We're almost home lads.
Wow World of Warcraft Classic Beta Home thread.
We're almost home lads.
Wow World of Warcraft Classic Beta Home thread.
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Mad lad PvP'er based and redpilled.
When I started playing in 2005, I was in high school with nothing to do after school except play wow. Now I'm an adult with 60+ hr week wagie. I'll never keep up
Are you playing horde or alliance?
I plan on playing a Shaman but I hear their late game dps is bad and/or VERY bad due to being too high and pulling threat and dying. Is there anything I should know or avoid?
what's better in pvp while leveling, shadow priest or shaman?
They are healbots. Nothing else. Wf meme is just a meme
Fuck e-celeb streams support your local Yea Forums streamers.
shadow priest at 40, is quite literally, broken. at 40, a SP can geniuenly take on everything, there is a weird power gap at the 40 range because shadow form is just so broken. I will never forget casually fishing with SP on, and two horde warriors attempted to kill me, and couldn't even broke my bubble. they just sort of gave up, and awkwardly ran off. just one scenario of hundreds. if you want to truly wreck while levelling, SP is literal beast at 40ish and max
thanks man, priest it is.
This one time, this shaman and this rogue like jump me, it's two on one so they think they got a chance. So I fear them both you know and I start mana burning the shaman and I hit him up with the shadow word pain and mind flay him as he tries to run for his life. I then I turn on the rogue and he's like by himself and I feel bad for him because he's such a noob, he doesn't even have a stunlock build. So I fear him again and I throw on a renew and a shield and then I decided it would be fun if maybe I just beat him down with my glowing brightwood staff. So there I am, like this priest, just kinda tanking this rogue because he's such a noob he can't even out damage my renew. I then I did some chickens on his corpse when he's just lying there.
also go UD for the priest racials, undead plague is the literal one kill button.
devouring plague, sorry.
Fuck off, Benji, you piece of shit
vanilla is actually pretty well balanced at 40, better than 60
I fucking hate tipsout so goddamn much.
He fucking thought there being no quest markers was a bug too.
>tfw trying to find a thread without shitposting discord trannies or butthurt subhumans from the pserver vg general
He's just killing mobs. Based and redpilled my arse.
>Misses the WC jump
>Gets lost and needs to be handheld back by the group
He's a fraud
Not my home.
>Crossserver BG
>HP/Mana regen is straight from LK
>A lot of bugs
>Shop later
>hits too hard
>he had red chest and belt
>no shieldblock no demoralizing shout and charge in when healer wasn't ready nor full on mana
Wailing caverns truly exposed the fake vanilla players.
wasn't he also -4 levels, that's going to lower your armor, cause crushing, and increase crit chance
Yeah, the boss has always been known to hit hard so healers have to pre cast heals in preparation or kite the boss. doesn't help that he doesn't use shield block which is learnable at 16 either (he was lvl 18) and i doubt he got 2 levels inside the instance.
And even then it helps not just charging then looking away to read chat for 5 sec and discover that you are dead.
Healer point of view.
Will classic have the normal f2p level cap?, I've never properly tried wow and might if I dont have to pay before trying
looks like unlucky crit and nobody paying attention
i'm not sure how it's even possible for a warrior to only have 500 HP at level 19. my personal rule of thumb is to always try and be near 1k HP at level 20 before tanking deadmines or wailing caverns
lots of important abilities at 20, much smoother to wait
>two horde warriors attempted to kill me, and couldn't even broke my bubble
Priests shields can completely break warriors rage generation, in a 1v1 if you get your shield up at the right moment he'll be stuck at 0 rage until he breaks your bubble with his auto attacks
Highly doubt it
>Beta for a game that was already released
Is blizzard fucking retarded?
He really did that? He really submit' a bug report because the boss dealt a lot of damage?
Even i know that boss deals extra damage because i played on private servers and from my experience he dealth about the same damage as he did on the stream yesterday.
I'm in awe at this shitters stupidity (tipsout)
>played mage and shaman in vanilla
>suddenly want to play ret pala in classic
talk me out of this.
I missed the WoW Vanilla train, I was deep into Runescape at the time since it was what all my friends played instead but I'm interested in giving Classic a shot to see what I missed out on. What's the big hook that WoW has? I'm thinking of rolling a Troll Shaman, maybe a Dwarf hunter too after looking at some of the races/classes.
>pulls with broken armor
>charges out of healer range
>doesn't warn anyone he's pulling
>healer is at half mana
>missed the jump repeatedly causing the run to take 5 hours
>"must be bugged"
5 minute buffs
30 second seals
lay on hand removes all your mana
Do it, fag.
no abilities other than seals and judgement, no way to slow anyone other than hoj
member when auto attacks didn't refresh judgements
who is the fat loser?
Ret is the least developed spec in the entire game. They do nothing but auto attack and deal next to no damage with nothing extra to compensate.
A cornerstone of the Classic community
I really really really really hate twitchfags. These people are actual 80IQ retards. Unbelievable. I worry for this game if these idiots have an actual say on what is and isn't relevant to what the values from vanilla are.
>What's the big hook that WoW has?
Honestly? Classic PvP. It's so unbalanced and fun.
if I sub right now this second, will I be able to join the beta?
Won't ever be the same
imagine having a low enough iq to play an mmo with layering
Nah, fraud requires a modicum of brains
you will have a tiny chance to get in
Ret Paladins were probably the worst spec in vanilla. The only thing they were good for is filtering out shitters
>low enough iq
>post anime
literal whos living with their parents
so not worth it unless i want to play retail
who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :
- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city
yeah its a scam
Which is ironic since when WoW was released the PvP was massively slated cause it was so terrible compared to the existing MMOs
Listen, user. You can do whatever you want.
My suggestion would to stop thinking of it in terms of specs but to consider each class as a whole and include their entire toolkit.
Paladins are the best pvp support class in the game and possibly the best support class, period. They are also fantastic and very mana efficient healers.
Anything potentially works in pvp, as long as you can throw out cleanses, freedoms, and bops onto your teammates and aren't simply waddling after some wizard the entire time like a shitty version of warrior, you'll be wanted.
Similarly, anything works in 5man dungeons.
The redpill is that paladins are not desired as dps in raids. Their damage is terrible, even if you tryhard with maximum consumes. And since there is nothing you can contribute that a healing paladin can, it makes it a no-brainer - why essentially carry some dude when you can have another beneficial healer instead?
I'd also suggest to not think of raids as "the" part of the game to base your decisions on. Raiding is a means to get gear to shit on people in wpvp, and as such it shouldn't matter that much what your role is. It isn't particular difficult to get "ret" gear in raids as a healer and most 2handers alliance warriors don't even want.
Remember as this part is important: it's one thing to think that 40man is a lot of people so what does a memespec hurt? But in function you are literally being carried and you'll be the first to get bitched at should the guild encounter any adversity or stumbling block, right or wrong. Potential loot drama down the line as well depending on your guild's loot system. As time goes on, no matter how charming or friendly you are or how cute your anime girl avatar is in discord, people are going to be sick of carrying your dead weight and will consider you a lazy faggot.
>terrible compared to the existing MMOs
I can't say anything about that but for me WoW vanilla PvP is still the best MMO pvp because healer are not overpowered and they are just supports.
You will not do any content as dps unless you own the guild or they are bad/desperate. PvP enh has spme great meme value, but are absolutely terrible with no gap closers and entirely reliant on low% RNG.
back it up with a contemporary source, mr. historian, or you're just a contrarian
asmon is playing on a pvp server hopefully people make horde characters and hunt his ass down until he rage quits
At 60 they will be 15mins since classic is going with 1.12
that already happened yesterday some huntard gank them.
some "vanilla veteran" who didn't play retail vanilla yet persists in lying about it, reporting a "bug" that a boss hit him too hard when he didn't realize his armor was broken.
The dude literally has "pvp guide" videos and didn't know that wotf does not break sheep.
He's a parasite that reddit is in love with.
already happened, he ragequit when he got ganked by a 16 year old while having 2 allies with him
>crusader strike was removed in 1.1.0
>introduced in patch 2.0.3 a whopping 3 years later
>if I sub right now this second, will I be able to join the beta?
You'd have a shot but no clue how good the odds are. My account is active since 2005 and i resubbed since im a sucker, and i did not get an invite. Meanwhile catababy youtubers who trashed the idea of classic servers nonstop and wont even play got invited.
lol what the fuck did he expect? This dude has hit like a truck since day one and he STILL does even til this day. Does this guy even play the game?
I also just realized his armor was broken. This webm is something special.
>asmon is playing on a pvp server
Sure for the beta.
He's already said he's going pve server with a "secret" pvp alt. While that pvp alt wont remain secret for long, he also wont be streaming it due to sniping fears.
No shieldblock and no demoralizing shout either
>Does this guy even play the game?
he didn't play retail vanilla and the pservers he's played on have been janky garbage for the most part. i'd be surprised if he's ever tanked WC anyhow without being carried in the first place.
holy fuck look at that things fangs
That's because every influncer cuck got invited but if Blizzard is smart they let people like us in the next weeks to keep the hype up or the hype will pretty much die down.
i am very worried that classic will be flooded with retard tanks that are player because every youtuber and their mother talks so much praise about how warrior tanks is the best most chad class and everyone should pick it up
Judging by the fact that he walked off the jump several times and got lost in the maze for an hour, I'd say yeah, he's never done it before.
He sulked and complained except for the times he killed the hunter but didn’t ragequit
no blood elves at all?
Oh my god
I just realized this is that dude making all those "classic" videos on youtube, knew i recognized him. Fuck twitch holy shit
you have female humans for that.
Yep. I can totally get how WC can be confusing when you're doing it new, but this guy has put out monetized 10 minute long videos literally claiming to be an expert on this dungeon.
We already knew he was a fraud but this is still fucking funny.
To be clear, it's not that big a fucking deal if someone didn't play retail vanilla - expecting someone to be 40 with a wife and kid or they can't be taken seriously is asinine. But i'd say that lying about it as a form of internet street cred is next level faggotry.
As far as faggotry matters, asmon is a wrath baby and has claimed to have played retail vanilla a few times as well depending on who he's talking to.
>walked off the jump several times
They changed it to a walk off in retail, god damn how does he get exposed that hard
imagine playing THE tranny race
Why are there hundreds webms/drawings of this ocdindu elf fucking everywhere? It's just a default blood elf with some shitty tattoos?
>Blizzard butter him up and make him an "influencer"
>Suddenly doesn't mind sharding or "layering"
I was considering taking up engineering until I saw bomb mats requirements, whopping 2 thorium bars per grenade + some stones and cloth. No wonder nobody used them in pvp in vanilla.
when i last played in 2007, nightelf was the race that degenerates played as
Damn this guy tryin to kill level 29 twinks I admire his gusto but it's kind of cringe.
guess what the horde degenerates rolled
because people share models
mass report swolefaggot for advertising, maybe jannyboy will get him IP banned.
use iron you dummy
Friendly reminders:
>tipsout did not play retail vanilla
>asmongold did not play retail vanilla
>alexensual leveled in vanilla, did not raid until tbc
>esfand leveled in vanilla, did not raid either, did not hit gladiator in tbc as he claims, his account "was hacked lol so can't prove it"
All of these fags are frauds and want your views.
I hate seeing commitment go unrewarded. That sucks, it really does. But they stand to gain more (short term) by catering to those new people instead of someone who is already on board. They don't realize that gestures of goodwill pay out much larger in the long run instead of throwing your pearls before swine.
Iron grenades are far cheaper.
That said, once you're established at 60, thorium grenade mats aren't a big deal either.
But yeah use iron grenades.
>imagine actually giving a shit about streamers, watching them and taking their words seriously
Surely there are no such "people" here, right?
all these frauds... Only Kungen is /ourguy/
>tfw towelliee is the most qualified person to talk about vanilla and it's clear he hates it
alright stop spamming about them then, they're attention seeking faggots like all streamers
>Hey do you guys think Tips is going to make it?
Shame they are gonna spread disinformation that people who I'm gonna have to run instances with will swallow up.
that fat fuck is gonna croak if he doesn't leave his office chair soon.
i did not know who these people were until you told me about them. keep that in mind
>spends weeks grinding to prepare for raid
>finally raid night!
>hope yo get rare axe
>raid for 5 hours
>axe drops
>Trannysaurus wins axe
>”why did you roll need too user? we told you that axe was xers.”
>you have been removed from guild
Fuck, I checked mithril but they were pretty expensive too and didn't bother going lower.
Engineer it is then, I hope mining helps gearing up a little too
don't roll on west coast severs.
>these mindless retards got beta invites while people with accounts from 2004 didn't get jack shit
>things that have/will never happen to (You)
>oh cool the beta’s here, now that people have been able to play it for more than one hour how are they liking it
>check the official forums
>99% of the posts are just people whining about not getting in the beta yet
Glad I'm not playing on mutt servers, and that once again i will be guild leader with a core of friends.
that wc run was kino.
notice how all these fakes are NA?
I raided in vanilla. It was so fucking fun. We had like 20 tryhards and then 15-20 casuals. 2 old veterans, one playing a hunter and the other resto druid. dads and moms, some of them playing with their kids. Our 2 main tanks were mexicans playing in a internet cafe etc The old timers would talk shit all night long on vent. I got so addicted to the game because of the people in my guild. Vanilla is never coming back.
Just boot 'em or educate 'em.
even players on fucking retail can do better
I have no friends, what class should I use that will make people like me?
>okay sap square
>sheep triangle
>focus boss
>okay walk away from the fire
>mmmkay now focus this
>pop this
>mmmkay now focus boss
>gg ya’ll we did it
>gg ya’ll
>gg’s :3
home :’)
getting corpse camped? no worries just go to another layer. Banding together with allies to defeat enemies is sooooo last decade.
quest npc dead? just go to another layer!
want to escalate a skirmish or save a zone getting pillaged? Don't even try to bring a couple of raids in to help they'll just get stuffed on another layer.
someone kited a dangerously strong mob to your area or let an infernal loose? just hop on over to another layer!
worst dogfucker RPer sold his soul and pays creators to use his "character"
among a private clique, yea
so what I've been gathering as of late is that Blizzard has given CB BETA access to a bunch of retards that literally admitted to not even playing Classic. These retards are retailfags that are submitting """"bugs"""" a.k.a. "things that are too hard" for us. Nice going Blizzard, really keeping my faith!
>imagine playing WoW
The blizzard from 2004 is not even blizzard anymore. Golden Era Blizzard (and other companies) knew that rewarding your most dedicated fanbase would have their company gilded with an amazing reputation that would last a long long time.
Anything with a healing spec
>Esfand tanking SM as prot pally
100% true
classes that offer utility/buffs to let you be a bro. So yeah basically any class with a healing spec like that guy said
literally, me we going home bros
This plus the layering really killed my urge to play this.
i dont think there are mithril grenades.
Keep in mind grenades are the ones you can cast while moving which makes them awesome. Bombs you have to stand still for.
Mining isnt that hard to level and will definitely help you get engineering up, and if you're using the iron grenades you can get a ton of skill points out of those alone. You may consider dropping mining later on and replacing it with something else once you get your engineering gadgets made but that's entirely up to you and your situation.
You can cheat mining up to iron level by using the cave in wetlands, this is easier as alliance of course.
Kek tips is getting fucking exposed as the catababy he is
that dude literally couldn't go a minute yesterday without mentioning something about how x worked/didn't work on private servers
That's why I've been watching two sperg girls play the beta because they actually played vanilla.
>was planning on being the most cancerous shits imaginable with a friend
>killing flight masters, quest NPCs and ganking nonstop, not giving a fuck about gay shit like ranks or dishonorable kills
>can't do that to its fullest extent now
Fuck you too, Blizzard, you fucking nigger cunts.
>only EU chads are not frauds
based is Kungen coming? Back I loved his pre nerfed Diablo 3 stuff.
>talks about classic
>posts picture of dalaran
yeah you're really going "home"
>warlock in vanilla
>officer because I made friends with the guild leader while leveling
>didn’t really have any authority but didn’t have to summon people either
>was legit retarded and thought int gear was better than SP, even as a warlock
>not really involved in guild drama because I had no real power
>apparently the MH was cheating on the MT with the RL, based milf hunter
>never used a damage or threat meter
>still raided through naxx
The veil can never be set back but I regret nothing. I’m looking forward to doing it again. I know the knowledge is different now but people will always be the interesting part.
This beta is more to test everything out and to create hype around the incoming release. From PR prespective it's a great move
Yes, but not sure if he'll play the beta much
Classic pure pwnage
Im planning on stacking dishonorable kills.
Two guys to actually check out if you want competent classic content would be Frostadamus and MadSeasonShow. Ignore the tipsouts and the esfands, the personalityless, lying scrubs.
According to the forums, the second wave has hit mostly people with ‘04 accounts.
>5 minute buffs
its like you dumbasses never played vanilla. you know the buffs becomes 15 minutes right
There will be a chans guild on the first PvP server in alphabetical order (not rppvp fags). Alliance only (dwarves and humans only with the exception of druid NE. Get ready fuckheads.
>not tanking dungeons as an Arms Warrior
why do wrathtoddlers who, in fact, never played vanilla but only claim to have done so for muh gamer cred suddenly claim sharding is okay?
sheep is moon retard
>still raided through naxx
luckily you can access your sub history here, user:
Also the amount of people that cleared naxx is so small that it's easily verifiable, but im sure you wouldn't be making things up on Yea Forums since that would be weird.
>didn’t close the parentheses
The buff that costs money, yes
you act like you can just go to another layer like its nothing
you need a friend on your server, on the same continent as you, and who happens to be on another layer which you can't plainly see, to invite you to a group and then you're both on the same layer so it won't work again
To be fair, he didn't say he cleared it. Raiding in nax and clearing is very different lol
phasing tech was first used heavily in WoTLK.
So streer clear of this tranny guild it is then, got it.
its very simple to just ask people who disappear i front of you who the leader of their group is or join a discord server full of layer collaborators
Frost is based but MadSeasonShow actually unironically likes retail and doesn't consider vanilla the superior game, just "different" so he's a faggot.
Least it was 'fore Arthas fucked erythang up.
gold is piss easy to get in classic if you arent retarded
His opinion is one thing but the content he puts out is still from experience.
Is Combat Rogue Viable?
fucking cant choose between warlock mage priest or shaman bros...is it gonna be aids to get groups as a dps? might just roll healer for easier time grouping
I am shamed.
>Commits seppuku
im not the naxx dude we were about half way through AQ40 when burning crusades came out. We were retarded casuals who raided 5-6 nights a week.
>tfw turns out the city can fly
was this the worst ass pull in wotlk?
>joining Yea Forums guilds
It was all fun an games 10 years ago. 10 years after its circus show
Viable for what? It's the only raiding spec that matters, also good for leveling, farming, and dungeons, but it's awful in pvp unless you completly outgear the other guy.
And? Private server kiddies are most of his audience
>who disappear i front of you
The main difference between layering and sharding is this you fucking retard. Nobody "disappears" in front of you
Just play what's fun. You'll never be a dps in serious content as a shaman though, outside of the very few scenarios where they tolerate an enh shaman
getting groups as mage is extremely easy
>be panser
>whine about illegal pirate servers, beg blizzard to take legal action against private server players
>"honestly these guys should be banned from Legion"
>make up sexual harassment allegations about Mark Kern when he has no idea who she is
>delete all VODs of this, delete everything bashing "legacy server movement"
>retreat to facebook streaming to avoid "toxicity"
>get beta invite
>considering being a whore bc worried about pairing up
Be mage
Become incel
Embrace the wizard
i was just clicking channels, and happened on swifty's as he was reporting that 'you cant change gear during combat'. He specifically changed his text from weapon to 'gear' while thinking he could change armor..??
I'm more nervous about blizzard believing these shill streamers. Hopefully all the actiblizz shills are taking notes from all these Home threads.
heh cunts dont even know how to take right route past Pythas.. classic will be fun.
I'm an oldfag so stop your bitching.
>omg i dont want to have fun
It's suppose to be a circus you twat
Is anyone else excited to watch people spend hours, even days trying to clear BRD and Mara?
Oh yeah, I wasn’t trying to say I was cutting edge or anything, just melting into nostalgia. I think I’d gotten a job around AQ and didn’t do much of that. Never finished my T2 (fucking belt). As for what I did in naxx I don’t think I was there for more than 1 or 2 bosses. Just talking about how I enjoyed the people part of raiding.
Swifty is just an old man with bad memory. It's hard to remember things when you're our age.
>I'm an oldfag
sure you are, kiddo
I remember watching her videos because she had he tits out and one day she had her sister on. I said she should use her youtube money to get her sister's fucked up teeth fixed and I got banned from her channel. Good times.
good ol lava runs.
Is it true you need a sub to get into the beta? People keep saying this but I can't find a source. I really don't want to wait until release but I also don't want to waste my money on a nuWoW sub either.
ill tell you something. if it werent for addons or wowhead etc. half of the playerbase wouldnt know where to get a key quest (tip ghost dwarf at the chain pillar)
That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a very long time.
Also cant wait to see the bads pull mobs that are tightly grouped. Oh the entertainment.awaits.
>nerf mobs. Instances require too much CC
ok on the off chance you see someone disappear in front of you, make sure you were paying close attention to their name so you can whisper them later when you need to move layers and hope they're still online
and also join a discord to organize layer hopping because that'll be easy when there's no identification to different layers and the only way to check if someone is on you layer or not is to go to the same place as them and see if they're there
>person in front of you joins group on another layer
>they disappear
this is how it works
To be fair it is pretty obscure, especially since you jump down into the lava when you die instead of taking the long way around.
Which streamers are actually doing dungeons instead of just questing/grinding?
Just be patient, you waited this long.
its not hard to read at make simple deductions like these
people will definitely be multiboxing between layers as well.
Hes not at the chain fag. Hes on the anvil.
some faggot said his friend got invited without a sub but he can't access to the game because of not sub
daily reminder that vanilla was considered reddit, even at the time of its release
you forgot to correct me that you also have to be dead to see quest giver.
yea i was also lost on vanilla desu but i played rogue at the time so i had lockpicking for barman runs.
Where do you find the list for old subs?
If that's true then that's fine with me. I don't mind subbing to play the beta. I've just heard lots of people including Crendor say you need a sub for the invite so I wasn't sure.
we're going home boys!
That's what I mean when I say retail cucks and those people HAVE to play classic now and they hate it. It's like the people who have to life with Trump now this is win win for us because they get are so triggered.
When does the non-streamer beta start?
fucking finally, just make it quick you faggot.
one of the posts they quoted has the link
>this is win win
*right click reports you out of existence*
august 27th
Probably a few weeks.
it already started senpai
From experience, play priest. Incredibly OP until like level 36. You’ve got plenty of versatility, and depending on your different gear sets, you can heal or dps in 5 - 20 mans. MC to Naxx you’ll be an incredible healer.
fuck (((infl*encers)))
gosh I wish I could fuck Chromie
what's better for PVP?
shaman - elemental/restoration
orc(stun resistance) or tauren(stun to peel)?
that guy is so fucking shit unreal.
>tfw original account banned
This is the thing I hate the most about him. He can be the most low iq shit player for all I fucking care, but this is the kind of shit he had been rightfully fucking screeching against for years and the SECOND blizz gives him special advertiser status he drops his values like his mother dropped him as a baby.
A game released in 2004 was considered to be "reddit" when reddit wouldn't exist for a year and a half and wouldn't develop it's current culture until at least 2010?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
stop trying to make me watch his shitshow of a stream
How funny will it be when blizzard starts to listen to these people? After all they need to please all the casuals
Id pick orc just because getting anywhere close enough to use the tauren stomp is just asking for a warrior to shove his +15 sword of rape into your puckered butthole.
The early dungeons will probably put an end to any such shenanigans
He is just a redditfag who uses the word reddit to mean casual trash.
Oh got it. Weird how it doesn't seem to be anywhere in account info.
Do they need to though? Assuming they don’t want to add anything it should be pretty low maintenance. They’ve got retail for people who want it that way, that’s the whole point.
I'm pretty sure he's an increasingly devout muslim based on the suggestions you see on his streams when he goes on youtube
Watch him radicalise and shoot up blizz when the community is fully done ostracising his fraudulent ass lmao
How do you actually become this retarded?
yeah... true, seems way more situational anyways
>see player with cool gear
>go to inspect
>accidentally hit invite instead
>From [Randomdude] hi?
>log off, delete character, commit sudoku
by playing r*tail of course
>tfw 2005 account
>no beta
old Yea Forums had raids of people in vanilla creating black human characters, buying only watermelons, talking shit in general and trade chat and afterwards drowning their chars in SW canals and creating new char afterwards just to repeat it. got banned for 3 days but it was worth the laugh i had. kinda ironic that you cunts dont know how to engage a raid on a shitter like him to stop talking about vanilla since he obviously doesnt have a clue. people like him will only make classic casual.
Shadow Priest is one of, if not THE best, solo classes in the game. Once you get Shadowform at 40 you are a complete monster.
have fun versus competent lock who knows how to use felhunter and shadow ward and know how to bait silence on imo or sp.
It already started, people have been getting accepted in waves and an user even got in last night and posted proof. Just keep checking your client.
Don’t forget WotF too to insta win versus warlocks.
Absolutely this. I still have ptsd from times when I was forced into 1v1 confrontations with spriests. Terrifying.
yeah I dunno why it’s buried either
Old Yea Forums took hours to even get a response. This board was literally dead as fuck until late 2007. Stop taking one guy making a character as all of Yea Forums playing WoW during that time.
I'm starting to really hate this Tipsout fellow.
>Old Yea Forums took hours to even get a response
idk about that
You weren't here before chanology then. Hell, Yea Forums didn't even exist for a full year into Vanillas lifespan. The shit you're talking about is from YTMND and Something Awful. Yea Forums back in the day was just old gamefaqs refugees.
one guy? too bad there are not screenshots but canals was overrun by corpses and old /v or /b or whatever had the fastest response for raids.
All that matters is PVE for me. PvP will be riddled with streamers and fortnite. Thanks user.
Post them then.
>never get accepted to any betas
>been a good boy and reported bugs throughout BFA
>dont want to play BFA anymore
>just want to have a comfy vanilla beta experience while we wait
Say a prayer for me user
What professions should I take? Is Alchemy worth a shit for Combat Rogues?
Sorry, I'm a different guy. I didn't interact with wow players on Yea Forums back during vanilla (or ever really, fucking weirdos), I mainly just shit posted on Yea Forums. I just can't imagine a thread on Yea Forums when it came out taking hours to get replies is all.
paly tanks rape, you go holy for cons and don't put more than 17 ish points in prot though
alchemy is one of the most universally useful professions for any class, for pve or pvp. also if you have herbalism you'll be able to gather your own fadeleaf and blindweed.
Yea Forums & Yea Forums were the only popular boards back in the day dude. Yea Forums would take forever. Even the porn boards took forever as well.
>All of these fags are frauds and want your views.
People watch them for their personalities and fast chats, not their achievements. There's plenty of wow streamers with 0-50 viewers that are miles better at the game than these guys.
I can believe it. I never really came to Yea Forums until probably around wotlk so I can see that I suppose.
>still didn't post
Get exposed fucker.
exposed of what? not having screenshots of gameplay that was 10+yo ago on probably 3 pc back? you should get laid mate.
Will you play with vanilla or modern graphics?
So they do allow you to toggle between vanilla and modern graphics?
Jesus, modern. I want 2004 gameplay, not 2004 graphics.
I don't think the newer models are in, but there are some updated graphics effects as well as an option for vanilla graphics if you don't like that.
>Crossrealm BGs
>Layering ensuring I play on a different virtual server every time I log in
No thanks. I wanted to come back for classic but if they're gonna fuck it up that much I'll stick to private servers.
>MT being anything but a female gnome with pink twintails
I haven't had an active sub in around two years so I wasn't expecting to get in, but it makes me sad that I won't get to try this out and be disappointed until the open beta more than likely.
Why didn't the NuWoW faces become like that? instead we got dumpy downsies
I doubt he really knows what he means but assuming he does he's still a fucking retard, maybe he's referring to WoW being babby's first MMO when MMO's weren't completely dead with EQ / Ultima / DAoC, etc etc still relevant.
yes, it was confirmed in a blue post or a twitter, i forget.
Sorry, not trying to be a cunt but i get all that shit fucking confused. It definitely has been confirmed, however.
If you don't mind resubbing then go for it, but if its something you do mind then don't - the chance appears to be small (so far at least) and it isn't like you're missing out on anything as you'll be doing it again in late august.
I have a feeling the stress test stuff will be open, and that beta will become open for a week or so before launch anyhow, but who fucking knows.
Explain how layering and crossrealm BGs doesn't ruin the entire point of Classic.
post the one where he gets oneshotted in pvp
based Downtown poster
If you're gonna shill streamers, at least shill people who actually played vanilla, like Towelliee or TipsOut.
ah yes another "Vanilla veteran". Good to see you, *tips hat*
kek holy shit
>Explain how layering and crossrealm BGs doesn't ruin the entire point of Classic.
>crossrealm BGs
explain to me how it does since crossrealm bgs were in vanilla. not the same poster tho.patch 1.10 i think it was.
>tfw Ion has somehow become based
i made pug raids for naxx trash, pretty sure that constitutes as raiding naxx
please for the love of god have populated RPPVP servers
please for the love of god have populated RPPVP servers
please for the love of god have populated RPPVP servers
My theory is he doesn't give a rats ass about BfA because retail was already ruined long ago, but he actually gives a shit about classic
Crossrealm BGs were in vanilla for all of two weeks. Really going for the vanilla experience there.
>old animations
Feels good man. Class based animations were a mistake
Can't believe they pay shills for such low effort shitposts.
>>Crossrealm BGs
They were in 1.12 user
layering will only be in at launch.
fuck off private server shill
1.12 is the worst
30/0/21 is a very good pvp spec. Shamans are fun in that they have a few decent pvp specs they can fuck around with depending on what you want to do.
orc vs tauren is a toss-up. Orc stun resist is borderline op and WILL win you 1v1s, period. When you notice it you'll fall in love.
That said warstomp can be really clutch as well and shamans lack any real cc (depending if you count slows or spell lockout as cc) and fills in a utility gap nicely.
If you're serious about winning pvp you'd take engineering in the first place which mitigates the loss of warstomp considerably - tidal charm is something people mention but the odds of you getting that are low but do get in the habit of collecting as many trinkets as you can so when the opportunity comes up you can be prepared. Pserver addons wont work but surely there will be a trinket manager addon someone makes and you'll get addicted to switching them out every 30 seconds practically whenever you're out of combat.
TLDR I'd say orc but both are good.
is this real? jesus, im playing pala on wotlk server and lay on hands has almost no mana cost, seals are 30 minutes from level 1 and buffs 10
dunno mate. i was wpvping in tarren mill before we got wsg. also downed cthun and kel in vanilla. aint gonna listen to you bout vanilla experiance when i probably have few years more of RETAIL experiance than you. whatever floats your boat.
I love the resolution scale option in the modern client, playing at 50% is kino
it's a shame they're going to introduce bgs off the bat
August to January is 2 weeks now?
>please the casuals
this would ignore the main point of classic which is to lure past customers onto their new bnet system. Dadgamers are essentially going to pay 15/mo to be assaulted with promotions for overwatch, hearthstone, destiny, etc.
It's genius.
Casualizing it or overloading it with QoL makes no sense in that context, they already have a game with those features.
Remember: subs aren't the primary motivator here and aren't even the main moneymaker for WoW in general. Eyeballs on the shit that makes real cash they wouldn't otherwise get is fucking huge.
How were Shamans in vanilla?
not as good as pallies
doesnt bother me to be honest.. wont say that tarren mill/southshore wasnt good memories, we also had astranaar raids but AB was where i loved to be, either LM or GM playing as lock with +1 player.
because 3.3 is nu-wow
paladins were crazy in wrath you could roll over anyone just smashing your cock on the keyboard.
I will roll a druid. how are they in pvp (horde)?
also im speeding for AB tabard since even tho i downed cthun and kel i didnt manage to get to exalted defilers for tabard. so yea its on the to-do-list.
great if your name is Chance
hu? is he a viable pvp healer?
Yes, it's real. You can also kill yourself to give someone a bubble. I forget what the spell was called but it was cool. Divine Intervention iirc
What do we think of TipsOut? Based or Cringe?
What does horde do instead of buble pulling?
pvp healer, entangler and rogue destroyer
It was great.
>friend is a DK, I switched to pally
>we get geared up quickly from Naxx 25
>get to 2400 in arena 2's despite being dogshit
good times
They are great.
There are only so many classes, my gay friend, so play whatever the fuck you want.
Since you're posting gay pictures it's clear that you are only interested in what will get you a raid spot, and resto shaman is as close to a 100% raid spot lock as you can get. I would not be shocked to see guilds attempting to bring 8 shamans to raids.
most complex and intelligent pvp class
none of my friends seem to want to play a healer or a tank. Should I step up to the plate or just do what I want since leveling takes so long?
I want to redo my vanilla mage except now I don't suck at the game.
It's kinda based how he manages to lead a somewhat normal life despite having less brain than most farm animals
DicksOut got LOST in WAILING CAVERNS. and he failed the jump twice. Then he attacked the last boss with red armor, died, and wrote a bug report because "boss deals too much damage".
they're FUN
hard to play well. your main method of dealing with people is to dot them and run away, keeping yourself alive with hots, rooting and stunning them when applicable, and going bear form to mitigate damage. druids are tough to kill because of how slippery they are thanks to shapeshifting, which makes druids the best flag carriers in wsg by far. but you're gonna be baiting and running away most of your fights, mostly picking off people who bother to give into the chase. all your enemies have to do to render you useless is not take your bait.
Hordefag here making the switch. I want to start doing 5mans as early as possible on paladin, is holy the way to go early on too?
nothing. facepull or hunter/ranged pull. depends where the boss should stand.
Offensive hybrid but they're better at caster dmg than physical. Every melee loves their buffs and they can heal. Ghost Wolf speeds up levelling process but they need good gear to be fast levellers, moreso than Hunters, Warlocks and Druids (or so I've heard).
Spec doesn't mean shit for leveling dungeons. Feel free to go 0/0/0 and still heal dungeons just fine.
but if they leave you alone you can heal all your teammates so you weren't rendered useless in the end. inb4 "druid heals are soo bad lmao", the typical warrgin response (aka warrgin cope)
Video from 2005 of me as a fury warrior and a paladin friend running 2 man RFD for plate gear. Originally posted on Google Video, audio was stripped for music.
sounds fun. I played (heal) priest for 15 years. time to shake things up
>tfw a healer DId the tank on baron geddon and all the srs business fags chimped out
it was fucking amazing
Pally healing is kinda meh early to mid game, especially without talents and levelling is bad enough to try and spec Holy or Prot.
>is holy the way to go early on too?
Short answer: no.
Longer: you can level fine as paladin in any spec, including holy. Some people love the anti-pushback talent, others go for consecration since they are wrathbabies.
You can heal just fine while leveling as long as you keep any int gear you run across. Once you're closer to 60 you'll likely have some points in holy anyhow. Take a look at the talent tree and you can see how the early points dont make that much of a difference. Remember, while leveling, your role in 5mans is dictated much more by the gear you're wearing than your talent points.
While holy is "fine" for questing, its not optimal by far so unless you're literally spamming dungeons (dont do this) i would not suggest leveling as holy.
>want to play priest
>realize that if i'm holy i can't do fucking anything in the world, and i can't raid if i go shadow instead
what do, bros?
ginvite me to Yea Forums gild thanks
Well, if you don't want to deal with drooling retards that can't comprehend basic mechanics even after more than 12 years, then you'd better have a tank and healer in your friend group
disc leveling is easy as shit
shadow dungeon healing is easy as shit
tldr: don't matter
Do NOT level as holy. Remember, vanilla is a real RPG. You are your class, not your spec. Just keep spme healing cloth nearby if you wanna heal or whatever. Your spec makes you better at certain shit, but you can do anything your class can do.
>level shadow
>respec holy
Spec Balance
>don't want to be noticed or asked to do things
just pick druid, as long as you innervate the priests no one will give a shit.
thank u for this
I've leveled 3 shamans on private servers and will be maining that come classic. Though I have no raid experience, leveling was really smooth. Just be prepared in general if you decide to play shaman, especially if you go enhancement (can be good, but unreliable for the most part unless you have great gear)
that's the uninstall wizard faggot
>You are your class, not your spec
honestly this needs to be repeated. It's simple and good advice.
i'm not talking leveling nerds, you can't farm gold efficiently as a healer and i don't want to spend 20 hours a week doing BRD runs for gold just to raid
and respeccing is way too fucking expensive in vanilla to switch twice a week
Is there a more based man than Towelliee?
>Shits on classic the moment it's announced during Blizzcon
>Shits hard on the private server community all the time
>Gets invited to Irvine to play Classic wow exclusivly
>Is making mad dosh shilling Classic now
Truly /ourguy/
You're going to be asked to do shit regardless of what you pick.
Healing shamans likely have the least amount of raid responsibility - your typical role is raid healing which means blanketing the raid in aoe heals.
Druids are the least represented class so if you want to be unique, that's what you go for.
>tranny drama: The Guild
no thanks, christ
Easy. Spec Shadow and just never turn on shadowform in the raid
What are the classes that are actually brought to raids. I don't want to make the same mistake as I did on private servers.
shaman and paladin are consistently the least played classes due to faction-lock, and druids due to their race restrictions.
I leveled as holy in vanilla and it was fucking sloooooow. I didn’t mind and was probably doing it wrong but fair warning. You basically have the same options as ret (because all paladins have are seals/judge) but with weaker damage. Eventually you get shock/consecrate but you don’t have infinite mana in classic, so you’ll drink a lot.
>leveling Tauren warrior in beta
>finish red cloud Mesa quests
>one has that choose your reward from a bunch of weapons
>want to keep using a 2 hander but only 2 hander rewards are a staff and an axe
>can't use either without training
>take the axe anyway and hustle to TB
>weapon training costs 10s and I only have 3s after learning parry
>Tauren weaponmaster can't even teach axes
Unironically based. Forgot choices like that matter again.
1 warrior and 39 priests
priests can solo dm:tribute on private servers, also dm:e lashers.
he makes private server cucks seethe so hard lmao
>priests can't farm
and this guy isn't even doing the best at it. You don't remember the line in World of Crycraft about the priests aoeing everything down while never dying?
Every class is brought. Do you mean spec?
horde druid so that I don't have a million paladins sniping all my heals
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>thinking the private cuck meta will apply to classic
rofl you private kids got exposed hard already since private servers have all values wrong, you were literally playing an lfr version of the game
Lol i did this until we got stuck on emperors.
I really love how this post started out as "believe in yourself user, you can do eet!!" and ended with
>As time goes on, no matter how charming or friendly you are or how cute your anime girl avatar is in discord, people are going to be sick of carrying your dead weight and will consider you a lazy faggot.
A work of art, and if not already a pasta, it is now.
asmon did play during vanilla, he just didnt play right at release
>You can also kill yourself to give someone a bubble
>so that I don't have a million paladins sniping all my heals
I remember when one of the first healing addon came out. It would give you a list of the lowest hp people in your raid. The person with the lowest hp would get nuked with heals.
to add, shock and consecrate are garbage without spell power. Shockadin is mostly a meme anyhow but most certainly does not work well while leveling.
If you're going down holy anyhow then sure, grab it, but it will be very mana inefficient. At the same time it's your only instant heal.
The big plus while leveling that holy points gives you is 5/5 spiritual focus in the 2nd tier, combined with concentration aura you dont get pushback. So if you have the mana pool (you wont while leveling but still) you can heal through fucking anything.
but putting more than 10 or 11 into holy while leveling isn't advised. Not a deal breaker since you'll level fine regardless, but maybe it's something someone has to experience first since no one listens to Yea Forums for good reason.
bonus points for using Mind Flay in the raid
Broken as fuck until Windfury got hard nerfed into uselessness.
>Fury warriors with decent gear
>Rogues (all specs)
>Shamans & Pallies (not elemental or ret)
>Priests (1 or 2 shadow priests also)
>Druids (good utility)
>Huntards (don't roll on melee gear u tard)
>Frost mages
>Warlocks (you are Raid God if you managed to get to 6)
>asmon did play during vanilla, he just didnt play right at release
incorrect. He began during the ICC patch in wrath and has said so.
It's only more recently that he has began pretending to be a hardened vanilla vet. It's an act, which i guess should be obvious but still.
I might have to tank for my retard friends just by process of elimination. I assume I would raid as DPS warrior since guild tanks are usually set in stone.
How is tanking while leveling as Arms? At what point do you want to switch, or are 5 mans in general never really needing a prot spec?
>get to 6
Get to 60 i meant ofc.
imagine unronically playing alliance when they have less than half the warlocks that horde does
have fun walking everywhere allycuck
Any streamer that isn't absolute trash/obnoxious and doesn't play his shitty music, ruining the atmosphere?
Question: Should you play the class you did before?
I played warrior before from vanilla to wotlk, a kind of one class only guy. Should I play warrior again this time around? Seems dumb to do the same thing over and over.
why are they even going there? bunch of tards
yeah but our warlocks can actually do DPS
>imagine having gay wood sticks instead of Salvation
TipsOut is the only decent classic streamer.
>twitch ewhores like this will have the biggest influence over Classic
All is lost.
So is huntard good then? I'd love to play it again.
>his tanks are so bad he needs to put salvation on the warlocks
LMAO allycucks are so bad at the game its ffucking hilarious
If you like tranqing and kitting every once in a while, then go for it.
If you think you are there to do damage, then no.
I never ever mind a hunter as played one through TBC and Cata (was lock in WotLK), As long as they know how to trap pull, they're fine
i'm rolling hunter since its one of the two classes i haven't touched. it's going to be comfy.
found the retard who's locks don't do SHIT for damage LOL
Why are these threads full of people unironically posting pepe?
I thought classic was for boomers not retarded twitch zoomers.
at least you don't have tips on your side
If i roll lock, is the succubus worth ever using in vanilla, or is it like retail and its all about imp/void/felhunter?
So can I get a qrd on Classic so far? Is it just BFA lite like some people are saying? Is sharding gonna be a thing?
>implying warlock does anywhere near the dps of rogue or fury
just wasting the time of your paladin "players" when you put salvation on a lock
but what would an allycuck know about playing the game in the first place LMAO
depends entirely on what you enjoy and what you want to experience, which is something only you can answer. as a meleefag i've been enjoying fucking around with a mage on private servers since i'm not used to playing casters and i wanted to try it. if you want to play a warrior, then do it.
no, seriously bro. You didn't raid, and you didn't play vanilla, or you wouldn't be spouting such retarded shit
>I thought classic was for boomers not retarded twitch zoomers.
Classic WoW is litearlly made because twitch zoomer and twitch streamers kept asking about it. The game is now even created around them with this like shard- I mean layering.
Succubus is worth it for CC
Succusbus is kinda garbo humanoid CC but it can work in both PvE and especially PvP.
>i won't play horde because there's an e-celeb i don't like playing it
so this is the mindset of alliance players...
This meme was never funny and Linkin Park has always sucked, samefag.
>wow tokens
>zoomer and e-celeb playerbase
>discord trannies
>literally 0 players who actually played vanilla during 2004
nice game, homebros.
I'm surprised real World of Warcraft Vanilla Veterans like me didn't get the beta invite. Not that I care because I'm not interested in Classic, but I thought they would want the opinion of people who actually played vanilla, not some fake ecelebs who only ever played private servers.
>So is huntard good then? I'd love to play it again.
Well a disclaimer in that every class is good in its own way and brings *something* - i know that sounds corny and a little hippy'ish but hopefully you know what i mean.
Hunters are definitely needed in raids for tranq and kiting, so even the sweaty tryhard guilds need to bring them. However their dps is great early on but is relatively quite low soon after and they are the least damage output of the "pure" damage dealing classes.
However, as stated above, the real reason you bring hunters is not for their damage and the utility they bring is 100% necessary.
As always, the gist is "play what you want and it will sort itself out" but i imagine you've read that a few times before.
>donate cash to streamer
>he shittalks you
What the fuck is wrong with society???
Warlocks do comparable damage to Rogues once both classes get AQ40 gear.
i raided in vanilla too. only worthwhile pieces i remember were 3 pieces of nightslayer and gutgore ripper.
i got kicked out one night after getting drunk and saying it
>his warlocks spammed searing pain so he needed salvation on them
yikes and bluepilled
>he thinks soulshatter is enough
I love MoP players acting like they know shit about the game
streaming was a mistake
spotted the zoomer
So only used for destro pvp spec.
best pvp minion vs melee, can be useful in 5-mans for cc if fear is too dangerous to use.
>imp for blood pact-ing the tank and dps
>void for soloing and offtanking
>succ for pvp vs melee and occasional 5 mans
>felhunter for pvp vs casters
>infernal for griefing lowbies
Why not work 40hrs a week?
why are you not using the dkp system
>after getting drunk and saying it
saying what, user?
You can find it in old VODs, this isn't some breaking news, user. Even reddit who is in love with asmon realizes he didn't actually play retail vanilla.
His interest in it is a recent thing, and he excuses the lying away as part of his act and gimmick. Remember, this shit is all theatre.
His main has no vanilla feats of strength on it if we're giving a fuck about actual evidence. At the very least his old pvp rank would be there.
>lets not put aggro reduction on the only dps that doesn't get it otherwise
>only one legit complaint in all of that
I'll always remember my first MC run because I rolled a 3 on Giantstalker Gloves after someone rolled a 7. I got Tranq Shot at least which I thought was super cool.
have fun never clearing because of discord trannies and orbiters not wanting to work
>only dps that doesn't get it otherwise
Wut? I thought they got the standard ranged reduction.
>Classic Beta
How does one join the beta?
the black racial slur with a very hard R.
they were raiding too so 40 people piled in ventrilo got a special treat.
i will always remember this fucking hunter using his dkp on eshkanders claw. fuck that guy.
i plan on rolling hunter this time though. vanilla rogue was fine but private server as a rogue was a nightmare because of minmaxers
>he spends 15 minutes after every boss sitting around while the lootmaster pages through the slow loading google doc of dkp, checking item prices, class priorities, and messaging class leaders to confirm who is winning each item
LC has some obvious issues in shit guilds where biases and cliques form, and the negative memes about loot council all can apply. But the biggest plus is efficiency in that you know who is getting what before it drops. There's a reason "top guilds" all use LC and it isn't because they're all sucking each other off in a corrupt loot council, tho they may of course do that too.
this assmongo guy has literal autism eyes/ the autism stare
be a high profile stream
lmao. I was the top healer in my guild. Big fish in a small pond kinda thing. I got away with so much. The guild leader gave me our first dragonscale protector. People cried that I didn't have enough DKP to win it
well i was happy to even get into a raiding guild, and a spot as a rogue. times were different i guess.
that's the ranged threshold of actually pulling aggro, not the actual speed for accumulation of aggro
>retard gets a shitty item
why be mad
>thought I would finally be able to enjoy horde without the blood elf cancer
>instead it becomes the #1 zoomer destrination because of streamers
They only invite people who is subscribed right now. Are you a subscriber?
DKP is just more fair to everyone though.I'm okay with not being in a top guild, I just don't want to gear up GM's shitty ERP "girlfriend"
because i was a dagger rogue for so fucking long bro i just wanted to be combat. getting dal rends, a lucky krol blade drop were the only things i was set on because i just wanted to spam ss to farm shit.
its fucking torture being dagger rogue outside pvp
i was stupid, okay.
>the #1 zoomer destrination
Just like back in vanilla.
Clip please?
>NA problems
Just play on EU. NA is filled with literal redditors and zoomers.
>eshkanders claw
You think EU will be free of this shit?
don't worry about it, zoomers will never make it to 60
Yes, I even log once a week.
He got so fucking EXPOSED he is not even having fun anymore on his stream, you can tell he is assblasted.
Also EU has better players
Mostly. Just like how we are free of it in most games.
thats a fist weapon though and you were never gonna do azuregos and finish the set
go back
I'm not necessarily arguing against it or for it, they both have good traits. It really depends on the system as there are dozens of variations.
I've been in awful and great versions of both.
I think my main opinion would be that LC is the best in a vacuum but also requires 100% on the LC being actually competent and not faggots, which is going to be semi-rare. For example you'd have to be an absolute moron to join a Yea Forums or /vg/ guild that uses loot council, no exceptions.
And dungeons.
reminder that people who cry about lc would never get gear in an lc guild because they're lazy tranny chasers
there's nothing wrong with tranny chasing
>Just play on EU
>have to play with the stupidest most annoying faggots on earth
NA may be retarded but it beats playing with annoying shithead thinskinned europeans who can't even speak in full sentences and have the most fragile vaginas in the entire animal kingdom.
Blizz can see that everyone's laughing at him, including on r*d**t
holy levels fine, you still wear melee gear though, ret can't keep vengeance up reliably and missing a bunch ruins soc
fist/sword/mace whatever i could get my hands on to just so i could taste a combat build.
in the end, dagger rogue worked out for me. i had some sort of utility and i wpvp mostly anyway.
only managed to hit blood guard though
As long you are holding a torch and a pitchfork while doing it, sure. Absolutely nothing wrong.
if I have to fillout an application like it's a job, then yeah, I'll never join a guild like that and that's fine by me.
I'm not even looking to do Naxx or anything this time around.
>so i could play combat
lol you should have been combat as daggers anyway
what spec were you then
Hasn’t it always been like that? Their cities are trash tier compared to ironforge
seething yank
How hard is it to get the alterac valley Quest weapons
What should name my female undead priest? All the names I used before are cringe asf now. Should I go meme heavy?
Yep, that's also true.
Paladins level basically the same no matter the spec.
Anyone that says you can reliably prot aoe while leveling is thinking of tbc onward. I mean, you CAN but you're not going to do it well.
Re: melee gear, you dont really have a choice while leveling. It's not like you're going to wear cloth and mail/plate spellpower is rare while leveling.
My paladin leveling guid would go: get engineering, make sure to do verigans fist, get bonerbite from SM, axe from mara or mace/sword from ulda if possible, ibs from AV if its out - the rest is irrelevant.
What's the most fun caster in classic?
>afk in front of the bank after raid
>watch people inspect my sweet epics
>they're so envious of my amazing gear
> =)
not hard but requires av being out, which i think is phase 3
Why are these threads so obssesed with trans folks? Get a life.
i believe i was doing the cold blood/seal fate build with something like 31/-/something
the whole cheapshot ending in cold blood evis shebam. it's been awhile
not him but all my rogues were improved backstab/ambush with heavy sub for prep, two shotting clothies and making caster mobs my bitch in dungeons was just the best
>seal fate for mc
>imp kidney shot
Troll or orc Hunter?
because you psychos literally ruin every single chan-based guild. ever single time somehow like a cancer you freaks show up and ruin it.
>Will play Alliance 1-60 again for the third time
Th-thank ecelebs
get a vagina, not a gaping open wound
Sure but young people today are far more obnoxious than in the past.
>asmongold, the most popular zoomer streamer, is alliance
i mean yeah i pvp'd and didn't know better. i was a retarded highschooler.
it wasn't uncommon to be a shitter in the sea of the other 20 raid shitters
>seal fate pvp during mc phase
sodapopping is bigger and is horde
Don't forget the ret nerfs in BWL patch where everything ret had going for it was moved into prot and holy and what remained was nerfed to shit.
fucking based
you just know
>Not blaming the orbiters
Because you'd have to actively seek out trannies in real life to encounter one, but you only have to join a Yea Forums or /vg/ discord to be inundated with e-gurls and e-trannies. That shit gets obnoxious lightning fast, especially since in their pursuit of larping as a female they take on aspects they attribute to biological women - namely rampant attention whoring and cuntiness.
Being that this is Yea Forums, their antics work and attract orbiters as believe it or not a lot of people that are drawn to Yea Forums guilds have given up on ever meeting an actual female and will jack off with literally anyone that types naughty no-no words to them. You'd be surprised at how disturbing the e-relationships can get which at its core is some parasite lisping faggot with a "broken mic" and an anime girl avatar taking advantage of lonely confused neckbeards.
i dont know
Sodapopping is bigger
i'd sleep with a man if he had a fronthole and smooth skin
boys you told me mages are good shit and all I see those e-celebs playing is warriors and warlocks
Warriors have always been beloved and Warlocks are great for soloing which is what a lot of people are doing since it's just the beta.
depends, heals or dps
DPS. Preferably something that can do a little PVE or PVP.
he's an alliancefag though