons
Pretty based desu
Doom 3 lol
Game that will have audio cues.
>The man swings his blade at you
>You dodge to the left and avoid the attack an counter
The framerates on console are slow enough to allow this.
What seems to be the issue? The image seems to imply Nintendo DOES make their console accessible
No, I will not visit that twitter link
Did you even read the image you posted?
Like, what are you even expecting them to do? Make a controller that's just a big button that automatically wins games when you press it?
rhythm games
They are LITERALLY saying the opposite you adorable female human.
But what if they want to be fucked?
>Did you even read the image you posted?
that's literally the headline
Fuck the disabled. Defective humans shouldn't even exist.
Why do they need to cater to the 0.1%?
came here to post this,fpbp
disabled people are a tiny fraction of the human population, it makes zero sense to make it accessible to them
I can't wait for this stupid "outrage" for disabled people inclusiveness to fuck off and die.
Sure it sucks for them but they're an extreme minority.
Fuck the disabled. They already get a nice parking spot, so it's fair that I get gaming.
Wanna play on the same level as me? Try in the next life lmao.
I used to play HellMOO with some blind chick who had a screen reader. She really liked playing a combat medic role.
>Make a controller that's just a big button that automatically wins games when you press it?
Journos would love it, 11/10.
BHut it's a minority, os it has to be championed for. Not to really change something, but to get those nice and tasty brownie points.
>are always looking for ways to be inclusive of all gamers
How is that refusing?
So wheres the remapping functions then assholes?
I can play shit on all the other platforms just fine fuck you
Only if shes hot
they try to make it accessible when developing stuff but they don't go out of their way to patch it in
Marco Polo lmao
Cute raptor
the image is literally the generic pr statement, the article are outragefags
disabled people shouldn't be playing games
I'm actually legally blind, I have albinism nystagmus.
Ask me anything
why would someone do this to a cat?
>bringing up botw and splatoon 2 as examples because muh motion control
What? Splatoon 2 can be aimed using the right stick and just skip those shitty motion puzzles in BotW, the game totally lets you do that. Nobody likes them anyway but that's another problem entirely.
Literally all you need to do is to re-solder the button contacts onto any trigger you'd like in order to make your own adaptive controller like Microsoft did.
These boxes are easily homemade and Micosoft is just making big bux off disability and charity services.
t. disabled person with fucked hands
Answer the question that you literally just responded to.
Your body isn’t ready to play Skyward Sword now fuck off
What have they done that ISN'T accommodating? What would you have them do?
Aw shit.
Disables should be euthanized at birth so we don't have to deal with them.
I with my whole heart believe this.
97, PS4 is beaten in Japan, cope
>game informer
Stop fucking your sister and they won’t be disabled
How many fingers am I holding up?
I really like when passive-aggressive ankle-biting faggots get walked over (UNLESS the faggot is me, please do not walk over me)
>being a shitter is now a disability
Rhythm Heaven
Fucking kek.
Literally me
Only if they are mentally disabled like you. Physical disabilities can be overcome or aren't even relevant.
Simply because of the slow paced nature. Only drawbacks are the obedience of reading which can be exhausting.
>Platformers 3d/2d
These games I'm naturally good at because it's sensory more then anything. And if course, the the slow paced nature.
>Souls games
Same reasion with platformers. I'm pretty great at bloodborn for that very reason.
I... What?
>i should be killed at birth for an accident to my right hand I got in my 20's when I was working on my grandpas project truck with him
Must be nice having a crystal ball, same me a lot of hassle that way.
There is actually a blind person who plays at Street Fighter competitions.
2, and there up your ass.
Care for an animal after it has lost limbs?
It was diabetes, user. You should watch what you eat.
how do you feel about SMT user
is posting an image alongside this cruel?
>omg nintendo, do something for disabled people
>"we already have that"
And those people have the audacity to call other people entitled? Is there actually anyone at gameinformer who has a disability that prevents them from playing games or did they sit randomly in their office and thought to themself "how are disabled people supposed to use joycons?".
Removing mandatory wagglan from games where it doesn't belong (like Breath of the Wild and Odyssey) would be a good start. I'm not even disabled and that shit irritates me.
Do you ever feel like being blind has limited the kinds of games you can play?
I feel like racing games would be a bitch to play while being legally blind.
How would a Daredevil game work with a handicap mechanic?
neither of those had waggle
Nah Id rather shitpost here between game sessions in my free time.
Dirtnap is for the birds
Unironically Rhythm Heaven games.
Only played a cupple of them, plus p4 and 5, but they are fine in short berst. Very text heavy, so It's hard to play very long.
How are you on Yea Forums?
How do you know what image to post?
i saw this and honestly couldn't believe how retarded this person looked.
I'm not completely blind. However I use enlarged keyboards and have zoom text and a automatic reader.
i was gonna say hellmoo too. i knew a shitload of blind people on that game
is this the most wholesome webm that exists
cute doggo
>legally blind
Without my glasses I'm even worse than 20/200 (can't see the big E on those charts) but with them it's more or less normal.
This means I'm not legally blind right?
Sounds like the blind are dirty dirty perverts.
I just thought of saying something really heartwarming while posting the "lol blind faggot" image, but I decided against it, because it would be immature.
Keep it real, user.
Are there any games you can't play but would like to?
There’s a guy who is completely blind that prestiges on COD. He uses speakers set up on both sides of his head to take advantage of the surround sound so he can hear people running around. Then he shoots at whatever he detects. He can only play with FF off, but he’s very good in the mode he can play.
What are they expecting? Not just Nintendo, but Xbox and Playstation controllers are made for the largest target market, the able bodied. If you're disabled you might have different requirements on what would make a functional controller for you than the next disabled person, can't expect them to make custom controllers for everyone out there, there's already plenty of third party companies filling in that niche so why whinge about it?
Happy doggo
so apparently it's only not okay if MY preferences aren't taken care of, man these disabled chucklefucks
Go see an eye doctor, I was diagnosed with my condition at 8 so I can't imagine what you'd be like.
Definitely visual novels like ace Attorney and Danganronpa. I straight up can't play those without a headache because the text is so small. FPS are another but I'm just bad at those because of how fast they are.
>"Yeah, we have no plans for this at the moment but we're always looking for be inclusive when we can"
Fucking clickbait journalists need to be shot.
He’s like one of those blind samurais.
But what specifically are they asking for? What type of disabilities do they not cater to? They have motion controls, button controls, easy games, the only thing I can't think of them doing is building DIY controllers like Microsoft does. But what are they really asking for?
Phones have disability features that read stuff out loud
serious question because I'm curious. I have a slight mental disability which makes me not understand a quite a bit. are people like me a burden?
You can't just play that shit in emulators and max out your resolution? I feel like Ace Attorney should be fine given it's a fucking GBA game.
>Disabled people can't play an instrument
>Disabled people can't cook
>disabled people can't play a video game
Are you legally blind or like full 100 percent blind?
from my understanding a legally blind person can still sort of see a little
>that response
does this guy even know what a meltdown looks like lmao. How far up their own asses are these people?
Every single person on the planet is a burden.
Dont worry about what makes your burden a different flavor than some other assholes
>tfw no cute crippled gw
not if you try your best, and I'm not shitting you, even the least capable person is tolerable if they try their best.
>the company issued the following statement: "Nintendo products offer a range of accesibility features, such as haptic and audio feedback, menu designs using grayscale, motion controls, the option to invert colors, and innovative gameplay. In addition, Nintendo's software and hardware developers are always looking for ways to be inclusive for all gamers, and are actively evaluating different technologies to expand accessibility options in current and future products."
>Nintendo refuses to make their console accessible to disabled people
What? Their answer is anything but refusal.
Here we go again.
Go point. I'll consider that, but I'm gonna need some sort of automatic reader to work with it because reading for a longer period can make me physically ill.
How the fuck do you play if you're blind
you might feel more capable if you go to a class of actual retarded people and see how hard it is for them to deal with day to day shit, you'll probably see you are more capable than lots of other people. Watch a Louie Theroux doc on retards.
The image you posted says the exact opposite though?
Also, fuck off, go to hell, and stop using us as ammo for your keyboard warrior crusade
t. Disabled user
Fucking based Ninty
>HAHA FUCK GAMERS AND FUCK VIDEOGAMES also make videogames for me and more accessible to me and cater to me exclusively
I'm so tired of these fucking retards.
Didn't some of these people making these "THINK OF THE DISABLED FOLKS" articles try and downplay that quadriplegic guy that beat Sekiro's disability?
>"oh you just can't move your limbs, so what? there are people that have it way worse than you."
Legally blind. However sometimes I have to use tools like a cane to get around some places. I'm also light sensitive (given the name Albinism) so I wear super thick sun glasses.
Im sorry if I come off as rude but thats not true. at least in my case there are things I just will never get. I remember how long it took me me to figure out a simple math question and how fast I forgot it.
I was put in special ed for a LONG time. its embarrassing when you have some self awareness but they lack it. which results in you just wanting to crawl in hole and die. being in special ed is social suicide.
Yes this nigga is really blind
Would you go easy on a blind person?
can you play a video game? there are people who can't and they are called video game journalists. i hope that gives you some perspective
>90% of the people rooting for nintendo pandering to the disabled aren't disabled themselves
The fuck? The most "disability" thing these guys have is autism, which doesn't affect cognition
But that doesn't make for clickbait
"still not as bad as when they took my balls"
If I wanted to play against them in the first place then yes. I'd use some kind of self-imposed challenge to keep the game interesting for myself, or I'd chat with them during the game.
Mental disabilities? I believe that's Sony territory
>be me
>match up with a blind guy online
>this'll be fun
>constantly run around him
>he misinputs and blows himself up
>autistic screeching into mic for the rest of the game
What the FUCK
Can we just have anything anymore without some people insisting its the most offensive wrong problem, anymore? I mean how OBSCURE of a complaint is this, in response to absolutely nothing happening, and a positive statement from the company? Nope its ALL WRONG and the industry is FIGHTING US and HURTING DISABLED PEOPLE and KILLING THEIR DREAMS. This is schizophrenic as shit, what the fuck are they supposed to do? What do these people need? Why the fuck is everything so offensive to people?
I'm not sure how I feel about Chicken Cat
>>Mentally, yes.
but trannies hate nintendo
I didn't come here for feels
yes! yes! yes!
am i taking crazy pills because OP's screenshot says the literal opposite of their implication
>check out the twitter thread
>90% of the people that support disabled people fit the "pronouns in bio" meme
Fucking hell
>I'm not even disabled
It has two joy cons, user.
nintendo games
>their post
>their example completely contradicting it
they went after sekiro and they told then to go fuckthenselves
now they going after nintendo
it never stops
Tried to get LASIK but my corneas are too thin so it can't be done. Lens transplants are impossible because there's too little free space too.
My only option is to use glasses until there's some new kind of treatment in the future.
Miss a limb
get in the bin
Uhm, Nintendbros......
cute bunny
Unironically kill all severely disabled people
>Young Fran Drescher
he looks so happy
>"Yeah, we have no plans for this at the moment but we're always looking for be inclusive when we can"
The guy who posted this pretty much sums it all up
did they eat the dog by parts?
Seems like it would be a no-brainier for Sony and Nintendo to just offer support for that xbox controller for disabled people. The only issue is the branding which they wouldn't like.
they're taking the leftovers to go
>check twitter
>fag mentions mandatory motion controls and 8 finger touchscreen presses
Not only can motion controls already be disabled in almost every game but you literally cannot use the touchscreen if you have 2 or more fingers on it. Are these people retarded?
Beyond the "how the fuck does a blind man plays vidya", couldn't they just make a regular controller but with indented/textured buttons? Why make it braille?
You can’t play a game with no arms, sorry. Not even the best programming in the world can help you. It would cost too much for your special case bullshit.
If I went blind I'd just drop vidya and focus my effort into music.
>Nintendo products offer a range of accessibility features, such as [...] innovative gameplay.
why would you tack that on in regards to disabled people
Also the fact that most games on the Switch don't use the touch screen to begin with
I think the point is that the game sends braille messages to the controller so they can read what's on screen. It's not just a static label.
You've learned your native language and can communicate effectively with people. You can navigate your computer and the internet, and can respond to specific posts with specific images attached.
Maybe math wasn't your forte in school, but I'm sure you can become decent at basic arithmetic with practice. As for the burden bit, no, you're not. I'm sure you can work as anything from a stockboy to a clerk. And work aside, you're polite. I'll take a decent human being over a lazy or entitled asshole any day.
>You can’t play a game with no arms, sorry
you'd be wrong if you believe this. there are quadraplegic players
It's a patent. Companies shotgun patents all the time on the off chance something becomes popular in the future.
There was a hands-free controller for the NES, but the B and A button were controlled by blowing and sucking a tube, which means that even games like Super Mario Bros., much less Mega Man or Battletoads, would require lungs of steel.
>user raped and murdered all of the orphans
Not the kind of game I would imagine being screen read in a robotic voice.
What's amazing to me is that he was probably so drawn to the sounds from listening to someone else play that he decided, "hey, I want to experience that for myself too". And at no point did he ever get too bored or too frustrated and gave up. Pretty based.
I'm sure he's had people explain how things look to him, but I wonder what kind of environment he images when he plays.
Then we're starting with you
Because it shows that "disabled gamers" aren't getting left behind.
Any sony game *dab*
remappable buttons are good tho and theres no reason not to have them. Controllers break their buttons all the time and when theres no remap ability you just cant play certain games.
too fucking cute, abort thread
I remember reading about a blind guy who can play Abes Oddysee from start to finish because of all the audio cues.
I'm in the same boat. to be legally blind, you can't be able to correct it. so yeah you'd be legally blind without your glasses, but since you can wear glasses and fix the problem, you don't qualify
>the only viable cfw for 3ds is made by trannies
>switch cfw had trannies working on it
Trannies like nintendo.
You're okay user.
As long as you are not annoying about your disability. In that case, I respect you a lot.
Racing games are fine depending on the game itself. I'm terrible at Mario kart, but ok with need for speed.
rent free
He gets his brother to post frog pictures online.
Based Nintendo, You have Sony and Microsoft if you want shit for disabled people.
Believe it or not, you can actually play Killer Instinct blind because every last move has an audio cue.
You need to step away from your pc and think about everything about this thread, that question, and your answer.
what's next, making video games that cater to gays and transsexuals?
Probably the only time i would use gamer in a sentence. He is one of the most based gamers out there. BrolyLegs is another one that can shit you on fighting games
I don't remember any waggle in BotW (which means if even was there, it was optional) and it was there but entirely optional in Odyssey Try again.
Finally we can get an Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf game.
As an aside, do trannies count as disabled?
Enemy Zero.
How would you do a running jump? You'd have to be sucking and blowing at the same time. Flying in SMB3 would fucking kill these kids.
Oh wow it's truly difficult to come up with a solu-
You fucking retards think sarcasm is automatically passive aggressive.
Attention whoring is not a disability.
These people are mentally ill, user. There is no understanding their actions. The true offense here is that these people are praised for their mental illness instead of getting the help they need.
What type of porn/hentai do you watch?
Is Chie best girl?
Literally only VNs if the controller is released. Video games have video in the name you kind of need to see shit to play.
Attention whoring could be the symptom of a disability, autism, aspergers, just shitty brain in general.
i remember there being a mini feature in EGM about a blind MK player.
fighting games have more audio cues and only one opponent to try and clock the location of so it makes sense that blind people can find some degree of enjoyment and success.
The ball&maze shrines require waggle
Now this is true trial and error
hey as long as you are aware of the problem and let other people know I'm sure people will be fine with you.
I have a friend who has poor memory, bad communication skills, slow learner, bad with directions, often rude without realizing, bad attitude and more but they also think that they're perfectly healthy and mentally sound, I told him to go get tested ADD or something like that and he got really mad, even though he can't hold down a job or keep a room mate.
So when are we going to make games for people like this?
Whatever it is it needs to be a play on the word abortion
maybe he knows but just doesnt want to be reminded?
What are those huge buttockpads? Those are just buttons or you can customize them for different uses like Gabe's nipples?
can you add me into the screencap or are you just going to put your samefag comments?
Bump to important question.
Disabled people deserve to be in an oven.
I think i saw her in Rage 2
how do we recover nintenbros?
This post and everyone who replied to it (not me) are dumb, because OP literally says that Nintendo isn't for disabled people
Are those shrines required to complete the game? No. They are completely optional and there are very few of them compared to the rest of the shrines in the game so the amount of content missed is pretty negligible.
>BUT WHAT IF THEY WANT TO 100% the game?
No game should ever be required to make 100% completion accessible to every player on earth. If they want to, then fine, but it shouldn't be a requirement. Not to mention, most non-disabled players don't even want to bother putting in the time to 100% BotW. Disabled players aren't missing out on anything special.
>be animal
>get fucked to an extend you couldn't survive in nature
>get adopted by humans
>enjoy live to its fullest as if nothing happened
why are animals so much stronger?
Nigga press the ⠭ button!
That honestly sounds way closer to aspergers territory rather than ADD, I would know cause I have it but yeah a lot of people are very hesitant to look that stuff up. My younger brother is struggling massively at school but my dad outright refuses to get him tested despite that shit running in our family. That all said I kind of understand the hesitance, I stopped telling employers and people that probably should know that stuff after how belittling and degrading school was for me but I think once you're past that point people are typically more understanding.
So far ive only seen Nintendo games have support for left handed people, not to say they are disabled, but ive only seen them try to show support for the minority of people.
Like this user said you maybe are not good at things like logical and math problems, but that
doesn't mean you can't be good at something, have you tried art, music or something like
as for the burden part, it depends on the people that surround you, but remember that
everyone is a responsability for another person, so you wouldn't be more of a burden than other people.
it's ok user, you can always become a qt trap and suck some mean apples
No they don't. You can disable all motion controls in botw.
>Left handed people
True they're not disabled but cursed by satan, this is why good god fearing men invented ring binders to cripple them
As long as you are a decent person who cares about others, you are already way better than a large part of humanity.
Parents who knowingly carry these pregnancies to term and go through with the birth disgust me. You can prattle on all you want about "oh but we will love them no matter what" but forcing that child into this world is an extremely selfish decision because you're not thinking about how much suffering that child has to endure on a daily basis. Worse yet when the child will never be mentally capable of functioning independently because that child will never be able to actually live a full life. What happens to them once you die or are otherwise unable to care for them? You literally aren't having a child at that point. You're having a pet that you like to dress up. It's fucking selfish and disgusting and I'm convinced it's just the most elaborate form of virtue signalling a person can achieve and comes to the detriment of everyone involved.
Some gameplay is better for the disabled than others, I assume by "Innovative" they mean "Towards the goal of accessibility"
Dude you have some weird growth on your penis, you should get that checked
Is there any good way to put Yea Forums on a text to speech on mobile?
Im not disabled btw, just a lazy piece of shit.
Don't really do henti, but I find tentacles weirdly attractive
I like Rise better, but chie is a close second.
It's over, Nintendo is going to file for bankruptcy.
I love music but it gives me a headache and a nauseous sort of feeling if I listen to it for too long. probably because I listened to it too loud for far too long as a child. this summer I want to learn to play the piano.