Steep is Free

Remember that extreme sports game made by Ubisoft that kind of bombed and was promptly forgotten a few months later?
Yeah, they're giving it away for free, grab it between May 16 ~ May 22
here's a link
yes, it is the full game
yes, you get to keep it

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eh, fuck it, I already grabbed unity, might as well some other free shit

Game isn’t that bad to be honest

I only vaguely remember playing the beta before I upgraded my PC and the game chugging like hell

take the offer
this game is actually pretty good

Every Ubisoft game of the last five years has been pretty great but 2016 onwards is pure gold

I actually bought this game and some of the expansions since I liked it. It’s a great game for fans of games like Amped. Beautiful mountains as well.

What DLCs are worth getting?

Source for it bombing?

>but 2016 onwards
Odyssey is trash, tho.

You don't pick a dog turd up off the street floor because it's free. Why would I download this kusoge?

I got the winterfest one and another one I forget. I haven’t gotten the extreme one yet since I got the extra content version of the full game which gave me its unlockables. They’re all fun though.

just going off your post, changing literally anything about your life will probably be a positive

Imagine enjoying eating dog shit. Yikes.

A woman even died because of this shit.

Seething ubishill

warning that the game won't fucking run properly on RX cards and it's been that way for a year.

Or I could grab a PS4 copy for 5 bucks.



Fuck off

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nah you can keep it

I just remembered the other DLC I got was the Olympics one. I think this one and the Winterfest one I mentioned are worth getting since they’re fun and the Olympics one even gives you an entire new mountain in Japan and has a ton of unique olympics events.

Just a warning though, some of the slopes and events in the base game and even the dlc are frustratingly hard.

Especially some of the wingsuit diving events where you have to be super precise through tiny rock crevasses n shit. Very satisfying to complete though.

This is the best mountain hiking/climbing simulator out currently. It’s a shame nobody has built up the mountain exploration gameplay into its own unique game.

it was pretty fun for a few hours

This thread sure does smell funny

>or I could just spend money instead of getting it for free

Road To The Olympics and X-Games.

Maybe because it doesn’t have zoomers complaining about China and is just full of people like me talking about liking the actual game? Not everything is a conspiracy you know. And Steep is/was a good game. I seriously recommend you picking it up.

Sure thing chang.

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I've smelled enough shills in my time "fellow user"

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I remember planning to buy the game on release and kind of forgot about it.
Guess there's no reason not to get it now. I always was interested because it scratched an itch not many games can satisfy.

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I got it "free" from ps+ on PS4.
Wouldn't pay money for it honestly. Also I would never install uplay pn my PC for any game.

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Of all of them I only wanted the sled. I got it and it's as stupid as I had hoped it would be.
>riding down a 45° incline on a tiny toboggan at 80 miles an hour before hitting a tiny lump of snow and being flung to my death

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whatever you say “fellow straight person”

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I like to faceplant from 1km above the ground at top speed with the jetpack

Same. I also like to crash into other players while wingsuit diving and watch their ragdolls fly down there mountain

non sequitir and racism? And you’re not supposed to be a shill? Lmao /pol/zoomers are dumb. Why are you even in this thread?

I wish they shoved VR into it somehow. This seems like a great game to vomit to in VR.


nah I love my PC too much

They already have the first person go pro mode. They can really get some extra bucks from a VR version. Imagine how much fun it would be to jump off a cliff in VR


oh well notlile nintendo is ever going to make another 1080*

I played the beta it was super fun
fuck them for cancelling the switch version

yeah no, fuck this shit.

perhaps your mother could help you with your itch


Thanks bro

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The game is incredibly flawed
But fuck me if it isn't fun to bomb those rocky semi-enclosed tunnels in a wing suit. That shit is ridiculous.

How does it feel to just repeat shit you learned 10 years ago and never reevaluating it or using your own critical thinking? Oh wait you're nearing your 30's and still on Yea Forums, my bad.

>always online
not even for free

is it the drop in multiplayer with randoms one?

I played the demo or beta or w/e it was tigjht forming a crew with people you can't communicate with and just trying to out-trick eachother on the way down mountains I guess I'll pick it up

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Uplay isn't that bad. It's not as good as steam or origin but it's a lot better than epic or Bethesda.