Serious question, are there any other SRPGs that can even compare?
Serious question, are there any other SRPGs that can even compare?
TO:Luct I just started a playthrough of one vision the other day.
Fell Seal for PC. Not even joking, pirate it or buy it - it's worth it.
Fell Seal Arbiter's Mark copies old FFT almost exactly. The story is shit and the art is ugly for the most part but there's a lot of classes and customization.
I'm glad it didnt paste in the zodiac/brave system. That was just random garbage.
Devil Survivor. Has a great gameplay loop.
Anything that's not a literal chore to play, it's so fucking slow.
Vandal Hearts
Tactics Ogre
Front Mission
PC release when though
Would be nice to play this with mouse
A2 is even better.
It looks so ridiculous with proportioned characters like those.
Disgaea is far better.
I don't know why people get super defensive about this game.
No, but I'd recommend Vandal Hearts to anyone looking for more
everyone who thinks this is the best in the genre has never played any other SRPG (other than maybe Fire Emblem which is shit)
this happens EVERY TIME
>Disgaea is far better
You're such a meme.
Share your favourite then, o one of elevated tastes
Dont really care for the tone, humor or plot of Disgaea (at least not the first one which is all I've played through). Also class system is overall less interesting, though to be fair Tactics isn't balanced at all and is way too easy because of it
No, but I hope one day to make one.
Yeah the story is shit
But the gameplay is the fun part
Meant to respond to this guy
Divinity Original Sin games.
what you mean user?
>100 brave
>Excalibur/chaos blade
>+3 move
lol, sniper melee evade tank
is war of the lions for IOS basically the same as this?
So I wanted to make Ramaza a Dark Knight, but by the time I got the class requirements out of the way through scream spam (took 2 hours) he was level 65 or some shit.
it's actually better i think since it should have all the added content
you can abuse deleveling traps to fix that
Why would being too high a level be a problem?
i couldnt really get into disgaea sadly, i really wanted to like it, i watched my brother play it a long time ago and i really liked the plot, I enjoy every other SRPG but not disgaea
i second this, game is pretty fun, though im not a big fan of trhe character sprites,
Dynasty Tactics
Unless your other units are that high, random battles will be impossible as they scale.