
Post your Kniggers

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Other urls found in this thread:

*maul bumps*

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is fury or second wind worth having? which

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Fury can be good to have if you're using a shield. Second wind is only really worth it for dueling, since frontline battles will give you room to backpedal behind your allies and take a breather

>shield+short spear cuck

imagine being a pin dick faggot who cares what other people are using

Arming sword best weaponfu

Attached: flourishifyoudare.jpg (519x936, 52K)

can't take seriously anyone wearing that fucking faggot scarf. cringe

All the """pro""" players say to bind stab to one of the mouse buttons instead of scroll. Is there any merit to this? Really don't want to fuck with my muscle memory when I've just ascended from shitter tier

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The first time I heard the kill sound of a maul, I knew it was time to go full Shao Kahn on motherfuckers.

But what the fuck's up with the range in this game? I'm at 90 fov and sometimes even using a pretty long weapon like Zwei, I can see the models touching during the active frames but the hit doesn't register. Tried this on bots on a local server, same shit. The shorter the weapon, the worse it gets.

> """pro""" players say to bind stab to one of the mouse buttons instead of scroll
I have literally never heard a pro player say that

>poleaxe shitters

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I bound all directional attacks to different keys. I could not get a hang of the directional shit at all, and I read there's not a lot of "pro" players who use it. Binding each attack gives you more control I find.

My setup is left mouse for left horizontal, right mouse for right horizontal, mousewheel for overheads, mouse side buttons for underhands. Q for feint+parry, E for stab.

>knigger rushes me in my archer loadout
>swap to based arming sword
>chamberstab him twice in the face
>friends arrive and he tries to run
>throw that shit to his head and kill him

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>look mom, I posted it again!

I'm bad at this game even after duel practice

Duel servers are full of feintspamming tryhards. All that is worth nothing in real battle

I've resorted to just fire grenade spamming my enemies and running around like a maniac

It's the only way I can contribute

Just load up on level 3 armor, grab a versatile weapon like the longsword (although there are loads of good weapons) and get good at drags, accell/decel and ripostes. That’s all you need to at least be competent.
(Skip to 14:35)
Not sure if he's actually pro, but seems to know what he's talking about

If you’re just that terrible, use a crutch weapon like the rapier. It’ll punish retards while teaching you how to parry and riposte, and then you can try a real weapon once you’ve figured that out.

Thicc reporting in

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>use a crutch weapon like the rapier.
I might be cancer, but I am no cuck

>I can see the models touching during the active frames
try again in practice and turn on the tracer settings
it shows you exactly the active hitboxes of your swings.

this game is skullgirls level of tight hitboxes

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M8, if you’re running around throwing 3 firebombs and then waiting at ammo box for 3 more, you’re even worse than a cuck. At least fighting with anything other than a firebomb teaches you the game and doesn’t incinerate your fucking team mates.

you don't have to take your finger off mouse1 to either stab or overhead
i don't have mouse buttons but i can see how that can help

If my team mates walk into my artfully thrown fire then they were not fit to serve


I mean, you can just get the brawler perk and fist fight while you don't reload


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the battlefield is cold, you really dont want to get pneumonia.


How do you turn off that directional shit anyways?

Then at least go in with a side sword or bastard sword and 2 firebombs to wean you off. Throw them then go in and fight. If you riposte a stab it’s almost a guaranteed hit on shitters, and decelerating a two handed bastard sword really fucks with peoples’ parries.

Why are executioner sword fags so fucking stupid? Even zwei and greatsword fags have more brains than them and can actually fight.

These kniggas look so confused when you stab them through their slow as dicks swings, and parry when you turn to face them after, then make the same godamn mistake.

You certainly can, and I’ve gotten a shit ton of fist kills, but it’s not optimal. One riposte is all it takes for an enemy to get a free hit and then stunlock you to death.

Make a medkit build, user. 2x Medkit + weapon of your choosing. Friendly perk, 3/3/1 + Longsword or Billhook. Drop kits + replenish them like ammo and fight here and there.

Longsword is a good weapon to learn on since it's pretty versatile. Billhook is great for thrusting and dismounts cavalry on hit.

That build still generally kills 6-7 fools on average before someone chops your head off, so it's a good tradeoff imo

Yeah but you feel like a man when you lose your sword to a parry, run around the side to go find it, and beat a hammer guy in the way to death with your bare hands to get past him

greatswordchads unite

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>0 poke damage
>no alt grip
>does high damage mostly only on heads unless they run around barefoot
the literal definition of one-trick pony which leads to people not learning the game and just swing wildly, even if it hits 7 teammates
i mean, i too have a couple of builds like that, but i have plenty of others.

stuff like the normal axe is 2 points but it's pretty damn good for the cost

how do I chamber drags?
The only thing that fucks me are faint-drag maulers/swords that oneshot me everytime

i highly suggest learning how to scavenge weapons on the battlefield
1 it makes you learn the game better because you have to learn all kind of weapons
2 it frees up point for stuff like fireproof, friendly or extra armor
3 most weapons are more efficient than fists since they can actually parry

I changed it. If you have thumb buttons thats where i put it then you dont have to move fingers at all

>that clipping
I love chain coifs but the clipping bothers me

No shit? Ive been trying to get good at the directional attacks.

i personally recommend not trying to chamber drags in that situation
swing drags are harder to pull off, don't guarantee anything, stuff like the maul can be dragged VERY hard giving wild timings and if you fuck up once you get 1shot
parry instead

>he needs weapons
Imagine being this gay

fist is a self-imposed hard mode, it's good for styling on shitters, but if you meet someone on par or better than you, you're going to get bodied

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Well, that's true. I'm personally running a 3/3/3 char with bloodlust and a couple other perks and no weapons, so yeah, there's a lot of value on rushing to the frontline, picking up a fallen weapon and going on a murder spree


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Holy fuck I just realized I block arrows with swings. There was no better feeling than seeing seeing the fear in an archers eyes as I deflect his dumb sky sticks.

LOL they barely nerfed stab at all and just made kick work as intended. Stab cucks btfo

Holy shit that's a beautiful look user. What set?

Which one of you faggots posted this?

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id bet money thats sarcasm

>Make an archer class
>Everyone is decked out in plate armour and it takes 3-4 shots to kill someone

Disappointing but I'm glad of how it turned out

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regular armet hussar chest i forgot the name and splinted greaves

best sword

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There's no clipping in that image

>launch catapult once
>team killed x
>team killed x
>team killed x

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>*Clop clop clop*
>*Splash crack*
Name a more satisfying weapon. Also fuck horseniggers

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I keep trying different weapons, but I always come back to the bill.

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>bind left horizontal slash to side mouse button
>it can still do right horizontal slashes if I look to the right
How does binding keys work?

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There's an option to turn that off
Something something Enable X axis to direct atacks or something like that

How can I make the horse poop?

I'm pretty sure you have to turn off directional in the settings if you want looking to stop changing your swing direction.

am I the only one who feels this game is a bit tedious?

>spam slashes
>die to some random bullshit

>tryhards spazzing out as much as possible
>boils down to spamming attacks

>celestia's cutiemark as an emblem

Tbh they dont even have to be "on-par" with you. Just anyone who recognizes that you arent going to be able to block their attacks so just swing away

Well how would you fix it user?

So the chain coif is just fused with the left shoulderpad and the straps in his right shoulder?

>boils down to spamming attacks

no you're just bad

Very nice, how do I achieve this look?

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>kick + stab
wow so hard.

based and redbilled

If you have dodge you can counter the people who just swing wildly, all it takes is one good dodge and a quick counter punch and shitters are done for. The only problem is if they have a Zwei or a spear, then you are fucked even against the shittiest shitter.
The real problem imo against a mediocre or good player is the riposte, absolutely nothing you can do unless they have a tiny as fuck weapon you can dodge away from. I havent experimented with it too much cause it's too frustrating after a while, but you can feint punches and if you know who you are fighting against, thats the key to beating them with fists.

you dont even need dodge just stay a little back and walk away

How do you beat spear users? I figured you just needed to close the gap and they were done for, but even when i am up in their faggot face it seems like they can still stab my ass pretty easily

Idk. I feel like if the person is just even semi competent at the game they should be able to btfo of someone just using fists. They have range. They can parry and riposte your attacks. And you cant do shit about it

Chamber your way in. morph a chamber into a kick in the face and slap their shit


all riposte are faster than another stab from the retard

in the offchance that they know how to parry back, just chamber or morph

Chamber stab into morph/feint, or if you're heavy try a riposte trade

This or outspace them.

You need to get in their face. Most of them can't read feints, and won't know to kick you to get you away.

pretty nice
might steal

Yes but it all depends how the enemy is closing the gap and what weapon they have. After all backing away, even in 0 armor and them 3/3/3, is always slower in this game. Dodge makes it more consistent against shitters.

This is how i did it imo. Bait their attack, dodge at opportune moment, counter punch. If you have dodge and arent ganged up on in 3 seconds you can pull off the 1st hit pretty well against all but spear/zwei. The 2nd hit is the tricky part against a good or mediocre player, cause thats where the riposte comes in and u ded. So here you either delay the punch and they instinctively block on timing because they know a fist is so fast. Or they wait and you feint the 2nd punch which baits their parry. If they do nether than you fall back on the 1st choice of bait, dodge, counter. I think those are the only options. My best is 14 kills and some assists on a Frontline match with fists only.

Like the other anons said, chamber and you should be able to get in and fuck their shit up. However if you are like me and have a hard time chambering spears, you will probably still just die

There was a developer playing yesterday and someone asked why archers were so weak. He answered they were designed to be just a support class

Is there any point to the buckler shield over the heater shield? I just seems like trash desu.

>if you arent ganged up on in 3 seconds
Thats the other big issue in frontline. Running around with fists is like being bloody in shark infested water

modding tools release when?

I figured the battle royale in this would be a dumb throwaway but I'm having loads of fun with it. It's such a goofy clusterfuck and by design can't have tryhards playing meta. Running around with a rake and baiting people into beartraps is even more fun in a BR setting

Just started, what's a fun weapon?



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People keep mentioning that they've confirmed female characters? What other content is still in the pipeline? More weapons? Armor? Maps?

>not getting directional attacks
Even if you don't get it what's the point of directional attacks anyways? chambers are shit

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planning to chamber is how you beat feints.


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I'm not great at the game but I've still never been killed by a fist user 1v1. I did die once from fists but it was 5v1

>faggot pants

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They have said they want to implement female characters, but what content they're actually going to release in the near future is still unknown.

>join game
>get catapulted
>get teamkilled
>get lanced from stealth horse around a corner

Finally finished the Huscarl, feels good

Attached: Finished Saxon Huscarl.jpg (385x849, 93K)

You can't.
So shut the fuck up, yeah?

>Mordhau is nothing like Chiva-

It's ridiculous, I always seem to get one shotted by other archers even without the Ranger perk but I can never do the same. I suppose I'll just have to focus on gitting gud at melee instead.

>he was strong back then

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>>Mordhau is nothing like Chivalry

You do know there's a difference between abusing dead angles and throwing off people with weird moves right?

What if I want looking to affect left/right, but to exclude completely useless, always going to miss, vertical swings?

The smoothness of some of his spins makes it seem like he's using a controller.

>footage from before release where the mechanics are clearly different
you some kind of faggot or something?

What a fucking mad lad aint that the guy from man at arms.

Your knight looks like they service the rest of the men in the barracks.

Of you think that's mad - I once ejaculated into the toilet.

This looks gay.
Unless... it was a woman. Then it would be doing for me.
It's not

>The King
The "King of Clipping" more like.

I choose not to believe you

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All I see is pussies being pounded.
Those "exploits" raised the skill ceiling, you maggot.

Fuck horseniggers
Fuck trannies
Fuck jannies

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Only did it once, though.
I'm not THAT mad.

More clipping, Your Grace?

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>robert baratheon had black hair
>blue eyes
>is a big point in the books
>anons robert has brown hair and eyes
>anons Robert isnt even wearing any yellow his house color
What the fuck bro


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>Fuck horse*******
As a frequent user of horses, NO... FUCK YOU.
You can't be a knight without a horsey. You peasant cocksucker.

>see horseman
>time your swing
>headless horseman.jpg

not that hard user, I just hate when I spawn with a fucking lance already heading to my head

>>Fuck horse*******
Are, are you really afraid to type nigger? What do you expect the proper police to come find you or some shit?

it's improper, you autist


I'm sure everyone and their mother has made a saracen like this by now, but I love my combat fighter nonetheless.

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Hey, buddy, I don't appreciate the racist language, and you WILL stop.

Whats a cheap early build I should make for now to use for farming EXP and gold? Not sure what to go with. New as well and kind of suck, have done just one game.

In general what is good and any decent tips?

>on Yea Forums

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>another shill thread

is this game even fun? it looks like medieval TF2

I had great luck with a greatsword 3/3/2. Big swords seem to be good all rounders and really helped me to learn the game. After you get some cash you can start buying other weapons and testing them out.

Camels when?

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Hey, bud, this is 4channel, not "Yea Forums," you brute.

Stop monkeying around and grow up, you obnoxious Homo sapien.

I played it yesterday and the day before that.


Whoops, I forget the important info.
I also played it 3 days ago.

Don't blame me for completely destroying you physical and emotionally.

Now, please apologise and leave this thread.

what the fuck is this

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I'm glad we've finally got some men of class in here.
It's abhorrent that people in this day and age stoop to such uncivilised behaviour and language.

Oh, and fuck niggers.

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It's fun but the lacks of objectives and maps will make it get boring unless they add more later. Doesn't matter though since it's doomed for falling for the matchmaking meme.

>matchmaking meme
I've never even tried matchmaking, why the fuck would you not just pick a server?

showniggers are retarded. really, don't bother

Most people will use it out of convenience even if servers are better.

Hey, leave POCs outta this, you pile of goo!


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stupid nigger

The most healthy and common consensus amongst pro players is that the game is extremely preference based
There are people at the highest level that have the exact opposite field of view, turn sensitivity, and button layouts.
If anything though, binding your attacks to mouse buttons if possible is probably the most consistent pro level thing. Sometimes you want to be turning right and swinging left without having to take that split second to flick your mouse in the other direction to start the attack.

Enjoy getting one shot by a turd

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R8 my faggot

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Be quiet, you brute!

I warned you messer shits to stay off my field.

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One of the best design here.
The use of non-intense colors makes it believable.

Purple and black is spooky.
Knights aren't supposed to be spooky!

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I'll play chess on your tinned corpse.

Yeah? I suck your fucking cock, fag

>Drop the Pavise
>Pick off archer fags with the Ranger perk
>Hide behind the shield and reload
>Archers shit themselves and start spamming shots my way
>Laugh as the thud into the shield
>Pop back up and drop him

Now this is fun, just need to save up for a Brigandine then it'll be finished

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Who else here a pyromaniac and runs 3 firebombs?
Throwing firebombs behind enemies battling friendlies and watching them back-pedal into fire gets my pee-pee hard

How droll.

What the absolute Christ is wrong with the load times for this game on non-solid state drives. It’s literally just this game.
>first startup takes 10 minutes
>will probably crash
>just fine for every one after that


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What about this variant? Is the painted helmet too much?

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>shield + rapier is still unbeatable

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Bowfags, crossbowfags, it doesn't matter. Both are fags.
Why do you people play melee game to play as faggot archers? You're just going out your way.

votekick those faggots please


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im curious, whats the point of ranger if you have the pavise?

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>task manager
>right click Mordhau.exe
>set affinity
>uncheck CPU 0


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I could get 50 kills with rapier a match, but now I had to switch back to halberd to get that many. Oh no. Whatever will I do.


>Is the painted helmet too much?
Nah, it works.
In fact, I prefer this one to the initial one.
It's decorative without looking tacky or artificial.

Thanks doc!

Bring me as many shield + rapier users as you can please, I dont mind the free gold and XP.

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>Being an idiot
>And an Akko poster

t. shieldincel with a rapier


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isn't it disingenuous to start your thread with kniggers when you're working to ban people who say nigger in your game?

Shut the fuck up you DOUBLE KNIGGER

I doubt a single mother fucker has been banned from Mordhau for saying nigger. cuz if they were I would have been banned a week ago.

Fuck off nigger

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someone just got banned in the forums for posting nigger using emotes.
it was pretty funny

Imagine if a teammate chambers your swing from behind and accelerates it towards the enemy at VERY HIHG SPEED.

There's your problem.


I'm not going to warm you again.

scared to try this
whats it do


I'm on those forums everyday, pumping dem dank Mordhau may-mays.

Warm my dick sissy faggot. You're a faggot for accepting niggers into society

>theres your problem
what problem?
the forums are funny as shit. tons of trolls fucking with snowflakes

Zweihanders is the meta weapon right now? I see more Zweiniggers than executioners swords lately.

Daily reminder that skins for weapons actually changes the model and hit registration such as the greatswords claymore skin. It has less range than the regular skin.

Daily reminder that the devs left in a major flaw with macroing and auto blocking and allows people to cheat without an actual cheat client.

Daily reminder that there are now aimbots for all bows, lances, thrown weapons and siege engines and the devs are on record saying they have no plans for anti cheat.

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How do you capitalize on chambers? Seems like if the enemy is spamming stab you've got no choice but to keep chambering or try for a riposte and eat an attack.

reminder that it got patched out today

Not sure which one you're referring to, but auto blocking is still in. I just got out of a match doing it.


sorry. they patched the range changing based on skins today.

>Daily reminder that the devs left in a major flaw with macroing and auto blocking and allows people to cheat without an actual cheat client.
redpill me on this. i use macros to spam laugh and humiliate while fighting


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You shut your whore mouth, Poleaxe is based

What you are saying is VERY problematic.
Not only are you being racist, you're being homophobic; stop that, it's called being a decent human being.

Did you know peanut butter was invented by an black gentleman, and you love peanut butter.
So, you should apologise.

Where's his shoes, dickhead?

romans never had that type of armor idiot

Console allows you to make one key macros for any number of binds. Devs put in ALL attack stances and types as bindable keys. People can macro attack, feint, chamber (depending on stance), blocking etc and it's all frame perfect. Auto blocking is part bug part macro abuse. You bind a key to macro Attack, feint, attack block and since its frame perfect the second block uses zero stamina and also doesn't activate unless there is an attack hitting you.

is the poleaxe just a shittier billhook or am i just bad

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>He answered they were designed to be just a support class
Exactly how it should be. I used to be against archers but the only thing I think is OP right now is that they have a 100% crosshair telling them where the arrow will go. They shouldnt get a crosshair at all, and have the arrow velocity bumped up significantly to compensate.

What do you think archerbois. Thats fair right? It's no that hard to sense where the center of your screen is, I player archer in chiv successfull for years without the crosshair.

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how i do this?


I don't make classes to be functional I make historical classes, just so happens this one works very well. Shield protects me from getting one shotted by other ranged classes using ranger when I'm reloading then I pop up and one shot any archers with ranger.

Can I look like the fucking dudes from Warhammer fantasy? With fluffy pants and shit

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Does keeping the pavice shield reduce damage taken from behind?

>melee game
>archers are in the game

Are you retarded?

Negates it I think, I've hit a few people in the back on the shield with throwing axes before and I dealt no damage.

Yes, but it'll take time to unlock it.

i think it protects only against ranged weapons, not melee

*chambers internally*

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You must be a nigger

Edgy black and skulls yikes

>when you kill a bard for the fourth time and he starts whining about try hards
bards leave frontlines

>Bard doesn't switch to attack mode and destroy the Knight stopping his music

Doesn't deserve to call themself a Bard

IMO This game needs a mod like Persistent mode on Mount & Blade

>64 players on large Grad (seen in BR mode, it's huge)
>Need to do some menial chores as a peasant to earn money OR see later
>To get equipment you either buy them from the proper estate or loot them
>Blue and Red constantly fighting over possession of the castle and it's surroundings, King gets a % of all Peasant income as tax he can divvy to his subordinates
>Tax can be raised arbitrarily high, prompting either a peasant rebellion or an economic depression as nobody works anymore
>King can be deposed by a mutiny
>Peasants can form their own republic but they're limited to peasant weapons
>estates where peasants work can be taken over by the opposing side, giving the taxes to them instead
>to prevent one side from dominating, basic gear is always available at the base camp of each faction (light armor, axe)
>Faction can be changed on death.
>Controllers of the castle can spawn inside it, but they don't spawn with anything.
>infinite round time

How about it? In M&B there's multiple castles and towns, but it's player limit is 200. I don't think Mordhau could handle that - maybe it could if the combat was so much more lax in a mode like this.

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Shut the fuck up and go back Call of Doodoo, faggot.

>warhammer fantasy
that aestetic is from landsknechts, actual historic soldiers. (Altough the were active when there were basically no knights anymore)
And yes you can

It's called being a decent human being.


cmonBruh Since when was /V this toxic and racist?

Gonna be a YIKES from me dawg.

Its uncivilized using a rapier with anything but a dagger

only cowards target the bards. bard killing is a war crime.

If bards, engineers or archers aren't prepared to pull out a weapon and help a nearby teammate/defend themselves then they deserve to die repeatedly.

both teams should kill bards regardless of team for taking up a player slot

What are ya?
Some fookin' legend?

Exe niggers finally figured out that the zwei is literally a superior version of exe sword

Can't wear big boy armor with a zwei. Superior players just kill a zwei user with the execution sword and take theirs.

>Name a more satisfying weapon
I can't.

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>stabs shiters who dont know the width of shields has been nerfed

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What, does the negative knockback pull riders off their horse?

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>Kill a bard
>Comes back as 3/3/3 with an Axe
>Always finds me at the worst possible moment and just cleaves me in the back

Still kill them when I see them.

This game is fun

Attached: Mordhau.png (1530x881, 1.83M)

These mercs suck fucking ass

kill a bard, and you may find yourself clashing sword with him in the next life.


At least the useless fuck actually picked up a sword.

Fuck bards. I hate bards with all my heart!
Killing bards makes my dick hard.

You say?
I bet you look like a fookin' ballsack.

That doesn't stop them from sucking ass.
Get some style, numpty.


Attached: 20190515161353_1.jpg (1440x900, 138K)

My artistic tastes are far superior than the sack of potatoes you've cobbled together.

Post your mercs you lil shit

Trees don't belong as heraldry, you fat nigger.

I don't even have the game, you pea-brain sucker of cock.

What sword is that?

yer daft m8

>modern "men" playing dress up in their 20's
What happened to our generation...

You should shut your fucking hole, ugly little cunt.

If I shit on a place does that make it a delicious dinner?


Don't talk to me or my Small Knife ever again.

Attached: Big Knife & Family.png (468x636, 184K)

I'm in my 40's fuck you buddy.

I don't understand, what aspect of this thread upsets you?

>fun is bad, mkaaaaaaaaaaaaay?
Fuck off.

Go take your face for a shit; you can't order shit.

The fact that people enjoy things. Why can't everyone just be as miserable as me?

>what is landsknecht
>what is modern dress uniforms
>what is literally every male animal on this planet


Attached: w2OiNaS.jpg (2000x2000, 621K)

Instant ragdoll as long as the hook hits them. If they survive, you can chop their heads off as they try to stand back up.
The only melee weapons with more reach than the Billhook are the Spear and Alt-Mode Halberd.

I thought there wasn't katanas in the game?

Don't worry, user.
I'm miserable, too.

>The only melee weapons with more reach than the Billhook are the Spear
And Zwei, and bardiche IIRC, and normal halberd, and greatsword isn't that far back either. Maybe even short spear... Billhook isn't that long.

That's clearly just a big knife, user. The nobles decreed that none are allowed to carry swords within the city walls. Didn't say shit about knives.

Attached: Big Knife.png (390x679, 240K)



Attached: Horse Slayer2.png (446x939, 439K)

I just about pissed myself laughing when I pulled my sword out of some guy's head and threw it in his face again

Attached: yoink.jpg (947x79, 7K)

It's literally just a katana.

what's up with the psychopaths that kill horses after the rider has already been gangbanged? your team loses access to an enemy horse than will now respawn back at the enemy base. fucking crazy ass retard

god that is indeed a fucking chambering smartass

Horses, and especially horse users, are vilified by the infantry community (or as I like to call them: "the community scum") of the game.

*shanks ye*

Attached: Mordhau-Win64-Shipping_2019-05-17_15-36-48.png (420x610, 476K)

It's a bread knife m8, calm down.

Carving knife would be the bane of this game if it would flinch on hit. It's ORAORAORAORAORA-fast

I don't give a shit. At least he actually changed to a decent build.

a game like this is too good to ever exist.

You're just being an obtuse piece of shit; that's a katana.

>no ass

It is not. It gets around all of California's gun la-- the duke's dumb sword prohibition laws. The handle is a knife handle with two wooden plates around a solid metal base; not a sword tang, no full wood grip, no pommel.
Single edge blade, also its blade length is exactly under one meter (98cm). Totally legal, just a Big Knife. The city guard can't stop me.

>team losing
>switch team
>somehow previous team starts wining instead and these retards get fucked hard
>can't switch back
Fucking piece of shit make up your mind already.

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Tired making some kind of barbarian, not sure what's best between battle or war axe but it's fun to play

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It's an katana in form and appearance.
Why are you assholes denying it?

I want to draw your knight as a sissy femboy being bullied sexually

>tfw just realized how the Messer with the knoife skin is the closest thing to a katana this game will ever have
What's a neat weeaboo build I can make with this new information?

Attached: 1200px-Hinasuke_Arashi_II.jpg (1200x1735, 432K)

>just dismounted some retard off a horse by throwing a rock at him

I’ve not seen a single build in this game that isn’t/fa/ and aesthetically pleasing. I really hope this game teaches designers that you don’t need retarded WoW sets to make unique characters.

How do I throw swords, or is it just an alternate weapon mode on some weapons?

Maybe. It was you.

Just an alt attack on some weapons

Lamellar armor, everywhere. Or just clothes.

Katana + throwing knives + smoke bomb for ninja. Steal their horses, destroy their war machines, stab that fucker sitting in their tower. Attract a lot of attention and then get out - every numbskull chasing you is a soldier away from the frontline.

Oh, I see.
Is it possible to reserve throw?

Steam forums are overmoderated

Are you the guy that keeps spamming insult every duel?

How are people wearing hoods and shit with lvl 3 helms?

Because we aren't fucking shit, you faggot.

also don't forget we have big dicks

So how do I tell teammates from enemies if I turn off colors? I really want each character to look how the creator intended, but I feel like an asshole whenever I friendly fire.

Mordhau is one of those games where you should put in a good couple of hours on bots before even jumping online.

That's like saying you should practice against CPU opponents in fighting games. You aren't going to learn anything and only pick up bad habits.

And you being a nigger wouldn't know about that

All I can tell you is that, as someone that's only ever lost 2 "real" duels and that always tops the kill list in every match using just the longsword, I kept the default controls for everything but feint which is on MB5. Don't listen to shitters trying to claim one keybind or another is better, literally all that matters is that you're comfortable with whatever you use and are able to do it instantly without even thinking about the input.

The only thing I can say is that it's objectively better to master mouse directional control than to rely on directional keybinds for any attacks other than stab/over/under swings because doing so allows you to throw out weird angles that might confuse keybind users or simply be impossible to mirror without also using a mouse-controlled swing.

arrest this cuttthroat

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Maps have this really weird balance in Mordhau. If one team gets just a little momentum, it's an absolute stomp. In Chiv, defense became easier as you were pushed back while offense became more difficult as you pushed forward. In Mordhau, the hardest point to take is the middle point, and every point after that is easier. That's why you can have matches where one team dominates for 80% of the match and then the other team just seems to blitzkrieg a win out of their asses. I've seen matches where the losing team had twice as many kills as the winning one.

>red team getting shit pushed in
>massive vote for taiga next round


I shoot people in the head and actually kill them unlike most shutters. Also I chip you down to 50 hp and kill you with a cleaver.


I feel like directional attacks need a bit of deadzone for chambers. Its sensitivity makes chambering finicky because you're trying to keep track of a moving opponent moving around a sword.

Some medieval festival LARPers get in a fight and end up actually using their weapons full force to knock each other out.

Dude that was knocked out went into a coma for 2 weeks.

Attached: Mordhau 2019.05.14 - (1066x600, 2.99M)

i am massively unoriginal and not creative i dont know what to do with this

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change my cunt character's look around a bit, how's it looking? i feel like the blue on the sleeves might not actually fit too well, maybe i should just leave them purple?

Attached: Mordhau-Win64-Shipping_2019-05-18_00-13-21.png (299x629, 291K)

Wear a helmet

>horseknigger charges my team full of confidence
>stab his toe with my billhook
>me and my mates lynch him

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Plz respond

Based Rhodok

Some helms (typically those with rounded tops like Barbute or regular Armet) can be worn with the open hood neck accessory. Flat tops usually can't, haven't tried many other types.

Can we form up a team bros?

Triangle shoulders are noice

Attached: unknown.png (470x870, 338K)

If you switch teams simply because you are losing you are unironically the biggest faggot imaginable

Thanks bff

Attached: baskethiltwhen.png (372x877, 461K)

How do you switch teams ive never even seen the option

press h

bastard sword with a changed guard

There’s no more wine, your grace

the hood is in the neck slot, under "widened hood"
Not all helmets work with it, but most level 3 helmets can be worn with the hood, again it's in the neck slot

My punching class man.

Attached: opm.png (654x942, 892K)

Just stopping by to say that you all suck shit at this game,

I only have 160 hours in chivalry and I constantly top frag every single frontline, team deathmatch, deathmatch, duel server I play on,

I have literally NEVER been below 3rd on the list EVER , you all SUCK DICK,


Attached: lulw.png (316x355, 212K)

breddy good, would make the pauldrons symmetrical though
and post drakeblood

I've seen people consistently get top 3 just scrolling up with a rapier and nothing else, usually they were second place behind the horse nigger with the lance/spear

This one acually looks very good. 10/10

I have 0 hours in Chivalry and only 2 hours in Mordhau and I already have a 2597-0 KD ratio and have carried my team in every match so far
ur pretty shit bro

go to the VK duel server and see if you can still be smug after that

i can't fucking do anything right in this game anymore, it only ever brings me misery at this point.

>posts merc thats better at beating little girls than fighting men

Take a break, don't take the game too seriously to the point of making you suffer. Also duel people equal or slightly above your skill level if you want to git gud

im getting kinda tired of the 50/50 maul pullbacks and scuffed ass animation usage with meme swords and shields

Stabs are reliable, quick (great for punishing), easy to aim with good tracking, and far reaching. Furthermore, you won't hit anything to the sides or on top of you with them (or recoil off the ground as is the case when overheading with big swords). That's why so many people are spamming them.

Not a single experienced player uses mauls or shields in duels

Stabs also have really good recovery. Can't tell you how many times I died because I whiffed an overhead.

Probably gonna grab this game tonight, any tips for day 1 playing?

Longswords, Greatswords, and Zweis seem to dominate duel servers.

Play the tutorial.

Ain't time yet. Still saving up to assemble it.

Pussy Destroyer

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Don't panic parry, you have a lot of time to gauge the opponent's attack and to see if they are going to feint or morph to bait you.
TDM and Frontline: Equip big weapon and Bloodlust Perk. Parry one guy, swing at another guy.
Deathmatch/Duel: Equip something with "Sword" in the name and Dodge Perk

Why is the face editor so bad. There isnt even different preset faces


>When you see a teammate impale themselves on your spikes

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It's actually quite good, even though there are only two face models. Don't overlook the three modifier modes on QWE keys and the layered facial parts accessed on the scrollwheel.

is this game worth $30 ameribucks?

>be stabbing enemies
>every time you stab, a teammate rushes in front of your stab and gets hit

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FUCKING FINALLY got the meat grinder achievement for getting 30 kills in a match. all i needed to do was one hand the messer and flail it around like a retard, who would've thought the best and only way to get a high kill count is to use the most retarded weapons in the most retard fashion possible.

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Rate or else

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I started taking the friendly perk because I'm pretty sure I take more damage from the retards on my team than from enemies, holy shit

>Yeah, I can sacrifice a level of armor somewhere just to equip Friendly.
>KD ratio jumps significantly

How do I use the Billhook?


leftclick and scroll wheel

See Horse
Smash Horse

First you bill, then you hook.
Normal Strike pulls, Normal stab pushes.
Alt Strike pushes, Alt stab pulls.
All attacks knock a horsefag off his ride regardless.
Use Alt Stabs in teamfights so your dudes can isolate and surround a guy more easily.

r8, h8, masturb8

Attached: mordhaukniggas.png (937x874, 1.14M)


red > blue

Bazuso? Is that you?

9/10 only because rapier is fucking gay


intimidating while being elegant
is probably quite handsome too

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How can I make the horse poop?

Enter the Konami code while staring at an advertisement on your TV and yelling McDonald's

my fucking man. would be an immovable wall of pain with you.

>can't wear sabatons with the footsoldier leggins

Attached: 1542241370425.png (500x738, 225K)

Someone will just find the most exploitable way to fuck over the system or build a murderbox for peasants to endlessly get slaughtered inside. That or an insane admin that has ban on left click and some serious RP zealots.

>Go halberd to halberd with dude on cap
>We both block and miss a couple attacks
>He switches to rapier
>Another faggot comes charging from side with rapier

>When you stop falling for regular feints but then someone pulls a "what happened with that animation and why was the grunt so late" swing/thrust that gets you without even thinking about parrying before being dead
This shit is so weird. I've also seen morphs into low swings catching people off guard all the time, including myself but neither of us were pros.

Attached: imam.png (541x879, 661K)

you're just a shitter who was playing against shitters. you can get 50+ kills easily with any weapon and without playing like an honorless nig.

after 5 pm my ping doesn't go below 500. before 5pm, my ping is a steady 44.
the time is 7pm and god i wish i could play mordhau right now. FUCK verizion.

3/3/3 with fury and bloodlust and just pick up whatever you can find on the battlefield

>Manage to kill #1 guy on duel server by some freak accident involving clumsy footwork
>Leave immediately
I'm done, I've reached the top and smelled the roses of victory.

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Attached: Mordhau-Win64-Shipping_2019-05-18_02-11-36.png (272x667, 353K)

Does everybody use Executioner's Sword now? I don't feel cool anymore

it's been the meta memesword since the very first minute the game released

it's the definitive shitter weapon. sorry.

It's a good sword, but I don't use it exclusively. I actually seem to do a bit better with the greatsword.

Not him but I don’t say the N word because I listen to Jazz.


I was going for a poor and plain looking men-at-arms type motherfucker.

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Female soldiers are cool and all but when are they announcing dragons and kobolds?

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I want more maps, thats all I want. Maybe some more /fa/ too.

Also I dont know how to fix it but zweihander spam seems like something that could become a problem
>know its part of the meta
>avoid using it because I already know its good, want to check out other weapons
>get squatted
>fuck this, swap to it, everyone is using it
>go 40-6 as soon as I swap
>barely even using chambers, feints and morphs, drags are enough
Its the range, if you can drag you will fuck people up constantly, and even if you dont intend for it you will clip enemies in your peripheral vision. I dont know what you could do to fix this but I feel like the game is going to fall apart as soon as everyone starts using nothing but it as bad and average players leave, I think ALL weapons need a bit of a range boost, I swear to god the mace swings right through enemies at times its so short, enemies have but to walk backwards and it whiffs.

Fuck that, I want Moors, Ottomans etc. We need some diversity in this bitch (because I really want more maps based on North Africa/Middle East and the accompanying weaponry and units)

I don't know why but I like the coif/mantle look, only thing I'm currently iffy about is the helmet.

Attached: Jeg.png (530x673, 466K)

how do you throw a weapon

Attached: jackor3rdframe.gif (800x447, 1.37M)

Show me your edgiest, darkest 3/3/3 armor

Peak Performance right here.

Attached: 10.png (749x938, 987K)

just be like me then with x3 firebomb 3/3/2 armor with friendly and tenacious. throw your shit, pick up a weapon, then die hard into battle repeat

Only certain weapons can be thrown

Get with the times gramps, the Zweihander is the new meta.

not really. No armor just means I run up beside you and rape you while you get blocked by some spear virgin.

guess my strats

Attached: B&R.jpg (528x934, 89K)

Waifus when?

Is this Game worth buying? old Chivalry player here

If you enjoy Chivalry, it's just that but better in basically every way (worse map variety, but that's being worked on)


Zwei is the meta now, that fucking range and damage m8, it takes about 2 hits to kill most people with either weapon but the zwei has much more range and a decent stab.

I must be a special kind of retarded because I keep getting hit first when fighting polearms of any sort, while using a cleaver. Even thrusts hit faster it seems.

Wear a skirt or something knigga and obscure what leg armour you are wearing, anyone with their head screwed on will target your legs knowing you are wearing shitty armour there.

probably gonna look like potato peasants

Learn to chamber it, try to learn the timing, do whatever it takes to learn it, play in duel servers, do a deathmatch with NPCs, whatever, just learn to chamber stabs, it is almost a must. Also with lag comes "loss of package data", which basically means that the animation you are seeing probably happened a split second later than you are seeing if your internet isnt stable or strong, which is highly infuriating.

Lag probably accounts for a lot. I have super shitty internet and I constantly sit around 80 ping

that's not very fashy

Why should I buy this game?

Thats pretty bad, the game is almost unplayable with any form of latency, sad to hear that. Hope that you find servers closer to home in the browser.

>parry an exec sword
>the fucking animation for the parry play as well where the weapons clash and sparks fly out and everything
>completely fucking ignores the parry though and the sword goes right through my weapon and head as well
>lobs my head off my shoulders
Fucking stupid piece of shit.

Attached: 1552694177194.jpg (440x440, 28K)

All I see now is executioners, messers, zweis. Shitter weapons desu. Same as before the recent update just a few less rapiers

Modding tools fucking when? The dev team is small and rather slow, the game will get repetitive and bleed player soon if they don't drop the next update with the two new maps ASAP.
Also I want to be the first one making a mario kart themed map

Attached: 85908_1.jpg (1024x768, 190K)

Imagine all the Cascas

Throw two firebombs then instantly die.

Looks like a charred hamburger with ketchup and mustard.

im with you, persistent world was some funny ass shit, thats what frontline reminded me of initially, both teams get their own base and you fight between them, its just not persistent and lacks the rpg features
its too grand a mod for this game though i expect, persistent world 2 for bannerlord is our only hope, providing thats a thing which it ought to be
my dream game would be a persistent world style mmo with a mount&blade style overworld map and mordhau esque combat
tfw itll never exist

Attached: 1556232548474.gif (220x220, 734K)

The dev recognizes how important mods and community maps are to keep a game alive for longer than a couple months and it has been one of the post-release goals since early in development.

I haven't even seen a single Guts yet, I've seen one Bazuso and it wasn't very good

>been bouncing between this and mountainblade all week
>just get into a depressing train of thought where I realize that there will never be anything like m&b with combat like Mordhau
I enjoy m&b combat as is, but fuck me does going back and forth really make me want it to have combat like mordhaus
how does bannerlords combat look, if they've even shown any of that yet?

the virgin spear and shield user

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Billhooks are the best.
>Poke some dumb knight and he falls off his horse
>Watch as the horde of peasants fall on him and murder him dead as he's helpless
>Also you bring motherfuckers closer to you when you stab them to allow your previously mentioned peasant mob to descend on them
Is it considered a spear though?

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t-take it back!

Attached: 1542353943073.gif (853x480, 1.71M)

>how does bannerlords combat look, if they've even shown any of that yet?
sorry to say, its practically identical to warband

It's honourary like the Japanese

Is there a mode to practice against the computer as if i was fighting that sergeant in the tutorial midway through?

stabbing weapons like spears doing the same damage in the beginning and the end of the stab makes mordhaus combat worse than m&bs
literally doesnt matter how fast the motion is like in m&b

I find that very hard to believe

If there's unit collision even between allies why dont people form up into phalanxes

local game and set bot count to 1

oh yeah that would do it

All one handed weapons and some others need a range buff I reckon, the reason all those weapons are top tier is because they have high damage for their range. I can land hits all day on someone with something like the bastard sword, but then one of his teammates join in and gets a single hit in and its over. I love the game but the way the one hit kill weapons work in this is lame, Im ok with the maul because its slow as fuck and has short range. When you lose to it you can see why. With things like zweihander you are often getting knicked by someone you didnt even see and dying near instantly.

>Primarily use 2-3-1
>There's no good looking 2-3-1 setups

Kill me.

Can anyoen tell me how you exit out of the coms menu and how to spam gestures?

>Here's a ton of customization options for you
>Oh, but if you don't wear armor, you'll die to a stiff breeze

What did they mean by this?

And make use of the ~console commands:
AddBots & RemoveBots until you get some good bots and not any naked archerbots
ToggleDamage and ToggleStamina so you can fight nonstop instead of respawning.

Attached: Mordhau-Win64-Shipping_2019-05-18_03-14-56.png (312x632, 325K)

I think Im using raised houndskull, tabard and riders hosen or whatever its called, looks alright. Get the aventail for the neck and brigindine arms. Be a chivalric knight.

be creative i know i defioetly have a 231 setup and thats some conquistador looking type with spanish kettle and either italian cuirass or footmans cuirass cause i cant afford anythin else

Damn, that's fine though, like I said I do enjoy m&b combat as is so that's not too much of a problem for me.
I didn't think about that but you're right, honestly I just love shit like chambering and the slightly more advanced directional combat, as well as the overall feel in comparison to m&b. Just fix stabs, add speed bonuses, and maybe make parries dependent on direction and it would be my ideal combat system for a game of this type.


Attached: OSP.png (641x910, 837K)

there is chambering in mount & blade you fucking noob

when are they going to add some REAL weapons?

Attached: SWORD OF DARKNESS Kit Rae.jpg (1024x768, 268K)

the best one I've seen so far
I like that you picked the rapier to show that he's not just some brute but a force to be reckoned with

wont buy until keyblades are added


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Try the heavy bevor for the neck and gothic legs if you can get them, the default plate leggings look pretty bad since their metal tone tends to not match most other armours.

>Breakthrough to the enemy point
>Kill the engineer
>Kill the zwei nigger and his maul buddy
>Chase the archer down and kill him too
>10 seconds later the respawn wave hits me and I'm naturally surrounding
>See a friendly lute player run past as I'm dying
Getting tired of the same ol' same ol' frontline. I'd don't want super serious comp matches. But I wish people would do more than farm kills at gates and chokepoints.

People who rage at horses are just mad they are too shit to do well on the horse and get jelly of my free 30 kills per horsey

Here's my peak shitter loadout

Attached: loadout.jpg (1634x1258, 215K)

what map does blue even win


Any map when I'm on blue team.

>get on horse only once(one time)-singular- in my entire 70~ hours played
>get 40-2
I mean, Im not going to say its OP, its that noone seems to fucking want to stop horses when they are causing a problem. I love billhooking someone off a horse and watching everyone in a 2 mile radious stop what they are doing to kick the shit out of one player.

Get a billhook, everyone should have one on standby and be ready to swap to it when they see horses riding around.

hwo the fuck do people gesture so fast

That's a nice pair of lightly armoured legs you've got there, it would be a real shame if something happened to them.

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you'll not outdo me rapscallion or my name isn't nigel bottomsaplenty

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look at these guns

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post gore

Attached: gore3.png (988x580, 1.22M)

Attached: gore.jpg (968x758, 159K)

That's the problem.

If half your team's stuck on billhook duty because of annoying horsefaggots, it becomes very difficult to capture and hold objectives because the billhook is hard to use effectively against dismounts with friendlies around.

Attached: gore2.jpg (744x880, 198K)


The problem is that there is always an attacker and defender, its usually blue, the layout of the maps are suppose to have it that one pushes forward and hte other tries to simply hold what they have, but people seem to play it like Battlefield conquest almost, not that its their fault the game doesnt expressly say you are a defender or an attacker.

On most maps blue is the defending side, but noone is defending, they are moving way too far from the objective. On Taiga the reds destroy the barrels almost immediately because noone is defending them, the reds cannot even take that point until they have destroyed them, all it takes is for blue to defend that shit and reds cant move forward, but everyone is more intent on pushing forward and then dying and spawning way across the map again while the reds move a shorter distance to the objective.

You're a retarded weeb who is not worth the effort.

Also have sex.

m&b combat is perfectly fine for singleplayer, but in multiplayer its not that good, only really fit for meme modes and 200 player sieges

>threads are so slow now it's super boring


i like your elite knight

That's a nice completely unarmored everything you got there.

Attached: pokes u before you can dodge out of range.jpg (1024x1024, 83K)

>Playing horde on Camp
>Early stages and pick up an axe
>Sprinting around kiting the ai
>Run past at 100mph just straight up braining peasants like Hawkeye at the end of Last of the Mohicans with playing in my head the whole time
>That satisfying crunch when you crack their skulls


Attached: 1504570425065.jpg (634x543, 140K)

Not until they add the escaflowne/dunbine/panzer world galient mode

Attached: Mordhau-Win64-Shipping_2019_05_10_18_26_56_606.jpg (1920x1080, 606K)

>Range of a spear without swing damage penalties

Zwei is the nigger weapon, the nigger smell.

>throw my maul, can only find a zwei
>pack of kniggas smelling my weakness rush towards me
>but, they’re expecting the range of bullshit I’ve had the whole game
>kill three of them with single stabs to the head
I’m glad I died then
Or I may not have been able to resist the temptation

that makes sense. would help if frontline had a switch sides part to it. because as soon as that bitch is over, a new map gets voted, and the cycle repeats of stacking the easier steam rolling side.

not advocating auto balance or anything but it's some crummy shit having that desire just to pick the more lopsided winning side every match.

i like the game, and i sometimes like frontline. but the game makes me want to take frequent breaks so i don't lose my mind when i'm just trying to make new builds and all i see is big beefy 2h with bloodlust builds everywhere

is it me or is the young voice the best

whats a decent throwable 1hander?

The axe or arming sword. I like the falchion too.


thanks. is there a tooltip i'm missing that says its throwable or whatever mode it can use for other weapons?

I like the eager voice
>what grace...what skill!

Fish eye field of view looks STUPID

Kindof necessary unless you want to get swatted by people you havent even seen right next to you unfortunately.

Attached: MYKNIGGER.png (606x942, 854K)

I'm still learning, but it feels gud

Attached: 20190517190750_1.jpg (724x935, 77K)

From top tier to not so top tier throwables in terms of point value versus damage:
>Longsword "Pommel Throw" (free tiny bit of damage and potential meme kill)
>Short Spear
>Axe, and Throwing Axe
>Short Sword, Dagger, Cleaver, Throwing Knives
POWER GAP (only worth throwing if you're absolutely certain it'll kill (ie enemy is running away))
>Arming Sword

Equip a weapon to a loadout, look at their advanced stats, checkbox Alt Mode. A throwable weapon has a clear indicator that you're going to be throwing it given that stat window showing a "projectile speed".

Attached: grfjh.png (709x456, 46K)

i meant more like before i purchase the item to see if it can be thrown but thanks. i bought the arming sword anyway. will probably invest in a cleaver later