Why is this series so creatively bankrupt? The games haven't changed one bit since the gameboy days, all they improved are the graphics.
Why is this series so creatively bankrupt? The games haven't changed one bit since the gameboy days...
Because they don't need to. The games will sell anyway.
This and it works well
>The games haven't changed one bit since the gameboy days, all they improved are the graphics.
That's objectively false. And I don't even mean that in a really pedantic way, like there are new moves, new pokemon, new areas or whatever; but that the combat has been changed multiple times throughout the series. For better or worse.
More better than worse. Both special splits were a godsend to the series since not having it fucked pokemon like Gyarados who had no way of using their own STABs. Nowadays the main issue is the psychotic amount of power creep
because the competition doesnt give it a reason to
>all they improved are the graphics
the gameplay has change quite a bit, but i do agree they are creatively bankrupt. The game's single player is such a drag, people just race through it so they can grind for end game multiplayer mons.
>all they improved are the graphics
Top zozzle
>improved are the graphics
no, they just updated the graphics to match the times, but to be honest, they REMOVED a lot of effects previous games had.
>cant tell if fetish porn or deep boomer political comic
Half the problem is that game freak either doesn't understand their own battle system or they do and are afraid of alienating players with even a modicum of difficulty. Pokemon has a lot going on with it. Far more than the majority of other JRPGs but GF just refuses to actually use any of it. And I'm not saying then youngster Joey into Smogon but is there any reason why 90% of trainers are running monotype teams that aren't even fully evolved past badge 6?
It can be both. I have a friend who gets off to that kind of shit.
>deep boomer political comic
What's the message here?
How do you know this? You spy on him?
That's what happens when devs are lazy/incompetent and forced to barf a game almost every year, which is a complete reversal of how everyone else on nintendo handle other franchises
it is literally the most popular franchise of all time according to wikipedia. if it aint broke, don't fix it. you probably have to go through ten layers of red tape and millionaire suits just to change the color on the ass of the girl character's pants, let alone actual gameplay
>but that the combat has been changed multiple times throughout the series. For better or worse.
Give me a rundown on the most important changes.
Why? Why would anyone play competitive RNG? Might as well play yahtzee.
No, he tells me, we're pretty open to each other about things.
-Megas where presented as an option to give lesser mons more power
>Ends up giving a few of the strongest mons even more power overall, and only 2 lesser mons actually see a major boost from it.
-Z-moves presented as a way to give you one big attack option to break past walls with mons who normally would struggle vs such, or give you a stronger boost/buff in turn
>Ends up never being used for any of these reasons, gives walls yet more fucking wall stall and the only useful attacks are those for very selective pokemon with selective attacks only good when used as a Z-Move
Not even adding how Ultra Beast with their abilitys make for some jank set ups, along with just new mon in general overshadowing older ones utterly. They need more then IV/EV and base BST's to really differate mons at this point, as they're are almost at the digimon level of fucked up where we could almost ignore typing outright for sheer numbers.
>works well
Pokemon's success is its worst enemy.
Looks better than blue and red.
>No, he tells me, we're pretty open to each other about things.
Why don't you fuck already if you're that close?
Can we just delete Ice type now? Because Water already does everything Ice type does and Fairy has completely obliterated their niche as the dragon slayers of the game
wtf do zoomers really do this?
what the fuck
it took my bf 2 years until he trusted me to know he's into bondage
Because I'm not into dudes. I've also known him for over ten years now, we're pretty close, and I don't think that talking about what turns you on is such a forbidden thing to do after you've known someone for that long and always do stuff together.
Not him but
>held items
>special stat split
>physical/special split
>added new types (Steel, Dark and Fairy)
>abilities and hidden abilities
>reusable TMs
>removed HMs
That’s just to name a few
It's actually more gross the longer you know him
are you fetching pokemon creatures or are pokemon creatures fetching you?
but why
People here think it's all or nothing. Ether you only game with someone, or you're fuck buddies. You can't be in middle ground where you talk about sexual interest, but you don't stick your dicks into each other or RP shit out. You pass images towards them you think they'd dig because you saw it and it's up their interest but isn't quite yours. You bounce ideas around to maybe better understand your own interst and figure out what elements you like from them. It's good stuff, but again users here think the second you start doing that you gotta be fuck buddies because it's all they know.
>we're pretty close
I can tell.
>You pass images towards them you think they'd dig because you saw it and it's up their interest but isn't quite yours. You bounce ideas around to maybe better understand your own interst and figure out what elements you like from them. It's good stuff,
No it sounds disgusting. Can't beieve people actually do this.
imagine sending porn to your friend
wtf is wrong with you?
>he tells me,
you mean he gives you constant updates?
>yo brah chceck out this new kink I got it's called anal vore, pretty cool huh?
This is disgusting.
Its like people who go to strip clubs to talk with their friends,wtf its disgusting
I know exactly what you mean and honeslty I think these responses are just baiting. Or at least I really hope they are.
Go back, the way you worded makes it clear you're a tourist, this is no place for you and you clearly are segregated from "this place's users".
>People here think it's all or nothing. Ether you only game with someone, or you're fuck buddies.
That's exxagerated but also true.
Either you're in a relationship or you're not. It's that simple.
What did he mean by this?
mate we're one click away from horsecock porn here
>Held items meaning now pokemon can use items, or have passive effects that are player choice. Give a wall a passive HP recovery, or something squishy an item that keeps it alive from OHKO's. Gives greater player choice and varentce between the same two pokemon picks beyond sheer stats
>Physical/Special split. In the first game 'Special' was both your ATK and DEF vs attacks that used it (The elemental's + psychic), this is why Mewtwo was 'the best' because it had the highest Special stat, making it rebuff anyone elses attacks AND deal the most damage where no one else had the stats to resist it. Then making it so those attack types now could be physical OR special means that pokemon with fire punch, but no special stat, now can actually make good use of it, instead of it being a dud move. This expanded coverage typing for many pokemon and made movepools more varied.
>Abilitys. These are yet another passive effect onto pokemon, separating them from just numbers with a sprite. Things like lowering another pokemon's attack on switch in, or lowering a pokemon's speed when attacked make each one a more complex entity to remember what all is going on and changes how to fight selective pokemon. (A pokemon with magic guard can't be KO'ed by toxic damage, a pokemon that punishes physical attacks forces you to use more special focused ones, a pokemon that prevents you from switching means you need to keep in mind who you send out next, ect ect.)
...But as he said, in the single player mode almost none of this matters as the AI doesn't make use of any of it anyway. It only enhances the multiplayer elements, and that's pokemon's greatest fault ATM.
I've had someone try to find out what I'm into and it's honestly weird as fuck. I have no interest in talking about my sexual desires unless I'm horny right at that moment and it would just be weird to do it with a friend.
No. Gamefreak is pokemon's worst enemy
Who is te best pokeman and why is it Haxorus?
Hard to pick because they're all shit.
Pokemon Let's go Eevee and Pikachu sold 10M units being noticeably one of the worst pokemon games, they could sell literal shit and people still will buy it
what clues me into it being fetish shit is the font
not sure why either
My theory is that they're so scared of innovation because they know that if they make something new and exciting then people will never roll over and be happy with the same repetitive crap again.
>ITT: seething digicucks
>if someone has a different opinion than me they're baiting
Look, I separate people into two groups, people I'm fucking and people I'm not. The kind of people that have seen me naked I can talk to about this stiff, the other kind I never do. And that's how society operates. I can guarantee you you're in the minority here and most humans don't tell their pool friends about that time they discovered they like if if the girl has a buttplug that looks like a fox tail, it's not interesting to anyone and honestly disgusting, since it makes you imagine your friend in the act.
By all means you're free to be freaks like this if it doesn't bother anyone in the group but you have to realise you're as strange as those people that spend their time at nudist colonies to us normal folk.
>is the font
What fucking font? The signature?
Maybe you recognise the artist?
you need to realize that gamefreak refuses to change shit up at all, not just major gameplay elements
trade evos are still a fucking thing, theyre only a thing because RBY had them so the rest of the games need to have them too, same with version exclusive pokemon and retarded gender ratios for starters
no one seems to have a problem with this though
Do we have any idea on what demographics the people that buy these belong to?
Are you blind?
I love nintendo but this is really scummy. They could basically update the current pokemon game with the new pokemon and minor map additions. Also fuck people who bought the lets go games, you're supporting bad practises
why can't y'all just have fun?
pokemon isn't inivative because it doesn't have to be, don't fix what ain't broke
Nintendo has nothing to do with the development of Pokémon games.
Yes, still, people buy it anyways nobody gives a shit about the game itself, parents buy these games to their kids regardless of the quality
I'm not wearing my glasses so kinda
According to Serebii himself - mostly based on the amount of traffic his site got with Let's Go's release - around 20% of those 10M are old pokemon fans. Everyone was a newcomer/GO player
What romhack?
>Yes, still, people buy it anyways nobody gives a shit about the game itself,
Oh so PEOPLE buy it? Wow, i'd never figure that demographic would be interested! THANKS!
>trade evos
No idea what that is so clearly it's not a big deal.
>everyone else*
Foreign English teacher in Japan here.
Their target demographic is the same as BHA, Naruto, One Piece and Youkai Watch's.
Literally 6~14 year old boys.
How did he measure it?
I'm not a marketer but why don't they market to girls also? I mean they tend to like fluffy animals, no?
But that doesn't sound right, pokemon isn't nearly as action oriented
So what the fuck was the point you were trying to make?
Isn't one piece softcore porn?
Because they can, and will, cash in on nostalgia.
Trade Evos are exactly what they sound like. Pokemon that must be traded with another player to be evolved. Pokemon like Gengar, Alakazam, and Machamp require a second player to receive it, evolve it, and give if back to incentivize the trading aspect of the game.
Some of these get really REALLY stupid. Porygon must be traded twice, each time it must be holding a specific item, before you can get Porygon-Z. Magmar must be traded with Magmarizer, an item that does absolutely nothing on its own and solely exists to evolve Magmar.
If you want different gameplay and story, maybe you should try one of the spin offs?
By comparing the ammount of traffic he got during Sun/Moon with Let's Go's. According to him, Let's Go got around 20% of the traffic Sun/Moon got during it's release, meaning most of the sales for the latter most likely come from people who aren't dedicated enough fans to know or check his site AKA normies.
What demographics buy the game, not "people buy these games" retard
>Start re-watching Indigo League because it was Netflix
>Nostalgia hard
>Start playing FireRed Throwback
>Start gathering up all the other games in their various forms for dirt cheap off thrift store sites ($18 for a legit copy of Heart Gold? Yes please!)
>Still have to get ahold of White 2, and debating on whether I should just emulate Emerald or go pick up a copy of ORAS.
What say you, anons.
Sounds cool to me.
The spinoffs are just arcade or mobike games with a pokemon skin
One Piece's target market is actually far broader than that and you'd know that if you were actually in Japan.
Given how easy the games have become, you would think they have been targetting litteral toddlers
Fake & gay
It is... until you realize you're at the whim of other players once you decide you want a trade evo. In my case I traded Porygon with Upgrade and the other player got Porygon 2. He decided he liked it and ran off with it
This is as disgusting as furries walking around in their suits in public.
That sounds even cooler then, since now the game is to make actual friends and acquaintances you can trust.
I'm convinced the move to 3d was especially harmful and left them scrambling to learn an entirely new environment.
X/Y felt rushed as hell because Game Freak spent all their resources making all those Pokemon models.
S/M still felt rushed as hell because Game Freak is a 2d developer at heart, used to being able to just copy paste tilesets and sprites. You know how the game was super railroad-y? They say it's because they're trying to make the game more accessible or whatever. But my suspicion is that it's actually because a cutscene is hundreds of times easier than a well developed level that guides the player. An easy game is easier to balance than a difficult one. And so on.
I bet you complained about armor trimming on runscape
>series runs for 20 years
>you are no longer a young teen but you still want to read new chapters
>can't because age number too big
wtf how is this okay
Has anyone actually looked to see what people from the Gen1/Gen2/Gen3 days is still with the company working on the modern games?
Gamefreak being creatively bankrupt is one thing, but they just can't seem to make even a fun JRPG anymore. BW1 is when things started to take a turn for the worse, but BW2 was actually good. No idea why the devs seem adamant on not retaining features after they get them right, and further infantilizing the core game is rather redundant when kids were perfectly capable of beating Pokemon since RB.
The graphics got downgraded though? It peaked at gen 3-4 before going downhill.
Gamefreak are the ones responsible for the pokemon ip, not nintendo. They have ((relatively)) good character designers, but they cant make a game other than the one they've remade for the last 2000 years for shit.
play romhacks instead of the official games
From the responses people here either don't have friendships that last for years, or they're seriously actually unironically autistic and think fetish talk is something you bring out out of the blue on the fucking second day you met someone or something instead of something that only comes up after both parties are comfortable talking about it, that is IF they ever feel like talking about it in the first place. Its like people genuinely don't understand human interaction and just imagine real life is entirely the memes they see online.
100% fetish porn
source: that's my fetish
Are you by any chance 14? You sound just like a retarded teenager would sound.
This happens really often and it's pretty bizarre
Pic related is the first example that comes to mind
What the fuck is arousing about this?
I assume they indirectly advertise to girls through showing only "cute" pokemon, but also showing the battles for the boys.
I'm putting 20€ on propaganda
Did I win?
>but also showing the battles for the boys.
Man of I was a boy and I saw those non-animations I'd be disspointed
If kids nowadays are like kids from the 80s/90s I doubt they care about animations.
>Not keeping you Bros up to date.
When a new taimanin or hentai releases it's pretty much just us sending texts back and forth about how hard we nutted to certain scenes
The fans have Stockholm syndrome. They love the characters and the idea of how the universe they live in works and give all the excuses in the world. It's like the sonic fanbase.. if sonic wasn't such a well designed idea he'd have been fucking gone the second he went 3d
because manchildren will just buy it because is pokemon, these faggots whined about black and white for trying something different and now we are stuck with repeated shit because pokefags are happy and continue to support those lazy practices because MUH CHILDHOOD
>calling out jewery is a bad thing
from a business stand point, this is a good thing. more profit by working less
I'm a masochist, user
Various forms of torment and sensory deprivation are the only thing I get off on
The feeling of being completely helpless to someone else's whims is very arousing
g-go on...
The original artist says it's fetish art.
they just need to let them be something else than slow "tanks" with nonphysical moves
It's a fetish called "de-bimbofication"
I didn't know that was a thing, though I guess I'm not shocked
Play Emerald with patches. ORAS doesn't add as much as it should.
You don't need to change shit too much. Some of you want some faggy open world with little to find instead of a tight compact adventure with stuff around every corner. And who the fuck is complaining about trade evos in a game where you're supposed to meet other players and interact with them? Is that the same faggot from a past thread? Use the GTS if you're too scared to go out and find people to play with.
But why does Gamefreak go out of their way to remove features
Reminder that pokemon peaked with b/w 2 and that it's been downhill since.
Based. Pokémon is for kiddos
Pokemon games are still fun. If you don't like them anymore, then congratulations, you can move onto a different game. If it legitimately bothers and you still haven't gotten used to it by now, then I don't know what to tell you. Pokemon is the highest grossing media franchise in the world, even ahead of Star Wars. They don't need to change the formula.
To make each game feel unique. Some people will whine if they kept in seasons in Gen VI, call it copy + paste and keep it moving. The spin-off titles do enough that the main games can compliment them just fine.
How the hell can we answer that? Replay the versions with the features you enjoy.
>Pokemon games are still fun.
The spinoffs are
They just need to stop trying to make Ice Pokemon slow tanks. It's a great attacking type, but there aren't enough mons with the stats to act as fast ice sweepers. Ground type could have easily been as bad since it also has a ton of common weaknesses, but there are plenty of Ground Pokemon that can actually get off that STAB Earthquake before getting obe-shotted.
I do think that Ice needs to lose its Fighting weakness, though.
>Some people will whine if they kept in seasons in Gen VI, call it copy + paste and keep it moving.
I really don't see why that would happen considering that that's when the series made the jump to 3D. With that amount of effort, only the people that wanted to complain about the games would actually be whining about that.
I fucking hate that shade of yellow/green. Most Gen 5 Pokemon have really ugly color palettes in general.
This is Yea Forums, they tend to bitch about games they don't play and given how I see threads operate here (Gen I threads never get a >>>/vp for instance)it just is what it is.
This FWB shit is degenerate as fuck. Please KYS.
>The fans have Stockholm syndrome
What a scummy shitty way to phrase it. You could just say people like the series the way it is.
The series is built on legacy connectivity. That's part of the appeal. As such, of course mechanics are going to retain legacy design too.
I don't think the games are perfect, I have complaints about modern Pokemon games but they're about lacking certain features that were in previous games, or having poor design decisions in places. But that doesn't mean I don't also enjoy them.
Why do you fags always write your arguments against Pokemon like this? Why is everyone who likes it actually lying to themselves according to you?
Fucking jesus christ, if you want it to be something else so bad, play one of the hundreds of spin offs.
but the graphics got worse
>What a scummy shitty way to phrase it.
you made that funnier than it should've been
Good character designers?
When they try, yeah, but look at the newer Pokemon.... I can let the trash bags slide since they were a "statement" on how trashy New York is, but we have ice cream cones, keys, and wind chimes as Pokemon now. That's as lazy as you can get.
The new grass starter is cool though, and the water one is ok. That new fire starter is shit though and looks like it should be on the front of some generic store brand cereal box.
Fuck off zoomer, no one wants Pokemon to change.
In Japan the majority of Jump's readers are girls despite being marketed primarily to young boys. They simply figure keep doing what they're doing since they got a large audience, keep focusing on making shit for boys.
I hate trade evos too but this just made me lol.
>there are people in this thread right now who think you can't talk to friends about sex related stuff without having sex.
>there are people in this thread right now who don't have sex with their friends when it isn't sexual at all
>there are people in this thread right now with friends
>there are people in this thread right now
>there are people in this thread right now who will be getting shield version instead of sword and truly they are the scum of this website
>ice cream cones
Ice monster shaped like ice cream, directly inspiring the treat actually.
A fairy that takes keys for itself, the fainting animation shows it keeps them around its arms.
>wind chimes
It's also found in a place where spirits and Ghost Pokemon linger, despite not being a Ghost itself. You seem to ignore the literal balloon and seeds shaped as eggs in Gen I.
2/10, nine years too late for that one (seventeen for Chimecho).
Why is there such a lack of bondage pokeporn?
Literally a game about enslaving creatures. With the original enemy team females looking like dominatrices.
There's even a fucking goth gym leader who's obsessed with being like a pokemon and there's like NO bondage/enslavement porn of her. Its disgusting.
>water does everything ice type does
>fairy obliterates their niche
Water is weak to grass and neutral to flying. The latter being very imoortsnt
BEING a fairy type pokemon does fuck up dragons, but you can't just slap Moonblast or Play Rough (on top of both having far more limited availability) and instantly delet the biggest dragon threats as most Dragons will survive a non-STAB 2x fairy weakness, but almost none will live through a 4x Ice Weakness.
The problem is they have two teams working in tandem, and that they basically start over from scratch each gen.
So team 1 will add a feature to a game while team 2 is developing the sequel at the same time, so the feature gets dropped.
And then when they move on to the next gen, they prioritize building the main game and adding shiny new features over bringing back old ones.
I recently played Pokemon Nova Sun romhack and I had a lot of fun
After yesterday's direct, maybe there should be a Pokemon Maker
No you degenerate faggot. En talk about shit like "X girl is attractive because" or "Don't date single moms because" or, at the most extreme, what they did with their gf. They don't tell each other what they fap too.
You have a FWB and are a literal faggot.
>Megas make good mons even stronger
Mega's purpose was never to buff your favorite shitmon. They still ended up buffing much more bad mons than already good ones.
Z-moves are working exactly as you thought they should, not sure what you're talking about here.
>powercreep, Ultra Beasts
Gamefreak doesn't make new mons intentionally stronger. Half of the Ultra Beasts are still mediocre at best in OU.
So, what´s gonna be the new gimmick? We went from mega forms (that I hate) to Z-moves (that I kinda like), will we be getting a new combat gimmick? Sure as hell hope not
>That's as lazy as you can get.
No, "as lazy as you can get" is gen 1. If an ice cream is so lazy then what other games do have it? Also
>things from 10+ years ago
Fucking hell.
That user doesn't actually play the games and it shows.
Actually wouldnt be a bad idea. Just releasing tools to make simple pokemon games. Only problem would be that they would be cucking themselves out of sales on earlier gens etc.
But they weren't bad games? I had fun with them. I bought LGP just because of the following/rideable mons and easenof catching shinies. The world in LGPE is more believeable and alive than any other entry. The graphics look better than SS too.
Balloon Pokemon? Drifblooms design does suck but I let it slide because it's one of the few Pokemon with interesting lore that doesn't treat the player base like a toddler (dragging kids to the underworld, ect). That's a case where the lore dictated the design, so I can live with it.
I always thought exegcute was a shit Pokemon too, but it's the fucking Mona Lisa compared to ice cream cones, chandeliers, trash, baggy pants thing, flagmen, construction workers, wind chimes, and fucking car keys. The fact that you are seriously trying to justify those shitty designs is hilarious, it's like you are so retarded you can't realize they just slapped shit down based on what they saw on the way to work or what was in the room.
GTFO you retarded shill.
Still new to me, but then again I am not retarded zoomer trash.
>Jigglypuff and I agree with you on Drifloon's entry.
>The rest
You're trying too hard when Gen I has the equivalent of all of those.
Yeah, no (You) for you.
Jigglypuff? Lol.
And "No you for you"? OMFG, is this retard serious guys? ROFL.
Calling you are retarded zoomer is an insult to retarded zoomer, your failure and stupidity goes much deeper than that. What exactly is wrong with you?
I want it back bros
>calling other people zoomers after these atrocities
And Jigglypuff lol what you fucking retard, it's called the fucking Balloon Pokemon and it inflates and deflates at will. Having an "animalistic" design doesn't prevent it from being based on an inanimated object. Not that a retard that thinks things from 17 years ago are "new" while the ones from 19 and 21 are "old" is worth discussing to.
garbodor is fucking based
I skipped gen V altogether and haven't played Sun/Moon yet, so they are all new to me too senpai.
Lol @ retarded underaged shits trying to talk big, zoomer trash really needs to be banned
except all the people ITT clamoring for the formula to be shaken up even slightly
Seriously, STFU already and GTFO. Retard.
Are you legit retarded? I feel bad for making fun of you now. Sorry kid.
retards will buy the games regardless of what they do so they don't put any effort whatsoever into the games
even the new pokemon designs are as low effort as possible
just look at the atrocity that was LGPE and how much did it sell despite being a blatant cashgrab
What the fuck happened to this thread?
>zoomer trash
But that's all Pokefags
One baiting faggot and around two faggots too stupid to not bite blatant bait. Business as usual on Yea Forumseddit.
I'm happy the games haven't tried to reinvent themselves over and over like FF
I prefer things I like to not change, its a big reason why DQ is still enjoyable
Pokemon has had a good bit of issues for awhile though. I didnt buy lets go and dont intend to get sword/shield either because I dont want a switch and a single game isnt worth it. Theres also the very real chance the handholding from x/y (which was light after the "tutorial") that got put in overdrive
for sun/moon could still be present
>One Piece
>Shonen Jump
>Male children
>7-17 years old
3/10 made me reply seriously
>You pass images towards them you think they'd dig because you saw it and it's up their interest but isn't quite yours
I was with you until this, the fuck is wrong with you?
I mean, I still read it because I grew up reading it. IDK about you guys but I'm 26.
>That's as lazy as you can get.
idk, i'd say finding a way to make wind chimes work as a pokemon is a LOT less "lazy" than just shitting out more generic dragons and kaijuu.
>all they improved are the graphics
And not even that anymore
Not him, but I had the pleasure of going to Kyoto and Tokyo a couple of times for business/pleasure, and One Piece is goddamned everywhere. I've seen middle-aged men reading it on the train on more than one occasion.
>Special split
>Crit chance no longer tied to base speed
>Breeding (Nature, IVs, egg moves)
>Day and Night cycles
>Hold items (so much so that I would need a whole post to dive into even if I just covered the "important" ones) and counterplay options (Knock-off, Trick, Embargo)
>Friendship (Evolution method, Return/Frustration base power)
>Dark and Steel typing
>Phazing moves (Roar and Whirlwind are functionable in trainer battles, Dragon Tail) and counterplay options (Rapid Spin, Defog circa gen 6)
>Hazards (Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, the infamous Stealth Rock)
>Weather effects (Rain, Sun, Sandstorm, Hail)
>IV system redone in generation 3
>EVs (modern system introduced in gen 3. Tweaked a bit in gen 6 to cap out at 252 for a stat instead of 255)
>Double Battles
>Physical-Special split
>Triple and Rotation battles
>TMs having unlimited usage as of gen 5
>Hidden abilities
>Mega Evolution
>Misc. rebalances of different types (ie. Grass being immune to all spore/powders, electric being immune to paralysis, Steel nerfs) and status conditions (Paralysis now halves speed, Freeze and (non-Rest-induced) Sleep nerfs, Encore locks opponent into a move for 3 turns instead of 3-7, etc.)
>Volatile status conditions (Confusion, Leech Seed, Trapping, Curse, Encore, Infatuation, Taunt, Nightmare, Torment) and battle status (Aqua Ring, Rooting, Magic Coat, Levitation, Protect, Center of Attention (the last two are especially important in double battles))
>Semi-invulnerable moves can be punished: EQ always hits if opponent is digging, Flying Pokemon can be hit by Thunder and take double damage from Gust and Twister, etc.
Meant to list RS and Defog under Hazards, but Phasing also has some counterplay, such as Pokemon with Soundproof being immune to Roar/Growl/etc. and Throat Chop suppressing it, and Pokemon that have used Ingrain cannot be forced out at all (this was extremely important on Baton Pass teams). There are other things (O-Powers and their analogs in other gens to improve catch rate, earn more money from battles, Super Training (absent in gen 7 because fuck you), etc.) but I pretty much covered everything that actually matters along with some insignificant changes.
what's funnier is redditards don't realize that they don't belong here, or that they're extremely obvious.
There''s a watermark in the bottom corner under the first bit.
Don't play ORAS, stay on Emerald
Because they market the merchandise to girls instead
even tho this site is 18+ kids will always find their way on a pokemon board
I feel like they will give shield the better exclusives going into it knowing all the boys will want sword
+1 exactly what i said in my head
he isn't trying to justify those designs, they are justified once you realize the design choices.
sure you can still not like them but they are creative and thought through.
can't defend the clown construction workers though, even if it was new york
have sex with me
Careful, you'll trigger the NintenyearoIds/Pokemon retards. They'll bitch about games being asset flips when Pokemon is the Call of Duty of "RPGS".
oras is great, just turn off exp share like most nu games
post feet
Walls are literally unviable but smogon artificially keeps them good by banning baron pass.
>there are people in this thread right now who will be buying a Pokemon game after watching Game Freak continue to water down the game for generations plural, and truly they are the scum of this website
show vagene fuck
hello bitch lasagna
you have cloth off
Isn't the issue that changing things triggers people instead and that's why Nintendo is kinda stagnant but stable?
Why do people want it to change? One of the biggest reasons I still play Pokemon is that it's still the same as the games I fell in love with as a kid 20 years ago.
If they tried to reinvent the wheel every time I wouldn't still be playing, it's because I know it's exactly what I want from it that I'm still invested in the franchise.