Here's your epic sale, bro

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Other urls found in this thread:


the store is so fundamentally broken that games need to be pulled from the store entirely if they do not want to be on sale

Hilarious, chinese coding at work
But what does it have to do with bloodlines 2

Based Grayson.


Games that are not released yet were not excluded from the sale, and had to be taken off of the store as described

So they haven't figured out how to only put some games on sale? That seems pretty bad.

>sale was FORCED onto devs

>Trusting chinks EVER
Do people ever learn?

this is the most hilarious shit ever

Fucking lol can't wait to see shills try to spin this as steam's fault somehow

truly epic

any decent CS curriculum would ask first year students to create a basic online store with checkout cart, discount mechanics, etc.
these guys are lower than basic, wtf.

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You've got to be fucking kidding me


If Steam didn't have such a stranglehold over the market other platforms wouldn't need desperate measures such as this.

>tranny simulator
>big game

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Shut up chink
You dont compete buying exclusives and making people mad

Did Klei say why they pulled Oxygen Not Included yet? The damage is already done; I'm kicking myself for missing the low price, so I'm definitely going to wait for a steam sale now.

Uhhmmmm if Steam didn't condition people into wanting sales then there wouldn't have been this sale?????

clearly they took the cs courses, the epic game store is nothing but chink shit

>PC Gaymer has 0 articles about this
Man Epic really got them good, they're fast as fuck to shill epic games but when shit like this happens they're silent. They like to shadowban people for making anti-epic comments too.

tim is just trying to get us the best deals possible. he is based. and dare I say redpilled?

If they used all the bribe money to improve the EGS it would help much more than exclusives on the long run

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>green frog man with attitude
>big meme



That's what you get when you hire a hack like Steamspy

People should tell them this on twitter to make them even more mad at epic


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>be epic
>have exclusive deal to sell so and so amounts of units
>pay the difference in money to the Publisher
>have sale which you don't tell the publisher
>games sell like hotcakes
>now you don't have to pay the difference

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>Tim Sweeney says that devs will decide who wins the store wars, not consumers
>Proceeds to piss off devs

So they didnt read the fine print?

Hold up, Epic forces things to be on sale without the devs agreeing?

>Have infinite funds
>Can't code a shopping cart
>Can't code a blacklist for your sale
How is this even possible?

this sales are toxic pro consumer culture that needs to be stopped

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apparently it was horrendously badly communicated how the sales would work.
Ubi pulled their games apparently a week early already because of some "integration" failure

I don't know, GOG's a good service and no one talks about that.

Epic's shit but everyone's talking about it because of forced exclusives.

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Contrary to popular belief, bad publicity is not good publicity


i was gonna reply to this post with my best educated guess as a software dev but i got nothing

if i had to make a random guess, it's because they want to roll out some big update later that has all this stuff in it, but it's being held back by some stupid bullshit

There are niggers, that's right, NIGGERS, in this thread right now and they aren't dilating.

That is cartoonishly bad, holy shit.

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It's just bad publicity lol

Maybe not, but I'd still consider Epic a greater contender with Steam than anyone else at the moment, even if its tactics make a good chunk of players outright hate them.

>Epic Sale
>it isn't epic
>it isn't a sale

holy shit that's great. they just keep walking from one shitstorm to the next.

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wonder where the epic shills are at anyways. they seem to be awfully quiet about this whole thing

10:30 at night in China right now.

Didn't they make threads saying "we can do sales too" eariler?

kek, if you open the article in the OP they're running some serious damage control in the comments, some serious subterfuge tier shit, everything is steam's fault etc

what needs to be stopped is calling customers consumers

people were using vpns to get bloodlines 2 for 5bux from ukraine

Tranny seethe

Yeah, the "big update" that includes shopping cards to not trigger their anti-fraud system.

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all the chinks have been assigned to this thread it seems

Did they get to keep the game?

Don't worry. If Bloodlines II got refunded, Oxygen probably too.


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Retard here, how the fuck do you buy anything if it doesn't have a shopping cart?

Don't worry user. They'll have shopping carts some time next decade.

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You can only buy one game at once.

individualy purchases

You buy things one at a time.

How's the wheater at Tienman today?

It's coing. Steam wasn't build in a day either.

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Didn't Epic already say they'd honor the discounted purchases?

Why isn’t steam doing anything?

it probably has reasons other than incompetence. the reasons are most likely more malicious. they don't want to add a shopping cart because it gives the customer the chance to second guess their purchase after seeing the price for everything together.
they wanted their big everythings on sale slogan so they thought asking for forgiveness is easier than asking for allowance. they were probably also hoping that putting the publishers in front of a done deal would make them hesitant to do something as drastic as pull the game from the store to avoid the sale.

reminder that this isn't even up to date, they delayed everything on that tiemline, it's going to take even longer

The truth is a lot more pathetic, Epic wants to be able to say "WE'RE GIVING YOU $10 OFF EVERYTHING, SEE WE LIKE CONSUMERS TOO!" but because a couple of games don't want to devalue their own brand, especially before launch, and they don't want to actually play the favourites game they asked to not be involved so Epic delisted them during the sale so they could keep their claim. So much for giving devs more freedom and control, this reaction shows the future of Epic, you either play their game or they'll delist you, if I was a dev I'd look at this as a sign of things to come.

the comment section is an absolute dumpster fire, I love it

You have to buy everything one at a time. That's why if you buy too many games within a short period of time you get put on hold for suspicious activity.

I see, that's embarrassing

Pat is always right.

>Bloodlines II got refunded
It wasn't. Still in my library and won't be removed (Epic confirmed that)

Clicking on buy will proceed straigh to the check-out I guess.

They already went back on that with the Cage games when they removed it from everyones library and deleted the purchase transactions from profiles.

why would they? epic is doing a wonderful job shooting themselves in the foot with this

you don't understand user HE is the devs

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>imagine defending a store so early in development it doesnt have a shoping cart

Just hang tight, Epic Store will have a shopping basket feature within 6 to 22 months.
It'll change everything.

ok thats pretty fucking good
stealing this for later use

>Yeah but Steam...
How much do they pay you to shill on Yea Forums? Do they pay you in merchandise?

>ea accidentally adds a global infinite use coupon for free $20 games that anyone can use
>ends up honoring all the free games
>epic gives people a $10 coupon that can't even be used for free games
>full panic mode, devs pulling their games from the storefront, swiping games away from people who paid for them

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GOG's a great service but it doesnt get new games because video game publishers refuse to release games without drm

GOG is getting screwed over by publishers because they are assholes that want to control the product you buy with an eventual self destruct switch that makes it unplayable and then they can force you to buy the hd remake at a later date, they saw just how sucessful hd remakes were on console and now they want to break your pc games in order to get you to buy remasters

social credit so chang can ride the train to his shoe factory

pretty sure they can be fined big time for that, storefronts have to honor advertised discounted prices, especially in the EU and other western countries (maybe not the US though). If you're affected by this, consider appealing to the appropriate authorities and opening an investigation.

Not really, all Epic has done is revitalize the piracy scene in first world countries since now it's objectively beneficial for the consumer.
Not only do you not have to spend money, but you also don't have to support developers who partake in objectively consumer-harming business practices.
It's a win-win as far as I'm concerned.

>want to buy Hades
>lol sorry your account is not allowed to purchase any games
It really feels like they don´t want to sell any games at all.

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also the $10 discount applies it in USD no matter what your regional pricing is. You were able to get VTMB2 in Russian rubles for like $7 USD

>Epic says they will pay for the discount and devs will receive full price
>Supergiant increases price during the sale anyway

>buying a game when they tried to pull a fast one on us
epic paid for your copy user, you know what to do.

Nah origin is a better competitor, EA actually makes games (doesn't matter if they suck, Epic hasn't made shit other than fortnite in years), EA sells more games than epic and EA premier is a better tactic to generate recurring revenue than what most companies have. The problem with EA is that their brand is really fucked and their marketing for origin is trash.

The only thing epic has going for them is exclusives, okay great but what happens when the exclusivity runs out? People will go back to steam. They can't buy exclusives forever because it costs too much, they can't add new games to the store quickly because they have to add everything manually. Time isn't on epic's side at all and every day they piss off prospective customers the window for them to become relevant gets smaller.

You know even people running crappy 1-man online shops with free software from their house have shopping carts in their storefronts. The idea that it's something they need to develop separately over months is mindboggling. This is on the level of putting "jpeg support" on your dev roadmap - the only way it's happening is if the leadership are absolutely incompetent.

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The baffling thing is despite the fact that they have been pushing their store hard, they are still in the early development stages pretty much.

This is basically like buying a Superbowl advert for an early access game that barely works.

Fucking Neill Breen has a shopping cart on his website.
Imagine being more incompetent than Neill fucking Breen.

Aren't Epic paying the difference to the publishers to make the games cheaper? Why are publishers opposed to this when they get the same revenue? Why are people hating Epic for making stuff cheaper?

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>make new phone company and release phone without many of the features your competitors have
>cant browse the internet
>cant play music
>your excuse is that it took along time for samsung and nokia to get to where they are and your phone is better than the first phones those companies made
>actually expects people to buy your phone

Its being released in 2019, if it doesnt have what its competitor has then its inferior and not a worthwhile product

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Supergiant's one of my favorite studios but I'd sooner wait for Hades to show up finished on PS4 than buy it in early access on Epic.

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Sorry, I keep forgetting that Epic is competing with 2005 Steam and not 2019 Steam.
>wasn't build in a day
Dumb insect.

You should see them go to town in PC gamer's comments, shit's nuts.
>this sale is great, steam is too complacent, epic is going to make pc gaming better
they're fucking retarded

epic confirmed worse than ea

because when the sale ends people are going to be less likely to buy the game, the perceived value of the game is now lower

I've been on the fence for Supergiant games, but given how Hades will come to Steam once it's finished, I might just get their games in a bundle when it goes on sale.

Honestly, a part of me is happy that some smaller devs are at least getting something out of this whole shitshow.

But I'm not downloading Epic while all I hear about it is what a mess the entire thing is. Security concerns, Tencent involvement, abruptly pulling games and attacking people who are actually trying to pay for multiple products during a sale, etc.

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Fuck chinks

exclusives always drive people to piracy
look at netflix, was great until the competitors came and everyone started competing for exclusives, and now most people pirate
look at cruchyroll was great until competitors came and everyone started competing for exclusives and now most people pirate

kek is that what they're really saying? sounds like some esl or robot typing

its pretty funny
Id actually consider buying something on origin
But id never buy anything from epic

Is this not a good thing if you are consumer? I got to play a new triple a game for 10 bucks cause chinks demanded them to sale it for cheap

It's not as easy as using some free shopping cart for your website. I imagine they want do sell shit in their client so they would need to code the whole store and cart part. They are a gamedev company and publisher. They probably never had staff that knew how to do this shit. Even their websites are probably made and maintained by subcontractors. It's not like they can just hire a bunch of guys and have them learn their client and have them design and code this shit on a week's notice or whatever. They are fucking retarded for not starting this process a long time ago and trying to organize a sale without the necessary tools on their software

knowing Timmy boy, i would highly doubt it.

>I imagine they want do sell shit in their client so they would need to code the whole store and cart part.
Unless they're fucking retarded then the process isn't vastly different.
Fucking Steam has been built on Chromium for this exact god damn reason, if the EGS isn't the same then that explains a LOT.

Yeah if the EU looks into the epic store they are fucked

It's ancient you newfag.

crunchyroll was always crap and people always pirated anime specifically because there was never a good distributor.

are you fucking serious the most basic free ecommerce web software can handle shopping carts and sales just fine, jesus christ

And I got to play it for 0.

I'm baffled at the difference between Unreal Engine and Epic Games Store is despite coming from the same company.
UE4 runs well on a wide range of hardware, is feature-rich and everyone from small indie devs to large studios are using voluntarily.
EGS is a paper cutout of a storefront, uses excessive amounts of resources, runs like shit, and Epic needs to throw six digit paychecks on the table before the developers even consider using it.

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I have used Steam since the Steam release in 2003 and I have never bought more than one game at a time. Why is everyone so assblasted about shopping carts? This isn't a fucking grocery store.

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>EGS isnt in China so Tencent doesn’t do anyth-

Taiwan is an independent country

WWZ online works with pirated copy?

If you buy 5 games one after another your account gets flagged for suspicious activity and you get locked out of it. It shows how incompetent epic are since they can't even implement simple features.

WWZ is a AAA game?
Looks like budget shit made by no-names to me.

>They are a gamedev company and publisher.
It's not like they are a couple of Unity devs in dad's shed. Epic has some of the most talented people around making one of the most advanced engines in the industry.

Also, why the fuck aren't they building their client around some sort of WebKit framework or similar?

Try not being poor.

>it's okay to be so technically incompetent you can't code a feature every online store for anything has
>me me me me me me god why are people not me and so something I don't do?
>why do people just buy ea h game at once? oh, the store literallly temp bans you from purchasing if you make too many purchases in a period of time?

have sex

>I love putting my payment information in multiple times for a simple purchase
>I am fine with letting the bug men have my payment information saved on their servers so I can purchase things one at a time
Take your pick faggot either way is shit

How much more can they fuck up?

>closed for sale

>Retards on some kind of contrarian rush that they are taking the publishers side
>Based chinks are giving us some real good sale cause they are rich
Are you guys for real? Fucking stop for one min and think you cocksucking faggots. No side taking for one min. If you are interested in any of the game, they are dirt cheap right now since they are giving away a 10 bucks discount on already discounted games. That means a 40 bucks game costing 20 bucks now, is going to cost you 10 bucks. And if you are not interested in the games, why are you acting hurt? Also, for those RISE UP gamers, this is the biggest fuck you, you can give up to the publishers since you are basically buying them how you buy them from gamestop pre-owned, almost not a dime to the publisher.

Imagine defending this over steam or ubishit for that matter

Got a source for them removing the games Google is giving me nothing g

The best thing about Epic Games is that I get a 100% discount on all their exclusives, and it's not illegal because the developers already got paid!

Literally nobody is hurt by this!

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>>Based chinks are giving us some real good sale cause they are rich
top fucking zoozle
nice try chong

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>they are dirt cheap right now since they are giving away a 10 bucks discount on already discounted games
Give a single good reason to not just pirate epic store games and pay $0.

Z is not AAA, buddy.

gr8 b8

>Also, why the fuck aren't they building their client around some sort of WebKit framework or similar?
I'm not sure that they don't. But if not it usually is some fucker that throws buzzwords and promises at clueless execs how an in-house solution will be better so that they can make more job security, benefits and money for their department.
>It's not like they are a couple of Unity devs in dad's shed. Epic has some of the most talented people around making one of the most advanced engines in the industry.
It doesn't matter that much if they suddenly need to make something that is completely different from game engines. It's not like someone who has done nothing but master stone masonry for 30 years is guaranteed to build an amazing wooden house.

Paradox is the main culprit here

I love Neptune!

Online, if you are into that. Honestly, the only reason to buy a game nowadays.

>Parajews at it
>still assblasted from the release of Imperashit

They are fucking greedy, and yet the sheeps are still eager to be sheared.

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>B-buh Steam
Epicfags are like DCfags with ''b-buh Marvel''

None of the online games (read: game) that are EGS exclusive are worth playing.
Not to mention they're all dead as fuck.

You must be lying out your ass or dirt poor. Even buying (game) plus seperate dlc counts as multiple purchases. Why are you ok with a store that lacks basic functionality?

there's nothing even good to get from this "sale" now that bloodlines 2 is gone

Why is Yea Forums concerned for the publishers all of a sudden? Who the fuck cares about brand devaluation? What Epic Games is doing is actually pretty fucking dope. They're making shit cheaper for everyone, even preorders.

Needs the "I have altered the deal , pray I do not alter it further"

That's just the thing, they don't need to build an amazing wooden house, they pretty much just need to make a basic hovel and yet seem to be struggling really hard to do so.

It's not like Epic are new to networking or webdesign. This is incredibly basic stuff that doesn't need to be developed from scratch. It's just so odd.

>I have never been in an accident so cars shouldn't come with seatbelts
t. you

>Why are people hating Epic for making stuff cheaper?
imagine believing this

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Who cares about shit being cheap when I can just pirate it all for free?

It's not the only reason. I buy games to support developers, so that they are more likely to make more content for the game and sequels later.
But if epic pays developers on my behalf, and the developers decide to inconvenience me by making their games exclusive to a store I don't want to use, then why the fuck should I care about them?

I also heard that developers don't actually get that much from Epic, the lion's share goes to the publishers and the devs don't see a cent of any store sales.

Attached: spurdo hmm.png (379x298, 41K)

They publish some good games, but they are on my "Guilt free pirate" list.

>pretty fucking dope
Chang, tell your bugmen overlords to get new Chinese to English phrasebooks. Yours are clearly from the 90's.

why would I commit a crime when I can be a lawful citizen?

>Steam does sale
>wow amazing thanks for giving me all these discounts gaben
>Epic does sale
>wow Epic way to devalue games lmao

the absolute state of steam insects

Wait, is that Rome game they were working on even out? I haven't heard anything about that game in fucking weeks. Even HoI4 had SOME people talking about it and posting screenshots here and there.

Sorry, I'm not an Americuck, so piracy isn't a crime.
Now why would I pay when Epic already paid for my copy?

they publish a tenth of a good game and then sell the rest as dlc.

>chink gets so upset about being called an insect that he thinks it's an insult he can use against others as if it will have any impact
Stay mad, bugman.

I'll start buying games when publishers stop evading taxes.

It's a joke retard. You could try reading the article and finding out the real reason for yourself.

>This is the alleged 'Steam killer'

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Taiwan is a free country

yeah steam users are the ones who pulled the games from the epic store

Article has people deflecting bs, commenting how steam has issues too. Another fag said that "epic store is a proxy for cancer pc gamers. Never buying from epic. Ever". I swear these people live in constant fear of anyone outside their hive mind.

anyone who bought it for $6 kept the game?

>Steam has shopping carts, wishlists and bundles for whatever shit I want to buy, on top of being able to sell shit from games so that I don't even have to peel my wallet open, on top of having much more to choose from
>Epic doesn't even have a basic feature to all fucking storefronts and publishers pull out games from sales

Gee, I wonder why Steam sales are much better by comparison.

Goes does the steam keep getting away with this??

It's not a crime in America, retard, yet it actually is in most of the rest of the world, including the EU. So where is your pirate license?

Epic did not pay for your copy, they payed for exclusivity rights.

It might not be a crime where you're from but it's still immoral.

it's not a joke, the games literally aren't on the store right now

>Steam does sale
>wow amazing thanks for giving me all these discounts gaben
>Epic does sale
>wow a handful of people were able to buy the cheaper games but now nobody on the platform can buy them at all because they aren't available anymore due to retarded decisions by epic. Looks like it's back to steam for those guys

Games should be 50% off at MOST and that's well after release. Epic may think they're being "generous" or whatever by doing massive discounts but all it does is devalues games and the art form as a whole.

No wonder people are jumping ship.

>I also heard that developers don't actually get that much from Epic, the lion's share goes to the publishers and the devs don't see a cent of any store sales
Devs that are happy making deal with Epic are devs that own themselves, the paycheck is suppose to very very fucking good. Devs that get fucked by the publishers that own them, well, I´m not surprised if they don´t get a cut of the Epic deal, while the publisher are very fucking happy. In the latter case, the devs are retarded faggots that have to live with their choices, I mean they did get a good pay when they got bought by their publisher.

Every time with you fucking retards. The Epic Games Store is relatively new and yet you are already demanding QoL features from them that Steam took years to even implement in the first place. How long was it until Valve had anything but their own games on their store? How long was it until Steam sales started happening with actual decent values? These retarded double standards clearly show how gullible every Pcbro out there is.

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Nope, it's 100% moral.
The company is doing something I don't like, so they're not getting my money.
If they want my money, then they need to do things I like.
Until then, I'm pirating all their shit.
Free market, baby.

You're really bad at recognising satire.

>A storefront that wants to compete with Steam shouldn't aspire to the QoL standards Steam has in 20 fucking 19, no! It should just pay for exclusivity deals!

What's next? If they ask for a monthly subscription, I should pay too because if not I'm an entitled fuck?

I know they were removed dipshit, but the reason stated for the removal was a joke. Read the fucking article.

>tfw haven't bought a full priced game since 2012 since steam sales and re-sellers became a thing

if you find value in playing a pirated game then the company is doing something you like

>a fucking shopping cart
>QoL feature

>visiting Kotaku
I hope a mod permabans you OP

>the Epic Games Store is relatively new
>launched Dec 2018
>has endless chink dosh to spend
>has no shortage of much better storefronts to copy
>still fucking fails at everything

Nah, this is just sad. Extremely sad.

Nope, it doesn't matter if I find value in the game or not, it matters if I find value in supporting the company.
I don't, so I'm pirating their shit.

They're the idiots that signed their rights to their game they made for a measly few million. I hope they learned their lesson.

This. I don't care if Epic covers the costs or whatever, I wouldn't want a game i made being sold for dirt cheap. That'd be a massive slap in the face.

>fake news
Games aren't being pulled out. You can still buy games AND the sale is still going on. Try harder mindless Steam sheep.

What game

Honest talk everyone. How much are the EPIC chinks paying for the exclusivity contract? Only one dude have turned this deal down, the Factorio dev. But, he is an autist and rich enough that he don´t have to sell out. But we have seen succesful devs still selling out.

You think they are giving away millions? Cause this Kickstarter faggot that fucked all his backers said that he don´t have to sell even ONE copy, and he would still be making a hefty winning.

Then you're the very reason that Epic is doing this shit.

1. Anyone who managed to buy the game at a discount - will receive it at a discount.2. The game will return to the store.3. We fully compensate the discount to the publisher, they do not lose money.4. The publisher was informed in advance about the sale mechanism and was aware of its conditions.
Okay, regarding point 4.I was sure that Paradox were aware of the sale mechanism. After a little investigation, it turned out that I was wrong.
Imagine losing money for each game you sell

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as long as you're consistent with that morality and support companies you do like, I respect it.

It took years to implement them because they weren't standard and Steam was pretty much inventing everything from scratch.

Just because you are a new electronics company doesn't mean you start releasing 80s CRT TV's and go "please understand, we need time to catch up to the industry standard, we expect to have 4k TV's in 10 years".

>yet you are already demanding QoL features from them that Steam took years to even implement in the first place

If some new ISP rolled into your area with exclusive rights to serve you and they sold you dailup you would be singing a different tune. 'B-but they're new' doesn't cut it, it's not 2003, it's 2019 and epic needs to be able to compete with what origin uplay and steam are offering.
The most erroneous thing epic has done is argue against customers and tell them openly that they don't matter, when you take this kind of stance you should expect a great deal of hostility.

>Games aren't being pulled out. You can still buy games
Except for the games removed by devs because they didn't want them discounted.

Attached: facepalm1.jpg (627x476, 122K)

Pretty sure Epic doesn't even allow third-party keys to be sold and freely distributed.

>art form
>video games

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Realizing you need a feature that doesn't exist takes longer than just copying industry standards.

>the additional $10 off games priced $14.99 and higher comes “courtesy of Epic,” meaning that Epic itself is taking the monetary hit, so companies like Paradox and Klei can’t easily match those prices on Steam. In Paradox’s case, it’s doubly dicey, seeing as Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 isn’t out yet. Why pre-order it anywhere else if Epic could, theoretically, discount it again before it’s released?

This is... weird. Why is Epic covering the costs for OTHER developers sales?

How are other platforms supposed to compete like that? They can't lower the price that much on other platforms that don't cover the cost. Is this even legal?

Of course, hence why I buy Japanese games all the time.
I haven't paid money for a western game outside of a handful of indies since like 2011.

To my knowledge the epic deals are guaranteed sales contracts, so if the game sells less than the desired amount epic will pay them the difference. Devs get more money from this since they get more money per sale and a guaranteed minimum number of sales removes the risk of people not buying the game because it's on a different store.

>The Epic Games Store is relatively new and yet you are already demanding QoL features from them that Steam took years
>a fucking shopping cart is now a QoL feature
They have infinite money to throw and they're not even putting in the bare minimum that is expected for any online store in 2019, not to mention they're trying to 'kill' the store that has set the bar for their field of the industry at the same time
Fuck off Chang

Attached: 1550439068437.png (673x1539, 1.04M)

They have endless Fortnite money is what it is.

Attached: ISOLATED.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

So why would anyone use the EGS when Steam is and always will be light years ahead?

On the other hand, I've bought 2 games from GOG in the past month. 0 from epic. I just don't need to talk about my GoG purchases because there's nothing to talk about - I bought them at a fair rate, they work perfectly, and there's no drama or anti/pro consumer stance to take. I just bought games I wanted.

Attached: kerillipop.png (485x485, 241K)

What's stopping them from setting the price of a brand new game to 1 cent and covering the cost themselves? Anyone who bought it elsewhere would feel like they got scammed, and the developer's game is effectively worthless.

This is fucked up

It's Capitalism, everything's legal if you grease the right palms


Attached: 1495056741025.png (2500x1645, 197K)

It just doesn't seem fair to Valve. It's forcing them into a shitty situation where they either also cover sale costs(losing tons of money) or have higher prices on their store.

Gabe doesn't deserve this shit...

Maybe he was right after all

>being concerned of a multi million dollar fat fuck that hasen't released a good game in forever

>thinking competition is unfair and evil

Rumor has it Borderlands 3 was at least 10 Million, and that was only for 6 months.

do you have the webm where user walks up to everyone and starts dancing and everyone leaves?

>guaranteed minimum number of sales removes the risk of people not buying the game because it's on a different store.
How shortsighted. Surely they see that there are non-monetary risks involved? If people don't buy a dev's game because no one uses the Epic store, it will hurt their brand recognition and when they make a new game in the future it won't sell as well and they may not have the "guaranteed" sales to fall back on.

it's not just valve, it's every other online distributor as well as consoles.
The whole reason games cost as much as they do despite being digital only is because brick and mortar stores demand parity otherwise nobody would buy physical.

They are rich, and I mean rich. Gaben could do the same if he wanted. But the chinks are trying hard to break into the market. And throwing away cash is not a problem for them, they just want to be number one.

I have no problem with this and neither should you. I welcome these rich motherfuckers if they decide to be grossly generous.

>he thinks having infinite money to throw around and try to cause a monopoly is the same thing as competition

>buying out exclusive rights to games, a monopolistic practice Steam has never engaged in
Literally the opposite of competition.

>colmpetition maymay
Nobody is falling for that shit, anymore Chang.

Except that this does come with a cost, for example using a store that puts spyware on your computer sends your personal info to Tencent and refuses to add a fucking SHOPPING CART

If the game is fun and looks fun, people will buy it. People hated on Orgins, Uplay and what not. Look at them go today. Sims is selling like hotcakes, but now they are not giving away the 30% cut.

Gabe is the true victim in all of this. The Epic store is pretty much one big attack on his livelihood and career.

In the sense that a spec of dust landing on a windshield is a direct attack on a car.

The thing is, Valve doesn't have to do anything because it's unsustainable. Epic can only do this for so long before they have to start actually making money.

They are basically doing the Spotify and Netflix approach of throwing away all profit in order to build their consumer base, that's pretty much what their entire revenue must come from since they have no real unique product that separates them from their rivals.

Generosity is not always an inherently good thing. If all games are dirt cheap because of Epic then the quality of games will fall overall as they won't have to meet high expectations anymore like they have to at full price.

Developers might not lose any money due to this weird Epic covering the cost thing but it's not all about money.

For a household name like The Sims, sure. I was thinking of lesser known indie devs who depend more on word of mouth.

Google have already mapped you faggot. And it seems malware protection program and virus programs with good reputation are giving them a pass, seems harmless enough. I mean, really, if you want to play some Epic games in the future, and you don´t want them sending back sensitive info, just use that shit on a gaming PC exlcusive for playing game, while your porn habits can stay on a laptop or something.

You do know that Steam games carry these spywares too right? I mean sure, don´t buy this games can be an option. But how should anyone know that an old game like Civ decided to install redshell for you later on?

really? that would explain why a game like borderlands 3 was on sale, what was randy reaction?

That's how free market works. If I tell you to bend over and suffer for my amusement, you do it with a smile and thank me for the opportunity, you disgusting corporate shill. Now dance for me, and I may consider buying your game.

It is worth noting that Steam also is "spyware" by that definition. I'm saying that as someone that exclusively uses Steam myself.

>but steam..-
every time

do you even realize how fucking stupid you are?
Steam launched like 15 years ago.
That means one and a half decade ago,
online shopping wasn't even widely spread yet.

Yet, here we are, close to 2020 thinking about
Mars travel and self driving cars and you mongoloid piece of shit retard(s) defend a store that doesn't even have shopping cart or decent security.


Attached: 1552757333842.jpg (500x359, 30K)

I have been talking to an Epic employee in my discord. Apparently it was a screwup from an individual employee.

Attached: SmartSelect_20190517-084407_Discord.jpg (905x769, 234K)

It's like EU4 but even worse with the mana waiting game. Might be good in five years with a couple hundred bucks of DLC lmao

you are trying too hard for those social credit scores my dude
dont forget to choose your pronoun

Billion dollar company btw

It's not epic's fault that Valve fails to attract publishers in the same way epic does. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not competition. It's ultimately up to Steam if they want to stop said "monopoly" and engage in the competition.

I doubt he'd care since Epic is covering the cost. The developers still get the same amount of money they would from a full price purchase.

>it's literally just a 10 dollar price cut

>tfw loved Pyre so much I promised to buy their next game
>Early access on Epic

Attached: 1487882185838.gif (400x286, 1.55M)

>Gaben could do the same if he wanted
no, see It all comes down to what the publishers want, if they don't want their games to be dirt cheap on 1 store because it will hurt the sales of the game everywhere else then they will act to protect their interests.

Thanks Tim for bringing retarded, counter-productive faggotry console wars to PC.
That is EXACTLY what we needed to really bring this wretched decade to a close.


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The difference is that Steam had to figure it out as they went along. Epic has the template already figured out and what customers expect.

That's like saying a new car manufacturer has to make wooden wagons before start making cars. No, you can go straight to making a car if you have the money.

Attached: 1547055270892.jpg (1023x887, 161K)

I can't even begin to imagine what kind of spaghetti code their store must be if they can't discount individual games lmao.

Reminder that this rushed as fuck sale is happening right now because Epic is scrambling to pad out the sales numbers for their exclusives since they have an E3 conference next month.

They can't just stroll in there and say
>uhhhh yeah WWZ sold like 250k I guess
>oh and Metro Exodus sold more than Last Light!
It was so rushed that even the publishers got caught off guard.

Attached: 1558093904997.jpg (1360x970, 280K)

>there are devs that want to trust their business with these fuckers

Attached: 1542572079614.jpg (700x700, 153K)

>rich kid mentality condescending to people about their own hobby and needs to fall off a balcony after drinking too much.

This was intentional dipshit. It's a deliberate 10$ discount on everything above $15 and Epic is covering the cost.

> I welcome these rich motherfuckers if they decide to be grossly generous.
in this case, generosity means bribes, baiting and scamming.

Your account and the information it provides to the chinks is ten times more valuable than some $60+ game you buy

You are as retarded as this guy If you can't figure out why you're beyond help.

chink learn how to use , please.

You can get Anno 1800 or the Division 2 for the discounted price if you enter the shop through a search enginge link btw

Attached: 1422293537899.gif (270x252, 967K)

this can't be real



Games got removed from the store because the publisher didn't want the discount and there's no way to remove an individual discount.

Over the last five weeks? But that post earlier in the thread said that it was a glitch that caused it to happen spontaneously.

>>oh and Metro Exodus sold more than Last Light!

Metro Exodus was a success you fucking steam drones.


Keeping that social credit score high I see

Oh, mr chink apologist, please tell me, what is there to figure out?
but before you make a clown of yourself, read this guys post first
Now look in to the mirror to find the real retard

Attached: 1496596197491.gif (230x173, 983K)




>chinks realize this
>they put a bounty in your head

>epic is competing with 2005 steam
>it isn’t like epic already knew about the current state of the art
>no it’s okay if epic’s shitty platform is so fundamentally broken that it can’t even serve its purpose of selling games

I thought we were having a discussion, nice coping.

Sounds about right, pat from castlesuperbeast couldn't buy something because the system thought he was hacked for buying a bunch of shit because no cart system.

Say what you want Yea Forums but this is unironically amazing to watch.

>Epic tripping over themselves every step of the way to the point that they even pissed off publishers now
>Steam stays pretty much silent while they jerk off to VR

When will we get a cage match between Tim and Gaben?

Anyone who calls himself a "consumer" in the context of economics is admitting to being cattle to be exploited on a regular basis. Where did such a poisonous term come from in the first place?

How many games is epix trying to hold hostage, borderlands 3 is the only big release I heard of, and I think they are trying to take rocket league and make it exclusive.

Twitch faggots and gamejournos are getting bribes daily, nothing wrong with taking some of that yourself for once.
>Bait and scams
EU, obnoxious and faggots as they are, still got my ass protected.
>Account and information
Not ideal, but I have one PC for just playing games. So they can have access to my steam library if they want. God knows how many Steam games already do ever since they bought that spyware package and installed it with your games.

Not that I have bought anything on Epic store yet, but if they are going to make 85% off a new game that I want, I will take that deal.

Why do they care what Epic does to their prices when they were already paid their profits for exclusivity?

Attached: sale.gif (320x240, 1.73M)

well i am really tempted to get anno

Maybe the deal wasn't that great and they need full price to break even? Could be Paradox being greedy fucks as usual

Because even steam gives a tip to devs about how sales work.

>Stairstep your discounts
>It's typically best to ease into discounting, and increase the level of discount over time. For example, a title might move from 33% to 50% to 66% to 75% and beyond, over the course of a year or more. Rushing into a 50% or 75% discount weeks after your launch, or releasing with a very high launch discount sends a bad message to customers who bought at full price and undermines the value of your title.

when the epic store stops being a laughing stock. Its gonna be a while

Attached: 1424564320693.png (500x371, 203K)

Paradox is not losing anything from this sale. Epic games is paying the difference.


They get paid full price either way. Epic are covering the cost of the discounts.

Isn't this straight up illegal?

You can get 10 buckeroos off on everything, even games taken off the store if you got the link. So any game, new and upcoming worth looking into?

yes but epic has been doing illegal shit for a while anyway in some parts of the world, I don't think they're GDPR compliant yet

Image, chinknigger.

It devalues their product to have it available on sale. Game sales are a bad thing for the industry.

Because there is such a thing as cheapening your brand.

If a whole host of people start talking about how they got Bloodlines 2 for 20 bucks or whatever, people are gonna be less willing to pay full price when it's released because "who knows, might just be another sale around the corner, the devs did it before after all".


Gentleman, how do we take down the chinks?

Attached: Business.jpg (1000x667, 512K)

This is the company that retards try to posit as "genuine" competition to Steam.
Jesus fucking christ.

This. I just care about getting cheap games. I've never prepurchased a game before because I hate paying full price for games when sales definitely happen eventually. Getting discounts on games that aren't even out yet is like heaven to me.

This. The ESRB or something should get involved and set strict guidelines on how much games can go on sale. Companies like Epic with their heavy game sales are doing more harm to our hobby than anything else.

Like, limit it to 20% off at most during the first three months and then 40% off at most during the first year. That'd sound good to me.

We don't. From the looks of it they're doing it themselves.

They seem to be managing that just fine on their own.

Taiwan is the real China. The "Chinese" Communist Party is an illegitimate authority that needs to be ousted and all of its officials imprisoned immediately. During WWII, Chiang Kai-shek's nationalist forces were the ones who defended China from Japan. The coward Mao and his communists mostly hid in the countryside while occasionally backstabbing the nationalists. Once the war was over and the nationalists were exhausted from the fighting, the communists swooped in to overthrow them and take credit for winning the war despite abandoning the country.

Attached: Mao and friends.jpg (450x335, 22K)

All they need to do is change their business model at the last minute to a game streaming service which will accidentally be popular with a lot of little kids and bring them tons of cash. Then they will start a search engine to compete with the leading search engine of our time: Bing.

I used to be scared of chinks knowing they outnumber us 4 to 1. But seeing that they can't even sell online video games makes me pity them.

Ship every product with the Tiananmen square copypasta

how is it harmful for me if a store provides a better price?

This is why Steam is better, because they don't have any sales on their platform! Fuck Epic!

[Spoiler]I genuinely don't understand why people are suddenly upset about games being on sale and crying about "devaluing" products when it's been the norm for years. Hell Steam is beloved for doing it.[/spoiler]

Do we? Because after a half decade of trannies and SJW ruining everything, I just might think the chink pill might be what we need. I mean, even sandniggers islam might be based when I go to uni and have a look around the fucked up place we are in.

Congratulations, this is currently the most retarded comment on Yea Forums.

Gabe just has to roll over in his sleep to crush ratface Sweeney.

But serious question.

Why isn't steam doing anything?
Literally while all this is happening the only thing Valve has done is prepare for their ASSFAGGOTS tournament and fall for gimmicky VR shit.

Steam just does co-ordination, sales are opt-in and prices are up to the individual, something EPIC has full control over, leading to pissed off customers and publishers as the games get removed.

Attached: 1529510592616.jpg (850x638, 97K)

>I genuinely don't understand why people are suddenly upset about games being on sale and crying about "devaluing" products when it's been the norm for years.
Retarded contrarians and literal shills.

Haven't been following the epic stuff why is it so hated ?

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

Attached: index.jpg (186x186, 7K)

Based chinkremover.

>steam sales
>thank you lord gaben!

>epic sales

Look at the current situation, what do they need to do?

It's never been their philosophy. Plus they don't gain anything by trying to acknowledge Tim's little crusade. Right now Epic is just a kid yelling at a window while on the other side Valve drinks its tea next to the fireplace while playing games with friends.

*removes your games*

Attached: 1531334272010.jpg (500x281, 14K)

Someone already made your low effort shitpost, but here is your pity (You) anyways, you starving poorfag.

Battle of Blair Mountain 布莱尔山之战 Waco 韦科 Ruby Ridge 红宝石岭 Bonus Army Massacre 奖金军队大屠杀 Trail of Tears 一行泪 Kent State Shootings 肯特州射击队
Colonization of the Philippines 菲律宾殖民地 Battle of Bud Dajo Bud Dajo之战 Wounded Knee 膝盖受伤 Agent Orange 代理橙 Bodo League Massacre 博多联盟大屠杀 Tonkin Gulf Incident 东京湾事件 Iran-Contra Affair 伊朗 - 反对事件 Fast and Furious Gun Trade 快速和激烈的枪支贸易 Tulsa Race Riots 塔尔萨种族骚乱 War of Northern Aggression 北方侵略战争

Epic is using fortnite money to buy time exclusives for their shitty store that doesn't even have a goddamn cart and because they're so incompetent if you don't want your game on sale it has to be removed from the store entirely.

>steam sales DON'T result in games being removed from the store and your account being locked and banned for fraud

>Epic sales....

>fuck up communicating with publishers so hard that you now have to literally remove their game from not only the sale but also the store until the sale is over


Enjoy your vacation

never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake

>be anti-consumer assholes who refuses to give "these filthy consumers" a small deal
>get delisted by Epic who're all sick and tired of your anti-consumerist bullshit
Blessed Epic showing these lowlives what's up.

Nice /his/ post fag, but in the US we have this thing called the 1st amendment and we have a saying “all chinks must hang”

Steam's strategy as always been provide the best service for their customers, they're still doing that, they just don't have a reason to make a few fuss about it

if the publishers are so anti consumer that they get assblasted from a small sale they don't deserve my money anyway.


While this clusterfuck is happening steam is just doing their usual sales.

How do we fucking stop valve Yea Forums?

Steam doesn't need to do anything.
It'd be like Playstation trying to have a big sale because Microsoft released a new digital-only Xbone for $300.
They just need to sit back, watch, and laugh.

Valve has zero reason to care.
Sweeny can throw the chink money around and make all the noise he wants, it only reflects badly on epic the more harder they try to make it a competition (which they couldn't win even if it was).

Epic: We are altering the deal. Pray we do not alter it any further.

The best part is you can get premade shopping carts to boot on your website basically for FREE




>shitty sales
Even now, Valve sales pale in comparison to Epic sales.

lmao do you know how fucking low Bloodlines 2 went on CIS regions?

And Oxygen Not Included is going to release officially a week or two from now.

No matter how much Sweeney squeaks, whether it's in supposed triumph or from the pain of being electrocuted after chewing in the wrong place, his actions are beneath Steam's notice.

No shit, epic already paid the dev for your copy of the game anyways.

Neither do anti-consumer stores.

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I still dunno if people actually defend Epic or its just falseflagging like GoG days

Attached: 1329853124114.png (240x249, 121K)

That post apocalyptic sale is unironically a hundred times better than this shit """"MEGA"""" sale. They actually have good games.


Attached: 2ec.png (327x316, 208K)

Very stupid take.

It probably is mostly contrarians but it wouldn't be surprising for an abused spouse to defend the abuser.


Attached: 1550979026171.png (683x751, 136K)

They could've waited until the Epic sale ended. Then the post-apocalyptic theme would've been nice.

providing better prices than the competition is per definition pro-consumer

>Wounded Knee

Attached: image-jpeg[1].35101_.jpg (261x261, 25K)

>still replying to chinks shilling
Don't you guys know (you)s count as social credit now?

Attached: 1554845082214.png (269x276, 98K)

>Pre-orders on sale after everyone bought it for full price
>Games already stopped selling before they're even out

The Epic sale lasts for an entire month.

Which is honestly a bit crazy because they barely have any games to begin with.


Attached: Epic_refund_email.png (656x795, 49K)

Yeah, that doesn't describe Epic store at all.

>We're serious about player security


what do you mean? In what other stores can i get 10 dollar off when I pre-order a new game?

Why is the woman on the right winking but also looking like she is in immense pain?

I was just making a joke about the name. Epic is the apocalypse, Steam comes in with the post-apocalypse.
But yeah. Realistically the Steam Summer sale is still the big PC sale. I honestly wonder if Tim is jealous of the Lord Gaben meme.

Attached: 1510346055502.png (256x256, 42K)

>Pre-ordering games that was pulled from Epic Store
Enjoy your ban

>Nathan Grayson
This fucking betamale! Makes me want to buy games on the Epic store now.

Attached: QpMpdWkn_400x400.png (336x336, 153K)

I pre-ordered DMC 5 there for $40, which was $20 off the base price.

Retarded shill.

>providing better prices than the competition is per definition pro-consumer
It isn't because they are doing so by buying exclusivity to hedge costs. Exclusivity is anti-consumer, movie theaters used to do this until anti-trust and pro-consumer lawsuits were levied against them, because it pays to make every other competitor worse rather than your service better.

The only ones that will be able to fight the chinks will be pajeets. They may be idiots too, but atleast they are way to westernized to not value their lives. trust me, i know a lot of indians.

That's literally what this whole thread is about. Some developers weren't happy that they wouldn't be able to compete with Epic's pricing on Steam since Valve doesn't cover the cost. They then pull it from the EGS so that Steam consumers don't feel screwed over.

Attached: 1461970615490.jpg (500x332, 12K)

Is this real?

Mods only seem to care about spam if it redpills chinese people. This can't possibly have anything to do with the Chinese advertisers gook moot has to apease.

Epic is living up to their name

Attached: tim_sweeney.jpg (660x330, 32K)

It was, I presume it still is to a certain extent

wtf I hate chinks


But these games are exclusive, the steam consumer was already screwed.

Stop buying all our shit from them. The only reason they've grown so powerful is because almost all manufacturing has now been outsourced to them.

Dude the pajeet meme about shitting streets is not a meme. It's reality. Pajeets do not value their lives either.

That's very bad for the industry and devalues the game immensely.

Not these games. I'd assume exclusives don't have a choice to pull out of promotions like this.

>delete one but not the other
Fucking chink mods/jannies holy shit. They're not even hiding it at this point.

>That's very bad for the industry and devalues the game immensely.
Look at all the fucks I give.
Either I'm getting the games discounted or I'm pirating them.
Especially if it's a western game, and ESPECIALLY if it's a western game made by white leftists.

>Wounded Knee
get out newfag

Whatever you say, Epic shill. Games sales will be looked back upon as the thing that killed PC gaming.

Holy shit the dindus got butthurt.

Attached: Warcraft 3 American El Abominacion funny7.jpg (680x789, 96K)

based and redpilled

I hope all forms of western gaming die off, they're all cancer.

try reading before you post
he wasn't arguing for epic, lmao
calm down steamdrone

It is normal for chinks to stole your shits and do whatever they want with it. The "intellectual property" is just a meme to Chinks anyway.

Publishers finally realize that having respect & obligation is pretty foreign to Chinks. They just keep going after your money.


Attached: 15747393.jpg (393x450, 23K)

How is covering the costs of sales "going after" publishers money? This means they get paid the full price for their game even if it's bought at a discount.

Why does BL3 only have a six month exclusivity deal while everything else is a year? If Randy trusts Epic so much why didn't go for the full year?

five games should be enough for anybody

Could work..

Attached: 1494238075702.jpg (674x672, 88K)

You fucked it up, user. Don't worry, I fixed it for you. No need to thank me just pay it forward.

Attached: correct tier list.jpg (712x1114, 227K)

>This can't possibly have anything to do with the Chinese advertisers gook moot has to apease.
>vpn circumvents the instant-disconnect if they're chinese
>or if they're the chinese gov't it wouldn't affect them to begin with
>assblasted shitposters ascribe being filtered to control by the chinese instead of the stated reason that they're assblasted shitposters

Attached: 1547204601328.png (207x160, 1K)

I guess we gotta buy Pyre twice.

Attached: michelle-guerrero-reader-and-sandra-small.jpg (1920x2967, 903K)

>epic literally giving publishers money for free while boosting their sales and encouraging preorders

Attached: do not want3.jpg (288x286, 6K)

That's fair. You're a good egg user.

Epic is literally enabling mediocrity.

Instead of getting baptized in the shitfires of steam and coming out a good game, these devs are just given a free pass to wallow in their own incompetence.

Hello friend I am from China. The most important thing in life I hope to give you is to love and believe. I do everything I can to bring you an honest and positive existence.

Wait what the fuck?They discounting games that haven't even been released yet.
Can they do that?

Attached: epic.jpg (856x1050, 279K)

vtmb2 is cheaper on gmg anyway

Attached: tiananmen square.jpg (1200x800, 111K)

It's giving preorders on games that aren't even out yet for discounted prices which virtually no developer does. They shouldn't just deny you sales just cause you don't want to discount your new game.

Epic just devalues those games with those discounts. Yes, they did it on their own store, but it just pisses other gamers, who bought the same game on the different stores - now, they seek for price adjustments. This just angers the publishers. Communication is still foreign to Chinks.

Yes. But publishers, and more importantly retailers, won't like it. So don't expect a similar sale to ever happen again.

>Not anti consumer

Please be bait


Attached: 1515045229335.gif (200x161, 986K)

>Stories Untold is free for the next 2 weeks
>Try to claim it
>Can't get past "loading order"

Now talk about Steam sales.

>Epic Game Sale: Our games are literally flying off our shelves!

Attached: 1525104420991.gif (227x221, 980K)

>Go to
>Everything is 100% and the sale is year long
>Doesn't pull their games during the sale so you always have the option to play what you want

Why aren't you a part of the PC pirate master race user?

Attached: 1532742961873.jpg (1000x562, 68K)

Haha, it's just because you use chinese text! it's filtered as "spam"!
There's nothing going on below the surface, ahaha~

>not deleted

Attached: 1557475881293.gif (250x190, 1.03M)

I could also just buy the games I want from epic at steep discounts and enjoy them while having more money, and ignore all the /pol/ shit that everyone here is swimming in.

Steam sales don't devalue games.

>Supergiant increases the price of Hades before the sale

So how fucked are they?
Doing this is highly illegal in yurop and aussieland

steam basically invented the 'wait for a sale' culture in pc gaming

>Steam wasn't build in a day either.

No shit retard, but these are the people pretending to compete with Steam when they don't.

Attached: 1553045835912.jpg (635x665, 130K)

[D I A L A T E D]

Then just report them. Being an kike is not cool after all.

>Supergiant increases the price of Hades DURING the sale

>People with shit taste also support the Epic store


steam does that sometimes

>Chink epic shills are suddenly quiet

Attached: chinks.png (1400x5552, 946K)

Still talking to that Epic employee. I asked him if this was just some miscommunication with them and the publishers.

Attached: SmartSelect_20190517-100557_Discord.jpg (903x1191, 409K)

Bugmen tax dollars hard at work.

>Playing with words like this

This is how the Gamers Are Dead narrative started. They're not 'gamers' anymore, they're 'players' which is somehow magically different, better, and free from the sin of the original term.

Words and terminology aren't the glaring issue here you sophist.

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Wrong. Go fuck yourself Chinese shill.


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Someone post the copypasta, I need to save that shit.

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Yeah poor Epic store with its millions of investor dollars and pajeet software.

>competing with steam a decade ago
>much higher percentage of failure

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>But Steam!....

These people have absolutely nothing of value to add to gaming. Can't wait until they're laughed out of it over the next two years.

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>Steam/Valve's reputation is rightfully falling ever further each year
>high-profile competitor comes and initially puts them on blast
>before falling into utter shambles and making people value Steam for at least working
Sasuga Gaben.

sale + regional pricing meant bloodlines was a tenth the price it should be and it's a AAA preorder

Unreal games were okay.

Epic can have their sale and sure that's a good thing, but that's not going to stop me from laughing at how poorly designed their store is that any devs who don't want their stuff on sale has to be removed completely

you can't just do that okay

>b-but Steam didn't start out well either!
As far as I know, time travel still doesn't exist so you're gonna have to compete with the Steam of today instead of the Steam of 15 years ago.

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>I'm kicking myself for missing the low price, so I'm definitely going to wait for a steam sale now.
this is why. the nonzero amount of people like you and me who won't buy a

>even their employees try to wriggle their way out with 'B-BUT STEAM 15 YEARS AGO!"
My god, these people are fucking pathetic. Just stick to making mediocre cover-based shooters, will you, Epic?

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>your game runs like ass
>yes! but as you can see, this game from 1988 ran like ass too, and they're the same genre, so it's okay

>any CS course

>back when publishers still didn't fully trust digital storefronts and they were still being tested
>comparing it to now

What the fuck is wrong with these retards?
Don't they realize that being a fuck up in this day and age is much much worse than being a fuck up back then?

I will believe the good sale propaganda if they actually released the number

>Huge videogame "sale"
>You can only buy up to four games without being banned from the store

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is he.. is he comparing PULLING YOUR GAME FROM THE STORE TO AVOID A PRICE REDUCTION YOU DON'T AGREE WITH to choosing not to participate in a sale? or is there some ancient steam history i'm unaware of

Wow, I keep forgetting that Epic is competing with 2005 Steam and not 2019 Steam.

you're referring to ubisoft who claim they are hiding away their games from the sale because they only just realized that people can buy their shit dirt cheap on EGS, get it on Uplay, and then refund it on EGS but keep the game on uplay

In steam you have to choose if you want to participate in the sale. In epic you have to choose NOT to participate lol

i've still never seen a screenshot of their store or library or anything, which leads me to believe they're not proud of it. origin and uplay shills used captures of their client all the time

Next step of the master plan?

Call it a glitch and ban all the accounts that bought cheap games!
Now they have to buy everything again!

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wait, we can get legitimately cheaper games by search engine link or something.. what is this shit.. someone do a rundown.

>same fucking thread with the exact same title with the exact same image with the exact same vidyagrumps or bestfuckbuddies whoever the fuck dont care tweets
who the fuck cares dood
it's literally like fucking dejavu bullshit fourty times a fucking day whoooollly shit

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Are they actually comparing this fuck up to the volatile time back in PC gaming when it was only Steam jumping through precarious hoops to convince publishers to actually give them a chance? Compared to this day and age where digital storefronts are actually proven and relatively trusted by publishers to the point that they even have their own stores?

This is actually even fucking worse than comparing your store's features to 2005 steam.
Tell me Yea Forums.
How high on their own farts are these fucks right now?

>who the fuck cares dood
Everyone who hates epic's slimy anti-consumer business practices.

>speed limit on road was 25 years ago, so I should drive at 25 despite the speed limit now being 70
putting the anal in analogy

Probably buried their heads 20 leagues deep into their own asses. They're forgetting the only reason they're even here is because of stitching up a BR mode to a game that had originally flopped.

The only reason anybody cares about epic store is because they keep buying exclusives with all their fortnite money
Unless they seriously step up their game they are going to be better much screwed if/when fortnite slows down or starts to decline

EPIC shills will still support this garbage over Steam.

Good gravy I can't wait to see that day

Zoomer here. When was the very first steam sale though? Who were the 18 publishers that pulled out?

>what? an ongoing current event is getting ongoing discussion and not just a single thread?
golly life must be a constant stress for you

because anyone taking the epic bribe is a fuck off huge jew to begin with

i'm wondering the same. and did they say 'no' to the sale or REMOVE THEIR ENTIRE GAME FROM THE STORE TO AVOID A HARDCODED PRICE DROP?

steam's reputation is only falling because sjw's are crying about h-games and murder simulators on the store.

I would expect most of them to be already shitting this up with "BUT COMPETITION IS GOOD ANYWAY YOU STEAMDRONES", but I think even they can realize a store that locks you out of purchasing shit and that doesn't even have a shopping cart up for its' sales is a lost cause.

putting the log in analogy

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The first sale was in 2014, not sure about the publishers who backed out but first, it's not like they were removed from Steam entirely, just didn't participate in the first sale. Second, it came down to buying digitally was all rather new, publishers weren't sure it was worth the hassle until they saw devs boasting how they made more money during a sale than during an entire year. I think when Psychonatus was released on Steam it made more money in a week than it's entire lifetime beforehand.

>if/when fortnite slows down or starts to decline
they gave away the last battle pass. it's far past started

Fuck, meant 2009.

epic shills all got laid off from the look of the thread

how did you fuck that up

I would punch you so hard in the face if we ever met.

>want to posture yourself as steam's rival
>try to smear steam every time
>you keep fucking up
>just show off to people just how good steam really is and that being a competent storefront actually takes effort

Where were you when Epic actually became Steam's biggest advertiser?

>Be pimp, have ho's
>Ho's aren't hoing
>Pay ho anyway to make people think she is a desirable ho

He's just paying off the devs so people can pirate without any guilt, he's truly /our guy/

Googled first steam sale, it was a reddit thread, took the first number without thinking. The order was in reverse.

Imagine signing up an exclusivity deal with a new store only to have to pull your games out of it later for completely random reasons.

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hearty chuckle from this

There's rule that if there's a discount on other stores Steam gets the same thing, isn't there? If so, I'd suspect publishers didn't really want to do that if they have their game on both since Steam will not compensate them at all.

>The ESRB or something should get involved and set strict guidelines on how much games can go on sale.
What the fuck?
Let them sell the shit cheap if they want, and if the devs decide they don't want pre-orders for their games being sold at a discount I'd completely understand them backing out.
Literally no reason to put rules on something this dumb.

So you're saying this whole anti-consumer shit is because of steam?

Replaying the Half-Life games.

Not really, I'm just asking if Epic really wanted to screw over publishers that were not exclusive to Epic.

who's the girl(male)?

I agree. Valve should definitely be forced to subsidize Epic's sales.

>tfw I've been reading comments of people slowly turning around thinking that maybe steam's 30% cut really is reasonable
Oh no Yea Forums. I thought Epic was supposed to prove that steam was being greedy?

>more than 6 months to add a shopping cart
this is fake, right?

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lose weight

invest in crypto

fuck off /biz/

>minor thing happens
You Steamkeks are fucking pathetic. Even when EGS isn't a fully functional store you people are tripping on yourselves. If anything, it shows how Epic wrestled your jimmies hard.
Epic won, Valve lost. it's only a matter of time before EGS takes over so get the fuck over yourselves.

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no, it was 6 months like 2 months ago
and now its delayed


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Delayed TWICE.

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>Epic Tries to force devs to put their games on sale on their platform
>Jew publishers and developers freak out and refuse to lose $10 dollars on their sale price despite the fact the epic stores revenue split is way more generous than steams

I don't see the problem here?
If anything it just shows the devs are being a bunch of kikes

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Steam btfo

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Does Steam send your information to a shady chink company too?


Epic can't catch a break.

the 2008 christmas sale was the first sale I ever witnessed, I only started using steam in 2008 so I don't know if any existed before that

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.........../....//............................................\\ ..\
..././.. /..../..../. |_...EPIC STORE....|..\....\....\...\.\
(.(....(....(..../.) .)...............................(.\....).....)...).)

It devalues the perceived value of a unreleased/recently released game

>Game released recently
>it goes on sale
>potential customer thinks “holy shit its already on sale it must be a piece of shit”

>wrestled your jimmies
classic ESL shills

Apparently you don't understand the importance of consumer value, and really the consumer's perception in general. I wish I was as naive as you again.

But I can get multiple free games whenever I want from The Pirate Bay Store.


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the difference is that when steam launched it was the first of its kind and broadband was just starting to become a thing. There is literally no fucking excuse for epic store to be this bad when it's had plenty of launchers to take from. Fuck you chink shill whore cunt

no u

>competition is good
Yes it is, better service and prices for the customers are a good thing
>just ends up being an annoyance for both the consumer AND the devs
well shit, at least gog has no drm, what the fuck Epic