I am making a smurf account in League of Legends where I will play mostly female support characters. Anybody have any ideas for a female username that won't be too obviously fake?
Female Username
Other urls found in this thread:
yeah what about have sex?
what's your endgame
For what fucking purpose, OP.
something combining Kawaii and kitten desu
don't ever put "Diva" anywhere because only trannies do that.
you cant just pretend to be female and wing it create a female "persona" decide what kind of person you want to be and base your nickname on that
This is the path to trannydom
>lol I made that name when I was 10
Do you have GF?
Makes you come off as the quintessential casual female player, you'll have loads of neckbeards trying to 'show you the ropes' and whatnot
Experiment, how much abuse I get, how many people add me, how many people try to flirt, how many people gift skins etc. Also lot's of screenshots of whiteknighting, flirting and creepy chats
Just take an innocent username.
A simple girl name with numbers or something.
Simplicity often fools the smartest of us.
It's a treacherous swamp you're about to tread in. Watch your step.
Some weebshit with kitsune or something combined with a girl name
Just take a plain normal real female first name and add some numbers at the end of it.
It will look a hell of a lot more "real" than any PrincessStrawberryNekoHime bullshit you can come up with.
This but nickname instead of a full name
Go for the old standby, some kawaii shit like "Miikyu~*" or somethingy along those lines
just use an "unique" name so you stand out
Anything with lady/miss/heart/your name in femenine+some shit will work
find a "cute" word and put it in plural but irregularly
Real women play ADC or mid senpai
This is so basic it reminds me of How to Catch a Predator usernames kek
"Christina Hanson"
I think at this point user you just need to amalgamate what everyone's posted and tell us your username.
Be ready to be requested voice chat, if you try to use them to buy things and you don't give anything in return they will notice unless they are fucking retarded
pick a cute pokemon and add some numbers to its name
we need a female nickname roll.jpg
why is Yea Forums so gay
I prefer Japanese over Korean/Chinese
I've been mistaken for a girl many times, I think the idea is just having it sound feminine but not trying too hard. Cupcakezkitty or whatever is obviously a dude, just adding "a" or "I" on the end of most ordinary usernames is probably enough.
>no gril gamers?
>pretend to be a gril gamer
>Yea Forums logic
I like this japanese cosplayer too.
be honest. do you read genderswap or futa hentai?
Just select 2 male name and join with a X.
Remember, that girls use a lot of emojis and emoticons when chatting
a female friend of mine had *****neko as user name
This gurls play adc and their boyfriends support
Slightly edgy, but not "GasKikesGirl2020" level
At a glance looks like "send nudes"
Spark can be short for sparkles which is girly
The nuke part gives off the impression that you're trying to be tough
You've gotta promise to post the results; for usernames just pick a feminine word and add flair to it like "~coffee~" or "."
beat you to it
It says DVA you fucking mongoloid
Why do Asians look like insects?
but that's a Mexican, you retarded white incel with yellow fever
Spider is CUTE
They just do.
Inbreeding, eating shit food and sitting on the ground and floor for long periods of time will do that.
what has been seen cannot be unseen anymore
>I hate white women because they never paid attention to me and I think Asian girls are cute, especially when they get plastic surgeries to give themselves caucasian features, how did you know?
>how many people gift skins
this is the only reason,you fucking tranny.
What are you trying to say with your shitty wojak picture, incel?
trannies do that too
this bullshit again?
I wouldn't know about that. I just know that's how some of my female friends tend to write their messages
>roastie status - fucking rekt
wtf is a double eyelid
>roastie/tranny triggered me by mere pictures of asian females and sperging out with the usual spam
>middle aged old ass blown out roasties
>the arbiters on what is attractive
old hags and jealous wh*te wimmin BTFO
she's cute, not beautiful. but compared to those jealous old hags she's a goddess.
>spamming the picture of you using facebook alts to comment on some ugly person's picture to push a fake narrative
cope and seethe, incel
hello Becky / Amber / Stacy / Tiffany
an abreviation of a female name and something cute
or something similiar
girls are known for not being able to write special symbols or dislike using them, evade those
>Anti-asian barneyfag is here
reminder that this is OP
>fake narrative
you cope
Have an abortion
The incel with yellow fever is the new Barneyfag for sure
yellow fever is unironically a mental illness
ive never seen a group of pathetic incels become so delusional and autistic, not even sonic fans or furries are like that
Your data is 100% meaningless unless you have a passable female voice that doesn't sound synthesized. Only the women who are active on voice chat get any kind of royalty/harassment treatment you're thinking of.
The general consensus is, if someone is playing a girl character with a female name, it's a faggot larping.
Oh no he found the thread. Pack it up boys.
>We're being raided by guys who like pretty girls
In other news water is wet
who is this skeleton?
i want to shake her bones.
There's a yellow fever thread on /pol/ and there's some yellow fever incel spamming photoshopped pictures of Asians with plastic surgeries and he's arguing that Japanese have "white" skin. I bet OP of this thread is him.
>pretty girls
Pick one.
I wonder if this fag reeeing at asian girls is the same that did in the brown girl thread. I fucking love this whole tumblrite tier "fucking white males reeeee"
this will never not be funny
>be white incel with yellow fever
>be extremely autistic and paranoid
>hate white women with a passion because they never paid attention to you
>obsess over Asian women because you think it'll get you laid
>convince yourself that you're not a woman-hater because you're obsessed with bug women
>accuse everyone of being a roastie/white women/chink when someone laughs at you for being a yellow fever faggot
>spam cuckold BBC porn on the Internet to retaliate against white women
>spam photoshopped pictures of asians with plastic surgeries and make-up on multiple boards to "prove" to everyone that Asians aren't ugly
>sperg and throw a fit whenever someone uploads a realistic picture of Asian women without their plastic surgeries and pnotoshop filters
>write literal fanfiction about Asian women being "traditional, more reserved, better cook" etc when in reality, all Asian women will flash their hairy, wide-open, sideways smelly dark brown genitals to any foreigner and fuck anything that moves
>get mad as fuck at people when they laugh at these bug women because you know they're laughing at the ugliness of Asian women and you're insecure
I know you're a hapa.
Of course you're a /pol/roastie. You're most definitely a hapa mutt then. Don't worry, I'll make more your kind so you can have some friends
I wonder if this fag reeeing at realistic pictures of asian girls is the same that attacked everyone in the brown girl thread. I fucking love this whole tumblrite tier "fucking white females reeeee"
This will never not be funny.
Holy based
lol k
hapas and yellow fever incels hate white women (refers to them as roasties) and they obsess over asians with plastic surgeries, make-up and photoshop filters
you are retarded for denyig this and for pushing a false narrative
haha, yeah, just for the hell of it. just to see how many dick pics i get haha.
Why do incels with yellow fever get so triggered over this picture?
>people born 2001 are 18 now
I cant even claim underage
>Someone posts a realistic photo of a gook
>yellow fever incels, hapas and chinks come out of the woodwork to sperg about white women and spam photoshopped pictures of Asians with plastic surgeries and make-up
Every time.
Nice try. But I know that you're a disfranchised hapa that can't get any. This shitting on Asian girls and calling white guys that like Asians "yellow fever incels" is just a false-flag to discourage people from making more of your kind and taking up your spot.
>if you find a asian girl attractive, you hate white women
>women use makeup
Holy shit, there's a pic of that Mexican girl and the dipshit with yellow fever still believes she's Japanese when she doesn't look like a gook at all
It's most likely the same person too.
incel here i'd take left too anyday and hold hands with her till she cums
The dude in bottom right is gay and even he knows JP girls win.
the older you get, more makeup you need
women will stop using heavy makeup when they finally get married
>yellow fever
It checks out. Get help.
Is the left pic supposed to be ugly?
I'm not the one spamming this in every single thread.
Which server u playing on? This is important.
She's not Asian so yes.
spiders are not insects
Fantastic video discussion here fellas. Well done, all of you!
To bring this back on topic, what is everyone currently playing and enjoying? Personally I've been having a blast playing Mordhau.
See You are the embodiment of pure autism and schizophrenia with your constant spam of yellow fever threads on multiple boards. You've surpassed autistic shitposters like ACK and barneyfag. Congratz. I'm sure you think you spent your time and efforts very wisely.
t. la abominación de la penumbra maligna
Quit it after they nerfed shields.
Shut the fuck up incel
>accuse someone of being a "woman-hater"
(by the way the word is "misogynist", it's been pretty big here for a while now)
>proceed to refer to asian women as bug women and describe their genitalia
at least be consistent, fix your pasta luigi
No, you're just the one who spams yellow fever threads on multiple boards everyday and spam threads with photoshopped pictures of Asians with plastic surgeries and make-up. Seek help, or kill yourself (the latter being the better option in your case).
I'm trying to get into Melty Blood
The soundtrack is fantastic
Haven't posted a single Asian ITT yet I noticed your frequent autism.
oh god
brings back memories from Aliens Resurrection
fuck this scene with cloned Ripley
Is this the same dude from the tomboy/brown girl thread?
>if you find a girl from [insert ethnicity/race here] attractive you're a incel and hate white women reeeee
This dude is insane, I love it.
just join name with year that would put you in mid 20s. like `Mari1996`
seething weebcel/hapa/chink
your entire bug race spends thousands of money to look like that girl
Funky - I like it
>Haven't posted a single Asian ITT yet
you have, that's why you're sperging because everyone thinks insects look like shit
keep coping, weebcel
No one will likely read this and I certainly wont see it , just wanted to share. This site is shit and I am done. I don't know how many of you are trolls, how many are insurgents and how many are just retards but everything is a shadow of what it was and real discussion will never take place again. To anyone chill on here still, get the fuck off this site.
League doesn't have voice chat
I think you have white fever, hapa-kun
nigga you know damn well you are doing this to get dudes to hit on you, just be honest with yourself
Haha, how bad are you at videogames if you make a smurf account just to pretend to be a girl and do a shitty job as a support character?
how come throughout this entire thread not a single person has given a good "female" username, it's not even that hard
See you tomorrow fuckface
No, that was most likely you. Yellow fever incels hate white women, and most yellow fevers are "white supremacists" and will rage at the sight of brown people.
"Nice" false flag tho. You autistic incel.
hapas and yellow fever incels hate white women, retard-kun
Really puts this whole thread into perspective
Have sex
lmao, don't @me you insane faggot
imagine getting mad over this
Nah I saw some screencaps from /r/asianmasculinity
They like white women and hate Asian women in their area
Looks like your thread got derailed, OP. Don't worry though, I'll help you out. Include something about kittens in your username. Something like Ms Kittenz or something.
Go someplace like fanfiction communities and makeup forums and copy what you see
What compels a man to spend all day, all week to shit on asian women is beyond me.
There's a hapa in my class and he's so insecure. He is probably the seething incep with yellow fever in here.
>Nah I saw some screencaps from /r/asianmasculinity
>They like white women and hate Asian women in their area
You are so fucking autistic and delusional.
That's not /r/asianmasculinity
>double eyelids is not a white feature
lmao seething chinks, hapas and incels with yellow fever believe this?????
It is, you delusional autismo.
I have a few girls on my friendlist there names are like fakefirstnamemythlogicalanimal or some variation of cookie,biscut,tea. Girly stuff but not outright. Like naming yourself the FashionMonster or AmyDragon, TeaNBiscuitz might get you a few invites, my name is sort of feminine so i got loads of invites from people thinking im a girl that mains jungle/adc. I think it's because i try to stop salt and tilting between team mates and am overall friendly.
Yellow fever incels believe Japanese girls have "white" skin too.
They are literal schizos.
Calling it a "white feature" is retarded since most non-Asian people have double eyelids including blacks and arabs etc.
>I think it's because i try to stop salt
Might as well have sex with them you enormous fag.
>tfw the autist hapa can't look up realistic photos of his ugly bug women in the archive and he's going to kill himself soon
arabs are mongrelized creatures that have been raped by caucasian for generations
It does. League voice for chat between team mates. U might have to enable it, its enabled by default i think
More like
ITT: white people throw shit at each other because the dick gets hard.
For me? It’s kittybaby2006
Once again
asian > spic > black > white
You know what I mean, middle-easterners. Indians etc. And again, Africans.
Most people have double eyelids so prescribing it as "white" is retarded.
>they will notice unless they are fucking retarded
We are talking about LoL players.
Typical poster
>that adam's apple, chin, lips, nose alignment.
Nature is gorgeous
just put a girls name in it but they have to be real, with facebook account for a more elaborate ruse. The girl need to be real.
>have sex
> You know what I mean
Yeah, you're retarded and we can see you mean it.
Arabs fall under a sub-race in Caucasian races.
Amazing, you can hear the incel in his voice, it's imprinted with it.
>20 minutes
>L, M, N, R, S, Y
>for vowels stick to A and E, last letter should be a vowel
>make a 4-6 character name from these letters
>get a cute profile pic
You now appear feminine.
Also I just noticed that the letters in this formula can be used to spell MANSLAYER, so from this point forward it will be called the Manslayer Method. Now go pretend to be a girl and slay some men with your virtual vagina.
if whites are ugly, why do those three shitskin groups spend money to look like whites?
Okay so arabs are white?
Also you're still ignoring Africans lol
Cope, shitskin
I know you're wearing western clothes, living in western countries and trying to look as western as possible.
Cecilia7575 or something
blacks are negroids
caucasian =/= white
I thought you braindead chinks and hapas have high IQ but here you are, embarassing yourself and arguing against facts because it doesn't fit your narrative.
>Now go pretend to be a girl and slay some men with your virtual vagina.
And post discord and paypal.
Im unironically a paypig and Im looking for a new goddess
Why do you have to piggyback off of the entire west? Is it because you lost your racial and cultural identity and can only be recognized by a Jewish invented label that morphs all of it into one big melted pot?
>blacks are negroids
And have double eyelids. Which was the point of this "discussion".
>caucasian =/= white
So again why brand double eyelids as a "white" feature? You're kinda beating up your own retarded self here.
>And have double eyelids
they actually don't, their eyelids are much different compared to caucasians
Can americans not shit up a thread with their race obsession for once? Jesus fucking christ.
>inb4 some mutt calls me a nigger/kike/tranny/incel
Holy austism, this thread is kinda making me less racist. I don't want to end like this faggot.
> why brand double eyelids as a "white"
I never did that. You did. Caucasians aren't white, and whites aren't Caucasians.
Indians, Iranians, Armenians, Azeris, non-mongrelized Turks, Georgians, Ossetians, Russians, Chechens, Greeks etc are Caucasians, but they are not white. Get it now?
>because the dick gets hard
Do you really think the guy that hates Japanese girl gets off to it? That surely would explain how he can go at this shitposting 24/7
>their eyelids are much different compared to caucasians
Not really. And they do indeed have "double" eyelids.
>You did
Americans have so little going on on their lives that they need to feel proud about menial shit.
Shut up semitic ebony trans incel faggot.
is that alice
>I know you're wearing western clothes, living in western countries and trying to look as western as possible.
Excellent goy you are.
Enjoy orbiting by beta neckbeards
No doubt
Jew propaganda.
Post your favorite criatura
"White" Amerimutts always feel like their racial identity is being attacked so they have to lash out on random people to reaffirm themselves.
I'm a fan of IRL ones
>Jew propaganda
What the fuck does this even mean? Shitskins WANT to look like whites on their own accord.
I used to do this in WoW to get free shit. Being a female in online gaming is great, you can suck at everything you do and people will still bend over backwards to be nice to you.
I just hate this "if you like X you hate Y"
No idea what kind of "straight" men will refuse attractive women because of their race, and these fags are like this" even when it's about 2D girls, holy shit.
I do this and I'm pretty okay as a straight white male, I think.
That Mexican cosplayer is cute
Based Psychopathanon
this is what the typical yellow fever faggot or their offspring looks like
What name do you take for this if you live in Europe?
I love how this has become a almost daily troll thread on Yea Forums. Everyone knows what it is, but everyone still take the bait every time
Me too
Post the mexican cosplayer, my dick needs it.
I get but why go apeshit about other people liking other race's women, shit's ridiculous.
Maybe cute girls are cute regardless of their ethnicity.
What are you implying here?
Warhammer 40k dark crusade
How the fuck do you beat eldar and they immortal infantry
inb4 git gut
why do i get a boner from that vid
All of them. I've been to Scotland, you can't get much worse.
You want a cute gf to give you headpats
High impact sexual headpating
I worry some people were never raised around a woman to know what people look like with and without makeup.
You're a degenerate.
Where do you think we are?
Cherry pick
I have the opposite problem. Only women I knew didn't really wear makeup, so I find it kind of disgusting.
Just remember to show your thanks down the road by posting your HRT timeline
I've actually made a fake account myself posing as a female and one of the things I've noticed is that a lot of players treat you like a dumbass (Diamond 3). Also men get super salty if you solo kill them in lane especially after a taunt.
I never have any issues playing as a male with a masculine name.
I can get that, where an excess looks kind of clownish and uncanny.
You're right, heavy make up is disgusting.