Post >yfw you preordered Catherine: Full Body and will preorder Persona 5: The Royal

Post >yfw you preordered Catherine: Full Body and will preorder Persona 5: The Royal

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>preordering a confirmed censored game.


Is this autism


>buying ps3 games again

What is this meme face called friend? I want to join you

>we went as far as we could!
Literally confirmed

I know there's a 95% chance P5R won't be censored, but I'm uncomfortable preordering until I'm fully certain.

That doesn't mean the limit had anything to do with censorship but creativity.

both are shit games though

>two ports

>That doesn't mean the limit had anything to do with censorship
You're retarded.

Better than being a presumptuous retard.

There's nothing presumptuous about an outright admission, user.

What about "we went as far as we could!"
Is an outright admission with no other context?

>tfw just bought a PVM 13Q plus Tomba, Ape Escape, Spyro and Saga 2.

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>preordering games
even if they're good games you're fucking retarded
don't use the golden sonyboy pic if you're a mongrel

Japs confirmed there isn't anything censored

>yfw your games get censored
>yfw you get all the shitty ports and get sold cardboard
>yfw no japanese publishers support your console so all you get are car games
>yfw you spent over $9000 on a lightshow to play fortnite

>Pre-ordering anything

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>paying full price for enhanced versions


Portstation 4

For the gays


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Can I get Catherine Trap alien edition that makes no sense thematically with these vouchers?

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>Preordering poorly written Hashino shit of a dev team that hasn't made a good game in 10 years


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im excited for both of those but preordering games is retarded. i hope they wont be censored

>PS1 classic

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>preordering anything

vita was great

your right, it WAS great until Sony gave up on it

Vita had like 5 good games trapped on it.

Gravity Rush, SS Delta, Muramasa DLC, Freedom wars, Killzone and I dont know what else wasnt released on ps3 or ps4.

It was a comfy console, but it was dead from the beggining, everyone was saying "this is the year of the vita" and "vita is winning in japan" but the truth is that vita only was popular for one month when Minecraft was released on it. Even during its best years, the 3ds was released many better higher profile games. In comparisson the 3ds has at least 30 exclusive great games, Im not sure I can get up to 10 great vita games without having to pad it with shit like Uncharted

PS1 Classics was great. Stop seething Nincel pkek

No mini console was great. You retarded dilationstation 4 owner

yeah it was so great that it now cost $60 less 5 months later.

>Lowering prices is bad now
This is your mind on bing bing wahoo

Hide all Pepe/Wojack threads for a better Yea Forums experience

>He even defends the shitstation classic
Man, snoyfags really do love eating shit.

>Actually defending the PS1 classic
Quit sucking corporate cock, cuck

A permanent price cut less than 6 months proves that it was a failure. Stop being pic related and face reality.

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Have sex

I didn't preorder full body because I was too much of a brainlet to get past the second night in base Catherine and persona 5 seems like shit so I doubt the royale will be any better.

you should start doing that since you actually defend the PS1 Classic


Bros I wanna cope by saying something witty but I'm afraid of being spotted and bullied some more
What do I do?

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go ahead and keep coping, all your doing is proving me right

>preordering rehashes.

fucking based

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t: seething nincel

Why would I buy Catherine again? I already own the game

Send $400 dollars to me and i'll give you something real nice

The Vita's still great for playing the games it has portably though. The Switch is too big to serve this purpose and so I usually take my Vita with me on the go.