No adventure mode cutscenes, everything is just text

>no adventure mode cutscenes, everything is just text
>Le generic smartphone menu

Holy shit,this game is worse than everyone trough,what happened sonic fags?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>expecting a Sonic game to be good

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It’s meant to be the Sonic R/Sonic Riders of this era; the filler racing game and final game of the era before the big next-gen title. Keep in mind it was meant to release half a year ago too.

>no unlockable, secret characters

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When was the last time a game had unlockable secret characters


All Stars had loads, this is just 15.

Every good kart racer does, I mean I'm sure this will be good but CTR's amount of content really does make this look sparse

imagine how much worse it was before the delay
the only thing that can save this game is lots of character dlcs and courses

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Reviews are coming out

>adventure mode
>In a fucking racing game

Smash Ultimate? Are you serious?
The hell.

Here's hoping the game bombs, so that we can have another Riders sequel instead.

That's not how it works.

If this game bombs expect SEGA to drop the concept or racing Sonic games for a while.

SEGA is desesperate to find the right path to follow with Sonic, so if something doesn't work on the first try they just drop the idea altogether and start from scratch.

>no Babylon Rogues
>no Cream
>no Espio or Charmy
>no Mighty or Ray
>no Orbot and Cubot
>no wild out there choices like a team of Nack, Bark and Bean


It seems to be a low budget title. I'll pick it up

Blame Sega/Sonic Team for that, I doubt Sumo had much control on the roster.

They are thinking DLC. Chill out.

I like chao. I used to draw them when I was a kid.

>story in a racing game

Why doesn't sega games have any soul?

>only real boomers will remember Diddy Kong racing

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>caring about that shit in a racing game
I care about gameplay and music and 60fps. Crash fails at all three.

TSR is 60fps. CTR is 30fps.

They actually have a lot of soul
Less than the Adventure-era, sure, but still

>I hope a game bombs so that we can have absolute garbage instead
Are you a masochist or something?


What I want to know is does it support 144fps?

I might get this and Crash. Sonic for switch is just 33 on Amazon right now


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>No Cream
Because the Chao left a much bigger impact
>No Espio and Charmy
Because every character in the game needs their own theme song, and vector took the Chaotix song
>No Babylon Rogues
It’s not a Riders game
>Why Zavok?
Because team Eggman needed a third member, and Zavok is the most recurring new villain in the eighth gen of Sonic games

Transformed has more soul than every Mario Kart combined.

Okay user, get real. The music may be worse but it definitely looks like fun in terms of gameplay. Frame rate is a problem though

and here i thought no one could ever top the shitshow that is MK8's roster, and then sega does this shit after the great selection they had in transformed.

0 steps foward, 10 steps back.

Holy fuck the Crash Nitro Kart remake is going to BTFO of this game so hard it isn’t even funny

Wait, is this actually out? I thought it was gonna be awhile.

>no cutscenes
Don't care I'm not a lorefag they'd probably just be cringy Pontaff shit anyways
>smartphone menu
How does UI effect gameplay exactly?

I think you're the one here being a masochist, with willingness to support a worse awful sequel of its previous entries.

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TSR has Denuvo. CTR doesn't.

>low budget game experimenting with new gameplay mechanics, 60fps
Reddit hates it

>30fps rehash from Activision
Reddit loves it

CTR isn't even on PC

CTR has it too, so I don't see what the big deal is.

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CTR isn't even on PC, brainlet

>reddit has better taste than Yea Forums now
man, just when you think Yea Forums has hit rock bottom

mediocre game with 60fps vs. great game with 30fps

>willingness to support a worse awful sequel of its previous entries.
And even if it was indeed worse, it would still be miles ahead of any Riders game.

It's more of a spiritual successor than a full on sequel though

>this game is worse than everyone trough
>Both your critiques are shit nobody actually cares about.
I'm here for GAMEPLAY fag and no just going "Hurr it's not transformed isn't solid critique considering it's not meant to be a sequel.

>30fps in a racing game

Still better than having a PC port infested with DRM. Enjoy your DRM "protection" hogging your CPU.

It's not a great game if it's 30fps
Plus the PS1 tracks suck and the game is slow, you have to abuse bugs like sacred fire to get even a decent speed

Smash ultimate had no secret characters though. The entire roster was known before the game even came out.


Coming in a few more days

If it had characters from stuff other than Sonic, the conversation around this game would be so different.

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>literally complaining about it not being cinematic enough

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>Activision games don't have DRM

The absolute fucking delusion of Sonicautists. It really cant be helped.

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Explain the Crash trilogy remake then.

>30fps in a racing game is acceptable to Activision shills

Yes? That alone doesn't devalue the entire game and there will likely be a 60 fps PC port down the line anyways.

The switch version of TSR is 30fps

30fps in a racing game is absolutely unacceptable. If you give your money to Activision Corporation money for 30fps you a braindead discord user.

Now that's just a low effort shitpost.

So many of the negative reviews are either
>Mario Kart's just better but I'm not going to explain why
>It's not Transformed.

Wanna know how I can tell you're a zoomer?

And every other version is 60fps. Don't buy the switch version.

It's obviously going to sell most on the switch.

30fps is dogshit in a racing game, you can't defend it.

Switch owners are retarded, so what?

jesus you actually believe that

The original CTR plays perfectly fine. Unless of course, you're shit at video games.

You can count on me, boss. The XCI just released a couple of hours ago.

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CTR has the excuse of being in the first generation of Systems to truly push 3D.
The remake doesn't.

This is supposed to be a "remaster" using current hardware and they couldn't even get 60fps. 30fps isn't acceptable anymore

>no Babylon Rogues
>make a team racer
>don't include the team of racers
>Vector paired with Blaze and Silver instead of Team Chaotix and throw Marine with Blaze and Silver
>putting such a focus on teams that it gimps your roster I mean fuck even CTR and Double Dash wasn't this stupid
>on top of this it goes with retarded team choices (Chao with Team Rose, fucking Zavok, and the previously mentioned Team Chaotix redux)
>could've just been a fucking Sonic Racer with a big selection of characters
What indeed.

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What’s wrong with MK8s roster?

It should be transformed. This should have been All-Stars 3 from the start and not made by Sumo's B-Team of newbies. Even in an interview they said it was hard to give up the SEGA characters and that they hope they can make another someday. This is just a shit cash-in made to Iizuka's orders and not something they genuinely wanted to make.

>still better
Not really. One has a PC option and one doesn't.

The funny thing is that the one review posted in this thread from GameXplain is actually mostly positive.
A bunch of my friends are getting that version
The teams didn't jump the roster, SEGA did. They could have made a roster of about 24 or so because there's several teams of three that already exist in the series or ones you can mash up together.

That's what I get for phoneposting.

>It's not Transformed.
Rightfully fucking so. I don't know what drugs SEGA or Sonic Team were doing to think "hmmm people are asking for a sequel to Transformed. LETS FUCKING MOVE SEVERAL STEPS BACKWARDS BY GIVING THEM A BASIC KART RACER WITH ONLY SONIC CHARACTERS". Whatever lies beyond full retard they've managed to pull it off. Hell, I'm beginning to think Sonic R 2 would've been a better a better investment than this stain.

A bunch of clones, baby characters, and koopalings. About half of the list are actually different characters. Still a fine roster in my opinion.

Didn’t Mario Kart have baby characters in the past?

Sega does not respect the sonic franchise

I fail to see the problem. It covers most bases. The problem with MK8s roster isn't what you mentioned rather that it doesn't properly deliver on new additions people actually wanted like Kamek and E. Gadd.

The babies and the power up shit like Raccoon Mario or Metal Peach getting in over actual characters like Diddy Kong or Paratroopa

I'll make and judge it for myself honestly. From what I've heard so far it's got a few things holding it back but still makes the best of what it has to offer.
None of the Sumo Digital games are basic kart racers except maybe All Stars Racing. Each one has something to help it stand out among others in the genre, and to me TSR seems to continue that trend despite not being a third All Stars Racing.

This isn't in the All Stars series, shit Transformed was the LAST All-Stars game that was released and that was 7 years ago.



I don't give a FUCK who's in.

Does it play FAST like Transformed did at higher difficulties?

Sonic racing Transformed was actually great. This one sucks?

>This isn't in the All Stars series
No shit and that is where the problem lies. Rather than bank on something that's actually wanted we're served cold soup and stale bread.

What if Sega hired argento as the artist for the new sonic game wouldn't that be funny haha

Yes, it seems that way

You fucks are all wrong. CTR and TSR both suck.
Hurry up and buy the patrician Kart Racer for

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If you expect anything other than mediocrity from a Sonic title, prepare for disappointment. That said, if you expect a budget title where you can play as Sonic and go fast, you'll get exactly what you want.

Except the game is good regardless of the lack of All Stars.
Just because you don't like it doesn't change the fact.



>Except the game is good regardless of the lack of All Stars.
Solid opinion. Got my attention.

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Literally says PS4 in the video title.

>18 maps + 3 unlockables

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Risk of Rain 2

>No Cream the rabbit.
This game is shit.

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Game should've kept the Sega characters and transforming machines but outside of that it's good

The improvements it makes in other areas makes me enjoy it as much as I did ASRT

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The review was on the PS4 version though?
Well I agree, a game should be judged by its gameplay, and TSR already had a solid base to go off of
From what I've seen there are mirrored tracks like Transformed. Are they unlockable too?

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>sonic's whole design is based around him going fast
>create a sonic racing game
>with cars
give me some roller derby sonic or something, not NotMario Kart

That's all I fucking care about.

Listen retard, I'm not here to tell you your opinion is bad or wrong. I'm just here to tell you its the opposite of mine and that there's nothing you can say to change it. Understand?

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It could have been great if Iizuka didn't force his team gimmick in and suck sonic colors dick

Sonic is just keeping things fair

why are they honestly hiring these shit people to write and design the sonic games? Can't they for once just fucking be rational and put some actual effort.

Tons of elements from Transformed carry over as well, such as Traffic Attack and a wide variety of missions that seem like a ton of fun. Even Mirror tracks seem to be back
Of course, have whatever opinion you want, I don't care. I was giving my two cents

All the reviews say the Team Mechanic is great AND there's Solo Races.

>Sonicfags try to dunk on Crashbros literally anytime they try to have a nice, comfy, peaceful thread to discuss their kart-racing game which is looking better with each reveal and the kind of fanservice Sonic and even Mario Kart can only dream of
>Sonicfags finally make a thread about their own game (for some reason they are more content doing literally anything else) and it's just them whining and complaining about how their game turned out

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Sonic's shitty friends can also run fast and they have a mobile game where they race each other.

>and the kind of fanservice Sonic and even Mario Kart can only dream of
Went too hard here and showed your hand Falseflagger.

That's the Sonic fanbase in a nutshell for you. But you missed like 3-4 actual threads from the last few days which were actually full of discussion.

I'm pretty sure 90% of the "Sonicfags" in the CTR threads are all falseflaggers, but yeah, fuck TSR

>all those quips

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Transformed had it

Based and Garfield-pilled

Thing is we don't know many things about the development of the game. Chances are this game had a lot less budget and a smaller team working on it, resulting in them rather than delivering a straight up rehash damaging the Sega Racing brand instead focus on a new gimmick to match the smaller scope of the game

Well if his whole design is based around him going fast, is it unreasonable to assume he likes fast things, such as cars, as well?
Heck I think there's some old Oshima art of Sonic with cars.

I can't wait for the CTR remake to come out. Not because i want to play it but because once it does there'll be no Naughty Dog Era Crash games to copy and paste from in the form of remakes

The series will go back to making mediocre original games and become a dead franchise again.


He's not wrong though. Nitro fueled is looking like it has every notable character in the series, stays faitful to the original gameplay, and has alt skins and track easter eggs which reference the series legacy.
Mario does a good job at most of that but suffers from clone characters which could have easily been skins.

>mods are gacha shit now
but why

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Personally I think a team based dynamic really suits a Sonic racing game to help it stand out. Even the dev team has felt like helping your friends and teamwork has been a staple of the series going as far back as Sonic 2.

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>Baby Mario and Baby luigi got in originally as references to the Yoshis Island series
>Baby Peach
>Baby Daisy
>Baby Rosalina
>Half the lightweight roster is toddler clones

>Metal Mario was an interesting addition in MK7
>Overstays its welcome with Metal Peach

>DLC characters for the Wii U version are just Mario and Peach in a costume

Doesn't help they never bothered to fix the metagame and make Medium weights usable.

Give you incentive to play more I guess

such is the behavior of segautists
I mean when sega still made consoles a ton of their ads were just direct attacks on everyone else, it's no surprise it rubbed off on their fans

I can totally see this experiment working into the next Sega All Star Racing if it ever gets done.

I am not in the know, and I usually ignore it, but why do people keep talking about a Crash racing game? Did one got released recently?

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I agree. Not to mention it seems the only people who are still furiously against this game cared more about the crossover aspects of Transformed rather than the core gameplay. People will give TSR shit, but to me it likely did more good than bad, even with its shortcomings.
There's a remake of Crash Team Racing coming in a month. Looking forward to that as well.

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It comes out exactly one month after TSR

They're remaking CTR for PS1 and now small groups of shitposters are going in to each others threads to throw crap at each other for some reason.

There's one coming out in June. It's a remake of the ps1 game and contains nearly all the characters from the series, even literal whos

>Metal Mario was an interesting addition in MK7
Fuck you faggot, I liked Lakitu.

Attached: SC-Cream.png (361x429, 107K)

>Blue Rogues get a whole team of Vyse, Aika, and Fina
All of my fucking YES

I wish it didn't, it was a pain in the ass unlocking everyone. Who wants to do that? And that's before getting into the pain in the ass it becomes for party/tournament play.

My nigga

Ehh, playing it safe with a remake. Let's just hope it at least lives up to its own standard.

god these characters are really fucking ugly, but who am I to judge coming as a fan of the Sonic series.

Why are you making shit up? It's been said like 100 times now the 30fps posters and tick tock hedgehog posters are the same fucking person trying to start shit. How are you so fucking stupid?

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Google "Sonic the Sissyhog"