confirmed for game of the year. damn this game is epic
Confirmed for game of the year. damn this game is epic
>this game is epic
why, how so?
epically mediocre
I love open world games, but this game did not need to be open world. I love collectathons, but this game did not execute the collectathon well.
It's not. Just a shill thread sage and move on.
The trailer and some early videos looked good to me.
I just don't see anything different about it, far cry/doom with a little bulletstorm.
That's not enough to make me spend $60, also no online, so no need to get in early.
LITERALLY the best combat in any FPS of the last 15 years.
Better than Destiny 1 or Halo Reach?
Doubt it.
OP is b8ing, the game is ok but nothing special. The biggest flaw is the game is too easy even on harder difficulties..
any stealth aspect?
does it use crouching or cover, or is it run and gun while blasting away?
fucking shit, I'm so mad at this game. The gameplay and the powers are extremly fun but why the fuck is the main story so short?! The outpost clearing can be fun in some outpost where they put some effort in but mostly it's always the same, the game is also extremely easy, after half an hour of roaming around kicking too much ass I had to switch to the highest and it was still a cakewalk. This could have been excellent but everything looks like it was rushed
Hes lying, its the same exact combat as the newest doom. It's good but it's nothing new or special.
Yeah the game might look familiar, but rehashes in no way make a game "epic". Agreed user, this is worth getting at ~$20
Run and gun, there is one skill that ups your damage if you shoot and unaware target but once you shoot the target everyone else is aware. It's like open world doom.
There’s stealth before a skirmish begins, and stealth upon leaving one and reentering one.
There is crouching and plenty of cover, but the gunplay emphasizes advanced movement and varying between weapons and abilities. It’s pretty awesome.
I definitely wouldn’t call it game of the year, but it’s a diamond in the rough. Certainly ain’t perfect but definitely quite fun to play around in and has potential to grow
it's doom with much more mobility
No it isn't.
DOOM has no special abilities like RAGE and they make it so much better than DOOM.
>too easy
>extremely easy
so the AI is retarded?
please tell me what vehicle will get me to travel throw the shitty open world the fastest? The shooting is good but holy fuck traveling through the wasteland is such a borefest
I can't get over that stupid cover art
The AI doesn't do anything. You have absolutely no reason to use your abilities because even on nightmare you can just run into packs of 10+ enemies and facetank everything.
>halo reach
>even remotely good
reachfags are the most insufferable pieces of barely human trash on this planet
>open .exe
>smack my bitch up starts playing
Fuck off Randy, everyone thinks your game is disappointing at best.
sounds like saints row 4, once you get your abilities the game is too easy
The AI isnt so much retarded as you're just Over powered as hell lol, I didnt die once the entire game. I don't even know what the death screen looks like. Never even had to use the revive skill once outside of the tutorial for it lol.
Halofags in general are fucking delusional with their opinions about gameplay
lmao, bruh
Pretty much. It takes awhile for them to actually do anything to you, especially the human enemies with guns.
You also have health infusions which can heal you up in combat, and also an overdrive mode which is almost always available and will regen you.
Yeah but with this game it's easy from the start. Even before you have any skills it's retard tier easy and once you get skills it becomes mindlessly easy
At least we have trannies. Now go cry.
The fuck is this pathetic thread?
>has the exact same combat as newest doom
nigger what, it literally plays like borderlands but without the artstyle
>Better than FEAR
>Better than STALKER
>Better than Crysis
>Better than UT2k4
>Better than Riddick
>Better Than T:A
>Better than Republic Commando
>Better than Prey
>Better than Singularity
>Better than The Darkness
>Better than Far Cry 2
Are there any games that scale well with unlockable abilities? I feel like open world games struggle with making everything accessible, then not having enemies do things that give your abilities a purpose.
Zelda games for example give you new items / weapons and there are always mechanics associated with them that are a requirement to progress
Rage gives you tools, but they are never required.
It certainly has its moments, all of which are in combat, but GOTY will have more than just good combat. Theres so many little things, not even addressing the obvious lack of fucks given with writing or npc bug fixes, that they couldve done better
>unfuck vehicle handling
>unfuck the icarus static sky ceiling
>remove completed activities from the map to cut down on clutter
>make the dash directional and not locked on a horizontal plane
>allow points gained to bank before unlocking projects
>allow upgrades for all vehicles
>make enemy aggression scale with difficulty instead of just scaling their healthpool
>give a tab specifically for side missions in the log
>have info brokers sell ARK vault locations for a higher price instead of just ARK crates which are actually near useless once you're about halfway through the game and can just buy out vendors
and honestly there are just a ton of little nit picky things that are probably pretty subjective that I could harp on. Worth a run or two? absolutely because you can skip every cut scene and dialogue. The latest Farming Simulator has as good of a chance at GOTY
reality. best game of the year. easily. hands down
agreed, but reachfags have a very particular strain of autism. a shitty game that manages to betray both old-school and modern design sensibilites, doesn't feature any good characters or plot elements, has an awful campaign, shit-tier weapons, fucking execution moves, and ditches the colorful, neon aesthetic of the originals in favor of brown and bloom trash with muh gritty realism -- and yet somehow """""people""""" actually enjoy it.
Lying retard, on the hardest """"""difficulty"""""" you die real quick so you can't facetank shit. On the other hand the AI is retarded and most """""""""difficulty"""""""""" is based on them being able to kill you quickly while you have to do a little more. If you dash the AI doesn't really know what the fuck to do, and at most you'll get killed by a stray explosion or random bullets finishing you from a stray explosive, but most definitely not face tanking any bullshit unless you're on easy. Gunplay is decent, it's D44M with more powers, vehicle handling sucks ass, the open world is huge and empty and ass.
>>allow points gained to bank before unlocking projects
pretty sure they do
No it doesnt you fucking retard, borderlands enemies dont die in one shot. Rage 2 is exactly like doom you litterally just one shot shotgun everyone. The skills mean fuck all since you're so OP most of them are useless.
Absolutely fucking wrong. I'm playing on nightmare, and I have absolutely no problem running into level 7 camps and blasting the fuck out of everything without taking cover.
Obviously standing still is going to deplete your health quick, but feltrite heals too much and with the -damage from bullets, melee and grenade perks, you essentially take fuck all damage.
>tfw this trash gets funding but still no proper timesplitters or perfect dark in nearly 2 decades
fuck this gay earth
well many people enjoy objectively shit things
Its not that the AI is retarded, its that its just extremely easy to break
>ability Dash:breaks target acquisition
>upgrade for max cd reduction
>ugrade for double charge
>at rank 3 it "completely ruins enemy target acquisition"
You can literally dash kill dash kill dash kill and the AI can barely catch up with your movement. Not to mention AoE shatter and full radius black hole slam thrown in the mix. Enemies spend more time spinning around and getting ragdolled than they do actually attacking you
>no problem running into level 7 camps and blasting the fuck out of everything without taking cover.
Yeah, run and gunning is good. FACETANKING is not, you'll die quick because """difficulty""" nowadays is damage sponging enemies and you being a twig. I'm not buying health infusions or health upgrades because it'll make it too easy when overdrive heals you for a fuck ton and makes you a god.
why can't they give the doom's gunplay technology to some indie devs so we can have a decent game with doom's gunplay
why can't you shut the fuck up and enjoy the games that already exist?
This game in a nutshell:
If this is the only redeemable quality of this dog shit game, then, holy shit. Bethesda really fucking wasted a ton of cash on publishing it in the first place.
Unless I got a bug they dont. I was rank 7 with Loosum before I unlocked her projects. That shouldve been 21 project points and I only had 2
Yeah it seems like they think the only good thing from Doom is the gunplay but Doom also had decent puzzles, good level design, and good enemy placement on said level design.
All of these are shit except Fear
I think the project points aren't tied to one specific project. May be wrong
Doom Eternal is a thing later this year so its not even worth mentioning this game's mobility
>good gunplay
Rage 1 was like that too. Fantastic gunplay, nothing interesting surrounding it.
>yea the game is awesome but the story sucks
What happened to v?
>literally Drumpf
What did they mean by this?
shit bait zoom zoom
>barren open world
>rinse and repeat
You're a retard that can't read is what happened.
Is no one going to point out Bethesda is playing both sides of the ideological spectrum with this and Doom 2? This is for the left leaning and doom 2 is for the right leaning.
How has no one noticed this?
Why the NEON PINK? They didn't take it to nth degree, they literally just painted some ladders and boxes to prevent it from being literal Mad Max. Either go overboard, or don't even do it.
because they're shit, and so are you
First Prey dipshit
>Fantastic gunplay
average at best
That would be a reasonable explanation and clear up a misunderstanding. Ill have to look into that
>Not liking bows and organic weapons
Can you tell me what is left or right about either of these games? Have you ever thought that you have some mild form of paranoid delusion where you think everyone is playing some side of an invisible war?
>Dude the only good thing about it is the gameplay and the graphics.
It's a game yes what else is there to matter
based retard
Correct. No ones claiming anything different
The game play isn't good. It's as boring and bland as you can almost get.
the only good things about that game was the ambiance and gravity
the weapons looks cool but the gunplay is generic shit
>Rage 2
Complete degeneracy, trannies and toned down sex apeal and a caricature of Donald Trump
>Doom 2
In the trailer it literally says something about the Demons just being mortally challenged making fun of PC culture
Not that hard to explain.
You're all so fucking stupid, decent gunplay doesn't mean good gameplay. Good gameplay for a game like this would include the gunplay as well as challenging AI, and good level design to make use of powers and strategic position of enemies.
>the graphics
Wrong picture OP.
nah fear stalker UT are the only memorable ones
The game feels rushed. It's totally unpolished. I get the feeling they rushed to release it so that they could get Doom Eternal out later this year and not have their releases too close together.
The UI is janky as fuck. It's missing sounds in places and the controls for it are incomplete. ie I have to use the arrow keys to select which weapon upgrade I want instead of just clicking on it. The UI seems to run at 20fps while the rest of the game runs at 70 fps for me.
Boring gameplay
What am I looking at here?
Wrong trailer but you know what i am talking about. It's the one at 10:06
The tranny isn't painted in a positive light at all. Everyone in this game is a bunch of freaks and degenerates and mutants. That's the whole point. Society has completely broken down. Look at that fucking dude. It's not like they're trying to pass him off as normal. Not everything is an attack on donald trump. That dude is nothing like donald trump. Again please ask yourself, I mean really search your soul, and try to find out if you have paranoid delusions about being under attack.
Can you kill them?
>writers make a joke
Where exactly did i say it was a personal attack in ? Major projection there bud ;)
You do realize this is a marketing tactic to make them seem more edgy correct? Why are your panties in a bunch? They are literally playing for both sides of the spectrum, to make the most amount of money,
That's the point. People aren't used to twitch. I'm sure most of the faggots on this board and in general would get raped daily playing anything with some speed like Tribes. Makes sense why they didn't bother with online. Too many mobile and console fags these days.
honestly they really should have dropped drivable vehicles from the game and made the gameworld a million times smaller and more compact
they feel as if you are driving a train, makes there be a fuckton of downtime between action and the only time they are remotely fun is when you are doing the convoys which are over as quickly as you find them
>shitty writing in video games is for political left leaning people
>no writing in video games is for political right leaning people
So well written games are for the patrician centrists?
the AI doesnt stand a chance with the abilities given. Abilities are literally meant to break AI abilites and CC them into being completely ineffectual. If anything they made abilities too good
>good level design
the advanced movement allows you to make use of 100% of the landscape in any way you see fit
>strategic postion of enemies
this is doom lite. A horde shooter. There are no strategic enemy positions except for the occasional turret. I guess you could make an argument for rocket troops camping high points
keep seething sweetie
OR they're just writing jokes without any regard for you zoomer meme war
Whoever's idea it was to not only have a voiced protag but get an actor known for playing kinda wimpy guys in JRPGs to play one of the protags was a goddamn idiot. Walker should have been silent and helmeted. Apart from that it's the best Far Cry game of all time for what it's worth
>DUDE it has nice fps gameplay and looks good
>it's shit
This is peak faggotry.
The difficulty settings are actually bugged. Even if you set it to Nightmare, it will still play on Easy Mode unless you restart the game, set it to Easy Mode in the menu, restart the game again, and then set it back to Nightmare. Enemies will actually start dealing some damage then.
>its the same exact combat as the newest doom
I'd argue it's worse due to the arena limitations. Rage has a double jump but due to the fact that it's optional the game rarely gives you arenas that make use of your movement options
>The UI seems to run at 20fps while the rest of the game runs at 70 fps for me
kek this is what I noticed as well. Changing from the log to the inventory almost makes the game crash.
I think the world/theme is fine as is the gameplay. Story and voice are the weak spots. If it had base building and more faction stuff like FO4 I would say it would be the best nu-fallout.
BL1 was at least acceptable because you didn't have to grind the same fucking level for a better guns, they dropped naturally, BL2 had stupid levels of unnecessary grind, and shit jokes.
Seriously Randy, get cancer.
You have to spend points in a project to unlock the higher tiers and the points can be spent in any tree, play the game dumbass
The logs always bug out on me. I have to back out to map then back to logs to mark them as read and reset the tree.
>doom never had good enemy position
d44m barely had any good enemy positioning though tbf
>neither did blood
>or any old school shooter
>landscape and environment being so basic that being able to easily traverse any part of it makes it good level design
Retard underage
And yes abilities are too good but AI is still retarded even without them.
The only thing this game has is a decent feel to the gunplay and that's only because it's pretty much a copy paste of d44m. So my point here stands, decent gunplay, bad overall gameplay.
It looks like Borderlands so that is an auto pass for me
>A horde shooter
SS is also a horde shooter, and requires some basic level of though when comes to positioning.
>Destiny 1
Jesus Christ there's a very smooth shill on Yea Forums saying Destiny has the best gunplay in history and it makes me mad every time.
>you literally just one shot shotgun everyone
Oh so you played on easy, how pathetic of you.
I have a relative that played destiny and thought it was the shit. Now they're an anthem fag. He's a dumb spic so makes sense.
DUUM demon design is so fucking shit.
Normal is like that. I haven't tried Hard but nightmare is a good 3 taps on average. Really tell who is talking out of their ass though itt.
I hated doom 2016 as well. None of the charm of old school fps and drawn out glory kills just to get health back. They may as well have just given us regenerating health.
So we should just play some Runescape and call it the day.
Like I said, I thought points were earned specifically with the faction leveled, i.e. a misunderstanding
I beat it in Ultra Violence and only the weakest enemies die in one shot with the super shotgun that you acquire later in the game. There's no point in playing a game like this in a difficulty that doesn't require you to dodge projectiles unless you're using a gamepad.
Jesus ur bad at dis
I like how people who never actually played the classics complain that nuDoom isn't classic enough. You have no idea what you're talking about.
i love when people just eat up trash games and spend their hard earned shekels on them too
Hard is like that for me so far. I just run up to enemies and pop them with a shotgun. If they have armor it takes 1 or 2 more shots. It's pretty uninteresting so far. Especially when there isn't much enemy variety.
I feel like consoles are still majorly holding back fps games.
>literally every facet of the game is upgradeable to justify the open world, basic shit like making weapons handle as they should or having a decent sprinting speed are locked behind upgrades
>gameplay loop goes like this: you drive around the map for 2 minutes to find a point of interest or get sidetracked by a question mark on your compass, you go in and kill everyone inside with ease for a minute or two, and then you spend two or three minutes looting the place for lootboxes or ultra lootboxes as the HUD tells you how many are still remaining
>like I want to just kill shit but actual fights are so few and far between because the game highly encourages you to loot for upgrades more only to drive around an empty open world more
>vehicles control like dogshit, basic drifting and handbrake turns are impossible, slight collisions will make your car spin right out of control, and driving near cliffs is a guaranteed accident waiting to happen
>vehicle combat is braindead hold M1 for your turrets to automatically lock-on and kill things, then blow up some weakpoints by holding M1 to launch your homing missiles
>having to find the last enemy in a 'kill em all' mission sure is fucking annoying, at least in nuDoom the last remaining enemies were told to zerg rush you if you killed most of them
>upgraded dash is OP because enemies can barely hit you if you just dash regularly
>the dialogue is even worse then Borderlands 2, it's so obnoxious and terminally tryhard in that it doesn't seem to have a consistent tone at all
>even though you can skip a lot of dialogue (and you should), there's still a lot of fucking unskippable dialogue anyways where you're stuck in a room waiting for people to finish talking because I'm sure those are just masking loading times
>and all the long-ass unskippable elevator rides too
and then I stopped playing because a main mission bugged out and prevented me from going past a locked door, meaning I can't finish the game
I'm glad you're having a good time, so am I.
>tfw you wish you actually could go back to underage
Im not saying you dont have good points, and I can understand where youre coming from. Actually Im realizing theres no point in even typing this out because were comparing apples and oranges. have a good one
Little enemies die from one shotgun shot in classic Doom too, you don't know what you're complaining about.
If you talk about any enemy type besides the 2 basic and weakest ones, then you're lying.
>Having fun an anonymous image board
Top kek lad i can only imagine how terrible your life is
When you actually listen to the NPC dialogue instead of just skipping it, it will simply bug out and the dumb face will yap on in silence. They probably banked on people being too bored to actually listen to that shit so they didn't bother fixing the bugged/missing dialogue.
I mean with the game retard, you're the one who is having fun complaining about other people's enjoyment. But I see you're also mentally challenged so it makes sense.
>I feel like consoles are still majorly holding back fps games.
Yes. It's sadly been this bad since the PS3/360. Mobile is doing the same thing too.
>Let me quick pivot away
Ok whatever you say dude.
I'm just glad they're making good FPS games where you have to dodge enemy projectiles instead of just getting behind cover and using iron sights to headshot everyone, the dark age is over.
Why the fuck are you bringing up doom?
That would be comparable if Classic doom consisted of only soldier type enemies. even imps took more than one shotgun shot and those are common enemies starting at mission 1.
I don't think anything will change for the better though. Mobile is gonna dumb things down further. We will all be playing candy crush or chink gacha by 2021.
I didn't mind the combat that much, but, the enemy design was so fucking generic, revenant is the only good one, and hell looks like a WoW-clone dungeon, they could have hired some horror artist to design the environment and enemies.
guess its too hard for v
I don't understand, there are like 12 enemy types in nu Doom and only 1 dies from one shot of the normal shotgun, the zombies, the other one who dies from one shit are the ones that throw fire balls but only with the super shotgun that you only acquire in the second half of the game, and you would have to be really close for that.
I really don't get that you would complain about those 2 types of enemies when there are so many more, and the weakest enemies also died with one shot in classic Doom. You're just making up shit to complain about, because the gameplay and enemy design works fantastic, since they all have different attack patterns it forces you to move around and dodge their projectiles while shooting them, just like classic Doom, but with vertical depth added. If you only have played like 2 hours then you decided to hate it before playing it, that's why your reasoning sounds so stupid.
Destiny 1.good.
i'm talking about rage 2 man wtf. this is a rage 2 thread
Keep it Doom related or I'll report you for going off topic.
It took 3 years but yeh
fix the car controls and I will admit 8/10, now it's 7/10 thanks to shooting and movement
open world sucks but it gives you more locations to shoot at than a linear shooter but traveling to them be damned
>it gives you more locations to shoot at than a linear shooter
My issue with this game and all open world games is that, sure there are tons of places you can go to, but they're all pretty boring and generic. Just like a flat area with some box buildings you can go into. I prefer linear games where every level can look and feel unique and I don't have to spend 5 minutes driving between them
thank fuck i didn't pay shekels for this mediocrity
dunno POI in it are interesting enough, I admit I dropped the game when I got all arks and weapons, locations for shooting were okay and layouts were different enough
visually yes, they are all the same, but I think it's setting fault, I really want post apocalypse to die off already
for exmaple dying light had similar locations all over but it felt unique somehow from palce to place because it wasn't ruin after ruin with same cracked walls and broken machines, fuck I'm so tired of this, I'd even take Blood Dragon architecture of straight lines everywhere over post apoc. I liked authority bases design, good change of pace, not enough.
>no long range rifles
no thanks
wow can't wait to play it user!
there is a long range rail gun.
It's got some satisfying guns to fire, but to be worth the current price it'd need more than that. Some enemies that provide any challenge at all and some characters who aren't ugly, boring, irritating or all three at once would be a good start. Still, worth playing when it gets cheap.
Seriously? That's it? I played this shit for like 7 hours, even Far Cry New Dawn has 10 times amount of content, what a rip off