You already know what you need to do

You already know what you need to do.

You've sat there for years devising plans and thinking about every facet of your being, all your faults and how to fix them, your aspiratings for life, you've gone through it hundreds of times now. Turn off your phone, turn off your computer and just do it. Just go through a whole day without eating, just do it. Just do push ups until your body collapses, just do it. Just stop THINKING and start ACTING.

No one cares about what you think, they care about your actions.

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I'm starting my first job next month, and I'm graduating at the end of june
And I got somewhat close to having my first kiss this month.

I feeling good desu

You are right, why die later if I can kill myself right now? Thanks wojak poster.
Also videogames.

but my goal is to becoming neet

Today is the day, I play a video game.

>Wanting NEETs to fix their lives
Shhhhh. One new NEET is one less person you have to compete against for a job.

dont cry about not having a gf when you sit inside all day long

I'm scared of rejection. I'm trying to improve myself as much as i can now. Hopefully i can find a cute girl when i start uni.

>duuuude fasting, push ups!

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nobody cares about my actions either bud but thanks for trying

OP is clearly a retard, but not everything about his babble is retarded.
Doing stupid shit just for the willpower is viable if you keep it up. It makes it easier later, when you need to do something important but have problems forcing self to do it.

I'm 24 and I've been a NEET for 7 years, I'm not fixable.

At least go to the gym.

I'm too busy with my job and college to do that.

Who /volNEET/ here?
Fuck wagies, fuck roasties, fuck chinks and fuck niggers

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OK OP. Some of you are alright. Dont come to school tomorrow

I went from NEET to $72k a year job with a gf. However, the pain of the past only fades, it never truly disappears. On my days off from work, I return to the NEET schedule if uninterrupted by my gf.

My advice to Yea Forumsirgins is to try to love someone. It takes effort to show affection. Earning money to buy the one you love a simple meal, etc. That alone should make you returns to some form of normalfag life.

Attached: handful of yen.jpg (1024x1152, 475K)

Me, NEET for 5 years so far and I don't ever see myself going back to a wagie life. It's just too comfy.

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But I work 40 hours a week.
I'm just a ruralfag whose friends have all moved to the city so I don't actually have anything to do after work besides video games unless I want to hang out with the 60 year old boomers that populate this village.

>tfw building discipline wasn't a meme
Goddammit I just want to change

if you smile you trick yourself into being happy

basically the same thing
you are your past.

Former neet now in college struggling to do coursework on time here

how do I build discipline bros?

I agree with this post, been going through the same recently and been having the exact same thoughts about it all. But you know finding love is not as easy as just saying go and do it.

you just do it. follow a schedule. set simple goals.

Same here, but 8 years, left school at 16.

Do shit you don't need with the intent to train willpower.
Even better if it's shit that you actually benefit from, just don't care about.
le clean your room, bucko xD, except not to make it clean, but to train willpower

Do shit that you can "confirm done", not shit that you "are doing". Not "do some homework", but "write 3 paragraphs of assignment".

I can't give anyone that much attention, I only have affection for my own interests anyway.

Literally woke up at 3PM and that's the first thread I see, fuck my "life".

>be NEET
>feel kinda bad
>go wagie
>feel utterly miserable and want to die 24/7
>be NEET again

thanks user
I needed some motivation today

I want to go back but now I have bills and shit and the government won't give me welfare cause they know I can work. How do I rejoin the NEET master race?

I tried but I find my suicidal depression manages to go away when I have some semblance of purpose/value to others. Helps being able to buy stupid shit too.

cut your hands off

Get a welding job, make a lot of money, then apply for disability citing eye strain from welding after a few years

Get a job, you're not going to live your whole life as a neet so you might as well suck it up and learn to be self sufficient. I was in your boat but I found out I don't hate doing physical labor and got a job at a warehouse. I don't have a gf, a nice place or any pets but I have more than enough money to live off of and buy any vidya I want.

>turn off your phone
>turn off your computer
but both are required to accomplish anything. what are you going to do, stare at your wall all day? good luck getting any friends or a girlfriend if you avoid social media. good luck getting a job without applying online.

plenty of people pay under the table user, especially if it's physical labor.

good luck miraculously finding such a job without friends
good luck getting friends with social media