What do you want to see?

What do you want to see?

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New Leaf HD

The new stuff from Pocket Camp is kinda nice. Like backpacks, more customizing, villagers being able to wear accessories and stuff... But I would really love it if we are able to place our own plots for villagers to move in. Mario Kart graphics would also be nice, but I’m not really counting on it.

I want to be able to designate where people can build their fucking houses. This is the sole thing I hate about AC.

Amiibo party 2

i want to get rid of boring villagers by hitting them with the axe and burying them

I want the animals to be rude again and have more personnality

The only thing animal crossing really needs is better AI
The game has changed so much if the years, but the AI is not to different from the n64 version. It just makes the town feel so dead and lifeless. Like it doesn’t feel like I’m in a living breathing town because everyone else in it essentially behaves like set pieces. I want villagers to be able to do, and do all the same stuff as me.

I want more control over who comes and goes in my village as well as more villagers in general. 1 of the things I enjoyed in AC nl was that you could befriend villagers and eventually get their unique photograph item. I basically collected that shit with as many villagers as possible.

This shit series to be cancelled.

An option to design your own animals and share them



Class warfare battle royale. Turnip investing capitalists influence town hall to implement a bell boom ordinance. As a result, inflation wipes the middle class out and overpriced turnips perpetuate the wealth obtained by the investing class. Those with a bell balance dependent on collecting trash from ocean shores and stuck in tree tops come together to collectively influence town hall to implement interventionist ordinances.

I could never get into animal crossing. What am i missing guys is it a furry thing?

a more diverse cast, less animals more women, minorities, obama care, etc

I love AC and I'm not a furry, but I completely understand not being into it. It's just relaxing and charming to live in a town of cute animals, have small surprises every day, things to find and collect. It's not a game you should try to get into by playing for hours or something (because that will get boring), just pop in for a few minutes a day and see what you find.

It took a long time for it to click. I usually like fast arcadey games. I got New Leaf on a whim and kept coming back to it primarily for the music. Eventually, I keep finding new things to do and always felt chilled out after playing.

to be an animal, specifically a cat

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I want to play as an animal

Being able to date villagers

A 2019 release and not a fucking delay.

A flop so hard it buries the franchise, so that the devs can do something more interesting. Splatoon was fantastic, I'm sure they can make something else that's just as inventive.

I want to be able to make your villager fully naked and for bath/shower furniture to actually work

Reminder that animal crossing has been getting worse and worse as they make it more child friendly and appeal more to zoomers

Examples to back up your opinion?

Dating and marriage

Animal Crossing: Reeducation Camp

You arrive on the train and everyone mistakes you for the new warden of the Reeducation Camp. Tom Nook tells you that it is a for-profit prison, and you'll have to buy all your own upgrades. Isabelle would be your lieutenant warden, and you have the ability to punish and even kill "villagers". You could take away villagers favorite belongings, put them in stocks, and there would be three or four execution types you could unlock.

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A trailer

They should write more than 3 personality types this time around and make villagers more unique and find new creative ways to interact with them

It's literally a friend simulator.

You log in everyday or when you're bored.
Say hi to simulated friends, collect daily things, do some "chores".
World is in real time so villagers are out "living their lives" at various times of day, as well as celebrate holidays.

better dialogue and more worldbuilding

Here's ONE example
The series relies increasingly on bright peppy mascots to entice children and porn addicted brainlets