Kill la Kill IF
Buy Satsuki-sama's game

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TRIGGER a shit

Yes Satsuki sama

Nonon is the scariest character in the show.

>Almost 15 minutes long and it's nearly all just fucking nothing but talking
>Gameplay is finally shown at the end
>It looks like shit
What a fucking surprise.

How disappointing. I was hoping for a Arcsys Naruto game next.

that looks trash

It's the intro to the story mode

Complete dogshit. It's not Arcsys, they're trying to trick me.

>all the 2d fighting fags don't understand it isn't meant for them.

Any Switch footage of it?

I don't even play fighting games and still think this looks awful.

no one cares

should've made it a moshou or whatever hell is called when lots of same looking grunts attack you on the field
making it a fighting game was a dumb decision and besides there's not enough characters


>"Hey, you guys have to buy Satsuki's game!"
>No. It looks shit-tier visually compared to GG/DBZF/GBF, and Arcsys isn't even making it.
>"Dude, it's not meant for you!"

>This triggered as fuck shill

have fun with your shit roster fag
while I enjoy playing GGXRD2 or maybe BBCF with more characters

It has a musou mode.

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oh? so I guess that's why they skipped the idea making another one...

>no tennis shark girl

>Terrible Genre
>Terrible Developer
>No clothing/costume based mechanics
>Satsuki is the MC

That's a yikes and cringe for me, OP. Think I'll pass.

Yo is there footage of this? I had no idea, this game looks pretty aight for people who like kill la kill and unlike a lot of arena fighters this DOES have actual combos at least

>Satsuki the main character of the anime and literal goddess.

>it's an obvious shill who never heard of those games

wew lad way to out yourself from the bunch

>There are no alterations to the game’s visuals (costumes and etc.) between the regions and platforms.
Fucking told you guys this game is safe as hell
>PS4 and PC get 60fps
>Switch gets 30
Biggest rips at Switch lads

>i'm a shill because i haven't heard of a bunch of letters for a game that user likes.

so it's satsuki only as an mc and no ryuko?

>liking 7 years old anime

You unlock a Ryuko sidestory after beating the main story.

What's wrong with liking old anime?

Play through Satsuki’s what-if story first. Beating it unlocks a Ryuko what-if story.

NGE is the best anime ever made. Still.

My wife Satsuki is so cute.

What could her story even be?

as obvious as someone shitty person as yourself who's shilling for his poor man's 2D fighter
those were called guilty gear Xrd 2 and blazblue central fiction and they're pretty old
but I can't expect much from people like you none the less
it must be hard huh? with career like yours...

oh ok thanks for the info

The little bit of information they have implies she gets trained by Nui.

Alternate Good ending where you can save Senketsu at the end. Now I will buy your game.


Not him, but Arcsys did make a game like this before with RPG elements, it was called Guilty Gear. But Arcsys isn't making it, it's some Merc studio.

>best anime

I'd rather watch my Little Pony with my little cousins even if it kills me inside

why are 2d fighting fags so braindead. The game is clearly 3d my sides.
Fucking stupid chimps.

Kek. And it's garbage.

thats your dilation time?

aww don't worry you'll reach the higher position someday just keep trying lil feller

>Haven't play a fighting game since fucking Street Fighter 2 on the SNES
>Still new those were Guilty Gear game and BlazBlue games

It's a subsidiary of ASW

I don't care I like KLK i don't care about your interests you retard.

>hating something makes you a tranny

ohohoho very original

>fighting game
why is everyone so fucking retarded

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>How disappointing. I was hoping for a Arcsys Naruto game next.
Arcsys did not develop this game.

shill harder fag you ain't trying hard enough


theres literally one enemy type in the anime.

My point is you're fucking retard.
I also now suspect you're a fucking shill.

No... APlus is not Arcsys mate. They've developed games for other publishers.

Yes. It is the best lesbian action anime of the decade. So completely hetereosexual.

It literally saved anime.

>kill la reddit

Can't wait to play as best girl Nui.
Ye, it's fun.

Episode 4 was the best episode and the only one I returned to multiple times fight me.

Attached: Kill-la-Kill-Gameplay_02-10-19.jpg (600x337, 37K)

>user says 2d fighting fags don't understand this game is for them.
>this dumb faggot starts ranting about 2d fighting games that no one cares about ITT for an anime 3d arena fighter.
2d fighting fags extremely low iq. Sad.

It's turn off your brain kinda good so it's okay I suppose

who asked for this shit?
the anime isn't even relevant and forgotten nowdays

How big is Ryuuko's futa dick?

But I like VO

>all that damage control all because he couldn't convince people otherwise

oh I'm sensing a cut from your salary
boss ain't gonna be happy about it

>being too dumb to understand the themes and subtext of KLK


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tiny compared to Ragyo's

>autist continues to rant like a retard.

You mean mako's game

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>Posts a thumbnail whilst calling othets retarded

Is there another anime that brought in so many new ironic weebs than than Kill la kill ?

virtual on is a classic you are alright.

must be tuff being an mentally ill schizo
since ya hafta process all simplest things in life being some conspiracy crap
ain'tcha mate?

It is.
Darling in the FRANXX, in other hand... yikes

>gasping at straws while calling coincidences "themes and subtext"

Click on the image to expand it, user.

I can't wait to buy this and then sit and watch 15 minute long scenes i've already seen but animated slightly worse.

I hate when games are retellings of their source material. even in the warriors, a game that was built as a prequel to the movie, which I think is the best video game adaptation the worst part of the game is when it finally gets caught up to the movie and all the cutscenes are just the movie that you have already seen but worse.

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Episode 5 is better. Kino episode

But she's free summer DLC character...

Mha that attracts so many zoomers.

bnha and jojo

ryuko is the main portagonist of the anime, didnt stop them in making this game

this is cool i love asian shit

>calls me out a retard cause poor user couldn't sold me on to it

I'm starting to feel a little pity on you

Damn, that looks awful, but at least they got the rights for the fucking amazing ost

Countless modern anime.

It's a game for fans of the anime and arena fighters not 2d autists. Go away.

These along with Konosuba and Re:zero.

Everything that's popular during a season attracts zoomers

if someone made this unironically this is eva fanbase levels of delusion

>and arena fighters
Why not just play better arena fighters

>implying this shit anime has fans

>konosuba, re:zero, macadamia and jojo in one single post
my zoomer meter is out of chart

i like KlK it is like the arena fighter of anime.


I actually really want to get this game, it looks fun

>i like KlK it is like the arena fighter of anime.
what does that even mean

It means he's a shill
I wish I was joking

The anime is basically arena fights:the anime.

maybe a little but it was never as bad as sao.

Shill often parrot the same phrases over and over which is exactly what he's doing.
Guess hi script has like 2 paragraphs worth on it.

What does Satsuki's asshole taste like?

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Her mother's saliva

>could mozart be still alive?

it looks like a NUNS game. I am fine with this

The first interview we got from the game said they're a part of ASW. They have credits on the River City games and Persona Arena.

now this is dumbposting

I need Satsuki to step on my dick

>Anime arena fighter
I thought making proper anime fighting games was ASW's thing. I'll pass.

They put her on the special edition box with dtr so they will probably be out the week of release.

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>109 replies and 7 images omitted

This has got to be the shittiest Satsuki thread of all time.

Shit. And poop.

My mom has great taste

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Satsuki is perfect.

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Is it just me or are Satsuki-sama's eyebrows bigger than ever

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They are bigger and angrier.

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>>Satsuki is the MC
Just correcting the biggest mistake the anime made

Satsuki's own sequel when?


Who cares about this anime garbage, where's the new Guilty Gear?

Hiding in Baiken's cleavage.

Is this going to be digital-only in Europe?

The worst was SAO and Attack On Titan. You also had Naruto shitters as well which was the huge Shonen of it's time.

Nice story bro.

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What about attack on titan. Does that break the scale?

don't forget one punch man.

And Darling in Franxx. That's where the real ironic webs become truly cancer.

>trigger has a fucking patreon
imagine supporting these fucking beggars

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I wonder if he's balding now

I fucking hate what they've done here, if people don't buy it they'll take it as there's no interest in KLK anymore and bury the IP, but if people DO buy it they'll take it as there's interest in overdue trash game adaptations that miss the point. You can't win.


He's been wearing wigs for years.

there's a pic of it, it's definitely receding

Is that Jesse Slaughter?

It's a poor translation then. You will not find a link between the two companies in any official capacity.

the most recent one is already perfect why do you need another game, just add more characters


I'm sure you'd rather watch My Little Pony than do most things
I'm sure you'd still watch My Little Pony even if it did kill you, lmao

Not him, but to some of us who aren't fucking obsessed with trannies like you faggots, he's a literalwho.


Can't wait for sfm

I rarely watch anime but I loved it.