Play XCOM 2

Play XCOM 2

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The only good snek is a dead snek.

NO! Leave snek alone!


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i liked xcom 1 but i hear xcom 2 is just more of the same but worse somehow

is war of the chosen worth 40 dollars?


too lazy, rather just watch baldman play and hope he squadwipes every mission


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Many missions are timed, either 8 or 12 turns before you lose. Others require you to protect something before the ayys destroy it. People don't like this because it doesn't allow you to play carefully, especially since running into multiple groups of enemies can really screw you over.

Those people are liars.

Honestly though, it depends on what you want out of it. Personally I think its gameplay in 2 is a lot tighter, and I actually prefer the underground guerilla aestetic of XCOM 2.

Some bulletpoints to consider
>Overall a lot harder
>The game has nipped turtle strategies in general by giving you a lot (but not exclusively) timed missions that require you to advance more aggressively
>Build variety of soldiers is larger than ever, especially if you play the expansion (Strongly recommended)
>The campaign unfolds a lot more organically. You basically have 100% of what tech to research, enemies will build bases and strongholds in random locations that you need to access by expanding your resistance network, the aliens have a meter that fills up as you fail missions which will lose you the campaign unless you hinder their progress by doing sabotage, and if you play WOTC you'll also have three alien superunits who will level up and develop different abilities as you fight them throughout the campaign.

Overall its a shitton of fun and I think it completely blows 1 out of the water.

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>Hello Commander. Get your shit together.

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Post custom soldiers

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Can the Nudoom armor be used as a cosmetic for actual armor? It would feel off if someone in a power suit had the same HP as a standard rookie.

>$110 for the game & expansion
>game is ass without expansion
>game is like 100gig so cant be bothered wasting my time pirating it
>game has a fucking turn limit anyway
yeah nah

>Muh turn limit
>Nobody actually explains whats bad about it

Do XCOM 2 haters know something I don't or are they just shit

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Been a while but 90% sure custom armor overrides the actual in-game armor if you change it. Might have to fiddle with the soldier customization to re-apply it, I seem to recall having some bugs with it.

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I found it strange that a strategy game have turn limit. Isn't the point is that you have to carefully plan out the battle? Turn limit seem to defeat the point.

Turn limit forces you to make your turns count. I hated it when I was learning the game but once you get it its integral to the game. Otherwise you could just turtle non stop and wait for people to walk into you. The timer makes the game far more engaging.

Xcom is about risk management. Imo it's done very well. Honestly once you know the game it almost seems too easy, especially once you get past the mid game. T. Beaten on the hardest difficulty iron man multiple times

Fair enough, but a counterpoint to it is that having a time limit doesn't eliminate the strategy of turtling. It simply reduces its usefulness so you can't rely on it constantly, just maybe the first few turns when you are in stealth mode and can properly set yourself up for an attack.

A strategy game that is won by doing the same thing constantly, (for example, turtling in XCOM 1) would be boring, and reducing the effectiveness of turtling ensures the player is more aggressive and is given a more dynamic and unpreditcable gameplay experience.

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>far more engaging
>haul ass to the objective
>activate 5 pods
>get fucked

Here's an explanation: It's a fucking turn limit, and not a generous one either

The problem is that the GAME decides that turtling is boring, and basically takes that option away and shoves the player into the enemy. You get less options on how to play the game, that is not a good thing in my mind.

>he dashes to the objective after turn 1
only got yourself to blame for being a reckless retard. I've never had any problems with the time limits, and you have more than enough turns to kill the aliens and complete the objective


>Be in stealth mode
>Find vantage point to spot enemies
>Use first move action to get to a safe location and scout ahead, only ever move into unexplored territory when you know you can't trigger a pod without having turn actions left
>Bring flashbangs and mimic grenades to buy yourself extra turns in case things go tits up
>Also having a support class with a Gremlin to hack the objective from a distance so you don't have to run all the way across the map



Nah m8, one of these is actually proactive and forces you to consider map layout, what gear and soldier to bring in case you fuck up, and to not run ahead like a retard. Just because you have a time limit doesn't mean you are supposed to rush it, it just means you have an extra layer of strategy to think about on top of the regular combat.

I did, though.

The problem mostly comes from that being the only anti-turtling mechanic, meaning they have to tune it keep you on the move but not really gaining anything other than not failing the mission. If they kept the time limit as an absolute maximum so you don't fuck around and made you earn the rewards if you play above bottom-feeder level, it would be more engaging.

Meld from EW and the supply crate missions in WotC, as well as UFO damage reducing rewards in EU and hacking giving scanning rewards in 2 were good risk-reward mechanics. The timer has no reward and only frustrates you. If it was more lenient and scaled rewards for expediency, it would be amazing.
>xp rewards for quick kills

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>decide your own strategy, play as you like


>the game decides your strategy for you

>hole up
>overwatch for 20 turns
>walk to objective and win

And no you wont engage 5 pods simultaneously if you're not retarded. Plan your movements well. When moving foward expect to trigger pods if you dont have vision. When doing this (or opening fire the first time) make your shots count. Killing them as fast as humanely possible is important. Ensuring one high priority target is dead is better than damaging all three in a pod. Even putting yourself in risky positions is better than leaving high value targets alive.

you can still turtle advance though, you just have to be precise with your ETA to the objective

it's bad though, but they refuse to remove pods which are the real reason why overwatch creep is broken

>I want to overwatch in a corner until it's safe

If you want to be a bitch just download a mod to remove it and go suck dicks somewhere else

>I want the game to decide how I play it for me

More options = good

>Assault runs up to an alien
>literally next to it
>90% hit chance
>Assault brings his plasma shotgun up, visibly placing the barrel directly on the alien's face
>fires, shots connect, alien blood sprays
>alien all the way across the map fires at my heavy who's under perfect cover with it's shitty plasma gun
>the plasma bolts fly over the Heavy's model
>hit, crit, instakill
>all the other operatives panic
>Sniper one shots the Medic
>2nd Assault runs the fuck away, triggers 6 overwatches and becomes swiss cheese
>1st Assault panic shoots at the alien near him
>1 damage
>dies 2 turns later
Wow great game

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Interesting, personally I couldn't stand the hacking rewards in 2; I felt that it just boiled down to completely ridiculous dice rolls that you had little agency over.

Which I suppose you could argue is par for the course in XCOM, but XCOM generally doesn't fuck you over without at least giving you something you could do about it. If you have shitty hit percentages you can move closer, flank or blow up cover. The hacking rewards are usually too skewed in their odds for me to take anything else but the safest option if I don't ignore them entirerly.


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No it's not that simple retard. The game wouldnt be better if it had a giant >>WIN

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Something seems to have crawled up your ass, perhaps you should visit the doctor

That's his name from the novelization, right?

The game still has a win button, now it's just a different one. How is that an improvement?

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It just immediately fails the mission and you lose your soldiers, complete anticlimax. It's especially stupid when you have killed all the enemies and are a couple of tiles away from the escape zone but since it's the last turn fuck you that soldier is gone. It would be cooler if the turn limit instead dropped a fuckton of advent reinforcements so you have a chance of escape if you run

Y'know what? I absolutely couldn't wait to play it when it came out. Preordered it for full price and everything. Spent two days downloading it because of a garbage connection at the time.

Then I just never bothered playing it past the tutorial sections. Even up until this day.

Yeah it's you. I know you love shit but I appreciate it if you'd fuck off

What retarded point are you even trying to make

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Based Thin Man giving 0 shits about interrogation

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I've been playing it a fuckton since I finished my degree. I've put in 20-something hours this week
That's absolutely not true
Although, I wouldn't get it without the expansion
Although, to be fair, I wouldn't get the original without Enemy Within.

yeah, either that or buddy dacote, can't remember

Definitely agree on that, a single dice roll for double-speed scanning was unbalanced, I had just one specialist to do all my hacks because he was able to hit them often enough to keep the dead weight.

Just off the top of my head, being able to scale the chances of the rewards by posing a bigger negative might work. Low chance if you wager a small stun, higher chance if you risk summoning a big reinforcement pod. Make it two rolls so you can be successful and still deal with the negative, and it would make more interesting choices.

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There's always an optimal strategy. That is not a bad thing, and if the optimal strategy is too strong, the correct solution is not to just haphazardly cut it out. The correct solution is to fix the flaws in the game that makes the optimal strategy broken (if it is), in this case that would be the retarded pod-system.

>Guess I'll die

XCOM, are you okay, you okay, you okay, XCOM?

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recently completed my first ever legend/ironman, felt earned

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You're simplifying the issue vastly. It's not a different strategy, it's an absolutely braindead one that breaks the game. Having no urgency is bad. Being able to just spam overwatch until most of the map is dead is bad. The timer completely fixed this. Pods are an entirely separate issue.

>enemy notices you
>runs at you from outside the screen
>kills your guy in one hit

>the aliens have a meter that fills up as you fail missions which will lose you the campaign
This is the gayest part I feel

>Commander, we really need to throw a wrench in the Aliens' avatar project, you need to act fast if you want to have a chance of halting their progress.
Yes I know and I would be able to do that IF I HAD ANY FUCKING INTEL


Has anybody EVER found a fucking use for this piece of shit? Its bafflingly awful compared to its options

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But that's not even true
Several mission allow for turtling
Limiting in some instances encourages the player to develop proficiency with many different strategies

resistance ring always has avatar reduction

You people do realize that a cloaca is a pussy/asshole/urethra,right?
Its not a specialized hole so its gonna be filled with piss,shit,blood and cum from previous mates ,and frankly,thats just disgusting

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It makes most, if not all Aliens panic

I don't have the DLC

>Having no urgency is bad. Being able to just spam overwatch until most of the map is dead is bad

Now you are oversimplifying the issue. The enemies didn't chase after you in the first so you literally could not do what you describe. You had to inch forward under overwatch cover, which is a strategy. If it breaks the game, FIX the fucking game. Slapping a turn-limit on it is not a fix, it's a surrender. to the fact that they didn't know how to fix it.

Here's some better options:
>turn limit exists, but it is instead a reinforcement-timer, when it is up the aliens get a quite substantial number of troops that come in responding to the gunfire/backup-calls. This allows you to still play the game your way, but creates urgency and an organic need to move forward

>there's no turn limit, but playing the game faster nets you rewards without which the game will get substantially more difficult over time (things like recruits, funds, etc). This incentivices moving fast, but doesn't just say "LOL YOU LOSE" if you play too slow

I don't know what game you played, but the vast majority of missions were timed in the game I played

then stop playing until you buy or pirate wotc, shen's last gift and alien hunters

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XCOM 1, with the Enemy Within DLC, had this mcguffin on missions you could grab. It's important for research and making special units, and the longer you take to grab it, the less (or none) you get. But it does not affect the mission.

>Scan at home base for 3 days
>Gain 4 Intel

>Hack scanning bonus during a mission
>Buy construction bonus because why the fuck not


>tfw the most fun you had playing XCOM 2 was the Avenger UFO mission wherein the enemy just drops wave after wave of reinforcements for you to overwatch the shit out of

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overwatch spam is the best strategy and you can still do it in half or more missions. I honestly find missions without timer so fucking retarded. Like you honestly CAN NOT LOSE A MISSION IF IT HAS NO TIMER unless you are playing for the first time or 'lose on purpose'. To me XCOM is at its best when I am in a hard, sometimes even seemingly unwinnable situation, and still managing to win/survive.

Isn't that enemy from the DS version of Crash mind over mutant

>Avenger UFO mission
>All of your soldiers are at your disposal at once

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Same. One of the few missions I remember from Xcom2 was one like you describe, defending a downed ship against waves of enemies with overwatch spam. But noooo, can't have fun can we? We are playing the game wrong

You dense motherfucker
You realize that strategy is still a viable one depending on the mission type, right?
Modifiers require the player to adapt and develop a smorgasbord of strategies.
If you're too much of a brainlet to develop new strategies, then maybe you should play another genre. Expecting one strategy to be successful 100% of the time is beyond dumb

>game adds stealth
>its not really stealth and the enemy just bird dogs you

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>click overwatch
>watch the dices roll when 1234567 units take their turn

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wait do you mean the construction bonus nullifies the scanning bonus from hacking?

where can i find the breeding mod? (?enslaved?)

According to the research he actually collabs with you. Well he's the only one that can speak with us

I have 1337 hours in xcom2 and all achievements, best game ever.

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That's the point, I think. Xcom 2 tries to emulate asymmetrical warfare. In asymmetrical war, the insurgent army takes almost all the casualties whereas the occupier army decides the pace and the level of violence. One wrong step for the insurgent army and its very existence is threatened. Many games about unequal forces are one-man army you blowing up everything; Xcom 2 captures the essence of asymmetrical warfare much better.
t. only played Xcom 2 while on free weekends and save scummed like there's no tomorrow

That's not a refutation, just a bunch of whining

Holy shit son git gud


That's not really the case though. The insurgents usually decide the intensity of conflict, when and where to fight, etc. The occupiers just react, since they don't know where/who the insurgents are.

>any criticism of the game

Did they replace that shitty smartphone game two action limit the prequel had with a proper AP system?

If not, fuck that.

dude youre basically not even playing the game and then complain when the game has more to offer

The game isn't actually hard if you play it a little bit, in the 1300+ hours I've played Xcom2 I've only ever run out of time ONCE, and that was just for one soldier who was left behind, and I was able to rescue him in a mission later in the game.

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I'm probably too brainlet to play it

>Not thoroughly cleaning your genitalia before sex
Do you not wash yourself beforehand if you know you're gonna be banging someone in the near future?

>Do you not wash yourself beforehand if you know you're gonna be banging someone in the near future?
>banging someone in the near future

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