Granblue Fantasy Versus

>Motions mean cooldowns are almost instant
>Every move has an ex, maybe multiple strengths
>Just Defend, rewards extra meter and less chip
>Two types of throw tech, late throw techs mean you take some damage still
>Block button, but you can't just defend with it and throw techs will always be a late tech
>Chip kills
>Buffed super at low life
>Dodge mechanic
>Air block

Attached: 1549780402335.jpg (1920x1080, 348K)

Other urls found in this thread: Art

Seems fun but maybe a little slow paced?

>Lancelot has a fucking icecar
We /blazblue/ now.

>>Every move has an ex, maybe multiple strengths
Didn't Kat have the normal and ex in her abilities? Are the ex pick able over other normal or something?

>Motions mean cooldowns are almost instant
No it means they are shortened, look at Lacelots projectile for example, that one has a long cooldown.
>Every move has an ex, maybe multiple strengths
Stronger versions also increase the cooldown.

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Won't scrubs just complain still that people good at the game get access to other stuff?

Well it is meant to be a more grounded traditional fighter. Normal walk speed seemed about normal, but you also have dash and run which it seems like you can stop quickly.

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>buy fighting game
>be shit in the beginning because no fundamentals, okay i guess that's not so bad
>play for 300 hours or 4 months
>still bad, barely improved
do I really wanna do this again
i mean the game looks fun, but so has every fighting game I played

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Where the fuck is Percival?

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there's a going to be a gold bar inside brother

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They said it in the video, every move has different strengths and it changes their cooldown, for example Katalina weakest's DP seems to come back instantly.


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>Casual game with the ability to go hardcore with enough investment

Is this like, cygames's mission statement or some bullshit

Are Shirou/Nicholas and Robomi in? Thus is important

If you have FUN then yes.
I'm not bad or good either, just an average fighting game player and I love to fight stronger opponents, it's fun even if I get rekt and I fucking love when I'm closer to get a round and then a match, that's why I still play this genre today. I don't care about the FGC or going to tournaments, I just enjoy those games for their gameplay, their characters, the world and sometimes even the story.

Depends on what you're comparing it to. Pace seems fine to me.

DJ's husband and DJ(male)'s husband looks like THAT?

who cares what scrubs complain about? faggots on Yea Forums for example complain about shit all day that they no absolutely nothing about or havent even played. these people need to be ignored and laughed at.
why dont you stop focusing on being good and start focusing on having fun and playing a lot to make up for your detriment. you'll end up better that way.

>look at Lacelots projectile for example
That's just cause it stays active for a while. It has a delay and then goes zoom

>Stronger versions also increase the cooldown.
EX do, but it is unclear if their are strengths to moves and if those cause a longer cooldown. Especially cause in the footage they didn't say when something was a button input or a motion.

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>that air vibration effect left behind

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I am a competitive player. Getting good and winning is the fun in fighting games for me.

We dont know the full roster but I imagine with Robomi being as popular of a fan pick as she is, we might get her.

Not him but I’d compare it to kof or ssf2t and it does seem a bit slow in comparison to those two. Not by a lot but a bit small again just on the spectator side obviously won’t know for sure until it’s in peoples hands

Nothing yet, but got I hope we get Kamen Riderman.
>has a dark and edgy form upgrade like Hazard Trigger

my wife when

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>Getting good and winning is the fun in fighting games for me.
then why do you only have 300 hours? if thats all you have in fighting games, you wont have moved an inch. is this your first time being a "competitive player" because even in games like dota you need thousands of hours to even become intermediate.

Jiyuna and Obama look like they want to fucking die. Esports was a mistake.

need that charlotta outro

Boy, I can't wait to bully Yea Forums online

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>i am autistic and cant read people: the post

Kinda funny how Jiyuna was the first time I actually saw someone playing granblue some years back

Jiyuna used to play a TON of GBF, he's probably just thinking about how he's going into remission and about to buy some crystals again.

>card game
>they have to put a disclaimer that it's actually an rpg
wtf jiyuna
Unblockable set ups boyyyyy

I really wish they'd go with multiple colors for the outlines to match the artstyle more.

Yes it is. And I'm weak willed and can't cope with the fact that my brain is slower than dial up internet. Imagine losing to people with 3 hours after playing for 600

I wanted to see Gran ffs.

Have you ever seen such a beautiful man, you started crying?

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>I made sure to beg every person in the building to put Siete in.
I hope they listen.

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she's in

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That's just an overhead. So just an online unblockable.

What games have you tried so far? To which rank you got in them?
Do you know what is
>anti air
What chars you played as? Some are insane to use properly?

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well not making excuses is a good start so theres hope for you yet. i suggest looking up vids about general fighting game fundamentals.

It means you can have easy access to everything with the button presses and if you're intelligent, you can win games on fundamentals without shortened cooldown

Because even if you have to play defense longer with longer cooldown because you don't use inputs, you can block effectively and build meter


Any characters to be released that aren't just shades of blue or red?

yes please I need a character I can relate with

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I tried multiple, the ones I didn't hate and stuck to are BBCF and GGRev2.
I played Ragna and Baiken and yes I know all of those terms

she is smoking hot cant wait to see her. really hope the rest of the characters are cute girls damn it. ladiva has a cute personality but not my definition of a cute girl, lol

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what's a shimi

we haven't even gotten Blue and Red yet

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>Block button
ehhhhhhhhhh not gonna lie this is deflating my hype quite a bit

how do you like purple?

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Based and swordpilled.

>tfw Metera ended up being my trump card in Guild Wars as someone with no 5* Eternals, she could dead over 1/4 of the EX raid's health by herself

>Fuudo asks how to deal with overheads?
>dev says "just block bro"

I fucking howled because that's just the truth of it all. Sometimes you just never want to block

those are the two hardest games to get good at. the people playing online are mostly strong players and in these games you get absolutely oppressed if someone is better than you. not exactly good games to base your opinion on.


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your gun character bro

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I lost and still lose to beginner light blues with less than 100 hours in the game

Don't believe his lies

It's an alternate way to block. Automatic crossup protection but you can't just defend and teching throws deals you damage.

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Suwabe has also asked to be put in when the first trailer released

Honestly all the Gun characters are pretty cool, I'd be happy with almost any of them.

Even Siete's seiyuu Suwabe posted on twitter that he wants Siete in.

It looks pretty meh. Giving casual players objectively worse options is a terrible decision for a game targeted toward beginners, it only serves to needlessly obfuscates the learning curve. I wish they'd stick to either motions or single-button specials instead, same for blocking.

As far as the game goes, the game has really way too low damage for what it's supposed to be inspired by (Lancelot not even taking a quarter of the other player's health with a somewhat lenghty combo into super makes SFV looks like SamSho) and the inexistant pushblock is extremely worrying. Character diversity seems good though.

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the teching throw thing is barely a tradeoff compared to crossup protection

Just throw them, it's an advantage to you if they use button

she's not getting in
too new and they already have Zeta and Vas for society representation
also Eustace would be more unique than her

Original term is from street fighter where you walk towards enemy into grab range only to go backwards right after so your enemy gets scared and tries to tech the grab, whiffes the grab animation and open himself for punishment.

But in general it can generalized as in closing distance to the enemy so you can use unblockable move and instead of doing it you just wait and then punish the opponent for guessing wrong.

You picked wrong games pal. Nobody play these but handful of jap autists who will mop the floor with you. Pick something more popular.

>Giving casual players objectively worse options is a terrible decision for a game targeted toward beginners, it only serves to needlessly obfuscates the learning curve.
totally wrong. its actually the best way to do things. have the option for noobs or if youre just starting with a character or something, it allows you to play at a basic level without practice. then if you get better you get more reward. same thing with dbfz combos.
>pushblock in a grounded footsie fighter
you are literally fucking retarded and have no idea what youre talking about

yeah I'm thinking she's not in

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When's the best girl?

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It looks fucking great.
We better get the best girl Naru though.


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see all the popular games are horrible btw, fuck sfv, fuck dbfz, and most importantly FUCK tekken

Her sister has good chances actually


He probably meant pushback

0% chance unironically

please let one get in

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Metera's weapon is literally in the logo isn't it

>Chip kills
Damn I can't believe the game is kuso

metera's weapon is in the logo so she will be in. a fire element zoning arrow shooter sounds sick.

Please put in sheep as zodiac representative

Isn't Metera's signature element Wind?

Female Draphs, Ladiva aside, all have 0% chance.

>totally wrong. its actually the best way to do things

It really absolutely isn't. It's basically saying that casuals are at an inherant disadvantage that isn't from difference in skill but comes from the mechanics themselves. It gives give a "false" option that is actually a complete waste of time for them if they want to actually learn the game, which in turn makes the learning process more frustrating.

>you are literally fucking retarded and have no idea what youre talking about

Alpha 2 and ST, both grounded footsies focused fighter, have a significant amount of pushback* (thanks ). The game being slower doesn't mean you want the RPS pressure game to be turn-based. Good pushback means the pace of the game is generally more dynamic, which also makes the game more fun for lower-skilled players.

>Giving casual players objectively worse options is a terrible decision for a game targeted toward beginners
Can you elaborate? Seems like a pretty good choice to me. The objective is to help them have some options as a low level player, and make them gradually shift into the more advaced options.
Seems better than the DBFZ route of autocombos and superdashes, which remain annoying no matter what level you are.
Also, I wouldn't say they're objectively worse, 1 button DPs and a block button against ambiguous crossups will probably remain useful until mid-high level.

>also Eustace would be more unique than her
I also want this. Just so I can see his multiattacks in 3D.

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All I want is cygames mascot.

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i have no idea, i just saw the fire element in that image. some of them have different SSRs with different elements. idk how to tell which is their main element.

give me Naru

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They'd be retarded not to put in Naru
The game needs a katana rep

Metera's original was Wind. She can fly with Wind magic which is her unique gimmick, I wonder if they will implement that into Versus.

the original metera was wind

>the game needs a katana rep
Enjoy your kabuki man of many ougis

I love Mao Ichimichi. I've been crushing on her since I watched Gokaiger.

Based, can't wait for Mirin.

>complete waste of time for them
thats not your call. people value their time differently and thats the point. this allows them to play without spending time learning things, which is more valuable to many people, most casuals in fact. and if they play more and learn little by little, they get rewarded for that. your idea of "waste of time" is totally backwards. they would say YOU are wasting your time spending hours learning basic functions just to begin to play a game.

Then you get this fat retard for cross-promoting Precum instead.

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Vira is in, right?

>Ammo/reload mechanic
>Aerial mines
>can call her army to support her with missiles
>can loose her hat to show her beautiful long hair
>eat a parfait at the end of the match
Yeah, I don't think so.

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but we just got a non logo character

>tfw it ends up being not-crazy chevira

>200% max ougi bar
>guaranteed KO even if you're blocking

Don't forget
>LITERALLY has the power of the Rising Sun and yamato damashii on her side

would be disgusting

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The damage in this game seems low

ilsa is earth
heles is fire

Its not a false option because it gives you access to combos when it's your turn to see how characters work and how effective they are at level 1 basically. Like inherent disadvantage that you are imagining doesn't matter when you get hit with an ex fire ball button into universal overhead and passing link combo. If you're able to mind game on your turn without inputs, who gives a shit about disadvantage when it gives you that option to play the game

That's not Albert.

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they heard people complaining about bbtag

Could make an interesting install character.

>>eat a parfait at the end of the match

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I'll happily take her

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how to git gud if i'm low iq?

Ferry has at least 3 types of cat George, watch from 12:23 to 12:55
>Low arch
>High arch
>Ex ground

The cooldowns for low and high are actually very small, considering moves that stay active for long seem to have a longer cooldown. It is only ex moves that really kill your cooldown speed. I also noticed a difference in the normal move speed, so a motion rather than an button knocks about a second off

He wasn't even in the anime.

Attached: cerberus anime.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

>they would say YOU are wasting your time spending hours learning basic functions just to begin to play a game.

And from that point of view, there isn't really a reason for the game to completely stick to one-button specials with CD. It would be controversial, but at least be coherent in its principle of evening the playing field through the quasi-removal of execution (like Rising Thunder did). The problem with your line of logic is that you're putting in the same basket of players complete casuals who will most likely not be affected in any way no matter how the mechanics are implemented, and casual who genuilely want to be part of the learning curve. Having a worse option makes that learning curve more obtuse, it's a trap for newbies, people who would learn the motions regardless of the existence of the worse 1-button special. A worse of both worlds, because picking that option doesn't actually help them in the long run.

Inherent disadvantage certainly matters, and the fact that you think specials are only a part of combos is short-sighted, especially since the game supposedly presents itself as footsies focused. Having in average just access to more specials than your opponent can often make the difference between who has more space control, more versability in neutral and setplay scenarios. That doesn't mean you *can't* work around it, obviously, but that doesn't mean you're not playing with a handicap.

>tfw like both Cuc and Ilsa
>both will never get in because they would be too similar in their moveset

Ilsa's style is more acrobatic, thus more fitting for fighting games.

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Based Gunbro, when I'm not using my more "meta teams", I always have those two on my Water and Earth team. Cuc is fun to use in Arcarum too, plus she can buff Silva before she fires her ougi.

>Having in average just access to more specials than your opponent
But if we were to remove 1 button specials, then the difference for new players would go from having 4 specials to 0

They'd just take their frame data off Noel and call it a new character.

cucuroux and ilsa will have different for sure. Cucuroux will use all her arsenal of guns with her minigun as skybound art while ilsa only uses her handguns but summons the society battleships for her skybound art

characters released after 2016 aren't getting in

>Cuc's fireball is to kick a slow moving barrel at you, and if anything damages it, it explodes
Based barrels

Love Arcsys fightings but never played Granblue so I have two questions about Granblue universe:
Who is the best mommy?
Who is the best nee-san?

It doesn't mean only the logo characters are in, it means the logo characters are definitely in

Narmaya! (in heart)

I feel like CD won’t matter too much desu
Beside few special move like short CD fire ball where you spam it
Most special won’t be use off CD
You probably use it once or twice per round like DP
one button DP probably is there to help new comer more so they can easily reversal some unga mashed against them
But it won’t go into 20 secs long cinematic Rock Paper Scissors like certian dead game
And some big dick player can do their big boy combo manually since they probably will need their special CD to be as short as possible in order to juggle a combo

Also I already have dhalsim PTSD just by looking at ferry gameplay

I'm mostly talking about how their normals would look, I doubt they'd put two characters with dual guns in, at least in the base roster. I can see them putting in a gun character like Silva, since she can swing her gun around like a club for her normals.
Obviously I wouldn't mind if both Cuc and Ilsa got in, I just don't see it being likely.




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How many buttons does the game have?

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I hope they plan on releasing a bunch of information at e3 or evo. Only announcing 2 characters in the 6 months since the original reveal is fucking nothing. They need to do it like samsho did and just almost everyone at once.

attack, block, and casual's special button

Seems like 3+special button+block/dodge button

But that wouldn't come from mechanics. But I do agree that if you really want to be as welcoming as possible, removing motions and sticking to 1 button specials entirely would be the best solution.
Personally, in a straight casual setting, and I mean the absolute casual setting (which makes up 95% of the population playing FGs) in games like SF, Tekken, players don't really care much about being able to do Delta inputs or EWGFs. Players who are willing to be part of the very harsh learning curve of FGs (even casual-friendly ones like DBFZ, SFV etc) won't mind this executive barrier, especially since inputs in ASW games are very simple nowadays, while also giving an immediate incentive to work on tech skill. Both visions have their pros and cons, but I think the important part is being consistant on the matter.

Playable demo confirmed in July at an GBF event.

Erune master race.

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Surely they won't forget their fighting game references characters, right?

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thats a lot of fluff talk and your point is totally lost. the fact is, casuals will be able to play without practice, and people who choose to practice will advance and play against people who also chose to practice. theres nothing negative about it. its the perfect solution to the problems fighting games are faces, once again, from arcsys.

>they will never add zodiacs out of fear of an SNK lawsuit

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Probably LMH+S+Block

>Motions mean cooldowns are almost instant
Jiyuna said that it was faster but not enough for you to HAVE to use motions. So I don't know about that one. Since it doesn't show whether they used motions or not I can't tell for sure.

>Block button, but you can't just defend with it and throw techs will always be a late tech
It also means no cross-ups

I really want to like it and Ferry looks like she could be a lot of fun, but those 2 aspects of the game ruins the hype for me. Hopefully I get into the beta to come to a conclusion.

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>Ferry has her catGeorge and the mine explosion to hold people in blockstun and open them up
We simply must do something about the zoner menace

Same with Feather and Ghanda.

>Who is the best mommy?
>Who is the best nee-san?
pic related

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Heles or Metera

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yeah,the zodiacs, feather, and randall will 100% join

Could they have actual ground to sue if they keep their ougis?
Wouldn't it get treated as an homage or something

We already have characters with similar weapons so it's not something that will go against them, also Ilsa use a gun and crossbow. I suppose that they will want at least one character to represent each type of weapon in the base game but after that, it really doesn't matter. I'm 100% sure that we will get way more than one gunner in the game at some point.

Small girl. Big dreams.

I'm waiting to roll Silva so I can have my own water gun team. I love having gun teams, but I don't really have the characters for it at the moment.

>noob options that i wont and shouldnt use ruin the game for me
wow you sound retarded

Silva is ludicrously fun to use, she can throw out a ton of damage on demand.

Why do people who claim the play for fun always get the saltiest when they lose? They also tend to be way better than me, and you wouldn't catch me lying about playing for fun when I play to win. I feel like these guys also play to win but feel the need to lie about it, why so?

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>Jiyuna said that it was faster but not enough for you to HAVE to use motions.
see Or just watch the game in general. Motions give you access to more strengths and the cooldown is negligible. Joiyuna was constantly getting stuff wrong

>It also means no cross-ups
Which means you will only use it in that circumstance, if it even gives crossup protection.

>races of foxboys and bullmen
>get cucked by humanCHADS

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>its the perfect solution to the problems fighting games are faces, once again, from arcsys.

The main problem that FGs face is an insanely harsh learning curve with little to no immediate reward. ArcSys proposes absolutely no solution on that regard (because it doesn't exist) but instead provides worse options for newbies that only makes the initial learning process more obtuse for people willing to learn. It's a very simple point, you're just being dense for the sake of it.

Which Granblue is the most big tits ara ara? That's who I want in the game.

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Block button was also confirmed to lose access to just frame blocks. Also it's Jiyuna, he talks out the side of his mouth all the time. Between them Obama was the only one that had actually played the game.
Just wait for a transcript of the JP video since that one is where we're all getting the real info from.

Magisa, basically Nine with Shadow Labrys's Persona.

Attached: magisa.jpg (2143x3029, 3.77M)

>Cooldowns locking me out of my options
>Removing cross-ups
Just because you don't use it doesn't mean it doesn't affect you.

I've seen it many times and the cat seems like an isolated case. I would have to get my hands on the game to tell for sure.

>Which means you will only use it in that circumstance
Yeah, which still doesn't change the fact that they remove cross-ups

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>worse option for noobies
and how exactly is being able to block cross ups with no understanding of fighting games and no practice worse than being unable to if youre a nooby who has no idea what hes doing?
>The main problem that FGs face is an insanely harsh learning curve with little to no immediate reward
so in other words, exactly what they addressed with the block button and one button specials that have disadvantages, and learning gives more advantages addressing exactly what you said was the problem.

>the lineup so far seems to be paying close attention to fan-favorite characters, and the ones that feel distant.

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>That Harvin
wew lad

>exclusive dlc characters locked behind buying $100 blu rays

is your wallet ready?

>Magisa and her Bull
was it cuck kino?

I see this get thrown around a lot because she has a Gun and Bow pro-efficiency, but what part of Nybeth is supposed to be a crossbow? Because I don't see it.

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>the cat seems like an isolated case.
It is working like everything else, that is just the clearest example we have

>which still doesn't change the fact
Apart from the actual fact that isn't confirmed


>>Cooldowns locking me out of my options
>>Removing cross-ups
imagine dropping your hot opinion without even watching the video
>b-but i did watch it
now imagine dropping your hot opinion without knowing what the fuck youre talking about and pretending not to be a casual

the cooldowns are near instant when you use inputs, and the EX inputs are actually faster than you would ever get from gaining meter in any other game. kill yourself idiot.

So theres traditional block by holding back and a block button?
And there are one button specials and inout specials and input has a slightly shorter cooldown?

Correct me if im wrong casue that doest sound to bad at all.
Players can just use whatever is comfortable

But she's more interested in young boys than bulls.

Attached: child predator.png (633x917, 619K)

>fighting game with cooldowns
Should be mobile shit only.

t. casual retard pretending to know what hes talking about

>fan favorite
so Vira, Silva, Percival, Jeanne, Cagliostro, Yuisis, Anthuria, Sen, Cucuroux is in

At least my hand is still able to do dp motions unlike yours. :)


Percival is in

They ramped up outta nowhere, I guess they realized they were going too slow. We'll hopefully see more regular characters updates leading to Evo, with a full roster/demo/release date there.

There are many examples of the cooldowns carrying on in which we don't know whether an inputs has been used or not.
Blocking cross-ups is a direct consequence of a block button. Otherwise you would still be using directions, which would make it completely useless.

A cooldown, when active, will lock you out of 1 or 4 moves.

>EX inputs are actually faster than you would ever get from gaining meter in any other game
But it locks you out of the regular versions too

Manually doing everything has a benefit in each aspect. The JP video said manual inputs on specials cuts cooldown in half across the board. They also said that directional blocking is the only way to access instant/just frame blocks and instant/just frame parries on characters with parry mechanics. Guard button blocking also can't perfect tech throws and will always late tech.

im high ranked in every fighting game i play. you however are a scrub pretending you actually know what youre talking about to fluff up your ego in an online message board.

>m high ranked in every fighting game i play
post proof and I'll suck your dick

>But it locks you out of the regular versions too
whoa, so youre saying its just a unique system? HOLY SHIT THATS AWFUL! we need uh uh more pushblock! and uh uh we need less uh optional stuff for noobs and uh uh. yea i pretty much want every game to be identical and purely hardcore so i can pretend to be a bad ass on Yea Forums despite having only 60 hours

I hope the beta isn't an unplayable shitshow like dbfz's, bbtag's was alright

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I really like that version of Ilsa, it never seemed right how much her sides are exposed.

It's more like a beam crossbow (so it's not even a crossbow, it's just a beam gun with a crossbow shape). She use it for her Charge Attack and for her Sacred Hell skill, otherwise she use her gun with bullets (regular moves and Evensong skill), I think she use both for her Ear Ringer skill.

>cooldown meters

Attached: BARA KIIIIIICK.gif (600x338, 3.62M)

>people are saying cross ups were removed
>video shows cross ups with its own side bar saying cross up

Yeah, good point. ROFL.

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>Between them Obama was the only one that had actually played the game.
It's pretty obvious that Obama is the only one that did seem to have worked on that commentary especially given the multiple:
>Jyu: "Well, they took the characters from the card game!"
>* Granblue Fantasy is a RPG available on browsers

>There are many examples of the cooldowns carrying on in which we don't know whether an inputs has been used or not.
What the video, it is really that simple. You can see the difference between cooldowns, motions have way less delay. There is nothing suggesting the cat is an isolated case.

>Blocking cross-ups is a direct consequence of a block button.
No it isn't, you have no idea how it functions in this game. Post some actual proof of how it works in this game.

its a joke, jiyuna used to play gbf.

You'd think people here would stop saying ignorant stuff after being put on scrubquotes, but nah they just really don't want to pay attention if it means they can't shitpost

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Stop samefaging and go back to your SFV thread, thanks.

>and how exactly is being able to block cross ups with no understanding of fighting games and no practice worse than being unable to if youre a nooby who has no idea what hes doing?

Being unable to fully tech throws is extremely damaging, especially if you're not fully aware of why you can't. Being also unable to instant block combined with the extreme lack of pushback also means blockstrings will most likely be much harder to punish for players who block using the button. The latter is considerably important because being a sitting duck in block situation is extremely unfun for any sort of player, see any DBFZ match starting from moderate level.

>so in other words, exactly what they addressed with the block button and one button specials that have disadvantages
Not really. That's only a part of the starting learning curve. The initial point of these mechanics is basically smoothing the beginning part, but that doesn't mean the grind for optimization, neutral, MU specific knowledge, won't exist. Why do you think FGs popular, even casual friendly ones, always have a huge drop in their playerbase? Because you're not going to invest possibly hundreds of hours in a game for long-term rewards unless you have a huge amount of dedication, and that's not something you can "solve" by removing QCF inputs. The problem isn't that ASW doesn't offer a solution to stop that problem (because no one can), but it presents an half-assed solution that puts players of different skills in uneven conditions, and that's something completely abhorrant in a genre reputed for having no bias toward anything but skill.

>you won't even get in because some chink who shouldn't even be able to apply entered 500,000 times

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i'm at a point in my life where i play CSGO as my go-to-shooter and pirate games because i can't afford to buy things on steam. if i use an emulator will i be able to have a good time playing granblue fantasy or do i need to shell out some dough?

i've been reading granblue fantasy hentais and they're amazing. really got me interested in the characters at least.

I wouldn't call it a half-assed solution. It's basically there for casuals to play against casuals.

Everything else is just business as usual for fighting game players, and that means we need more time to see just what the game is actually like.

granblue is a free browser game

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There is an English setting somewhere.

The game is literally a browser game, the various apps on mobile are just re-skinned web browsers.

i dont know what to tell you man, you type way too much bullshit without actually addressing the philosophy or the logic of the issue. you still have yet to explain how these noob options dont address the problem you yourself claimed existed, or what you would do to improve the problem you yourself claimed existed.

What's with that silly crown?

>There is nothing suggesting the cat is an isolated case.
You can see at around 9:30 how a hadouken has significantly more cooldown than what a regular hadouken would inherently have due to the single projectile on screen condition, for example. And it seems very clearly to be an input.

>No it isn't
If it doesn't block cross-ups it is simply useless, as it will require you to input directions for lows, overheads and cross-ups. For that you would use a blocking while idle mechanic like GG in stylish mode or Tekken. Yet again, I said that I need to play the beta to come to a conclusion. But you guys are incredibly defensive about this game.

But the sideboobs are a must for any female Erune, it just isn't right without them.

the tutorial took me five months

What the fuck I thought we hated Granblue Versus?
They added cooldowns and a dumbass tranny. What the fuck bros?


she has a height complex

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ladiva is a hilarious joke character though, not some neo-marxist shit

No one cared who she was until she puts on the crown.
She has a complex about her height, which is why she's wearing that long crown to compensate for being a womanlet.

The problem with the Granblue wiki is that it already assumes you know how the game works. Once you know how the game works, it's easy to start progressing.

Sorry bro, seems you missed the last meeting where everyone decided that it was good. I'll PM you the minutes.

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I think that just applies to their backs being exposed. I just like military uniform women and her sides being so exposed don't really work with the rest of her uniform, in my opinion. I don't really mind it that much.

She's overcompensating because she's the leader of an order of knights and thinks that it's discrediting for them to have a potato as their leader.

>Obari Pose

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fucking this im still trying to figure shit out after a year

All I want from this game is for THE PAIN TRAIN to be a secret boss.

Im so mad. I hoped they went full rising thunder, instead we got this monstrosity with "longer cooldowns" for specials for no good reason. I hope the difference is so negligible that only 1% top players will be able to take advantage of it.

I want to mash this potato.

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Don't feel bad user, I played for 2 years and it took me a year to figure shit out too.
6 Magna + 2 Unknown + Bahamut + Seraphic for starting grid

is there only one combo because thats all i saw

>we have a sword midget
>what do we do for her special?
>the pose
>JAM project plays muffled in the background

you sound retarded

>If it doesn't block cross-ups it is simply useless
It most likely only blocks one direction at a time, if you press it too early when the enemy is about to cross you up you'll be fucked because you'll keep defending in the direction where he was and not where he is now.

So many things do it already, it's not that neat anymore

I want to lewd that box

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yeah I spent like 3 months mindlessly doing m1 raids but at least I get to do m2 raids now for all elements, all it took was some shitposting here and /gbfg/ pretending to be a retard

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Nah it's shit

I don’t understand how people still don’t know how to play fighting games besides how neutral works.
You punish unsafe moves like wife’s dp’s And do a basic ABC combo into special into super if you have the meter.

i actually understood some of that so im getting there

Cygames literally had a collab with SNK games after Sheep was released. It shouldn't be a problem.

I can play them, I want to be good though. Not just another online scrub that loses to literal beginners.
And yes, neutral is one, if not, my biggest flaw.

Why isn't this Guilty Gear?

Most of the people I've seen that freak out about fighting games at that mid level are the ones that think too much about the game and forget about playing in the moment. Like, they don't know how to turn their brain off and are always trying to hit their combos, but their brain is so locked into that they become weaker at everything else.

GranMommy Fantasy
bros I love mommies so much...

Magna weapons come from Magna raids, Unknown weapons come from Xeno raids and Events, Baha and Seraphic are in the shop.

ArcSys is like Platinum. Now that they're a meme studio they can license games for what is objectively more profit.

Too complex for people incapable of doing motions.

But I recognize the thing. I like it when they do the thing I recognize.

>how a hadouken has significantly more cooldown than what a regular hadouken would inherently
That doesn't help any point you have made at all. Yeah if you look at one instance of a move being used, and not the several other times you will have a hard time guessing which is which. If anything that goes against your original point that inputs barely give you an advantage, see as we do see her projectile restock incredibly fast earlier.

>If it doesn't block cross-ups it is simply useless
It is a crutch for casual players

>But you guys are incredibly defensive about this game.
because you're making incredibly stupid posts. You have still failed to explain why the cat is an isolated case when it line sup with everything else we've seen. Cause what you really meant was the clearest example possible goes against my point

Because Guilty Gear doesn't make money and CyGames has all the money in Japan.

Found this more recent one.

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>there are people in this blue earth of ours who actually have Farrah as their favorite girl in GBF
I am very sorry for you

I want cuc

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>Reversal beam
It's gonna be funny to catch projectile spammers from the other side of the screen.

>dumbasses getting mad at the cooldowns conveniently forget that manually doing the input instead of mashing the special button makes the cooldown almost nonexistant
>Yea Forums is bad at fighting games
hmmmmmmm, really makes me think

because theres already another guilty gear in production. why are you pretending to be a guilty gear guy if you dont know this? theyve announced it constantly.
Our boy HiFight saving us

>tfw I only managed to get 4 copies of Sarahvir, 1 Harp and NO Water Xeno weapons because FGO was also having an event and I only have so much time outside of work

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It depends on the special. Fireballs are basically zero cooldown but from the looks of it I doubt everything is.

So like a feint?

don't worry bro it will come back
...sometime next year

>wife’s dp’s

And to answer your question, people like doing the fancy stuff or don't know how to do damage off multiple starters. Like if you play unist you might know how to start a combo off a 2a confirm on Akatsuki but have no idea to confirm off a 5b which means you do nothing with your turn when it happens

I know what you mean, I had to clear CCC in the last 3 days in between my Uni stuff, I feel like shit now after the double whammy of Xeno and CCC in between uni.

>got all four weapons in half the time it took for me to get the fire axe last xeno
my dogshit m1 earth and water are now my strongest

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watch this

>another sword

didn't get any...

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Kinda the same, but at least I got 1 Water Xeno so I can level it up to sl10 at least.

I've seen it multiple times, because people have told me to, lol.
I assume you're reffering to the part where a literal who beats a tourney player, that doesn't apply to me. I can't beat ANYONE, be it beginners, low level players, mid level players, etc.

I'm glad our guy rackam is a proud fighter against degeneracy.

He fucks an airship (male). He has no right to lecture anyone on degeneracy.

It's odd seeing an arcsys game with no air dashing

Which one looks like they are going to be OP? Lancelot looks like he might be

she's a katana bro

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Not impossible that we'll have her or Lecia in the game since one stage is in the enforcers' HQ during the empire's attack.

Ferry is pretty annoying and have good tools.

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meant for

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maybe it's a bad choice but it's something used a lot and it rarely gives problems.

in starcraft the correct way to play the game is to only produce what you need and constantly manage your base to be efficient with resources.

but you also can queue up stuff to build and it will build automatically.
this is more inefficient because you don't allocate resources correctly but helps casuals to build without having to check base every 10 seconds.

it really is the best design you keep the depth and help casuals.

I fucking love wind.

>very powerless man soloes god at a very high speed

That voice still fucks me up.

Even with this new info we have on specials and cooldowns, we still don't know how that one Lancelot combo from his overview trailer works where he starts with EX sliding stab into combo into another slide stab special works if doing Ex moves locks you out of the special.
Literally Ferry

>see as we do see her projectile restock incredibly fast earlier
The cooldown starts charging as soon as it gets blocked, which is likely the trigger. There could be another factors as well, such as it being the second projectile or her being in active frames. A difference is present but the size of it is unclear.
Ferry's cat, however, is very constant with the cooldown, which recovers upon de-spawn for the regular versions.

>It is a crutch for casual players
But it doesn't actually help in any way then. Pressing a direction has no difficulty over pressing a button. It is also important to note that all instances of block buttons have covered cross-ups.

No Yuisis, no buy.

Magna Wind steamrolling everything KMR can throw at it is fun to watch.
>Eternals boss rush
>Magna Wind is the 3rd grid to beat it after Primal Light and Primal Dark
>Magna Wind breezes through it too

the difference is that you will naturally get better at producing units in a rts as you get faster. if you are using the simple inputs in this game there is no progression to using the advanced ones. you have to learn them from the start like you had never used the simple ones. the beginners that the system is supposed to be helping will end up frustrated that they learned the game wrong and either quit like every other game or turn into "I play for fun" scrubs who can't improve.

The voices were already recorded when they changed her design last minute in order to appeal to a wider audience.

>chip kills
Can't wait for the skill floor of this game to be too hard for Yea Forums

>Gran's Crew:
Gran, Katalina, Metera, Lowain
Zeta, Vaseraga
>Dragon Knights:
Lancelot, Percival
>Holy Knights:
>Luminary Knights/Erste Empire
Black Knight? Sturm? Drang?
>Mist-Shrouded Isle
Lecia? Monika?

You can cover a lot of the early GBF world and stories with this.

oh you
But I blame the existence of this menace for Magna Wind being tard strong

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You just know Virgin Soul would have ruined him if he appeared

I'll have my first eternal soon. She a cute.

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Ferry looks busted who the fuck okayd her kit?

Why was Virgin Soul so terrible

fujobucks with a fujoself insert character

Nio is alright at 4* but she's only the (second) best support in the game at 5*

>self insert

Writen by a fujoshit who didn't like the first season.

I hate fujoshit as much as you do but Virgin Soul wasn't fujoshit, it was a very bad shoujo
Fujos don't want the pretty boys to fuck them, fujos want the pretty boys to fuck themselves

Considering my Magna wind right now has Gawain, Yuisis and 3 SR's, I'll take it. Who would you consider the best support?

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No, you don't understand. Fujos are the same market as shoujo. It's all about when they want to be fucked, and when they want to fuck. Why do you think so many shoujo manga-ka come from fujoshi yaoi circles?
Even CLAMP started as fujos.

Still trying to decide my first one between Nio an Threo

So good she runs outside of her own element, there are multiple UBHL solo runs with Andira on the team because of her full heal, undispellable buffs with 6/7 uptime and permanent debuffs that go beyond the ATK/DEF debuff cap.
And she's a cutie.

>using a super puts all of your specials on long cooldown
there'd better be a good reason for this

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At least it isn't just press X to cool and there will be options.
I can't muster a fuck to give about granblue but the midget and wrestler look neat.

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They even got busted f2p characters like Kokkoro.

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Womanlets, when will they learn

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I want powerless man

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Without knowing the games mechanics, I would assume its so you can't special into super into special.

>The cooldown starts charging as soon as it gets blocked, which is likely the trigger
This helps no point you have made before. I'm not even sure what you are trying to pull now. We've seen the cooldown go quick for a move, we've seen it go slow for the same move. What more do you require here? The motion is better, there is no doubt about that.

> There could be another factors as well
Now you are bullshitting.

> however, is very constant with the cooldown
This again doesn't help your point at all. You're acting like there is some contradiction here but there really isn't

> Pressing a direction has no difficulty over pressing a button
Casual players do find it easier, go ask MK casuals. The idea they can just sit there holding the button is easier for them to process.

>It is also important to note that all instances of block buttons have covered cross-ups.
Your point is for this game, prove it for this game.

Do the cutscenes and character intros run at 6fps like dooberz?

>test out my M1 Wind grid
>16 million damage
>test out my M1 Earth gird
>14 million damage
>test out my M1 Water grid
>8 million damage

Nio has comatose which is a super helpful debuff, it makes the opponent not act and reduces their defense while they're taking a nap.
Only downside is that every attack instance has a 25% chance of waking the dude up.
Threo's good and the QoL character for lower levels because her third skill deals huge plain damage, which can help a lot in Arcarum and grinding overall.

i see bloomers

>is one of the thirstiest characters in the cast and will one day take your chastity whether you like it or not

user NO!

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Get yourself some harps and 4* them for Sentence

>they put a notice on the actual Granblue browser game with a link to the beta
I signed up three times 5 minutes after it went live out of pure luck but I still feel like I’m going to lose out. Though it could be a fighterz shitshow where I’m sitting the entire time waiting for a match

harp only

>paralyze is temporarily
And also resisted on every fight where it could be useful anyway.



>Magna Water
Alright son, I'm gonna keep it real with you.
Do you have Vajra or Summer Grea?
If not, don't even bother, they're the only things that can make Magna Water not trash.
If you do, make Kengou's CCW and grind for 2 of her harps.

QoL character?
Pretty much done with that after I got Monika

What user


>This helps no point you have made before. I'm not even sure what you are trying to pull now.
What I've been trying to say the entire time is that the cooldowns are not neglectable even if you use motions. If your hadouken is on cooldown after it leaves the screen when jumped over you are preventing the most basic form of zoning and potentially any other.

>Now you are bullshitting.
How so? Some cooldowns seem to align with specific things. Maybe the fact that she's during a DP animation affects the time the cooldown takes to start recovering. Maybe the fact that she did 2 hadoukens in a row affects it. How is that difficult to understand.

>Your point is for this game, prove it for this game.
Again, this is not a conclusion. There's no reason for me to completely assume it works either way, but it is the most likely configuration.

>Casual players do find it easier, go ask MK casuals.
It does cover cross-ups in MK though.

she cute

Are those grandma pants peeking under her skirt?

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Will prioritize harps, thanks. I actually plan on trying out a staff meme team, but I need to make the Ultima and Hollowsky for that first.

I have Grea but no Dog or Uno. I did make a Kaneshiggy to unlock T4 classes but without Uno and Dog it's not really impressive on it's own.

It looks very simple but I'll give the Beta a whirl when the weekend comes up.

>Chip kills

>Pretty much done with that after I got Monika
>he doesn't know about HOW FAR AWAY
For real, the Arcarum summons are all useful, especially the ones that give you more damage against the opposing element, even if you ignore the oracles and their retarded reqs.
Anyway, I say QoL because you don't spend much time in fights of whatever element when Ground Zero hits for like 900k plain damage against everyone

>Pretty much done with that after I got Monika
It's still worth doing Arcarum, most of my Chev Swords and Old Eggsacks came from Arcarum.

wtf she's cheating!

Grea helps damage a lot, but Water is the ougi element so if you don't have any weapons that raise CA damage then you're gimping yourself.

>Guilty Gear ripoff
Yeah no thanks.
When's Guilty Gear?


next week

Right now I'm using Grea/ Altair/ Silva with a garbage Leviathan Dagger grid. I need to slot in the two Xeno weapons I got from the xeno event, both of them just need skill levels, I was using placeholder EX weapons from sidestories.

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post hours

I’m sorry I spent too much time on Sarasa already to switch to the ougi man, but he’s a top priority eternal for me now at least

>the Arcarum summons are all useful
Well I did start the fire one, Devil I think

You assume I know what those are

she has no dp, no armor, and no parry while others do. her kit is just fine.

Where the fuck is Gilbert ? Yea Forums told me he was in

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I would chase just about any Granblue girl if they asked me to hang out

It'll be a cold day in hell before I make an old man for esports

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Where the FUCK is Cagliostro?



No, i meant the video as a whole. It has some good info. I would recommend getting the game and joining a beginners lobby. I'm terrible at fighting games, to the point where i couldn't even jump cancel for years. Doing that helped me a ton. As for winning that'll come from fighting opponents at your level.

does anyone besides FKHR even like her

>. If your hadouken is on cooldown after it leaves the screen when jumped over you are preventing the most basic form of zoning and potentially any other.
Do you even know how a hadoken works? 2 can't be on screen at the same time. As the footage shows you get the motion one back instantly after it is no longer on screen. This is exactly the same. Fireball, wait till it is gone in whatever way, fireball. You're acting like you can rapid fire projectiles in SF

>How so?
Because you invented things that didn't happened

>It does cover cross-ups in MK though.
And you also have to press down to block lows. That doesn't change casuals find it easier. They don't exclusively find it easier cause of crossups.

Whoever told you that was taking the piss out of you
>any act2 character getting in

Luminera Swords, the hardest to get M1 weapons in the game and one of Light's signature weapons, and the Ancient Eche Sachs, a powerful M2 Fire weapon if you equip several of them.

You know its funny because most people who ask this shit probably don't play GG and just want to sound cool. Like everyone who kept posting "play Guilty Gear" but nobody was actually playing around those times other than 3 people.

That helps a lot but again, if you don't add Europa Harps at 4* or a Drangball Z at 4* to the grid, you won't be dealing much damage.
To give you an idea of how much difference they make, I myself have only one Drangball and I can 1T for 16M without a lot of button presses.


You make him because he's cool

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where the primals at

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>100% female body
Mind doesn't matter my dude.

Oh damn, I have a Drangball and 3 damabars, would it be worth to use it even in a Magna grid?

whatever you have to tell yourself
enjoy making out with "the cutest old man in the world"

Devil at 4* gives like 30% extra HP so your fire team becomes basically immortal
The character associated is Fraux who comes with 3 nukes and has a passive that makes them activate twice for retarded damage, but her usage is super specific.

fuck off tranny

Magna wind strength has always been like an pulse monitor. We've had tard strong ticks before monkey and we will continue to have them. I mean ENs first memes with the game was about windmemers.


If you actually cared about GG you would know the answer to this

You need a Normal skill modifier in the grid to begin with so I say go ahead if you don't want to use those damabars on anything else.

Isn't Eggsacks technically M2? You need prestige pendants to get them, not renown pendants.

Those were the days.
Remember when Korwa was core?

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Yea Forums played gg so much they got kicked to /vg/ and imploded

Magna 2 weapons drop from Magna 2 raids.
Sticks are old as sin and from T1 summon raids (though they do also drop from Shiva).

They're twigs, not sticks

If you've ever gone from playing a game with back to block to a block button like MK or SC you can immediately feel the disadvantages. I know MK and SC don't have cross-ups but you can't input any actions while you're holding block, so you can't walk back or crouch tech or anything.

Right now my water grid is a mess due to a lack of mainhands and EX weapons.

Right now it's a gatcha gun for Mechanic mainhand, 6 Levi daggers, an EX weapon, Seraphic and Baha. Only 1 event EX weapon might explain the lack of damage. I have both Xeno water weapons, one 4* and one 0* so I can skill them soon and put both in the grid. How many Levi daggers do I need? And is it worth slotting in a Drang ball? I don't mind using a staff class with it.

>As the footage shows you get the motion one back instantly after it is no longer on screen.
Where? 9:34 seems to indicate the opposite.

>Because you invented things that didn't happened
I didn't "invent things that didn't happen". I proposed possible things that might be happening without on-screen indication. Hence the use of "could be" and "maybe". They are assumptions in the same way you are assuming the block button doesn't cover cross-ups. No historical background, no indications; but still virtually possible.

>And you also have to press down to block lows. That doesn't change casuals find it easier. They don't exclusively find it easier cause of crossups.
Citation needed.


More like "Reload after 50% and he's dead"

When I originally made that post I was looking for that exact picture to post but found it had sadly died with my old hard drive and I hadn't resaved. Time to yoink this.

Also I wish korwa was still relevant, unironically loved her aesthetics, she was also my first $$$ spark and began my long road of whaling.

I completely forgot but one of the stages they fought on definitely was the enforcer city right? Wouldn't that mean monika or lecia would definitely get in

yuel when
alexiel when

First things first, you don't need that many daggers since they suck, 5 is enough
Second, uncap the daggers
Third, an event weapon at 4* is better than a xeno weapon at 0*
Fourth, Drangball at 4* gives massive atk modifier and CA DMG up so go for it
Fifth, make a water Kaneshiggy

no it just means there's a stage for that island because it's recognizable

>RoB imports

>start paying earlier this year
>get annitix
>still regretting it
never buying anything again desu

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So Ladiva is a he?

bitch i dont know who's an RoB character and who isn't I only know any of these characters through Granblue

Yea Forums didn't play shit that was just a bunch of shitposting yuros.

>Lancelot's special starts recharging and then goes back down
explain this

This is the test game before Riot makes their own LoL Versus

I mean, Wind is still a meme, just had some downtime during 2018

Attached: con_air.jpg (346x500, 93K)

>Third, an event weapon at 4* is better than a xeno weapon at 0*
Wait, there are event weapons at 4*? I have a 2* meme banana weapon from the Lunalu event and the 3* katana from the recent Medusa event I think.

Is there a fix for constant error messages playing GBF? Wanted to start playing but can't get past the first quest without error coding out and having to start again
Wired connection on browser and i'm definitely not dropping packets

He definitely is.

Biologically yes.
He just acts like a she

At the start of the video, her moves are used as the example of motions recharging a move quicker. You seem to think 9:34 is the only time she ever did a fireball. This also really isn't the point you were making before about button vs motion, but now trying to prove that cooldowns ruin zoning.

>I didn't "invent things that didn't happen". I proposed possible things that might be happening
Fuck off that is the same thing

>They are assumptions in the same way you are assuming the block button doesn't cover cross-ups.
I said we don't know, I didn't make a positive claim.

>Citation needed.
I told you, ask MK fans. You could go ask the general right now. You're trying to push they only love it cause of no crossup


Collab weapons are all 4*
Priconne's specifically is a water sword

disable Ad blockers or VPN if you have one

D-do you think she's muscular AND short? I'm asking for a friend who likes muscular short stacks. Not me. I don't.

as bad as people say it is this casual player still want to main earth with guns. is that possible?

If you're casual just do what you want

Do we know if there's a charge character yet?
That could be a really interesting use of the button specials/cooldown thing. Basically no cooldown if done normally, but you can skip the charge and get your move instantly if you need, at the tradeoff of locking it out for a bit

Well that's why I used the EKG analogy, we were the meme mvp at release of m1, until light bois started getting 6+ chev swords then korwa was released and we shat on peoples face for 12 hours and then dribbled again for a bit. Next up came S zoi which we utilized for wanpanning raids for easy mvps. For there we kind of slept until m2 release, did really well initially, but ubhl shitting dispels meant that didn't last long with how wind was setup so we slept again until monkey 5*, the rest is as you know.

Oh shit, I didn't even notice, I've been using weaker EX weapons the whole time. Nice, I'm making good progress here. So right now before I get my M2 weapons my grid should be
>5 Daggers
>4* Drang Ball
>Baha Coda
>SSR Seraphic
>4* Xeno Staff
>another EX weapon

There's no stack there, I'll tell you that much
You're barking up the wrong tree to begin with, the shortstack race is Draphs, not Harvins

No, only male potatoes get to be ripped Art

what do you mean main

Looks solid to me but you'll need to drop that Baha eventually

>Pretty much done with that after I got Monika
>sunlight stones
>arcarum summons

>Where? 9:34 seems to indicate the opposite.
The first projectile here you can see her crouch before doing it for a second, it replenishes instantly. This is most likely the input being made. The second we see no crouch, it takes a little while to replenish. Which is motion likely the simple command.

Attached: 1545522456662.webm (1920x1080, 2.22M)

and if i want to start to get better

What does the Baha get replaced with? An Ultima?

*most likely the simple command

Attached: 1535409336474.png (960x800, 258K)

For some reason I care more about getting characters than everything else and fuck oracles requirements

I would ask/gbfg/ but they're busy arguing about self inserts and fujos. should I keep selfira and swap xmas yaia for arriet in my back row or keep Xmas yaia

Attached: Screenshot_20190517-083249.png (1200x1920, 1.49M)

mainly use it for everything

>Get into GBF right after a free draw event thing


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I wish I was that chair

>short stacks
Wrong race

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creature of nightmares

>no it just means there's a stage for that island because it's recognizable
The thing is that it's not just Amalthea, it's apparently Amalthea under the siege of the Erste Empire (chapters 43/44) and Lecia is a major character during that part of the story since she lead the resistance of the city.
KMR said that we will go through some past events of the story.

Attached: 720px-Npc_zoom_3030087000_01.png (720x600, 288K)

Lecia isn't important

disabling adblocker helped, thanks

Youll have no problems with the campaign and most events but give up on ever ranking on GW without a massive amount of time and autism. Soloing HL raids might be a problem too

Yeah, or even a second harp
At that point I recommend testing out the damage

The "Good!" means that the motion was used for the move. I assume the cooldown just gets longer with consecutive uses of the same special.

Could always make an account during flashfest which is hopefully happening tomorrow or next(important for your startfash ticket) and wait for free rolls during summer grubfest

>The "Good!" means that the motion was used for the move.
Where did you find that one out?

Ah, is it because the Drang Ball provides a large enough normal modifier?

Startdash or beginners ticket*

>At the start of the video, her moves are used as the example of motions recharging a move quicker. You seem to think 9:34 is the only time she ever did a fireball.
It's not the only time but it is the time it whiffs, which is a key factor here.

>This also really isn't the point you were making before about button vs motion
It was never about button vs motion, but about the cooldowns specifically. They don't seem to be negligible for motions.

>Fuck off that is the same thing
It is clearly not. Knowing and speculating are radically different things.

>I said we don't know, I didn't make a positive claim.
Then don't try to disregard my hypotheses which do have historical background.

>I told you, ask MK fans
I will do, but if you want to use that as proof you should have done so yourself. Not having to decide between inputs due to blocking depending on directions is a really important reduction in complexity. Without that it is completely subjective whether they like it of not. I wouldn't even say they love it, but rather they just don't dislike it. However, it is clear that it reduces the complexity of blocking thus making it more accessible. There's no real point of using it from the design standpoint if the complexity doesn't change, much less putting handicaps on it.
I don't think it is. The input is probably buffered in the backdash. I'm not completely sure but the use of the motions might be what triggers the "Good!" prompt.

Ladiva and Lowain too.

So you guys ready for GW?
Because I sure ain't

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If you look at the matches, it certainly looks like it. It shows up a lot for Daigo and his cooldowns are way shorter while Fuudo used the quick moves more.

Xmas Yaia is backrow core

keep Xmas Yaia in the backrow

But it shows up for both whenever they do any special move. Didn't show up for Fuudo less, and rewatching the footage I don't think I've seen a special where it didn't pop up.

>>play for 300 hours or 4 months
>>still bad, barely improved

>dumb brainlet thinks playing more hours equals getting better

maybe reevaluate what the fuck you were doing during those 300 hours that made you a garbage player.

There's multiple possibilities there:
- It's two different variations of the same special attack, perhaps her first attack actually doesn't throw a projectile but is just an extended poke, hence why the way lower cooldown
- It's the exact same move, the first one is given back instantly because the projectile got immediately destroyed while the second still existed for a while after whiffing (for me that the most likely given how the cooldown reset seems to be triggered instantly after some time and isn't slowly being filled back like Lance's move).
- One is the normal input while the other is the shortcut version

Gib new guilty gear

Just to make sure before I criticize, is this some f2p Caim grid?

There's many instances of it appearing or not during Katalina vs Lancelot. It does show up a lot, but Daigo and Fuudo don't really have a reason to use shortcut inputs other than not knowing the input or maybe a DP on reaction, so it makes sense they get it a lot. Daigo also says he didn't use the skill button enough, so it all seems to fit together.

It's what I can make-do

Attached: file.png (432x251, 181K)

Spamming isn't the reason

Attached: spam.webm (1920x1080, 1.8M)

guilty gear sucks

Attached: 1535573402592.jpg (480x480, 63K)

fill rolls as a grappler and joke character
Lecia is just another sword character

Based skillful zoning gameplay


>There's many instances of it appearing or not during Katalina vs Lancelot.
I don't think that quite works. At 8:01 Lancelot does an ex projectile, it doesn't say good yet his bar lacks an ex variant of his projectile

When the game has the counter, just, down etc it really reminds me of a phone game ui and I don't know why you can have 3 in a row. Seems like it's unnecessary and it clutters the screen.

damned monkey

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Correct. Whiffing does seem to extend the cooldown time. Here it seems to me that the time is the same as in the DP scenario so the active frames might not influence it either, though it does happen quite in sync. But it's probably just a coincidence.

>his bar lacks an ex variant of his projectile
What do you mean?

>katalina's projectile refreshes cooldown if it contacts something
>lancelet's does not

interesting balance
in another ASW game Lancelet's projectile would have its own meter on the bottom of the screen, this system expresses it in a more general way

>What do you mean?
That his skill bar up top just has the normal projectile, not an EX version (yellow diamond). Yet he does the ex projectile and no good appears

(ygg sword is there because muh calculator, for some reason it gives the most damage)

Attached: file.png (490x512, 517K)

>thinking that you won't get any other sword user

>Whiffing does seem to extend the cooldown time
But at 9:35 it connects and the same thing happens. The same move was clearly used in both cases, had a longer cooldown and said good. Whiffing doesn't seem to be a factor in that case

Percival is already in

hell no

I just want them to get the characters in the logo out of the way so I can get excited for trailers
Though I'm curious to see how some of them will work

I think it's because he gets a follow-up on it

>still have my birthday weapon pick
what do i choose

How crippled will the competitive scene in the West be by Ladiva pronoun drama?

Alex Axe if you plan on farming the upcoming Guild War a lot. If not, Grimnir Harp is a good pick.

Christmas Metera

At the start of the match, Kat whiffs a move yet gets the move back instantly. I don't think whiffing effects cooldowns

It says good if that matters

Attached: whiff.webm (1920x1080, 854K)

Like the yellow little diamond on Katalina's skill bar? When she uses that slot she does a regular move. Is that confirmed to be EX? I was thinking it was like an alternate version of a move.

What I meant was that maybe because she was in the active frames of the DP the cooldown of the projectile was held on until recovery, but it does not seem to be the case; even if the timing seems correct. What it looks like is that regardless of the use of motions, a whiffed projectile gets a long cooldown while a blocked one starts recovering instantly.

metatron claw

Also seems like Lancelot's air movement might be a diagonal down air dash. He is definitely the mix up character.

The game and lore says she so everyone is gonna roll with it.

We see characters do normal and ex variants and they don't have dupe icons so that theory is dead.

>It says good if that matters
probably because it was a motion input

Whiffing a regular melee attack is not the same as whiffing a projectile or a DP. Not all moves will be necessarily treated the same.

user don't be mean, that piece of shit was my first M2 drop ever.

Summer Grea

>I was thinking it was like an alternate version of a move.
I'm skimming the footage now, I've not seen any alternate version of the move so it seems like it could only be ex

>We see characters do normal and ex variants
Cause they do the normal motion instead. Skill bar lacks access

Lancelot already looks like he's going to be Tokido's character.

>I've not seen any alternate version of the move so it seems like it could only be e
It could be an alternate version in the sense of how certain strengths of a move gain certain properties. Like, Ryu's DP has invincibility in the MP version but not in the HP one. Something like that. In the cooldown shocase at the beginning she uses up the diamond stock but it is not an EX version.

I really don't think there is enough proof for that. The only thing working like that is Katalina's projectile, sometimes. It is easier to assume that one move is a different type than it works differently than everything else we've seen.

It's arcsys so chances are, if there are variants, then it's an ABC fighter with D being one button specials when pressed and guarding when held. Then C will always be EX versions.

So that would mean the quick input version of Lancelot's projectile is always ex? That would be a bit weird and kinda unfair.

>slide normal low that beats projectiles
>projectile with optional dash follow up
>DP is an invincible teleport with an optional attack follow up
>is also a rekka character
>ex dashing special is a launcher
>air dash is a downward dash for super easy empty jump lows
Fuck this dude already.

So are there quarter circles and stuff? I can't tell.

Traditional special inputs are there. Don't know how in depth though so Ladiva could max out at 360 inputs instead of 720s and pretzels.
It could just be quarters, halfs, and DP inputs with double taps like 44/66/22/88 depending on the character.

Maybe the skill line up acts as a shortcut? Like you can select the skill and the strength of that skill and assign it to a slot but otherwise you can do everything normally?

We really need to see the button layout because there's still too much we don't know. Do we know if it's gonna be the full LMH range with block and special buttons? Or will it be like Blade Strangers where it's LH then Special and Skill (where the universal sweep/anti air/overhead,etc are)?

Pretty ready. Thank god I got lucky with my draws because I sure as hell am not getting any luck with drops.

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I want to play this potato

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Why is she wearing underwear?

Would've been ready if not for being banned for using Viramate. I knew it would happen, but I'll be damned if I play this fucking game without basic QoL shit.

tfw trying to sell my account now, playing without virusmate is too much for me

if the "Good!" means the input was made which is the general consensus based on the footage, then yeah Kat did the input for the move which is probably 236a or 236b

We don't see that many fireballs, much less whiffed fireballs. Lancelot's fireball probably does the same, but we don't see any regular fireball whiffed by him, only EX. But it does seem to affect Kat's, which is indicative of the design philosophy.
It's also interesting to note how Daigo doesn't try to zone Fuudo out as if he was using Ryu even though Kat is a shoto. He doesn't seem to risk it having Fuudo jump over the fireball even though that could be the usual proceeding.

>D being one button specials when pressed and guarding when held
I don't know about that. I think they will put them separated. It can be kind of awkward on stick but perfectly viable on pad.

No. It would mean that EX versions are never a separated stock, but rather you use the special button alongside another button to do EX.

You mean why isn't she wearing this underwear?

Attached: 74743844_p0.jpg (820x1160, 217K)

Why would she wear it at all?